Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy efficient building"" "subject:"coenergy efficient building""
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Vers l'évaluation de la performance des bâtiments à haute efficacité énergétique / Towards performance evaluation of energy efficient buildingsStefanoiu, Ana 20 March 2017 (has links)
En France, le secteur du bâtiment est le principal consommateur d'énergie. En outre, le secteur de la maison individuelle représente environ 60% des constructions annuelles de logements. La construction des bâtiments à haute efficacité énergétique représente un grand pas vers l'économie d'énergie. Cependant, même si divers efforts sont déployés dans ce domaine, des outils et des méthodes manquent pour évaluer la performance énergétique de ces bâtiments. Cette évaluation doit permettre non seulement de comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent à cette performance mais également d'identifier les causes de la surconsommation, d’inconfort pour les occupants.Cette thèse vise à contribuer à cet objectif en proposant une approche d'évaluation de la performance énergétique d'un bâtiment. Pour cela on compare la performance réelle et la performance attendue en utilisant le monitoring et la simulation thermique dynamique. Cette approche s’appuie sur différents cas d’études dont principalement une maison individuelle, situé en un climat méditerranéen.Dans un premier temps, en phase de conception, nous utilisons des simulations thermiques dynamiques pour étudier l’impact du comportement sur les besoins énergétiques. L'objectif est d'analyser l'influence du scénario d'occupation sur le comportement du bâtiment et d'établir une plage de valeurs pour les besoins en énergie, basée sur des statistiques nationales. Le comportement du bâtiment est étudié en fonction de différents types de scénarii d'occupation, de consignes de température, de l'utilisation d’appareils domestiques et l'éclairage.Dans un second temps, l'accent est mis sur l'évaluation globale de la performance de l'enveloppe. Un test dynamique in situ innovant a été développé pour en évaluer la performance réelle. Ce test est applicable sur une période courte (de l’ordre de la journée) tout en maitrisant les débits d’infiltrations. La comparaison des résultats théoriques en régime stationnaire avec les résultats expérimentaux montre une bonne précision inférieure à 10%.Enfin, le suivi énergétique en continu des maisons performantes est étudié. Tout d’abord, des travaux sont réalisés dans l’optique de réduire le nombre de capteurs nécessaires au suivi, tout en minimisant la perte d’informations. Ensuite, une méthodologie d’instrumentation est développée et appliquée à une maison individuelle. Le suivi de cette maison a pu être étudié sur les six premiers mois de monitoring et a permis d’expliquer le comportement du bâtiment et ses consommations au regard de son usage et de faire le lien avec les prévisions faites en phase de conception. / In France, the building sector is the main energy consumer. Moreover single-family houses represent about 60% of annual dwelling construction. The construction of energy efficient buildings represents a big step into energy saving. However, even though various efforts are made within this field, there is still a lack of methodologies about how to evaluate the energy performance of these buildings. The performance evaluation of an energy efficient building should allow understanding factors that contribute to its energy performance and as well as identifying the causes of overconsumption, poor indoor conditions.This thesis seeks to contribute to this field, by proposing an approach towards evaluating the energy performance of a house. This is done by comparing the real performance and the expected performance, using monitoring and building performance simulation, from design to operational phases. The energy performance evaluation approach is carried out on different cases of studies, mainly on a single-family house, situated in a Mediterranean climate.First, in the design phase, we use building performance simulation models to study the dispersions in energy use related to occupant’s behavior. The goal is to analyze the influence of the occupancy scenario on the behavior of the building and to establish a range of values for energy demand, based on national statistics. This step study the building’s behavior based on different types of occupancy scenarios, appliances and lighting use and temperature set point.Then, the focus is on the global evaluation of the envelope’s performance. Within the present thesis an innovative in-situ dynamic test is developed to assess the real envelope’s performance. This test is adapted to occupied houses (as it only takes 2 days) while controlling the infiltration air flow. The comparison between theoretical results of steady state calculation and experimental results show a good precision of less than 10%.Finally, continuous monitoring of energy efficient houses is studied. First, a work is done to reduce the number of sensors required for monitoring, while minimizing the loss of information. Then, an instrumentation methodology is developed and applied to a single-family house. The follow-up of this house could be studied during the first six months of monitoring and allowed to explain the behavior of the building and its consumption with regard to its use and to make the link with the previsions made during the design phase.
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Solel och solvärme ur LCC-perspektiv för ett passiv-flerbostadshus / PV and solar thermal for a multiple dwelling passive house under a LCC-perspectiveBöhme Florén, Simon January 2008 (has links)
This master’s degree project concerns the combination of a multi dwelling passive house with solar energy for the generation of electricity and domestic hot water (DHW). Different alternatives with either solar thermal systems or photovoltaic (PV) systems are compared with two reference alternatives producing DHW from electricity or district heating. The economical comparison uses a life cycle cost (LCC) perspective based on the present value of expenditures for investment, energy and annual operating and maintenance. The energy yields from the solar energy systems were calculated by hand and with simulation software. Calculation and dimensioning of PV systems were carried out with a software called PVSYST. Solar thermal systems were calculated by hand and with the software Winsun Villa Education. Both softwares use hourly weather data for the calculations. The LCCs are lower for the two reference alternatives than for the solar energy alternatives. The reference alternative with district heating generates the lowest LCC. The alternatives with solar thermal energy replace more energy and have significantly lower LCCs than the PV alternatives. The study also shows the importance of using cheap and environmentally friendly backup energy for producing DHW. When aiming for a quantitative energy use target, the DHW-circulation losses ought to be taken into account as these can be extensive.
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Individualių pasyviųjų namų statybos ypatumai ir konstrukciniai sprendimai / Construction peculiarities and structural decisions of individual passive housesVirbickas, Arvydas 25 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo užduotys – išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą, kurioje aprašomos pasyvių namų konstrukcijos; sukurti mechanizmą, kurį naudojant pagal pasirinktus kriterijus būtų galima įvertinti pastato atnaujinimo galimybes ir atsipirkimo laiką; aprašyti reikalavimus pastato atnaujinimui, kad atnaujintas jis atitiktų pasyviojo namo standartą. Darbą sudaro du skyriai. Pirmame skyriuje analizuojama mokslinė literatūra. Antrą skyrių sudaro trys poskyriai. Pirmame poskyryje aprašoma metodika, kuri bus naudojama pasirinkto statinio modernizavimo klausimui spręsti. Antrame poskyryje atliekami skaičiavimai pagal pirmojo poskyrio metodiką. Trečiame poskyryje atliekami pasirinkto statinio skaičiavimai „Pasyvių namų projektavimo programa“. Viską apibendrinus, pateikiamos išvados, kaip ir kokias konstrukcijas naudoti, norint atnaujinti pasirinktą objektą taip, kad jis atitiktų pasyvaus namo standartą. / Thesis assignments are to analyse scientific literature which describes passive house constructions, to create a mechanism using which, according to a selected criteria, it would be possible to evaluate building‘s renovation possibilities and the payback period; also, to depict the requirements for building renovation as upgraded it would meet the passive house standard. The paper consists of two parts. The first part deals with the scientific literature. The second consists of the three subsections. The first subsection involves a description of the methodology, which will be used for solving the chosen building‘s modernization issue. In the second section according to the methodology mentioned, calculations will be performed. The third subsection deals with the calculations of the chosen building by using “ Passive House Planning Package“. Finally, it will be concluded how and which structures to use in order to upgrade the selected object so that it would meet the passive house standard.
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Energy Performance Of Double-skin Facades In Intelligent Office Buildings: A Case Study In GermanyBayram, Ayca 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The building industry makes up a considerable fraction of world& / #8217 / s energy consumption. The adverse effects of a growing energy demand such as depletion in fossil fuel reserves and natural resources hassled the building industry to a search for new technologies that result in less energy consumption together with the maximum utilization of natural resources. Energy- and ecology-conscious European countries incorporated the well-being of occupants while conducting research on innovative technologies. In view of the fact that double-skin faç / ades offer a healthy and comfortable milieu for the occupants and use natural resources hence consume less energy they became a promising invention for all concerns. The analysis of the performance of the double-skin faç / ades and energy consumption is inconclusive at this time. However, based upon thermal performance analysis have been done so far, a double-skin faç / ade perform better and provide some energy reduction, particularly on the heating side cycle, from a standard double glazed unit wall.
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between double-skin faç / ades and building management systems in intelligent office buildings as they relate to energy efficiency issues thus to find out whether or not the integration of these systems into intelligent buildings provides optimization in energy performance and comfort conditions. The building for the case study, which is an intelligent office building incorporating a double-skin faç / ade was selected as one that promises high comfort conditions for the occupants with low energy consumption. The working principles of integrated faç / ade systems, together with their advantages and disadvantages were investigated by means of the case study. It was concluded that due to their high initial costs, these systems offer no real advantages for today. However with the inevitable exhaustion of fossil fuels that is foreseen for the future, these systems would become an innovative solution in terms of energy conservation.
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Utveckling av konventionella småhus till passivhus : En studie med analys av livscykelkostnader, förändring av boendekvaliteter och ett förslag till en alternativ utformningCarlsson, Elin, Sörebö, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna blir allt mer omfattande i takt med att jordens befolkning ökar. Den negativa miljöpåverkan bottnar till stor del i användandet av råvaror och energiförbrukning vid skapandet av materiella ting. Enligt energimyndigheten (2015) står byggsektorn för ca 40 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning. För att minska energianvändningen har mål både på nationell och internationell nivå skapats. Målen är tänkta att skapa större förståelse av ett mer energieffektivt byggt samhälle för samtliga aktörer inom byggbranschen. En hållbar utveckling av husbyggandet kräver förutom att värna om miljön en beaktning av de ekonomiska och sociala aspekterna. I det här examensarbetet har det undersökts om två specifika standardhus från en småhusleverantör kan utvecklas till passivhus med bevarad arkitektonisk karaktär. Studien syftar delvis till att undersöka om begreppet passivhus kan fungera som ett hållbart koncept för byggandet av enfamiljshus. Begreppet hållbar utveckling har begränsats och en förenkling har applicerats i arbetet. Den ekologiska aspekten representeras av energiberäkningar och eventuella åtgärder för att standardhusen ska uppnå kraven för passivhus. Den ekonomiska aspekten representeras av en livscykelkostnadsanalys med hjälp av nuvärdesmetoden och återbetalningsmetoden. Den sociala aspekten representeras av en utvärdering av förändring i boendekvaliteter vid utveckling från ett standardhus till passivhus. Studien presenterar även en alternativ utformning av ett passivhus med avsikt att främja positiva boendekvaliteterna. Standardhusen tillhör en småhusproducent, Intressanta hus, som har sitt huvudsäte i Västerås. Husen utgörs av en villa på 147 m2 i ett plan med pulpettak samt en villa på 151 m2 i två plan med sadeltak. Med anledning av Intressanta hus geografiska läge har Västerås klimat använts som utgångspunkt vid energiberäkningarna. För att addera ytterligare en utmaning har även möjligheter för utveckling till passivhus undersökts för standardhusen i ett subarktiskt klimat i Kiruna. Västerås representerar därmed klimatzon III och Kiruna klimatzon I. Resultaten avslöjade att det är möjligt att utveckla standardhuset i två plan med sadeltak till passivhus och samtidigt bevara den arkitektoniska karaktären i de båda klimatzonerna. Standardhuset med ett plan och pulpettak är endast möjligt att anpassa till passivhus i klimatzon III med bevarad arkitektonisk karaktär. Livscykelkostnadsanalysen visar med hjälp av nuvärdesmetoden att det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt att investera i passivhus som ett koncept för en kalkylperiod på 50 år. Den boendekvalitet som främst förändras är bostadens ljusinsläpp och för passivhuset i ett plan är skillnaden av ljusinsläpp markant i klimatzon I. Studiens slutsats är att konceptet passivhus är en metod av husbyggnation som främjar den hållarbara utvecklingen i förenklad form. Resultaten är framförallt positiva för klimatzon III men om byggnaden har låg formfaktor kan konceptet fungera bra även i kallare klimat som återfinns i klimatzon I. / The climate changes increases as the population increases. The negative environmental impact is mostly based on the use of raw materials and energy consumption in the production of various products. According to Energimyndigheten (2015), the building sector is the cause of about 40 % of Sweden's total energy use. In order to reduce the energy use goals have been created at both national and international levels. The goals are intended to create a greater understanding of a more energy efficient society for all actors within the construction industry. In addition to create a sustainable development of the building sector one needs to also take in account the social and economic aspects. This master thesis examined whether two specific standard houses from a small house producer can be adapted to passive houses with a preserved architectural character. The purpose of the study is partly to investigate whether the concept of passive houses can serve as a sustainable concept of building single family houses. The concept of sustainable development has been simplified. The ecological aspect is represented by the energy calculations and possible actions that the standard houses need to achieve in order to meet the requirements for passive houses. The economic aspect is represented by a life cycle cost analysis using the Net Present Value method and the Simple Payback method. The social aspect is represented by an evaluation of changes in living qualities as the standard houses develops to passive houses. The study also presents an alternative design of a passive house with the purpose of improving the accommodation qualities. The standard houses belong to a small-house-producer, Intressanta hus, who has their main market in Västerås. The houses is represented by a 147m2 villa with one floor and a pulpit roof and a 151m2 villa with two floors and a pitched roof. Due to Intressanta hus geographic location, the typical climate for Västerås has been used in the energy calculations. To add another dimension, opportunities for developing the standard houses to passive houses have also been investigated for the typical climate in Kiruna. Therefore Västerås represents climate zone III and Kiruna represents climate zone I. The results revealed that it is possible to adapt the standard house with two floors and a pitched roof to a passive house while preserving the architectural character in both climate zones. The standard house with one floor and a pulpit roof is only possible to adjust to a passive house in climate zone III with a preserved architectural character. The life cycle cost analysis using the Net Present Value showed that it is an economical advantage to invest in a passive house in a period of 50 years. The accommodation quality that changes the most is the incident light in the houses and for the passive house with one floor the difference of light is remarkably high in climate zone I.
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Bytový dům / Residential BuildingHakl, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the construction of a residential building in the town of Brno Chrlice. It is a building with a fully podsklepeným floor and three floors. Basement part is designed as a garage and cellars. Floors are designed as units. The apartment building is a total of 8 units and 1 residential unit designed as wheelchair accessible. Total capacity is 22 Cladding basement of the formwork and floor are covered from the system HELUZ. The ceilings are designed as ceiling panels. Wood pitched roofing constructions with unbalanced tendencies. The building is based on the footings.
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Penzion s restaurací, Plumlov / Guest house with restaurant, PlumlovSalaj, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this master´s thesis is the construction of the guest house with restaurant in the village Plumlov near Prostejov. It is a building with a floor partially sunk into the ground and two floors. Basement is designed as part of the restaurant. Floors are designed for the guest house. In the pension there is a total of 6 accommodation rooms with a total capacity of 15 persons. The restaurant has a comfortable dining area for 25 people. The restaurant also includes a kitchen where they will prepare hot meals. Cladding basement of the shuttering and floors are designed as wood house by system "two by four". The ceiling above the restaurant is designed as a system, reinforced concrete, folded (TRAS system). The ceiling above the 1st floor is designed with wooden ceiling beams. The roof is gabled with unbalanced tendencies. The building is based on the foundation strips.
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