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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governing deceleration : the natures, times, and spaces of ecotourism in South Korea

Choi, Myung-Ae January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the governmentalities of ecotourism in South Korea in relation to the specific historical-political experience of accelerated modernisation, focussing on three selected analytical themes of nature, time, and space. It develops a theoretical framework that combines Foucauldian governmentality analysis with concepts and insights related to nature, time and space developed in more-than-human and relational geographies and cognate social sciences. Drawing on three cases of tidal flat tourism, countryside walking, and whale tourism, it first examines the assemblages and technologies of ecotourism governance. It argues that ecotourism in South Korea is characterised by a decentralised mode of governance involving an array of political actors. This mode relies less on sovereign power and more on disciplinary and biopolitical techniques. Second, it examines the ways in which political technologies relating to nature, time, and space are engaged in the governmentalities of South Korean ecotourism. The analysis centres on: understandings of nature enacted through the discourse of saengmyeong [life] and therapeutic experiences; a discourse of slowness enacted through a paradoxical temporal organisation of accelerated slowness; and the multiple spatial relations entangled in the geographical-historical connections of South Korean modernisation. Together, these political technologies are deployed to create an ecotourism subject who cares about the self and the environment, which differs from the prevalent South Korean positions of the disciplined worker and the practical user of nature. This thesis argues that ecotourism in South Korea serves as a new biopolitical intervention to conduct the conduct of its human participants in ways that differ from those established through accelerated modernisation. By offering one of the first social science accounts of ecotourism in South Korea, it provides novel concepts and practices for the analysis of ecotourism. These differ from the mainstream approaches that deploy a political economy framework and focus largely on examples drawn from Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

A presença de metais e compostos químicos orgânicos nas águas superficiais e nos sedimentos do Rio Tietê / Presence of metals and organic chemical compounds in surface waters and sediments of the Tiete River

Ana Paula Silva Campos 29 August 2012 (has links)
A água é recurso natural essencial à vida, indispensável à produção e ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, que vem sofrendo degradações, por influências antrópicas, diferentes formas de uso e ocupação do meio físico, e por fatores como crescimento populacional, industrialização e urbanização. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução temporal e espacial da presença dos metais pesados alumínio, cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, mercúrio, níquel e zinco, e dos compostos químicos orgânicos pesticidas organoclorados, hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) e bifenilas policloradas (PCB), na qualidade das águas e dos sedimentos nas bacias hidrográficas do Rio Tietê, principal recurso hídrico do Estado de São Paulo. O período abrangido pela pesquisa considerou os dados disponibilizados nos relatórios de qualidade das águas superficiais do Estado de São Paulo da Rede de Monitoramento operada pela Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo CETESB, do período de 1978 a 2010, de 46 pontos de amostragem do compartimento água, e de 14 pontos do compartimento sedimento. Para a água foram consideradas as médias anuais calculadas a partir dos valores bimestrais, e para o sedimento foram considerados os valores anuais disponíveis nos relatórios. A análise dos resultados obtidos revelou que houve avanços positivos na qualidade das águas ao longo do tempo e da distribuição geográfica, com relação aos metais pesados, uma vez que, dos elementos analisados apenas o alumínio demonstrou tendências crescentes de concentrações no compartimento água e principalmente nos afluentes da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e da região do Médio Tietê. Os demais metais demonstraram tendências estáveis ou decrescentes. Dos compostos orgânicos não foi possível concluir tendências de comportamento na água, pois o monitoramento é predominante no compartimento sedimento. Para este compartimento, foi possível concluir que os metais pesados demonstram acumulação, principalmente em pontos do trecho metropolitano. Dos compostos orgânicos, há evidências de acumulação dos HPA: Fluoranteno, Benzo(a)antraceno, Benzo(b)fluoranteno e Benzo(a)pireno nos Reservatórios Pirapora e Barra Bonita. Dos pesticidas organoclorados foi detectada presença de Alfa e Beta HCH, DDT, DDD, DDE e Metoxicloro no trecho metropolitano, e DDE no Reservatório Três Irmãos, trecho do Baixo Tietê. Das PCB estão registrados apenas limites de quantificação do composto, o que provavelmente demonstra controle satisfatório deste tipo de poluente. A condição favorável observada no monitoramento das águas pode ser atribuída às ações do saneamento, aos trabalhos voltados à prevenção e controle de fontes de poluição e padronização de metodologias utilizadas nas análises laboratoriais. A preservação da qualidade das águas deve ser prioridade e alvo de intensas e constantes ações integradas de iniciativas mantidas e aperfeiçoadas permanentemente pelo poder público, privado e sociedade, por meio de programas de prevenção, controle, fiscalização e desenvolvimento de ações na área de educação ambiental, com a implementação de políticas públicas eficientes e medidas responsáveis com o meio ambiente, para proteger os recursos hídricos das ações antrópicas, a fim de garantir crescimento socioeconômico com qualidade de vida e melhores condições ambientais e de saúde pública. / Water is a natural resource vital to life, essential to the production and socioeconomic development, which has suffered degradation by anthropogenic influences, different forms of land use and physical environment, and factors such as population growth, industrialization and urbanization. This research was conducted to evaluate temporal and spatial evolution of the presence of the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, mercury, nickel and zinc, and of the organic chemicals: organochlorine pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water and sediments quality in the Tiete River basins, the main water resource of the Sao Paulo State. The period covered by the survey considered the data provided in reports of surface waters quality of the Monitoring Network in São Paulo State operated by the Environmental Company of São Paulo CETESB, the period from 1978 to 2010, 46 sampling points in the water compartment and 14 in the sediment compartment. For water were considered the annual averages calculated from the values bimonthly, and for the sediment was considered the annual reports available. The results obtained revealed that there were positive improvements in water quality over time and the geographical distribution with respect to heavy metals, since only the elements analyzed aluminum concentrations rising trends shown in the compartment and especially in water tributaries of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region and the Middle Tiete. The other metals showed stable or decreasing trends. Organic compounds could not complete behavioral tendencies in the water, because the monitoring is predominant in the sediment compartment. To this chamber, it was concluded that the heavy metals demonstrate accumulation, especially at points of the underground passage. Organic compounds, there is evidence of accumulation of PAH: fluoranthene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene in Pirapora and Barra Bonita Reservoir. Organochlorine pesticides were detected presence of Alpha and Beta HCH, DDT, DDD, DDE and Methoxychlor in the passage underground, and DDE in Três Irmãos Reservoir, a stretch of the Lower Tiete. Of the PCB are recorded only traces of the compound, which shows a satisfactory control of this type of pollutant. The favorable condition observed in the monitoring of water can be attributed to the sanitation actions, the work focused on the prevention and control of pollution sources and methodologies standardization used in laboratory tests. The preservation of water quality should be a priority and the target of intense and constant as integrated initiatives and improved continuously maintained by the public, private and society, through prevention, control, supervision programs and development activities in the area of environmental education with the implementation of efficient public policies and actions responsible for the environment, to protect water resources of the human actions, to ensure social and economic growth with quality of life and better environmental conditions and public health

Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Jatropha curcas L.: efeito de embalagens, ambientes e períodos de armazenamento / Physiological quality of seeds of Jatropha curcas L.: effects of containers, environment and storage period

Pinto Junior, Artur Soares 26 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:37:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Artur_Soares_Pinto_Junior.pdf: 1264841 bytes, checksum: 567e98a3aeb430cfae842943356a5207 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Seeds of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) have characteristics Orthodox and require knowledge about the factors that affect the maintenance of their physiological quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate and identify the suitable condition for the storage of seeds of physic nut (J. curcas L.). The seeds were stored for periods of 90 and 180 days in packages consisting of different materials: transparent plastic of low density, with 0.06 mm thick Kraft paper bags, natural 40 g m-2, and packaging glass with a capacity of 500 mL. These were kept in three different environments: laboratory, without control of environmental conditions (10 to 29 ° C, 50 to 98% relative humidity.), Refrigerator (4 to 6 ° C, 35 to 43% RH) and air chilled (14 to 16 ° C and 75 to 80% relative humidity), obtained with use of an air conditioner and a dehumidifier. For the experiment, based on a combination of treatments provided, we used a completely randomized design with four replications in a factorial (3x3 +1), and the factors consisting of three packs, three environments and initial assessment of material under study (control). At the beginning and after periods of storage the seeds were tested for moisture content, germination, first count, germination and tetrazolium test in the laboratory. Also evaluated in a greenhouse environment (50% shading) the germination rate and speed of germination and after 45 days of onset of seedling emergence were performed morphological destructive. The average values for moisture content, first count, germination and tetrazolium test differ in the respect of packaging and storage environments. The same was true for tests for the index rate of emergence, germination, dry masses of root, shoot and total root / shoot, plant height and basal diameter and Quality Index Dickson. However, seeds stored in a glass container and refrigerator environment showed better maintenance of their physiological characteristics and quality and can be stored for a period of six months without a reduction of the physiological quality / Sementes de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) possuem características ortodoxas e requerem conhecimento sobre os fatores que afetam a manutenção de sua qualidade fisiológica. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar e identificar a condição adequada para o armazenamento de sementes de pinhão manso (J. curcas L.). As sementes foram armazenadas pelos períodos de 90 e 180 dias em embalagens constituídas de diferentes materiais: saco de polietileno transparente de baixa densidade, com 0,06 mm de espessura; saco de papel Kraft natural, com 40 g m-2; e embalagem de vidro com capacidade para 500 mL. Estas foram mantidas em três diferentes ambientes: laboratório, sem controle de condições ambientais (10 a 29°C; 50 a 98% de umidade relativa.); geladeira (4 a 6°C; 35 a 43% de umidade relativa) e câmara refrigerada (14 a 16°C; 75 a 80% de umidade relativa), obtida com uso de um condicionador de ar e de um desumidificador. Para a condução do experimento, baseando-se na combinação de tratamentos apresentada, utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (3x3+1), sendo, os fatores constituídos por três embalagens, três ambientes e avaliação inicial do material em estudo (tratamento controle). No início e após os períodos de armazenamento as sementes foram submetidas aos testes de grau de umidade, germinação em primeira contagem, porcentagem de germinação e ao teste de tetrazólio em laboratório. Também se avaliou em ambiente de telado (50% de sombreamento) a germinação e índice de velocidade de emergência das sementes e após 45 dias do início da emergência das plântulas foram realizadas análises morfológicas destrutivas. Os valores médios para grau de umidade, primeira contagem, porcentagem de germinação e teste de tetrazólio deferiram em relação às embalagens e ambientes de armazenamento. O mesmo ocorreu para os testes de índice de velocidade de emergência, porcentagem de germinação, massas secas de raiz, parte aérea e total, relação raiz/parte aérea, altura de planta e diâmetro basal e Índice de Qualidade de Dickson. Todavia, as sementes armazenadas em recipiente de vidro e ambiente de geladeira apresentaram melhor manutenção de suas características e qualidade fisiológica, podendo ser armazenadas pelo período de seis meses sem que ocorra redução de sua qualidade fisiológica

Seasonal, monthly and weekly variation of suicide in Pietermaritzburg and the relationship between suicide and meteorological factors.

Descoins, Simone. January 2000 (has links)
This study investigated the seasonal, monthly and weekly variation of fatal suicidal behaviour in Pietermaritzburg, as well as the relationship between fatal suicidal behaviour and climate. Secondary analysis was performed on suicide data collected for two unpublished honours theses. Results indicate that there is significant monthly variation in the distribution of fatal suicidal behaviour in Pietermaritzburg, with the expected spring-summer peak and winter trough . This pattern was more pronounced for adults than for the youth or the elderly. There was no significant variation in the weekly distribution of suicide, and suicides did not reach a peak on Monday as has been evidenced in previous research. Instead, the distribution showed a peak on Sunday with a steady decrease towards the end of the week. An increase in humidity, ambient temperature and minimum temperature was associated with an increase in suicide rates . Overall this relationship was stronger for violent, than non-violent suicide. However, a significant negative relationship was found between hours of sunshine and suicide, but this was only significant for non-violent suicide. This study was largely descriptive, and further research is indicated in order to develop a theoretical framework for understanding the temporal distribution of suicide . / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

Tolerance of Winter Wheat to Herbicides is Influenced by Weather Conditions, Growth Stage and Fungicide Tank-mixes

De Jong-Robinson, Melody A 18 May 2012 (has links)
Field studies were conducted in Ontario in 2009 and 2010 to determine the tolerance of winter wheat to herbicide-fungicide tank-mixtures, and the tolerance of winter wheat underseeded red clover to commonly used herbicides applied at three timings. Tank-mixtures including the fungicide tebuconazole caused injury at early and late timings, while mixtures including the herbicide bromoxynil/MCPA were most injurious when applied late in the season. Injury was transient with no yield reductions observed. MCPA/mecoprop/dicamba caused significant yield reductions when applied at normal and late timings, but did not reduce yield when applied early. The herbicides prosulfuron+bromoxynil and pyrasulfotole/bromoxynil were most injurious to underseeded red clover and reduced clover biomass regardless of application timing. Herbicides and herbicide-fungicide tank-mixtures applied early, during cold temperatures do not increase winter wheat or red clover sensitivity; the likelihood of injury is greatest when applications of these products occur late. / Grain Farmers of Ontario; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs; Agriculture Adaptation Council of Canada

Environmental issues in the South African media : a case study of the Natal Witness.

Lawhon, Mary. January 2004 (has links)
The media has had a significant impact on spreading environmental awareness internationally. The issues covered in the media can be seen as both representative of and an influence upon the heterogeneous public. This paper describes the environmental reporting in the South African provincial newspaper, the Natal Witness, and considers the results to both represent and influence South African environmental ideology. Environmental reporting in South Africa has been criticised for its focus on 'green' environmental issues. This criticism is rooted in the traditionally elite nature of both the media and environmentalists. However, both the media and environmentalists have been noted to be undergoing transformation. This research tests the veracity of assertions that environmental reporting is elitist, and has found that the assertions accurately describe reporting in the Witness. 'Green' themes are most commonly found, and sources and actors tend to be white and men. However, a broad range of discourses were noted, showing that the paper gives voice to a range of ideologies. These results hopefully will make a positive contribution to the environmental field by initiating debate, further studies, and reflection on the part of environmentalists, journalists, and academics on the relationship between the media and the South African environment. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.

Dynamic modeling of West Point Reservoir hydrothermal and algal growth forcing mechanisms

Hesterlee, Craig D. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Writing the environmental history of the Yellow River region from the Zhou to the Han : sources and methodological problems

Lander, Brian. January 2006 (has links)
This thesis explores the changing environment of the middle and lower Yellow River basin from the Zhou to the reign of Han Emperor Wu (ca. 1045-87 B.C.), a period characterised by an increase of government control over the land along with an intensification and expansion of agriculture. The second chapter employs palaeoecological sources to look at the early environment of the region, arguing that the eastern plains were mixed forest-steppe, and that the regions to the west were mostly steppe. The third chapter uses archaeological sources to explore the rise of civilisation, the fauna of the region in the Shang period and the spread of iron tools. The fourth chapter is divided into two sections, the first of which looks at what can be learned from the texts of the period concerning agriculture, land clearance, deforestation, hunting, fishing and economic geography. The second half concerns the intensification of state power in regulating and transforming natural environments through legal measures and water control projects, as well as the development of a market economy.

Measuring environmental perceptions and sense of place in Franklin County, Florida

Sutton, Michael. January 2009 (has links)
Franklin County, Florida is widely perceived as one of the last unspoiled areas on the Gulf Coast. This study examines the historical geography, economic activities and socio-cultural aspects of the area which contribute to the construction of sense of place values among residents and visitors. The commodification of nature emerged as a consistent theme of this research from the timber and seafood industries to real estate development and tourism. This study uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyze environmental perceptions and sense of place intensity. Results provided an opportunity to compare the two methods and to identify key factors contributing to the construction of sense of place. Informants perceived that the areas unique way of life linked to the natural environment played an important role in sense of place and personal identity construction. / Department of Geography

An appraisal of the law relating to oil pollution in the inland, territorial and maritime waters of Nigeria.

Oyende, Kayode Babatunde. January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation titled ‘An appraisal of the law relating to oil pollution in the inland, territorial and maritime waters of Nigeria’ examines whether the law governing oil pollution in Nigeria is satisfactory in so far as determining issues of liability and compensation for oil pollution are concerned. The thesis examines a research hypothesis on the determination of the question whether the law adequately caters for victims of oil pollution occurring in the inland, territorial and maritime waters of Nigeria and if not, what are the observable defects and how can these defects be remedied. Not only has there been a considerable environmental degradation in Nigeria occasisoned by oil exploration and exploitation, particularly in the areas around the Niger Delta, but there has been serious socio-economic consequences pertinent to sustainable development of Nigeria as a nation. These impacts and the government’s attempts to tackle the problems have been the focus of this thesis. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

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