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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of corporate entrepreneurship in the gold mining industry / M.R. Melk

Melk, Miranda Rechinah January 2010 (has links)
The primary objective of the study is to determine the level of corporate entrepreneurship within higher level employees at Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) in order to make recommendations regarding the encouragement of an entrepreneurial climate. A comprehensive literature was conducted. In the literature review entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial climate were defined. The establishment if a climate of corporate entrepreneurship was found to be dependent on the presence of 13 important constructs. If proposed steps are followed to promote corporate entrepreneurship in an organisation, five identified success factors will improve as a result. A historic overview of the gold mining industry including Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) was given in chapter 3. Part of the Anglogold Ashanti strategy is ?innovation?, wanting to give all employees the opportunity to contribute to improvement by sharing their ideas within the organisation. A questionnaire was adapted to test for the presence of the 13 construct of the climate of corporate entrepreneurship which were identified and to verify current perceptions regarding the organisational success of the organisation among middle managers. Empirical research was conducted which was focusing on discussing the results obtained from the questionnaires. Basic demographic information of the respondents were dealt with first, after which the perceptions of the respondents with regard to the 13 construct measuring the entrepreneurial climate and the constructs measuring the perceived success of the organisation were discussed. Furthermore, the relationships were determined between demographic variables and the constructs measured in the questionnaire. Following the detail analysis of chapter 4, it was concluded that managers participating in the survey regarded the entrepreneurial climate in Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) as being average. Based on the findings of the empirical research and the insight gained in the literature review, recommendations were made on how to foster an entrepreneurial climate within Angolgold Ashanti (Mponeng mine). / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

An assessment of corporate entrepreneurship in the gold mining industry / M.R. Melk

Melk, Miranda Rechinah January 2010 (has links)
The primary objective of the study is to determine the level of corporate entrepreneurship within higher level employees at Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) in order to make recommendations regarding the encouragement of an entrepreneurial climate. A comprehensive literature was conducted. In the literature review entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial climate were defined. The establishment if a climate of corporate entrepreneurship was found to be dependent on the presence of 13 important constructs. If proposed steps are followed to promote corporate entrepreneurship in an organisation, five identified success factors will improve as a result. A historic overview of the gold mining industry including Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) was given in chapter 3. Part of the Anglogold Ashanti strategy is ?innovation?, wanting to give all employees the opportunity to contribute to improvement by sharing their ideas within the organisation. A questionnaire was adapted to test for the presence of the 13 construct of the climate of corporate entrepreneurship which were identified and to verify current perceptions regarding the organisational success of the organisation among middle managers. Empirical research was conducted which was focusing on discussing the results obtained from the questionnaires. Basic demographic information of the respondents were dealt with first, after which the perceptions of the respondents with regard to the 13 construct measuring the entrepreneurial climate and the constructs measuring the perceived success of the organisation were discussed. Furthermore, the relationships were determined between demographic variables and the constructs measured in the questionnaire. Following the detail analysis of chapter 4, it was concluded that managers participating in the survey regarded the entrepreneurial climate in Anglogold Ashanti (Mponeng mine) as being average. Based on the findings of the empirical research and the insight gained in the literature review, recommendations were made on how to foster an entrepreneurial climate within Angolgold Ashanti (Mponeng mine). / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

21st Century Change Agents? A Description of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Proclivities of Arizona Extension Educators

Jeffers-Sample, Ashley, Jeffers-Sample, Ashley January 2017 (has links)
The current knowledge-based economy demands a workforce equipped with the skills to advance innovation through entrepreneurial strategies (Powell & Snellman, 2004). Currently, Extension educators contribute to social and economic development in the sectors of agriculture, natural resource, consumer education, and youth development. Extension educators provide community members with the knowledge and skills needed to obtain a higher quality of life. The strategies of entrepreneurial leadership are relevant to the contemporary work of Extension educators and would provide the opportunity to increase Cooperative Extension’s program planning and implementation success. For the purpose of this study entrepreneurial leadership proclivity is measured through two constructs, innovation and entrepreneurial strategy, in those identified as Cooperative Extension Educators throughout Arizona. The data collected in this study illustrated the lack of entrepreneurial leadership in Extension educators in Arizona, as well as recommends educational possibilities to increase the presence of entrepreneurial leadership.

Los factores del liderazgo influyentes en el crecimiento y éxito del emprendimiento femenino

Aparisi Torrijo, Sofia 06 September 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Uno de los elementos organizativos más significativos, identificado por la comunidad investigadora para desarrollar el emprendimiento, es el liderazgo (Ensley, Pearce & Hmieleski, 2006). Para que las actividades emprendedoras tengan éxito, los líderes requieren ciertos factores de liderazgo. A la hora de estudiar esos factores, constatamos que se sitúan en la intersección de dos dominios independientes como son el liderazgo y el emprendimiento, creando un nuevo paradigma: llamado liderazgo emprendedor. Este constructo relativamente reciente surge para responder a los retos y dificultades que se encuentran los emprendedores a lo largo de sus actividades emprendedoras y poder así superarlos. Sin embargo, todavía no existe una definición clara del liderazgo emprendedor ni tampoco marcos conceptuales y teóricos suficientes. Las diferentes definiciones suelen centrarse en los rasgos, características y comportamientos de los líderes emprendedores. Históricamente, la investigación analiza los rasgos y la demografía del líder. Es más relevante la edad, los estudios o el origen étnico del emprendedor que lo que hace, no se suele prestar atención al contexto del emprendimiento, es decir, a las diferentes fases por las que pasa una actividad emprendedora. Sin embargo, según la teoría del liderazgo emprendedor, el contexto es un importante moderador de la eficacia del líder. Además, si queremos abordar los factores de liderazgo en el emprendimiento de las mujeres, hay una evidencia consistente de que el líder y el emprendedor son construcciones de género. Existe un sesgo masculino dominante en los campos del liderazgo y el emprendimiento. Y todo lo relativo al emprendimiento femenino y lo que puede impactar en su crecimiento merece ser estudiado por derecho propio (Bruin, Brush, & Welter, 2006). A pesar de esas dificultades, no se han realizado suficientes investigaciones para comprender mejor qué atributos de liderazgo se consideran más importantes según la etapa del proceso emprendedor, si son contextuales o universales, y menos aún con enfoque de género. En conclusión, es importante identificar y comprender mejor qué factores o habilidades de liderazgo se consideran más valiosos para superar los retos con éxito a lo largo del proceso emprendedor. Con la presente tesis doctoral se quiere investigar estas cuestiones. En primer lugar, en la parte inicial de este documento se evidencia, a través de un análisis bibliométrico con y sin enfoque de género, que efectivamente el constructo del liderazgo emprendedor es un dominio con identidad propia desde hace relativamente poco tiempo, que adolece de una falta de marcos conceptuales, teóricos y modelos empíricos. En complemento, cuando abordamos el liderazgo emprendedor con lente de género, existe una evidencia consistente de que las descripciones estándar de las características de los líderes emprendedores están basadas en normas y rasgos con claro sesgo de género masculino dominante. El discurso del liderazgo emprendedor tiende a moverse hacia la subordinación de todos aquellos que no se ajustan a dicho estereotipo. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se identifican, a través de una revisión de literatura, los atributos más importantes del liderazgo emprendedor femenino que serán la base para construir los modelos relacionales que evaluaremos en la parte final. Mediante una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura, se identificaron y recogieron 267 factores de liderazgo. Gracias a un análisis de co-ocurrencia de los factores, se descubre que los más frecuentes son la innovación, la comunicación, el trabajo en red, la pasión, la asunción de riesgos, la visión, la oportunidad, la toma de decisiones, la autoeficacia y la necesidad de logro, entre otros. Otra de las contribuciones es que no se observan atributos de liderazgo diferentes en función del género cuando se comparan con estudios similares sin enfoque de género. Como limitación de dicho análisis, no se detecta en qué momentos intervienen dic / [CA] Un dels elements organitzatius més significatius, identificat per la comunitat investigadora per a desenrotllar l'emprenedoria, és el lideratge (Ensley, Pearce & Hmieleski, 2006). Perquè les activitats emprenedores tinguen èxit, els líders requerixen certs factors de lideratge. A l'hora d'estudiar eixos factors, constatem que se situen en la intersecció de dos dominis independents com són el lideratge i l'emprenedoria, creant un nou paradigma: cridat lideratge emprenedor. Este constructe relativament recent sorgix per a respondre als reptes i dificultats que es troben els emprenedors al llarg de les seues activitats emprenedores i poder així superar-los. No obstant això, encara no hi ha una definició clara del lideratge emprenedor ni tampoc marcs conceptuals i teòrics suficients. Les diferents definicions solen centrar-se en les característiques i comportaments dels líders emprenedors. Històricament, la investigació analitza els trets i la demografia del líder. És més rellevant l'edat, els estudis o l'origen ètnic de l'emprenedor que el que fa, no se sol prestar atenció al context de l'emprenedoria, és a dir, a les diferents fases per les quals passa una activitat emprenedora. No obstant això, segons la teoria del lideratge emprenedor, el context és un important moderador de l'eficàcia del líder. A més, si volem abordar els factors de lideratge en l'emprenedoria de les dones, hi ha una clara evidència de què el líder i l'emprenedor són construccions de gènere. Hi ha un caire masculí dominant en els camps del lideratge i l'emprenedoria. I tot el que es referix a l'emprenedoria per part de les dones i el que pot impactar en el seu creixement mereix ser estudiat per dret propi (Bruin, Brush, & Wèlter, 2006). A pesar d'eixes dificultats, no s'han realitzat suficients investigacions per a comprendre millor quins atributs de lideratge es consideren més importants segons l'etapa del procés emprenedor, si són contextuals o universals, i menys encara amb enfocament de gènere. En conclusió, és important identificar i comprendre millor quins factors o habilitats de lideratge es consideren més valuosos per a superar els reptes amb èxit al llarg del procés emprenedor. Amb la present tesi doctoral es pretén investigar aquestes qüestions. En primer lloc, en la part inicial d'aquest document s'evidencia, a través d'una anàlisi bibliomètrica amb i sense enfocament de gènere, que efectivament el constructe del lideratge emprenedor és un domini amb identitat pròpia des de fa relativament poc de temps, que patix d'una falta de marcs conceptuals, teòrics i models empírics. Per tant, quan abordem el lideratge emprenedor amb lent de gènere, hi ha una evidència marcada de què les descripcions estàndard de les característiques dels líders emprenedors estan basades en normes i trets amb clar caire de gènere masculí dominant. El discurs del lideratge emprenedor tendix a moure's cap a la subordinació de tots aquells que no s'ajusten a aquest estereotip. En la segona part de la tesi, s'identifiquen, a través d'una revisió de literatura, els atributs més importants del lideratge emprenedor femení que seran la base per a construir els models relacionals que avaluarem en la part final. Per mitjà d'una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura, es van identificar i es van arreplegar 267 factors de lideratge. Gràcies a una anàlisi de co-idea dels factors, es descobrix que els més freqüents són la innovació, la comunicació, el treball en xarxa, la passió, l'assumpció de riscos, la visió, l'oportunitat, la presa de decisions, l'autoeficàcia i la necessitat d'èxit, entre altres. Una altra de les contribucions és que no s'observen atributs de lideratge diferents en funció del gènere quan es comparen amb estudis semblants sense enfocament de gènere. Com a limitació d'aquesta anàlisi, no es detecta en quins moments intervenen els factors assenyalats en les distintes fases de l'emprenedoria. L'objectiu final de la present tesi doctoral és analitzar com certes combinacions / [EN] One of the most significant organizational elements identified by the research community for developing entrepreneurship is leadership (Ensley, Pearce & Hmieleski, 2006). For entrepreneurial activities to be successful, leaders require certain leadership factors. When studying these factors, we find that they are located at the intersection of two independent domains, namely leadership and entrepreneurship, and create a new paradigm called entrepreneurial leadership. This relatively recent construct arises to respond to the challenges and difficulties encountered by entrepreneurs throughout their entrepreneurial activities to overcome them. However, neither a clear definition of entrepreneurial leadership, nor sufficient conceptual and theoretical frameworks, are available. The different definitions tend to focus on entrepreneurial leaders' traits, characteristics and behaviors. Historically, research has analyzed leaders' traits and demographics. Entrepreneurs' age, education and ethnicity are more relevant than what they were, and attention is not normally paid to the entrepreneurship context, i.e., the different phases through which an entrepreneurial activity passes. However, according to the entrepreneurial leadership theory, context is an essential moderator of leader effectiveness. Furthermore, if we wish to address leadership factors in women's entrepreneurship, there is consistent evidence that leader and entrepreneur are gendered constructs. There is a dominant male bias in the leadership and entrepreneurship fields, and everything about women's entrepreneurship and what can impact its growth deserve to be studied in their own right (Bruin, Brush, & Welter, 2006). Despite these difficulties, not enough research has been done to better understand what leadership attributes are considered the most important depending on the entrepreneurial process stage, whether they are contextual or universal, let alone gendered. To conclude, it is essential to identify and better understand which leadership factors or skills are most valuable to successfully overcome challenges throughout the entrepreneurial process. The present doctoral thesis aims to investigate these questions. First of all, with a bibliometric analysis the initial part of this research evidences, with and without a gender focus, that indeed the entrepreneurial leadership construct is a domain with its own identity because relatively recently it suffered from lack of conceptual and theoretical frameworks and empirical models. In addition, when we approach entrepreneurial leadership with a gender lens, there is consistent evidence that standard descriptions of entrepreneurial leaders' characteristics are based on norms and traits with a clear dominant male gender bias. Entrepreneurial leadership discourse tends to move towards the subordination of all those who do not conform to that stereotype. In the second part of the thesis, through a literature review it identifies the most essential attributes of female entrepreneurial leadership, which will be the basis for building the relational models that are evaluated in the final part. By means of a comprehensive literature review, 267 leadership factors are identified and collected. Thanks to a co-occurrence analysis of the factors, it discovers that the most frequent are innovation, communication, networking, passion, risk-taking, vision, opportunity, decision making, self-efficacy, the need for achievement, among others. Another contribution is that no gender-differentiated leadership attributes are observed compared to similar studies without a gender focus. As a limitation of this analysis, it is not detected at what times these factors intervene in the different entrepreneurship phases. The final objective of this doctoral thesis is to analyze how certain combinations of leadership factors impact the different stages of female entrepreneurs' activity in both the launching and start-up phases, and also in the / Aparisi Torrijo, S. (2022). Los factores del liderazgo influyentes en el crecimiento y éxito del emprendimiento femenino [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186301 / Compendio

Fundraising in Different Business Ecosystems:Entrepreneurial Leaders’ perspectives in USA, France and China

Rocher, Johan, Yang, Jian January 2012 (has links)
Both developing and developed countries have witnessed the very heart position of small business in the contribution of economic growth and job creation. Nevertheless, the appetite for funds of new enterprises is still not satisfied nowadays, which limits the further blossom of entrepreneurship. Concerning about this problem, our research tries to investigate and describe financing sources of companies in seed/early stage and understand the implications of entrepreneurial leadership in the process of fundraising. Besides, this study involves three business ecosystems: America, France and China in the international context.Following the grounded theory as the researching path, this thesis is considered as a combination of realistic research about financing sources and interpretative research about entrepreneurial leadership. The study is based upon secondary data, which are widely gathered from USA, France and China. In order to achieve in-depth perspectives, empirical explorations are conducted mainly through example studies and face-to-face dialogues with experts including an entrepreneur, a consultant in relation with investors, a bank manager and a project manager.A comprehensive understanding is realized as a result of this research:• American business ecosystem proves its leading position in fundraising support for bootstrap-step companies. As to French ecosystem, it is evolving and represents various particularities regarding regulations, structural mentalities and policies. The Chinese one is fairly different due to the affection of the Communism regime but also the particularly important role of network in doing business.• Entrepreneurial leadership is helpful in fundraising process. And enactment of leadership is quite different due to diverse culture and financing sources. Through the thesis, we interpret how entrepreneurial leadership could be helpful for fundraising in each business ecosystem.• Beyond academic sphere, this research reveals significant benefits and potentials for bridging fund flow among three business ecosystems. It shows a big entrepreneurial opportunity for people who have knowledge and network to break cultural boundaries and construct this “bridge”.In no wise this study aims at explaining or prescribing. By studying each ecosystem for entrepreneurial leaders, we hope to establish an understanding of this topic that could be further examined.

The research of building enterprise competitive advantages through green entrepreneurial leadership and green human capital

Lu, Wei-Lin 12 July 2011 (has links)
From the Mexican gulf oil spill of British Petroleum to Fukushima nuclear crisis of Japan. The awareness of impact on climate change, environmental pollution and natural resource depletion has led a wide range of stakeholders such as government, consumer and non-profit organization to put pressure on the companies to act in a more environmentally and socially responsible way. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Five Taiwanese green enterprises were interviewed along with thirty three questionnaires which were collected from other green enterprises for further analysis. This study attempts to explore how green entrepreneurial leader brings sustainable competitive advantage through building green human capital for the firm in the growing pressure of industrial environmental protection. The findings indicate that green entrepreneurial leaders articulate green vision, act as ethical role model, and identify environment related opportunity for exploitation. This leadership style influences the management practices on green human capital selection, development, and leverage which then lead to innovation, cost saving, and profitability.

The impacts of green entrepreneurial leadership on green human capital and competitive advantage

Tsai, Hsi-Jou 03 August 2012 (has links)
Environmental degradation has become a major concern for all humankind. The environmental problems are no longer confined to one enterprise. The need for ¡§Greening¡¨ is urgent for enterprises because they have to gain competitive advantage.¡@ Moreover, green human capital is considered most important element of competitive advantage in most enterprises. All of the competencies of the green human capital within an enterprise is intangible assets. It is believed that if an enterprise knows that green entrepreneurial leadership contributes green human capital and competitive advantage, it can be managed effectively. This study extended previous research by attending to the boundaries of the relationship between green human capital and competitive advantage. Furthermore, we would like to examine the impact of green entrepreneurial leadership on green human capital and competitive advantage. These hypotheses were supported in examination of 108 enterprises which attained the Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award via Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, and the enterprises which is registered in the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan. The 231 objects are environmentalists, director of human resources department, and director of marketing department. We used confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to testify our hypotheses. The study findings indicated: 1. Charismatic leadership increased positive relationship between development of green human capital and competitive advantage. 2. Ethical leadership increased positive relationship between development of green human capital and competitive advantage. 3. Proactive personality increased positive relationship between development of green human capital and competitive advantage. Practical implications were illustrated as following: 1. Enterprises should attach importance to selection of green human capital. 2. Enterprises should attach importance to development and leverage of green human capital. Finally, suggestions for future research and the limitation of this study also discussed.

The Influence of Peace Corps Service on the Entrepreneurial Leadership Proclivities of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

Stone, Sean Read Martin, Stone, Sean Read Martin January 2017 (has links)
Peace Corps Volunteers spend 27 months working in developing countries around the world. They orchestrate and implement a myriad of projects in various fields, often entirely on their own. This paper aims to provide insights into how Peace Corps service affects volunteers' entrepreneurial leadership proclivities. To accomplish this a pre / post-test was administered to 74 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers participating in the Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship program at the University of Arizona. Respondents were surveyed to determine their proclivity toward using entrepreneurial strategies and their proclivity to be innovative. Service in the Peace Corps increased the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers' ability to hone their entrepreneurial strategies and innovate. The results showed an increase in the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers' entrepreneurial leadership proclivities after they had completed their service.

Discourses of entrepreneurial leadership: exposing myths and exploring new approaches

Dean, Hannah, Ford, Jackie M. 03 January 2017 (has links)
Yes / This article explores gender and entrepreneurial leadership, notably the meanings female entrepreneurs ascribe to notions of entrepreneurial leadership. Drawing from interviews with female business owners, the article questions the dominant hegemonic masculine entrepreneurial leadership model as well as that reportedly associated with women. Research findings illuminate the fluidity and variability of the entrepreneurial leadership construct. Our feminist poststructural lens and critical leadership stance adds new insight into the multiple subjectivities of entrepreneurs and surfaces contradiction and tension that shape the very sense of their entrepreneurial selves. By questioning accepted knowledge, this research offers new perspectives on the multiple realities of entrepreneurial leadership, which should be heeded by policy makers, academics and practitioners alike.

Entrepreneurial leadership in Kuwaiti private firms

Al-Khalifah, Bashayer January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the traits and characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders within the Kuwaiti context, by drawing from the different but related leadership and entrepreneurship theories. We first identified several areas where these fields theoretically converge with an emphasis on traits, styles and behavioural characteristics, which led to the emergence of a new leadership paradigm herein referred to as ‘entrepreneurial leadership’. Entrepreneurial leadership is conceptualised as a process of social influence, transformation, and empowering in rapidly changing and uncertain contexts. We operationalised the construct of entrepreneurial leadership by identifying the key traits and characteristics of Kuwait’s private sector leaders. These traits and characteristics included the leaders’ values and beliefs, vision, proactivity, creativity and innovation, opportunity-seeking and risk-taking. The study adopted a predominantly positivist ontology and objective epistemology in order to better understand the phenomenon under investigation (i.e. entrepreneurial leadership). This necessitated obtaining data largely from surveys of 345 leaders, mainly from the financial banking and investment sectors of Kuwait, complemented by qualitative data from 12 interviews. The study provides important insights into the concepts related to entrepreneurial leadership in a non-Western environment and enriches our knowledge in this sector of the management field. The research contributes to knowledge on leadership in Kuwait by conceptualizing a model of entrepreneurial leadership, which places emphasis on leaders’ traits and characteristics and how that relates with leadership effectiveness. The implications of the research relate closely to the way in which companies must be managed or led in a global and competitive environment.

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