Spelling suggestions: "subject:"entrepreneurship -- study anda teaching"" "subject:"entrepreneurship -- study ando teaching""
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Edupreneur Leadership: an Online Course Designed to Aid Education Entrepreneurs in Launching New VenturesSatterwhite, Safiyah January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation was developed to research how prepared aspiring Education Entrepreneurs would feel when supported holistically through a methodology that incorporates a blending of informational and transformational learning approaches while teaching Entrepreneurship. Our current entrepreneurship programs, both formal and informal, have not adequately prepared aspiring venture seekers to succeed in the field, as documented by the high failure rate of start-ups (Hisrich, Peters, & Shepherd, 2017). Embedding transformational personal growth in a way that elevates a shift in one’s personal beliefs, values, and attitudes, as opposed to a sole focus on informational learning, has yet to be formally explored with Entrepreneurs. This leaves one to wonder how prepared aspiring Entrepreneurs would feel when partaking in a curriculum grounded in preparation and training that is more holistic
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Effects of entrepreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial intentions : a case of BotswanaEbewo, Patrick Ebong. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Entrepreneurship Tshwane University of Technology / Investigates the relationship between entrepreneurship education and University of Botswana students' intentions towards entrepreneurship. The study also investigates how University of Botswana can expose its students entrepreneurship-related courses at some stage of their study.
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Integrating entrepreneurial skills education and training with food and beverage management in a technikon academic programme : a case studyMatoti, Nombasa Kutala January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Entrepreneurship)-Dept. of Entrepreneurial Studies, Durban Institute of Technology, 2004
xiv, 91 leaves / The study examines the perceptions of lecturers and students on integrating entrepreneurship training and education in the academic programme Food and Beverage Management in the Eastern Cape Technikon. The study aims to integrate entrepreneurship training and education in the academic programme, Food and Beverage Management and to promote the concept with the students in the early stages of their studies.
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Entrepreneurial attitudes of grade 12 learners : an exploratory studyBurger, Lydia Lynnette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurship potentially offers to make a contribution to some of South Africa's most
crucial problems for instance poverty and an extremely high youth unemployment rate.
Furthermore it empowers people not to wait for others or external factors to change their
destiny, but to become pro-active. Literature indicates that there is internationally a
renewed interest in entrepreneurship (as demonstrated in research and the number of
tertiary institutions offering entrepreneurship education), with a resulting sophisticated
body of knowledge becoming available.
In South Africa limited success was reported on the renewed emphasis on
entrepreneurship. Although the proportion of entrepreneurs in the country compares
favourably to international figures, the proportion of necessity entrepreneurs (people who
start businesses as a result of the absence of other options) is considerably lower than that
of other developing countries and the success rate of businesses is below the international
average. Entrepreneurs often do not have the business skills needed to identify business
opportunities and manage a business. In the development of business attitudes,
knowledge and skills formal education received extensive attention, but informal
education may play a more important role to build positive attitudes, while practical
experience is also essential to skills development.
The economic future of South Africa will be closely linked to the emerging generation of
entrepreneurs. The research indicated that they are willing to take on the challenges, but
need help with developing the necessary knowledge and skills. Special measures should
be taken to include people from previously disadvantaged population groups, women and
rural areas in skills development programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Entrepreneurskap kan 'n beduidende bydrae lewer om ernstige probleme in die Suid-
Afrikaanse samelewing soos armoede en die hoë werkloosheidsyfer onder die jeug te
help verbeter. Dit kan ook help om mense te motiveer om self iets aan hulle situasie te
probeer doen. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n internasionale golf van
belangstelling in entrepreneurskap is. Meer en meer bestuurskole sluit dit in by die
vakke wat hulle aanbied en daar is 'n sterk toename in navorsing oor entrepeneurskap.
Suid-Afrika is deel van hierdie nuwe golf, maar het nog heelwat uitdagings op hierdie
gebied. Die persentasie plaaslike entrepreneurs vergelyk goed met internasionale syfers,
maar die aantal mense wat deur nood gedwing word om hulle tot entrepeneurskap te
wend, is laer as die gemiddelde persentasie van ontwikkelende lande waarvan die
statistiek bekend is. Dit wil ook voorkom asof die persentasie van besighede wat nie in
die langtermyn suksesvol is nie, hoër is as die internasionale syfer. 'n Groot persentasie
van die sakelui beskik nie oor die vaardighede om sake-geleenthede raak te sien en
besighede te bestuur nie. Opleidingsgeleenthede moet nie net fokus op formele opleiding
nie, maar moet informele opleiding en geleenthede vir praktiese ervaring insluit.
Op ekonomiese gebied gaan die nuwe geslag entrepreneurs 'n beduidende rol speel in
Suid-Afrika se toekoms. Die onderhewige navorsing het getoon dat hierdie groep mense
gretig is om hierdie uitdagings te aanvaar, maar hulp nodig het om hulle daarvoor toe te
rus. Dit is van wesenlike belang dat alle groepe ingesluit moet word in hierdie
toerusting, veral groepe wat op die oomblik nog gemarginaliseerd is soos bruin en swart
bevolkingsgroepe, vroue en mense van plattelandse gebiede.
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Evaluation of a pilot entrepreneurial development programme for small business owners from Khayelitsha, South AfricaWehmeyer, Martha Maria Wilhelmina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small, Medium and Micro enterprise (SMME) development was identified by the South African
government as a priority for creating jobs to solve the problem of the high unemployment rate in
South Africa. The government focused primarily on SMMEs in previously disadvantaged
communities. SMME training can be approached from different angles. The main areas of concern
• Business skills training
o Covers all the conventional management training areas in a business
• Technical skills training
o Addresses the ability to use knowledge or techniques of a particular discipline to
attain certain ends
• Entrepreneurial skills training
o Involves the birth and growth of a business enterprise and includes, among other
entrepreneurial traits, creativity and innovation, risk propensity and need for
If small business owners are not in a large team environment, with colleagues to offer advice and
tasks being covered by people with different strengths, then it is hardly surprising that they make
wrong moves in business. This supports the idea that learning from the real experience of a mentor
who has been in business proves to be an effective training model for the SMME environment.
A number of initiatives are aimed at building the capacity of small business owners in the Western
Cape, South Africa. This study will focus on a new initiative presented by the Small Business
Academy (SBA) at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB). This initiative is an
entrepreneurial development programme for small business owners from Khayelitsha, combining
an academic training programme with a mentoring programme in one single development
programme. The programme was a pilot programme and needed to be evaluated throughout the
The aim of the study was to evaluate the pilot programme in terms of the selection of participants
and mentors, the academic training programme and the mentoring journey. The study proves to
highlight the successes of the programme as well as adjustments needed to improve its
The evaluation of the programme was crucial for the following critical reasons:
• To ensure success and growth of the programme and its expansion to other parts of South
Africa and Africa in the future.• To ensure future funding for the programme, as it is at present subsidised by the USB and
corporate sponsorships.
• To ensure the necessary adjustments to the programme in order to improve its effectiveness.
Key findings of the programme were that the pilot programme was extremely successful in all three
aspects evaluated. The best of the best were selected, the participants excelled academically and
the programme achieved a graduation rate of sixty seven per cent. The mentoring journey had an
immense impact on the participants’ view of approaching their way of doing business.
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Entrepreneurship education at tertiary institutions in Rwanda: a situation analysis.Niyonkuru, Richard January 2005 (has links)
This study explored the provision of entrepreneurship education at higher education institutions in Rwanda with special reference to the levels of provision, support mechanisms, course objectives, contents, teaching and assessment methods to ascertain whether they are appropriately developed to prepare students for entrepreneurship as a career option.
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Equipping the youth in KwaZulu-Natal with the necessary skills to create jobs : the case study of Umsobomvu Youth Fund.Shezi, Sizwe Theophelus. 08 May 2014 (has links)
In 2001 the South African government established the Umsobomvu Youth Fund (UYF) as a
national youth development initiative to promote employment opportunities for young people and
enhance entrepreneurship amongst them for sustainable livelihoods. The UYF focused on three
areas: contact, information and counselling; skills development and transfer, and youth
entrepreneurship. This study aimed to explore the relationship between job creation and the
UYF's skills development and transfer programme. It investigated the impact of the UYF training
programmes in helping youth establish business enterprises and the creation of jobs. Using a nonexperimental
approach, qualitative and quantitative data was collected from purposively selected
UYF personnel and a sample of UYF beneficiaries. The data was thematically and statistically
analysed to determine the programme's role on new firm formation, job creation, and the quality
of life of beneficiaries and their families. The study found a positive impact of UYF's
entrepreneurship education and training programme on new firm formation (self-employment),
disposable income and the quality of life of the beneficiaries and their families. At the same time,
there was a negative impact towards reducing unemployment and creating jobs. Also, the
entrepreneurship education programme did not attract adequate participation by beneficiaries and
its curriculum content did not cover critical entrepreneurship skills. The findings show that more
interventions are required to enable to the Umsobomvu Youth Fund to deliver on its skills
development and job creation mandate better. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, 2011.
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Exploring Relationships Between Entrepreneurship Education and Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Mixed Method Study of Entrepreneurial Pedagogies at Chilean UniversitiesGutierrez Zepeda, Paulina Andrea 09 December 2015 (has links)
Entrepreneurs play a major role in the 21st century economy, especially in developing countries such as Chile. Entrepreneurial individuals generate innovative ideas, create jobs, and push older businesses to improve competitiveness. To encourage entrepreneurial skills and mindset among the next generation of students, different public and private initiatives have started to include entrepreneurship education (EE) in all levels of education, especially in higher education.
Nowadays, EE is not only about business creation, it is about educating individuals to be capable of creating opportunities using entrepreneurial skills to deal with complex and uncertain environments. Yet, while much is known about how entrepreneurs not only create social, environmental, and economic value, the entrepreneurial process is still not understood well enough. This lack of understanding limits our ability to teach entrepreneurship.
The purpose of this mixed methods study was twofold: (1) to explore relationships between faculty teaching perspectives, the experience of the faculty and student entrepreneurial intentions in required entrepreneurship courses at Chilean universities. From this information, I identified those faculty who seem to have differential impact on students entrepreneurial intentions (Phase I: quantitative, secondary data), and (2) to describe and explain how the entrepreneurship faculty define and think about entrepreneurship education and teaching methods (Phase II: qualitative, primary data).
This study found that the required entrepreneurship courses in a Chilean university had no impact on student entrepreneurial intentions. However, the study also showed that faculty entrepreneurial experience might be a factor that impacts student entrepreneurial intentions. The qualitative part of the study indicated that while faculty hold a perspective in which entrepreneurship is more than simply business creation and are already using some "learning through" entrepreneurship pedagogical elements, but are still primarily basing classes on "learning for" entrepreneurship strategies such as business plan development.
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A study of prospective entrepreneurs' perceptions of knowledge required for success : and its implications for curriculum development and revisionSchray, Vickie Lynn 01 January 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide information to secondary, post-secondary and vocational teachers on what instructional areas should be taught to prospective entrepreneurs involved in pre-venture training. In addition it was hoped that information gained from the study would add to the existing body of knowledge on entrepreneurship education and validate entrepreneurship education practices in Oregon.
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The new curriculum statement and its contribution towards entrepreneurial stimulation amongst high school learnersThobela, Mokgaetji Theresia January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) --University of Limpopo, 2007 / The study is based on the current educational transformations taking place in the country as a result of the new political dispensation. The political changes in the country resulted
in changes in all including the education arena. The country’s Constitution was used as a foundation for educational changes. The values such as democracy, social justice, nonracialism,reconciliation, and others as enshrined in the Constitution, had to be taught in schools.
Outcomes-Based Education was adopted as a new method for teaching the new curriculum and also to achieve transformation objectives. These changes are viewed by
some scholars as a paradigm shift. With frequent amendments to Curriculum 2005, the
New Curriculum Statement (NCS), which is the focus of this study, was born.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether this new curriculum is contributing
towards entrepreneurial stimulation amongst high school learners. The main assumption
in this study, which has been supported by various literature reviews, is that developing entrepreneurship skills amongst learners will help in the creation of jobs as well as in reduction of unemployment and poverty, thereby improving the standard of living among the majority of the people.
The education system of a country reflects what the country values and holds dear. In the words of Professor Kader Asmal, our education system and its curriculum expresses our idea of ourselves as a society and our vision as to how we see the new form of society being realised through our children and learners. It represents our priorities and assumptions of what constitutes a good education at its deepest level (Department of Education, 2002:1).
To carry out this study, the qualitative descriptive research method was used. The sample was drawn from high schools in Zebediela area, Limpopo Province. After sampling had been done, data were collected using a structured questionnaire. A sample of 150 learners and 14 teachers was drawn, using the simple random sampling procedure. The data were then analysed using the content analysis and constant comparative methods. The results of the study were presented and analysed. Tables were used to allow for a logical and coherent presentation.
One of the key findings in this study is that, the content of the National Curriculum
Statement, especially the Learning Outcomes and Developmental Outcomes, purports to
stimulate entrepreneurship amongst high school learners. This has also been clearly
supported by the views of the teachers as this study will show.
It still remains to be seen as to whether the New Curriculum Statement is actually
succeeding since there is a difference between stating one’s aims and objectives and achieving them. This study will attempt to look deeper into whether the Department of Education’s good aims and intentions will be realised.
The main contribution of this study lies in the proposed intervention strategies that are aimed at coming up with ways and means of ensuring that the new curriculum produces
more entrepreneurs.
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