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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmentální bezpečnost systému odpadních vod / Protection of the untreated sewage water environmental

BELEŠOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The topic "Environmental Security of Wastewater System" was selected for the creation of my thesis by several fundamental reasons.The main one is the vital importance of water for the functioning of human society.Drinking water sources are limited and the current relatively easy access to good quality water leads to irresponsible waste of this commodity.Besides wasting there is another big problem with environmental pollution,which is closely related to the degradation of sources of drinking water.With the increase of human population,environmental conditions began to worsen rapidly and this issue became to be discussed by multinational organizations.The so-called Environmental Security is currently very topical subject.It is introduced gradually into school curricula.Large amounts of funds have been invested to the environmental safety of water management in the past few years.An especially,there have been build many waste water treatment plants.The thesis is oriented locally on the municipality of Příbram.Its administrative area covers 74 municipalities and military training area of Brdy.The administrative area is mostly formed by smaller communities that are self-sustaining in water management.It is necessary to ensure sufficiently good conditions of the environment to prevent its degradation.The aim of this thesis is mainly to map the impacts of failure of sewage system and eventual propose of appropriate interim solutions of such failure.The research question is closely related to it: What is the current level of environmental safety of water? To achieve the set objectives,primarily I applied the method of literary research,through which was described the basic information necessary to understand the issue.It was also used method of qualitative research,which was carried out on the basis of interviews with experts in that field.The collected data were organized in a logical survey and analyzed by the a SWOT analysis.The thesis is divided into two main sections.The first one is a theoretical part,which describes the water cycle,explains what is infrastructure and,consequently,it highlights the importance of critical infrastructure.It also explains the concept of water management and presents the basic characteristics and methods of processing and treatment of drinking and waste water.It also states the basic legislation governing the issue of water and ultimately defines the concept of environmental security.The second part describes the sewage system in the area of Příbram and maps the ways of creation and the subsequent magnitude of failure of analyzed wastewater treatment plants.In direct relation to this,it assesses the possible emergence of environmental impact.Waste water can be divided into several groups according to where and how they arise.Taking account of their origin,wastewater may contain a wide variety of harmful substances.A failure of the wastewater system would be not only a current problem of environmental pollution at the site where the waste water was getting into the nature,but a long term adverse effect,which would be later manifested in the form of,for example,contamination of soil and groundwater,which would subsequently mix with drinking water resources.It could also lead to the death of some animals,disabling eating crops in that location and spread of various infectious diseases.This condition is highly undesirable and therefore it is necessary to implement preventive measures to prevent environmental safety.From this research,it was found that the formation of potentially serious impacts on the environment due to the failure of the sewage disposal plants in the area of Příbram is not expected.The operators are ready to remove immediately and quite efficiently incurred defects in order to avoid serious long-term failure.In relation to this,the environmental safety of the sewage disposal plants in the area of Příbram can be evaluated as very good.

Environmentální dopady povodní na území jižních Čech / Environmental impacts of the floods in the South Bohemia area

TOMANOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The environmental impacts of floods on the territory of South Bohemia was chosen as a topic of a thesis for several fundamental reasons. One main reason is the significance of the landscape and reflect on its values. The landscape is a set of individually occurring scenic features and extensive landscape structures, in which have individual natural compounds their irreplaceable function. Besides landscapes, the floods have a different environmental impact. Since 1997, the occurrence of floods has unexpectedly increased, and therefore the issue is getting more and more attention. Currently, the so-called environmental security is a hot topic, the evidence can be seen in the increase in professional publications and it also gets into the school curricula. Although the thesis focuses on the territory of South Bohemia, the results can be applied for the entire Czech Republic. The final survey includes a total of eight municipalities with extended powers, where interviews were conducted with the employees of the Department of the Environment, the Crisis Management,the Regional Hygiene Station of the South Bohemia, the Vltava River Basin and selected agricultural companies. This thesis titled "The environmental impact of floods in the South Bohemia" aims to evaluate the changes caused by the floods in the affected areas in the South Bohemia a reserach questiion follows: What are the effects of floods in terms of environmental impact in the South Bohemian Region? To achieve the set objectives the method of literature research was used, by which the basic information necessary to understand the issue was described. The method of qualitative research was also used; the reasearch was based on structured interviews with experts in the field. Afterwards, the information were logically organized and evaluated. The thesis is divided into two general parts. The first is a theoretical part, which describes the flood and its categories and its causes. It also explains the factors affecting the flood, the impacts on habitat and the flood retention capacity and its increase. It also describes and compares the largest floods in the Czech Republic since the 19th century, the basic law governing the issue of water and floods, flood protection organization in the Czech Republic and last but not least, the environmental security and the definition of the duties of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. The second part describes the effects of floods in terms of the environmental impacts and describes its recourse. The nature needs some changes in order to be varied. That may come in the form of floods, even though after the water decrease its tremendous power and devastating effects can be seen. Based on research, it was found that there are long-term impacts on the landscape and environment but they are not so crucial. Water takes everything that comes its way, but the landscape itself can handle water very well. Drops of water soak into the ground or flow into the watercourse. The consequences of flooding depend on how much is the soil able to absorb water and how much time it would take. Unfortunately, this nature´s ability is distorted mostly by people and their actions. The water soil soaking is spoiled by buildings, badly tilled soil, inadequate food planting and destroyed hedgerows that serve as a hiding place for the animals. Maybe if the greatest importance was not emphasized on protecting people and their health, people would care more about the landscape and would be grateful for what nature offers and provides. The fundamentals of this work are solutions that would improve the environmental situation. The care should be taken not only to individual preventive measures, but to prevent floods and minimize their consequences. The starting point is to increase the retention, since the landscape has a short-term water retention problem.

A Guerra da Água em Cochabamba, Bolívia: desmistificando os conflitos por água à luz da geopolítica / The Water War in Cochabamba, Bolivia: demystifying the conflicts related to water resources through geopolitics

Matheus Hoffmann Pfrimer 19 February 2010 (has links)
A geopolítica vem apresentando várias contribuições ao estudo da relação entre recursos naturais e conflito. Entre esses recursos, a água é um dos que mais vem sendo apontado como suscetível de desencadear conflitos. Na visão geopolítica, a relação entre tensões e recursos hídricos é estruturada a partir da multicausalidade, e, portanto, há inúmeros fatores de diferentes escalas geográficas que se coadunam com a gestão dos recursos hídricos engendrando conflitos. Nesse contexto, a Guerra da Água, em Cochabamba, Bolívia, constitui um evento bastante estudado pela comunidade acadêmica, sendo retratado como a vitória da sociedade civil local sobre a empresa multinacional Aguas del Tunari, responsável pelo abastecimento de água naquela cidade boliviana. Entretanto, outros fatores nas escalas nacional, sulamericana e global influenciaram a deflagração das tensões, tendo seus efeitos repercutido em escalas mais amplas que apenas a local. No presente estudo, visamos avaliar a atuação das diferentes territorialidades na área metropolitana de Cochabamba, bem como os fatores estruturantes e estruturados desse conflito nos âmbitos nacional, sul-americano e global. Esta pesquisa consistiu em um estudo de caso de características analítica, descritiva e qualitativa. A pesquisa analítica se desenvolveu a partir de três dimensões: 1) a caracterização do objeto de pesquisa; 2) a dimensão espacial; 3) a dimensão temporal. O processo descritivo baseou-se em entrevistas com os líderes dos movimentos sociais atuantes durante a Guerra da Água, além de abranger estudos avaliativos de documentos, dados estatísticos e bibliográficos. Já o caráter qualitativo desenvolveu-se por meio da coleta de dados e observação longa e extensiva in loco. Concluímos que a caracterização da Guerra da Água apenas como um conflito relacionado aos recursos hídricos é incompleta e reducionista, já que diferentes tensões de várias escalas se materializam na região. / Geopolitics has presented many contributions to study the relation between natural resources and conflicts. Among these resources, water has been pointed out as the most susceptible to motivate conflicts. According to the geopolitical perspective, the relationship between tensions and water resources is structured on the multicausality, and, therefore, there are countless factors from different scales that together with the management of water resources can engender conflicts. In this context, the Water War in Cochabamba, Bolivia, is an event which is highly investigated by the academic community and is portrayed as the victory of local civil society over the multinational company Aguas del Tunari, responsible for the water supply in that Bolivian city. However, other agents in the national, south-American, and global spheres influenced the factors that triggered tensions and had their effects reflecting on broader scales than the local one. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the action of different territorialities in the metropolitan area of Cochabamba, as well as the structuring and structured factors of the Water War in the national, south-American, and global spheres. This research consisted of a case study with analytical, descriptive, and qualitative characteristics. The analytical research was developed taking into account three dimensions: 1) the characterization of the research object; 2) the spatial dimension; 3) the temporal dimension. The descriptive process was based on interviews with the social movements leaders that acted during the Water War, and also included the evaluation of documents, statistical and bibliographic data. The qualitative characteristic of this study was developed by means of data collection and long and extensive observations in loco. After analyzing the facts, data, and context of the Water War, we concluded that the characterizing this conflict as related only to water resources is incomplete and reductionist, since different tensions of many scales influence that region.

Environmentální uprchlíci na počátku 21. století / Environemental Refugees at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Muselíková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vazbou mezi životním prostředím, migrací a konfliktem Specifická pozornost je také věnována tzv. "environmentálním uprchlíkům" jako novému a hojně diskutovanému fenoménu v rámci této problematiky. Tato problematika je v České republice poměrně málo známým a málo diskutovaným tématem, a v češtině je k němu k dispozici jen velmi omezená literatura. Dalším cílem práce je tedy snaha zmapovat dosavadní výzkum k tomuto tématu na základě dostupné zahraniční literatury. Práce hledá odpověď na tyto hlavní otázky: Mohou enviromentální změny způsobit migraci? A pokud ano, je tato vazba kauzálně přímá, nebo zde hrají roli i další faktory? Může migrace vyvolaná enviromentálními změnami způsobit konflikt ohrožující světovou bezpečnost? Je vazba mezi enviromentálními změnami a konfliktem kauzálně přímá nebo ji ovlivňují i další faktory? Je volání po řešení otázky "environmentálních uprchlíků", jako opomíjené skupiny bez dostatečné mezinárodní ochrany a pomoci, oprávněné? Je správné a žádoucí samotné užití pojmu "environmentální uprchlík"?

The National Security Perspective Revisited. States’ Energy Security and the Environmental Security

Estenberg, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to counterargue Simon Dalby’s claim that the national security perspective should be replaced by a global security perspective. Dalby argues that the national security is inappropriate to capture the current issues regarding the environmental security. To counterargue Dalby’s claim, I represent the national security perspective by using the perspective of states’ energy security, and compare current trends and issues regarding states’ energy security and the environmental security. This is done to argue that states can either chose to enhance their own energy security or the environmental security. Prisoners' Dilemma is then used as a theoretical framework on an explanatory example to provide insights about a dilemma, called the Energy- Environment Dilemma in this thesis, that curbs states’ ability to commit themselves to the cause of protecting the environmental security. The explanatory example used is the strategic importance of the Northwest passage for the U.S. and Canada. The results of this thesis suggests that the national security perspective, in combination with Prisoners’ Dilemma, is useful to provide insights about the Energy-Environmental Dilemma. Replacing it with a global security perspective would be to ignore a perspective which can provide insights about a challenge for states to commit to the cause of protecting the environmental security.

Enviromentální bezpečnost v Kolumbii ve světle programů zaměřených na eradikaci koky / Coca eradication programs and environmental detriment in Colombia

Bregante, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Camilla Bregante Coca eradication programs and environmental detriment in Colombia Abstract Conceived as U.S. assistance to Bogotá in combating Colombian drug cartels, Plan Colombia imposed the eradication of coca plants mainly through the fumigation with glyphosate. In the accusations against the Plan, human health issues largely surpassed discourses over environmental preservation. This thesis argued that the protection of biodiversity-rich Colombian ecosystems should be prioritized, hypothesizing harmful effects of Plan's implementation on flora and fauna. Building on the securitization theory, Colombian environmental detriment was proved to constitute a security issue. First, indeed, critical review of main toxicologists' studies on the matter revealed that the mixture used in fumigations deeply affects the ecosystems. Notably, a case study on Putumayo department emphasized damages on non-target vegetation and animals, which reduced to poverty the locals. Secondly, elaborating the data collected by the Integrated Illicit Crops Monitoring System (SIMCI) between 2001 and 2015, a comparative analysis between Putumayo and the Pacific region detected major crops displacement along the years, and, therefore, more and more forests cleared to grow coca. Finally, the last chapter described how, in the same...

Hodnocení rizik a jejich dopady na životní prostředí z pohledu environmentální bezpečnosti / Risk assessment and its impact on the environment in terms of environmental safety

Skálová, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the environmental protection. In the primary phase are described risks, which have impact on environment. Because is in this thesis placed emphasis on the environmental security, the term environmental security is here defined and furthermore is also described its content. Described risks and problems is possible to solve due to environmental policy. This term includes also Concept of environmental policy, which is analysed with the vision for 2020. The second main part of this diploma thesis consists of author’s own proposals about the environmental protection. Here is pointed out the necessity to create an objective legislation and good conditions for environmental education.

To weaponise or not to weaponise : Targeting water in civil war

Groot, Irene Martine January 2020 (has links)
While the increasing importance of water security has been widely recognised, little is known about why and when water is likely to become the target of rebel groups in civil war. This study aims to contribute to this knowledge gap and asks the question: Why do non-state actors sometimes weaponise water? Based on bargaining theory and insights from terrorism literature, this study contends that military necessity and political costs constitute the dilemma that a rebel group faces in deciding whether or not to weaponise water. Hence, the more a rebel group is faced with a need to pressure the government, the more likely the rebel group is to target water systems when the political costs are low. Through a qualitative case study involving process tracing and structured focused comparison, this thesis explores the suggested hypothesis for the case of the FARC in the Colombian conflict by comparing two periods of peace negotiations during 1991-1992 and 1998-2002. The findings suggest that political costs are a critical factor while military necessity seems of less importance in the decision to weaponise or not to weaponise. Future research is warranted and this study suggests several directions.

Environmental Security In The Global Capitalist System: A World-systems Approach And Study Of Panama

Freeman, Mark Allen 01 January 2007 (has links)
The current global capitalist system is at odds with environmental protection and the protection of indigenous people that are directly linked to the land on which they live. In environmental security literature, many have argued that, theoretically and functionally, it is possible to link national security with environmental security. However possible this may be on paper, in practice, the global capitalist system prevents this from becoming a reality. Using a world-systems approach, this thesis will show that core countries seeking to expand capital by tapping into new markets, locating new sources of raw materials and even forming strategic military partnerships in periphery countries unavoidably degrade the natural environment and thus, adversely affect the lives and health of indigenous people. It is also the argument in this paper that the primary purpose of strategic military partnerships with periphery states, such as those formed in Panama and Colombia, are primarily meant to protect economic interests, thus perpetuating the capitalist cycle. The end result is that, while it is theoretically possible, through a different theoretical lens, to bridge the definitional and theoretical gulf between national security and environmental security, the reality of the system subverts this endeavor, and will continue to do so under its current configuration.

Linking Sustainability and Security: The Case of Timber Certification

Ivanova, Antonina January 2007 (has links)
Sustainable development reflects an emphasis on integrated solutions to economic development, socio-political stability and environmental health in the global community. In the same context the concept of security is no longer applied only to the military realm, but also to the economic, the societal, the environmental, and the political fields. The forestry sector provides a good illustration of the links between sustainable development and security in both its narrow (military security) and its broad (non-military security) sense. The forests have a substantial impact on the Earth¿s climate, the loss of forests is devastating to biodiversity and timber sales have been used to fund both state and non-state combatants in a variety of civil conflicts. Timber certification has been put forward as a viable alternative to existing regulations and practices and as one capable of contributing to the mitigation of both climate change and conflict. This paper outlines the evolution of timber certification initiatives. The identities and roles of different stakeholders are discussed, followed by an evaluation of certified forest areas and the implications of forest management for post-war economies. Finally, the role of timber certification and its possible impact on peaceful and sustainable development are discussed

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