Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental impact assessment,"" "subject:"byenvironmental impact assessment,""
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Análisis de rechazo de proyectos mineros en Chile, presentados al sistema de evaluación de impacto ambiental entre 2005-2014Ibáñez López, Grethell C. January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título
Profesional de Ingeniera Forestal / Este trabajo tiene como finalidad el análisis de las causales de reprobación de proyectos
mineros presentados al Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental en un periodo de 10 años.
Clasifica estos factores y/o causales en cinco componentes ambientales: Suelo, Recursos
hídricos, Aire, Flora y Fauna. y los contrapone a otras características de los proyectos, como
ubicación, producto minero, inversión, entre otras, a fin de hacer un análisis de ellos de
manera descriptiva, se propone también una lista de normativas ambientales aplicables a
proyectos mineros a fin de que al titular se le haga más expedita la tramitación de Estudios
y/o Declaraciones de impacto ambiental en el área. Finalmente se concluye que la normativa
ambiental en Chile es aún insuficiente, demostrando que la minería es una actividad que,
mirada desde un punto de vista amplio, deteriora poco a poco los ecosistemas desde un punto
de vista ecológico y también social. / This work has the purpose of analyzing the causes of reprobation of mining projects
presented to the Environmental Assessment Service in a period of 10 years. It classifies these
factors and / or causes into five environmental components: Soil, Water Resources, Air, Flora
and Fauna. And contrasts them to other characteristics of the projects, such as location,
mining product, investment, among others, in order to analyze them in a descriptive way, it
is also proposed a list of environmental regulations applicable to mining projects, so that
Holder will be made expedite the processing of Studies and / or Declarations of
environmental impact in the area. Finally, it is concluded that the environmental regulations
in Chile are still insufficient, demonstrating that mining is an activity that, viewed from a
broad point of view, gradually deteriorates ecosystems from an ecological and social point
of view.
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Avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias: análise de projetos de ampliação da capacidade rodoviária e proposição de diretrizes para o licenciamento ambientalRoman, Maína January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação de impactos ambientais de empreendimentos rodoviários, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental. As obras rodoviárias geram numerosos impactos ambientais e atualmente ainda existem falhas na gestão ambiental destes projetos, desde a pequena dimensão dada aos aspectos ambientais ainda na fase de planejamento da obra, perpassando por falhas nos estudos ambientais, dificuldades na previsão dos impactos e dimensionamento das medidas preventivas e mitigadoras, pelas rotinas controversas dos processos de licenciamento até o acompanhamento ambiental deficiente. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa propor diretrizes e procedimentos para o licenciamento ambiental de rodovias, tendo como base a análise de diferentes projetos rodoviários em licenciamento ambiental federal, localizados no Sul do país. Foram analisados os empreendimentos rodoviários BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) e BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS), por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, com revisão teórica e documental. Ao final da análise foram apresentadas propostas de medidas preventivas e mitigadoras sistematizadas às etapas de instalação e operação de empreendimentos rodoviários, além dos estudos ambientais necessários ao licenciamento ambiental, de acordo com as tipologias pavimentação, implantação e duplicação de rodovias. Foram elaborados roteiros orientativos para o licenciamento de obras de apoio e para a escolha dos Programas Ambientais mais adequados às diferentes fases do projeto e diferentes tipologias de obras rodoviárias. Concluiu-se o trabalho com diretrizes básicas para os processos de licenciamento ambiental e de avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias. Para o processo de licenciamento: tramitação eletrônica do processo de licenciamento; licenciamento trifásico com possibilidade de fusão em duas ou uma etapa; criação de padrões para o estabelecimento de condicionantes para as licenças; participação popular em outros momentos do processo, além das audiências públicas; divulgação de impactos positivos e boas práticas adotadas; consulta aos órgãos intervenientes na fase de planejamento; exigência de manutenção de equipe de supervisão ambiental durante toda a fase de obras. Para a avaliação de impactos ambientais: criação de banco de dados nacional compartilhado com informações ambientais de empreendimentos já licenciados; elaboração de um manual de avaliação de impacto ambiental, com regras claras para a elaboração dos estudos ambientais; elaboração de manuais técnicos para temas relacionados ao licenciamento, passíveis de padronização de técnicas e metodologias; criação de roteiro metodológico com critérios para avaliação dos estudos pelos analistas ambientais; limitação do diagnóstico às variáveis ambientais com possibilidade de interagirem com o empreendimento e obrigatoriedade de um Programa de Controle Ambiental para execução durante a paralisação de obras. / This study discusses the environmental impact assessment of highways projects in the context of project licensing. Constructing highways create many environmental impacts and, nowadays, there are still flaws in environmental management of these projects, including the little importance given to environmental aspects in project planning, low quality of environmental impact statements, difficulties in impact prediction and mitigation design, common shortfalls in the project licensing process and, lastly, deficient environmental monitoring. In this context, this study aims to propose guidelines and procedures to improve the project licensing process, based on the analysis of different highways projects under government permitting process, located in southern Brazil. The following highways projects were selected: BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) and BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS). The study was based on qualitative research with theoretical and documentary review. At the end of analysis, the proposals were focused on preventive and mitigating measures, considering installation and operation stages of highways projects, in addition to the main issues and statements to be considered in the licensing process, according to the different types of highways projects: paving, implementation and duplication. Some guidelines for the support project licensing were presented, as well as guidelines for the most appropriate environmental programs to be applied along different stages of the projects and to different types of highways projects. The study was completed with basic guidelines for environmental impact assessment and for project licensing of highways projects. Suggestions for project licensing: electronic processing, licensing processes in three phases with possibility of fusing into two or one, creation of standards for constraints imposed in the environmental permit, popular participation in all stages of the process, dissemination of positive impacts and best practices adopted, discussion with government agencies in highway planning moment, mandatory requirement of environmental supervision team throughout the construction phase. Suggestions for environmental impact assessment: creation of a national and shared database with environmental information from already licensed projects, development of environmental impact assessment guideline, with clear rules for the preparation of environmental impact statements, preparation of manuals on issues related to licensing with the possibility of standardization of methodologies and techniques, creation of methodological script with criteria for evaluation of studies by staff members at government agencies in charge of the licensing process, scoping on issues associated with the project (that truly matter), and mandatory requirement of a control program to run during the stoppage of works.
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Avaliação comparativa da abordagem do meio biótico em estudos de impacto ambiental no Estado de Minas Gerais / not availableAntonio Carlos da Silva Zanzini 06 June 2001 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi conduzida a partir de consultas ao acervo de Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (EIAs) aprovados pela Fundação do Meio Ambiente de Minas Gerais, no período compreendido entre 1986 e 1999. O objetivo da pesquisa foi proceder a uma avaliação da concordância dos estudos sobre o meio biótico contidos nos EIAs consultados com a legislação que fornece as diretrizes básicas para estudos sobre o meio em questão. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram avaliados os estudos sobre a flora e a fauna silvestres não aquáticas, contidos em uma amostra representativa de 111 EIAS pertencentes a 5 setores e 25 tipos de atividades. Os estudos sobre a flora, bem como os estudos sobre a fauna, foram avaliados mediante o emprego de 7 variáveis legais subdivididas em 36 itens e 15 variáveis técnicas subdivididas em 67 itens. Ao todo, cada EIA selecionado para a pesquisa foi avaliado mediante a análise de 44 variáveis subdivididas em 206 itens . Os resultados obtidos revelaram que os estudos sobre o meio biótico contido nos Estudos de Impacto Ambiental não atendem satisfatoriamente às exigências legais previstas na regulamentação disciplinadora do tema, tanto em nível estadual como em nível federal. Tampouco atendem às recomendações técnicas básicas preconizadas para a condução de estudos sobre o meio em questão. No aspecto que se refere à concordância com a legislação, as principais falhas foram observadas nas variáveis legais relacionadas ao diagnóstico ambiental da área de influência do empreendimento impactante, à proposição de medidas mitigadoras dos impactos negativos e à proposição de programas de monitoramento dos impactos. Com relação ao atendimento das recomendações técnicas, foram identificadas falhas consistentes nas variáveis técnicas relacionadas à amplitude de duração dos estudos; à observação da sazonalidade, esforço amostral e replicação da amostragem durante a condução dos estudos; à comparação com estudos anteriores realizados em nível regional ou estadual: à realização de análises embasadas na vulnerabilidade das espécies; à realização de análise embasadas na aplicação de índices ecológicos; ao emprego de análises multivariadas, de padrões de distribuição e de espécie-abundância na condução dos estudos; e ao número de especialistas presentes na equipe executora dos estudos. Esses resultados indicam que os estudos sobre o meio biótico conduzidos nos EIAs apresentam qualidade duvidosa no aspecto que se refere ao rigor legal e técnico e impõem a necessidade de que tais estudos sejam revisados com mais critério pelo órgão ambiental e que sejam criados protocolos com maior fundamento técnico-científico para sua execução. / The present research work was carried out from consultations to the material of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) approved by the Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente de Minas Gerais (State Foundation of Environment of Minas Gerais) over the period encompassed between 1986 and 1999. The objective of the research work was to proceed an evaluation of the agreement of the studies about the biotic mean contained in the EIS consulted with the legislation which furnishes the basic guidelines for it execution and with the technical-scientific guidelines for the study of the mean in issue. In the development of the research work were evaluated the studies of the non-aquatic wild flora and fauna,contained in a sample representative of 111 ElAs belonging to 5 sectors and 25 sorts of activities. The studies about the flora were evaluated by means of the use of 7 legal variables subdivided into 36 items and 15 technical variables subdivided into 67 items. In the same way, the studies on fauna were evaluated through the use of 7 legal variables subdivided into 36 items and 15 technical variables subdivided into 67 items. In whole, each EIS selected for the research work was assessed by means of the analysis of 44 variables subdivided into 206 items. The results obtained revealed that the studies upon the biotic mean contained in the Environment Impact Statement do not meet satisfactorily the legal demands foreseen in the disciplining regulation of the subject, both at the state and federal leveI. Neither, they meet the basic technical-scientific recommendations commended for the accomplishment of studies on the mean in issue. As far as the agreement is concerned with the legislation, the early failures were found in the legal variables concerned with the environmental diagnostic of the influence area of the impacting enterprise; with the proposition of mitigation measures and with the proposition of monitoring programs of the impacts. As regards the meeting of the technical-scientific recommendations, were identified consistent failures in the technical variables related with the range of the length of the studies; the observation of seasonality, samplal effort and replication of the sampling over the execution of the studies; the content of the listings of species presented in the studies; the comparison with previous studies performed at the regional or state level; the accomplishment of analyses based on the species vulnerability; the undertaking of analyses based on the application of ecological indices; the use of multivariate analyses, distribution patterns and of species-abundance in the accomplishment of the studies and the number of experts present in the team performing the studies. Those results point out, that the studies on the biotic mean conducted in the EIS present doubtful quality in the aspects concerned as far as the legal and technical-scientific rigor are concerned, and imposes the need that such studies be reviewed with more criterion by the environmental organ and be presented protocols with greater technical-scientific fundamentals for their accomplishment.
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A dimensão sociológica no processo de tomada de decisão na avaliação de impacto ambiental no Estado de São Paulo / The sociological dimension in the decision making process in environmental impact assessment of the State of São PauloRenan de Freitas Poli 18 December 2014 (has links)
Os instrumentos de controle ambiental têm sido estudados nas ciências da engenharia ambiental durante décadas, muitas vezes sendo bem sucedidos no sentido de fomentar boas práticas, desenvolver novas tecnologias e prestar auxílio na preservação dos recursos naturais e serviços ecossistêmicos associados. No entanto, a despeito do acúmulo de conhecimento decorrente, diversos campos de aplicação prática das ciências ambientais naturais têm produzido poucos efeitos objetivos, a despeito das tecnologias, diretrizes e normas técnicas e legais encontrarem-se acessíveis. Nesse sentido, faz-se oportuna a busca por possíveis soluções em campos de interface com outras ciências, inclusive aquelas que se distinguem em objeto de estudo e método de abordagem. Para oferecer um panorama mais abrangente dos desafios existentes, a presente dissertação recorreu ao auxílio da dimensão sociológica para explicar elementos do processo de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental - AIA realizada no Estado de São Paulo. Na abordagem, é proposta explicação para identificação das influências que se incorrem no processo de tomada de decisão. Com base na investigação e transposição de modelo da Teoria da Estruturação, da escola de pensamento do sociólogo britânico Anthony Giddens, pôde-se reconhecer com significativa aderência os diferentes elementos da estrutura preconizados pela teoria e se identificar a dinâmica que ocorre nas \'arenas de decisão\' da AIA. Com grande teor de informalidade e emprego de regras cotidianas tácitas, tais arenas funcionam como \'amortecedores\' da tensão existente entre os diferentes atores que dela participam, tornando a dinâmica do processo decisório dependente de diferentes tipos de regras e recursos. Acredita-se que a elucidação de \'forças\' não estudadas nas ciências naturais pode ser fator-chave para melhor efetividade na aplicação do conhecimento em defesa do meio ambiente. / Instruments for environmental control have been studied in environmental engineering sciences for decades, often being successful at encouraging best practices, development of new technologies and assistance in the preservation of natural resources and associated ecosystem services. However, despite the accumulation of knowledge that has occurred, several fields of practical application of natural environmental sciences have produced few objective effects, regardless of the technologies, technical guidelines and technical and legal regulations being accessible. In this sense, it is opportune to search for possible solutions in the interface with other fields of science, including those that differ in subject and method of approach. To provide a more comprehensive picture of existing challenges, this dissertation used the help of sociological dimension to explain elements of the Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA process held in São Paulo. In this approach, it is proposed an explanation for influences that are incurred in the decisionmaking process. Based on the research and implementation of the Theory of Structuration, the school of thought of the British sociologist Anthony Giddens, we could recognize significant compliance with the different elements predicted by the theoretical framework and could identify the dynamics that occurs in \'decision\'s arenas\' of EIA. With high content of informality and use of everyday unspoken rules, such arenas function as \'shock absorbers\' of the tension between the different actors participating in it, making decision-making dependent on the dynamics of different types of resources and rules. It is believed that the elucidation of \'forces\' not studied in the natural sciences can be a key factor for better effectiveness in the application of knowledge in defense of the environment.
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Avaliação de impacto ambiental no Brasil : análise de efetividade e propostas de aperfeiçoamentoCunha, Lívia Aguiar da 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-11-24T20:21:48Z
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Dissertação - Livia Aguiar da Cunha.pdf: 421355 bytes, checksum: 8a7c2170f278159dc6371710dc0119bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-12-02T18:23:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment systems (EIA) is a process
pointing to its effectiveness and quality. This work developed this analysis for Brazil,
using the model developed by Christopher Wood and widely applied and spread to other
countries. The evaluation criteria used in this model are based on principles of "Good
Practices in Environmental Impact Assessment" and were validated by Ortolano et al
who consider five dimensions to the effectiveness of EIA: i) comply with the
procedures, ii) document fullness required in EIA, iii) methods to assess the impacts, vi)
influence on decision-making and v) weight given to environmental factors. The results
indicated that environmental legislation in Brazil is limited in scope due to the existing
administrative failures since the start of EIA driving, caused by a deficiency in the
control and monitoring mechanisms, in addition to insufficient public participation
throughout the process. This analysis resulted in a number of recommendations on the
development of the EIA system in Brazil, in order to collaborate in improving their
quality and effectiveness. / A análise dos sistemas de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) é um processo que aponta a sua efetividade e qualidade. Este trabalho desenvolveu esta análise para o Brasil, utilizando o modelo desenvolvido por Christopher Wood e amplamente aplicado e difundido em outros países. Os critérios de avaliação utilizados neste modelo baseiamse em princípios de “Boas Práticas em Avaliação do Impacto Ambiental” e foram validados por Ortolano et al ao considerar cinco dimensões para a efetividade de AIA:
i)observância dos procedimentos, ii)plenitude de documentos exigidos em AIA, iii)métodos para avaliar os impactos, vi)influência em tomadas de decisão e v)peso dado a fatores ambientais. Os resultados indicaram que a legislação ambiental no Brasil tem um alcance limitado, devido às falhas administrativas existentes desde o início da condução de AIA, motivadas pela deficiência nos mecanismos de controle e
acompanhamento, além da insuficiente participação pública durante todo o processo. Esta análise resultou em uma série de recomendações sobre o desenvolvimento do sistema de AIA no Brasil, com objetivo de colaborar na melhoria de sua qualidade e efetividade.
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Meeting optimally the environmental challenge : a methodology for the lead industryRobertson, John Graham Stuart January 2001 (has links)
Does the lead industry have a future, in the face of the developing environmental challenge? This thesis addresses this question and concludes, it should have for the foreseeable future, providing it adopts the changes detailed. These changes are posited within a framework, which consists of a strategy, approaches and tools. The changes are both technical and philosophical. They are technical, in the sense that the tools and approaches provide practical means whereby the environmental `risks' may be identified, assessed and managed. They are philosophical, because they set out and identify the features of a new conceptual paradigm, whose basis is in the concept of the `risk society'. The paradigm is significantly more holistic, multi-dimensional, inherently flexible, and is intended to be reflexive. Adoption of the elements of the framework, will facilitate a more effective establishment, and management of environmental `risk' credentials, which will help encourage better environmental decision making. Hence, it will facilitate, the balancing of resource consumption and environmental impact costs, versus social and economic benefits, in an improved manner. The modelling approaches, and selected inventory and environmental impact assessment tools, enclosed within this thesis, have been designed to facilitate the development of, and to function within, the new paradigm. These have been developed for BRM and MIM case studies, and function at the site-specific and the cradle-to-gate scales. The former consider the company site of Britannia Refined Metals (BRM) Ltd., where refining to produce primary and secondary refined lead products takes place, whilst the latter consider the life-cycle of the refined primary lead products of MIM Ltd. The modelling approaches have also been designed so, that they may be re-aggregated into models able to operate at many different scales, as required. The framework, and its elements, are applicable for all industries facing similar challenges.
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Právní úprava posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí / Legal regulation of the environmental impact assessmentPich, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Environmental Impact Assessment is one of internationally recognised tools providing environmental protection. Purpose of the assessment is to identify and comprehensively evaluate environmental impact of a project with participation of the public, professionals and administrative bodies, prior to the realisation of the project. Information gained through this process is then used as a basis for decision making in procedures granting development or other consents. The thesis aims to analyse in particular the Czech environmental impact assessment law with emphasis on its recent amendment and reasons of its implementation.
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Posuzování vlivů záměrů na životní prostředí / Environmental impact assessment of projectsČerná, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This is a very significant cross-sectional and preventive environmental protection tool. Its purpose is to identify as soon as possible any probable averse environmental impacts of presented project proposals. The whole process is led by a competent state offices. Necessary expert participants of the procedure are so-called "authorized persons" supplying specific technical studies on which the impact assessment is made. Another important factor, public participation, helps to improve efficiency of the EIA process. The whole procedure results in so-called Statement, which should define necessary conditions for the implementation of the project in effort to minimize negative impacts. If the project proposal is unacceptable under any circumstances it can not be given a consent to implement it and the statement must reject it. Conclusions formulated in the Statement serve as a basis for administrative decisions on project approval. Given the considerable breadth of the thesis topic it is focused on several key tasks, namely to provide a comprehensive explanation of the legal development of the EIA process, to analyze its current legislation and mapping legal rules of public participation in the EIA process. The following section...
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Making space for reconciliation in Canada's planning systemGalbraith, Lindsay January 2014 (has links)
Early in 2012, the Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver released an open letter to Canadians where he identified 'an urgent matter of Canada's national interest': 'radical groups' were 'threaten[ing] to hijack [Canada's] regulatory system' for major projects and argued they should 'be accomplished in a quicker and more streamlined fashion'. This came on the eve of the first day of oral hearings for the public review into the controversial Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker project that would allow for oil sands from Alberta to access outside markets other than the United States. A few months later, Canada's environmental decision-making process was dramatically reformed, resulting in a significant outcry across the country over the likely effects on environmental oversight and Aboriginal rights. In Haida Gwaii, a series of islands off of the north coast of British Columbia (BC) around which the proposed tanker traffic would navigate, a process of reconciliation is in its early stages. The forestry sector is now subject to a collaborative provincial and Haida (First) Nation planning and decision process and a Haida-owned company is the biggest tenure holder and forestry sector employer. However, the Government of Canada has refused to participate in this reconciliation process in any meaningful way. It has, instead, encountered the Haida Nation through the court-like environmental review process for the proposed Enbridge project, the very same process that has been used to justify the dramatic environmental planning reforms. This research constructs a framework for tracing the spatial and institutional dynamics of the reconciliation process in planning. A significant amount of the Crown's approach to reconciliation relies upon the consultation that takes place within and alongside planning and regulatory decision making for natural resource developments. While the process does not, in itself, lead to any meaningful engagement over reconciliation, a central research question is: What opportunities might exist for reconciliation to take place in planning? And, how do these opportunities change? Contributing to the Indigenous planning literature, this dissertation examines some of the discursive and institutional factors that led to (a) the collaborative planning taking place on Haida Gwaii today and (b) the 2012 federal planning reforms. For each case, the opportunities available in planning for modifying the dominant view of reconciliation are considered. The dissertation begins with an overview of the very initial discussions on reconciliation between the Haida Nation and the Province of BC. It is argued that this move was facilitated by the Haida Nation shifting their concerns to various venues that were more or less receptive to their interests: the courts, a road blockade, collaborative planning, and bargaining. On the other hand, Canada has attempted to regain control by actively modifying the venues available to the Haida Nation in ways that excluded them or moved them to a venue that was less receptive to their concerns. It is reasoned that while planning spaces operate in ways that tend to be colonial, certain conditions and mechanisms are available in these systems that can be used to open up (perceived) opportunities for changing the way reconciliation is implemented across this system. These spaces reveal information about Indigenous-state power relations that are usually not observable until a conflict arises, at which point analysts may observe how actors respond to these perceived opportunities. Evidence is collected from numerous sources. Interviews with key informants, observation, and policy document review composed the bulk of the data collection for both cases. Four days of oral hearings in Haida Gwaii were observed in 2012, offering a window into the encounter between the Haida and Canada just as a streamlined environmental review process was being developed and implemented. In contrasting the two cases, this research finds that planning is used both to control development and as an opportunity to engage with the Crown over the long-standing dispute about overlapping title to and, thus, jurisdiction over Haida Gwaii. The process by which one use prevails over another is the central research problem; indeed, there remains an important disconnect between Indigenous political actors and the Crown (and, in some examples, industry) on how environmental planning institutions ought to be used. This tension is present within a planning venue and across the planning system, opening up potential opportunities, such as those used by the Haida Nation to regain control over Haida Gwaii, or closing down these opportunities. For these reasons, planning is one of the most useful arenas for influencing and for understanding the politics of reconciliation in Canada.
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Avaliação de impacto ambiental da duplicação da rodovia dos tamoios – trecho planalto: implicações para vegetação / Environmental impact assessment of doubling highway of tamoios - stretch plateau: implications for vegetationAlmeida, Eliane De Lima 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-21T18:51:18Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / This paper discusses how the EIA was relevant on the decision regarding mitigation of environmental impacts on installation of the Duplication of the Tamoios Highway - stretch Plateau, with the objective of verifying its implications on the local ecosystem, compound by an immeasurable plant biodiversity, located in an area with high ecological significance and big social problems.To discuss the said topic, this thesis analyzed the duplication process of Highway Tamoios, Plateau stretch , linking the cities of São José dos Campos to Paraibuna from São Paulo, being compared to the initial proposal of the project with the final implementation of the road, seeking to know the contributions of procedures for the mitigation of environmental impacts on local biodiversity in relation to removal of vegetation and environmental compensation. / Esse trabalho busca discutir como AIA foi relevante na tomada de decisão em relação a mitigação dos impactos ambientais na instalação da Duplicação da Rodovia dos Tamoios – trecho Planalto, tendo como objetivo de verificar suas implicações no ecossistema local, composto por uma biodiversidade vegetal imensurável, localizada em uma região com alta relevância ecológica e grandes problemas sociais. Para discutir o referido tema, a presente dissertação analisou o processo da duplicação da Rodovia Tamoios, trecho Planalto, que liga os municípios de São José dos Campos a Paraibuna no Estado de São Paulo, SP, onde comparou-se a proposta inicial do empreendimento com a implantação final da rodovia, buscando conhecer as contribuições dos procedimentos em relação a mitigação dos impactos ambientais sobre a biodiversidade local em relação a supressão de vegetação e a respectiva compensação ambiental.
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