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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců / Motivation and Evaluation of Employees

Zboranová, Romana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis was written on the topic motivation and evaluation of employees in the Třinec Steel Factory. The level of the motivation and evaluation of employees was investigated using internal documents and questionnaires. Based on the findings suggestions were made to improve employee motivation.

How university academics respond to the introduction of new quality policies in South African higher education

Brown, Vanessa Jane Kathleen 24 May 2011 (has links)
This study explores the consequences for a historically black university (HBU) of the South African state’s focus on routine and strategic quality evaluation within a policy framework that views higher education as a lever for social change and economic development. It analyses the changing nature of academic work and probes the motivations and understandings of institutional managers and academics in an attempt to explain their responses to policy requirements. The theory of the Evaluative State is employed to examine the nature and consequences of overzealous responsiveness by a historically black university in transition in South Africa. It suggests that the changing relationship between state and university is characterised by contradictions and ambivalence, a result of the interplay between a strong sense of loyalty to the state on the one hand and a recognition of the failure of the state to recognise and reward achievements valued by the HBU. This study suggests that state steering, through the use of output evaluation and efficiency-directed performance indicators, has resulted in failure to achieve central policy goals of development, equity and social justice. The study is guided by one main research question: How do academics in a historically black South African university in transition engage with and implement internal and external quality assurance processes and policies? The literature review reveals significant gaps in understanding the consequences of the rise of the Evaluative State in higher education. A major limitation has been a lack of focus on higher education systems in developing countries and on the consequences of imposing neo-liberal frameworks upon local realities which require redress to remedy historically constructed economic and social disadvantage. The descriptions of academics and institutional managers that emerge in this study highlight stark differences between the two groups in perceptions of and approaches to quality improvement and university work. Significantly, institutional history, context and mission emerge as strong factors shaping academics’ and managers’ responses to change, factors that have largely been disregarded by state policy which focuses more on output achievement than on input variables. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Differentiated Teacher Perceptions Of Instructional Walks: A Comparative Phenomenological Study

Quattrone, Tracy A. 01 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Processing Fluency on Evaluation : Tested using a Parent to Offspring Pairing Task

Bou Aram, Sinal January 2021 (has links)
Processing fluency is the notion that cognitive processes and their neural corre-lates can function fluently or disfluently (Reber et al., 2004; Winkielman et al., 2003; Shen et al., 2010; Wänke & Hansen, 2015). Fluent or disfluent processing has been conjectured to give rise to a subjective affective experience that is relied on in a variety of judgement tasks, like: evaluation based on perceptive features (Reber et al., 2004); formation of attitudes (Rubin et al., 2010); judging truth (see. Wänke & Hansen, 2015); evaluation and understanding of written content (Song & Schwartz, 2008; Shen et al., 2010;) and more. The aim of this study was to test the possible implicit effects on evaluative judgement of faces following a task of pairing parent to offspring of varying difficulties (by modulating the degree of similarity). This inquiry was spurred by the hypothesis that fluency pose a pro-cessing dynamic that provide experiential information that is used for aesthetic evaluation. The web-based testing used in this case was designed to test if this effect infuses items with a quality of salience that is limited to specific stimuli (face). Or if it is less defined and generalized to influence all subsequent evalua-tion. The testing group of 93 (M = 41y, SD = 13.16) participants (71 females, 17 males, 5 other), was divided into two groups with different fluency conditions. The results (r(93) = .27, p = .009) indicated that positive evaluations is more likely to follow low-fluency conditions (operationalized as pairing time). A possible ex-planation for this observation is that low-fluency conditions probably engage deeper processing of the stimulus, perhaps contributing to a more durable memory trace which provides better recognition and familiarity of the stimulus at the time of the evaluation. Furthermore, it is more than likely that fluency is sensitive to attribution during task shift, which could negate relevance of previous experience or create a contrast effect (i.e. evaluating the stimulus more favourably due to the negative valence of a previous exposure), leaving “only” the facilitating property of exposure-time to the stimuli salient. Another finding is that females on average evaluate faces more positively then males.

Stative, Causative and Resultative Predicates in Discourse. Semantics of Evaluative Adjectives and Psychological Verbs (Les prédicats statifs, causatifs, et résultatifs en discours. Sémantique des adjectifs évaluatifs et des verbes psychologiques)

Martin, Fabienne 19 September 2006 (has links)
<p align="justify">Cette thèse analyse les propriétés sémantiques et discursives des prédicats d'état (<i>laid, généreux</i>) ainsi que des prédicats causatifs et résultatifs, et plus particulièrement des verbes psychologiques à Expérienceur objet (<i>stimuler, encourager</i>). Le cadre adopté est celui de la sémantique néo-davidsonienne (Parsons, 1990) et de la sémantique du discours (Kamp & Reyle 1993, Asher 1993). La première partie (chap 1-7) est consacrée aux prédicats d'état, et la seconde aux prédicats causatifs et résultatifs (chap. 8-9). </p> <p align="justify">Dans le chapitre 1, on expose les arguments en faveur de l'idée que les verbes d'état ont un argument implicite davidsonien comme les verbes d'action. Abordant ensuite les constructions en <i>by/in</i> (<i>by/in smoking, he broke his promise</i>), l'auteur propose de considérer, avec Goldman et contre Davidson, que celles-ci décrivent deux événements distincts, liés par une relation de génération. L'analyse goldmanienne de ces constructions est ensuite étendue aux prédicats d'état (<i>in doing this, he was clever</i>), ce qui permet de distinguer les prédicats qui dénotent un état dépendant d'une action, comme <i>clever</i> en usage occurrentiel, des prédicats qui dénotent un état indépendant d'une action, comme <i>beautiful</i> (cf. ??<i>in doing this, he was beautiful</i>). </p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 2 fait le point sur les spécificités des prédicats d'état par rapport aux prédicats d'activité. Y est notamment montré que certains prédicats d'état acceptent le "progressif interprétatif" (<i>tu es en train de croire au Père Noël!</i>). Ce type de progressif est distingué du progressif standard et du progressif actif anglais (<i>he was being clever</i>); sont définis également les "prédicats interprétatifs" qui n'acceptent que ce progressif.</p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 3 élabore une typologie aspectuelle des prédicats d'état. Sont d'abord distingués quatre types d'états en fonction de l'intervalle pendant lequel l'état en cause est vérifié. On montre que cette quadri-partition rend mieux compte des données linguistiques que la dichotomie classique en <i>stage level predicates et individual level predicates</i>. Ensuite sont définis les "prédicats d'état pur" comme <i>beau</i>, qui dénotent un état indépendant de toute action, et les "prédicats d'état endo-actionnel" comme <i>généreux/bruyant</i> en usage occurrentiel, qui dénote un état généré par une action. On présente des arguments contre l'assimilation de ces derniers prédicats à des prédicats d'action. Est alors analysée l'ambiguïté des prédicats comme "généreux" dans l'emploi occurrentiel: <i>Pierre m'a donné des bonbons. Il a été généreux</i> peut vouloir dire soit que Pierre a été généreux de (décider de) me donner des bonbons (lecture-d), soit qu'il a été généreux dans la manière de me les donner (lecture-m). Dans la foulée, on examine la relation temporelle qui prend place entre un état <i>s</i> et l'action <i>e</i> dont il dépend. Enfin, on montre que l'analyse proposée peut rendre compte de la concurrence entre passé composé et imparfait dans les phrases dénotant un état occurrentiel.</p> <p align="justify">A partir de la typologie aspectuelle élaborée au chapitre 3, le chapitre 4 revisite le problème que soulèvent certains prédicats d'état dans les constructions à prédicat second descriptif (<i>Pierre a donné des bonbons saoul/??généreux</i>) et propose une nouvelle solution. On montre ensuite que cette solution peut être adaptée pour résoudre un problème moins étudié, à savoir celui que posent certains prédicats d'état dans les subordonnées temporelles en <i>quand</i> (cf. <i>Il était généreux, quand il a distribué les bonbons versus ??Il a distribué des bonbons quand il était généreux</i>). Enfin, on fait le point sur la difficulté qu'éprouvent les prédicats évaluatifs à entrer dans les constructions présuppositionnelles, parmi lesquelles les subordonnées temporelles, mais les GN définis (<i>La femme rousse/??généreuse commanda une bière</i>).</p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 5 est consacré aux relations rhétoriques qui s'établissent entre la description d'un état et la description d'un événement, aux combinaisons possibles entre ces relations rhétoriques, et à la manière dont tel ou tel prédicat d'état, vu ses propriétés sémantiques, contribue à établir telle ou telle relation rhétorique avec la description d'événement. </p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 6 revient sur le problème que soulève l'indéfini des en lecture non générique avec certains prédicats d'état, notamment les prédicats évaluatifs (<i>Des livres étaient sales versus ??Des livres étaient merveilleux</i>). En se fondant sur les outils de la <i>Decision Theoretic Semantics</i> (Merin 1999), l'auteur fait l'hypothèse qu'un prédicat <i>P</i> n'accepte <i>des</i> que si la quantité des éléments satisfaisant <i>P</i> dans le contexte est non pertinente pour les fins du discours, et s'il est clair, par ailleurs, que les <i>qualités</i> implicites que peuvent instancier les dits éléments ne contribuent en aucune façon à expliquer qu'ils satisfont <i>P</i>. On montre que ces deux conditions sont respectées (resp. violées) avec les prédicats d'état compatibles (resp. incompatibles) avec <i>des</i> dans sa lecture non générique.</p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 7 est consacré à la sémantique qu'il faut assigner aux prédicats d'état <i>évaluatifs</i>. On expose tout d'abord les arguments en faveur d'une sémantique "réaliste", qui analyse les prédicats évaluatifs comme des prédicats unaires dénotant de vraies propriétés. On distingue ensuite, dans le contenu informationnel des énoncés évaluatifs, un composant assertif et deux implicatures associées. On termine par l'analyse des prédicats évaluatifs superlatifs (<i>merveilleux</i>); est argumentée l'idée que ces prédicats ont un composant expressif, en ce sens que le locuteur, en les utilisant, implicite qu'une entité satisfaisant le prédicat a déclenché en lui une émotion, vécue ou rejouée lors de l'énonciation. On montre en quoi ce composant expressif contribue à expliquer pourquoi de tels prédicats sont difficilement utilisables à l'impératif ou dans certains types de questions.</p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 8 répertorie trois classes parmi les verbes, dits "résultatifs", qui présupposent l'occurrence d'un événement <i>e</i> causant ou générant l'événement asserté <i>e'</i>. On présente d'abord le problème que pose la définition de cette présupposition, puis une nouvelle solution est exposée. On montre alors que la présupposition des verbes résultatifs -- achèvements droits et accomplissements strictement forts --- est de nature scalaire et peut s'expliquer par la Loi d'exhaustivité de Ducrot.</p> <p align="justify">Le chapitre 9 est consacré aux verbes psychologiques à Expérienceur objet (VPEO). Après avoir classé ces verbes en fonction de leur structure événementielle, on fait le point sur les différentes lectures qu'ils peuvent accepter. On montre ensuite qu'à la différence des VPEO acceptables dans les constructions agentives, les VPEO qui y sont peu acceptables exhibent deux propriétés cruciales. D'abord, ils présupposent toujours, à l'instar des verbes étudiés dans le chapitre 8, l'occurrence de l'événement impliquant le sujet; ensuite, certains d'entre eux sont "interprétatifs", en ce sens que l'assertion du changement d'état psychologique ne s'avère pertinente pour les fins du discours que si l'interprétant connaît, par ailleurs, l'événement qui cause ce changement. Cela permet d'expliquer pourquoi les verbes en question ne peuvent faire avancer la narration comme le ferait un prédicat d'action normal, et pourquoi ils sont peu compatibles avec les adverbes de manière orientés sur l'agent, les pseudo-clivées ou les compléments de lieu.</p> <p align="justify">On termine par l'analyse aspectuelle de la classe des VPEO, en montrant qu'on y trouve des membres des cinq classes aspectuelles distinguées dans le chapitre précédent.</p>

O Processo de Implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): estudo de caso em município de gestão semi-plena / The process of implantation of the Single System of Health (SUS): study of case in a city of semiplenum management

Castro, Claudio Gastão Junqueira de 12 April 1999 (has links)
Objetivo. Este trabalho está inserido no campo de estudos do processo de implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde, tendo como referência um dos seus princípios básicos, o da descentralização da gestão para o poder municipal. Para tanto foi escolhido o município de São José dos Campos, no Estado de São Paulo, por sua participação ativa no processo da Reforma Sanitária no sentido de formulação e implantação do SUS e sua habilitação como gestor do Sistema Municipal de Saúde na condição de gestão semi-plena, em final de 1994, conforme os termos da Norma Operacional Básica SUS n° 1/93 (NOB SUS n° 1/93). O pressuposto básico é o de que os termos da NOB SUS n° 1/93, na medida em que exigia requisitos e conferia responsabilidades e prerrogativas para o gestor municipal, era uma estratégia válida para implementar o processo de implantação do SUS, dando concretitude aos princípios e diretrizes do mesmo. Método. A metodologia adotada para este estudo é a de um Estudo de Caso Único, e tem como referencial teórico ou conceitual a Pesquisa Avaliativa, nas categorias de Análise da Implantação e Análise dos Efeitos, envolvendo o eixo das mudanças estruturais e organizacionais visando o modelo de gestão e o eixo das mudanças no processo de trabalho, visando o Modelo de Atenção. Foi analisado basicamente o período de 1993 a 1997 e como fontes de dados foram utilizados dados documentais, como relatórios de gestão, planos municipais de Saúde, atos administrativos, além de entrevistas com os Secretários Municipais de Saúde do período e o DATA/SUS - Ministério da Saúde, com os seus Sistemas de Informação Ambulatorial (SIA/SUS) e de Internação Hospitalar (SIH/SUS). Resultados. O estudo concluiu que efetivamente ocorreram mudanças tanto na dimensão do Modelo de Gestão como no do Modelo de Atenção, como resultado de um esforço municipal que vinha ocorrendo e que foi potencializado em função da habilitação do município na gestão semi-plena do sistema, nos termos da NOB SUS nº 1/93. Por outro lado, o estudo, nos termos de sua concepção metodológica, poderá ser referencial para a realização de outros estudos neste campo temático. / Objective. This work is inserted in the field of studies of the process of implantation of the SUS*, having as reference one ofits basic principIes, that of the decentralization of the management to the municipal authority. For this purpose was chosen the city of São José dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo, due its active participation in the process of the Sanitary Reformation in the direction of formularization and implantation of the SUS and its qualification as manager of the Municipal System of Health in the condition of semiplenum management, by the end of 1994, according to terms of Basic Operational Norm SUS n° 1/93 (NOB SUS n° 1/93). The basic assumption is that the terms of NOB SUS nº 1/93, in the measure where they demanded requirements and conferred responsibilities and prerogatives to the municipal manager, a valid strategy to implement the process of implantation of the SUS, was defined giving concretitude to the principles and lines of direction associated with the Basic Norm. Method. The methodology adopted in this study is the Study of the Single Case, and has its theoretical reference on the Evaluative Research concept, within the categories of Analysis of the Implantation and Analysis of the Effect, involving the axle of the structural and organizational changes within at the model of management and the axle of the changes in the work process, aiming at the Model of Attention. In the period of 1993-1997 were analyzed basically documentary sources of data, as management reports, Health municipal plans, Administrative acts, associated with interviews with the Municipal Autorithy of Health of the period and informations of the DATA/SUS - Health Department, with its Systems of Informação Ambulatorial (SIA/SUS) and Internação Hospitalar (SIH/SUS). Results. The study concluded that effective changes had ocurred both in the dimension of the Model of Management as in the Model of Attention, as a result of the municipal effort already in process, strengtened by the qualification of the city in the semiplenum management of the system, in the terms of NOB SUS n° 1/93. On the other hand, the study, in the terms of its metodological conception, could be refered in view of the accomplishment of other studies in this thematic field.


Zago, Antonia 22 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonia Zago.pdf: 7331087 bytes, checksum: fa90d51ec13ff19c6bab78b18a034ec3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-22 / This paper analyses words used by Brazilian federal police officers for naming their work operations. Our basis is Bakhtin s dialogical discourse analysis (Bakhtin, 1997, 1998, 2003; Bakhtin/Volochínov, 2004), according to which the materiality of language is constitutively linked to an active and responsive intersubjective interaction and some theories about work activity, which takes as essential analyzing language for understanding human relations at the workplace (Boutet, 2001; Faïta, 2007; Nouroudine, 2002; Schwartz, 2007). The proposed analysis is based on the epistemological presupposition of dialogism as constitutive of all language expression, which allows examining how sense is constructed in sentences. Our main goal is the identification of dialogical relations present in words Brazilian federal police re(create) for naming their work operations in order to retrieve characteristics of Brazilian federal police activities and the way it is presented by the media. We analyze five terms naming operations that took place from 2006 to 2007: Leech (2006), Macunaíma (a literary Brazilian character - 2006), Hurricane (2007), Razor (2007) and Rodin (2007). The analysis considers simultaneously sphere of activity, genre and linguistic materiality and develops in two steps linked to two spheres of activity: the police sphere and the media sphere. In the first step, we present a brief description of what an Operation is. Besides retrieving police operations, the word that names each operation is analyzed considering Bakhtin s (2003) terms shared word , alien word and own word . In the second step, we describe the impact of operations on the media and examine the word/operation in a genre of Veja magazine and Zero Hora newspaper, considering both verbal and non-verbal aspects of enunciation. We observed that these designations receive on the media, as bivocal words, new accentuations, or evaluative intonations, many times adding to an effect of spectacularization. These words used for naming police work not only provide time economy but are also essential for maintaining the secrecy of Operations, and they are full of accentuations, which on the media resonate with a certain power / Este trabalho estuda palavras que os policiais federais usam para nomear as suas Operações de trabalho. Para tanto, parte da teoria dialógica do discurso (Bakhtin, 1997, 1998, 2003; Bakhtin/Volochínov, 2004), paradigma segundo o qual a matéria lingüística é indissociável de um processo ativo e responsivo, isto é, intersubjetivo, e estabelece diálogo com estudos sobre o trabalho, que consideram imprescindível a análise da linguagem para a compreensão das relações humanas no trabalho (Boutet, 2001; Faïta, 2007; Nouroudine,2002; Schwartz, 2007). A articulação proposta parte do pressuposto epistemológico do dialogismo como constitutivo de toda a expressão linguageira, o que permite observar a movimentação de sentidos nos enunciados. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar discursivamente palavras que os Policiais Federais (re)criam para designar suas operações de trabalho, verificando relações dialógicas estabelecidas de modo a recuperar pistas da atividade do trabalho policial e características da sua divulgação na mídia. São analisadas cinco designações de operações que ocorreram entre 2006 e 2007: Sanguessuga (2006), Macunaíma (2006), Hurricane (2007), Navalha (2007) e Rodin (2007). A análise, seguindo uma reflexão interdependente entre esfera, gênero e matéria lingüística, está organizada em duas etapas, a partir de duas esferas de atividade: a esfera policial e a esfera midiática. Na primeira etapa, esfera policial, além de um breve resgate da Operação policial, a palavra é analisada a partir da proposta de Bakhtin (2003) como palavra da língua , palavra alheia e minha palavra . Na segunda etapa, esfera midiática, é apresentada a repercussão da Operação na mídia e efetuada uma análise da palavra/operação em um gênero da revista Veja e/ou do Jornal Zero Hora, observando aspectos verbais e não-verbais do enunciado. Como conclusão, destaca-se que essas palavras de trabalho, além da economia de tempo que proporcionam e de serem essenciais para manter o sigilo das Operações, são impregnadas de acentos de valor que, na mídia, passam a ressoar com certa força. Assim, o que se observa é que essas designações, como palavras bivocais, na esfera midiática, recebem novos acentos valorativos, muitas vezes contribuindo para o efeito de espetacularização

O papel do terceiro facilitador na conciliação de conflitos previdenciários / The role of the third party in the conciliation of pension funds conflicts.

Takahashi, Bruno 31 March 2015 (has links)
A conciliação judicial de conflitos previdenciários envolve, em geral, uma proposta de acordo baseada na renúncia pelo indivíduo de parte dos valores do benefício em atraso em um processo no qual a decisão contrária ao entendimento do Instituto Nacional do Segurado Social (INSS) é muito provável. Como regra, há um notório desequilíbrio de poder envolvendo, de um lado, um litigante ocasional (indivíduo) e, de outro, um litigante habitual (INSS). O presente trabalho pretende discutir qual o papel do terceiro facilitador nesse contexto, de modo a legitimar a prática existente e avançar para uma mudança de paradigma. Para tanto, parte-se da tese de que a conciliação deve ser adequada ao conflito que se pretende tratar, cabendo ao terceiro facilitador atuar de acordo com as peculiaridades desse conflito. Desse modo, propõe-se que, para o tratamento do conflito previdenciário, o conceito de conciliador deve ser entendido em termos amplos, abrangendo não apenas o conciliador leigo, mas também o juiz conciliador e o Judiciário como conciliador interinstitucional. Embora cada uma dessas atuações possua características próprias, sustenta-se que o ponto em comum é o respeito a um devido processo legal mínimo que possibilite a existência de uma base adequada de poder e que permita, assim, a tomada de uma decisão informada pelas partes. Dessa forma, a flexibilidade instrumental própria da conciliação não impediria o estabelecimento de parâmetros mínimos da atuação do conciliador. Por isso, tendo como limite a tomada de uma decisão informada, o conciliador atuaria por meio de estratégias variadas, aproximando-se e distanciando-se das partes, com maior ou menor interferência, de acordo com as características do caso apresentado. Conclui-se que, com a atuação conjunta e coordenada das diversas espécies de conciliador é possível aprimorar qualitativamente a conciliação de conflitos previdenciários. / The court-connected conciliation (or evaluative mediation) of pension funds conflicts in Brazil involves, generally, an agreement in which the individual plaintiff waives part of a benefit in a lawsuit that the defendant, a national government agency called Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS), will probably loose. As a general rule, there is a significant imbalance of power between a one-shotter (individual) and a repeat player (INSS). The present work aims to discuss the role of the conciliator (or evaluative mediator) in this scenario, in order to legitimate the current practice and to allow a paradigm shift. Firstly, it argues that conciliation should be appropriate to the conflict to be resolved and that the conciliator also should act according to the peculiarities of this conflict. Therefore, it proposed that the definition of conciliator might be enlarged to cover not only the lay person who acts as a conciliator, but also the judge as a conciliator and the Judiciary as an interinstitutional conciliator. Although each specie has its own characteristics, it is argued that the common point is that all must try to guarantee the observance of a minimal due process of law which allows the existence of an adequate basis of power and thus enable parties to make an informed decision. Consequently, the flexibility of the conciliation rules would not prevent the establishment of minimum standards of the conciliator\'s performance. Limited by the aim to allow parties to make an informed decision, the conciliator would act through a variety of strategies. It means being close or far from the parties, interfering in a greater or a smaller level, depending on the characteristics of a particular conflict to be dealt. To sum up, this work concludes that, if the three species of conciliator work together in a coordinated way, it could be possible to have a qualitative improvement in the conciliation of pension funds conflicts.

O papel do terceiro facilitador na conciliação de conflitos previdenciários / The role of the third party in the conciliation of pension funds conflicts.

Bruno Takahashi 31 March 2015 (has links)
A conciliação judicial de conflitos previdenciários envolve, em geral, uma proposta de acordo baseada na renúncia pelo indivíduo de parte dos valores do benefício em atraso em um processo no qual a decisão contrária ao entendimento do Instituto Nacional do Segurado Social (INSS) é muito provável. Como regra, há um notório desequilíbrio de poder envolvendo, de um lado, um litigante ocasional (indivíduo) e, de outro, um litigante habitual (INSS). O presente trabalho pretende discutir qual o papel do terceiro facilitador nesse contexto, de modo a legitimar a prática existente e avançar para uma mudança de paradigma. Para tanto, parte-se da tese de que a conciliação deve ser adequada ao conflito que se pretende tratar, cabendo ao terceiro facilitador atuar de acordo com as peculiaridades desse conflito. Desse modo, propõe-se que, para o tratamento do conflito previdenciário, o conceito de conciliador deve ser entendido em termos amplos, abrangendo não apenas o conciliador leigo, mas também o juiz conciliador e o Judiciário como conciliador interinstitucional. Embora cada uma dessas atuações possua características próprias, sustenta-se que o ponto em comum é o respeito a um devido processo legal mínimo que possibilite a existência de uma base adequada de poder e que permita, assim, a tomada de uma decisão informada pelas partes. Dessa forma, a flexibilidade instrumental própria da conciliação não impediria o estabelecimento de parâmetros mínimos da atuação do conciliador. Por isso, tendo como limite a tomada de uma decisão informada, o conciliador atuaria por meio de estratégias variadas, aproximando-se e distanciando-se das partes, com maior ou menor interferência, de acordo com as características do caso apresentado. Conclui-se que, com a atuação conjunta e coordenada das diversas espécies de conciliador é possível aprimorar qualitativamente a conciliação de conflitos previdenciários. / The court-connected conciliation (or evaluative mediation) of pension funds conflicts in Brazil involves, generally, an agreement in which the individual plaintiff waives part of a benefit in a lawsuit that the defendant, a national government agency called Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS), will probably loose. As a general rule, there is a significant imbalance of power between a one-shotter (individual) and a repeat player (INSS). The present work aims to discuss the role of the conciliator (or evaluative mediator) in this scenario, in order to legitimate the current practice and to allow a paradigm shift. Firstly, it argues that conciliation should be appropriate to the conflict to be resolved and that the conciliator also should act according to the peculiarities of this conflict. Therefore, it proposed that the definition of conciliator might be enlarged to cover not only the lay person who acts as a conciliator, but also the judge as a conciliator and the Judiciary as an interinstitutional conciliator. Although each specie has its own characteristics, it is argued that the common point is that all must try to guarantee the observance of a minimal due process of law which allows the existence of an adequate basis of power and thus enable parties to make an informed decision. Consequently, the flexibility of the conciliation rules would not prevent the establishment of minimum standards of the conciliator\'s performance. Limited by the aim to allow parties to make an informed decision, the conciliator would act through a variety of strategies. It means being close or far from the parties, interfering in a greater or a smaller level, depending on the characteristics of a particular conflict to be dealt. To sum up, this work concludes that, if the three species of conciliator work together in a coordinated way, it could be possible to have a qualitative improvement in the conciliation of pension funds conflicts.

O Processo de Implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): estudo de caso em município de gestão semi-plena / The process of implantation of the Single System of Health (SUS): study of case in a city of semiplenum management

Claudio Gastão Junqueira de Castro 12 April 1999 (has links)
Objetivo. Este trabalho está inserido no campo de estudos do processo de implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde, tendo como referência um dos seus princípios básicos, o da descentralização da gestão para o poder municipal. Para tanto foi escolhido o município de São José dos Campos, no Estado de São Paulo, por sua participação ativa no processo da Reforma Sanitária no sentido de formulação e implantação do SUS e sua habilitação como gestor do Sistema Municipal de Saúde na condição de gestão semi-plena, em final de 1994, conforme os termos da Norma Operacional Básica SUS n° 1/93 (NOB SUS n° 1/93). O pressuposto básico é o de que os termos da NOB SUS n° 1/93, na medida em que exigia requisitos e conferia responsabilidades e prerrogativas para o gestor municipal, era uma estratégia válida para implementar o processo de implantação do SUS, dando concretitude aos princípios e diretrizes do mesmo. Método. A metodologia adotada para este estudo é a de um Estudo de Caso Único, e tem como referencial teórico ou conceitual a Pesquisa Avaliativa, nas categorias de Análise da Implantação e Análise dos Efeitos, envolvendo o eixo das mudanças estruturais e organizacionais visando o modelo de gestão e o eixo das mudanças no processo de trabalho, visando o Modelo de Atenção. Foi analisado basicamente o período de 1993 a 1997 e como fontes de dados foram utilizados dados documentais, como relatórios de gestão, planos municipais de Saúde, atos administrativos, além de entrevistas com os Secretários Municipais de Saúde do período e o DATA/SUS - Ministério da Saúde, com os seus Sistemas de Informação Ambulatorial (SIA/SUS) e de Internação Hospitalar (SIH/SUS). Resultados. O estudo concluiu que efetivamente ocorreram mudanças tanto na dimensão do Modelo de Gestão como no do Modelo de Atenção, como resultado de um esforço municipal que vinha ocorrendo e que foi potencializado em função da habilitação do município na gestão semi-plena do sistema, nos termos da NOB SUS nº 1/93. Por outro lado, o estudo, nos termos de sua concepção metodológica, poderá ser referencial para a realização de outros estudos neste campo temático. / Objective. This work is inserted in the field of studies of the process of implantation of the SUS*, having as reference one ofits basic principIes, that of the decentralization of the management to the municipal authority. For this purpose was chosen the city of São José dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo, due its active participation in the process of the Sanitary Reformation in the direction of formularization and implantation of the SUS and its qualification as manager of the Municipal System of Health in the condition of semiplenum management, by the end of 1994, according to terms of Basic Operational Norm SUS n° 1/93 (NOB SUS n° 1/93). The basic assumption is that the terms of NOB SUS nº 1/93, in the measure where they demanded requirements and conferred responsibilities and prerogatives to the municipal manager, a valid strategy to implement the process of implantation of the SUS, was defined giving concretitude to the principles and lines of direction associated with the Basic Norm. Method. The methodology adopted in this study is the Study of the Single Case, and has its theoretical reference on the Evaluative Research concept, within the categories of Analysis of the Implantation and Analysis of the Effect, involving the axle of the structural and organizational changes within at the model of management and the axle of the changes in the work process, aiming at the Model of Attention. In the period of 1993-1997 were analyzed basically documentary sources of data, as management reports, Health municipal plans, Administrative acts, associated with interviews with the Municipal Autorithy of Health of the period and informations of the DATA/SUS - Health Department, with its Systems of Informação Ambulatorial (SIA/SUS) and Internação Hospitalar (SIH/SUS). Results. The study concluded that effective changes had ocurred both in the dimension of the Model of Management as in the Model of Attention, as a result of the municipal effort already in process, strengtened by the qualification of the city in the semiplenum management of the system, in the terms of NOB SUS n° 1/93. On the other hand, the study, in the terms of its metodological conception, could be refered in view of the accomplishment of other studies in this thematic field.

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