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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation stochastique des réseaux de distribution sous incertitude / Stochastic modeling of distribution networks under uncertainty

Briceño Vicente, Wendy Carolina 20 September 2012 (has links)
Les évolutions récentes des systèmes électriques comme conséquence de la dérégulation du marché et des traités internationaux comme le protocole de Kyoto ont des répercussions importantes sur les réseaux, en particulier, ceux de distribution. En effet, une large part de la production décentralisée est prévue d'être raccordée sur ces derniers. La production décentralisée utilise des sources d'énergie renouvelables hautement imprévisibles et reparties dans la nature. Ce fait ajoute une contrainte forte sur la planification et l'exploitation des réseaux de distribution qui n'ont pas été conçus, à l'origine, pour accueillir de la production d'énergie à large échelle. Ce travail de thèse étudie l'impact de l'incertitude sur les études classiques de planification des réseaux électriques. Les études statiques et dynamiques du réseau ont été réalisées prenant en compte plusieurs sources d'incertitude dans plusieurs réseaux de distribution. Les incertitudes sont modélisées dans les études statiques par les méthodes probabilistes et possibilistes. La méthode possibilistes offre des avantages sur la méthode probabiliste. Il est déterminé le taux de pénétration éolien maximum d'un petit réseau maillé en utilisant la méthode probabiliste, ainsi que les simulations de stabilité dynamique et statique du réseau / The recent developments in power systems, as consequence of the market deregulation and the international treaties, as the ones originated by the Kyoto Protocol, have serious repercussions in power networks. Particularly on distribution networks, given that a large amount of distributed generation units are connected in the grid. For instance, renewable energy sources, that are used as distributed generation, are well-known for being distributed in nature and highly unpredictable. This fact adds a strong constraint on planning and operating the distribution networks that were not originally designed to accommodate distributed generation on a large scale. To this aim, this thesis examines the impact of uncertainties on classical power system planning studies, where classical static and dynamic planning studies are carried out in several power networks taking into account some sources of uncertainty. These uncertainties are modeled in the static studies using a probabilistic and a possibilistic approach. The possibilistic approach offers good advantages over the probabilistic method in terms of time consumption and precision. The maximum wind power penetration is determined for a small mesh network by the probabilistic method using dynamic and static stability simulations of the power system.

Vers une nouvelle méthodologie de conception des bâtiments, basée sur leurs performances bioclimatiques / Toward a new method of buidling design, based on bioclimatic performances

Chesné, Lou 18 October 2012 (has links)
Les règles et usages actuels de conception des bâtiments sont essentiellement basés sur la minimisation des déperditions thermiques, ce qui se traduit par la prédominance de l’isolation thermique comme solution d’enveloppe. Or cette logique n'est pas nécessairement la plus pertinente car des ressources énergétiques existent dans l'environnement, et leur apport mériterait d'être pris en considération. Certaines technologies bioclimatiques, et surtout solaires, existent déjà mais leur utilisation n'est pas du tout généralisée à cause d'un manque de repère sur leurs performances. Pour considérer la démarche bioclimatique, il est nécessaire de pouvoir évaluer à la fois la "qualité énergétique" de l'environnement, et l'aptitude des bâtiments à exploiter cet environnement. La méthodologie présentée dans cette thèse est basée sur le calcul d'indicateurs de performance bioclimatique issus de simulations numériques de bâtiments dans diverses conditions climatiques. La simulation permet de supprimer facilement une ressource pour pouvoir obtenir les besoins d'un bâtiment non impacté par la ressource. Ces besoins peuvent alors être comparés à chaque instant au potentiel de la ressource afin de déterminer un potentiel utile, valorisable par le bâtiment. Il est également possible de comparer les besoins du bâtiment dans la simulation sans et avec la ressource et d'en déduire la quantité d'énergie provenant de la ressource réellement utilisée par le bâtiment pour couvrir ses besoins. Un jeu d'indicateurs est ainsi défini pour toutes les ressources et tous les besoins d'un bâtiment, et adapté plus particulièrement aux besoins de confort thermique (chauffage et rafraîchissement) et à trois ressources de l'environnement (le soleil, la voûte céleste et l'air extérieur). Un cas d'étude est alors choisi pour appliquer cette méthode et les résultats sont analysés à l'échelle du bâtiment tout entier ainsi qu'à l'échelle de chaque paroi. Une première analyse globale, sur toute l'année, permet de fixer des points de repères sur l'état des ressources et l'exploitation qui en est faite par les bâtiments. Dans un second temps, les résultats instantanés sont analysés de manière dynamique, et montrent que ces nouveaux indicateurs permettent de bien caractériser le comportement d'un bâtiment dans son environnement. Enfin, les indicateurs sont utilisés dans une approche de conception des bâtiments, et plusieurs pistes sont explorées. Une étude paramétrique est tout d'abord menée et permet d'observer l'influence du niveau d'isolation sur les indicateurs de potentiel et de performance. Puis ces indicateurs sont utilisés pour évaluer la performance bioclimatique de solutions d'enveloppe solaires. Dans un troisième temps, une optimisation de l'enveloppe est menée selon deux critères : un critère classique de minimisation du besoin, mais également un critère bioclimatique de maximisation de l'exploitation du potentiel solaire. / With the current issues concerning the potential savings in the building sector, reducing building energy consumption is a key point. Up to now, efforts have been focused on insulation to separate the inner ambiance from the fluctuation of the outside air temperature. However, insulating a building from its environment deprives it from the renewable free energy sources which exchange with the envelope, either they are heating or cooling sources. Using the building envelope to exploit these resources is the very principle of the bioclimatic architecture. But bioclimatic systems have never been evaluated regarding the amount of available energy they could use, partly because the energy exchanges between the resources and the building have never been really qualified regarding to the building needs, neither quantified in terms of available energy capacity to meet these needs. The aim of this thesis is thus to propose a method to assess both: - the capacity of the environmental resources to cover the building needs, - the ability of the building to exploit the available energy resources. The method is mainly based on energy simulation and the basic data is a comparison of the behaviour of a building with and without a given environmental resource. The building energy needs without the resource can be compared to the resource potential and this comparison give the useful potential of the resource. Moreover, by comparing the building energy needs in the simulation with and without resource, we can get the amount of energy actually used by the building. From these two quantities, the useful and the exploited potential, a set of indicators can be defined and adapted to thermal comfort (heating and cooling needs) and three resources (sun, sky and air). The indicators are then applied to a study case and the results are analysed not only at the scale of the building, but also at the scale of each part of the envelope. A first analysis of the global results over the year is performed to get a first understanding of the state of the resources and the building performances. In a second step, the values are analysed at each time step, to characterize the behaviour of the building towards the environment. Finally, the indicators can be used to design buildings, in several ways. We performed a parametric analysis of the insulation level over the potential and performance indicators. Then, we used them to assess the bioclimatic performances of existing solar technologies. In a final step, the indicators have been used as criteria to optimize the building envelope parameters. Thus, the envelope parameters are optimized according to the minimization of the energy need, but also according to the maximization of the exploited potential.

Voltage Stability and Reactive Power Provision in a Decentralizing Energy System / Spannungshaltung und Blindleistungsmanagement bei zunehmend dezentraler Stromerzeugung - eine techo-ökonomische Analyse

Hinz, Fabian 19 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Electricity grids require the ancillary services frequency control, grid operation, re-establishment of supply and voltage stability for a proper operation. Historically, conventional power plants in the transmission grid were the main source providing these services. An increasing share of decentralized renewable energy in the electricity mix causes decreasing dispatch times for conventional power plants and may consequently lead to a partial replacement of these technologies. Decentralized energy sources are technically capable of providing ancillary services. This work focuses on the provision of reactive power for voltage stability from decentralized sources. The aim is to answer the question of how voltage stability and reactive power management can be achieved in a future electricity system with increasing shares of decentralized renewable energy sources in an economical and efficient way. A methodology that takes reactive power and voltage stability in an electricity system into account is developed. It allows for the evaluation of the economic benefits of different reactive power supply options. A non-linear and a linearized techno-economic grid model are formulated for this purpose. The analysis reveals an increasing importance of reactive power from the distribution grid in future development scenarios, in particular if delays in grid extension are taken into account. The bottom-up assessment indicates a savings potential of up to 40 mio. EUR per year if reactive power sources in the distribution grid provide reactive power in a controlled manner. Although these savings constitute only a small portion of the total cost of the electricity system, reactive power from decentralized energy sources contributes to the change towards a system based on renewable energy sources. A comparison of different reactive power remuneration mechanisms shows that a variety of approaches exist that could replace the inflexible mechanisms of obligatory provision and penalized consumption of reactive power that are mostly in place nowadays.

Voltage Stability and Reactive Power Provision in a Decentralizing Energy System: A Techno-economic Analysis

Hinz, Fabian 06 December 2017 (has links)
Electricity grids require the ancillary services frequency control, grid operation, re-establishment of supply and voltage stability for a proper operation. Historically, conventional power plants in the transmission grid were the main source providing these services. An increasing share of decentralized renewable energy in the electricity mix causes decreasing dispatch times for conventional power plants and may consequently lead to a partial replacement of these technologies. Decentralized energy sources are technically capable of providing ancillary services. This work focuses on the provision of reactive power for voltage stability from decentralized sources. The aim is to answer the question of how voltage stability and reactive power management can be achieved in a future electricity system with increasing shares of decentralized renewable energy sources in an economical and efficient way. A methodology that takes reactive power and voltage stability in an electricity system into account is developed. It allows for the evaluation of the economic benefits of different reactive power supply options. A non-linear and a linearized techno-economic grid model are formulated for this purpose. The analysis reveals an increasing importance of reactive power from the distribution grid in future development scenarios, in particular if delays in grid extension are taken into account. The bottom-up assessment indicates a savings potential of up to 40 mio. EUR per year if reactive power sources in the distribution grid provide reactive power in a controlled manner. Although these savings constitute only a small portion of the total cost of the electricity system, reactive power from decentralized energy sources contributes to the change towards a system based on renewable energy sources. A comparison of different reactive power remuneration mechanisms shows that a variety of approaches exist that could replace the inflexible mechanisms of obligatory provision and penalized consumption of reactive power that are mostly in place nowadays.

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