Spelling suggestions: "subject:"estuary"" "subject:"stuary""
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Sustentabilidade de agroecossistemas: um estudo de caso no estuário do rio São FranciscoCunha, Cleidinilson de Jesus 21 August 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work was carried out in order to study the agro ecosystems sustainability in the São Francisco River estuary, through a system analysis from the characterization of the
structure, function and properties (sustainability, productivity, stability, equitability and autonomy) of the local agro ecosystems. From the recent changes to the environmental dynamics and its implications on the socioeconomic and cultural organization represented by
fishers, crab catchers. Also the meaning of the environmental ethics on the agro ecosystems organization on the behavior of the social actors facing the exploitation of the fish resources (fish and crab) being an obstacle to the sustainable development. Field survey was carried out on the second semester of the year 2005 by the application of techniques such as direct observation by 52 semi-structured interviews with fishers, crab catchers and urban population from the village of Brejo Grande. The identification and characterization of the agro ecosystems from the estuary occurred by the application of the properties defined by Conway (1987) and Marten (1988). The regularization of the São Francisco river discharge from the construction of the electric power dams and also the recent introduction of shrimp projects have led to serious changes on the environment dynamic and consequently a reduction on the availability of fish and crab. This has brought dramatically impacts on the production and
social organization, marginalizing traditional ways of natural resources use, socio-cultural diversity and the historical knowledge built by the local population. These facts create
problems to the development of sustainable policies on the estuary. The behavior on the use of the natural resources can be identified in two different ways. The first one based on the traditional cartesian paradigm also mecanicist. On the other hand there is this ethical resistant behavior, based on the respect for nature, and the comprehension of interactions to the natural elements. / O presente trabalho vislumbra estudar a sustentabilidade de agroecossistemas no estuário do rio São Francisco, numa perspectiva de análise sistêmica, a partir da caracterização da
estrutura, função e propriedades (sustentabilidade, produtividade, estabilidade e eqüidade) do agroecossistema local, das mudanças ocorridas recentemente à dinâmica ambiental e suas implicações à organização socioeconômica e cultural da população representada por pescadores e catadores, bem como a pertinência da ética ambiental na organização dos agroecossistemas, diante da conduta dos atores sociais quanto à explotação dos recursos pesqueiros (peixes e caranguejo-uçá), configurando-se como obstáculos ao desenvolvimento sustentável. As campanhas de campo ocorreram no segundo semestre de 2005, ocasião em que foram desenvolvidas técnicas como a observação direta e a aplicação de 52 entrevistas semi-estruturadas envolvendo pescadores, catadores de caranguejo e a população urbana do
município de Brejo Grande. A identificação e caracterização de agroecossistemas no estuário ocorreram com a aplicação das propriedades definidas por Conway (1987) e Marten (1988). A
regularização da vazão do rio São Francisco diante da construção de barragens e a introdução recente de empreendimentos de carcinicultura têm promovido mudanças à dinâmica ambiental e ao estoque de pesca e de caranguejo-uçá que, por sua vez, tem contribuído com impactos à organização produtiva e social dos atores sociais do estuário, marginalizando as formas tradicionais de exploração dos recursos pesqueiros, a diversidade sócio-cultural e os
conhecimentos construídos historicamente pela população local. Esses fatores estabelecem barreiras às políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável no estuário do rio São Francisco. A conduta em relação ao uso dos recursos naturais pode ser percebida em duas correntes distintas de pensamento, uma baseada no paradigma tradicional cartesiano e mecanicista e outra de cunho ético, que ainda resiste, fundamentada na hermenêutica, no respeito à natureza, na compreensão da interação dos elementos naturais e na importância às gerações atuais e futuras.
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The influence of environmental factors on the spatial and temporal distribution of marine cladocerans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in an estuary of Ubatuba, SP / Influência de fatores ambientais sobre a distribuição temporal e espacial de cladóceros marinhos (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) em um estuário de Ubatuba, SPPatrícia Della Posta 21 March 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a influência de fatores ambientais na ocorrência e a distribuição espaço-temporal de cladóceros marinhos em uma região estuarina rasa localizada junto a uma área de manguezal. Ao longo do período de julho de 2004 a junho de 2005, foram realizadas amostragens do zooplâncton durante as marés enchentes de sizígia em duas estações de coletas localizadas na Praia Dura, município de Ubatuba, SP. As amostragens foram realizadas em triplicatas por meio de arrastos horizontais utilizando-se uma rede cônica com fluxômetro acoplado para se determinar o volume de água filtrada e, o zooplâncton amostrado foi imediatamente fixado em formol 4% neutralizado. Concomitantemente às amostragens foram tomados dados dos fatores ambientais temperatura, salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido (OD) e potencial hidrogeniônico (pH) da água. Foram observadas três espécies de cladóceros marinhos. A espécie Penilia avirostris foi a dominante e ocorreu ao longo de todo período amostral. As espécies Pseudevadne tergestina e Pleopis polyphemoides foram menos freqüentes, mas a última apresentou variação temporal sazonal ocorrendo nos meses de inverno e primavera. A ocorrência de P. polyphemoides correlacionou-se negativamente com o fator temperatura e positivamente com o fator oxigênio dissolvido. Tanto os fatores abióticos como as abundâncias das espécies não diferenciaram entre as estações de amostragens (Teste t; sempre p > 0,05). A Análise de Componentes principais revelou que as espécies P. avirostris, P. tergestina e P. polyphemoides formaram um agrupamento sendo que 60% da variância das espécies amostradas é explicada pelo fator oxigênio dissolvido. / The aim of the present study is to analyse the occurrence and the horizontal-temporal distribution of marine cladocerans in a shallow estuarine region associated to a mangrove forest, and to verify the possible influence of environmental factors on the temporal variation of the species. In the period from July 2004 to June 2005, zooplankton samples were taken during the flood tide of sizygia in two sampling stations located on Praia Dura estuary, Ubatuba city, SP. The samples were collected in triplicates through horizontal hauls using a planktonic conic net with a fluxometer attached to determine the filtered water volume and, the sampled zooplankton was immediately preserved with 4% neutral formaldehyde solution. Simultaneously with the sampling, temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen of the water were measured. In the laboratory, subsamples were taken from the original collected samples and the zooplankton were analised under a
stereomicroscope. So, the marine cladocerans were identified at species level and quantified. The zooplankton abundance was expressed by individuals per cubic meter. Three marine cladocerans species were registered in the Praia Dura estuary. Penilia avirostris was the dominant species and appeared throughout of the year. Pseudevadne tergestina and Pleopis polyphemoides were the less frequent species, but this later showed a seasonal variation occurring in the spring and summer months. The occurrence of P. polyphemoides presented negative correlationship with the temperature and a positive correlationship with the dissolved oxygen. The abiotic factors and the species abundances didnt show any statistical difference between the sampling stations (always p > 0,05). The Component of principal Analysis presented that the species P. avirostris, P. tergestina and P. polyphemoides, had organized as an group, being 60% of the variance was explained by the dissolved oxygen.
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Avaliação da hidrodinâmica e da poluição no Canal de Piaçaguera, no Estuário de Santos-São VIcente (SP), a partir de informações ambientais e modelagem numérica / Evaluation of hydrodynamics and pollution at Piaçaguera Channel, on the Firth of Santos - São Vicente (SP), from numerical modeling and environmental information.Caroline Nunes Parreira 11 April 2012 (has links)
Localizados na interface entre a terra e o mar, sistemas estuarinos estão propensos a grandes influências de substâncias que são introduzidas por diversas fontes, incluindo rios, deposição atmosférica, efluentes e escoamento de água superficial. Estas áreas, em geral, possuem um forte gradiente de concentração de substâncias químicas, onde essas são transformadas, retidas ou eliminadas. O Canal de Piaçaguera está inserido no Sistema Estuarino de Santos e São Vicente (SESS), localizado na Bacia Hidrográfica da Baixada Santista, situada na região Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista (RMBS), que compreende os municípios de Cubatão, Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá e Praia Grande. No SESS foram implantadas, na década de 50, diversas indústrias de base (siderurgia, petroquímica e de fertilizantes), que assim como o Porto de Santos, maior da América Latina, detém alto potencial poluidor, o que fez desse estuário um grande receptor de resíduos tóxicos e efluentes líquidos contaminados. A região do Canal de Piaçaguera, área considerada mais crítica em termos de poluição desse estuário, recebe efluentes de diversas indústrias e tem como outras importantes fontes poluidoras as atividades de dragagem, deposição atmosférica, águas provenientes de drenagem superficial, esgotos clandestinos e o Porto de Santos. O presente trabalho buscou ampliar o conhecimento da poluição das águas superficiais do Canal de Piaçaguera e verificar a influência da hidrodinâmica na contaminação dessa área e em outras áreas do estuário. Primeiramente foi realizada uma avaliação dos dados de qualidade das águas superficiais da Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (Cetesb) medidos em pontos dos rios Mogi, Piaçaguera e Cubatão, os quais despejam suas águas no canal, dos anos de 2000 a 2010. Para estimar as concentrações e área atingidas foram realizadas simulações da dispersão de poluentes em pontos dentro e fora do canal, a partir da modelagem numérica acoplada, de hidrodinâmica e dispersão. O diagnóstico de qualidade da água indica comprometimento da qualidade ambiental dos corpos dágua estudados, visto que apresentam teores acentuados de poluentes diversos e de fontes difusas, destacando-se as industriais e dos terminais portuários. O rio Piaçaguera contribuiu com o maior número de poluentes e mais elevada concentração deles. A modelagem demonstrou que o Canal de Piaçaguera apresenta circulação com energia bem menor que outras áreas do estuário, sendo notório o menor espalhamento de poluentes nessa área, de modo que a baixa velocidade das correntes no Canal é associada a menor dispersão de partículas. Considerando o lançamento contínuo de poluentes e fatores agravantes como, baixa hidrodinâmica, a bioacumulação e resuspensão dos sedimentos contaminados, é evidente que essa área necessita de maior controle e rigidez na disposição dos materiais com alto potencial poluidor. / Located at the interface between land and sea, estuarine systems are prone to large influences of substances that are introduced by various sources, including rivers, atmospheric deposition, wastewater and surface water runoff. These areas generally have a strong concentration gradient of chemicals where these are transformed, retained or eliminated. The Piaçaguera\'s channel is inserted at the estuarine system of Santos and São Vicente (SESS), located in the Santos Basin, located in the metropolitan area of Santos (RMBS), which includes the cities of Cubatao, Santos, Sao Vicente, Guaruja and Praia Grande. At the SESS were implanted, in the 1950s, several basic industries (steel, petrochemicals and fertilizers), that as the Port of Santos, Latin America\'s largest, has high pollution potential as well as the Port of Santos, what made this a great receiver estuary of toxic waste and contaminated wastewater. The region Piaçagueras channel, an area considered most critical in terms of pollution of the estuary receives effluents from various industries and its other major pollution sources of dredging activities, atmospheric deposition, water from surface drainage, underground running down and the Port of Santos . This study aimed to expand knowledge of the pollution of surface waters of the Channel Piaçaguera and the influence of hydrodynamics on the contamination of the area. We first carried out an evaluation of the data quality of surface waters of the State Environmental Company of São Paulo (Cetesb) at the points measured in the river Mogi, Piaçaguera and Cubatão, which discharge their waters into the canal, of the years 2000 to 2010. To estimate the concentrations and area affected were carried out simulations of pollutant dispersion in points inside and outside the channel from the coupled numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and dispersion. The diagnosis of water quality indicates impairment of environmental quality of the water bodies studied, since they exhibit high values concentration of various pollutants and diffuse sources, especially the industrial and port terminals. The river Piaçaguera contributed the largest number of pollutants and the higher their concentration theirs. The modeling demonstrated that the Piaçagueras channel has circulation with far less energy than other areas of the estuary, being remarkable the lowest spread of pollutants in this area, so that the low kinetic energy of currents in the channel is associated with a lower dispersion of particles. Considering the continuous discharge of pollutants and aggravating factors such as low hydrodynamics, bioaccumulation and resuspension of contaminated sediments, it is clear that this area needs greater rigidity in the control and disposal of materials with high pollution potential.
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Biological production and carbon sequestration functions in estuarine and coastal ecosystems / 河口沿岸域生態系の生物生産機能と炭素隔離機能Watanabe, Kenta 23 May 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第13262号 / 論農博第2875号 / 新制||農||1071(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R1||N5217(農学部図書室) / (主査)教授 山下 洋, 教授 澤山 茂樹, 教授 吉岡 崇仁 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Diversité des intégrons dans des sédiments estuariens anthropisés. / Integron diversity in anthropised estuary sedimentsOliveira, Cynthia 12 October 2017 (has links)
Les intégrons sont des plateformes génétiques bactériennes de capture et d'expression de gènes. Les intégrons cliniques sont les principaux responsables de la forte augmentation récente des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques. Cependant, dans l’environnement, ils ne représentent qu’une part minime de l’importante diversité des intégrons. Ainsi, les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (i) d’évaluer l’étendue de la diversité des intégrons dans l’environnement, (ii) de comprendre les phénomènes responsables de la structuration du pool d’intégrons dans le compartiment sédimentaire d’un milieu estuarien anthropisé et (iii) de rechercher l’existence potentielle d’intégrons indicateurs du niveau de contamination chimique.Le suivi des intégrons de classes 1, 2 et 3 et des populations d’E. coli dans des sédiments du bassin versant de la Risle impactés par des sources de contamination fécale bien caractérisées ont montré qu’en étiage, les souches d’E. coli d’origine humaine se disséminaient sur de courtes distances. Les intégrons de classe 1 se disséminent sur des distances un peu plus importantes et se maintiennent dans les 12 premiers centimètres du compartiment sédimentaire au moins.Une méthode a été développée permettant, pour la première fois, l’analyse de la diversité des intégrons via séquençage haut-débit. L’application de cette méthode sur une carotte sédimentaire de 4,8 m de profondeur prélevée dans l’estuaire fluvial de la Seine a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs milliers de classes d’intégrons dont de nombreuses intégrases encore jamais répertoriées. La diversité des intégrons chute fortement avec la profondeur. Les intégrons de classe 1, majoritaires dans les sédiments de surface, ont une abondance qui chute fortement avec la profondeur cependant ils répondent plutôt positivement à la contamination chimique renforçant l’idée de leur utilisation comme proxy de pollutions anthropiques récentes. Trois classes d’intégrons dominent dans la vase consolidée représentant 38% des séquences obtenues dans la carotte sédimentaire mais répondant plutôt négativement à la contamination chimique. Enfin, la structure du pool d’intégrons est fortement corrélée à celle de la communauté bactérienne mais semble en partie indépendante de la communauté bactérienne dans deux des fractions sédimentaires profondes avec la dominance d’une nouvelle classe d’intégrons qui semble sélectionnée par les HAP. / Integrons are bacterial genetic platforms allowing acquisition and expression of genes. Clinical integrons play a major role in the strong increase of antibiotic multi-resistant bacteria recently observed. However, in the environment, they represent only a tiny fraction of the large integron diversity. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were (i) estimating the extent of the integron diversity in the environment, (ii) understanding phenomena responsible for integron pool structure in anthropized estuarine sediments and (iii) looking for integrons potentially proxy of chemical pollution level. The research of class 1, 2 and 3 integrons and the analysis of E. coli populations in sediments from the Risle drainage basin impacted by well-characterized fecal contamination sources show that E. coli strains with human origins were spread on short distances during low water level periods. However, class 1 integrons are spread on slightly longer distances and remain present in the 12 first centimeters of sediments at least. A methodology was developed allowing, for the first time, the analysis of integron diversity by high-throughput sequencing. In this way, the analysis of a 4.8 meter core sediment from the fluvial Seine estuary highlighted several thousands integron classes including many new integrases absent from data bases. Integron diversity decreases along with depth. Class 1 integrons are the majority integrons in surface sediments but their abundance strongly decreases in deep sediments. Class 1 integron abundance rather responds positively to chemical pollutions accentuating the idea that class 1 integrons could be used as proxy of recent anthropogenic pollutions. In the sediment core, three integron classes outshine the whole dataset: they represent 38% of all the sequences from the sediment core. However, abundances of these three majority integron classes rather respond negatively to chemical pollution levels. Integron pool structure is highly correlated to bacterial community diversity but seems to be partially independent to bacterial community diversity within two deep fractions from the sediment core: in these two sediment fractions, a new integron class outshines the rest of integron classes and seems to be specific to these two sediment fractions. Furthermore, this new integron class seems to be selected by PAH.
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Kartläggning av fluviala påverkansfaktorer hos biflödesmynningsområden inom Klarälvens avrinningsområde : Utgör biflödesmynningsområdena hot-spots för fisk? / Identifying environmental factors in tributary mouths within the catchment area of Klarälven : Do tributary mouths constitute hot-spots for fish?Andersson, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Biflödesområden och sammanflödeszoner spelar en viktig roll, inte minst genom deras förmåga att förändra miljöförhållandena och framkalla ett biologiskt svar i huvudfåran de rinner ut i. Biflödesområden utgör även platser med högt inneboende ekologiskt värde, där särskilda biofysiska processer och ekologiska tjänster ofta är koncentrerade. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida biflödesmynningsområden inom Klarälvens avrinningsområde utgjorde hotspots för fisk samt kartlägga eventuella fluviala påverkansfaktorer. Parametrar som studerades var artförekomst och medeltäthet samt omvärldsfaktorerna medeldjup, lokalbredd, bottensubstrat, vattennivå, vattenhastighet och förekomsten av vandringshinder i vattendraget. Flest arter återfanns i Klarälvens huvudfåra, varpå biflödesmynningarna hade näst flest arter och uppströms biflödena lägst antal arter. Medeltäthet av arterna bergsimpa (Cottus poecilopus), elritsa (Phoxinus phoxinus) och lake (Lota lota) var störst i biflödesmynningarna, medan medeltätheten av lax (Salmo salar) och öring (Salmo trutta) var som störst uppströms biflödena. Resultatet visade också att öring, i större utsträckning än lax, förekom högre uppströms i biflödena, ett förhållande som även stödjs av tidigare studier. Gällande omvärldsfaktorerna var vattenhastigheten signifikant högre i biflödemynningarna och uppströms biflödena jämfört med i huvudfåran, samtidigt som det högsta diversitetsvärdet för bottensubstratkompositionen återfanns i huvudfåran. Utifrån dessa resultat var det svårt att dra en slutsats kring om biflödesmynningarna faktiskt utgjorde hotspots för fisk eller inte, då det skiftade beroende på vilka parametrar som studerades. En bedömning gjordes att biflödesmynningsområden inom Klarälvens avrinningsområde inte utgjorde hotspots för fisk. Nyckelord: Biflödesmynning, biflöde, huvudfåra, Klarälven, flottning, vattenkraft / Abstract Tributary areas and confluence zones play an important role, not least through their ability to change environmental conditions and elicit a biological response in the main stream they flow into. Tributary areas also provide sites of high inherent ecological value, where specific biophysical processes and ecological services are often concentrated. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether tributary mouths within the catchment area of Klarälven constituted hotspots for fish and to identify possible environmental factors associated with hotspots. Parameters studied were species composition and mean density, as well as the physical factors such as average depth, local width, bottom substrate, water level, water velocity and the occurrence of migratory obstacles in the watercourse. Most species were found in the mainstream, whereas tributary mouths had the second highest species richness and upstream tributaries had the lowest number of species. The mean density of the alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus), eurasian minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and burbot (Lota lota) was greatest in the tributary mouths, while the mean density of salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (Salmo trutta) was greatest upstream of the tributaries. The results also showed that trout, to a greater extent than salmon, occurred higher upstream in the tributaries, a relationship that is also supported by previous studies. Regarding the physical factors, water velocity was significantly higher in the tributary mouths and upstream tributaries than in the mainstream, while the highest diversity for bottom substrate composition was found in the mainstream. Based on these results, it was difficult to conclude whether tributary mouths actually constituted hotspots for fish or not, as it varied depending on the parameters studied. Overall tributary mouths within the catchment area of Klarälven did not constitute hotspots for fish. Keywords: Estuary, tributary, mainstream, river, rafting, hydropower
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Simulating the Elastic Response of the Solid Earth due to Ocean Tide Loading in the La Plata EstuaryWhaley, Michael K. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture Ponds on Coastal Wetlands in the Yellow River Estuary / 黄河河口における養殖が湿地に及ぼす影響に関する研究Fu, Jing 23 May 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第20595号 / 地環博第166号 / 新制||地環||33(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎環境マネジメント専攻 / (主査)教授 柴田 昌三, 教授 山下 洋, 准教授 深町 加津枝, 教授 横山 壽 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Ammonium cycling and nitrifier community composition in eutrophic waters affected by cyanobacterial harmful algal bloomsHampel, Justyna J. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The geochemical status of the surface water and the sediments in the estuary of the Sangis River, Kalix, SwedenSandberg, Anton January 2023 (has links)
It has been common in forestry and agriculture to drain waterlogged areas through ditching in order to cultivate them. The ditches that drain water are usually connected to some watercourse, such as a river. When the water flow of the river decreases and becomes more still, particles will settle and fall to the bottom of the water body and form sediment. If there is an increasing amount of nutrients and metals transported with the water, it could affect the water quality negatively, since an increased amount of nutrients could result in eutrophication and many metals are toxic in high amounts. In the Sangis River there is an increased amount of sediment deposited at the mouth of the river and inside the estuary, which has resulted in the river and the estuary becoming shallower. The origin of the deposited sediments is believed to partly be from ditching. The residents of the village of Sangis have said that it is difficult to cross the estuary by boat because of the deposited sediments, therefore, their wish is for a channel dredged in the Sangis River and its estuary that they can use. The main aim of this master's thesis was to analyse the geochemical status of the surface water and the sediment in the estuary of the Sangis River and to give recommendations for future actions preventing sedimentation of the river channel. The analyse of the geochemical status of the sediment was achieved by sampling six sediment- cores in the estuary and analysing for different parameters. The analyse of the geochemical status of the surface water was achieved by comparing the water quality regarding metal concentrations in the estuary with other nearby rivers and classifying the concentration of phosphorous in the estuary, to determinate if there was an ongoing eutrophication. The following analyses were conducted for the sediment-cores: Element distribution were analysed with P-XRF, pH and electrical conductivity were measured and loss on ignition was also calculated trough combustion of the sub-samples. The results showed for the P-XRF that the dominating main elements were iron, sulfur, calcium and potassium. Iron and sulfur were correlated to each other in all profiles and had a peak between 20-35 cm in the sediment. This indicated that there could be formation of iron sulfides at that depth. Therefore, sub-sample 4.D was analysed with SEM-EDS instrument and framboidal pyrite (FeS2) was detected in the sample. The results from the pH and conductivity showed that the pH-value varies greatly both with depth and between the sediment cores. However, for the conductivity it could be seen how it peaked at around 20-35 cm in all profiles, with the highest EC-value in profile 4. It could be concluded that the surface water in the estuary contains elevated concentrations of copper and that there is an ongoing eutrophication as well. Due to the eutrophication, it has most likely resulted in an increased amount of aquatic plants during the summer. The increased amount of organic material has probably resulted in oxygen-free bottoms, since all the oxygen has been consumed when the organic material has been decomposed. The formation of framboidal pyrite shows that the redox ladder has reached the two last steps, since framboidal pyrite (FeS2) consists of reduced sulfur and dissolved iron and is formed during anoxic conditions. Reduced sulfur forms when sulfate is reduced in order to oxidize organic matter and dissolved iron forms when iron-oxide hydroxides are reduced in order to oxidize organic matter. If dredging is carried out in the Sangis river and its estuary, oxidation of framboidal pyrite will occur, this could result in formation of acid and leachate of metals that were previously bound to framboidal pyrite. The consequences if it leaches into the river and the estuary is that it creates an acidic environment with elevated metal concentrations, where marine life would find it hard to live. The extent and impact of leached acidity and metals needs to be studied further.
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