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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualisation des résultats de recherche classifiés en contexte de recherche d’information exploratoire : une évaluation d’utilisabilité

Crédeville, Aline 10 1900 (has links)
La recherche d’information exploratoire sur le Web présente des défis cognitifs en termes de stratégies cognitives et de tactiques de recherche. Le modèle « question-réponse » des moteurs de recherche actuels est inadéquat pour faciliter les stratégies de recherche d’information exploratoire, assimilables aux stratégies cognitives de l’apprentissage. La visualisation des résultats de recherche est un dispositif qui possède des propriétés graphiques et interactives pertinentes pour le traitement de l’information et l’utilisation de la mémoire et, plus largement de la cognition humaine. Plusieurs recherches ont été menées dans ce contexte de recherche d’information exploratoire, mais aucune n’a distinctement isolé le facteur graphique et interactif de la « visualisation » au sein de son évaluation. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de vérifier si la visualisation des résultats en contexte de recherche d’information exploratoire témoigne des avantages cognitifs et interactifs pressentis selon ses présupposés théoriques. Pour décrire et déterminer la valeur ajoutée de la visualisation des résultats de recherche dans un contexte de recherche d’information exploratoire sur le Web, cette recherche propose de mesurer son utilisabilité. En la comparant selon les mêmes critères et indicateurs à une interface homologue textuelle, nous postulons que l’interface visuelle atteindra une efficacité, efficience et satisfaction supérieure à l’interface textuelle, dans un contexte de recherche d’information exploratoire. Les mesures objectives de l’efficacité et de l’efficience reposent principalement sur l’analyse des traces de l’interaction des utilisateurs, leur nombre et leur durée. Les mesures subjectives attestant de la satisfaction procurée par l’usage du système dans ce contexte repose sur la perception des utilisateurs par rapport à des critères de perception de la facilité d’utilisation et de l’utilité de l’interface testée et par rapport à des questions plus large sur l’expérience de recherche vécue. Un questionnaire et un entretien ont été passés auprès de chacun des vingt-trois répondants. Leur session de recherche a aussi été enregistré par un logiciel de capture vidéo d’écran. Sur les données des vingt-trois utilisateurs divisés en deux groupes, l’analyse statistique a révélé de faibles différences significatives entre les deux interfaces. Selon les mesures effectuées, l’interface textuelle s’est révélée plus efficace en terme de rappel et de pertinence ; et plus efficiente pour les durées de la recherche d’information. Sur le plan de la satisfaction, les interfaces ont été appréciées toutes deux posivitivement, ne permettant pas de les distinguer pour la grande majorité des métriques. Par contre, au niveau du comportement interactif, des différences notables ont montré que les utilisateurs de l’interface visuelle ont réalisé davantage d’interactions de type exploratoire, et ont procédé à une collecte sélective des résultats de recherche. L’analyse statistique et de contenu sur le critère de l’expérience vécue a permis de démontrer que la visualisation offre l’occasion à l’utilisateur de s’engager davantage dans le processus de recherche d’information en raison de l’impact positif de l’esthétique de l’interface visuelle. De plus, la fonctionnalité de classification a été perçue de manière ambivalente, divisant les candidats peu importe l’interface testée. Enfin, l’analyse des verbatims des « visuelle » a permis d’identifier le besoin de fonctionnalités de rétroaction de l’utilisateur afin de pouvoir communiquer le besoin d’information ou sa pondération des résultats ou des classes, grâce à des modalités interactives de manipulation directe des classes sur un espace graphique. / Conducting exploratory searches on the web presents a number of cognitive difficulties as regards search strategies and tactics. The “question-response” model used by the available search engines does not respond adequately to exploratory searches, which are akin to cognitive learning strategies. Visualising search results involves graphic and interactive properties for presenting information that are pertinent for processing and using information, as well as for remembering and, more broadly, for human cognition. Many studies have been conducted in the area of exploratory searches, but none have focussed specifically on the graphic and interactive features of visualisation in their analysis. The principal objective of this thesis is to confirm whether the visualisation of results in the context of exploratory searches offers the cognitive and interactive advantages predicted by conjectural theory. In order to describe and to determine the added value of visualising search results in the context of exploratory web searches, the study proposes to measure its usability. By comparing it to a parallel text interface, using the same criteria and indicators, the likelihood of better efficiency, efficacy, and satisfaction when using a visual interface can be established. The objective measures of efficiency and efficacy are based mainly on the analysis of user interactions, including the number of these interactions and the time they take. Subjective measures of satisfaction in using the system in this context are based on user perception regarding ease of use and the usefulness of the interface tested, and on broader questions concerning the experience of using the search interface. These data were obtained using a questionnaire and a discussion with each participant. Statistical analysis of the data from twenty-three participants divided into two groups showed slightly significant differences between the two interfaces. Analysis of the metrics used showed that the textual interface is more efficient in terms of recall and pertinence, and more efficacious concerning the time needed to search for information. Regarding user satisfaction, both interfaces were seen positively, so that no differences emerged for the great majority of metrics used. However, as regards interactive behaviour, notable differences emerged. Participants using the visual interface had more exploratory interaction, and went on to select and collect pertinent search results. Statistical and content analysis of the experience itself showed that visualisation invites the user to become more involved in the search process, because of the positive effect of a pleasing visual interface. In addition, the classification function was perceived as ambivalent, dividing the participants no matter which interface was used. Finally, analysis of the verbatim reports of participants classed as “visual” indicated the need for a user feedback mechanism in order to communicate information needs or for weighting results or classes, using the interactive function for manipulating classes within a geographic space.

Inverkan av utformingen av kamratrespons på måluppfyllelse och motivation att läsa biologi i högstadiet / Impact of instructional formate of peer review process on motivation to learn and educational goal achievement in middle school Biology

Areskoug, Veronika, Ahlroth, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Vi har undersökt hur instruktionernas utformning inför deltagande i en kamratrespons påverkar högstadieelevers motivation att lära sig samt måluppfyllelse av kunskapskravet att utforma egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Efter en kort genomgång av hur en egen undersökning ska utformas fick eleverna från tre åk 7 klasser och två åk 8 klasser i uppgift att utforma en egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Uppgiften var utformad efter nationella provet del 3 från 2017. Vid nästa lektion blev elever indelade i par efter likvärdig måluppfyllelse. Slumpmässigt fick elevparen antingen förenklade, ospecificerade instruktioner som inbjöd till öppen, elevledd dialog eller detaljerade, punktformade instruktioner som uppmuntrade till en specifik innehåll och samtalsstruktur. Vi genomförde en enkät före och efter deltagandet i kamratresponsen som uppmätte elevens motivation att lära sig de olika kunskapskraven för biologi i högstadiet samt elevens upplevelse av deltagandet och sitt eget lärande. Uppgiften bedömdes efter Skolverkets bedömningsmall för rättning av nationella prov. Vi fann inga belägg för att elevers motivation att lära sig kunskapsmålen i ämnet biologi påverkades av varken kamratrespons som helhet eller instruktionernas utformning. Däremot fann vi en högre förbättringsgrad av måluppfyllelse bland de elever som fick de detaljerade, strukturerade instruktionerna jämfört med de förenklade, öppna instruktionerna. Vi drar slutsatserna att kamratrespons är ett användbart pedagogisk verktyg för att ge individuell formativ bedömning som leder till förbättrad måluppfyllelse under arbetes gång i kunskapskravet att forma egen undersökning och att utformningen av instruktionerna bör vara tydliga och detaljerade för att nå maximal resultat.

Software pro výběr pacientů a oblastí mozku vhodných k analýze konektivity z fMRI dat / Software for patients and brain regions selection suitable for analysis of connectivity in fMRI

Slavíček, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an exploratory tool for functional magnetic resonance imaging data, which allows quickly and easily making a selection of persons and areas suitable for group analysis of connectivity. In the first chapters of this work is mentioned history of brain research and comparison of methods used in functional imaging. Next they are discussed the theoretical basis of fMRI methods, such as the formation of BOLD signal, acquisition parameters of MRI images and methods for designing experiments. The following chapter describes in detail the analysis of recorded data from the pre-processing to the interpretation of results. The last chapter of the first part describes problems of group analysis in SPM8 software. The second half of this work is dedicated to the description of developed program from data input to saving the results, including detailed descriptions of key features. In conclusion, there is a chapter characterizing the application of developed program on real data from clinical studies, including the results and evaluation of the usability of program. The program will mainly be used in neuroscience research.

Three Essays on Household Consumption Expenditures

Ahmad Zia Wahdat (11114679) 22 July 2021 (has links)
In my dissertation, I investigate the relationship between household consumption expenditures and transitory income shocks. In the first two essays, I pay particular attention to household expenditures in the aftermath of natural disasters, which are becoming more frequent and costly in the U.S. since 1980. Additionally, I study specialty farm producers' risk attitudes after an income shock due to natural disasters. Although the permanent income hypothesis predicts that households smooth consumption over their lifetimes, credit-constrained households may find consumption smoothing impractical. This dissertation brings forth evidence regarding heterogeneity in the effect of income shocks on household expenditures. First, I find that floods and hurricanes affect food-at-home (FAH) spending in different ways. The average 15-day decrease in FAH spending is about $2 in the 90 days after a flood and about $7 in the 30 days after a hurricane. In other words, floods have a prolonged effect and hurricanes have an immediate effect. I find that floods and hurricanes remain a threat to the FAH expenditures of vulnerable households, for instance, low-income households and households in coastal states. Second, Indiana specialty farm households reduce their monthly expenses of food and miscellaneous categories by about $119 and $280, respectively, after an income loss of 20%-32%. I also find that Indiana specialty producers are less willing to take financial risk after an income loss experience, i.e., they have a decreasing absolute risk aversion. Finally, in the third essay, I show that Australian households exhibit loss aversion in consumption expenditures which also means that they behave asymmetrically in their consumption response to income shocks. However, it is only working-age younger households that show asymmetric consumption behavior as opposed to the symmetric behavior of retirement-age households. The main message of these various findings is clear: after an income shock, the magnitude of change in consumption expenditures and the saliency of certain expenditure categories for adjustment are context- and population-dependent. Hence, income support policies and post-disaster relief programs may benefit from a better understanding of the consumption behavior of beneficiary population, to achieve maximum impact through better targeting.

Planification et analyse de données spatio-temporelles / Design and analysis of spatio-temporal data

Faye, Papa Abdoulaye 08 December 2015 (has links)
La Modélisation spatio-temporelle permet la prédiction d’une variable régionalisée à des sites non observés du domaine d’étude, basée sur l’observation de cette variable en quelques sites du domaine à différents temps t donnés. Dans cette thèse, l’approche que nous avons proposé consiste à coupler des modèles numériques et statistiques. En effet en privilégiant l’approche bayésienne nous avons combiné les différentes sources d’information : l’information spatiale apportée par les observations, l’information temporelle apportée par la boîte noire ainsi que l’information a priori connue du phénomène. Ce qui permet une meilleure prédiction et une bonne quantification de l’incertitude sur la prédiction. Nous avons aussi proposé un nouveau critère d’optimalité de plans d’expérience incorporant d’une part le contrôle de l’incertitude en chaque point du domaine et d’autre part la valeur espérée du phénomène. / Spatio-temporal modeling allows to make the prediction of a regionalized variable at unobserved points of a given field, based on the observations of this variable at some points of field at different times. In this thesis, we proposed a approach which combine numerical and statistical models. Indeed by using the Bayesian methods we combined the different sources of information : spatial information provided by the observations, temporal information provided by the black-box and the prior information on the phenomenon of interest. This approach allowed us to have a good prediction of the variable of interest and a good quantification of incertitude on this prediction. We also proposed a new method to construct experimental design by establishing a optimality criterion based on the uncertainty and the expected value of the phenomenon.

Fundamental Studies on Transport Phenomena in Redox Flow Batteries with Flow Field Structures and Slurry or Semi-Solid Electrodes: Modeling and Experimental Approaches

Ke, Xinyou 29 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Looking Outside of Self and Experience: Effects of Cognitive Distancing on Intrusive Thought Responses

Adut, Sarah Lily January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Swedish Sign Language Skills Training and Assessment / Utbildning och bedömning av svensk teckenspråksförmåga

Potrus, Dani January 2017 (has links)
Sign language is used widely around the world as a first language for those that are unable to use spoken language and by groups of people that have a disability which precludes them from using spoken language (such as a hearing impairment). The importance of effective learning of sign language and its applications in modern computer science has grown widely in the modern aged society and research around sign language recognition has sprouted in many different directions, some examples using hidden markov models (HMMs) to train models to recognize different sign language patterns (Swedish sign language, American sign language, Korean sign language, German sign language and so on).  This thesis project researches the assessment and skill efficiency of using a simple video game to learn Swedish sign language for children in the ages within the range of 10 to 11 with no learning disorders, or any health disorders. During the experimental testing, 38 children are divided into two equally sized groups of 19 where each group plays a sign language video game. The context of the video game is the same for both groups, where both listened to a 3D avatar speak to them using both spoken language and sign language. The first group played the game and answered questions given to them by using sign language, whereas the other group answered questions given to them by clicking on an alternative on the video game screen. A week after the children have played the video game, the sign language skills that they have acquired from playing the video game are assessed by simple questions where they are asked to provide some of the signs that they saw during the duration of the video game. The main hypothesis of the project is that the group of children that answered by signing outperforms the other group, in both remembering the signs and executing them correctly. A statistical null hypothesis test is performed on this hypothesis, in which the main hypothesis is confirmed. Lastly, discussions for future research within sign language assessment using video games is described in the final chapter of the thesis. / Teckenspråk används i stor grad runt om i världen som ett modersmål för dom som inte kan använda vardagligt talsspråk och utav grupper av personer som har en funktionsnedsättning (t.ex. en hörselskada). Betydelsen av effektivt lärande av teckenspråk och dess tillämpningar i modern datavetenskap har ökat i stor utsträckning i det moderna samhället, och forskning kring teckenspråklig igenkänning har spirat i många olika riktningar, ett exempel är med hjälp av statistika modeller såsom dolda markovmodeller (eng. Hidden markov models) för att träna modeller för att känna igen olika teckenspråksmönster (bland dessa ingår Svenskt teckenspråk, Amerikanskt teckenspråk, Koreanskt teckenspråk, Tyskt teckenspråk med flera). Denna rapport undersöker bedömningen och skickligheten av att använda ett enkelt teckenspråksspel som har utvecklats för att lära ut enkla Svenska teckenspråksmönster för barn i åldrarna 10 till 11 års ålder som inte har några inlärningssjukdomar eller några problem med allmän hälsa. Under projektets experiment delas 38 barn upp i två lika stora grupper om 19 i vardera grupp, där varje grupp kommer att få spela ett teckenspråksspel. Sammanhanget för spelet är detsamma för båda grupperna, där de får höra och se en tredimensionell figur (eng. 3D Avatar) tala till dom med både talsspråk och teckenspråk. Den första gruppen spelar spelet och svarar på frågor som ges till dem med hjälp av teckenspråk, medan den andra gruppen svarar på frågor som ges till dem genom att klicka på ett av fem alternativ som finns på spelets skärm. En vecka efter att barnen har utfört experimentet med teckenspråksspelet bedöms deras teckenspråkliga färdigheter som de har fått från spelet genom att de ombeds återuppge några av de tecknena som de såg under spelets varaktighet. Rapportens hypotes är att de barn som tillhör gruppen som fick ge teckenspråk som svar till frågorna som ställdes överträffar den andra gruppen, genom att både komma ihåg tecknena och återuppge dom på korrekt sätt. En statistisk hypotesprövning utförs på denna hypotes, där denna i sin tur bekräftas. Slutligen beskrivs det i rapportens sista kapitel om framtida forskning inom teckenspråksbedömning med tv spel och deras effektivitet.

A systematic review to assess the methodological quality of intervention research designed to increase physical activity in children with autism spectrum disorders

Winn, Jolene 01 May 2013 (has links)
In comparison to normally developing children, many children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) do not possess the same opportunities to be physically active due to the impairments exhibited by their disorder. A systematic review using the Downs and Black checklist and the PEDro scale was conducted to assess the methodological quality of the literature on promoting physical activity in children with ASD. The following inclusion criteria had to be met: (1) subjects must include children with a clinical ASD diagnosis (2) the children have to be under the age of thirteen years old (3) the interventions must target physical activity; lastly, (4) they must be a relevant peer-reviewed English language study. The search was conducted using four electronic databases: MEDLINE, ERIC, PsycInfo, and CINHL with no restriction on the publication year. The following keywords were utilized: "Autism", "ASD/ Autism Spectrum Disorder", "Asperger", "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" Those terms were paired with "physical activity", "physical exercise", "exercise", "fitness", "aerobic", "swim", "aquatic", "jog", "walk", "recreational activity" Which were also paired with the terms "school age", "child", "toddler", "preadolescent". This multi-step search procedure occurred during February 2013. The methodological quality of six studies was evaluated in February 2013. Overall, the conclusive scores determined by the Downs and and Black checklist and the PEDro scale varied greatly. The scores reported by the Downs and Black checklist ranged from 19 to 21 on a 27-point scale. PEDro scale yielded scores ranging between two and six on a 10-point scale. A vote count revealed that the exercise interventions increased the physical fitness, aquatic skills, social behaviors, and sensory integration children with ASD. In summary, the variation within the scores and the quality of the studies leads to a demand for future research.; In order to adequately determine what exercise interventions effectively increase physical activity in children with ASD, future researchers should conduct randomized controlled trials in order to produce the highest quality of evidence.

Conditional Process Analysis in Two-Instance Repeated-Measures Designs

Montoya, Amanda Kay 11 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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