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Erich Fromm : Humanist zwischen Tradition und Utopie /Lévy, Alfred. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Freie Univ., Diss u.d.T.: Lévy, Alfred: Traditionen und Perspektiven im Werk von Erich Fromm--Berlin, 2000. / Bibliogr. Erich Fromm S. 262 - 265. - Literaturverz. [255] - 262.
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O problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire e Erich Fromm / The problem of Freedom in Paulo Freire\'s and Erich Fromm\'s worksBorgheti, Rodrigo da Silva 20 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar o problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire escrita até 1970, compreendendo o percurso de apropriação que este educador fez da Psicologia Humanista de Erich Fromm. Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica, circunscrita no âmbito da História da Educação e da Psicologia do Século XX. Como fontes, utilizamos as obras dos autores em questão focando-nos em dois aspectos: a) na apreensão dos problemas que interessavam ambos os autores e nas soluções dadas pelos mesmos naquele contexto histórico; b) no entendimento das hipóteses e expectativas que consideravam como válidas. O estudo realizado evidenciou-nos que ambos os autores partiram de suas realidades, transformando suas reflexões em contribuições concretas para interpretar o problema da liberdade. Ambos viveram a crise profunda do mundo contemporâneo causada pelo terror do totalitarismo e da ideologia, cuja perversidade ameaçou a liberdade humana e o funcionamento de uma sociedade democrática e que se traduziu no campo intelectual pelo esfacelamento da tradição filosófica e religiosa. Ambos utilizaram novos métodos para justificarem a busca da resposta ao problema da liberdade em um século marcado pela violência. Embora a matriz ontológica do conceito de liberdade de Freire seja diferente de Fromm, contrariando nossa hipótese inicial de trabalho, Freire, encontra na psicologia humanista de Fromm uma possibilidade de reflexão sobre a questão educacional brasileira, partindo da história de sua tradição educacional e da inexperiência democrática do povo brasileiro, numa ótica interdisciplinar, com base filosófica antropológica e oferece categorias psicológicas para análise da formação da consciência dos indivíduos, ponto chave da liberdade humana, extremamente necessária para a educação de uma sociedade democrática. / The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the problem of freedom in Paulo Freire\'s works written until 1970, encompassing the trajectory of appropriation that this educator does upon Erich Fromm\'s Humanist Psychology. It is about a historical research, circumscribed in the scope of History of Education and Psychology and 20th Century. As sources, works of the authors mentioned have been used focusing primarily on two aspects: a) apprehension of the problems that were of interest to both authors and the solutions provided by both of them in that historical context; b) understanding of the hypotheses and expectations that were considered valid. The study has evidenced that both authors had as a starting point their own realities, transforming their reflections in concrete contributions to interpret the problem of freedom. Both lived the profound crisis of the contemporary world caused by the terror of totalitarianism and ideology, whose perversity threatened human freedom and functionalism of a democratic society and that translated itself in the intellectual field by the shredding of philosophical and religious tradition. Both used new methods to justify the search for the answer to the problem of freedom in a century stained by violence. Even though the ontological matrix of Freire\'s concept of freedom is different from Fromm\'s, contradicting the initial hypothesis of this paper, not only does Freire find in Fromm\'s humanist psychology a possibility to reflect upon the Brazilian educational problem, starting from the history of its educational tradition and the democratic inexperience from the Brazilian people, under an interdisciplinary view, with its anthropological philosophical foundation, but he also offers psychological categories to the human analysis for the formation of consciousness in individuals, key fact to the human freedom, extremely necessary to the education of a democratic society. Read more
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O problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire e Erich Fromm / The problem of Freedom in Paulo Freire\'s and Erich Fromm\'s worksRodrigo da Silva Borgheti 20 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar o problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire escrita até 1970, compreendendo o percurso de apropriação que este educador fez da Psicologia Humanista de Erich Fromm. Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica, circunscrita no âmbito da História da Educação e da Psicologia do Século XX. Como fontes, utilizamos as obras dos autores em questão focando-nos em dois aspectos: a) na apreensão dos problemas que interessavam ambos os autores e nas soluções dadas pelos mesmos naquele contexto histórico; b) no entendimento das hipóteses e expectativas que consideravam como válidas. O estudo realizado evidenciou-nos que ambos os autores partiram de suas realidades, transformando suas reflexões em contribuições concretas para interpretar o problema da liberdade. Ambos viveram a crise profunda do mundo contemporâneo causada pelo terror do totalitarismo e da ideologia, cuja perversidade ameaçou a liberdade humana e o funcionamento de uma sociedade democrática e que se traduziu no campo intelectual pelo esfacelamento da tradição filosófica e religiosa. Ambos utilizaram novos métodos para justificarem a busca da resposta ao problema da liberdade em um século marcado pela violência. Embora a matriz ontológica do conceito de liberdade de Freire seja diferente de Fromm, contrariando nossa hipótese inicial de trabalho, Freire, encontra na psicologia humanista de Fromm uma possibilidade de reflexão sobre a questão educacional brasileira, partindo da história de sua tradição educacional e da inexperiência democrática do povo brasileiro, numa ótica interdisciplinar, com base filosófica antropológica e oferece categorias psicológicas para análise da formação da consciência dos indivíduos, ponto chave da liberdade humana, extremamente necessária para a educação de uma sociedade democrática. / The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the problem of freedom in Paulo Freire\'s works written until 1970, encompassing the trajectory of appropriation that this educator does upon Erich Fromm\'s Humanist Psychology. It is about a historical research, circumscribed in the scope of History of Education and Psychology and 20th Century. As sources, works of the authors mentioned have been used focusing primarily on two aspects: a) apprehension of the problems that were of interest to both authors and the solutions provided by both of them in that historical context; b) understanding of the hypotheses and expectations that were considered valid. The study has evidenced that both authors had as a starting point their own realities, transforming their reflections in concrete contributions to interpret the problem of freedom. Both lived the profound crisis of the contemporary world caused by the terror of totalitarianism and ideology, whose perversity threatened human freedom and functionalism of a democratic society and that translated itself in the intellectual field by the shredding of philosophical and religious tradition. Both used new methods to justify the search for the answer to the problem of freedom in a century stained by violence. Even though the ontological matrix of Freire\'s concept of freedom is different from Fromm\'s, contradicting the initial hypothesis of this paper, not only does Freire find in Fromm\'s humanist psychology a possibility to reflect upon the Brazilian educational problem, starting from the history of its educational tradition and the democratic inexperience from the Brazilian people, under an interdisciplinary view, with its anthropological philosophical foundation, but he also offers psychological categories to the human analysis for the formation of consciousness in individuals, key fact to the human freedom, extremely necessary to the education of a democratic society. Read more
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Der autoritäre Charakter : Erich Fromms Beitrag zu einer politischen Psychologie des Nationalsozialismus /Schmidt, Carsten. January 2009 (has links)
Diss. Univ. Tübingen, 2007.
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Der Mensch zwischen Wachstum und Verfall : Beiträge zu Erich Fromms humanistischer Charakterlehre /Gross, Thomas M. January 1992 (has links)
Diss.--Universität Giessen, 1991.
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Liberté consommable : une critique de la raison folle du consumérisme / Consumable freedom : a critique of the insane reason of consumerismKahraman, Omer Ersin 23 October 2015 (has links)
Depuis le début du 20e siècle, la consommation est devenue un appareil idéologique que les masses utilisent pour acquérir une auto-identité par la voie des sens symboliques des marchandises. Cette évolution de la consommation vers le consumérisme ne peut être expliquée de l’intérieur du consensus théorique de la Science sous influence du paradigme dominant. Toutefois, la transformation peut être comprise par la voie d’une critique immanente de la rationalité. La consommation peut être vue comme la nouvelle méthode de la socialisation que l’individu utilise afin de se lier à la communauté dans la mesure où il est dépourvu dans la modernité du lien direct avec ses semblables. Le consensus théorique de la partie idéologique de la Science montre cette nouvelle méthode comme moyen de pacification des conflits qui peuvent perturber l’unité sociale, alors qu’en réalité la consommation de masse est source de destruction et de contradiction. La thèse essaye de démontrer la contradiction de ce nouveau modèle de socialisation et de clarifier le véritable rôle de la consommation : assurer la passivité des masses en réponse aux conflits sociaux du début du 20e siècle. « La peur de la liberté » d’Erich Fromm est utilisé pour la base de la recherche et les idées de l’école de Francfort sont évoquées pour développer la méthode de recherche. / Since the beginning of the 20th century, the consumption has become an ideological apparatus which is used for acquiring a self-identity through the symbolic meanings of the products. This evolution of the consumption in the consumerism cannot be comprehended inside the theoretical consensus of Science which is under the influence of the dominating paradigm. However, the transformation can be understood through an immanent critique of the rationality. The consumption can be seen as the new method of socialization that the individual uses to link herself/himself to the community insofar as the individual lacks in the modernity the direct link with the others. The theoretical consensus of the ideological part of Science shows this new method as a way to pacify the individual conflicts which can disrupt the social unity, in reality the mass consumption is the source of destruction and contradiction. The thesis aims to point out that contradiction of the theory and to clarify the real role of the consumption: constitute the passiveness of the masses in response to the social conflicts of the beginning of 20th century. The book “Escape from Freedom” of Erich Fromm is used as the base of the research and the ideas of the Frankfurt School are evoked in order to develop the research method. Read more
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Mezinárodní terorismus a jeho příčiny / International terrorism and its causesHlaváček, Karel January 2008 (has links)
Práce podává analýzu příčin dnešního islámského terorismu. Jako teoretický rámec výzkumu používá sociálně-psychologickou teorii Ericha Fromma. Dochází k závěru, že islámský terorismus je důsledkem rapidní socio-ekonomické změny, která se odehrála v muslimských zemích po 2. světové válce a vedla k vykořenění a ztrátě orientace ve světě u části muslimské populace. Ta posléze přijala ideologii islamismu jako nový rámec orientace. Islámský terorismus je pak jednou ze strategií, kterou islamismus používá k dosažení svých cílů.
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Filosofie Ericha Fromma a její přesah do současnosti / Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact on the PresentRadechovská, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact on the Present was to place the legacy of Erich Fromm into a philosophical context. The diploma thesis contains 4 main sections. The keywords needed to draw the philosophical background are defined in the first section, namely Privation; Hedonism; Eudemonia; and Virtues. The life and work of Erich Fromm are presented in the second section. Biography is followed by the third and most important section: the distinction of two life orientations. Fromm's existential modes of having and being are presented at the subchapters Speech; Authority and its application; Self-knowledge and personal development; Conversation; and Fear of Death. I focus on the vision of a new society according to Fromm's concept in the fourth section. In the last chapter, I offer a critical evaluation of the presented theses.
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Traditionen und Perspektiven im Werk von Erich FrommLévy, Alfred 12 December 2000 (has links)
Erich Fromms (1900-1980) Quellen werden aus seiner Biographie, dem Gedankengut der jüdischen Religion (vor allem der Propheten und des Talmud), der Soziologie Alfred und Max Webers, der religiösen und philosophischen Humanisten, des frühen Karl Marx und der Psychoanalyse Freuds erschlossen und anhand seines Werkes dargestellt und erörtert. Es folgen in chronologischer Reihenfolge Analysen von Fromms Beiträgen zu einer ethisch inspirierten Psychoanalyse, zur analytischen Sozialpsychologie, zur jüdischen, christlichen und buddhistischen Religionspsychologie und seinem Konzept einer nicht- theistischen, humanistischen Religion, zum Matriarchat, zum Marxismus und dem daraus abgeleiteten humanitären, kommunitären Sozialismus, zur Kulturanalyse, Kulturkritik und zum Humanismus. Detailliert wird auf Fromms berühmte sozialpolitische und kulturhistorische Untersuchungen des Mittelalters, der Renaissance, des Protestantismus, des Kapitalismus, des Nationalsozialismus, des Kommunismus, der Technik und der destruktiven Aggression eingegangen, welche zu seinen bekannten Begriffen des Gesellschaftscharakters , des Konsum- und Marketing-Charakters sowie der Nekrophilie führten. Fromms umfangreiches Werk wird abschließend gewürdigt und vor allem in den Bereichen der Sozialpsychologie, Aggressionstheorie und Pädagogik kritisiert, indem seine Konzepte auf die moderne Jugend des Jahres 2000 und den heutigen Gesellschaftscharakter angewandt werden. Methodisch wurde kritisch-historisch, religionspsychologisch und tiefenpsychologisch (psychoanalytisch und individualpsychologisch) vorgegangen. / Erich Fromms (1900-1980) sources are disclosed of his biography, of his judaistic thoughts (especially of des prophets and the talmud), of the sociologic concepts (Alfred and Max Weber), of the religious and philosophical humanists, of the early Karl Marx and of the psychoanalysis Sigmund Freuds. The analysis follows in chronologic order Fromms concepts of an ethical inspired psychoanalysis, of his socialpsychology, of his judaistic, christian and buddhist psychology of religion, of his project of an non-theistic humanistic religion, of the matriarchat, oft the Marxism and the derived humanistic communitarian Socialism, of the culture-analysis and critique. In detail are Fromms famous sociopolitical researches on the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Protestantism, the Kapitalism, the Nationalsocialism, the Kommunism, the technic and the aggression (destructivity) described. This leads to the terms of the social-character , the consum- and marketing-charakter and the necrophily . The work ends with the valuation and critique of Fromms ouevre especially in the parts of the socialpsychology, the theory of aggression and pedagogy. The evaluation is made with the character of the modern youth of the year 2000 and the modern social-character. As methods are used: history and critique of religion, depth-psychology (psychoanalysis and individualpsychology). Read more
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Porovnávání pohledu na člověka u Karla Marxe, Sigmunda Freuda a jejich následovníků / Comparison of the point of view on human being as seen by Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and their descendantsHavel, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper it to observe different approaches to human beings. Two major points of view will be that of Karl Marx and of Sigmund Freud. In which apects are their deffinitions of human being, behavior and thinking processes different and in which are they similar? How are their ideas transferred in the work of oher authors and where does it lead? Is it possible to find similar streams in the work of their followers? These are the two major questions that this paper will try to answer. Another meaning this paper should have is to create a meanigful and coherent source of various authors who were involved in examination of human being.
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