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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk / Chemical characterization and degradation of oxygen demanding compounds in process- and wastewater at SCA Ortviken's paper mill

Blixt, Ann January 2006 (has links)
<p>During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken’s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased. During bleaching substances dissolve from the pulp and the amount of COD in the wastewater increase. To keep the efficiency of chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD) removal, the aerated lagoon is supplied by liquid oxygen. In November the same year a new pre-step including a pre-aeration, carrier and selector step was added to the existing wastewater plant. The COD-loading to the lagoon decreased and the supply of liquid oxygen was reduced.</p><p>This master thesis has been carried out at SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall. The aim was to chemically characterize the wastewater with focus on the composition of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives and its influence on the biodegradability. Measurements have been carried out on total samples, suspended solids, colloidal and dissolved substances using GF/A and ultra filtration. Measurements were performed on process water from the bleaching plant and on water during the wastewater treatment process. The results show that the chemical composition of dissolved substances has a larger impact on the biodegradability than the total amount of COD. A large amount of lignin will make the wastewater harder to degrade. Suspended solids have lower biodegradability compared to the dissolved fraction. Analyzes of suspended material from the bleaching plant show a relative composition of around 41 % lignin. Analyzes done before on the dissolved fraction show a composition of 29 %. It seems that a larger amount of lignin is represented in suspended solids compared to the dissolved fraction. This can explain the low biodegradability, combined with the theory that the suspended solids are less accessible for the microorganisms. To reduce the outgoing COD the incoming flow of dissolved lignin and suspended solids to the active sludge plant has to decrease. COD in the outgoing wastewater to the recipient consists of around 90 % lignin. Extractives as saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acid plus lignans (which is interpreted as a byproduct from lignin degradation) do not degrade remarkable during wastewater treatment. Flocculation of COD is one way to reduce the discharge to the recipient. Addition of 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (a high charged aluminum complex) to the wastewater from the bleaching plant gives a reduction of 40 % COD and 50 % lignin in laboratory scale and it is recommended to study further. Time related studies of BOD show that the microorganisms need five days to degrade organic material and the hydraulic retention time in the aerated lagoon has to be guaranteed.</p> / <p>Vid massa- och pappersframställning åtgår stora mängder vatten. Det processberörda avloppsvattnet innehåller mycket föroreningar varför det måste renas innan det släpps ut till recipienten. I mars 2004 startades ett nytt väteperoxidblekeri vid SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortvikens pappersbruk varvid produktionen av blekt termomekanisk massa ökade och den biologiska reningen belastades hårdare. Blekning löser ut vedämnen från massan och bidrar således till ökad mängd syreförbrukande ämnen i avloppet. För att upprätthålla reduktionen av syreförbrukande ämnen (COD, BOD) tillförs ren syrgas till den luftade dammen. I november samma år utökades den externa reningsanläggningen med ett biologiskt försteg, en s.k. multibioanläggning bestående av ett frisimmarsteg, ett bärarsteg samt ett selektorsteg. COD-belastningen in till den luftade dammen minskade och tillförseln av ren syrgas kunde reduceras.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts vid SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall med syftet att kemiskt karaktärisera avloppsvattnets sammansättning av kolhydrater, lignin och extraktivämnen och dess inverkan på vattnets grad av biologisk nedbrytbarhet. Analyser har gjorts på totalprov, suspenderande ämnen samt kolloidalt och löst material via fraktionering med hjälp av GF/A- och ultrafiltrering. Analyser gjordes dels på processvatten från blekerierna och dels på avloppsvatten under reningsprocessen. Resultaten visar att den kemiska sammansättningen hos löst material har större inverkan på avloppsvattnets grad av nedbrytbarhet än den absoluta halten av syreförbrukande ämnen. En hög andel lignin ger ett mer svårnedbrytbart vatten. Suspenderat material är vidare mer svårnedbrytbart än de lösta fraktionerna. Analys av suspenderande substans hos blekpressat visar att andelen lignin är omkring 41 % medan arkiverade analysresultat på den lösta fasen visar ett innehåll på omkring 29 %. Det tyder alltså på en betydligt högre andel lignin i den partikulära fasen jämfört med den lösta, vilket i kombination med att materialet inte är lika lättillgängligt för mikroorganismerna kan förklara den låga bionedbrytbarheten. Om COD-utsläppet ska minskas bör inkommande flöde av löst lignin och suspenderande substans till den biologiska reningen reduceras. COD-halten i utgående avloppsvatten till recipienten utgörs av omkring 90 % lignin. De extraktivämnen som inte bryts ned är mättade fettsyror, exempelvis palmitin- och stearinsyra samt lignan, vilket antas bildas som restprodukt vid degradering av lignin. Flockning av syreförbrukande ämnen är ett sätt att gå till väga för att minska utsläppet av dessa till recipienten. Genom tillsats av 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (ett högladdat aluminiumkomplex) till blekeriavloppet kunde 40 % COD och 50 % lignin reduceras. Flockningsförsöket är gjort i laboratorieskala vid rumstemperatur och ytterligare utvärdering rekommenderas. Tidsstudier av BOD visar att mikroorganismerna behöver fem dagars uppehållstid för att hinna bryta ned organiskt material i avloppsvattnet, varför omloppstiden i den luftade lagunen inte bör understiga denna tidsrymd.</p>

Influência de componentes químicos em propriedades mecânicas da madeira / Influence of chemical components on mechanical properties of wood

Duarte, Bárbara Branquinho 20 July 2017 (has links)
A madeira é muito empregada em diferentes campos, dentre os principais tem-se a construção civil, visto que a relação entre resistência mecânica e densidade, para a madeira, é das mais altas no caso dos materiais empregados na construção civil. Neste sentido, o Brasil se encontra em posição favorável, pois já dispõe diversas áreas certificadas para extração de madeiras, no âmbito da Floresta Amazônica. A fim de obter as melhores respostas na utilização desse material, necessita-se de sua completa caracterização. Entretanto, com a anisotropia e a heterogeneidade da madeira, muitas propriedades devem ser determinadas, o que exige equipamentos específicos, técnicos especializados e, por conseguinte, o tempo despendido é considerável. Neste contexto, é urgente a definição de procedimentos que tornem mais expedita e igualmente confiável a caracterização. No presente estudo foi avaliada, de forma inédita, a possibilidade de propriedades físico-mecânicas da madeira se relacionar com parâmetros como porosidade, densidade aparente e componentes químicos (celulose, hemicelulose, lignina, extrativos e cinzas). Foram caracterizadas dez espécies tropicais de madeira, por meio dos ensaios descritos no Anexo B da Norma ABNT NBR 7190/1997. Os componentes químicos foram determinados pelo método Klason modificado, a partir da norma TAPPI T-222 om-02, e a porosidade pela intrusão de mercúrio. A partir dos resultados, foram aplicados modelos de regressão multivariadas, dos quais se obtiveram equações para estimar cada propriedade a partir das diversas variáveis fixas (densidade aparente, porosidade e componentes químicos). Nas relações encontradas verificaram-se ótimos resultados como, por exemplo, a equação que estima a resistência à compressão paralela às fibras (fc0) levou a R² 99,69%. Deste modo, a hipótese inicial se confirmou, o que possibilita a estimativa confiável das propriedades estudadas com os parâmetros citados. / Wood is a very used material in different fields, among them civil construction can be highlighted, since the relation between mechanical strength and density for wood is the highest in the case of building materials. In this sense, Brazil is in a favorable position, as it already has several areas certified for timber extraction, within the Amazon Forest. In order to obtain the best responses in the use of this material, its complete characterization is required. However, due to wood anisotropy and heterogeneity, many properties must be determined, which requires specific equipment sets, technical expertise and therefore time spent is considerable. In this context, it is urgent to devise procedures that make more expeditious and equally reliable the wood characterization. In the present study, it was considered the possibility of wood physical-mechanical properties can be estimated in an unprecedented way, based on parameters such as porosity, chemical components (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives and ash) and density. Ten tropical wood species were characterized by tests described in Annex B of ABNT NBR 7190/1997. Chemical components were determined by the modified Klason method, from TAPPI standard T-222 om-02 and the porosity by the intrusion of mercury. To the results, multivariate regression models were applied and equations were obtained to estimate each property from the several fixed variables (apparent density, porosity and chemical components). Very great results were reached from these relationships, for example, the equation that estimates strength in compression parallel to the grain (fc0) led to R² 99.69%. Thus, the initial hypothesis was confirmed, which allows the reliable estimation of the studied properties with the mentioned parameters.

Plasticidade de árvores de Eucalyptus grandis no contexto das mudanças climáticas: interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização no crescimento e qualidade do lenho das árvores / Plasticity of Eucalyptus grandis trees in the contexto of climate change: interaction of drought and fertilization on wood growth and quality

Franco, Mariana Pires 19 April 2018 (has links)
A plasticidade do Eucalyptus às mudanças no clima merece destaque, principalmente pelo fato da maioria dos povoamentos florestais implantados no Brasil serem, em geral, estabelecidos em regiões de baixa fertilidade, pobres em potássio (K) e submetidos a longos períodos de déficit hídrico. A expansão das plantações pode ser prejudicada pelas mudanças climáticas, com a alteração da frequência e intensidade da precipitação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização com K e sódio (Na) no crescimento e qualidade do lenho de árvores de E. grandis sob o contexto das mudanças climáticas. Em experimento do tipo split-plot instalado em junho de 2010, foram selecionadas 54 árvores de eucalipto com cinco anos submetidas a dois regimes hídricos (100% e 63%) e três fertilizantes (K, Na e controle). Realizou-se a amostragem do lenho, coletando-se seis discos nas posições base, DAP, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura total. Avaliou-se as propriedades físicas (densidade aparente por densitometria de raios x e predição da densidade básica por NIR), propriedades anatômicas (fibras e vasos) e química (predição do teor de extrativos totais pela aquisição da imagem HI-NIR), de acordo com os tratamentos. Para a predição dos extrativos, propôs-se a predição direta e a transferência de calibração entre equipamentos NIR e HI-NIR. A transferência foi baseada em uma coleção de base de calibração completa medida nos dois aparelhos. Comparou-se quatro modelos de transferência de calibração (Update, Repfile, PDS e TOP). A eficácia dos modelos foi testada em um grupo de amostras teste (1/3 das amostras totais). Os resultados mostram que em todas as propriedades do lenho houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos; a densidade aparente é menor nas árvores fertilizadas com K e Na e sem exclusão parcial de chuvas. A predição da densidade básica apresentou resultado satisfatório com RMSECV igual a 0,022 g/cm³. As fibras são maiores nas árvores fertilizadas com K e apresentam maior espessura de parede nas árvores controle, ambas na condição de exclusão parcial de chuvas. Os vasos e a largura dos anéis de crescimento sofreram influência, principalmente, da exclusão de chuvas. A predição direta do teor de extrativos totais foi eficácia, mostrando resultados semelhantes com a literatura para valores de extrativos de eucalipto preditos e observados. O tratamento K sem exclusão parcial de chuvas apresentou o menor valor médio predito de extrativos totais (3,90%). O melhor modelo de transferência de calibração foi o TOP, com SEP de 1,53%, SECV de 1,41% e R² de 0,88. Conclui-se que a interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização influenciou as propriedades do lenho das árvores de E. grandis e as análises realizadas permitem traçar estratégias mais adequadas para dar subsídio à expansão de povoamentos florestais brasileiros em áreas sujeitas a longos períodos de seca. / The plasticity of the Eucalyptus to changes in the climate deserves to be highlighted, mainly because most of the forests implanted in Brazil are generally established in regions of low fertility, poor in potassium (K) and subjected to long periods of drought. Expansion of plantations can be hindered by climate change, with changes in the frequency and intensity of precipitation. The objective of this work is to evaluate the interaction of drought and fertilization with K and sodium (Na) on the growth and quality of E. grandis trees in the context of climate change. In a split-plot experiment installed in June 2010, 54 Eucalyptus trees with five years submitted to two water regimes (100% and 63%) and three fertilizers (K, Na and control) were selected. Sampling was carried out by collecting six discs at the base positions, DBH, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the total height. The physical properties (apparent density by x-ray densitometry and basic density prediction by NIR), anatomical properties (fibers and vessels) and chemistry (prediction of total extractive content by HI-NIR image acquisition) were evaluated according to the treatments. For the prediction of extractives, the direct prediction and calibration transfer between NIR and HI-NIR equipment was proposed. The transfer was based on a complete calibration base collection measured on both devices. Four calibration transfer models (Update, Repfile, PDS and TOP) were compared. The efficacy of the models was tested in test set samples (1/3 of the total samples). The results show that in all the properties of the wood there was significant effect of the treatments; the apparent density is lower in the trees fertilized with K and Na and without partial throughfall exclusion. The prediction of the basic density presented satisfactory results with RMSECV of 0.022 g/cm³. The fibers are larger in the trees fertilized with K and present a greater thickness of wall in the control trees, both in partial throughfall exclusion. The vessels and the width of the growth rings were influenced, mainly, by partial throughfall exclusion. The direct prediction of the total extractive content was efficacy, showing similar results with the literature for values of predicted and observed Eucalyptus extractives. The K treatment without partial rainfall exclusion had the lowest predicted mean value of total extractives (3.90%). The best calibration transfer model was the TOP, with SEP of 1.53%, SECV of 1.41% and R² of 0.88. The conclusion of this work is that the interaction of water deficit and fertilization influences the wood properties of E. grandis trees and the analyzes carried out allow to draw up more adequate strategies to subsidize the expansion of Brazilian plantation forests in areas subject to long periods of drought.

Developing a model for effective community development agreements in the extractive industries

Nikolaou, John 01 January 2019 (has links)
Natural resource development has tremendous potential to create inclusive economic growth in countries well-endowed with oil, mineral, and agricultural resources. At the same time, natural resource development can cause negative environmental externalities, and, in several cases, extractives companies can engage in labor abuse. The intersection of the government’s and the corporation’s interest can lie in Corporate Social Responsibility Projects.This thesis will analyze an alternative model of CSR: community development agreements (CDAs). CDAs are voluntary, or sometimes government mandated, agreements between the project developer and the project affected community that define company commitments to issues such as environmental impact mitigation, benefit sharing, and local employment, for example. The objective of this thesis is to review the theoretical underpinnings of CDA process, analyze the application of CDAs in several case studies, and develop a framework of best practices for CDAs based on those analyses.

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk / Chemical characterization and degradation of oxygen demanding compounds in process- and wastewater at SCA Ortviken's paper mill

Blixt, Ann January 2006 (has links)
During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken’s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased. During bleaching substances dissolve from the pulp and the amount of COD in the wastewater increase. To keep the efficiency of chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD) removal, the aerated lagoon is supplied by liquid oxygen. In November the same year a new pre-step including a pre-aeration, carrier and selector step was added to the existing wastewater plant. The COD-loading to the lagoon decreased and the supply of liquid oxygen was reduced. This master thesis has been carried out at SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall. The aim was to chemically characterize the wastewater with focus on the composition of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives and its influence on the biodegradability. Measurements have been carried out on total samples, suspended solids, colloidal and dissolved substances using GF/A and ultra filtration. Measurements were performed on process water from the bleaching plant and on water during the wastewater treatment process. The results show that the chemical composition of dissolved substances has a larger impact on the biodegradability than the total amount of COD. A large amount of lignin will make the wastewater harder to degrade. Suspended solids have lower biodegradability compared to the dissolved fraction. Analyzes of suspended material from the bleaching plant show a relative composition of around 41 % lignin. Analyzes done before on the dissolved fraction show a composition of 29 %. It seems that a larger amount of lignin is represented in suspended solids compared to the dissolved fraction. This can explain the low biodegradability, combined with the theory that the suspended solids are less accessible for the microorganisms. To reduce the outgoing COD the incoming flow of dissolved lignin and suspended solids to the active sludge plant has to decrease. COD in the outgoing wastewater to the recipient consists of around 90 % lignin. Extractives as saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acid plus lignans (which is interpreted as a byproduct from lignin degradation) do not degrade remarkable during wastewater treatment. Flocculation of COD is one way to reduce the discharge to the recipient. Addition of 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (a high charged aluminum complex) to the wastewater from the bleaching plant gives a reduction of 40 % COD and 50 % lignin in laboratory scale and it is recommended to study further. Time related studies of BOD show that the microorganisms need five days to degrade organic material and the hydraulic retention time in the aerated lagoon has to be guaranteed. / Vid massa- och pappersframställning åtgår stora mängder vatten. Det processberörda avloppsvattnet innehåller mycket föroreningar varför det måste renas innan det släpps ut till recipienten. I mars 2004 startades ett nytt väteperoxidblekeri vid SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortvikens pappersbruk varvid produktionen av blekt termomekanisk massa ökade och den biologiska reningen belastades hårdare. Blekning löser ut vedämnen från massan och bidrar således till ökad mängd syreförbrukande ämnen i avloppet. För att upprätthålla reduktionen av syreförbrukande ämnen (COD, BOD) tillförs ren syrgas till den luftade dammen. I november samma år utökades den externa reningsanläggningen med ett biologiskt försteg, en s.k. multibioanläggning bestående av ett frisimmarsteg, ett bärarsteg samt ett selektorsteg. COD-belastningen in till den luftade dammen minskade och tillförseln av ren syrgas kunde reduceras. Examensarbetet har utförts vid SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall med syftet att kemiskt karaktärisera avloppsvattnets sammansättning av kolhydrater, lignin och extraktivämnen och dess inverkan på vattnets grad av biologisk nedbrytbarhet. Analyser har gjorts på totalprov, suspenderande ämnen samt kolloidalt och löst material via fraktionering med hjälp av GF/A- och ultrafiltrering. Analyser gjordes dels på processvatten från blekerierna och dels på avloppsvatten under reningsprocessen. Resultaten visar att den kemiska sammansättningen hos löst material har större inverkan på avloppsvattnets grad av nedbrytbarhet än den absoluta halten av syreförbrukande ämnen. En hög andel lignin ger ett mer svårnedbrytbart vatten. Suspenderat material är vidare mer svårnedbrytbart än de lösta fraktionerna. Analys av suspenderande substans hos blekpressat visar att andelen lignin är omkring 41 % medan arkiverade analysresultat på den lösta fasen visar ett innehåll på omkring 29 %. Det tyder alltså på en betydligt högre andel lignin i den partikulära fasen jämfört med den lösta, vilket i kombination med att materialet inte är lika lättillgängligt för mikroorganismerna kan förklara den låga bionedbrytbarheten. Om COD-utsläppet ska minskas bör inkommande flöde av löst lignin och suspenderande substans till den biologiska reningen reduceras. COD-halten i utgående avloppsvatten till recipienten utgörs av omkring 90 % lignin. De extraktivämnen som inte bryts ned är mättade fettsyror, exempelvis palmitin- och stearinsyra samt lignan, vilket antas bildas som restprodukt vid degradering av lignin. Flockning av syreförbrukande ämnen är ett sätt att gå till väga för att minska utsläppet av dessa till recipienten. Genom tillsats av 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (ett högladdat aluminiumkomplex) till blekeriavloppet kunde 40 % COD och 50 % lignin reduceras. Flockningsförsöket är gjort i laboratorieskala vid rumstemperatur och ytterligare utvärdering rekommenderas. Tidsstudier av BOD visar att mikroorganismerna behöver fem dagars uppehållstid för att hinna bryta ned organiskt material i avloppsvattnet, varför omloppstiden i den luftade lagunen inte bör understiga denna tidsrymd.

Biochemical studies of matured xylem of Cryptomeria japonica - Attempts to detect the enzymes involved in the biosyntheses of the heartwood extractives -

IMAI, Takanori, 今井, 貴規, ITO, Eriko, 伊藤, 恵理子, FUKUSHIMA, Kazuhiko, 福島, 和彦 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Treatments of hemi caustic and extractives streams

Gandi, Ravikishor 22 May 2012 (has links)
Disposal of effluent from pulp and paper industry is one of the major problems faced by entrepreneur in view of increasing environmental standards day by day. In addition to this, industry loses economic value by disposing the effluent or selling it for a low price to other industries. Therefore, to address this problem, in the present study, 2 pulp mill effluents were selected to recover the economic value namely Hemi caustic stream and brown stock filtrate. As far as the recovery of value of hemi caustic stream is concerned, freeze concentration technique was used to recover water in its pure form and membrane separation was used to separate hemi cellulose from effluent so that permeate can be used as a pure source of caustic elsewhere. In addition to this, hemi caustic stream was subjected to acid hydrolysis to convert hemi cellulose into sugars. These sugars can be used to produce bioethanol. As far as the recovery of values of brown stock filtrate is concerned, it was proposed to recycle brown stock filtrate as a source of washing water for brown stock washers in the mill. However, continuous recycling of brown stock filtrate into the process causes building up of extractives in the recycle stream which in turn might deposit on the pulp and affects the quality of the pulp. Therefore, it was decided to separate extractives from the brown stock filtrate before recycle it into the mill. Dissolved Air flotation technique was used to achieve the above mentioned objective. An attempt was made to develop an improved and most reliable version of existing extractives measurement method to quantify the performance of Dissolved air flotation technique.

Influência de componentes químicos em propriedades mecânicas da madeira / Influence of chemical components on mechanical properties of wood

Bárbara Branquinho Duarte 20 July 2017 (has links)
A madeira é muito empregada em diferentes campos, dentre os principais tem-se a construção civil, visto que a relação entre resistência mecânica e densidade, para a madeira, é das mais altas no caso dos materiais empregados na construção civil. Neste sentido, o Brasil se encontra em posição favorável, pois já dispõe diversas áreas certificadas para extração de madeiras, no âmbito da Floresta Amazônica. A fim de obter as melhores respostas na utilização desse material, necessita-se de sua completa caracterização. Entretanto, com a anisotropia e a heterogeneidade da madeira, muitas propriedades devem ser determinadas, o que exige equipamentos específicos, técnicos especializados e, por conseguinte, o tempo despendido é considerável. Neste contexto, é urgente a definição de procedimentos que tornem mais expedita e igualmente confiável a caracterização. No presente estudo foi avaliada, de forma inédita, a possibilidade de propriedades físico-mecânicas da madeira se relacionar com parâmetros como porosidade, densidade aparente e componentes químicos (celulose, hemicelulose, lignina, extrativos e cinzas). Foram caracterizadas dez espécies tropicais de madeira, por meio dos ensaios descritos no Anexo B da Norma ABNT NBR 7190/1997. Os componentes químicos foram determinados pelo método Klason modificado, a partir da norma TAPPI T-222 om-02, e a porosidade pela intrusão de mercúrio. A partir dos resultados, foram aplicados modelos de regressão multivariadas, dos quais se obtiveram equações para estimar cada propriedade a partir das diversas variáveis fixas (densidade aparente, porosidade e componentes químicos). Nas relações encontradas verificaram-se ótimos resultados como, por exemplo, a equação que estima a resistência à compressão paralela às fibras (fc0) levou a R² 99,69%. Deste modo, a hipótese inicial se confirmou, o que possibilita a estimativa confiável das propriedades estudadas com os parâmetros citados. / Wood is a very used material in different fields, among them civil construction can be highlighted, since the relation between mechanical strength and density for wood is the highest in the case of building materials. In this sense, Brazil is in a favorable position, as it already has several areas certified for timber extraction, within the Amazon Forest. In order to obtain the best responses in the use of this material, its complete characterization is required. However, due to wood anisotropy and heterogeneity, many properties must be determined, which requires specific equipment sets, technical expertise and therefore time spent is considerable. In this context, it is urgent to devise procedures that make more expeditious and equally reliable the wood characterization. In the present study, it was considered the possibility of wood physical-mechanical properties can be estimated in an unprecedented way, based on parameters such as porosity, chemical components (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives and ash) and density. Ten tropical wood species were characterized by tests described in Annex B of ABNT NBR 7190/1997. Chemical components were determined by the modified Klason method, from TAPPI standard T-222 om-02 and the porosity by the intrusion of mercury. To the results, multivariate regression models were applied and equations were obtained to estimate each property from the several fixed variables (apparent density, porosity and chemical components). Very great results were reached from these relationships, for example, the equation that estimates strength in compression parallel to the grain (fc0) led to R² 99.69%. Thus, the initial hypothesis was confirmed, which allows the reliable estimation of the studied properties with the mentioned parameters.

Plasticidade de árvores de Eucalyptus grandis no contexto das mudanças climáticas: interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização no crescimento e qualidade do lenho das árvores / Plasticity of Eucalyptus grandis trees in the contexto of climate change: interaction of drought and fertilization on wood growth and quality

Mariana Pires Franco 19 April 2018 (has links)
A plasticidade do Eucalyptus às mudanças no clima merece destaque, principalmente pelo fato da maioria dos povoamentos florestais implantados no Brasil serem, em geral, estabelecidos em regiões de baixa fertilidade, pobres em potássio (K) e submetidos a longos períodos de déficit hídrico. A expansão das plantações pode ser prejudicada pelas mudanças climáticas, com a alteração da frequência e intensidade da precipitação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização com K e sódio (Na) no crescimento e qualidade do lenho de árvores de E. grandis sob o contexto das mudanças climáticas. Em experimento do tipo split-plot instalado em junho de 2010, foram selecionadas 54 árvores de eucalipto com cinco anos submetidas a dois regimes hídricos (100% e 63%) e três fertilizantes (K, Na e controle). Realizou-se a amostragem do lenho, coletando-se seis discos nas posições base, DAP, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura total. Avaliou-se as propriedades físicas (densidade aparente por densitometria de raios x e predição da densidade básica por NIR), propriedades anatômicas (fibras e vasos) e química (predição do teor de extrativos totais pela aquisição da imagem HI-NIR), de acordo com os tratamentos. Para a predição dos extrativos, propôs-se a predição direta e a transferência de calibração entre equipamentos NIR e HI-NIR. A transferência foi baseada em uma coleção de base de calibração completa medida nos dois aparelhos. Comparou-se quatro modelos de transferência de calibração (Update, Repfile, PDS e TOP). A eficácia dos modelos foi testada em um grupo de amostras teste (1/3 das amostras totais). Os resultados mostram que em todas as propriedades do lenho houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos; a densidade aparente é menor nas árvores fertilizadas com K e Na e sem exclusão parcial de chuvas. A predição da densidade básica apresentou resultado satisfatório com RMSECV igual a 0,022 g/cm³. As fibras são maiores nas árvores fertilizadas com K e apresentam maior espessura de parede nas árvores controle, ambas na condição de exclusão parcial de chuvas. Os vasos e a largura dos anéis de crescimento sofreram influência, principalmente, da exclusão de chuvas. A predição direta do teor de extrativos totais foi eficácia, mostrando resultados semelhantes com a literatura para valores de extrativos de eucalipto preditos e observados. O tratamento K sem exclusão parcial de chuvas apresentou o menor valor médio predito de extrativos totais (3,90%). O melhor modelo de transferência de calibração foi o TOP, com SEP de 1,53%, SECV de 1,41% e R² de 0,88. Conclui-se que a interação do déficit hídrico e da fertilização influenciou as propriedades do lenho das árvores de E. grandis e as análises realizadas permitem traçar estratégias mais adequadas para dar subsídio à expansão de povoamentos florestais brasileiros em áreas sujeitas a longos períodos de seca. / The plasticity of the Eucalyptus to changes in the climate deserves to be highlighted, mainly because most of the forests implanted in Brazil are generally established in regions of low fertility, poor in potassium (K) and subjected to long periods of drought. Expansion of plantations can be hindered by climate change, with changes in the frequency and intensity of precipitation. The objective of this work is to evaluate the interaction of drought and fertilization with K and sodium (Na) on the growth and quality of E. grandis trees in the context of climate change. In a split-plot experiment installed in June 2010, 54 Eucalyptus trees with five years submitted to two water regimes (100% and 63%) and three fertilizers (K, Na and control) were selected. Sampling was carried out by collecting six discs at the base positions, DBH, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the total height. The physical properties (apparent density by x-ray densitometry and basic density prediction by NIR), anatomical properties (fibers and vessels) and chemistry (prediction of total extractive content by HI-NIR image acquisition) were evaluated according to the treatments. For the prediction of extractives, the direct prediction and calibration transfer between NIR and HI-NIR equipment was proposed. The transfer was based on a complete calibration base collection measured on both devices. Four calibration transfer models (Update, Repfile, PDS and TOP) were compared. The efficacy of the models was tested in test set samples (1/3 of the total samples). The results show that in all the properties of the wood there was significant effect of the treatments; the apparent density is lower in the trees fertilized with K and Na and without partial throughfall exclusion. The prediction of the basic density presented satisfactory results with RMSECV of 0.022 g/cm³. The fibers are larger in the trees fertilized with K and present a greater thickness of wall in the control trees, both in partial throughfall exclusion. The vessels and the width of the growth rings were influenced, mainly, by partial throughfall exclusion. The direct prediction of the total extractive content was efficacy, showing similar results with the literature for values of predicted and observed Eucalyptus extractives. The K treatment without partial rainfall exclusion had the lowest predicted mean value of total extractives (3.90%). The best calibration transfer model was the TOP, with SEP of 1.53%, SECV of 1.41% and R² of 0.88. The conclusion of this work is that the interaction of water deficit and fertilization influences the wood properties of E. grandis trees and the analyzes carried out allow to draw up more adequate strategies to subsidize the expansion of Brazilian plantation forests in areas subject to long periods of drought.

Caractérisation et valorisation des substances extractibles de cinq essences camerounaises majeures de l'industrie du bois : Ayous, Moabi, Movingui, Padouk et Tali / Characterization and valorization of extractives substances of five cameroonians species of major wood industry : Ayous, Moabi, Movingui, Padouk and Tali

Saha Tchinda, Jean-Bosco 29 October 2015 (has links)
Au cours de ce travail, le taux d’extractibles de cinq essences camerounaises a été évalué par la technique d’extraction accélérée ASE 200 et au Soxhlet. Le taux d’extractibles varie de 4,4 à 17,7%. Le screening des extraits a révélé la présence de polyphénols, de saponines, de flavonoïdes, de stérols et de terpènes. Les phénols totaux contenus dans les extraits ont été évalués par la méthode de Folin–Ciocalteu en utilisant l’acide gallique comme standard. La teneur varie de 16,5 à 165,83 mg éq acide gallique / g d’extrait. Le dosage des tannins condensés par la méthode colorimétrique a permis de montrer que ces derniers varient de 0,15 à 23,61 g cyanidin équivalents / 100 g de matière sèche. L’identification des composés contenus dans les extraits par GC-MS a permis d’identifier de l’homopterocarpine et de la pterocarpine dans les extraits de padouk. Les extraits de tali contiennent de la catéchine, l’acide gallique et du pyrogallole. L’acide gallique, le squalène et les triterpènes sont les composés majoritairement identifiés dans les extraits de movingui. La durabilité naturelle des bois a été évaluée par la norme européenne EN 350-1, 1994. Il ressort que les pertes de masse deviennent plus importantes lorsque les éprouvettes de bois ont été extraites. La perte de masse des éprouvettes non extraites varie de 0,1 à 59% (le hêtre a été pris comme référence). Les essais d’inhibition de croissances sur les champignons de pourriture ont montré qu’à des concentrations de 250 ppm, nos extraits étaient fongistatiques et qu’à des concentrations de 500 ppm certains extrait étaient fongicides (extrait de tali). L’évaluation des propriétés antioxydante et colorante des extraits pour envisager de potentielles applications industrielles a été effectuée. Le pouvoir antioxydant des extraits a été évalué par la méthode d’inhibition du linoléate de méthyle induite par l’azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN). Les résultats obtenus sont satisfaisants car l’activité antioxydante varie de 10 à 86%. Le pouvoir anti-radicalaire des extraits a été évalué en utilisant le radical 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH.). Les concentrations nécessaires pour consommer 50% du radical varie de 2,7 à 60,5 mg/L. La capacité des extraits aqueux et alcalins à teindre les fibres naturelles et artificielles a été évaluée. La mesure de la coloration prise par les fibres s’est faite à l’aide d’un colorimètre Datacolor D65°10. Les résultats montrent que ces extraits donnent une coloration jaune avec les extraits de movingui et une coloration rouge avec les extraits de padouk. L’utilisation des extraits pour inhiber la croissance bactérienne a montré que les extraits étaient bactériostatiques pour les concentrations testées / In this work, the accelerated technical ASE 200 and Soxhelet was used to evaluate the amount of extractives contained in five Cameroonian wood species. The amount of extractives ranged from 4.4 to 17.7% with respect to oven-dry matter. Phytochemical screening of the extractives revealed the presence of polyphenols, saponins, flavonoïds, sterols and terpenes. The total phenolic content of the extracts was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method using gallic acid as standard. The phenolic content ranged from 16.5 to 165.83 mg eq gallic acid/g of extract. The condensed tannins, evaluated by colorimetric method, ranged from 0.15 to 23.61 g cyanidin equivalents/100 g of dry matter. GC-MS identified the homopterocarpine and pterocarpin as major compound in extracts of padouk. Catechin, gallic acid and pyrogallole were the major compounds found in the extracts of tali. Extracts of movingui consisted mainly of diterpenes and several compounds not readily identifiable. Gallic acid, squalene and triterpenes were the predominant compounds identified in the extracts of movingui. The natural durability of wood was evaluated using the European Standard EN 350-1. Mass losses increased when the wood samples were extracted. Mass losses of non-extracted samples ranged from 0.1 to 59% (with beech taken as a reference). The effect of extractives on fungal growth showed that at 250 ppm concentrations, the extracts were fungistatic and that at 500 ppm concentrations, the extracts of tali were fungicidal.Valorization of the extractives in the food and the textile industries was attempted. In food, the antioxidant activity of the extracts by inhibition of methyl linoleate induced by AIBN was evaluated. The results obtained were satisfactory because all the extracts showed antioxidant activity which varied from 10 to 86%. Then the anti-radical capacity of our extracts was assessed by the DPPH method. The concentration necessary to consume 50% of DPPH varied from 2.7 to 60.5 mg/L. Aqueous and alkaline extracts were used to dye natural and artificial fibers. The coloration taken by the fibers was measured using a Datacolor D65°10 apparatus. These extracts gave a yellow color with extracts of movingui and a red color with extracts of padouk. The effect of extractives on bacteria growth showed that the extracts were bacteriostatic at the tests concentrations

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