Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental conditions."" "subject:"byenvironmental conditions.""
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10Be Cosmogenic Exposure Ages of Late Pleistocene Moraines Near the Maryburn Gap of the Pukani Basin, New ZealandDoughty, Alice Marie January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Environmental reasoning of secondary-level schoolchildren : case study of Okahandja, NamibiaMoolman, Tiani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Okahandja has been identified as one of the ‘dirtiest towns’ in Namibia. The town’s location makes it an important node serving as a gateway to the leisure and tourism periphery in Namibia. However, environmental problems such as littering and the burning of household waste are threatening the local cultural and nature-based tourism industry and the aesthetic beauty of the town. These forms of pollution pose various health risks to people living in the area, to those who interact with the spaces as well as for grazing animals and the natural environment. The aim of the study was to explore the environmental reasoning of secondary-level schoolchildren of Okahandja and to establish the main determinants of their environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
The research objectives of the study were (1) to study the literature on and understand the concepts and models related to pro-environmental behaviour (PEB), environmental worldview, environmental concern and place attachment; (2) conduct transect walks through the communities to gain a contextual understanding; (3) question secondary-level schoolchildren at JG van der Wath Secondary School about their environmental knowledge and concern that influence their environmental reasoning; (4) investigate the influences (im)mobility (low access to transport) and place attachment to Okahandja have on the schoolchildren’s views and perceptions of the environment; (5) explore how the children view their local environment and how they want their living environment to change; and (6) examine whether children from different ethnic groups reason differently about the environment and whether these distinctions influence their interactions with their surroundings.
The study followed a mixed-methods approach. A questionnaire survey among schoolchildren elicited information supplemented by observations made during transect walks, focus group discussions and participatory drawing exercises. Data was captured and analysed using STATISTICA, Excel and ArcGIS. The findings indicate that the children are aware of and relatively well-informed about the significance of a clean and protected environment. They were also well able to identify the importance of Okahandja within the Namibian landscape. Participants, especially female participants are concerned about protecting the natural environment. Greater emphasis was placed on environmental problems that are apparent and aesthetically unpleasing such as littering, than on other environmental issues such as the chopping down of trees and the burning of household waste. Participants only have a moderate sense of attachment to Okahandja so causing them to have a weak sense of responsibility and desire to behave pro-environmentally. Although community cohesion and social ties are strong
within the communities, mistrust and miscommunication between residents and local authorities were identified as major stumbling blocks to PEB. Dissatisfaction with structural opportunities was displayed through a lack of concern and cooperation, leading to high levels of environmental degradation in and around Okahandja. The children seem to possess a ‘balanced’ environmental worldview as they believe that the natural environment should be protected yet used to sustain human life. The importance of positive role models such as parents and teachers was highlighted. It is recommended that environmental education (EE) and awareness should be implemented on three levels, namely parental, school and community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Okahandja staan bekend as een van die ‘vuilste dorpe’ in Namibië. Die ligging van die dorp maak dit ’n belangrike nodus wat dien as ’n poort na die ontspannings- en toerisme-periferie in Namibië. Maar omgewingskwessies soos rommelstrooiing en die verbranding van huishoudelike afval bedreig die plaaslike toerismebedryf en estetiese skoonheid van die dorp wat gegrondves is op sy kultuur en die natuur. Hierdie vorme van besoedeling hou gesondheidsrisiko’s in vir bewoners in die gebied, vir diegene wat beweeg in die ruimte, vir diere wat wei en die natuurlike omgewing. Die doel van die studie was om sekondêre skoolleerlinge van Okahandja se redenering oor die omgewing te ondersoek en die bepalende faktore van hul kennis van die omgewing en hul houding en gedrag teenoor die omgewing vas te stel.
Die navorsingsdoelwitte van die studie was (1) om die literatuur oor pro-omgewingsgedrag (POG), die wêreldbeskouing oor die omgewing, besorgdheid oor die omgewing en verbondenheid aan ’n plek te bestudeer en die konsepte en modelle verwant daaraan te verstaan; (2) om deur die gemeenskappe te stap (of te deurkruis) om ’n kontekstuele begrip te verkry; (3) om sekondêre skoolleerlinge van JG van der Wath Sekondêre Skool te ondervra oor hul kennis en besorgtheid vir die omgewing en vas te stel hoe dit hul redenering oor die omgewing beïnvloed; (4) om die invloed wat (im)mobiliteit (beperkte toegang tot vervoer) en plekgehegtheid aan Okahandja het op die skoolleerlinge se omgewingsienings en –persepsies te ondersoek; (5) te ontdek hoe die kinders hul plaaslike omgewing sien en hoe hulle wil hê die omgewing waarin hul leef, moet verander; en (6) om vas te stel of kinders van verskillende etniese groepe verskillend redeneer oor die omgewing en of hierdie onderskeid hul interaksie met hul omgewing beïnvloed.
Die studie maak van verskillende metodes gebruik. ’n Vraelys-opname het sekere inligting aan die lig gebring, dit is aangevul deur waarnemings tydens staptogte wat die studiegebied deurkruis het, fokusgroepbesprekings en deelnemende tekenoefeninge. Inligting is opgeteken en geanaliseer deur middel van STATISTICA, Excel en ArcGIS. Die bevindings toon dat die kinders bewus en relatief goed ingelig is oor die belangrikheid van ’n skoon en beskermde omgewing. Hulle was goed in staat om die belangrikheid van Okahandja binne die Namibiese landskap te identifiseer. Deelnemers, veral vroulike deelnemers, is besorg oor die beskerming van die natuurlike omgewing. Respondente het groter klem geplaas op omgewingsprobleme wat duidelik en esteties onaangenaam is soos rommelstrooiing, eerder as ander omgewingskwessies soos die afkap van bome en die verbranding van huishoudelike afval. Deelnemers het slegs ’n redelike sin van gehegtheid aan Okahandja wat veroorsaak dat hulle ’n swak sin van
verantwoordelikheid en begeerte om pro-omgewing op te tree, het. Alhoewel gemeenskapsamehorigheid en sosiale bande sterk is binne die gemeenskappe, is wantroue en gebrekkige kommunikasie tussen inwoners en plaaslike owerhede geïdentifiseer as die hoofstruikelblokke van POG. Ontevredenheid met strukturele geleenthede is geopenbaar deur ’n gebrek aan besorgdheid en samewerking wat lei tot hoë vlakke van omgewingsdegradasie in en rondom Okahandja. Dit lyk of die kinders ’n ‘gebalanseerde’ wêreldbeskouing van die omgewing het, want hulle glo dat die natuurlike omgewing beskerm moet word, maar tog gebruik moet word om menselewens te onderhou. Die belangrikheid van positiewe rolmodelle soos ouers en onderwysers het uitgestaan. Daar word aanbeveel dat omgewingsopvoeding en –bewustheid op drie vlakke, naamlik ouer-, skool- en gemeenskapsvlak geïmplementeer moet word.
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Student environmentalism in Beijing, ChinaMangoldt, Charlotte von January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores student environmentalism in Beijing, China. It traces students' political norms and values, explains their activism and experience of pollution, and investigates the role of environmental non-governmental organisation (ENGOs) in forming youth environmentalism. To serve these objectives, the work takes forward theories on youth activism and agency and recent debates on environmental health, environmentalism and ENGOs. This study was designed as a qualitative research project based primarily on interviews and complemented by ethnographic methods, content analysis, pictorial evidence and survey results provided by the Jane Goodall Institute China. Research findings and methodology are presented in four papers and a framing document. My work challenges labels of agency and activism as either protest and resistance or 'quiescence' and questions the influence of globalisation on activists' norms and values. I put forward 'fragmented activism' as a new concept to capture the nature of youth environmental activism in Beijing. I contribute to environmental health literature by tracing how young people develop discursive mechanisms to mitigate the fear of air pollution and argue that their response offers invaluable insights into the interplay between space and the body in polluted environments. This thesis further shows that the repertoire of student environmental associations in Beijing represents a type of 'place based environmentalism' (Smith, 2001) but argues that, whilst this may be a contradictory response to contemporary environmental issues, it is not usefully assessed against abstract and normative notions of what environmentalism should be. I also challenge scholarly assessments of ENGO action. By exploring ENGO strategies in China that rely on extant societal and governmental narratives about good citizenship and moral values - instead of radical alternatives to mainstream development models or political processes - I argue for new research paradigms guiding the study of environmental movements.
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Electric vehicles in China : past, present and futureZhang, Zichen January 2015 (has links)
As the world's major car-producing countries and companies are increasing research and development efforts on vehicle electrification, electric vehicles (EVs) are developing rapidly from the development and testing stage to commodity production and application stage. As the largest global vehicle manufacturer and new vehicle market, China has considered the EV as one of the key tools to solve the increasing energy security issues and environmental pollution issues in the road transport sector. However, as a new market, what the challenges and key factors are in the EV promotion process is still not clear. The main objective of this dissertation is to answer this question through evaluating the effectiveness of EV development in China on energy savings, environment protection and policy demonstration. Instead of covering all determinants, this dissertation mainly focuses on four key aspects: the current statues and issues surrounding China's EV development and promotion; the energy consumption and carbon emissions of EVs based on the power mix both at the state level and regional level; the potential diffusion trend of the EV penetration and the sensitivities of the key impact factors; and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the EV demonstration program in China. Applying a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods (such as lifecycle analysis, diffusion model and evaluation framework), this dissertation found that, in addition to the technology limitation of the EV, there are still many issues surrounding the environmental, industry, infrastructure and policy aspects, which have hindered EV development in China. To accelerate EV promotion, more comprehensive and diversified policy strategies should be developed instead only focusing on the financial subsidies. The charging infrastructures, for example, showed a more important role in EV penetration than the pricing factors, based on current market conditions. For the energy and environmental motivations, although the pure battery EV (BEV) can achieve a great reduction in fossil energy consumption, its benefits in carbon emission savings is not obvious due to China's heavy reliance on coal-fired power generation. The plug-in hybrid EV (PHEV) seems to be the right choice as a transit technology, according to its performance with emission savings in the current market situation. An evaluation framework has been developed in this dissertation to discuss the effectiveness of the EV demonstration program in China, and help to guide a more balanced development of EVs by considering comprehensive aspects, which include the EV industry, market conditions, policy support, and environmental impacts. Ultimately, this dissertation provides recommendations for the policy implementation for developing a diversified and flexible policy strategy for the EV penetration in China based on different technology choices (EV types), different situations (national and regional) and different timelines (short-term, mid-term and long-term).
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Wildfire under a changing climate in the Bolivian Chiquitania : a social-ecological systems analysisDevisscher, Tahia January 2015 (has links)
With the same force that human activities accelerate and amplify change in the biosphere, human agency can play a critical role in influencing future trajectories. However, managing increasingly complex problems is becoming ever more challenging. Among other things, it requires a systemic thinking about the future to anticipate how intertwined drivers may respond to rapid change. This thesis addresses such challenge in the context of contemporary wildfires, which are becoming increasingly complex to manage and a growing global concern. The study adopted a novel approach (Chapter 3) to study wildfire as a complex social-ecological system. The overarching aim is to generate insights into wildfire causes, effects and feedbacks to anticipate future wildfire risk and inform management strategies that can prevent potential impacts. I combine different disciplinary lenses, multiple spatial scales of analysis and participatory methods to analyse wildfire dynamics in the Chiquitania region, located in the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, at the southern edge of Amazonia. This region has a unique tropical dry forest that is susceptible to changes in climate and fire regimes, and a rapidly expanding agricultural frontier. During the recent 2010 drought, large wildfires affected this region intensifying public concern about potential 'mega-fires', particularly given predictions of more extreme seasonality in the future. The first research paper of this thesis (Chapter 4) evaluates the effects of wildfire recurrence on the forests of the Chiquitania using ecological surveys. In addition to significant biomass loss, the observed patterns in species abundance and dominance suggest that the forests respond to recurrent fires through a shift in tree species composition, with fire-tolerant species becoming more dominant. The second research paper (Chapter 5) analyses future wildfire risk in the Chiquitania region using fuzzy cognitive mapping. This conceptual modelling approach engaged different actor groups in the region to integrate their perspectives of the regional wildfire dynamics. Semi-structured interviews informed the scenario assumptions which considered failure to respond in time to wildfire risk, as well as implementation of alternative management strategies. Unexpectedly, the fire management strategy showed less trade-offs between wildfire risk reduction and production compared to the fire suppression strategy. The high vulnerability of the agricultural production to wildfire risk has implications for local communities that largely depend on agriculture for subsistence if future climatic conditions become drier. The third research chapter (Chapter 6) uses interviews and focus group discussions to analyse how different forms of knowledge and perceptions of fire relate to prevalent wildfire risk strategies in the Chiquitania. The analysis reveals that strategies are in tension between two conflicting narratives and understandings of fire. On this basis, a deliberation process is proposed with the potential to integrate opposing views into more inclusive and collective solutions to manage wildfire risk within a reflexive governance framework. The fourth research paper (Chapter 7) complements the above ground-based studies with a regional assessment of wildfire risk based on remotely sensed land cover, anthropogenic and climatic data. Maximum entropy was used as a probabilistic modelling approach to simulate future wildfire risk scenarios driven by different development trajectories, and assuming changing climatic conditions. Important determinants of wildfire risk were climate, road development, deforestation and density of human settlements. Positive feedbacks between rapid frontier expansion and drought conditions almost doubled potential biomass loss compared to estimates in the 2010 drought. Land used for agriculture and cattle ranching showed particularly high levels of wildfire risk, with serious implications for the subsistence and economy in the Chiquitania if the agricultural frontier is expanded at an accelerated rate. The combination of new findings and modelling tools developed in this thesis are relevant to inform wildfire risk management decisions in the Chiquitania. The timing is fitting as the regional government of Santa Cruz is developing a ten-year programme to address increased wildfire risk at the time of thesis submission, and the recently launched Regional Fire Platform promotes dialogue about possible solutions. More broadly, the approach to study wildfire as a social-ecological system has proven extremely useful to generate insights into different facets of a complex problem that is becoming a major concern in most of Amazonia and globally. This thesis generates important theoretical and practical contributions to the study of social-ecological systems, and provides a concrete example of how increasingly complex problems can be anticipated and managed under climate change and rapidly changing conditions with a more integrated and socially inclusive approach that can inform adaptation decisions for more sustainable futures.
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Longevidade e produção de abelhas rainhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L.) em colmeias sob condições de sol e sombra no Semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro / Longevity and production of queen bees Africanized (Apis mellifera L.) in hives under conditions of sun and shade in the Semiarid of Northeastern BrazilSantos, Ricardo Gonçalves 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T14:35:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The queen bee (Apis mellifera L.) is of critical importance in the development of a colony, but its production, life cycle and performance over lifespan can be affected by environmental factors, so that the characteristics of these vary depending on soil and weather conditions of the local that they inhabit. However, it is assumed that appropriate management methods can mitigate the negative effects caused by adverse environmental conditions. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of different conditions (bee colonies installed in sun and shade) in the production process of Africanized queens Apis mellifera, as well as in the performance and longevity of these queens in semiarid environment. 20 hives of Langstroth model were used in the experimental conditions cited. For the production of queens, were used 10 orphaned colonies (5 in the sun and 5 in the shade), and were evaluated the percentage of accepted larvae, the ontogenetic development and the emergency success rate of queens created in both conditions. To evaluate the longevity, sister queens of the same age were introduced in hives Langstroth installed with about 30.000 workers directly under the sun and in the shade, with 5 hives in each experimental condition. The monitored queens had the development of their colonies recorded in loco every 15 days, making estimates through mapping of the occupied area with eggs, brood, pollen and honey in the combs, until the queens died. Data were statistically analyzed by comparing the means by T-Student test at 5% probability. The results showed that the percentage of accepted larvae in colonies in the shade (68.82 ± 17.03%) was significantly greater than the percentage of accepted larvae in colonies in the sun (52.13 ± 16.29%). The weight gain of the queens was also higher when they were developed in shaded area, and the differences were detected from the ninth day of ontogenetic development, when individuals were at the end of the larval stage. After this phase, the weight of the individuals in both groups began to drop (until emergence of cell cups), but the queens of the shadow emerged on average 31 mg heavier than the queens of colonies installed in the sun. However, the emergence rate of the queens maintained in the sun (86.48%) and shadow (92.07%) was not statistically significant at 5% level. Some queens remain reproductively active and no significant difference was shown between partial results of the longevity, however, a longer life in the queens of hives under shade conditions (215 ± 29.4 days) was observed compared with queens of hives exposed to the sun (183 ± 46.2 days). As far as three queens (2 in the shade and 1 in the sun) of both groups are still alive the difference between the groups can be increased. However, due the harsh conditions of the semiarid Caatinga (light, temperatures, drought and poor food conditions) the queen’s longevity was seriously affected and new studies should be done for better conclusion. The development of the colonies was also positively influenced by shading condition, and the brood area was the main favored variable. It is concluded that the installation of hives in shaded area softens the harsh conditions of the Semiarid Caatinga, providing better performance of the colonies and queens, as well as greater efficiency in the scientific creation process of the Apis mellifera queens / A abelha rainha (Apis mellifera L.) tem importância crucial no desenvolvimento de uma colônia, porém sua produção, ciclo de vida e desempenho podem ser afetados pelos fatores ambientais, de modo que suas características variam dependendo das condições edafoclimáticas dos locais onde habitam. No entanto, supõe-se que métodos de manejo adequados podem amenizar os efeitos negativos causados por condições ambientais adversas. Diante disso, este trabalho propôs avaliar a influência de diferentes condições ambientais no semiárido nordestino (colônias de abelhas instaladas no sol e na sombra) no processo de produção de rainhas africanizadas de Apis mellifera, bem como no desempenho e longevidade destas rainhas nesse ambiente. Ao todo foram utilizadas 20 colmeias modelo Langstroth nas condições experimentais citadas. Para a produção de rainhas, foram utilizadas 10 colônias órfãs (5 no sol e 5 na sombra) e foram avaliados o percentual de aceitação de larvas, o desenvolvimento ontogenético e a taxa de sucesso das transferências de larvas (emergência) nestas duas condições. Para avaliação da longevidade, rainhas irmãs e com a mesma idade foram introduzidas em colmeias constituídas de um ninho modelo Langstroth contendo colônias de aproximadamente 30.000 abelhas, instaladas diretamente sob o sol e na sombra, sendo 5 colmeias em cada condição experimental. As rainhas em acompanhamento também tiveram o desenvolvimento de suas colônias registrado por meio de revisões in loco a cada 15 dias, realizando estimativas através de mapeamento da área ocupada nos quadros com postura, cria, pólen e mel, isso até as rainhas morrerem. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente mediante a comparação das médias pelo Teste T-Student ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que a aceitação de larvas em colmeias na sombra (68,82 ± 17,03%) foi significativamente maior do que a aceitação em colmeias no sol (52,13 ± 16,29%). O ganho de peso das rainhas também foi melhor quando estas se desenvolveram em área sombreada, sendo que a diferença estatística foi detectada a partir do 9º dia do desenvolvimento ontogenético, quando os indivíduos estavam no final do estágio larval. Após esta fase o peso dos indivíduos de ambos os grupos começou a cair (até a emergência das rainhas), mas as rainhas da sombra emergiram em média, 31 mg mais pesadas do que rainhas oriundas de colmeias no sol. Contudo, a taxa de emergência na estufa de rainhas criadas no sol (86,48%) e na sombra (92,07%), não diferiu significativamente. Algumas rainhas ainda permaneceram reprodutivamente ativas após o tempo de coleta de dados e os resultados parciais até então sobre a longevidade mostraram média superior nas rainhas da sombra, porém, não apresentaram diferença estatística. Foi observado vida útil das rainhas de 215 ± 29 dias em colmeias sob condições de sombreamento e 183 ± 46,2 dias das rainhas em colmeias expostas ao sol, podendo essa diferença ser aumentada, uma vez que ainda sobrevivem duas rainhas mantidas na sombra e uma no sol. Consideramos que a amostragem nesse estudo de longevidade sofreu muita interferência das condições inóspitas do semiárido (altas temperaturas, falta de chuvas e escassez de alimento), devendo ser obtidos novos dados para uma conclusão mais precisa. O desenvolvimento das colônias também foi influenciado positivamente pela condição de sombreamento, sendo que a área de cria foi a principal variável favorecida. Conclui-se que a instalação de colmeias sob área sombreada ameniza as condições hostis do Semiárido da Caatinga, proporcionando melhor desempenho das colônias e rainhas, além de maior eficiência no processo de criação racional das rainhas de abelhas africanizadas de Apis mellifera / 2017-05-17
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Estudo da resistência a antimicrobianos em Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20 submetido a condições de estresse / Effect of stress on antimicrobial resistance in Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20Ferreira, Alessandra Barbosa 22 February 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The effects of heat shock, acid treatment, exposure to bile salts and the presence of H2O2 on antimicrobial resistance in Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20 were determined. Agar diffusion assays results indicated that this bacterium is resistant to vancomycin, sulphamethoxazole, colistin, some [Beta]-lactams, aminoglycosides, nitrofurans and quinolones. It is moderately susceptible to choramphenicol, tetracycline, cephalothin, ampicillin and erythromycin. L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 can grow on high concentrations of H2O2 and complete inhibition will be observed only at 70 µg mL-1. Diferent effects on the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the antimicrobials were observed when the bacterial cells were exposed to several stress conditions. Heat shock affected resistance to different aminoglycosides and [Beta]-lactams in various ways; it diminished resistance to nitrofurans and to tetracycline; however, it had no effect over resistance to choramphenicol and espiramycin. The same results were observed for acid pre-treatment at pH 3,5 for 30 min, except that it resulted in enhancement of espiramycin resistance. Cell exposure to 0,5% bile salts resulted in diminuished MICs for almost all tested antibiotics, except, apparently, furazolidone, sulphametoxol and nalidix acid, which maintained resistance to the highest concentrations tested. The presence of H2O2, 20 µg mL-1, had various effects on aminoglycosides, diminuished resistance to nitrofurans, [Beta]-lactams, tetracycline and espiramycin; however, it enhanced resistance to choramphenicol. These results demonstrate an ample diversity of responses to heat shock, acid shock, presence of H2O2, and also a general response when cells of L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 are exposed to bile salts. / A resistência a antimicrobianos e o efeito de peróxido de hidrogênio sobre o crescimento em Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20 foram estudados. Os efeitos de choque térmico, choque ácido, exposição a sais biliares e presença de peróxido de hidrogênio sobre a resistência a antimicrobianos nesta bactéria também foram investigados. A determinação do modelo de resistência, pelo método de difusão em meio sólido, indicou que L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 apresenta resistência a vancomicina, a alguns [Beta]-lactâmicos, a sulfametoxol, a aminoglicosídeos, a nitrofuranos, a quinolonas e a colistina e susceptibilidade moderada a cloranfenicol, a tetraciclina, a cefalotina, a ampicilina e a eritromicina. L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 é capaz de crescer em altas concentrações de peróxido de hidrogênio e inibição completa do crescimento só foi observada com 70 µg mL-1. Os efeitos de condições de estresse sobre a resistência a antimicrobianos foram determinados pela comparação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM), realizada pelo método de microdiluição em meio líquido, de células submetidas e de não submetidas às condições de estresse citadas. O choque térmico provocou efeitos diversos sobre a resistência a aminoglicosídeos e a [Beta]-lactâmicos, diminuiu a resistência a nitrofuranos e a tetraciclina e não alterou a resistência a cloranfenicol e a espiramicina. O choque ácido também provocou efeitos diferentes sobre a resistência a aminoglicosídeos e a [Beta]-lactâmicos, diminuiu a resistência a nitrofuranos e a tetraciclina, não alterou a CIM de cloranfenicol e aumentou a resistência a espiramicina. A exposição das células de L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 a sais biliares provocou diminuição da CIM de quase todos os antimicrobianos testados, exceto furazolidona, sulfametoxol e ácido nalidíxico, que não tiveram a resistência alterada até a concentração máxima testada. A presença de peróxido de hidrôgenio provocou efeitos diferentes sobre a resistência a aminoglicosídeos, diminuiu a resistência a nitrofuranos, a [Beta]-lactâmicos, a tetraciclina e a espiramicina e aumentou a resistência a cloranfenicol. Os resultados demonstram ampla diversidade nas respostas ao choque térmico, ao choque ácido e ao peróxido de hidrogênio e similaridade na resposta à exposição das células de L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 a sais biliares.
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Condições socioambientais do trabalho e a saúde ocular do trabalhador: um estudo da síndrome de disfunção lacrimal sob a perspectiva da educação ambientalKaram, Cinara Menegotto Cavalheiro January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Milenna Moraes Figueiredo (milennasjn@gmail.com) on 2016-03-31T19:06:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Em decorrência da significativa prevalência e correlação da Síndrome de Disfunção Lacrimal (SDL) com os fatores/condições de risco ao trabalhador, reconhecidos ou reproduzidos, no processo de trabalho, registrados em pesquisas científicas e documentados, entre outros, na dissertação "Fatores ambientais ocupacionais internos e Síndrome de Disfunção Lacrimal: estudo da prevalência e ações de Educação Ambiental", em 2011, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental (FURG), surge o problema de pesquisa que origina esta tese. Que contradições existem na relação entre as condições socioambientais de trabalho e o desencadeamento/agravamento da SDL? Partimos da hipótese da provável relação entre a SDL e as condições socioambientais no processo de trabalho. A partir da compreensão da causalidade multifatorial, os objetivos gerais centraram-se em: Explicar as contradições existentes entre as condições socioambientais de risco existentes no processo de trabalho e o desencadeamento/agravamento da SDL, como síndrome ocular do trabalhador e; Indicar possibilidades estratégicas de abordagem preventiva e promotora, com base na perspectiva da educação ambiental, a partir das correlações encontradas entre as condições socioambientais de risco no processo de trabalho e a SDL. Atendendo aos objetivos previstos, focamos, além da quantidade de sujeitos afetados pela SDL, na ligação entre a síndrome e as condições socioambientais no processo de trabalho, considerando a relevância social da investigação. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio da revisão sistemática da literatura, realizada entre o período de 2011 a 2014. A análise e interpretação buscaram identificar e selecionar a produção existente relativa à tese apresentada, sustentando-se na perspectiva do materialismo histórico-dialético. O estudo deu-se em dois momentos: no primeiro momento, analisamos documentos normativos e legislação, utilizando-nos do Manual de Procedimento para os Serviços de Saúde, Normas Regulamentadoras, Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental; no segundo momento, procedemos à revisão sistemática da literatura que foi dividida em duas fases. Na primeira fase realizamos a identificação dos fatores/condições de risco à SDL e a ligação das condições socioambientais e a SDL no processo de trabalho. Nesta fase, utilizamo-nos dos bancos de dados da National Library of Medicine, Scientific Electronic Library Online e Rede de Medicina Informatizada. Foram selecionados cerca de 250 artigos entre 1990 e 2013, estabelecendo, como critério de inclusão, a ligação estabelecida entre a SDL e as condições socioambientais inseridas ou não no processo de trabalho. Na segunda da fase investigamos a ligação das condições socioambientais e a SDL no processo de trabalho na perspectiva da EA. Procuramos identificar as perspectivas teóricas que discutissem questões relacionadas à saúde e ambiente de trabalho. Concluímos que os processos de trabalho na atualidade apresentam uma multiplicidade de fatores/condições de risco à SDL. Os aspectos conclusivos, mesmo que de grande impacto para as questões tratadas nesta tese, devem ser entendidos como possibilidades para novos temas de pesquisa e de propostas de EA que determinem medidas preventivas e promotoras, ações que necessitam ser empreendidas no intuito de minimizar a SDL, reafirmando ao ser humano seus direitos fundamentais como ser humano (social). / Due to the significant prevalence and correlation of the Lacrimal Dysfunction Syndrome (LDS), with risk factors/conditions to the worker, recognized or reproduced in the work process, recorded in scientific research and documented, among others, in the 2011s dissertation: "Internal occupational environmental factors and Lacrimal Dysfunction Syndrome: study of prevalence and actions of Environmental Education" in the Environmental Education Graduate Program (FURG), arises the research problem that originates this thesis. Which contradictions exist in the relationship between the social-environmental working conditions and the triggering/aggravation of LDS? We hypothesized the probable relationship between LDS and social-environmental conditions in the labor process. From the comprehension of multifactorial causalities, the general objectives were: explain the existing contradictions between the social-environmental risk conditions in the work process and the triggering/aggravation of LDS as worker ocular syndrome; and indicate strategic possibilities of preventive and promoting approach, based on the perspective of environmental education, from the correlations between social-environmental risk conditions in the labor process and LDS. Given the provided objectives, the research focuses, besides the quantity of individuals affected by LDS, on the relationship between the syndrome and the social-environmental conditions in the work process, considering the investigation's social relevance. The survey was developed through systematic literature review, conducted from 2011 to 2014. Analysis and interpretation sought to identify and select the existing production on the presented thesis, supporting itself in the perspective of historical and dialectical materialism. The research happened in two moments: firstly, we analyzed normative documents and legislation, using the Health Services Procedure Manual, Regulatory Standards, National Environmental Policy, National Environmental Education Policy; Secondly, we proceeded to the systematic literature review in two phases. In the first phase, we identified the risk factors/conditions to LDS and the connecting of social-environmental conditions and LDS in the work process. In this phase, we used databases from the National Library of Medicine, Scientific Electronic Library Online and Computerized Medical Network. About 250 articles were selected between 1990 and 2013, using as inclusion criterion, the bond between LDS and the social-environmental conditions inserted or not in the labor process. In the second phase, we investigated the binding of environmental conditions and SDL in the work process from the perspective of EE. We seek to identify the theoretical perspectives that discuss issues related to health and work environment. We conclude that the work processes today have a multitude of risk factors/conditions to SDL. Conclusive aspects, even though of great impact on the issues addressed in this thesis, should be understood as opportunities for new research topics and of EE proposals that establish preventive and promoting measures, actions that need to be undertaken in order to minimize LDS, reaffirming to the human beings their fundamental rights as social beings.
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Caracterização ambiental e da qualidade das águas de córregos em fragmentos de Mata AtlânticaDivino, Alex Campos 20 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-05T12:12:01Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação foi dividida em duas partes, sendo a primeira uma caracterização ambiental realizada em maio de 2010, de três córregos de primeira ordem, denominados de A, B e C, localizados na propriedade particular da Fazenda Floresta em meio à vegetação típica do bioma Mata Atlântica, área rural do município de Juiz de Fora. Em cada córrego foram selecionados três trechos (I, II, III) nos quais foram tomadas medidas de variáveis ambientais em tréplica, utilizando-se o valor médio para análise dos dados. A composição granulométrica e a concentração de matéria orgânica (MO) do sedimento de cada trecho, também foram analisadas. Para se avaliar as condições ambientais dos córregos e do seu entorno utilizou-se o Protocolo de Avaliação Rápida (PAR). As águas de cada trecho foram comparadas com parâmetros estabelecidos pela resolução CONAMA 357/2005 e CETESB, 2007. O teste paramétrico ANOVA (um critério) foi utilizado para testar a existência de diferença significativa dos valores das variáveis ambientais e do PAR entre os córregos. Para verificar a similaridade entre os trechos de cada córrego e entre os três córregos estudados utilizou-se a análise de agrupamento (UPGMA) pela distância euclidiana. Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) foi utilizada para verificar quais variáveis abióticas melhor explicaram a variabilidade dos dados e sua correlação com os trechos. De maneira geral as variáveis ambientais e o PAR apresentaram estar de acordo com os termos de referência para classificação da qualidade das águas, evidenciando que os ambientes estudados estão preservados, são similares entre si e refletem a relação com o entorno. A segunda parte teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água do principal córrego da sub-bacia hidrográfica Marmelos. O estudo foi realizado em maio de 2011, em seis trechos, de montante à jusante no perfil longitudinal do córrego, localizados no município de Chácara-MG (trechos I e II) e Juiz de Fora-MG (trechos III, IV, V e VI). Foram obtidos dados sobre parâmetros fisiográficos e variáveis ambientais da sub-bacia e coletados os macroinvertebrados bentônicos, os quais foram separados em morfotipos, para auxiliar na avaliação da qualidade dos ambientes por meio do Índice de Comparação Sequencial (ICS). Também se utilizou da composição granulométrica do sedimento e concentração da matéria orgânica, aplicação do PAR e comparação com referências da CONAMA 357/2005 e CETESB, 2007. Foi estimado também o potencial poluidor (poluição difusa) em função de classes de uso e cobertura da terra e o potencial poluidor por indivíduos (poluição pontual) em função da contribuição por cargas de nutrientes, como fósforo (P) e nitrogênio (N). As mesmas análises dos dados utilizadas na primeira parte foram abordadas nesta segunda, exceto PCA. Foi adicionado o Índice de Comparação Sequencial (ICS) e aplicada uma regressão linear para avaliar correlações entre as variáveis nitrogênio total (Nt), fósforo total (Pt) com ICS. Os resultados demonstraram que as variáveis analisadas em geral estiveram de acordo com os termos de referência, estando apenas as concentrações Nt e Pt não condizentes com tais termos, provavelmente em função do uso e ocupação da terra em torno dos trechos. / This dissertation is divided into two parts, the first being an environmental characterization carried out in May 2010, three first-order streams, named A, B and C, located on privately owned Forest Farm amid the typical vegetation of the Atlantic Forest biome, a rural area of the city of Juiz de Fora. Were selected in each stream three stretches (I, II, III) in which measures have been taken in rejoinder variables environmental, using the average value for data analysis. The particle size distribution and concentration of organic matter (OM) of sediment from each section were also analyzed. To evaluate the environmental conditions of streams and its surroundings used the Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP). The waters of each section were compared with parameters established by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005 and CETESB, 2007. The ANOVA parametric test (one way) was used to test for significant differences in the values of environmental variables and RAP among streams. To check the similarity between the sections of each stream and between the three streams studied used the cluster analysis (UPGMA) by Euclidean distance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to determine abiotic variables which best explained the variability of the data and its correlation with the stretches. Overall environmental variables and RAP presented comply with the terms of reference for classification of water quality, showing that the environments are preserved, are similar and reflect the relationship with the environment. The second part aimed to evaluate the water quality of the main stream of the sub-basin Quinces. The study was conducted in May 2011, in six parts, from upstream to downstream in the longitudinal profile of the stream, located in the municipality of Finchley, MG (stretches I and II) and Juiz de Fora-MG (stretches III, IV, V and VI). We obtained data on physiographic parameters and environmental variables in the sub-basin and the collected benthic macroinvertebrates, which were separated into morphotypes, to help assess the quality of the environment through the Sequential Comparison Index (SCI). Also used granulometric composition of sediment and concentration of organic matter, implementation of PAR and compared with references of CONAMA 357/2005 and CETESB, 2007. Were also estimated potential pollution (diffuse pollution) due to use classes and land cover and potential polluter by individuals (point source pollution) according to the contribution by loads of nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). The same analyzes of the data used in the first part were addressed on Monday, except PCA. Was added to the Sequential Comparison Index (SCI) and applied a linear regression to assess correlations between variables total nitrogen (Nt), total phosphorus (Pt) with SCI. The results showed that the variables were generally in accordance with the terms of reference, being only Nt and Pt concentrations inconsistent with these terms, probably due to the use and occupation of the land around the passages.
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Sustentabilidade e Serra da Cantareira : o descarte da morteCoutinho, Antonio Paulo Barea 25 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Laymert Garcia dos Santos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:51:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A tese apresenta o desenvolvimento desta questão: se sustentabilidade, promessa de manutenção da vida, é algo que ainda não temos, o que hoje poderia colocar um fim à vida na Terra? Ao localizar na Segunda Guerra Mundial o aparecimento da ameça à vida, com o nazismo e as bombas atômicas lançadas sobre Hiroxima e Nagasáki, torna-se importante apontar no discurso da sustentabilidade o que nele se esconde. A ação do estado e a formulação de políticas públicas, local privilegiado nas propostas por sustentabilidade, podem se revelar elas mesmas promotoras de uma máquina de morte, como se vê na região da Serra da Cantareira, na região metropolitana de São Paulo / Abstract: The thesis presents the development of this question: if sustainability, promise of life¿s maintenance, is something that to this day we don't have, what today could put an end to life on earth? After the end of Second World War, or after nazism and the atomic bombs over Hiroxima and Nagasaki, we can see the menace to life; it is important, than, to show what in sustainability¿s discourse is hidden. The state action and the formulation of public policy, where we always can see the word sustainability, could be itself a death¿s machine as we can see that in Cantareira Mountais, São Paulo metropolitan area / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais / Doutor em Ciências Sociais
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