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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kovos su neteisėta narkotinių medžiagų apyvarta strategija Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje / Strategy of the fight against illegal circulation of drugs in the European Union and Lithuania

Kuchalskis, Klaidas 05 June 2006 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Kovos su neteisėta narkotinių medžiagų apyvarta strategija Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje” buvo siekiama išanalizuoti narkomanijos plitimo situaciją ir pagrindines tendencijas Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, nustatyti esmines efektyvios kovos su narkotikais Lietuvoje įgyvendinimo problemas bei numatyti jų sprendimo būdus. Magistrinio darbo tikslas – socialiniu, teisiniu, administraciniu ir politiniu požiūriu įvertinti Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos kovos su narkotikais strategijų/programų efektyvumą, atsižvelgiant į šių dienų narkomanijos ir neteisėtos narkotikų apyvartos didėjimo problemas bei pateikti jų analizę. Tyrimo objektas – veiksniai, darantys poveikį kuriant ir įgyvendinant efektyvią narkotikų kontrolės strategiją. / The final Master's thesis focuses on the analysis of the situation and prevailing tendencies inthe European Union and Lithuania from the point of view of further spread of drug abuse emphasising the identification of major problems faced in the process of implementation of an efficient drug control policy inLithuania with the aim to suggest the ways for improvement of the inplementation of the national drug control policy.

Europos Sąjungos paramos panaudojimo Lietuvos žemės ūkyje analizė / Use of European Community Support for the Lithuanian agricultural sector analysis

Bubėnas, Gediminas 04 January 2007 (has links)
Šią magistro baigiamojo darbo temą pasirinkome todėl, kad ji yra nauja, įdomi ir mažai išnagrinėta. Be to, ji yra artima patiems darbo autoriams. Mes atlikome Europos Sąjungos paramos panaudojimo Lietuvos žemės ūkyje analizę tam, kad sužinotume, kaip ši parama yra skirstoma ir įsisavinama. Aišku, realus paramos poveikis žemės ūkiui bus matomas tik po kelerių metų, tačiau pirmuosius šios paramos panaudojimo rezultatus jau galime pamatyti. Problema yra ta, kad ne visa ši parama yra paskirstoma ir panaudojama. Egzistuoja nemažai problemų, kurios šią problemą ir įtakoja. Mūsų darbo tyrimo objektas yra visos Lietuvos žemės ūkis. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti, kokią įtaką Europos Sąjungos parama daro šalies žemės ūkiui. Šiame darbe mes išsiaiškinome Lietuvos žemės ūkio pokyčius, išanalizavome žemės ūkio politikos vykdymo teisingumą ir efektyvumą, apžvelgėme Lietuvos žemdirbių aktyvumą, parodėme teigiamus ir neigiamus paramos lėšų panaudojimo aspektus. / This subject of master thesis was chosen because of its newness, relevance and lack of researches. Moreover the subject is relevant for both of the authors. We performed analysis how European Community support for the Lithuanian agricultural sector is distributed and absorbed. It is evident, that the real impact will be seen after several years, but initial results of use already can be seen. The main problem is that not all given support is distributed and used appropriately. The object this master thesis is whole Lithuanian agricultural sector. The primary objective is to comprehensively analyse the impact of European Community support for the Lithuanian agricultural sector. We researched the changes of Lithuanian agriculture, analysed the efficiency and equity of implemented policy, overlooked the activity of farmers and tried to define positive and negative aspects of support use. To reach the objective of this master thesis and to collect the initial data for the analysis we used scientific literature, documents and statistic data provided by support administrating institutions and the method of comparison. The first part of the analysis covers the main aspects of implemented policy of European Community and Lithuania, the second part gives the analysis of SAPARD, BPD fourth priority programme and the draft of expansion of rural areas for 2004-2006 support use, short overview of the changes of Lithuanian agriculture and guidelines for the new period of 2007-2013 year... [to full text]

Romanian Labour Migration in the Context of EU Expansion

Vincze, Elizabeth 04 April 2011 (has links)
In response to shifting borders and radical changes in political and economic regimes, a great number of Hungarian Romanians left their homeland in the last century. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in a Hungarian village in Romania, in this thesis I argue that the growing uncertainty in villagers’ working lives, a result of the high unemployment accompanying post-socialist transformation, and ethnic and class based disadvantage in Romania, impels them to engage in pluriactivity in their livelihood strategies. This includes circular labour migration in Hungary and other European Union states. Economic inequalities within the expanded EU create an ethnically segmented labour market, in which working class Transylvanian Hungarians become associated with certain types of work, in this case, temporary and often undocumented jobs in the least desirable sectors of the economy.

"A comparison of the Cotonou Agreement and the AGOA: trade creating or trade diverting?"

Klostermann, Eva Amelie. January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis has attempted to provide an analysis of two legal instruments / the Cotonou Agreement and the AGOA. Specific attention was directed to these instruments impact on trade between the European Union and the United States, respectively, and beneficiary African countries.</p>

Vapenhandel : En kontradiktion till EU:s utvecklingspolitik?

Ylipää, Josephine January 2013 (has links)
Arms trade is a multi-faced issue, it can increase the state's economic revenue; however also endanger the human security. The European Union's member state United Kingdom is one of the five largest arms traders in the world. The EU promotes human security in its work, especially in the union's development policies. These circumstances address the main question of the study: is there a contradiction between the UK's arms trade and the EU development policies. The objective of this study is to research the stately weapon use in three of the UK's trading partners, and how it could affect the EU development policies. The UK exports arms to Israel, Sudan and Egypt all countries which have misused arms through attacks towards the civilian population. The misuse of arms has prevented the EU to achieve the goals within the development policies though violations of human rights, increased suffering, and decreased human security.

Values and interests in the foreign policy of the European Union. The case of the EU-Uzbekistan relations / Vertybės ir interesai Europos Sąjungos užsienio politikoje. ES-Uzbekistano santykių atvejis

Razma, Ainis 11 December 2012 (has links)
The dissertation explores the conflict between interests and values, manifested in the European Union‘s policy in Uzbekistan. EU has sound economic and political interests in Central Asia, however their implementation is often hindered by a dissension on values. The differences in ideologies and political cultures between the EU and Uzbekistan lead to the situation where further unilateral emphasis on values and principles may cause a buildup of tension in relations. Analysis of the EU-Uzbekistan relations implies, that dominant thinking on the EU‘s side is to take the growing tension in relations with Uzbekistan as temporal situational difficulties, which are supposed to cease as soon as the leadership of Uzbekistan will accept proposed standard schemes of cooperation, including inter alia, the continuous implementation of principles of democracy in various spheres of life of the society and the state. On the other hand, the analysis does not uncover any evidence in favour of the assumption that such temporal situation would change anytime soon. This brings into question both the approaches, providing a ground for the EU‘s policy in Uzbekistan, and the expectations for outcomes of such a policy. Methodologically, dissertation stays within the stream of qualitative-interpretive tradition. It employs the method of civilizational analysis, aiming to explain the role of values in the relations between states, belonging to different civilizations, and how they can cause the... [to full text] / Disertacija tiria vertybių ir interesų konfliktą, pasireiškiantį Europos Sąjungos politikoje Uzbekistane. Europos Sąjunga Centrinėje Azijoje turi ekonominių ir politinių interesų, tačiau jų įgyvendinimas dažnokai stringa dėl vertybinio pobūdžio nesutarimų tarp ES ir Uzbekistano. Panašu, jog ideologijų ir politinių kultūrų skirtumai tarp Uzbekistano ir Europos Sąjungos sąlygoja situaciją, kai pernelyg stiprus vertybinio dėmens akcentavimas tolydžio didina įtampą tarpusavio santykiuose. Nagrinėjant šiuos santykius ryškėja, jog ES vyrauja tendencija žvelgti į įtampos didėjimą santykiuose su Uzbekistanu kaip į laikiną reiškinį, o ES iškylančias kliūtis siekti interesų Centrinėje Azijoje, vertinti kaip laikinus situacinius sunkumus. Abu šie reiškiniai lyg ir turėtų išnykti, kai tik Uzbekistanas sutiks priimti siūlomas standartines bendradarbiavimo schemas, apimančias be kita ko ir nuoseklų demokratijos principų diegimą visose valstybės ir visuomenės gyvenimo srityse. Kita vertus, tyrinėjant ES – Uzbekistano santykius, sunku atrasti tokio laikinumo prielaidų. Todėl iškyla klausimas apie ES požiūrio, lūkesčių bei jais besiremiančios politikos Centrinėje Azijoje pagrįstumą. Metodologiniu požiūriu, disertacija orientuojama kokybine-interpretacine linkme. Vertybių vaidmuo santykiuose tarp valstybių, priklausančių skirtingoms civilizacijoms, nagrinėjamas naudojant civilizacijų analizės metodą. Siekiama išsiaiškinti ar vertybės gali sąlygoti neatitikimą tarp valstybės užsienio politikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Vertybės ir interesai Europos Sąjungos užsienio politikoje. ES – Uzbekistano santykių atvejis / Values and interests in the foreign policy of the European Union.The case of the EU-Uzbekistan relations

Razma, Ainis 11 December 2012 (has links)
Disertacija tiria vertybių ir interesų konfliktą, pasireiškiantį Europos Sąjungos politikoje Uzbekistane. Europos Sąjunga Centrinėje Azijoje turi ekonominių ir politinių interesų, tačiau jų įgyvendinimas dažnokai stringa dėl vertybinio pobūdžio nesutarimų tarp ES ir Uzbekistano. Panašu, jog ideologijų ir politinių kultūrų skirtumai tarp Uzbekistano ir Europos Sąjungos sąlygoja situaciją, kai pernelyg stiprus vertybinio dėmens akcentavimas tolydžio didina įtampą tarpusavio santykiuose. Nagrinėjant šiuos santykius ryškėja, jog ES vyrauja tendencija žvelgti į įtampos didėjimą santykiuose su Uzbekistanu kaip į laikiną reiškinį, o ES iškylančias kliūtis siekti interesų Centrinėje Azijoje, vertinti kaip laikinus situacinius sunkumus. Abu šie reiškiniai lyg ir turėtų išnykti, kai tik Uzbekistanas sutiks priimti siūlomas standartines bendradarbiavimo schemas, apimančias be kita ko ir nuoseklų demokratijos principų diegimą visose valstybės ir visuomenės gyvenimo srityse. Kita vertus, tyrinėjant ES – Uzbekistano santykius, sunku atrasti tokio laikinumo prielaidų. Todėl iškyla klausimas apie ES požiūrio, lūkesčių bei jais besiremiančios politikos Centrinėje Azijoje pagrįstumą. Metodologiniu požiūriu, disertacija orientuojama kokybine-interpretacine linkme. Vertybių vaidmuo santykiuose tarp valstybių, priklausančių skirtingoms civilizacijoms, nagrinėjamas naudojant civilizacijų analizės metodą. Siekiama išsiaiškinti ar vertybės gali sąlygoti neatitikimą tarp valstybės užsienio politikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation explores the conflict between interests and values, manifested in the European Union‘s policy in Uzbekistan. EU has sound economic and political interests in Central Asia, however their implementation is often hindered by a dissension on values. The differences in ideologies and political cultures between the EU and Uzbekistan lead to the situation where further unilateral emphasis on values and principles may cause a buildup of tension in relations. Analysis of the EU-Uzbekistan relations implies, that dominant thinking on the EU‘s side is to take the growing tension in relations with Uzbekistan as temporal situational difficulties, which are supposed to cease as soon as the leadership of Uzbekistan will accept proposed standard schemes of cooperation, including inter alia, the continuous implementation of principles of democracy in various spheres of life of the society and the state. On the other hand, the analysis does not uncover any evidence in favour of the assumption that such temporal situation would change anytime soon. This brings into question both the approaches, providing a ground for the EU‘s policy in Uzbekistan, and the expectations for outcomes of such a policy. Methodologically, dissertation stays within the stream of qualitative-interpretive tradition. It employs the method of civilizational analysis, aiming to explain the role of values in the relations between states, belonging to different civilizations, and how they can cause the... [to full text]

Europe at 6pm: Images of the EU on New Zealand Television News

Bain, Jessica Margaret January 2007 (has links)
Contributing to the broader debate on the nature and identity of the European Union (EU), this thesis is a study of the EU from the outside looking in: an examination of how this novel process of integration among the nations of Europe is viewed by its partners around the world, in particular in New Zealand through its television news media. While there are many studies which examine how the EU is understood and represented within its borders, there is an absence of parallel studies which consider the image of the EU from an external perspective. Recognising that the television news media plays a particularly important role in influencing the knowledge and perceptions of people on foreign matters, the thesis presents an analysis of the entire EU television news coverage in New Zealand's two prime-time television news bulletins throughout 2004. The primary research question that the thesis investigates is, how is the EU framed in the television news media of New Zealand, an external 'Other' of the EU? The study was multi-methodological in nature and analysed each of the relevant news items using content analysis, as well as undertaking deeper analysis of the metaphorical categorisations and the visual images of the EU, to detect the entire range of EU representations and the overall image of the EU these created for New Zealand television news audiences. These findings were then compared against corresponding research from Australia, South Korea and Thailand, as well as to the perceptions of New Zealand's leading newsmakers, in order to account for the most important trends in EU image formation in New Zealand. In particular it was found that the EU was often entirely absent from the New Zealand television news space, and when it was visible, was often presented in a way which ignored the extensive domestic relevance of the Union for New Zealand and its immediate region.

Many Voices, Few Listeners: an analysis of the dialogue between Islam and contemporary Europe

Boyce, Valerie January 2009 (has links)
Enlargement of the European Union (EU) coupled with immigration and rising transnational flows of people has led to increased contact between different cultures, religions, ethnic groups and diverse languages. Historically, the reproduction of ethnic and racial bigotry from generation to generation has marred the European landscape. Cognisant of this, the EU is committed to the development of intercultural competences and the promotion of intercultural dialogue, involving not only public authorities but also civil society. As part of a strategy to build a cohesive integrated ‘social Europe’, the EU launched the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID) at Ljubijana in Slovenia on January 8. Beneath the carapace of ‘Unity in Diversity’, the aim of EYID is to promote a better understanding of Europe’s complex cultural environment in an effort to move beyond ‘mere tolerance’. In recent years, however, increasing tensions involving Europe’s Muslim population have been exacerbated by their visible difference, youth riots, terrorism and the current global discourse of “clash”. Considering that Europe’s largest ethnic minority is Muslim, any attempt to foster tolerance through intercultural dialogue could be severely limited by Europe’s ability to sustain a meaningful dialogue with Islam. Thus, this thesis focuses specifically on dialogue with Islam in contemporary Europe. Its aim is to contribute to the present discussion concerning the perceived need for policy makers and citizens to redefine the space/identity allocated to Europe’s Muslim population. Beginning with a brief history of Muslim immigration to Europe this dissertation then analyses the marginalisation of these immigrants by the development of institutionalised inequalities. Pursuant to this is an examination of the scholarly debate surrounding the phenomenon of a nascent ‘European identity’ and its compatibility, to an equally embryonic ‘Euro-Muslim identity’. Using EYID as a tool, this treatise then examines the themes reflected in academic discourse, which emerged from the EU level debates in relation to the acceptance of Europe’s minorities. As Europe attempts to rethink a broader identity by accepting that immigrants are no longer sojourners but a necessary part of Europe’s future, this thesis asks, how meaningful was the EYID to the discourse between Europe’s Muslims and European leaders, policy makers, and civil society?

Sustainable Problems of Development: Does the EU contribute to the sustainable development of Tonga?

Reichstein, Andrea January 2008 (has links)
Sustainable development increasingly provides new norms in the international agenda for development assistance. As an international development actor the European Union (EU) integrates this notion into its objectives for development co-operation with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. This study, therefore, investigates how effectively the EU contributes to the sustainable development of Tonga, member of the Pacific ACP region. An operational mode of sustainable development should adopt an agenda that addresses the needs of the poor and adopts the objective to manage natural resources in a manner that allows economic growth and social development without irreversible impacts on the environment. In the bilateral development co-operation between the EU and Tonga the concept of sustainable development is now firmly established as an overarching objective. This research therefore investigates the correlation between Tonga’s agenda for sustainability and the development policy and co- operation the EU provides. In the policy framework that the EU adopts, addresses effectively many of the aspects of Tonga’s sustainable development. In the current framework of the tenth European Development Fund (EDF), in particular, the EU adopts appropriate strategies for the management of Tonga’s environment that support social and economic development. An analysis of the allocation of funds, however, shows that the promised policy strategies do not result in appropriate action. To contribute more successfully to the sustainable development of Tonga, the EU needs to integrate the development of the country into its own interests. The notion of cosmopolitan moral responsibility and distributive justice offers an incentive for the EU to do so.

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