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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimating Evapotranspiration Using the Complementary Relationship and the Budyko Framework

Kim, Homin 01 December 2017 (has links)
Land surface actual evapotranspiration (ET) is an important process in terrestrial water balance and reliable estimates of ET are necessary to improve water resources management. In this regard, there is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of an accurate ET model. Among them, the complementary relationship between ET and potential ET (ETP) has been the subject of many studies because it uses only meteorological data as inputs. However, there is an increasing concern that some complementary relationship models perform poorly under dry conditions. To overcome this limitation, this dissertation was designed to extend the latest complementary relationship model, Modified GG, using both meteorological data and vegetation information, NDVI, which is readily available from remote sensing data. The proposed model, Adjusted GG-NDVI, was validated by comparing to other ET models and measured ET data. With Adjusted GG-NDVI, this dissertation addressed the applicability of using ET as a proxy for drought monitoring. As a result, the drought patterns from the proposed drought index, EWDI, were consistent with commonly used USDM in the United States. More importantly, this study described drought conditions by comprehensively considering both precipitation and vegetation conditions. Taken together, these findings have significant implications for the understanding of how ET can assist in water resources management.

Modeling and forecasting evapotranspiration for better management of irrigation command areas

Bachour, Roula 01 December 2013 (has links)
It has become very crucial to manage water resources to meet the needs of the growing population. In irrigation command areas, and in order to build a better plan to manage service delivery from canals and reservoirs, it is important to build appropriate knowledge of water needs on a field basis. There is often a lag between the order and delivery of water to the field. Knowledge of the crop water requirement at the field level helps the decision maker to make the right choices leading to more efficient handling of the available water. The purpose of this study was to develop methodologies and tools that allow better management of irrigation water and water delivery systems, such as machine learning models that can be used as tools for decision support systems of water management. To achieve better modeling and prediction, wavelet decompositions were explored for their ability to give information about time and frequency changes in the data. Remote sensing approaches were also used for their ability to quantify water requirements at the spatial level. Therefore, this dissertation explored the use of the above-mentioned data tools and techniques to address water management problems. The framework of this dissertation consisted of three components that provide tools to support irrigation system operational decisions. In general, the results for each of the methods developed were satisfactory, relevant, and encouraging. They provided significant potential for improving decision making for real-time applications in irrigation command areas and better management of the water resources.

Multispectral remote sensing of the impacts of drought and climate variability on water resources in semi-arid regions of the Western Cape, South Africa

Bhaga, Trisha January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The occurrence of droughts is a threat to global water resources and natural ecosystems, with the impact being more profound in semi-arid environments. The frequency of droughts is likely to increase because of climate change, and this poses a huge threat to the available water resources, to livelihoods and to ecosystems. Routine drought monitoring is fundamental for developing an early warning system and an area-specific drought mitigation and adaptation framework. Surface waterbodies, especially those in arid and semi-arid environments, are vulnerable to the impacts of drought. The development of moderate-resolution sensors, such as the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI), allow new opportunities to monitor droughts and their impact on surface waterbodies.

Bestämning av evapotranspiration baserat på meteorologiska data : En utvärdering jämfört med modeller och vattenbalans

Lindqvist, Karin January 2021 (has links)
Integrerad Monitoring (IM) är ett miljöövervakningsprogram som bedriver studier i de fyra svenska avrinningsområdena Aneboda, Gårdsjön, Kindla och Gammtratten. Områdena, som är skyddade och ingår i Natura 2000, domineras av barrskog. Inom IM studeras bland annat vattenbalans, där evapotranspiration utgör en viktig men svårberäknad del. På avrinningsområdesnivå beräknas ofta evapotranspiration med hjälp av sambandet vattenbalans men denna metod medför stora osäkerheter kring hur lagring av vatten (i snö, sjöar, mark- och grundvatten) hanteras. Problematiken är särskilt stor när avdunstning beräknas för kortare tidsperioder, exempelvis på månadsbasis. Det finns istället flera ekvationer baserade på meteorologiska data som kan användas. Studiens syfte var att med hjälp av sådana ekvationer skapa möjlighet till beräkningar av evapotranspiration över olika tidsskalor. Efter en litteraturstudie valdes de två ekvationerna Penman-Monteith och Priestley-Taylor, och med platsspecifika meteorologiska data för IM-områdena beräknade de evapotranspiration som sedan skattades i jämförelse med beräkningar från andra modeller (vattenbalans, Fyris-Q och S-HYPE). Fyra hydrologiska år undersöktes och resultatet visade på stor variation mellan modellerna både på års- och månadsnivå. Vissa år genererade de liknande värden medan andra år skilde sig rejält. De två undersökta ekvationerna uppvisade liknande årliga mönster och påverkades båda mest av variabeln nettostrålning som varierar kraftigt över året. Flera faktorer har inverkan på resultatet och det finns en del osäkerheter kring anpassningar av ekvationerna. Dock kunde avvikande resultat i de flesta fall förklaras av brister i tillgängliga input-data. Om detta åtgärdas bör det därför vara möjligt att skatta evapotranspirationen även för kortare tidsperioder med hjälp av ekvationer baserade på meteorologiska data.

Energiebilanzmodellierung zur Ableitung der Evapotranspiration – Beispielregion Khorezm / Optimization of energy balance modelling in order to determine evapotranspiration by developing a physical based soil heat flux approach on the example of Khorezm region in Uzbekistan

Knöfel, Patrick January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Zum Verständnis der komplexen Wechselwirkungen innerhalb des Klimasystems der Erde sind Kenntnisse über den hydrologischen Zyklus und den Energiekreislauf essentiell. Eine besondere Rolle obliegt hierbei der Evapotranspiration (ET), da sie eine wesentliche Teilkomponente beider oben erwähnter Kreisläufe ist. Die exakte Quantifizierung der regionalen, tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration innerhalb der Wasser- und Energiekreisläufe der Erdoberfläche auf unterschiedlichen zeitlichen und räumlichen Skalen ist für hydrologische, klimatologische und agronomische Fragestellungen von großer Bedeutung. Dabei ist eine realistische Abschätzung der regionalen tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration die wichtigste Herausforderung der hydrologischen Modellierung. Besonders die unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Auflösungen von Satelliteninformationen machen die Fernerkundung sowohl für globale als auch regionale hydrologischen Fragestellungen interessant. Zusätzlich zur Notwendigkeit des Prozessverständnisses des Wasserkreislaufs auf globaler Ebene kommt dessen regionale Bedeutung für die Landwirtschaft, insbesondere in Bewässerungssystemen arider Regionen. In ariden Klimazonen übersteigt die Menge der Verdunstung oft bei weitem die Niederschlagsmengen. Aufgrund der geringen Niederschlagsmenge muss in ariden agrarischen Regionen das zum Pflanzenwachstum benötigte Wasser mit Hilfe künstlicher Bewässerung aufgebracht werden. Der jeweilige lokale Bewässerungsbedarf hängt von der Feldfrucht und deren Wachstumsphase, den Klimabedingungen, den Bodeneigenschaften und der Ausdehnung der Wurzelzone ab. Die Evapotranspiration ist als Komponente der regionalen Wasserbilanz eine wichtige Steuerungsgröße und Effizienzindikator für das lokale Bewässerungsmanagement. Die Bewässe-rungslandwirtschaft verbraucht weltweit etwa 70 % der verfügbaren Süßwasservorkom-men. Dies wird als einer der Hauptgründe für die weltweit steigende Wasserknappheit identifiziert. Dabei liegt die Wasserentnahme des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors in den OECD Staaten im Mittel bei etwa 44 %, in den Staaten Mittelasiens bei über 90 %. Bei der Erstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit kam die Methode der residualen Bestimmung der Energiebilanz zum Einsatz. Eines der weltweit am häufigsten eingesetzten und vali-dierten fernerkundlichen Residualmodelle zur ET Ableitung ist das SEBAL-Modell (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land, mit über 40 veröffentlichten Studien. SEBAL eignet sich zur Quantifizierung der Verdunstung großflächiger Gebiete und wurde bisher über-wiegend in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft eingesetzt. Aus diesen Gründen wurde es für die Bearbeitung der Fragestellungen in dieser Arbeit ausgewählt. SEBAL verwendet physikalische und empirische Beziehungen zur Berechnung der Energiebilanzkomponenten basierend auf Fernerkundungsdaten, bei gleichzeitig minimalem Einsatz bodengestützter Daten. Als Eingangsdaten werden u.a. Informationen über Strahlung, Bodenoberflächentemperatur, NDVI, LAI und Albedo verwendet. Zusätzlich zu SEBAL wurden einige Komponenten der SEBAL Weiterentwicklung METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration with Internalized Calibration) verwendet, um die Modellierung der ET vorzunehmen. METRIC überwindet einige Limitierungen des SEBAL Verfahrens und kann beispielsweise auch in stärker reliefierten Regionen angewendet werden. Außerdem ermöglicht die Integration einer gebietsspezifischen Referenz-ET sowie einer Landnutzungsklassifikation eine bessere regionale Anpassung des Residualverfahrens. Unter der Annahme der Bedingungen zum Zeitpunkt der Fernerkundungsaufnahme ergibt sich die Energiebilanz an der Erdoberfläche RN = LvE + H + G. Demnach teilt sich die verfügbare Strahlungsenergie RN in die Komponenten latenter Wärme (LVE), fühlbarer Wärme (H) und Bodenwärme (G) auf. Durch Umstellen der Gleichung kann auf die latente Wärme geschlossen werden. Das wesentliche Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Optimierung, Erweiterung und Validierung des ausgewählten SEBAL Verfahrens zur regionalen Modellierung der Energiebilanzkomponenten und der daraus abgeleiteten tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration. Die validierten Modellergebnisse der Gebietsverdunstung der Jahre 2009-2011 sollen anschließend als Grundlage dienen, das Gesamtverständnis der regionalen Prozesse des Wasserkreislaufs zu verbessern. Die Arbeit basiert auf der Datengrundlage von MODIS Daten mit 1 km räumlicher Auflösung. Während die Komponenten verfügbare Strahlungsenergie und fühlbarer Wärmestrom physikalisch basiert ermittelt werden, beruht die Berechnung des Bodenwärmestroms ausschließlich auf empirischen Abschätzungen. Ein großer Nachteil des empirischen Ansatzes ist die Vernachlässigung des zeitlichen Versatzes zwischen Strahlungsbilanz und Bodenwärmestrom in Abhängigkeit der aktuellen Bodenfeuchtesituation. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf der Bewertung und Verbesserung der Modellgüte des Bodenwärmestroms durch Verwendung eines neuen Ansatzes zur Integration von Bodenfeuchteinformationen. Daher wird in der Arbeit ein physikalischer Ansatz entwickelt der auf dem Ansatz der periodischen Temperaturveränderung basiert. Hierbei wurde neben dem ENVISAT ASAR SSM Produkt der TU Wien das operationelle Oberflächenbodenfeuchteprodukt ASCAT SSM als Fernerkundungseingangsdaten ausgewählt. Die mit SEBAL modellierten Energiebilanzkomponenten werden durch eine intensive Validierung mit bodengestützten Messungen bewertet, die Messungen stammen von Bodensensoren und Daten einer Eddy-Kovarianz-Station aus den Jahren 2009 bis 2011. Die Region Khorezm gilt als charakteristisch für die wasserbezogene Problematik der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft Mittelasiens und wurde als Untersuchungsgebiet für diese Arbeit ausgewählt. Die wesentlichen Probleme dieser Region entstehen durch die nach wie vor nicht nachhaltige Land- und Wassernutzung, das marode Bewässerungsnetz mit einer Verlustrate von bis zu 40 % und der Bodenversalzung aufgrund hoher Grundwasserspiegel. Im Untersuchungsgebiet wurden in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 umfangreiche Feldarbeiten zur Erhebung lokaler bodengestützter Informationen durchgeführt. Bei der Evaluierung der modellierten Einzelkomponenten ergab sich für die Strahlungsbi-lanz eine hohe Modellgüte (R² > 0,9; rRMSE < 0,2 und NSE > 0,5). Diese Komponente bildet die Grundlage bei der Bezifferung der für die Prozesse an der Erdoberfläche zur Verfügung stehenden Energie. Für die fühlbaren Wärmeströme wurden ebenfalls gute Ergebnisse erzielt, mit NSE von 0,31 und rRMSE von ca. 0,21. Für die residual bestimmte Größe der latenten Wärmeströmung konnte eine insgesamt gute Modellgüte festgestellt werden (R² > 0,6; rRMSE < 0,2 und NSE > 0,5). Dementsprechend gut wurde die tägliche Evapotranspiration modelliert. Hier ergab sich, nach der Interpolation täglicher Werte, eine insgesamt ausreichend gute Modellgüte (R² > 0,5; rRMSE < 0,2 und NSE > 0,4). Dies bestätigt die Ergebnisse vieler Energiebilanzstudien, die lediglich den für die Ableitung der Evapotranspiration maßgebenden Wärmestrom untersuchten. Die Modellergebnisse für den Bodenwärmestrom konnten durch die Entwicklung und Verwendung des neu entwickelten physikalischen Ansatzes von NSE < 0 und rRMSE von ca. 0,57 auf NSE von 0,19 und rRMSE von 0,35 verbessert werden. Dies führt zu einer insgesamt positiven Einschätzung des Verbesserungspotenzials des neu entwickelten Bodenwärmestromansatzes bei der Berechnung der Energiebilanz mit Hilfe von Fernerkundung. / The understanding of the hydrological and the energy cycles are essential in order to describe the complex interactions within the climate system of the earth. Being recognized as an important component of both, the water and the energy cycle, reliable estimation of actual evapotranspiration and its spatial distribution is one outstanding challenge in this context. Detailed knowledge of land surface fluxes, especially latent and sensible heat components, is important for monitoring the climate and land surface, and for agriculture applications such as irrigation scheduling and water management. The use of remote sensing data to determine actual evapotranspiration (ET) is particularly suitable to provide area based indicators for the evaluation of the efficiency and productivity of irrigation systems as well as sustainability studies. Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration plays an important role in quantification of the water balance at watershed, basin, and regional scale for better planning and managing water resources. For instance, in irrigation systems of arid regions, artificial locations of evapotranspiration have been created. An in-depth process understanding is of paramount importance, as irrigated agriculture consumes about 70 % of the available freshwater resources worldwide, with a significant but unsatisfyingly quantified impact on the water cycle, especially on regional scale. Moreover, an exact quantification of ET inside these artificial ecosystems enables assessments of crop water consumptions and hence about water use efficiency. The withdrawal of water for agricultural use in the countries of Central Asia is more than 90 %. For this thesis the residual methods of energy budget are of interest. One of the most common models dealing with energy budget residual is the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). SEBAL uses physical and empirical relationships to calculate the energy partitioning with minimum of ground data and atmospheric variables are estimated from remote sensing data. The determination of wet and dry surfaces is necessary to extract threshold values. SEBAL requires remote sensing input data like radiation, surface temperature, NDVI, and albedo. For this thesis an algorithm was developed based on SEBAL, its adaptations METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration with Internalized Calibration) and some regional adjustments. METRIC introduces the leaf area index (LAI) and land use classification data to determine the dry and hot surfaces as well as the input of additional meteorological data in order to improve the results of the model. Estimation of latent heat flux (LvE, corresponding to evapotranspiration) with SEBAL is based on assessing the energy balance through several surface properties such as albedo, LAI, NDVI, LST etc. Considering instantaneous condition, the energy balance is written as RN = LvE + H + G. Net radiation energy (RN) is available as the sum of the atmospheric convective fluxes sensible heat flux (H), latent heat flux (LvE) and the soil heat flux (G). The main objective of this thesis is to optimize, improve, and evaluate the existing remote sensing based algorithms for the estimation of actual evapotranspiration. For this purpose the seasonal actual ET was calculated using a partly modified SEBAL. SEBAL was implemented based on MODIS time series to solve the energy balance equation. The applied model has proven practicable for this area and is accepted to fulfil the scientific demands. The SEBAL algorithm is tested and set up for the use of 1km MODIS products. Land surface temperature (LST), emissivity, albedo, Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI), and leaf area index (LAI) were combined for modelling the actual ET. Land use classification results were aggregated to 1km MODIS scale. Furthermore, the surface soil moisture products ASCAT SSM and ASAR SSM will be used as input data for the model. In addition to remote sensing data meteorological and ground truth data are used in this study. Meteorological data are wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and net radiation. The data is required at time of satellite overpass (about 12 p.m.). RN depends on incoming shortwave radiation, incoming and outgoing longwave radiant fluxes, albedo, emissivity and surface temperature. H is mostly calculated using the aerodynamic resistance between the surface and the reference height in the lower atmosphere (commonly 2 m) above surface. G is usually estimated using an empirical equation. This thesis introduces a modified equation to estimate G using an adjusted form of the thermal conduction equation. This method uses microwave soil moisture products (ASAR-SSM and ASCAT-SSM) as additional input information. The SEBAL modelled energy balance components were intensively validated by field measurements with an eddy covariance system and soil sensors in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The thesis is primarily concerned with the irrigation farming of cotton ecosystems in Central Asia, in particular with the situation within Khorezm Oblast in Uzbekistan. Regional problems of Khorezm are high groundwater levels, soil salinity, and non-sustainable use of land and water. Amongst others, the determination of ground truth data driven by the above mentioned objectives are part of two extensive field campaigns in 2010 and 2011. The validation of the modelled energy balance components leads to a good quality assessment. The model shows very good performance for RN with average model efficiency (NSE) of 0,68 and small relative errors (rRMSE) of about 0,10. For turbulent heat fluxes good results can be achieved with NSE of 0,31 for H and 0,55 for LE, the rRMSE are about 0,21 (H) and 0,18 (LvE). Soil heat flux estimation could be improved using the physically based approach. While the empirical equation leads to negative NSE and rRMSE of about 0,57, the improved approach shows rRMSE of 0,35 and NSE of 0,19. Thus, the improved G estimation can be registered as a valuable contribution for the remote sensing based estimation of energy balance components. / Die Bewässerungslandwirtschaft verbraucht weltweit etwa 70 % der verfügbaren Süßwasservorkommen. Dabei liegt die Wasserentnahme des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors in den Staaten Mittelasiens bei über 90 %. Wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Landwirtschaft sind der Produktionsfaktor Boden und das Klima. Der Wassergehalt und die Temperatur des Bodens bestimmen im Wesentlichen den Anteil der verfügbaren solaren Strahlungsenergie, der in den Boden geleitet wird. Existierende Fernerkundungsansätze verwenden zur Ermittlung des Bodenwärmestroms überwiegend empirische Gleichungen, da zuverlässige flächenhafte Informationen über die Bodenfeuchte bisher aufgrund räumlich unzureichender messtechnischer Bedingungen nicht ermittelt werden können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neu entwickelter, physikalisch-basierter Ansatz vorgestellt, der erstmals räumlich hochaufgelöste Bodenfeuchteinformationen aus Radardatensätzen zur Berechnung des Bodenwärmestroms verwendet. Dieser Ansatz wird zur Lösung der Energiebilanz an der Erdoberfläche verwendet, um indirekt auf die tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration zu schließen. Denn eine realistische Quantifizierung der regionalen, tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration als Komponente der regionalen Wasserbilanz ist eine wichtige Steuerungsgröße und ein Effizienzindikator für das lokale Bewässerungsmanagement.

Stomatal Response of Carex Aquatilis to Climate Conditions in a Subarctic Coastal Wetland During the Growing Season

Kadonaga, Lisa Kaede 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Plants can control water loss through their stomata in response to changing environmental conditions. Some research has been done on predicting stomatal resistance from climate variables such as solar radiation intensity, temperature, and vapour pressure deficit, but the factors involved are numerous and complex. Information on evapotranspiration from non-cultivated vegetation under field conditions is relatively scarce. This study was carried out in a subarctic coastal wetland on James Bay, an area for which little data exists. Leaf resistance measurements were collected in the field with a diffusion porometer as the 1988 growing season reached its peak. Meteorological data were also recorded. The main species examined was Carex aquatilis, a common sedge with a circumpolar distribution. As has been previously found, field resistances were lower than those reported for greenhouse-grown specimens. Attempts to derive a multivariate regression model to predict leaf resistances had a maximum explained variance under 40%. However, Principal Components Analysis suggested that cool, sunny, low-VPD conditions tend to accompany low leaf resistances. An increase in leaf resistance occurs when solar radiation intensities are low, or when the air is warm and dry. In addition, Carex aquatilis from drier areas showed less growth, and generally higher leaf resistances, than plants growing in saturated soils. Since climate models predict higher temperatures and lower soil moisture for the study area, due to carbon dioxide-induced warming, higher stomatal resistances could result. If these changes are severe enough, primary production could be reduced in the subarctic wetlands. Through the food chain, this could possibly affect species important to the economy and ecology of northern areas.</p> / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy

Evapotranspiration Estimates from the Water Balance and Equilibrium Models

Wilson, Richard Garth 05 1900 (has links)
<p> This thesis examines the field performance of the water balance and equilibrium evapotranspiration models, and defines the environmental conditions for which they provided accurate estimates of water loss from a corn crop in Southern Ontario.</p> <p> It is shown that the water balance model should be used only when surface runoff is measured and drainage is negligible. An error analysis indicated that soil moisture change could be estimated within 10 percent when measurements were conducted at six sites every eight days.</p> <p> The equilibrium model predicted daily evapotranspiration within 6 percent when the latent heat exchange utilized between 65 and 80 percent of the available energy, indicating that the model can be applied within temperature limits of 17° and 32°C.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Direct Transpiration and Naphthalene Uptake Rates for a Hybrid Poplar Based Phytoremediation System

Nelson, Michael James 23 February 2005 (has links)
Direct transpiration rates and plant uptake of naphthalene by a hybrid poplar phytoremediation system located in Oneida, Tennessee were determined using hydrologic and groundwater concentration data. Water table recession analysis techniques were employed to determine direct transpiration rates from the saturated zone of the shallow, unconfined aquifer underlying the site. Direct transpiration rates varied over the growing season (late March to mid-October), with a maximum and mean daily direct transpiration of 0.0100 and 0.0048 feet/day, respectively. During 2004, the maximum direct transpiration rate was observed in May, and rates declined starting in June due to an associated decline in the water table. A technique was developed to estimate the volumetric transpiration rate of each tree based on the breast-height diameters and seasonally variable direct transpiration rates. During peak transpiration, the larger trees at the study site were estimated to directly transpire 4 to 13 gallons per day per tree. Plant uptake rates of naphthalene were estimated by superimposing spatial data (volumetric transpiration rates and naphthalene concentration in groundwater). The mass loss rate of naphthalene from the aquifer as a result of plant uptake during July 2004 was 335 mg/day which only represents 0.117% of the aqueous mass plume. Monthly groundwater profiles showed a decrease of the saturated thickness beneath the system of hybrid poplars between the dormant and active season. This study suggests direct transpiration rates and plant uptake of naphthalene are dependent on variables including climatic parameters, magnitude of the saturated thickness, and the concentration of naphthalene in groundwater. / Master of Science

Impact of Phytoremediation System on Groundwater Flow in a Shallow Aquifer System

Corack, Edward J. 01 May 2003 (has links)
There are many methods for cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater. Phytoremediation is an engineered method that utilizes plants and trees to remove or immobilize inorganic and organic contaminants. The plants and trees can contain contaminant plumes, uptake the contaminants, or aid in the degradation of the contaminants through several poorly understood mechanisms. Hybrid poplar trees were planted to contain a creosote contaminant plume at the study-site in Oneida, Tennessee. This research looks at how the trees will affect groundwater flow in the site. This is accomplished with the groundwater modeling program MODFLOW. The trees are simulated using the Evapotranspiration Package within MODFLOW, within the GMS modeling platform, to produce a two-dimensional unconfined aquifer viewpoint groundwater model. Site characterization, setup, and rationale are provided. The modeling methodology including calibration, sensitivity analysis, non-unique solution check, and verification are also provided. The modeling methodology included steady-state model calibration at the study-site to match observed field data; precursory steady-state and subsequent practice transient calibrations at the site; and incorporation of the simulation of evapotranspiration in the final transient model calibrations at the site. The results show that a phytoremediation system consisting of densely-planted hybrid poplar trees can indeed impact groundwater flow, although not to the extent that clearly would contain a creosote contaminant plume. Various input parameters including specific yield, transient recharge, starting heads, evapotranspiration rates, and evapotranspiration extinction depths impacted MODFLOW model sensitivity in transient calibrations. Varying the time steps in post-precipitation stress periods did not significantly impact the model output. The interception trench conductance played a minimal role in the calibration, but trench groundwater collection data was lacking, and the trench was frequently in need of maintenance. Further suggested data requirements include more frequently collected rainfall and piezometer data, as well as the installation of more piezometers outside the model domain contained in this study. Using the Evapotranspiration Package in MODFLOW provided more realistic and authentic results than using the Well Package (used in a previous study of the site by Panhorst in 2000) to simulate evapotranspiration. The Evapotranspiration Package in MODFLOW incorporates transpiration extinction depths that prevent transpiration when the water table drops below a certain depth. Further suggested program development includes incorporating an asymptotic function for transpiration rates and allowing the Evapotranspiration Package to import evapotranspiration rates, extinction depths, and elevations. It may be deduced from this impact of flow that the tree system will aid in containment of a contaminant plume, but at the trees current growth stage, and with the coal layer present at the site, the containment is limited. / Master of Science

Evapotranspiration analysis of various vegetative community types in Central Florida

Turner, Elizabeth Mae 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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