Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental impact assessment"" "subject:"byenvironmental impact assessment""
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A implementação institucional do Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança e as práticas consolidadas de outros estudos de impactoPegoraro, Denise Bonat January 2010 (has links)
O trabalho versa sobre a clareza das finalidades e dos papéis dos instrumentos de análise de impacto, a fim de ampliar e consolidar a implementação do Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança - EIV, como um componente importante na aplicação de políticas urbanas. Práticas profissionais mais consolidadas na administração pública, no caso em análise vinculadas à política ambiental, como a aplicação dos Estudos de Impacto Ambiental - EIA, afetam, direta ou indiretamente, a delimitação de campos de aplicação atribuíveis a esses dois tipos de estudo de impacto. A pesquisa começa com a identificação da gênese do EIV e do EIA e procura, através de uma visão histórica, o reconhecimento dos principais conceitos e das definições legais de âmbito federal, utilizando referências nacionais com algumas citações de experiências internacionais. A seguir, é realizada uma análise de cunho conceitual, tendo como método a interpretação da formação de conceitos e das definições operacionais e diretivas de aplicação do EIA e do EIV, reportando-os a uma tipologia das principais vertentes do planejamento urbano. O estudo de caso é realizado pela análise das legislações municipais das cidades de São Paulo e de Porto Alegre, a fim de identificar a implementação dos dois instrumentos de impacto. / The work aims at the clarification of impact assessment tools intents and roles in order to extend and consolidate the Neighbourhood Impact Assessment (NIA) implementation as a meaningful resource in public policies administration. Better consolidated professional practices used in public administration and in our case related to environmental policies such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) affect directly or indirectly the definition of usage fields for both types of impact assessments. Our research starts by identifying the origins of NIA and EIA and through a historical point of view tries to establish the main concepts and legal definitions in the federal realm using national references and also some international sources. Next a concept based analysis on the interpretation of concepts formation and operational and directive definitions of NIA and EIA is carried out based on the typology of the main strands of urban planning. The case study to identify the practice of both assessment tools is conducted analyzing local government laws from the cities of Porto Alegre and São Paulo. Read more
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O processo de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) de projetos e empreendimentos minerais como um instrumento de gestão ambiental: estudo de casos no Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG) / The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process from mineral projects and enterprises as an environment management tool: case studies in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG)José Francisco do Prado Filho 22 February 2001 (has links)
No Brasil, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), devido a exigência legal e por estar vinculada ao sistema de licenciamento ambiental, é o instrumento/procedimento de gestão ambiental mais conhecido. Porém somente após a publicação da Resolução CONAMA 001/86 é que a AIA, por meio da elaboração do EIA/RIMA e sua análise e discussão, passou efetivamente a ser implementada. Apesar de existirem exemplos de aplicação bem sucedida do processo, verifica-se que os resultados esperados não têm sido satisfatórios para o que se pretende com ele. Falhas tanto na elaboração dos EIAs como na condução das demais fases da AIA têm sido verificadas. Empresários vêem o processo de AIA, principalmente a elaboração do EIA/RIMA, como empecilho legal e burocrático. Enfim, têm-se verificado deficiências na condução, na eficácia da AIA e naquilo que se pretende com esse instrumento de política pública, que é a busca da sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento. Alguns o enxergam, inclusive, como um processo falido. Diante desse quadro, o presente trabalho buscou, principalmente com base em documentos disponíveis no órgão ambiental estadual e em informações obtidas junto às empresas, avaliar a eficácia da AIA como instrumento de gerenciamento ambiental junto de empreendimentos minerais localizados no Quadrilátero Ferrífero de Minas Gerais. Os resultados permitem observar, apesar das deficiências verificadas no seu desenvolvimento, que a AIA em função da gestão ambiental foi mais eficaz em alguns casos que em outros, porém em nenhum deles teve desempenho nulo. As principais falhas verificadas estão na análise dos impactos ambientais do projeto, na fragilidade dos levantamentos de dados de base relacionados ao plano de monitoramento e na condução dos planos de monitoramento. Para os empreendedores, a AIA pouco se relaciona com a pretensa certificação ambiental do empreendimento e unanimemente todos consideram, principalmente, a elaboração da AIA como apenas uma exigência para o licenciamento ambiental do empreendimento. / In Brazil, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a legal requirement and has being linked to the environmental licensing system. In addition, the EIA has been the most well known tool of environmental management. However, just after the approval of CONAMA Resolution 001/86, the EIA has been implemented through the elaboration of the EIA/RIMA report, its analysis and discussion. Although there are examples of wellsucceed process application, most of the results have been unsatisfactory. This is a consequence of errors both in the EIA\'s design and application.Many entrepreneurs have considered the EIA process, mainly the EIA/RIMA report, as a legal and bureaucratic constraint. Some see it as a tool with a failed process. In fact, a series of deficiencies have compromised the EIA efficiency, the results are expected from its application, and the search for environmental sustainability. Considering the situation described above, the present studies have the objective of evaluating the EIA efficiency as an environmental managing tool in mining companies of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Most of the basic information was obtained from the governmental environmental agency and the mining companies referred to above. The results of this work have allowed to conclude that the EIA, due to different environmental managing effort, has been more efficient in some cases than in others. Nonetheless, no null result was detected. Main deficiencies of the process reside in the analysis of the project environmental impacts, in the fragility of the field data, on the conduction of the monitoring plan, and the way those data are archived. According to the entrepreneurs, the EIA is poorly related to the environmental certification of the project, all of them consider the EIA application just a legal requirement for the project licensing. Read more
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O relatório ambiental preliminar (RAP) como instrumento técnico-jurídico de avaliação de impacto ambiental (AIA) no procedimento de licenciamento ambiental / Analyses on the preliminary environmental report (RPA) as an instrument of study and support to the environmental licensingJosé Fortunato Neto 22 September 2004 (has links)
Embora recente em termos históricos, a preocupação de indivíduos e governos quanto à capacidade de suporte do meio, face aos efeitos das intervenções antrópicas e da enorme probabilidade de danos irreparáveis para as condições de todas as formas de vida, implicou na necessidade da gestão dos recursos ambientais e do disciplinamento dessas intervenções, buscando-se instrumentos técnicos e jurídicos adequados. A avaliação de impacto ambiental (AIA) e o licenciamento ambiental com eficaz participação da sociedade, são cruciais para abalizar decisões e garantir um mínimo de sustentabilidade ambiental. A inserção do Brasil nesse contexto se dá com a lei nº 6938/81, que estabelece a Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (PNMA), porém, ganha corpo na Constituição Federal de 1988, com a exigência sine quan non de prévia elaboração e publicidade do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) para as hipóteses de degradação ambiental significativa. Nada obstante, a Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo edita a Resolução SMA nº 42/94, permitindo o licenciamento subsidiado apenas em um incógnito Relatório Ambiental Preliminar (RAP), instrumento técnico de elaboração prévia obrigatória, quebrando a aparente harmonia normativa até então vigente. Restou evidenciado neste trabalho que a própria Resolução SMA nº 42/94, assim como o RAP, que não tem seu conteúdo mínimo fixado na regra jurídica que o criou, são objetos de dissensões técnicas e jurídicas que possibilitam o questionamento do procedimento de licenciamento ambiental quanto à sua legitimidade, o que pode levar à anulação da licença ambiental expedida por vício de origem. / Although historically recent, the individual and governmental preoccupation towards the capacity of nature to provide for the human beings, due to their interventions and the enormous probability of irrecoverable damage to the conditions of life for all forms of lives, has engendered the necessity for the orderly management of the natural resources, seeking technical and legalized instruments for the task. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and the environmental licensing, plus the efficient society participation, are crucial to backup decisions and assure a minimum of environmental sustainability. Brazil\'s insertion in this context begins with the Law nº6938/81, which establishes the National Environment Policy (PNMA, in Portuguese), and is enhanced in the Federal Constitution of 1988 by the sine qua non requirement of previous elaboration and publicity of the EIS. Notwithstanding, the rules imposed by the Environmental Office of the Government of São Paulo State (SMA, in Portuguese) Resolution nº 42/94 endorsing the licensing subsidized solely by an incognito Preliminary Environmental Report (RAP, in Portuguese), shattered the seemingly normative harmony existent and became a source for dissensions that make it possible to question the legitimacy of the license issued. It is evinced in this work that the very Resolution SMA nº 42/94, along with the RAP - which has not its minimum contents described by the rule that created it - are subject to technical and juridical dissensions that might give room to the questioning of the environmental licensing as to its legitimacy by a flaw, that might lead to the annulment of the issued license. Read more
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A paisagem antrópica sob avaliação: a avifauna em remanescentes florestais, matrizes agrícolas e as implicações para a conservação / The human-modified landscapes under assessment: Bird in forest patches, agricultural matrices and the implications for conservationEduardo Roberto Alexandrino 27 August 2015 (has links)
Devido o dinamismo e complexidade estrutural observada nas paisagens antrópicas, pesquisas contínuas são necessárias para melhorar o conhecimento sobre quais os impactos delas na biodiversidade, bem como para entender quais espécies ocorrentes nestas paisagens refletem as condições ambientais lá existentes. Desse modo, tomando a avifauna como representante da biodiversidade presente nestas paisagens, esta tese objetivou: 1) caracterizar as assembleias de aves ocorrentes nos remanescentes florestais de Mata Atlântica inseridos em paisagem antrópica agrícola, bem como as assembleias que ocorrem no interior das culturas de pasto e cana-de-açúcar, 2) identificar um método analítico adequado para acessar a integridade ecológica existente nos remanescentes florestais por meio das assembleias de aves, 3) avaliar o efeito da estrutura e dinâmica destas paisagens nas assembleias de aves ocorrentes nos remanescentes florestais, 4) identificar quais características da paisagem antrópica agrícola influenciam as aves ocorrentes no interior das culturas de pasto e cana-de-açúcar. Assembleias de aves foram amostradas mensalmente durante um ano (Nov2011-Nov2012) por meio de pontos fixos e transectos em oito remanescentes florestais com diferentes tamanhos (3-115ha) e históricos de degradação, e oito sítios amostrais localizados no interior das culturas agrícolas (quatro em pasto e quatro em cana-de-açúcar). Estes foram selecionados dentro de cinco unidades amostrais de uma paisagem tipicamente (16 km2) agrícola do Estado de São Paulo (Bacia do Rio Corumbataí). O índice de serviços ecossistêmicos de Ferraz et al. (2014) foi adotado como uma medida do grau de distúrbios antrópicos presente nos remanescentes florestais do qual leva em consideração a dinâmica e estrutura deles. Já as características das paisagens nas culturas agrícolas foram coletadas em duas escalas de análise (buffers circulares de 600 e 1000m) levando em consideração métricas que pudessem refletir uma maior heterogeneidade da paisagem. No total, 191 espécies foram observadas nos remanescentes florestais, enquanto que 137 nas culturas agrícolas. As aves com hábitos florestais, não-florestais, hábitos mistos florestais-não-florestais, pequenos insetívoros de sub-bosque, aves que forrageiam no estrato médio dos remanescentes, espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas foram os melhores indicadores ecológicos nos remanescentes. Estes grupos formaram a base de dados do Índice de Integridade Biótica (IIB) um método multimétrico que obteve um melhor desempenho em refletir a integridade existente nos remanescentes quando comparado com os níveis de sensibilidade a distúrbios antrópicos de Parker III et al. (1996), riqueza geral das assembleias e índice de diversidade de Shannon. Foram registradas 132 espécies nas pastagens enquanto que apenas 72 nos canaviais, sendo que tanto a riqueza geral quanto a abundância relativa de alguns grupos de aves foram explicadas pela variação na heterogeneidade da paisagem. Assim, conclui-se que métodos analíticos classicamente utilizados em ecologia podem apresentar falhas na avaliação ecológica de remanescentes de Mata Atlântica inseridos em paisagem antrópica, ocasionando interpretações errôneas. Novos métodos analíticos devem ser explorados, sendo o IIB um possível substituto. A diferença existente entre as assembleias de aves ocorrentes nas pastagens, (maior heterogeneidade) e nos canaviais (baixa heterogeneidade) indicam as consequências negativas que homogeneização da paisagem agrícola pode ocasionar à biodiversidade ocorrente nestas paisagens. / Because human-modified landscapes (HML) are dynamic and have structural complexity, continuous research is necessary to improve knowledge about the HML impacts on the biodiversity, as well as to provide knowledge of which current species may reflect the environmental conditions existing there. Thus, considering birds as sample of the HML existing biodiversity, the following thesis aimed to: 1) describe the bird assemblages of Atlantic Forest patches located in HML and bird assemblages of the interior of cattle pastures and sugar cane crops, 2) identify a proper bird analytical approach to assess the existing ecological integrity of forest patches in HML, 3) assess the effects of the landscape features (dynamic and structure) on the bird assemblages of forest patches in HML, 4) identify which landscapes features of both crops may exert influence on the bird assemblage composition of each crop. Bird sampling was performed monthly along one year (Nov 2011 - Nov 2012) in eight forest patches with different historical and size (3 - 115 ha), and eight sites located in the interior of each crop (four in cattle pasture and four in sugar cane), using point counts and transects. Five focal landscapes (16 km2) located in a typical HML of São Paulo state (Corumbataí river basin) were used to select these sampling sites. The rank of ecosystem services provisioning of Ferraz et al. (2014) was used as a measurement of the existing gradient of human disturbance in the forest patches, which was built through information about forest dynamic and structure. The landscape features of each crop were collected through two scale of analysis (circular buffers with 600 and 1000 radius meters) taking into account metrics that may represent the landscape heterogeneity. 191 species were observed in the forest patches while 137 in the crops. The forest birds, non-forest birds, birds with forest-non-forest habits, small understory-midstory insectivorous, species with foraging habits in the midstory strata, threatened and endemic species, were the best ecological indicators of the forest patches. These bird groups were used as database in the development of the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), a multimetric approach, which showed a better performance to indicate the existent integrity in the forest patches in comparison with \"sensitivity to disturbance\" of Parker III et al. (1996), total species richness and Shannon´s diversity index. 132 species were observed in cattle pastures while 72 in sugar cane. Both richness and relative abundance of some bird groups were explained by the landscape heterogeneity variation. Thus, it is possible to conclude that some classical birds analytical approaches may be flawed in the ecological assessment of Atlantic Forest patches inserted in HML. New analytical approaches should be explored, and the IBI is a possible alternative. The bird\'s assemblage differences between cattle pastures (high heterogeneity) and sugar cane (low heterogeneity) are an example of the negative consequences caused by the crops homogenization on the living biodiversity of agricultural landscapes. Read more
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An evaluation of the development of environmental legislation governing environmental impact assessments and integrated environmental management in South AfricaArendse, Clarice January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This study provides an overview of the development of environmental assessment legislation in South Africa since the advent of democracy and critically assesses whether an effective regulatory system is in place. Where necessary and appropriate, the study may include aspects of foreign and international law. This study also aims to provide an overview of the law as it stands by highlighting both the good and bad elements of the law in relation to EIAs and IEMs. It is furthermore aimed at exposing potential grey areas in the law and proposing possible recommendations for improvement
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Environmental impact assessment on oil shale extraction in Central JordanGharaibeh, Ahmed 21 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the environmental impact assessment of trace elements concentrations in spent shale, which is the main residual besides gas and steam from the utilization of oil shale.
The study area El-Lajjun covers 28 km2, located in the centre of Jordan approximately 110 km south of Amman. It belongs mainly to the Wadi Mujib catchment and is considered to be one of the most important catchments in Jordan.
The Wadi El-Lajjun catchment area (370 km2) consists of two main aquifer systems: The intermediate aquifer (Amman Wadi As Sir Aquifer or B2/A7) and the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram Group Aquifer). The B2/A7 aquifer (Upper Cretaceous) is considered as the main source of fresh water in Jordan.
El-Lajjun oil shale was deposited in a sedimentary basin and comprises massive beds of brown-black, kerogen-rich, bituminous chalky marl. The oil shale was deposited in shallow marine environment. It is by definition a sedimentary rock containing organic material in the rock matrix. The shale oil extraction is an industrial process to decompose oil shale and to convert the kerogen into shale oil by hydrogenation, pyrolysis or by a thermal dissolution.
Several classifications of extraction technologies are known; the classification with respect to the location where the extraction takes place distinguishes between off-site, on-site, and in situ. The oil shale utilization may have serious repercussions on the surrounding environment if these issues are not investigated and evaluated carefully.
Ten representative oil shale rock samples with a total weight about 20 kg were collected from different localities of oil shale exposures in the study area. A standardized laboratory Fischer Assay test was performed with the samples to determine oil shale characteristics and to obtain spent shale, which was used in this study for further investigations. Sequential extraction was used to evaluate the changes in the mobility and distribution of the trace elements: Ti, V Cr, Co, Zn, As Zr, Cd, Pb and U. Column leaching experiments were performed to simulate the leaching behavior of the above elements from oil shale and spent shale to evaluate the possible influence on the groundwater in the study area. The concentrations in the leachate were below the maximum contaminant levels of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water and the Jordanian standards for drinking water.
An immobilization method by using Kaolin was applied to reduce the mobilization and bioavailability of the trace elements fraction that are contained in the spent shale. Immobilization was evaluated as a function of liquid-solid ratio (solid-liquid partitioning) and as a function of pH. A comparison between the results obtained from column leaching experiments and the results that were obtained from immobilization for the oil shale and spent shale samples indicated that the immobilization reduced the mobility of the trace element except for Ti, V, and Cr. However, even the concentrations of these elements were lower than the maximum acceptable limits of the Jordanian Standard Specifications for waste water.
The catchment of the study area (Wadi El-Lajjun catchment) is ungauged. Therefore, the soil conservation service (SCS) runoff curve number method was used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. The results obtained showed that the infiltration of water is very small (approximately 0.6 cm/year) and rarely can´t reach the groundwater through the oil shale beds. Thus, a contamination of groundwater is unlikely under normal conditions.
DRASTIC was used to assess groundwater vulnerability for the B2/A7 aquifer with respect to pollution by oil shale utilization. The aquifer vulnerability map shows that the area is divided into three zones: low (risk index 10-100; intermediate (risk index 101–140) and high groundwater vulnerability (risk index 141-200). The high risk areas are small and mainly located in the northeastern corner of the El-Lajjun graben, where the hydraulic conductivity is relatively high and rocks are highly fractured and faulted.
The water table of the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram group) in the El-Lajjun area is relatively deep. At least two geological formations above the Kurnub aquifer are aquitards and protect the deep aquifer. However, the area is highly fractured and thus there is a certain possibility for contact with surface pollutants.
Finally, further research with respect to trace elements including REE elements and isotopes in the intermediate and deep sandstone aquifers are highly recommended. Isotopic signatures will be very helpful to investigate to which extend hydraulic connections between the aquifers exist.
Further and in particular mineralogical studies on the spent shale and the possibilities for industrial utilization are recommended because huge quantities of spent shale are expected. Because most oil shale extraction technologies especially the power generation require considerable amounts of water detailed studies on water supply for the oil shale treatment have to be performed. Read more
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A avaliação de impacto ambiental e as normas de gestão ambiental da série ISO 14000: características técnicas, comparações e subsídios à integração / The environmental impact assessment and the environmental management standards of ISO 14000 Series: technical characteristics, comparisons and integration subsidiesRoberta Sanches 23 February 2011 (has links)
A Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente PNMA, com seus fins e mecanismos de formulação e aplicação, foi instituída pela Lei nº 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981, e tem como um de seus instrumentos a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), que analisa as consequências ambientais de uma ação atual ou proposta, visando garantir a viabilidade ambiental de empreendimentos previamente à sua implantação. A AIA é o instrumento da PNMA que subsidia a gestão ambiental empresarial, uma vez que essa deve ser iniciada na fase de projeto e continuar de forma integrada durante as atividades de implantação, operação e desativação dos empreendimentos. Nessa vertente, uma integração de procedimentos entre a AIA, direcionada ao empreendimento, e as normas da Série ISO 14000 - Gestão Ambiental -é necessária. Entretanto, verifica-se que há um paradoxo entre a teoria e a prática dessas ferramentas de gestão. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é realizar um comparativo entre as características técnicas da AIA e as características técnicas das normas da Série ISO 14000, sugerindo potenciais oportunidades de integração entre os dois instrumentos. Para tanto, foram realizadas duas revisões bibliográficas: uma relacionada à AIA e outra às normas técnicas da Série ISO 14000, que identificou as possibilidades de integração entre essas duas ferramentas de gestão ambiental. Esta pesquisa é classificada metodologicamente: do ponto de vista de sua natureza, como pesquisa básica; do ponto de vista da forma de abordagem do problema, como pesquisa qualitativa; do ponto de vista de seus objetivos, como pesquisa exploratória e descritiva; do ponto de vista de procedimentos técnicos, como pesquisa bibliográfica. Os resultados da comparação entre os instrumentos apresentam informações que poderão subsidiar a integração das características técnicas da AIA com as das normas técnicas da Série ISO 14000. / The National Environment Policy, with its purposes and mechanisms of formulation and implementation, was instituted by Law nº. 6938 of August 31, 1981. The Policy has as one of its instruments the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which examines the environmental consequences of a current or proposed action in order to ensure the environmental feasibility of projects previously to their deployment. The EIA is the instrument of Policy which subsidizes environmental management business, since that should be initiated at the design stage and continue seamlessly during the deployment activities, operation and deactivation of the enterprises. In this instance, integration between the EIA procedures, directed the project, and the standards of ISO 14000 Series - Environmental Management is necessary. However, it appears that there is a paradox between theory and practice of these management tools. Thus, the objective of this research is to make a comparison between the technical characteristics of the EIA and the technical characteristics of ISO 14000 Series, suggesting potential opportunities for integration between the two instruments. To this end, were performed two literature reviews: one related to EIA and other related to the technical standards of the ISO 14000 series, which identified the possibilities for integration between the two environmental management tools. The research is methodologically classified: from the point of view of nature as basic research, from the point of view of how to approach the problem as a qualitative, from the point of view of objectives as exploratory and descriptive, from the point of view of technical procedures will be classified as literature review. The results of the comparison between the instruments provide information that could subsidize the integration of the technical characteristics of EIA with the technical characteristics of ISO 14000 series. Read more
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Avaliação do ciclo de vida da produção do painel de madeira MDP no Brasil / Life cycle assessment of MDP wood-based panel production in BrazilDiogo Aparecido Lopes Silva 12 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) da produção do painel MDP (medium density particleboard), feito de partículas de madeira e adesivo sintético, largamente empregado na indústria moveleira, sendo o painel de madeira mais produzido e consumido no mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ciclo de vida produtivo (cradle to gate) do painel MDP no Brasil. A ACV é normalizada pelas séries ISO 14040 e 14044. Empresas produtoras do MDP no país foram visitadas para a coleta de dados, e na avaliação dos impactos ambientais os resultados foram comparados pelos métodos CML (2001), EDIP (1997) e USEtox (2008). Os resultados apontaram que os principais hotspots foram o óleo BPF (baixo ponto de fluidez) utilizado na planta de energia e a resina UF (ureia formaldeído), aplicada como aglomerante na produção dos painéis. A cadeia produtiva da madeira mostrou maior destaque para as categorias de eutrofização e ecotoxicidade, respectivamente, pelo uso de fertilizantes e do herbicida glifosato no solo. Também verificou-se que na produção de 1 m³ de painel MDP há um crédito de carbono médio de 969 kg de \'CO IND.2\'-eq. Perante os resultados, foram analisados diversos cenários com sugestões de melhorias ambientais, sendo propostas alterações quanto ao consumo das matérias primas: óleo BPF, resina UF e madeira. Para o óleo BPF, o cenário ambientalmente mais adequado foi a sua substituição total pelo uso de somente resíduos de madeira. Sobre a resina UF, verificou-se que os principais impactos estão relacionados às cadeias produtivas do metanol e da ureia, sendo assim sugerida a otimização no consumo destes recursos. Também, a resina UF foi comparada com a resina MUF (melamina ureia formaldeído), e percebeu-se que os impactos ambientais da segunda foram superiores. Porém, mais cenários analisando o emprego de resinas alternativas são requisitados, tendo em vista a busca por resinas análogas à UF, mas com menores impactos potenciais. E sobre a madeira, foi analisada sua substituição pela adição de resíduos de madeira na produção do MDP, tendo sido constatado que quanto maior a quantidade de resíduos adicionados, menores seriam os impactos ambientais. Todavia, os benefícios ambientais verificados com o uso dos resíduos dependem de variáveis, como: dos aspectos ambientais do ciclo de vida dos resíduos, da quantidade de resíduos aplicada na produção dos painéis, do critério de alocação adotado na ACV, e da distância no percurso de transporte dos resíduos até a fábrica de painéis. Portanto, deve-se analisar caso a caso para afirmar sobre a viabilidade ambiental no emprego de resíduos na produção de painéis de madeira. / In this project was carried out a study of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the MDP (medium density particleboard) production, made of wood particles and synthetic adhesive, widely used in furniture industry, being the most produced and consumed wood-based panel in the world. This study aimed to assess the productive life cycle (cradle to gate) of the MDP in Brazil. LCA technique is standardized by ISO 14040 and 14044 documents. The data collection phase in this study occurred realizing technical visits on the Brazilian MDP producers and for the environmental impact assessment, the results were compared considering the following methods: CML (2001), EDIP (1997) and USEtox (2008). The results showed that the main hotspots were the heavy fuel oil used on power plants and UF (urea formaldehyde) resin applied as binder to produce the panels. The wood consumption showed to be more relevant to eutrophication and ecotoxicity impact categories, respectively, by the use of fertilizers and the glyphosate herbicide in the soil. It was also observed that the production of 1m³ of MDP generates an average carbon credit of 969 kg of \'CO IND.2\'-eq. Given the results, several scenarios were analyzed including environmental suggestions of improvements, being proposed changes to the consumption of the raw materials: heavy fuel oil, UF resin and wood. The replacement of heavy fuel oil for wooden residue was the most suitable alternative, because the environmental impacts results were considerably reduced. For the UF resin, it was found that the main impacts are related to the production (cradle to gate) of methanol and urea, thus, we suggested optimizing the consumption of these resources. Also, UF resin was compared with the MUF (melamine urea formaldehyde) resin, and the second one showed more impacts than the first. However, more scenarios analyzing the use of alternatives resins are required, in order to find others options of similar resins to UF, but with lower potential impacts. Considering the wood consumption, it was examined its replacement by wooden residue like raw material to produce the MDP. The results pointed out the addition of residues can promote lower environmental impacts. On the other hand, the environmental benefits related depend of variables such as: the environmental aspects of the life cycle of waste generation, the quantity of waste applied to produce the panels, the allocation criteria adopted to the LCA study, and the distance to transport the waste to the panel industry. Therefore, one must examine each case to assert about the environmental sustainability in the use of waste to produce wood panels. Read more
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Environmental impact assessment on oil shale extraction in Central JordanGharaibeh, Ahmed 06 December 2017 (has links)
This study focuses on the environmental impact assessment of trace elements concentrations in spent shale, which is the main residual besides gas and steam from the utilization of oil shale.
The study area El-Lajjun covers 28 km2, located in the centre of Jordan approximately 110 km south of Amman. It belongs mainly to the Wadi Mujib catchment and is considered to be one of the most important catchments in Jordan.
The Wadi El-Lajjun catchment area (370 km2) consists of two main aquifer systems: The intermediate aquifer (Amman Wadi As Sir Aquifer or B2/A7) and the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram Group Aquifer). The B2/A7 aquifer (Upper Cretaceous) is considered as the main source of fresh water in Jordan.
El-Lajjun oil shale was deposited in a sedimentary basin and comprises massive beds of brown-black, kerogen-rich, bituminous chalky marl. The oil shale was deposited in shallow marine environment. It is by definition a sedimentary rock containing organic material in the rock matrix. The shale oil extraction is an industrial process to decompose oil shale and to convert the kerogen into shale oil by hydrogenation, pyrolysis or by a thermal dissolution.
Several classifications of extraction technologies are known; the classification with respect to the location where the extraction takes place distinguishes between off-site, on-site, and in situ. The oil shale utilization may have serious repercussions on the surrounding environment if these issues are not investigated and evaluated carefully.
Ten representative oil shale rock samples with a total weight about 20 kg were collected from different localities of oil shale exposures in the study area. A standardized laboratory Fischer Assay test was performed with the samples to determine oil shale characteristics and to obtain spent shale, which was used in this study for further investigations. Sequential extraction was used to evaluate the changes in the mobility and distribution of the trace elements: Ti, V Cr, Co, Zn, As Zr, Cd, Pb and U. Column leaching experiments were performed to simulate the leaching behavior of the above elements from oil shale and spent shale to evaluate the possible influence on the groundwater in the study area. The concentrations in the leachate were below the maximum contaminant levels of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water and the Jordanian standards for drinking water.
An immobilization method by using Kaolin was applied to reduce the mobilization and bioavailability of the trace elements fraction that are contained in the spent shale. Immobilization was evaluated as a function of liquid-solid ratio (solid-liquid partitioning) and as a function of pH. A comparison between the results obtained from column leaching experiments and the results that were obtained from immobilization for the oil shale and spent shale samples indicated that the immobilization reduced the mobility of the trace element except for Ti, V, and Cr. However, even the concentrations of these elements were lower than the maximum acceptable limits of the Jordanian Standard Specifications for waste water.
The catchment of the study area (Wadi El-Lajjun catchment) is ungauged. Therefore, the soil conservation service (SCS) runoff curve number method was used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. The results obtained showed that the infiltration of water is very small (approximately 0.6 cm/year) and rarely can´t reach the groundwater through the oil shale beds. Thus, a contamination of groundwater is unlikely under normal conditions.
DRASTIC was used to assess groundwater vulnerability for the B2/A7 aquifer with respect to pollution by oil shale utilization. The aquifer vulnerability map shows that the area is divided into three zones: low (risk index 10-100; intermediate (risk index 101–140) and high groundwater vulnerability (risk index 141-200). The high risk areas are small and mainly located in the northeastern corner of the El-Lajjun graben, where the hydraulic conductivity is relatively high and rocks are highly fractured and faulted.
The water table of the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram group) in the El-Lajjun area is relatively deep. At least two geological formations above the Kurnub aquifer are aquitards and protect the deep aquifer. However, the area is highly fractured and thus there is a certain possibility for contact with surface pollutants.
Finally, further research with respect to trace elements including REE elements and isotopes in the intermediate and deep sandstone aquifers are highly recommended. Isotopic signatures will be very helpful to investigate to which extend hydraulic connections between the aquifers exist.
Further and in particular mineralogical studies on the spent shale and the possibilities for industrial utilization are recommended because huge quantities of spent shale are expected. Because most oil shale extraction technologies especially the power generation require considerable amounts of water detailed studies on water supply for the oil shale treatment have to be performed. Read more
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<p>Cadmium (Cd) is a highly mobile and toxic heavy metal that negatively affects plants, soil biota, animals and humans, even in very low concentrations. Currently, Cd contamination of cocoa produced in Latin American countries is a significant problem, as concentrations can exceed acceptable levels set by the European Union (0.5 mg/kg), sometimes by more than 10 times allowable levels. In South America, <i>Theobroma cacao</i> is an essential component of the basic market basket. This crop contributes to the Latin-American trade balance, as these countries export cacao and chocolate-based products to major consumer countries such as the United States and Europe. Some soil amendments can alter the bioavailability and uptake of Cd into edible plant tissues, though cacao plants can accumulate Cd without displaying any visible symptoms of phytotoxicity, which makes it difficult to determine if potential remediation strategies are successful. Currently, the only effective way to quantify Cd accumulation in plant tissues is via destructive post-harvest practices that are time-consuming and expensive. New hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technologies developed for use in high-throughput plant phenotyping are powerful tools for monitoring environmental stress and predicting the nutritional status in plants. Consequently, the experiments described in this thesis were conducted to determine if HSI technologies could be adapted for monitoring plant stress caused by Cd, and estimating its concentration in vegetative plant tissues. Two leafy green crops were used in these experiments, basil (<i>Ocimum basilicum L.</i> var. Genovese) and kale (<i>Brassica oleracea L</i>. var. Lacinato), because they are fast growing, and therefore, could serve as indicator crops on cacao farms. In addition, we expected these two leafy green crops would differ in their morphological responses to Cd stress. Specifically, we predicted that stress responses would be visible in basil, but not kale, which is known to be a hyperaccumulator. The plants were subject to four levels of soil Cd (0, 5, 10 and 15 ppm), and half of the pots were amended with biochar at a rate of 3% (v/v), as this amendment has previously been demonstrated to improve plant health and reduce Cd uptake. The experiments were conducted at Purdue’s new Controlled Environment Phenotyping Center (CEPF). The plants were imaged weekly and manual measurements of plant growth and development were collected at the same times, and concentrations of Cd as well as many other elements were determined after harvest. Fourteen vegetation indices generated using HSI images collected from the side and top view of plants were evaluated for their potential to identify subtle signs of plant stress due soil Cd and the biochar amendment. In addition, three mathematical models were evaluated for their potential to estimate Cd concentrations in the plant biomass and determine if they exceed safe standards (0.28 mg/kg) set by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for leafy greens. Results of these studies confirm that like many plants, these leafy green crops can accumulate Cd levels that are well above safety thresholds for human health, but exhibit few visible symptoms of stress. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the chlorophyll index at the red edge (CI_RE) were the best indices for detecting Cd stress in these crops, and the plant senescence and reflectance index (PSRI) and anthocyanin reflectance index (ARI) were the best at detecting subtle changes in plant physiology due to the biochar amendment. The heavy metal stress index (HMSSI), developed exclusively for detecting heavy metal stress, was only able to detect Cd stress in basil when images were taken from the top view. Results of the mathematical models indicated that principal components analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) models overfit despite efforts to transform the data, indicating that they are not capable of predicting Cd concentrations in these crops at these levels. However, the artificial neural networks (ANN) was able to predict whether leafy greens had levels of Cd that were above or below critical thresholds suggested by the FAO, indicating that HSI could be further developed to predict Cd concentrations in plant tissues. Further research conducted in the field and in the presence of other environmental stress factors are needed to confirm the utility of these tools, and determine whether they can be adapted to monitor Cd uptake in cacao plants.</p> Read more
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