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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS ŠVIETIMO SISTEMOS OPTIMIZAVIMO PROBLEMOS: ŠIAULIŲ MIESTO ATVEJIS / Optimization Problems of the Educational System in the Republic of Lithuania: The Šiauliai City Case

Ramažauskaitė, Monika 27 August 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Monika Ramažauskaitė Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo sistemos optimizavimo problemos: Šiaulių miesto atvejis. Magistro darbas. Magistro darbo tikslas – ištirti Šiaulių miesto vidurinėse mokyklose kylančias Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo sistemos problemas, susijusias su diferencijuoto mokymo metodu, profiliuotu mokymu ir Pagrindinio ugdymo pasiekimų patikros bei brandos egzaminų organizavimo ir vykdymo tvarkos nuolatine kaita. Atlikus tyrimo rezultatų analizę buvo nustatyti diferencijuoto mokymo metodo taikymo privalumai, profiliuoto mokymo trūkumai ir Pagrindinio ugdymo pasiekimų patikros bei brandos egzaminų organizavimo ir vykdymo tvarkos nuolatinės kaitos poveikis 10-12 klasių moksleiviams. Tyrimas taikytinas rengiant seminarus, paskaitas švietimo skyriaus specialistams, mokyklos vadovams bei ten dirbantiems pedagogams. / SUMMARY Monika Ramažauskaitė Optimization Problems of the Educational System in the Republic of Lithuania: The Šiauliai City Case. Master's work. The objective of the master's work is to analyze the Educational system problems of the Republic of Lithuania arising in the secondary schools of the Šiauliai City. These problems are related to the method of the differentiated teaching, the profiled teaching and the constant changes in the procedures of organizing the maturity examinations and the examinations of the basic achievements in education. After accomplishing the analysis of the research results the advantages of using the differentiated teaching method were found as well as disadvantages of the profiled teaching. The influence of the constant changes in the procedures of organizing the maturity examinations and the examinations of the basic achievements in education on the 10-12 form students were also defined. The research may be used while organizing seminars, lectures for the specialists working in the Department of Education, for the heads of schools and also for the teachers working at schools.

Differentiated instruction a comparison of elementary and secondary school use /

Kunze, Marcy. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis PlanB (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

EFL course books and possibilities for differentiated teaching in years 4-6 : An analysis of tasks within EFL course books and how teachers claim to use them

Jarl, Olga January 2024 (has links)
English classrooms in Sweden host students of mixed abilities, all entitled to adapted education. Despite this, English language teaching, unlike other subjects, primarily relies on course books, serving as both learning tools and syllabus references. However, previous research has highlighted shortcomings in these books, such as insufficient vocabulary exercises and gaps in alignment with the syllabus. Although research and the Swedish National Agency of Education advocate for less reliance on course books and more communicative teaching, many teachers still find them useful. This study aims to explore the extent to which these course books allow for differentiation, to meet the needs of all students. The study employed triangulation method, by mixing a content analysis of 15 course books and interviews with six English teachers. The investigation's primary conclusions are that there are not many opportunities for differentiation within the books, but teachers seem to make do with alternative resources, adapting the books tasks and giving students varying degrees of support. While some differentiation is possible within course books, it may not fully address the needs of students of mixed-ability classrooms. Therefore, it could be concluded that the current approach may be insufficient to ensure that every student's needs are met, potentially limiting their language acquisition opportunities.

Creative mathematical activity of the students in the model of differentiated teaching in Russian Federation

Safuanov, Ildar S., Gusev, Valery A. 09 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, creative mathematical activities of school pupils in conditions of the differentiated teaching in Russian Federation are described. Various forms of differentiated teaching (internal – level, external – profile) are characterized. Ways of using entertaining problems for detecting and fostering mathematical abilities are revealed. New course of geometry for differentiated teaching is introduced.

Creative mathematical activity of the students in the model of differentiated teaching in Russian Federation

Safuanov, Ildar S., Gusev, Valery A. 09 May 2012 (has links)
In this paper, creative mathematical activities of school pupils in conditions of the differentiated teaching in Russian Federation are described. Various forms of differentiated teaching (internal – level, external – profile) are characterized. Ways of using entertaining problems for detecting and fostering mathematical abilities are revealed. New course of geometry for differentiated teaching is introduced.

”Öppna munnen så ska jag hälla i lite kunskap om särbegåvade elever” : En kvalitativ studie om hur lågstadielärare definierar särbegåvade elever, och beskriver och reflekterar över den egna matematikundervisningen för dessa elever / ”Open your mouth and I will pour in some knowledge about gifted students” : A qualitative study about how primary schoolteachers’ definition gifted students, and describes and reflect about their teaching for these students

Majid, Bahast, Åkerlund, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to extend the knowledge regarding teachers in the primary school's early years' perception of students with special talents. Furthermore, how they describe and reflect about their mathematical teaching for these gifted students. To extend the knowledge about this topic and in regards to answering the two research questions, the study takes a qualitative approach in addition to using a sociocultural perspective of the proximal development zone, support, language, interaction, creativity and prodigies as a theoretical framework. The result of the study shows that teachers perceive different characteristics as representative characteristic of gifted students, as high memory capacity and developed mathematical thinking. Furthermore, teachers have a positive attitude towards the subject of mathematics but experience difficulties in adapting teaching for gifted students. Teachers describe methods and teaching materials that can be used. These students can be offered acceleration in teaching by working in higher grades, in groups, and with more advanced problem-solving tasks. The conclusion is therefore that teachers distinguish characteristics, organize mathematics teaching and adaptation for particular gifted students. In addition the result of the study shows that teachers also reflect on the challenges and opportunities of teaching in regards to these students.

En undervisning för alla : En studie om lärares erfarenheter kring bemötandet av de varierande kunskapsnivåerna i matematikundervisningen / An education for all : A study of teachers' experiences of addressing the varying levels of knowledge in mathematics teaching

Sundqvist, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka matematiklärares erfarenheter och upplevelser kring möjligheten att identifiera samt bemöta de varierade kunskapsnivåerna inom det heterogena matematikklassrummet. En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning gjorde det möjligt att få en uppfattning om informanternas erfarenheter och upplevelser kring detta fenomen. För att få svar på studiens frågeställningar har tre mellanstadielärare, inom ämnet matematik, från olika skolor, med olika lång erfarenhet inom yrket och från olika platser i landet intervjuats. Intervjuerna har varit av semistrukturerad karaktär där informanterna givits stor frihet i att förmedla sina erfarenheter och upplevelser. Studien skildrar hur arbetet kan anordnas i praktiken samt vilka svårigheter och hinder lärare kan ställas inför. Resultatet visade att lärarna anser att anpassningar bör göras på gruppnivå i den mån det går samt att undervisningens innehåll ska anpassas utifrån den matematiska kunskapsnivå eleven befinner sig på. De arbetssätt och metoder som informanterna ansåg vara särskilt framgångsrika för att bemöta den heterogena undervisningsgruppens olika behov är anpassningar, att lära ut strategier och att lära tillsammans. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån studiens resultat är att det finns en önskan hos samtliga lärare att i ännu högre grad kunna stötta eleverna i deras kunskapsutveckling. / The purpose with this study was to examine mathematics teachers' experiences around the possibility of identifying and responding to the varied levels of knowledge within the heterogeneous mathematics classroom. A qualitative interview survey made it possible to get an idea of the informants' experiences around this phenomenon. To get answers to these questions, three middle school teachers, in the subject of mathematics, from different schools, with different lengths of experience in the profession and from different places in the country have been interviewed. The interviews have been of a semi-structured nature where the informants have been given freedom in communicating their experiences. The study describes how this work can be done in practice and what difficulties and obstacles teachers can face. The results showed that the teachers believe that adaptations should be made at group level as far as possible and that the content of the teaching should be adapted based on the mathematical knowledge level the student is at. The working methods and methods that the informants considered to be particularly successful in meeting the heterogeneous teaching group's different needs are adaptations, teaching strategies and learning together. A conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the study is that there is a desire among all teachers to be able to support the students to an even greater degree in their knowledge development.

Драмска и луткарска активност у наставној и ваннаставној пракси Српског језика и књижевности у основној школи / Dramska i lutkarska aktivnost u nastavnoj i vannastavnoj praksi Srpskog jezika i književnosti u osnovnoj školi / Drama and puppet activity in curricular andextracurricular practice of teaching The Serbianlanguage and literature in primary school

Bjeljac Marija 29 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Докторска теза Драмска и<br />луткарска активност у наставној и<br />ваннаставној пракси Српског језика и<br />књижевности у основној школи замишљена<br />је као књижевно-методичко истраживање<br />које има за циљ да истакне значај драме и<br />луткарства у наставној и ваннаставној<br />пракси; да истакне значај и утицај драме и<br />луткарства у редовној настави; да прикаже<br />рад драмске и луткарске секције и њихов<br />значај, као и значај који драма и луткарство<br />имају за ученике у ваннаставном процесу, а<br />све то кроз принципе диференциране наставе<br />и кроз примену теорије синхроницитета.<br />Рад је заснован на примерима и<br />искуствима из&nbsp;праксе, а кроз примену дијалошке методе (слободан разговор:</p><p>дискусија, полемика), рада на тексту,<br />демонстративне методе, практичног рада и<br />радионица, кроз примену игровне<br />активности, аналитичко-интерпретативне<br />методе дошло се до резултата који показују<br />да драма и луткарство у наставном и<br />ваннаставном процесу имају значајан утицај<br />на ученике и у образовном и у васпитном<br />смислу. Применом поменутих метода као и<br />принципа диференциране наставе часови<br />редовне наставе Српског језика, као и часови<br />драмске и луткарске секције ученицима су<br />омогућили нов приступ драмским<br />књижевним делима како на пољу читања и<br />разумевања, тако и на пољу доживљавања и<br />анализе.</p> / <p>Doktorska teza Dramska i<br />lutkarska aktivnost u nastavnoj i<br />vannastavnoj praksi Srpskog jezika i<br />književnosti u osnovnoj školi zamišljena<br />je kao književno-metodičko istraživanje<br />koje ima za cilj da istakne značaj drame i<br />lutkarstva u nastavnoj i vannastavnoj<br />praksi; da istakne značaj i uticaj drame i<br />lutkarstva u redovnoj nastavi; da prikaže<br />rad dramske i lutkarske sekcije i njihov<br />značaj, kao i značaj koji drama i lutkarstvo<br />imaju za učenike u vannastavnom procesu, a<br />sve to kroz principe diferencirane nastave<br />i kroz primenu teorije sinhroniciteta.<br />Rad je zasnovan na primerima i<br />iskustvima iz&nbsp;prakse, a kroz primenu dijaloške metode (slobodan razgovor:</p><p>diskusija, polemika), rada na tekstu,<br />demonstrativne metode, praktičnog rada i<br />radionica, kroz primenu igrovne<br />aktivnosti, analitičko-interpretativne<br />metode došlo se do rezultata koji pokazuju<br />da drama i lutkarstvo u nastavnom i<br />vannastavnom procesu imaju značajan uticaj<br />na učenike i u obrazovnom i u vaspitnom<br />smislu. Primenom pomenutih metoda kao i<br />principa diferencirane nastave časovi<br />redovne nastave Srpskog jezika, kao i časovi<br />dramske i lutkarske sekcije učenicima su<br />omogućili nov pristup dramskim<br />književnim delima kako na polju čitanja i<br />razumevanja, tako i na polju doživljavanja i<br />analize.</p> / <p>PhD thesis Drama and puppet activity in<br />curricular and extracurricular practice of<br />teaching The Serbian language and literature in<br />primary school is envisioned as literarymethodological<br />research with the purpose of<br />emphasising the importance of drama and<br />puppetry in curricular and extracurricular<br />practice; emphasising the importance and<br />influence of drama and puppetry in regular<br />classes; showing the work of drama and puppetry<br />club and its importance, as well as the<br />importance of drama and puppetry for students in<br />extracurricular process, all through the principles<br />of differentiated teaching and through the<br />application of the theory of synchronicity.<br />This paper is based on the actual<br />examples and experiences, through the<br />application of dialogue method (free conversation: discussion and polemics), text</p><p>analyses, demonstrative method, practical work<br />and workshops, while applying acting games,<br />analytical-interpretative method. This showed<br />that drama and puppetry in curricular and<br />extracurricular process have a significant<br />influence on students in both educational and<br />upbringing sense. Applying the said methods, as<br />well as the principles of differentiated teaching,<br />the classes of The Serbian language, as well as<br />drama and puppetry club classes gave students an<br />entirely new approach to dramas in the field of<br />reading and understanding, as well as in the field<br />of experience and analysis.</p>

Práticas de diferenciação pedagógica na rede municipal de São Paulo / Differentiated pedagogical practices in municipal schools in São Paulo

Braz, Jéssica Munhoz Araujo 25 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar práticas de diferenciação pedagógica em escolas da rede municipal de educação de São Paulo. O conceito de diferenciação pedagógica emerge com a problemática do fracasso escolar, decorrente da universalização do ensino público. Neste trabalho, a partir da delimitação e discussão do conceito de diferenciação pedagógica, busca-se identificar a presença de ações diferenciadas de ensino em instituições da rede municipal de São Paulo, procurando-se responder às seguintes questões: qual é a característica das ações desenvolvidas e qual é o entendimento que os docentes têm acerca do conceito de diferenciação pedagógica? De que forma este entendimento se reflete nas práticas em sala de aula? Para responder a estas questões, procedeu-se à revisão de literatura sobre a temática da diferenciação pedagógica, bem como coletaram-se informações sobre a realidade empírica por meio da aplicação de 102 questionários, 4 entrevistas e observações in loco em 12 salas de aula de uma escola da Zona Leste de São Paulo. O estudo focalizou o trabalho dos professores do ciclo de alfabetização composto pelos 1ºs, 2ºs e 3ºs anos do Ensino Fundamental no componente de Língua Portuguesa. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os docentes afirmam realizar práticas de diferenciação pedagógica com seus alunos; porém, os dados empíricos mostraram que as práticas, relatadas e observadas, não se coadunam com os princípios preconizados por autores que discutem a temática, como Perrenoud, Roldão, Tomlinsom, Pacheco entre outros. Além disso, observou-se que, ainda que documentos curriculares oficiais, produzidos nos âmbitos federal, estadual e municipal, remetam a princípios de diferenciação pedagógica, não são encontradas referências diretas a esse conceito. / This research aims to analyze practices of pedagogical differentiation in schools of the municipal education network of São Paulo. The concept of pedagogical differentiation emerges with the problem of school failure, resulting from the universalization of public education. In this work, from the delimitation and discussion of the concept of pedagogical differentiation, we seek to identify the presence of differentiated teaching actions in institutions of the municipal network of São Paulo, seeking to answer the following questions: what is the characteristic of the actions developed and what is the understanding that teachers have about the concept of pedagogical differentiation? How is this understanding reflected in classroom practices? In order to answer these questions, a literature review on the subject of pedagogical differentiation was carried out, as well as information on the empirical reality through the application of 102 questionnaires, 4 interviews and on-site observations in 12 classrooms of one school in the East Zone of São Paulo. The study focused on the work of the teachers of the literacy cycle - composed of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of elementary education - in the Portuguese Language component. The results showed that the teachers affirm the practice of pedagogical differentiation with their students; however, the empirical data showed that the practices, reported and observed, are not in line with the principles advocated by authors who discuss the subject, such as Perrenoud, Roldão, Tomlinsom, Pacheco and others. In addition, it was observed that, although official curricular documents produced at the federal, state and municipal levels refer to principles of pedagogical differentiation, no direct references to this concept are found.

Avaliação da recuperação da aprendizagem em escolas públicas do ensino fundamental

Guirardi, Maria Marcia Mariani 18 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Marcia Mariani Guirardi.pdf: 3335910 bytes, checksum: 56f8098a0329da69b12d3d54720d8cf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-18 / Secretaria de Educação de Santos / This study discusses the recovery process of learning in public primary schools. The intention of the problem was "The recovery process of learning schools of Santos provides students of elementary school training, working conditions and opportunities for success in learning for continuing their education?", with the overall goal: "Identify and evaluate the recovery process of learning of the students of local elementary schools of Santos (SP)". It was adopted as the theoretical assumptions of the formative evaluation of training practices and differentiated pedagogy, supported by Abrecht (1994), Allal (1986), Perrenoud (1999/2000/2002), Cardinet (1982), Cappelletti (2005), Abramowicz (2005) and others. The qualitative research used the following procedures: analysis of official documents of the recovery rooms of learning; analysis of Federal, State and Municipal legislation; participant observation during the year 2009 in two public schools and weekly follow-up in three recovery rooms, as well as moments of collective participation of the school; interviews and individual questionnaires with teachers of recovery, academic advisor, director and assistant director of two schools, and analysis of theses and dissertations that deal with the issue. The fieldwork of this study revealed that recovery can contribute to the learning of students having difficulties, for the practice carried out by the teachers demonstrates a differentiated alternative for the development and monitoring of teaching / learning process in favor of the students. The observation during the year 2009 concluded that the pedagogical practice of teachers is effective. This research revealed that a teaching / learning process that has at its center a training practice is a possible route for the Brazilian public school get a quality education / O presente estudo discute o processo de recuperação da aprendizagem em escolas públicas do ensino fundamental. O problema norteador foi &#8213;O processo de recuperação da aprendizagem das escolas municipais de Santos propicia aos alunos do Ensino Fundamental formação, condições e oportunidades de sucesso na aprendizagem para a continuidade de seus estudos?&#8214;, tendo como objetivo geral: &#8213;Identificar e avaliar o processo de recuperação da aprendizagem dos alunos das escolas municipais de Ensino Fundamental de Santos (SP)&#8214;. Adotou-se como referencial teórico os pressupostos da avaliação formativa, de práticas formativas e pedagogia diferenciada, sustentados por Abrecht (1994), Allal (1986), Perrenoud (1999/2000/2002), Cardinet (1982), Cappelletti (2005), Abramowicz (2005) e outros autores. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo utilizou os seguintes procedimentos: análise de documentos oficiais das salas de recuperação da aprendizagem; análise da legislação Federal, Estadual e Municipal; observação participante durante o ano de 2009 em duas escolas públicas municipais e acompanhamento semanal em três salas de recuperação, além da participação de momentos coletivos da escola; entrevista e questionários individuais com professoras da recuperação, coordenadoras pedagógicas, diretora e assistente de direção das duas escolas; e, análise de teses e dissertações que tratam do tema. A pesquisa de campo deste estudo revelou que a recuperação pode contribuir para a aprendizagem dos alunos que apresentam dificuldades, pois a prática realizada pelas professoras demonstra uma alternativa diferenciada para o desenvolvimento e acompanhamento do processo ensino/aprendizagem favorável aos alunos. A observação durante o ano de 2009 permitiu concluir que a prática pedagógica das professoras é eficaz. Esta pesquisa revelou que um processo ensino/aprendizagem que tenha em seu centro uma prática formativa é um dos caminhos possíveis para que a escola pública brasileira obtenha uma educação de qualidade

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