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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dieta při cukrovce II. typu a možnosti rozšiřování jídelníčku diabetiků / Diet for IInd type diabetes and possibility of enriching diabetic diet

SCHREIBEROVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the diet during the diabetes mellitus type 2 disease and with possibilities of enriching the diabetic?s diet. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the description of this disease and the topic of the diet therapy ? what diets can be followed by diabetes patients and whether the diet is appropriate. The practical part of the thesis is dealing with the enrichment of the diabetic diets. Results of the questionnaire shown which meals are missed by the diabetics and for some of them were designed the recipes. According to the recipes were cooked diabetic dishes which were after that given to tasting and rating. Based on the statistic test and results of the rating dishes were evaluated to decide which are preferred to put in diabetic diet and which are not. I also prepared one exemplary menu including mentioned dishes.

Microsystems Technology for Underwater Vehicle Applications

Jonsson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis work has been to investigate how miniaturization, such as microsystems technology, can potentially increase the scientific throughput in exploration of hard-to-reach underwater environments, such as the subglacial lakes of Antarctica, or other challenging environments, including cave systems and wrecks. A number of instruments and subsystems applicable to miniature submersibles have been developed and studied, and their potential to provide a high functionality density for size-restricted exploration platforms has been assessed. To provide an onboard camera system with measurement capabilities, simulation and design tools for diffractive optics were developed, and microoptics realized to project reference patterns onto objects to reveal their topography. The influence of murky water on the measurement accuracy was also studied. For longer-range mapping of the surroundings, and under conditions with even less visibility, the performance of a very small, high-frequency side-scanning sonar was investigated using extensive modeling and physical testing. In particular, the interference on the acoustic beam from tight mounting in a hull was investigated. A range in excess of 30 m and centimeter resolution were obtained. Besides these systems, which can be used to navigate and map environments, a two-dimensional, thermal sensor for minute flows was developed. Measuring speed and direction of water flows, this sensor can aid in the general classification of the environment and also monitor the submersible’s movement. As the flow of waters in subglacial lakes is estimated to be minute, the detection limit and sensitivity were investigated. Measurements of water properties are facilitated by the chip-based conductivity, temperature, and depth sensor system developed. Macroscopically, this is an essential oceanographic instrument with which salinity is determined. Contrary to what was expected, MHz frequencies proved to be advantageous for conductivity measurements. Finally, sampling of water using an acoustically enriching microdevice, and even enabling return of pristine samples via the use of integrated latchable, high-pressure valves, was realized and evaluated. Particularly, investigations of the device’s ability to capture and hold on to microorganisms, were conducted. Further developed and studied, these devices – as subsystems to miniature submersibles, or as stand-alone instruments – should enable exploration of previously unreachable submerged environments. / Deeper Access, Deeper Understanding (DADU)

Hur individanpassas undervisningen för de starka eleverna i matematik? En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Fallström, jenifer, Berggren, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Enligt Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) har alla elever rätt till en likvärdig och meningsfull utbildning. Det innebär att varje elev, oavsett fallenhet eller svårighet i undervisning har rätt till vägledning och stimulans för att nå längre i sin kunskapsutveckling. Elever som anses starka ska få individanpassad undervisning som utmanar eleverna utifrån deras kunskaper och förutsättningar. Men finns det risker med att denna rättighet, som borde vara en självklarhet, inte uppfylls av skolors verksamhet? Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att undersöka och ge exempel på hur rektorer och lärare stödjer starka elever i matematik utifrån skolans uppdrag och ansvar. Intervjustudien grundar sig i det sociokulturella perspektivet och utgår från frågeställningarna: Hur planerar och genomför skolor arbetet med de starka eleverna i matematik? och Hur kan lärare i F-3 arbeta för att ge starka elever i matematik ledning och stimulans att nå längre i sin kunskapsutveckling? Studien visar att skolor saknar strategier på hur lärare kan hjälpa starka elever på bästa sätt, vilket kan medföra att denna elevgrupp blir sittandes i väntan på resterande elever. Uppdraget och ansvaret att anpassa undervisningen ligger idag hos läraren, ett ansvar som borde ligga på verksamheten eller hos regeringen. Studien lyfter dock ett arbetssätt för att individanpassa undervisning för starka elever i skolans ämnen. Detta arbetssätt innefattar en accelererande och berikande undervisning där eleven även får coachning och stöd genom hela sin skolgång för att få möjlighet att utvecklas så långt som möjligt. / Abstract According to Skollagen (SFS 2010:800), every student has the right to an equal and meaningful education. It means that regardless if the students have easy to learn or have learning difficulties, they have the right of guidance and stimulation to grow in their knowledge development. Students that are considered as strong learners must receive individualized education that challenges the students based on their individual needs. The question is if this right, that should be obvious, really is fulfilled in the schools´ education? This qualitative interview study aims to investigate and give examples of how principals and teachers support strong students in mathematics based on the school's assignment and responsibilities. The interview study is based on Vygotskijs’ socio-cultural perspective and assume the questions: How do schools plan and implement the work with the strong students in mathematics? and How can teachers in F-3 work to give strong students in mathematics guidance and stimulus to reach further in their knowledge development? The study indicates that schools lack strategies on how teachers can help strong students in the optimal way, which can implicate that this group of students is held back because of the remaining students. The assignment and responsibility to adapt the teaching today lies with the teacher, a responsibility that should lie with the organization or with the government. However, the study accents a way of working to individualize teaching for strong students in school courses. This approach includes an accelerating and enriching teaching where the students also receives coaching and support through the years in primary school to have the opportunity to develop in knowledge as far as possible. Key words:


Nilsson, Maria, Santis, Lesly January 2017 (has links)
Nilsson, M & Santis, L. Att vårda patienter palliativt: sjuksköterskans upplevelser. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2017.Bakgrund: Den palliativa vård filosofin har idag vidgats till att omfatta alla patienter som är döende oberoende av diagnos och sjukdom och manifesteras i många diverse vårdinstanser. Sjuksköterskans roll i den palliativa vården grundar sig i de fyra palliativa hörnstenarna: symtomlindring, teamarbete, kommunikation och relation samt närståendestöd. Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda utan att bota kan se olika ut beroende på utbildning, erfarenhet samt förhållningssätt till liv och död.Syfte: Syftet var att sammanställa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter palliativt.Metod: En litteraturstudie med sökningar gjorda i databaserna Pubmed och Cinahl gav 10 studier med kvalitativ ansats. Studierna kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av en anpassad granskningsmall.Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i tre kategorier med sju subkategorier: “Att uppleva arbetet som stärkande och berikande”, “Att uppleva svårigheter och påfrestningar inom det palliativa arbetet” samt “Att uppleva professionell utveckling genom erfarenhet och utbildning”.Slutsats: Trots svårigheter och påfrestningar i det palliativa arbetet upplevde sjuksköterskorna att arbetet var berikande och stärkande. Utmanande områden var bland annat psykiskt och emotionellt belastande arbetsuppgifter som kunde bero på personalbrist eller oenigheter mellan läkare och sjuksköterskor. Arbetet medförde även en tillfredställelse då sjuksköterskan upplevde sig tacksam och belåten över vården. Det var av stor vikt att sjuksköterskan erhöll utbildning och kunskap i form av teori och praktisk erfarenhet för att kunna möjliggöra ett adekvat palliativt vårdande som skulle omfatta de fyra palliativa hörnstenarna.Nyckelord: Berikande, kunskap, palliativ vård, sjuksköterskans upplevelse, svårigheter, utbildning. / Nilsson, M & Santis, L. Caring for palliative patients: the nurse’s experiences. Degree project in nursing 15 Credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Care Science, 2017.Background: The palliative care philosophy has today expanded to include all patients who are dying, independent of diagnosis and disease, and is manifested in many different care institutions. The nurse’s role in palliative care is based on the four palliative cornerstones: symptom relief, teamwork, communication and relationship, and family support. The nurse's perception of non-curative nursing can be different depending on education, experience, and approach to life and death.Purpose: The aim was to compile nurses' experiences of caring for palliative patients.Method: Literature was searched in the databases Pubmed and Cinahl which yielded 10 qualitative studies. The studies were quality-reviewed using a customized review template.Results: The data analysis resulted in three categories with seven subcategories: "Experiencing the work strengthening and enriching", "Experiencing difficulties and stress in the palliative work" and "Experiencing professional development through experience and education".Conclusion: Despite experiencing difficulties and stress in the palliative work, it was also enriching and strengthening. Challenging areas included mental and emotionally stressful tasks that could be caused by staff shortages or disagreements between physicians and nurses. Work satisfaction was experienced when the nurse felt grateful and pleased with the care provided. It was essential that the nurse received education and knowledge in the form of theory and practical experience in order to enable adequate palliative care embodying the four palliative cornerstones.Key words: Difficulties, education, enriching, knowledge, nurse’s experience, palliative care.

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