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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phosphorus Emissions from Fish Farms : Observed and Predicted Effects

Johansson, Torbjörn January 2001 (has links)
During the last decades, fish farming has been a rapidly increasing industry in many European and North American countries. Sweden has a large potential for aquaculture, but there is also a strong concern about the effects on the environment that an increased aquaculture production may cause. This thesis focuses on the eutrophication effects of fish farming in lakes and in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. Possible eutrophication effects related to marine fish farm emissions were found in small and semi-enclosed bays in the Åland archipelago of the Baltic Sea. Fish farming did not have any measurable large scale effect on TN in the Åland archipelago, but there were indications of a large scale effect on TP. Nutrient concentrations and other eutrophication indicators in lakes with fish farms correlated well with the variations in farm load among the lakes and with distance from the fish farms within lakes. In a majority of the observed cases the effects on phosphorus concentrations were smaller than expected from the most commonly used models. Besides overestimating the effects, these old models described the variation between lakes adequately. It was therefore possible to construct farm specific steady state models based on the same model structures, that should be simple and accurate enough to be useful. The observed effects on phosphorus concentrations tended to be higher in lakes where fish farms had been active for a long time, compared to lakes with new fish farms. Earlier investigations have shown that there is a considerable time lag in the response of changed phosphorus loads in many lakes. Empirical data and model simulations suggest that this is the case also for fish farm lakes.

Impact Of Top Down And Bottom Up Controls On The Microbial Loop In Turkish Shallow Lakes: Space For Time Substitute, Monitoring And Mesocosms Approaches

Ozen, Arda 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates constitute the microbial loop and it is a model of the pathways of carbon and nutrient cycling through microbial components of pelagic aquatic communities. The current study comprised of a comparative study of the microbial food web community along north to south latitudinal gradient using space for time susbtitute, monitoring and mesocosms experiments with contrasting nutrient and predation states. We investigated effect of fish predation through different zooplankton taxa on microbial loop community with in situ food web experiments in 14 lakes along north to south latitudinal gradient. The effect of seasonality was also determined by monitoring in Lakes Eymir and Mogan between 2010 and 2011. Effects of hydrology and fish through microbial community was studied in mesocosms in Lake Eymir. An implication of global warming along with eutrophication on microbial community was further explored in warmed and nutrient enriched artificial ponds during 4 months in Silkeborg, Denmark. Our results revealed that temperature, hydrology, fish, macrophytes and seasonality affected the top down control of zooplankton and bottom up control of nutrients on microbial loop and interactions between controls and increase in these controls had a strong negative impact on the contribution and biomass of microbial loop and change the interactions within microbial community. Global warming may also effect the impact of top down and bottom up controls through increasing eutrophication, temperature, change in hydrology and zooplankton composition and in a consequence of that efficiency of microbial loop may decrease in the future warmer, drier and eutrophic conditions.

Assessing the effectiveness of the Neuse nitrogen TMDL program and its impacts on estuarine chlorophyll dynamics

Alameddine, Ibrahim January 2011 (has links)
<p>Coastal eutrophication is a complex process that is caused largely by anthropogenic nutrient enrichment. Estuaries are particularly susceptible to nutrient impairment, owing to their intimate connection with the contributing watersheds. Estuaries experiencing accelerating eutrophication are subject to a loss of key ecological functions and services. This doctoral dissertation presents the development and implementation of an integrated approach toward assessing the water quality in the Neuse Estuary following the implementation of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) program in the Neuse River basin. In order to accomplish this task, I have developed a series of water quality models and modeling strategies that can be effectively used in assessing nutrient based eutrophication. Two watershed-level nutrient loading models that operate on a different temporal scale are developed and used to quantify nitrogen loading to the Neuse Estuary over time. The models are used to probabilistically assess the success of the adopted mitigation measures in achieving the 30 % load reduction goal stipulated by the TMDL. Additionally, a novel structure learning approach is adopted to develop a Bayesian Network (BN) model that describes chlorophyll dynamics in the Upper Neuse Estuary. The developed BN model is compared to pre-TMDL models to assess any changes in the role that nutrient loading and physical forcings play in modulating chlorophyll levels in that section of the estuary. Finally, a set of empirical models are developed to assess the water quality monitoring program in the estuary, while also exploring the possibility of incorporating remotely sensed satellite data in an effort to augment the existing in-situ monitoring programs.</p> / Dissertation

Load reduction and invasive mussel effects on eutrophication dynamics in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron

Cha, Yoon Kyung January 2011 (has links)
<p>Phosphorus load reduction and dreissenid invasion are the two most important factors that influence europhication dynamics in the Great Lakes. The 1978 amendments to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) between the United States and Canada established target phosphorus loads for the lakes, leading to reductions in external phosphorus loading to the Great Lakes. With diminished phosphorus levels, further nutrient management was a minor concern until the proliferation of invasive dreissenid mussels. Dreissenid mussels were first documented in the Laurentian Great Lakes in the late 1980s. Zebra mussels (<italic>Dreissena polymorpha</italic>) spread quickly into shallow, hard-substrate areas; quagga mussels (<italic>Dreissena rostriformis bugensis</italic>) spread more slowly and are currently colonizing deep, offshore areas. These mussels have the potential to modify biogeochemical processes and food web structure, altering nutrient cycling and availability. Following the mussel invasion, cyanobacterial blooms and nuisance benthic algal growth have reappeared in many nearshore areas of the Great Lakes.</p><p>This dissertation characterizes long-term patterns of phosphorus loading and mussel populations for Saginaw Bay, and estimates the effects of load reductions and dreissenid invasion on several aspects of pelagic water quality, focusing on phosphorus flux and cycling in Saginaw Bay. Bayesian approaches were used to quantify the impacts of load reduction and mussel invasion, while at the same time addressing model parameter uncertainty and prediction uncertainty associated with long-term observational data. Annual total phosphorus load estimates suggest a decreasing trend until the late 1970s to early 1980s, reflecting the effectiveness of point source controls implemented pursuant to GLWQA. Despite the decrease, however, the annual loads have not likely met the 440 tonne yr-1 target established for Saginaw Bay. In 1990 zebra mussels were discovered in the bay and by 1992 they were widespread and peaked with densities of >30,000 m<super>-2</super>. Following the peak, mean densities dropped and modeling results predict that the density will reach equilibria at ~600 m<super>-2</super>. When mussels appeared, the proportion of tributary phosphorus retained in Saginaw Bay increased from ~0.5 to ~0.7, reducing phosphorus export to the main body of Lake Huron. The combined effects of increased phosphorus retention and decreased phosphorus loading have caused an ~60% decrease in phosphorus export from Saginaw Bay to Lake Huron. The analysis of long-term patterns of pelagic water quality highlights the sustained effects of mussel invasion on altering water quality parameters in Saginaw Bay; there was a consistent decrease in chlorophyll concentrations by ~46%, and total phosphorus concentrations by ~25%, and an increase in secchi depths by ~15% over ~20 year invasion of mussels. A comparison of chlorophyll-phospohrus relationship between pre- and post-invasion periods suggest the reduced chlorophyll yield for a given phosphorus concentration after the mussel invasion. Further, decreases in both total phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations were found in the majority of 24 mussel-invaded US lakes in addition to Saginaw Bay, and modeling results predict less chlorophyll yields per unit phosphorus level that ranges from oligo- to mesotrophic conditions. All lines of evidence presented in the dissertation point to the important roles of load reductions and invasive mussels affecting eutrophication dynamics in lake ecosystems.</p> / Dissertation

Enskilda avlopp : Ett kommunalt ansvar? / Individual sewage disposal system : A municipal responsibility?

Eriksson, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Vattnet är en livsviktig resurs för levande organismer och ekosystem. Idag används vatten i alla möjliga sammanhang vilket har lett tillatt vattnet har blivit övergött och förorenat. Utsläpp av näringsämnen i för stora mängder anses vara den största orsaken til lövergödning och detta gäller framför allt utsläpp av avloppsvatten. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka Sveriges kommunerskartläggningsstrategier för enskilda avlopp och vilka åtgärder de vidtar, samt hur många enskilda avlopp det finns. För att ta reda pådetta skickades en enkät och ett följebrev ut till alla kommuner i Sverige och sedan sammanställdes dessa. Av Sveriges 290 kommunervar det 232 som deltog. De vanligaste strategierna för att kartlägga enskilda avlopp är att skicka ut enkäter eller göra inventeringar. I många fall används bådastrategierna med enkät som ett första steg och inventering som ett andra. Resultatet av enkäten visar att mellan 50-90 % av de enskildaavloppen är undermåliga eller bristfälliga och att åtgärder krävs. Kommunerna ställer krav på fastighetsägarna att åtgärda sina avloppinom en viss tidsram annars kan förbud att använda avloppen utfärdas. Undersökningen visade att det finns ungefär 813 000 enskilda avloppsanläggningar i Sverige, vilket är en ökning med cirka 71 000 sedan2006. Ökningen kan bero på att fler än hälften av Sveriges kommuner har gjort en kartläggning sedan 2006

Sex in Murky Waters : Anthropogenic Disturbance of Sexual Selection in Pipefish

Sundin, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Animals experience variation in their environment because of natural changes. However, due to anthropogenic disturbance, the speed and severity of these changes have recently increased. This thesis investigates how reproductive behaviours may be affected by human induced environmental change. In specific, I investigate how visual and chemical changes in the aquatic environment, caused by eutrophication, affect mating systems and sexual selection in fish. Broad-nosed- and straight-nosed pipefish, which both have been studied in detail for a long period, were used as model organisms. These two species are particularly suitable model organisms since they perform complex courtship behaviours, including the advertisement of ornaments and a nuptial dance. Further, two distinct populations were studied, one on the Swedish west coast and one in the Baltic Sea, as these two locations vary in the degree and extent of environmental disturbance, in particular turbidity. I found that changes in the visual environment had no impact on the development of female sexual ornaments in these sex-role reversed pipefishes, but it hampered adaptive mate choice. Turbidity also had a negative effect on reproductive success in the Baltic Sea population. Changes in the chemical environment in the form of increased pH reduced the probability to mate, while hypoxia did not alter mating propensity. However, hypoxic water delayed the onset of both courting and mating. Hence, human induced change in aquatic environments may alter the processes of sexual selection and population dynamics.

Numerical Simulations Of Eutrophication Processes In Izmir Bay With A Coupled Three Dimensional Eco-hydrodynamic Model

Yelekci, Ozge 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A three dimensional time-dependent coupled ecosystem model is applied to Izmir Bay for the first time. Delft3D modelling suite&rsquo / s FLOW and ECO modules are adapted and tuned for the region. A reference model with a time frame of three years is produced that represents the current physical and biogeochemical status of the bay. Model skill assessment methods are used as a measure of model performance and to address the shortcomings of it. The hydrodynamics model is able to produce physical features in terms of seasonality and spatial distribution within reasonable ranges, whereas the ecosystem model has certain discrepancies which can be reduced with improved quality of model inputs, such as open boundary conditions, and fresh water and nutrient fluxes. The reference model is used as a tool with predictive capacity to assess the ecosystem response of the bay to possible changes it may undergo in the future. Five nutrient enrichment/reduction scenarios are constructed to predict the reactions of the bay to changing external inputs of DIN and PO4. Results suggest that both physical and biogeochemical properties of the bay show strong horizontal gradients between outer and inner regions in which both natural and anthropogenic influences are effective. It is revealed that Outer bays are mostly occupied by waters originating from the oligotrophic Aegean Sea, while eutrophicated inner regions are mainly controlled by local influences such as increased fresh water inputs and excessive wastewater discharges. Results of the nutrient enrichment/reduction scenarios suggest that the N-limited Inner and Middle bays and the P-limited Outer bays, give contrasting reactions to changes in inputs of DIN and PO4 such that the former is more sensitive to DIN input whereas the latter is more sensitive to PO4 input. Due to the existence of these two contrasting environments in the bay, availability of one nutrient is dependent on the availability of the other, therefore treatment of both should be considered in parallel. Among the scenarios tested in this study, the best possible option to reduce eutrophication in Izmir Bay is to prevent the increase of PO4 input and to reduce the DIN input simultaneously. These outcomes are aimed to provide a scientific insight for coastal policy makers and environmental managers on how changes in anthropogenic influences can impact the marine ecosystem of the bay.

Paleolimnological evidence of the effects of recent cultural eutrophication and climatic variability during the last 300 years in Lake Malawi, East Africa

Puchniak, Megan January 2005 (has links)
Lake Malawi is the second largest lake in Africa, supporting diverse populations of endemic cichlids and supplying essential water resources to Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. However, population growth, rapid deforestation and intensive agriculture, especially in the southern catchments, have accelerated soil erosion during the last half century. These anthropogenically-disturbed catchments have caused rivers to transport greater sediment loads into Lake Malawi than rivers within forested catchments. Lake Malawi?s immense size and oligotrophic nature may retard detection of inputs of external contaminants. Reversing the effects of increased nutrient loading to Lake Malawi once observed would likely take generations, as the residence time of water is over 140 years. Therefore, sensitive metrics are required to assess the effects of land use change and climate variability in Lake Malawi in advance of deleterious effects. In this study, paleolimnological analyses of four sediment cores collected in 1997 and 1998 along a longitudinal transect of Lake Malawi, dated with <sup>210</sup>Pb analyses and analyzed for biogenic silica and sedimentary diatom assemblages, were used to create a long-term water quality dataset. These four sites span gradients of land use and latitude in order to reconstruct limnological conditions over the whole lake during the last 300 years. Paleoecological results indicate that patterns of diatom assemblage change are not uniform lake wide. Southern cores contain evidence of nutrient enrichment starting as early as ca. 1940, indicated by increased silica, carbon and nitrogen burial. By ca. 1970, increased rates of sedimentation, diatom influx and changes in diatom community composition, characterized by increased percent abundance of eutrophic diatom taxa, are attributable to accelerated enrichment by terrestrial soil erosion. The succession of diatoms in southern Lake Malawi begins with high percent abundance of <i>Aulacoseira nyassensis</i> and <i>Fragilaria africana</i>, which thrive in nutrient-rich waters, followed by a shift towards diatom taxa with reduced silica requirements by ca. 1980 (e. g. <i>Stephanodiscus nyassae, S. minutulus, S. muelleri, Cyclostephanos</i> and small <i>Nitzschia</i> species. ), a pattern comparable to the eutrophication-induced decline in silica to phosphorus ratios in Lake Victoria. In Lake Malawi, evidence of eutrophication extends to the mid lake as indicated by similar diatom assemblage changes in the sediment core from the central region. Diatom stratigraphies from the north end of the lake indicate no observable impacts of land use change on the northern basin of Lake Malawi during the past 350 years. However, a nine-meter rise in water level ca. 1860 AD appears to have resulted in elevated diatom influxes at that time comparable to the recent eutrophication-induced diatom influxes of the southern cores. The effects of this rise in water level was recorded in all three measured sites, southern, central and northern Lake Malawi, indicating lake-wide increased productivity, yet changes to the diatom community composition were imperceptible. This study shows evidence of recent cultural eutrophication altering limnological conditions with impacts to the biogeochemical cycling of silica, the available silica to phosphorus ratios and the biotic communities of a large portion of Lake Malawi. Thus, providing an early warning that proper stewardship of Lake Malawi requires effective management of land-use practices within the catchment to reduce soil erosion and avoid widespread water quality deterioration of this great lake.

Jämförelse mellan våtkompostering och andra VA-system i omvandlingsområden : en fallstudie i Norrtälje kommun. / Comparison between liquid composting and other waste water systems in transition areas : a case study in Norrtälje municipality

Tibbelin, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and Swedish lakes remains a major problem despite many years of effort to reduce the emissions of nutrients. One major source is waste water systems, especially private sewage systems. These sewages accounts for a very large share of nutrients per capita in comparison with citizens connected to larger sewage treatment plants. Norrtälje community has the greatest number of private sewage systems in Sweden. Discharges of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to the Baltic Sea from these sewage systems are significant. That is why Norrtälje is working actively to improve the standard of these sewage systems. The purpose with this Master Thesis was to compare from an environmental and cost perspective, different sewage systems in an area of Norrtälje. One of these sewage systems was liquid composting. To make this easier a tool called VeVa, which is an instrument for assessment of water and sewage systems in transition areas, was used. Since liquid composting was not included in VeVa in the beginning of the study one purpose was also to implement this option in the tool. Another objective of the work was to evaluate whether liquid composting is still a good sewage options in the future. The result of this study is based on a literature review, contact with Norrtälje community and modeling in VeVa. The four sewage systems that where included in the study where connection to a large scale waste water treatment plant, local sewage treatment plant and liquid composting. The fourth system was a new construction of the already existing private sewage system in the area. This system was a sand filter system with a phosphorus trap and a separation and collection of toilet water. Results from the study showed that all systems, with some exceptions for local wastewater treatment plant, can meet the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency high demand of phosphorus and nitrogen reduction for small sewage systems. All systems in the study, except for sand filter with phosphorus traps, have a high reversal potential of phosphorus. However it is only the liquid compost that can recycle nitrogen back to arable land to a greater extent. A comparison between manure sludge from waste water treatment plants and liquid composts showed that the liquid composts had a much lower level of cadmium content and higher proportion of plant available nutrients. The energy use for these systems varied widely where connection to a large scale wastewater treatment plant have the highest, while the liquid compost have the lowest energy use. The cost analysis showed that a municipal sewage treatment plant is the most expensive and liquid composting system is the next most expensive system. However, the differences in cost between the studied systems are not particularly large when uncertainties in the input are accounted. The conclusions of this Master Thesis were that liquid composting is a good sewage solution, especially when recycling of nutrients is an important factor. However there are important social and economic considerations that must be taken into account when deciding which sewage system should be implemented. / Övergödning av Östersjön och andra svenska vattendrag är ett stort miljöproblem som uppkommer av antropogena utsläpp av näringsämnen. En betydande källa för dessa utsläpp härrör från avloppsrening, i synnerhet från enskilda avlopp. Enskilda avlopp utgör en oproportionerligt stor källa av främst fosforutsläpp jämfört med större reningsverk räknat per capita. Norrtälje kommun är den kommun i Sverige som har flest enskilda avlopp och detta gör att utsläppen av näringsämnen till Östersjön är betydande. Den dåliga ekologiska statusen i stora delar av kommunens vattenområden har inverkat till att kommunen arbetar aktivt med att förbättra avloppsstandarden i dessa problemområden. År 2005 byggdes en våtkompostanläggning i Norrtälje vars syfte var att producera gödsel av avloppsvatten för att på så sätt ta vara på avloppsvattnets näringsinnehåll. Denna anläggning har lett till ett ökat intresset för system som har stor återföringspotential av växtnäringsämnen och funderingar på ytterligare en våtkompostanläggning i kommunen diskuteras i dagsläget. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera fyra olika avloppsalternativ, där våtkompostering var ett alternativ, för ett fallstudieområde i Norrtälje. Som hjälpmedel för att utföra miljö- och kostnadsanalyser användes VeVa-verktyget som är ett verktyg för miljö- och kostnadsbedömningar för VA-system i omvandlingsområden. Eftersom våtkompostering inte ingick i VeVa vid detta examensarbetes början var också ett syfte att implementera detta avloppssystem i verktyget. Ett annat syfte var att göra en bedömning om våtkompostering är ett bra avloppssystem även i framtiden. Resultaten i denna studie bygger på en litteraturstudie, myndighetskontakt och modellering i VeVa. De avloppssystem som jämfördes i studien var anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk (ARV), lokalt avloppsreningsverk, våtkompostering och nyanläggning av samma enskilda system som i dagsläget finns i fallstudieområdet. Det sistnämnda systemet är en kombination av markbädd med fosforfälla samt sluten tank och markbädd. Resultatet från studien visar att alla systemen med viss reservation för lokalt avloppsreningsverk uppfyller Naturvårdsverkets höga skyddsnivå för fosfor och kväve vilket är 90 % respektive 50 %. Alla system har en hög återföringspotential av fosfor men det är endast våtkompostsystemet som kan återföra kväve i större omfattning. Jämförelsen mellan slam från avloppsreningsverk och våtkomposterat avloppsavfall visade att våtkompost har mycket lägre kadmiumhalt samt högre andel växttillgänglig näring. Energianvändningen varierar mycket mellan systemen där anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk har högst förbrukning, medan våtkompostsystemet har lägst. Kostnadsanalysen visar att anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk är dyrast och våtkompostsystemet hamnar på andra plats. Dock är skillnaden mellan de studerade systemen inte speciellt stor när osäkerheter i indata beaktats. Slutsatsen i detta arbete är att våtkompostering är en bra avloppslösning, speciellt när kretsloppsanpassning är en viktig del, dock finns det viktiga sociala och ekonomiska aspekter som måste vägas in vid beslut om avloppssystem.

Utveckling av verktyg för jämförelse av kundanpassade och platsspecifika enskilda avloppssystem : Development of a comparative tool for custom-made and site-specific on-site sewage systems

Uggla, Annika January 2012 (has links)
REFERAT Övergödning är ett högst reellt hot mot många av Sveriges sjöar och vattendrag och inte minst mot Östersjön. Utsläpp av ej tillräckligt renat avloppsvatten och läckage av näringsämnen från jordbruksmarker är problem som länderna kring Östersjön måste lösa. Sverige arbetar både nationellt och internationellt med att förbättra Östersjöns ekologiska status. Riksdagen har satt upp flera miljökvalitetsmål som bland annat tydliggör att Sverige måste minska tillförseln av näringsämnen till sjöar och vattendrag. Orsaken är att dessa föroreningar är en bidragande orsak till övergödning. Det här har resulterat i en ökad ansträngning från kommunerna att åtgärda diffusa utsläpp som enskilda avlopp. Ett enskilt avlopp antas vara en avloppsanläggning med en lokal hantering av hushållsavloppsvatten och är inte kopplat till ett regionalt ledningsnät och reningsverk. Avloppsvatten från hushåll består av BDT-vatten, vatten från bad, disk och tvätt, samt vatten från toalett. Avloppsvatten innehåller näringsämnen såsom fosfor och kväve samt organiskt material och bakterier. Om utloppsvattnet når recipienter utan att tillräcklig rening finns risk för övergödning och smittspridning. För att skydda grund- och ytvatten föreslår Naturvårdsverket att krav ställs på reduktion av näringsämnen och organiskt material för att det enskilda avloppet ska bli godkänt av kommunen. Sverige har uppskattningsvis en miljon enskilda avlopp varav nästan hälften bedöms vara undermåliga och i behov av att göras om. Det kan vara svårt för fastighetsägare att överblicka de krav som ställs och de många olika alternativ som finns för att anlägga eller göra om en avloppsanläggning. Ett verktyg som hanterar produkter och typlösningar för enskilda avlopp har tagits fram. Verktyget benämns LEA vilket står för Lösningar för Enskilda Avlopp och har utvecklats i Microsoft Excel®. LEA genererar och presenterar lösningsförslag utifrån plats- och kundspecifika parametrar vilka matas in i verktyget. Jämförelse kan göras mellan de föreslagna lösningsalternativen med avseende på olika parametrar, som exempelvis reduktionsgrad, utsläpp av näringsämnen och organiskt material, möjlighet till lokalt kretslopp och kostnad. LEA förväntas användas av sakkunnig och syftar till att effektivisera utredningar av enskilda avloppsanläggningar. Att användaren kontinuerligt uppdaterar och kompletterar databasen är centralt för verktygets fortsatta funktion och tillförlitlighet. / ABSTRACT Eutrophication is a serious threat to many of Sweden's lakes and streams, and in particular to the Baltic Sea. Discharge of inadequately treated waste water and leaching of nutrients from agricultural lands are problems that the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have to find a solution to. Sweden strives both nationally and internationally towards improving the ecological status of the Baltic Sea. The government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives that sets out that Sweden must reduce the emissions of nutrients to the sea, lakes and streams. This is of great importance as these are contributing factors to eutrophication. This has initiated the Swedish municipalities to investigate diffuse discharges such as small scale on-site sewage systems. An on-site sewage system is assumed to locally treat domestic waste water and is not connected to a waste water treatment plant. Domestic waste water includes greywater, which is the effluent from kitchen and bathroom, and most often also water from toilet use. The waste water contains nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria. If the waste water reaches the receiving waters without adequate treatment this is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish EPA has recommended reduction levels to be reached for organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. The municipalities are recommended to require these levels to be met for the on-site sewage system to be approved. Sweden has approximately one million on-site sewage systems of which nearly 50% is considered substandard and in need of upgrading. It may be difficult for property owners to overview the requirements as well as the large number of products and options available to construct or modify an on-site sewage system. A program, LEA, which handles products for household sewage systems, has been developed in Microsoft Excel®. The tool generates suggestions of different sewage systems depending on customer and site-specific parameters. Comparisons are made between the proposed solutions with respect to various parameters which include reduction efficiency, effluent emissions, on-site recycling and cost. The user of LEA can update and supplement the database, which is central to the tool's continued function and reliability. LEA is expected to be used by experts and aims to enhance investigations in the choice of on-site sewage systems.

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