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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viver a cidade, sobreviver ao tempo: fragmentos da vida cotidiana dos velhos na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco / Enjoying the city, surviving the time: fragments of everyday life of the elderly in Recife, Pernambuco

Nóbrega, Pedro Ricardo da Cunha 11 December 2015 (has links)
A Geografia, na contemporaneidade, não corresponde mais àquela ciência descritiva que buscava a unidade através de um método fechado (cartesiano e positivista). A abertura para uma compreensão dialética do mundo moderno impõe uma agenda para esta ciência que tem como base a construção de análises espaciais que têm como fundamento as ações sociais tomadas como práticas sócio-espaciais. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se, e ainda está em curso, um processo de atualização de conceitos, temas e abordagens que coloca no centro das questões o real problematizado. Sendo assim, a ideia de população é esvaziada de sentido e no lugar desse conceito a-histórico e genérico surgem reflexões que consideram a produção do homem como categoria central para os estudos contemporâneos, o que revela, em função do modo de produção capitalista, a produção do espaço. As transformações recentes causadas pela ampliação da longevidade causam uma ampliação da relação das pessoas com o espaço de realização da vida, o que traz para a discussão temas relacionados ao processo de envelhecimento humano como uma questão emergente e que precisa de atenção, principalmente por parte das ciências humanas, uma vez que já há uma tradição destes estudos no âmbito das ciências da saúde. Esta tese identifica a necessidade de que sejam ampliadas, em função da condição atual e das projeções futuras, os estudos relacionados à geografia do envelhecimento, que no Brasil não têm nenhuma tradição fora do ambiente demográfico. Frente aos elementos identificados, busca-se, com esta tese, contribuir para o estudo da geografia do envelhecimento a partir da análise teórica e empírica dos fragmentos da vida cotidiana dos velhos da cidade do Recife. O método que estrutura este trabalho está baseado nos princípios marxianos e atualizados a partir da compreensão da obra de Henri Lefebvre sobre a produção do espaço, obedecendo, metodologicamente, a um movimento regressivo-progressivo. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a relação entre a produção do espaço urbano e a realização da vida cotidiana dos velhos na cidade do Recife, buscando entender a relação entre os velhos e as barreiras existentes na cidade, de várias ordens, que dificultam a realização da vida em coletividade; além de identificar oito categorias empíricas fundamentais para a realização da vida cotidiana: espaço público x espaço privado, transporte, moradia, participação social, inclusão social, comunicação, emprego e serviços de saúde. A discussão acerca destes temas só se tornou possível através de uma análise dos conceitos de velho, velhice e envelhecimento, relacionando-os com as discussões sobre a produção do espaço urbano e as definições da vida cotidiana, bem como construindo análises críticas sobre o conjunto de regras e normas estabelecidas em âmbito internacional e nacional, que possibilitam e fomentam, no âmbito do direito, uma relação harmônica dos velhos com a cidade. Os principais resultados estão relacionados a um aprofundamento teórico sobre os temas centrais apresentados na tese e a um entendimento mais próximos da caracterização da forma de vida dos velhos pobres da cidade, mostrando que, para a velhice, a cidade inteira se impõe como barreira, quer seja na impossibilidade de garantia dos direitos conquistados, quer seja em função de práticas urbanas orientadas para os indivíduos jovens, o que dificulta a apropriação da cidade por parte das pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. / Geography, in contemporary times, no longer corresponds to that descriptive science that sought to drive through a closed method (Cartesian and positivist). The openness to a dialectical comprehension of the modern world imposes an agenda for this science that is based on the construction of spatial analysis that the main goals are social actions taken as socio-spatial practices. In this sense, it has developed, and it is still ongoing, a process of updating concepts, themes and approaches that puts at the center of the questions the reality questioned. Thus, the idea of the population is emptied of meaning and in the place of this timeless and generic concept arise reflections considering the production of man as a central category for contemporary studies, which reveals, due to the capitalist mode of production, the production of space. Recent changes caused by the enlargement of longevity cause an expansion of people relationship with the space for lifetime achievement, which brings to the discussion topics related to the human aging process as an emerging issue and that needs attention, particularly by the humanities, since there is a tradition of these studies as part of health sciences. This thesis identifies the need to be expanded, depending on the current condition and future projections, studies related to aging geography, which in Brazil there is no tradition out of the demographic environment. Regarding to the identified issues, this thesis seeks to contribute to the study of the aging geography from the theoretical and empirical analysis of the fragments of everyday life of the elderly from Recife. The method that structures this paper is based on the principles Marxist and updated from the understanding of the work of Henri Lefebvre about the production of space, obeying, methodologically, to a regressive-progressive movement. The main objective of this research is to study the relationship between the production of urban space and the accomplishment of everyday life of the elderly in Recife, seeking to understand the relationship between the elderly and the limitations in town, in many ways, which hinder the accomplishment of life in community; and identify eight empirical categories for the fulfillment of everyday life: public space vs private space, transportation, housing, social participation, social inclusion, communication, employment and health services. The discussion on these topics was made possible through an analysis of the elderly, old age and aging concepts, relating them to the discussions about the production of urban space and the settings of everyday life, as well as building critical analysis on the set of rules and standards established at the international and national level, that enable and promote, under the law, a harmonious relationship of the elderly people with the town. The main results are related to a theoretical deepening about the central themes presented in this thesis and with a closer understanding of the characterization of the way of life of poor elderly people in town too, showing that for old age, the whole town is imposed as a limitation, either in the impossibility to guarantee the rights conquered, or in function of urban practices showed for young people, hindering the appropriation of the city by people that are 60 years or over.

Formação profissional e saberes docentes: um estudo com professores da educação básica / Professional education and teachers knowledge: a study with basic education teachers

Bastides, Ana Carolina 28 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar e analisar expressões da formação de professores na constituição e mobilização de saberes docentes, e em que aspectos tal formação tem contribuído para a construção de práticas que respondam aos atuais desafios da educação básica no estado de São Paulo. Elege como referencial empírico a prática docente de professoras que cursaram o Programa Especial de Formação de Professores de 1ª a 4ª Séries do Ensino Fundamental conhecido como PEC-Municípios (2003-2004), pela sua relevância no âmbito das novas modalidades de formação de professores. A pesquisa busca compreender as influências do programa no cotidiano escolar, na prática e nos saberes docentes por meio de uma perspectiva etnográfica que se utiliza de trabalho de campo, análise documental e estudo de caso. O trabalho etnográfico envolveu observações em campo em uma escola da rede pública de ensino fundamental do município de São Paulo e a realização de estudo de caso junto a uma professora egressa do PEC-Municípios. A análise do material empírico fundamenta-se nas contribuições teóricas de autores que discutem os temas da formação de professores, processos de escolarização e saberes docentes cotidianos em uma perspectiva histórica e crítica, quer no campo da Educação, quer da Psicologia Escolar. No contexto deste trabalho, torna-se relevante a concepção de Ruth Mercado Maldonado sobre os saberes docentes cotidianos como saberes mobilizados na experiência prática dos professores com seus alunos e que são constituídos a partir do diálogo que se estabelece com vozes provenientes de distintos âmbitos sociais e momentos históricos que são articuladas pelo professor ao trabalhar com os alunos. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a importância dos programas de formação promoverem uma articulação entre conhecimentos acadêmicoeducacionais e prática docente, fornecendo subsídios para a apropriação e mobilização de saberes docentes que correspondam às demandas do trabalho com os alunos. A articulação entre teoria e prática promovida pelo programa estimulou o desenvolvimento de práticas de ensino apoiadas na análise da realidade cotidiana das crianças. No trabalho cotidiano em sala de aula, o favorecimento da construção de conhecimento pelos alunos a partir da articulação dos conhecimentos escolares com aspectos da realidade cotidiana assume uma centralidade fundamental na prática docente. Assim, a construção da aula ocorre por meio de um processo coletivo, em que a prática docente é frequentemente articulada em relação aos alunos, com os sucessos, dificuldades, interesses e contribuições que as crianças possam trazer ao contexto do trabalho em sala de aula. Identificou-se que os saberes são apropriados e mobilizados por meio do diálogo com as reformas educativas presentes e passadas, a experiência com alunos, a formação continuada, bem como com as condições concretas do trabalho docente. Se por um lado a iniciativa estatal de promover a formação para os professores efetivos da rede de ensino é uma ação fundamental para melhorar a qualidade do ensino oferecido na escola pública, por outro lado os resultados demonstram que a estratégia da formação docente não tem se articulado com as mudanças necessárias no funcionamento institucional do sistema escolar. A partir destas análises, conclui-se que a formação docente, quando eleita como única estratégia, depara-se com limites em produzir mudanças na instituição escolar de modo a promover a elevação da qualidade da educação escolar / The objective of this work was to investigate and analyze expressions from the teachers formation in the constitution and mobilization of teachers knowledge and in which aspects this formation has contributed in the construction of practices that answer present challenges of the basic education in the São Paulo state. The empirical reference was the practice of teachers that attended the Special Formation Program for 1st to 4th Grade Teachers also known as PEC-Municípios (2003-2004) , for its relevance in the scope of new modalities of teachers formation. The research intends to understand the influence of the program in school everyday life and in teachers practice and knowledge, through an ethnographic perspective based on fieldwork, documental analysis and a case study. The ethnographic study involved field observations in a public elementary school in São Paulo City and a study case of a teacher that came from PEC-Municípios. The analysis of this material is based on the theoretical contributions of authors that discuss the teachers formation, schooling processes and daily teachers knowledge in a historic and critic perspective, either on the Education or the Educational Psychology. In this context, its relevant the conception of Ruth Mercado Maldonado about the teachers daily knowledge as a mobilized knowledge in the practice of teachers with their students, relation built through a dialogue between voices that come from different social conditions and historical moments, managed by the teacher, when working with the students. The obtained results point to the importance of the formation programs to answer the demands of the work with students. The articulation between theory and practice promoted by the program stimulated the development of teaching practices based on the analysis of the reality of the children. In the daily work in classroom, favoring the students knowledge construction through the articulation of school knowledge and daily life aspects assumes an important centrality in teachers practice. Thus, the construction of the lessons happens as a collective process, in which the teachers practice is frequently articulated with the students, with its successes, issues, interests and contributions that the children may bring to the classroom. It was identified that the knowledge is appropriated and mobilized through the conversation among present and past educative reforms, the experience with students, the continuing formation and the concrete conditions of teachers work. If on the one hand the state initiative on promoting formation to actual teachers is a fundamental action to improve the quality of the education offered by the public network, in the other hand the results demonstrate that the teachers formation strategy doesnt articulate with the necessary changes on the institutional operation of the school system. From these analyses, the conclusion is that teachers formation, when elected as the only strategy, is limited in order to produce changes in the school as to promote the quality rise in the school education

A pilot project exploring the feasibility of enlisting health information & support networks to enable health information seekers, using semantic web middleware

Gardner, Jesse William 27 September 2019 (has links)
My Thesis posits a novel method of utilizing emerging web semantics, through HTML5 markup; to improve experience of Health Information seekers through a framework for creating functional, tailored Health Information Resource Collections potentially hosted by their own Health Information Support Networks; and based upon long-standing principles of online Information Retrieval. Most such organizations have websites, with links to useful Resources. This research exemplifies how to design and to present the Resource Collections as pathfinders to existing online Health Information, adding context to each link, to directly address the needs of each community served. The research appeals to a Needs Analysis process rooted in Everyday Life Information Seeking research methodologies, especially Participatory Action Research. As a pilot project, the Needs Analysis focuses necessarily on the Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus community – with which the author of the Thesis is intimately familiar as a person living with Hydrocephalus, making the choice of a Participatory Action Research framework ideal – and enlisted just one National (Canada) and one Regional (British Columbia) Association for the same rationale. Results of the Needs Analysis were used to identify necessary Resources, but also to select familiar web tools and technologies for design of the Resource Collection and Resource Cards. At completion, there is a functional Collection of Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Resources for researchers, caregivers, or patients with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus – not limited to members of any organization, but best suited by design to the two through which analysis was done. / Graduate

Being storied; a lived experience in time : an exegesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Day, Catherine January 2009 (has links)
Being storied; a lived experience of time discusses selected aspects of the research and studio practice undertaken in the course of the year 2008. Central to the process has been attending to the mundane acts of everyday life in the rural environment in which I live. It discusses actions such as walking, listening, collecting and documenting as well as experiments with a waste material, used baling plastic that is installed in various ways into the landscape. Parallel to this are investigations with sound and text, which have drawn on my varied musical background. There is an exploration of time - the idea of durée, human experience of time, quality of attention through intense focus, and memory as it accumulates over time. Art of the everyday has also been a key area of research. Life changing events have occurred during the course of the year. The death of parents has substantially influenced the work. The practice described is multi-faceted, involving the use of text, sound, photography and film.

Mer än ett spel : <em>– en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv</em> / <em>The phenomenona MMORPG-games </em> : – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life

Bäckman, Susanna, Bel, Paula January 2009 (has links)
<h2>The phenomenona MMORPG-games – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life</h2><p>The aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: “the late modern society”.</p><p>The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players. The study also reviled that the games can have different effects on the players and the amplitude of the effects depends on how deep the players involve themselves into the games. Furthermore the study showed that the players has a possibility to create identities in the MMORPG-games but it also showed that there are a conflict between the gameworld and the physical life where the gameworld is understood as the “secondary world”.</p><p> </p>

Vuxna med förvärvad traumatisk hjärnskada - omställningsprocesser och konsekvenser i vardagslivet : En studie av femton personers upplevelser och erfarenheter av att leva med förvärvad traumatisk hjärnskada / Adults with acquired traumatic brain injury – the changeover process and consequences in every day life : A study of fifteen persons’ experience of living with acquired traumatic bran injury

Strandberg, Thomas January 2006 (has links)
<p>The overall purpose of this study is to illuminate the changeover process experienced by individuals who as adults acquired a traumatic brain injury (TBI), to increase the knowledge and the understanding of this process, and describe the meaning of support in every day life.</p><p>Persons who acquired a TBI as adults were administered a semi-structured interview covering six areas: consequences of TBI, family and social networks, working life and occupation, life-changes, support from society and everyday life. The interviews were qualitative and in-depth. A total of 15 informants participated, aged between 19-53 years when injured. Data were structured and underwent two phases of analysis. In the first phase, data underwent latent content analysis, underpinned by a hermeneutic approach, and in the subsequent phase, reanalysed within a framework derived from the theory of social recognition.</p><p>Findings from the first phase of inductive analysis elicited key themes: (i) the meaning of care, a question of formal and/or informal support; (ii) the meaning of action, a question of activity versus inactivity; (iii) autonomy, a question of dependence versus independence; (iv) social interaction, a question of encounter and/or treatment; (v) the theme of changes, a question of process versus stagnation; and (vi) emotions, an oscillation between hope versus hopelessness. After the construction of the six themes each of them were, through a discursive analysis, connected with theories, earlier studies in the field of brain injuries and important interview quotations from the empirical material. During this phase, an interest developed to study the material from a new theoretical point of view. The second phase of analysis therefore involved the development of a framework derived from Honneth’s (1995) theory of social recognition. The central construct of ‘recognition’ was analysed from three different dimensions proposed by Honneth: the individual dimension, the legal dimension, the value dimension. Using this framework, the data were reanalysed. The scientific term for this process of re-contextualisation and re-description of data is abduction inference.</p><p>Reported consequences were negative as well as positive. Significant others (e.g. next of kin) had an important function as a driving force for training and preparation for life-situation after injury. A majority of the informants were satisfied with support from society, such as hospital-care, rehabilitation and community support. Such support, initially, proceeded without problems but as time passed, the responsibility shifted to the person with TBI to take the initiative in arranging longer-term services. Long-term support which addresses physical, cognitive as well as psychosocial consequences of the TBI is important for outcomes. The majority of the informants had difficulties in returning to working life after the injury. The outcomes and recovery seemed to be a prolonged process, probably never ending, but which gradually over time becomes integrated as a part of life. The informants gave varying accounts of the extent to which they experienced social recognition.</p>

"Det virtuella samhället" : En studie om ungdomars ökade Internetanvändning

de Belder, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Purpose: The purpose is to try to map todays research in the subject field, structure the problems dealt with and compile the empirical results obtained. In expectation of creating new moods of thought, approaches and ideas.</p><p>Method: Secondary analyses on relevante literature</p><p>Main results: The usage of Internet will continue to increase, new habits will develop, the Internet will develop more and more to a hobby, the usage of Internet functions will increase.</p><p>Keywords: Youth, Internet usage, Social changes, Everyday life, New styles of communications, New habits and experiences.</p>

Am östlichen Rand der Europäischen Union : geopolitische, ethnische und nationale sowie ökonomische und soziale Probleme und ihre Folgen für die Grenzraumbevölkerung

January 2009 (has links)
Die Artikel dieses Bandes wollen anhand ausgewählter Grenzräume und Themen einen Beitrag zur Darstellung der Situation an der neuen östlichen Außengrenze der EU leisten. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Grenzraum zwischen der Republik Moldau und Rumänien. Analysen der geopolitischen, ethnischen und nationalen sowie ökonomischen und sozialen Probleme dieser Länder sollen die Rahmenbedingungen für das Leben der Bevölkerung in diesem Grenzraum verdeutlichen. Diese Probleme wirken sich auf den Alltag der Grenzraumbevölkerung, besonders auf ihre grenzüberschreitenden Aktivitäten aus. Politik und Wissenschaft müssen sich gerade auch der Probleme der Grenzräume annehmen, weil in Europa das Bemühen um eine friedliche "Einheit in der Vielfalt" nicht an den Außengrenzen der EU enden kann.

Transaction Spaces : Consumption Configurations and City Formation

Smas, Lukas January 2008 (has links)
Consumption forms and is formed by the city. How, when and where commodities are transacted is essential in this urban drama of mutual relationships. This thesis explores how consumption and everyday life in cities are interrelated. The specific objective is to analyse how commodity transaction situations are configured and constrained in time and space, and, how consumer service spaces are formed in and are part of city formation. Transactions are conceptualised as economically and socially situated material projects constituted by consumers, commodities and producers. Commodities and values are transferred and created through transaction spaces. The theoretical perspective is framed around consumption and production of spaces, and particularly informed by Hägerstrand’s time-geographical thinking and Lefebvre’s work on urban space. Methodologically different examples of consumption projects and spaces are used to discuss configurations and formations for commodity transactions. The thesis stresses material and time-spatial constraints for commodity transaction and it discusses the blurring of boundaries between what conventionally has been separate social and economic activities and places. Changing transaction configurations and the formation of consumer service spaces in the city are explored through analysis of different consumption places and commodities such as books, coffee and clothes and property development projects in Stockholm city centre. Transaction configurations display geographical and historical continuities and changes as well as time-spatial flexibility and spatial fixity. Transactions spaces are continuously formed and reformed through processes embedded in the global cultural economy, urban development and politics, as well as through people’s everyday life. Producers’ strategic production and consumers’ tactical appropriation of transactions spaces are accentuated as crucial in the spatial practice of transactions, places and city formation.

Where Gendered Spaces Bend : The Rubber Phenomenon in Northern Laos

Lindeborg, Anna-Klara January 2012 (has links)
This thesis seeks to understand and explain gendered everyday life in the village of HatNyao in Northwestern Laos, specifically in relation to rubber cultivation, by using an ethnographic approach and methods. The ‘rubber boom’ is changing the landscape of Northern Laos, and in the process is reshaping gendered everyday life. Gender relations in the village of HatNyao are undergoing various transformations whereby previous gender structures start to erode. Additional changes will probably continue to occur, largely due to increasing labour shortages. Gendered everyday life in HatNyao is therefore ‘bending’ with the changes associated with rubber cultivation, as well as in relation to different spaces of the everyday and household diversity. The concept of ‘paradoxical gendered spaces’ is invoked to capture the ways in which the dimensions and activities of the everyday vary with, in particular, ethnicity and age. Most households in HatNyao have improved their living conditions due to rubber cultivation. Nevertheless, inequalities are increasing within the village: better-off households have improved their situation, while for others it has been more difficult to adapt to the new conditions of everyday life and rubber cultivation. As the number of villages introducing rubber in Laos is increasing, alongside the number reaching the crucial tapping stage, it is essential to understand how rubber cultivation in smallholder communities interacts with gender relations and the division of labour. There are thus both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ outcomes from introducing rubber in Laos, since it depends on the context, as well as on the diverse spaces of the everyday.

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