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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avalia??o da sustentabilidade de sistemas de produ??o agr?cola de base ecol?gica no munic?pio de Nova Friburgo, RJ / Sustainability assessment on ecological agricultural systems of Nova Friburgo, RJ

PEREIRA, Marcelo da Silva 30 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-21T18:02:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Marcelo da Silva Pereira.pdf: 687764 bytes, checksum: 553786451e94039242ce5d1de782deed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-21T18:02:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Marcelo da Silva Pereira.pdf: 687764 bytes, checksum: 553786451e94039242ce5d1de782deed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-30 / A study to assess the sustainability of ecological agricultural systems was conducted in Nova Friburgo,RJ, Brazil, in farms conducted under organic production or agroecological transition. This study was based in the System of Environmental Impact Assessment of New Rural Activities, which consists of 62 indicators integrated into an evaluation platform. It is based on the involvement and knowledge of farmers regarding to their establishment, and also considerer field and laboratory analysis on the quality of soil and water, allowing the calculation of indices of environmental performance of productive activity. Evaluation results showed that impact indexes of the dimensions ?Landscape Ecology? and ?Management and Administration? were the main differences between organic and agroecological transition systems. Organic farmers have greater productive diversity and dominion over the various forms of marketing agroecological transition farmers. It was evident the positive contribution of organic agriculture, especially regarding to the increased variety in production and consequently increase in the sustainability of those who are at an early stage of transition. / Um estudo para avaliar a sustentabilidade de sistemas de produ??o de base ecol?gica foi realizado no munic?pio de Nova Friburgo, RJ, em unidades de produ??o org?nica ou em transi??o agroecol?gica. Empregou-se para esse estudo o Sistema de Avalia??o Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural), que consiste num conjunto de 62 indicadores integrados em uma plataforma de avalia??o que se fundamenta no envolvimento e no conhecimento dos produtores rurais quanto a seu estabelecimento. Da mesma forma, foram realizadas an?lises de campo e laborat?rio relativas ? qualidade do solo e da ?gua, que permitem o c?lculo de ?ndices de desempenho ambiental da atividade produtiva. Os resultados das avalia??es mostraram que os ?ndices de impacto das dimens?es ?Ecologia da Paisagem? e ?Gest?o e Administra??o? foram os principais diferenciais entre as unidades de produ??o org?nica e as em transi??o agroecol?gica, uma vez que os agricultores org?nicos possuem uma maior diversidade produtiva e t?m um dom?nio maior sobre as diversas formas de comercializa??o que os agricultores em transi??o agroecol?gica. Ficou evidente a contribui??o positiva da agricultura org?nica em rela??o a benef?cios futuros, caso haja uma maior intera??o entre os grupos de agricultores em n?veis variados de transi??o agroecol?gica, principalmente no que diz respeito ao aumento da variedade produtiva e consequente aumento da sustentabilidade daqueles que se encontram em um est?gio inicial de transi??o.
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A importância do estudo de impacto ambiental e do relatório de impacto ambiental nos licenciamentos do Estado de São Paulo / The importance of the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Environmental Impact Report on the licenses of the State of São Paulo

Milani, Vivian Galvão 21 September 2017 (has links)
O Estudo Prévio de Impacto Ambiental e o Relatório de Impacto Ambiental no Estado de São Paulo são exigências legais para a implantação de qualquer empreendimento ou atividade potencialmente poluidora ou degradadora do meio ambiente. Ambos objetivam prevenir danos ambientais quando da análise sistemática das consequências da implantação de um projeto com significativo potencial de degradação ambiental. Para a viabilidade dos projetos, há que se fazer um acurado Estudo Prévio de Impacto Ambiental , por conta do empreendedor, e apresentá-lo à Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo - CETESB, agência vinculada à Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo, para análise, emissão dos pareceres técnicos e das licenças ambientais. Nos últimos trinta anos, acompanhamos a construção, evolução e desenvolvimento normativo desse instrumento. Esta dissertação, além de constituir um exercício de análise desse instrumento da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, contribui para demonstrar como ele vem sendo tratado pelo governo do Estado de São Paulo e propõe uma análise histórica da importância do Estudo de Impactos Ambientais (EIA) e de seu respectivo relatório (RIMA) no controle e evitação de danos ambientais no Estado de São Paulo. Estamos diante de um cenário cada vez mais degradante em relação à conservação ambiental. Diante desse contexto, propusemos questionamentos acerca da influência do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão no Licenciamento Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo e como a aplicação desse instrumento vem sendo flexibilizada e, atualmente, até mesmo correndo sérios riscos de extinção. O levantamento bibliográfico alicerçou o entendimento de que, quando falamos em Estudos de Impactos Ambientais, estamos diretamente nos remetendo à constitucionalização do direito fundamental a um meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. Trata-se de regras impositivas a serem observadas, o que quer dizer que, em um Estado Democrático de Direito, há que se seguir um padrão de justiça ambiental, orientado pela sua estrutura principiológica subjacente. O meio ambiente não admite o agir tardio e é por esse motivo que o Estudo de Impactos Ambientais se apresenta como um instrumento de importância imensurável, já que é através dele que os princípios da precaução e da prevenção se materializam. A pesquisa documental levantou os Estudos de Impactos Ambientais desenvolvidos no Estado de São Paulo entre os anos 1987 e 2015, abarcando um total de 29 anos desde a implantação do processo pelo governo estadual, assim como os pareceres técnicos de indeferimento do pedido de licença de seis processos escolhidos aleatoriamente. / The Environmental Impact Assessment and the Environmental Impact Report in the State of São Paulo are legal requirements for the implementation of any undertaking or activity potentially polluting or degrading the environment. Both aim at preventing environmental damage when systematically analyzing the consequences of implementing a project with significant potential for environmental degradation. For the feasibility of the projects, it is necessary to make an accurate Environmental Impact Assessment, on behalf of the entrepreneur, and present it to the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo - CETESB, an agency linked to the Secretariat of the Environment of the State of São Paulo, for analysis, issuance of technical opinions and environmental licenses. In the last thirty years, we have followed the construction and normative development of this instrument. This dissertation, besides constituting an exercise in the analysis of this instrument of the National Environmental Policy, contributes to demonstrate how it has been treated by the government of the State of São Paulo and proposes a historical analysis of the importance of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and of its respective report (RIMA) in the control and avoidance of environmental damages in the State of São Paulo. We are facing an increasingly degrading scenario in relation to environmental conservation. In view of this context, we have proposed questions about the influence of the Environmental Impact Assessment on the decision-making process in the Environmental Licensing of the State of São Paulo and how the application of this instrument has been relaxed and is currently even running serious extinction risks. The bibliographic survey supported the understanding that, when we speak of Environmental Impact Assessment, we are directly referring to the constitutionalization of the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment. These are rules to be observed, which means that, in a democratic state under de rules of law, it is necessary to follow a pattern of environmental justice, guided by its underlying principiological structure. The environment does not admit of late action and it is for this reason that the Environmental Impact Assessment presents itself as an instrument of immeasurable importance, since it is through this that the principles of precaution and prevention materialize. The documentary research surveyed the Environmental Impact Assessment developed in the State of São Paulo between 1987 and 2015, comprehending a total of 29 years since the implementation of the process by the state government, as well as the technical opinions rejecting the license application of six randomly chosen processes.
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Impactos na dinâmica costeira decorrentes de intervenções em praias arenosas e canais estuarinos de áreas densamente ocupadas no litoral de São Paulo, uma aplicação do conhecimento a áreas não ocupadas / Impacts in the coastal dynamics caused by interventions in sandy beaches and estuarine channels in areas with high dense occupation in the São Paulo coast, ana application of the knowledge in not occupied areas

Farinaccio, Alessandro 03 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou compreender e avaliar os impactos decorrentes da ocupação desordenada do litoral paulista e estabelecer prognósticos de ocupação em áreas pouco ou não ocupadas e com similaridade geomorfológicas de processos costeiros. Por meio do método de matrizes foram identificados e avaliados os seguintes impactos: alteração da linha de costa, ocorrência de erosão costeira, alteração do regime de sedimentação do perfil praial, instalação de processos erosivos nas margens de canais estuarinos e redução de áreas naturais. A partir dos impactos avaliados na Baixada Santista estabeleceu-se um prognóstico para Ilha Comprida considerando a implantação de obras de engenharia, como estruturas rígidas perpendiculares (enrocamentos e canais de drenagem), um porto, e a ocupação em áreas de preservação permanente, que acarretariam as seguintes alterações: modificação da linha de costa na face exposta da ilha, alteração do regime de sedimentação, processos erosivos nos canais estuarinos e poluição de águas superficiais. Com base nos resultados foi elaborado um roteiro-guia para orientar futuros projetos de ocupação e prevenir impactos na dinâmica sedimentar. O trabalho ressalta a necessidade do conhecimento prévio dos processos da dinâmica sedimentar bem como a avaliação de acertos e erros em áreas geomorfologicamente similares, para implantação de obras costeiras. / This research looked for to understand and to evaluate the decurrent impacts of the disordered occupation of the São Paulo coast and to establish prognostics of occupation in areas occupied or not occupied with geomorphological and coastal processes similarity. They had been identified and evaluated by method of matrices the following impacts: alteration of the shoreline, occurrence of coastal erosion, alteration of the regimen of sedimentation of the beach profile, installation of erosive processes in the edges of estuarine channels and reduction of natural areas. The impacts evaluated in the Baixada Santista could established a prognostic for Ilha Comprida considering the implantation of engineering projects, as perpendicular rigid structures (groins and drainage channels), a port, and the occupation in areas of permanent preservation, that would cause the following alterations: modification of the shoreline in the external face of the island, erosive alteration of the regimen of sedimentation, erosive processes in the estuarine channels and superficial water pollution. On the basis of the results were elaborated a script-guide to guide futures occupation projects and to prevent impacts in the dynamics sedimentary. The work stands out the necessity for previous knowledge dynamics sedimentary processes as well as the evaluation of rightness and errors in geomorphological similar areas, for coastal projects implantation.
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The distribution of fatty acids and presence of environmental contaminants in the blubber of the New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Conservation Biology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Donaldson, Laura Patricia Constance January 2008 (has links)
The conservation of marine mammals relies on the knowledge of species ecology in order to assess the impacts of anthropogenic activites and make appropriate species management decisions. Blubber biopsies are a relatively non-invasive sampling protocol to provide ecological information; two particular uses are for dietary analysis via fatty acid signature analysis (FASA) and investigating the uptake of organochlorine (OC) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) environmental contaminants. Blubber composition and structure may vary according to body site and depth due to its dynamic functioning. This may result in the vertical stratification and heterogenous distribution of blubber FAs, OCs and PCBs between body sites, giving variable interpretations of diet and contaminant levels depending on biopsy sample site and depth. The aim of this thesis is to determine the FA distribution of blubber from two body sample sites (dorsal pelvic and ventral thoracic) currently used for FASA of the New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri (NZSL) and to determine the level of OCs and PCBs in the blubber of healthy NZSLs for comparison to diseased NZSLs recorded in the 1997/98 epidemic. Blubber samples were collected from 29 by-caught NZSLs incidentally captured by the squid fishery around the Auckland Islands (50º42’S, 166º5’E) during the years 2005 to 2007 (not all NZSLs were able to be analysed for each chapter). Full blubber cores from both sample sites were collected from 18 NZSLs. Both sites showed a relative homogeneity of FA profiles, indicating the similar deposition and mobilisation of FAs at the two sample sites. To determine if FA stratification occurred, full blubber cores from both sample sites of 20 NZSLs were divided into inner and outer halves. Both sites displayed the same pattern of vertical stratification or biochemical layering of FAs between the two divisions, indicating that stratification of FAs occurs in the blubber of the NZSL. A range of OCs and PCBs were then determined in full thoracic blubber cores of seven NZSLs. The levels were higher than those previously recorded in NZSLs affected by disease during a 1997/98 epidemic. The SPCB in NZSLs was 0.034-0.192 mg/kg lipids, below the suggested threshold of 17 mg/kg for adverse health affects in marine mammals. From the results of this study I can support current blubber biopsy sampling techniques for FASA in NZSL. Obtaining full blubber cores from either the thoracic or pelvic sample site will give a comparable interpretation of diet. The low levels of blubber OCs and PCBs suggest a minor role of contaminants acting as a possible causative agent toward disease outbreaks in the NZSL. This research provides important information for developing correct and consistent blubber sampling techniques for NZSL and other pinniped species. This will ensure more accurate interpretations of ecological information obtained from blubber biopsies and therefore improved species management and conservation decisions that may be based on such research.
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Mercury use in the goldmining industry : a retrospective examination of elemental mercury use in the gold mining industry of the West Coast of New Zealand in the period 1984-1988 : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Science) at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Newcombe, Vernon Claude January 2008 (has links)
No abstract available

Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKB

Sundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
<p>When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material.</p><p>The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.</p>
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Monitoring as an instrument for improving environmental performance in public authorities : Experience from Swedish Infrastructure Management / : Experience from Swedish Infrastructure Management

Lundberg, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
Monitoring is an important tool for gaining insight into an organisation’s environmental performance and for learning about the environmental condition and the effectiveness of environmental management measures. Development of environmental monitoring has generally relied on research aiming at improving monitoring methodology, technique or practice within a particular management tool. Little empirical research has taken into account the organisation’s reality where several management tools are used in parallel. This thesis analyses the practice of environmental monitoring in public authorities with the aim of identifying barriers and possibilities for environmental monitoring as an instrument for improving environmental performance, using the Swedish Rail Administration as a case organisation. The study identified two different types of environmental monitoring: environmental performance measurement (EPM) and activity monitoring, both important for achieving environmental improvements. EPM involves gathering and evaluating data to determine whether the organisation is meeting the criteria for environmental performance set by the management of the organisation. EPM can further be used for judging the success and failure of environmental objectives and strategies. Activity monitoring provides each project of the organisation with information to minimise the negative effects on the natural environment or human health and to ensure that the organisation’s operations conform with regulations. Problems encountered comprised a variety of little co-ordinated monitoring activities, poor utilization of the monitoring results as well as limited internal feedback on monitoring results. Some of the problems identified seem to be an effect of the management transition from a traditional ‘command and control’ system to a self-administered organisation managed by economic incentives and voluntary management systems. This thesis suggests several improvements to make monitoring more efficient. Primarily, the monitoring systems must have a clear structure and be adapted to its specific function. The EPE system would benefit from being integrated with the organisation’s central performance measurement, presenting progress towards organisational strategic objectives as well as operational objectives. The system for activity monitoring must not only focus on inputs and outputs to the system but must also include the environmental condition of the system. In order to improve communication and learning, monitoring data within both EPE and activity monitoring must be better transmitted and utilised within the structure of the permanent organisation. Experience from all monitoring activities that now is scattered and inaccessible to the individuals of the organisation could beneficially be stored within a well-structured organisational ‘memory‘. Such a system would facilitate an iterative management process where the monitoring results and the knowledge gained are used for making future plans and projects more adaptive, thereby improving the environmental performance of the organisation. / QC 20100729
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Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKB

Sundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material. The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.
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Plants in the garden: an approach to modeling the impact of industrial activities in ecosystems

Reap, John J. 09 April 2004 (has links)
Humanity's interactions with the supporting environment are, to state the obvious, complex. Humanity's industrial activities effect the environment over time and space, and the same activities even produce different results in different locations. Since the complexities of these interactions may preclude the successful use of eco-performance metrics, humanity may need a means of informing environmental management decisions that accounts for changes with time, spatial patterns and local uniqueness. The objective of this effort is to interface engineering and ecological systems models to better estimate environmental impacts by modeling the dynamic, spatially explicit and location dependent changes caused by industrial activities. Building upon previously developed, dynamic, spatially explicit, location specific ecosystem modeling software, a technical framework for estimating the impacts of industrial systems in ecosystems is developed. Ecological disturbances endemic to engineering systems are integrated into these existing ecosystem models. The results of these integrations are discussed, and from these results, the potential for estimating impacts using dynamic, spatially explicit and location based modeling is evaluated. In other words, one learns the result of placing industrial plants in mother natures garden.
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Biodiversity in environmental assessment : tools for impact prediction

Gontier, Mikael January 2005 (has links)
<p>Urbanisation and infrastructure developments impact on the surrounding natural environment and threaten biodiversity. The fragmentation of natural habitats in particular is a major obstacle for the preservation of biodiversity in a long-term perspective. In the planning process, both the environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment processes play a central role in the identification and prediction of impacts on biodiversity. At the same time, the devel-opment of GIS technologies and GIS-based ecological models offer new perspectives in the elaboration of predictions. In order to analyse current practices and identify the need for im-provements in the environmental impact process, a review of environmental impact assessment reports was carried out. Further, a review of existing GIS methods and GIS-based ecological models is presented. The results of the review of environmental impact assessment reports show a lack of predictions in current biodiversity assessments. These asssessments often concentrate on impacts at the local scale, failing to consider large-scale and widespread impacts at the ecosys-tem and landscape levels. The review of GIS methods and GIS-based ecological models demon-strate the possibility to generate quantitative predictions for a specific area as well as for it’s sur-rounding environment. At the same time, the flexibility and reproducibility of such methods would allow predictions to be made for different alternatives or scenarios, therefore providing decision makers with relevant information of potential impacts on biodiversity. This would, in turn, result in an improved integration of biodiversity issues in physical planning and contribute to a sustainable development.</p>
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