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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores extrajurídicos que influenciam a tomada de decisão judicial e os sentidos construídos pelos juízes acerca da prisão preventiva / Extralegal factors that influence judicial decision-making and the judges\' constructed meanings about pretrial detention

Funchal, Hamilton Neto 25 October 2018 (has links)
No ano de 2016, o Brasil passou a ser o terceiro país com maior população carcerária do mundo. Levantamentos recentes indicam que o sistema de justiça tende a banalizar o uso da prisão cautelar (40% dos presos brasileiros são provisórios), em dissonância à legislação processual penal que traz a prisão preventiva como medida excepcional, assegurando a liberdade como regra até a decisão condenatória definitiva. O estudo dessa questão paradoxal é de interesse da comunidade jurídica por investigar se a tomada da decisão não está associada apenas ao conteúdo das regras jurídicas, mas a fatores extrajurídicos, desafiando as clássicas teorias da argumentação racional sobre a decisão judicial. Também de todo cidadão, potencial vítima de arbitrariedades no direito de liberdade, e da sociedade brasileira, já que o encarceramento em massa resulta em rebeliões, mortes, aumento da violência e canalização de recursos públicos de áreas produtivas para a contenção de pessoas. São os seguintes os problemas da pesquisa: 1) Para os magistrados, os sentidos da prisão preventiva e as razões de sua decretação são mais amplos do que os limites previstos na lei? 2) Em caso afirmativo, quais os sentidos construídos por eles e quais são os fatores considerados ou de influência para as decisões? Analisamos a questão a partir de premissas do realismo jurídico norte-americano, enquanto teoria descritiva da decisão judicial, para a qual o direito não é o único nem o principal elemento determinante das decisões. Objetivamos verificar quais são os sentidos construídos pelos juízes acerca da prisão preventiva e identificar como fatores extrajurídicos influenciam as decisões sobre ela. A investigação foi realizada coletando-se dados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, a partir de amostra formada com dez participantes voluntários (juízes federais e estaduais). Procedemos à análise qualitativa, a partir da metodologia da produção de sentidos, na epistemologia do Construcionismo Social, oriundo da Psicologia Social. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os sentidos construídos pelos juízes acerca da prisão preventiva coincidem em parte, mas são mais amplos do que os conteúdos da legislação. Também revelam alguns fatores extrajurídicos de influência sobre as decisões de prisões cautelares. E demonstram como regras legais podem ser desconsideradas nas decisões quando elas não estiverem em consonância com as concepções individuais que os juízes constroem como solução justa ou correta. Concluímos, que de acordo com esta pesquisa, estão corretas as premissas do realismo jurídico: as regras legais têm influência, mas não exclusiva e nem necessariamente determinante, sobre as decisões. Para se compreender a extensão dos fatores extrajurídicos sobre as decisões judiciais é preciso prosseguir nas pesquisas empíricas interdisciplinares, que busquem compreender o fenômeno jurídico sob a perspectiva e com o instrumental de outros ramos do saber, já que estudos convencionais herméticos e meramente dogmáticos não conseguem revelar todos os seus aspectos, nem permitem conhecer o funcionamento operacional efetivo do sistema de justiça criminal. / Since 2016 Brazil has the third higher prison population in the world. Recent surveys indicate that the justice system tends to overuse pretrial detention (40% of Brazilian prisoners are pretrial detainees), in dissonance with the criminal procedural law that regulate preventive custody as exceptional measure, ensuring freedom to defendants as a rule until definitive conviction. The study of this paradoxical situation concerns to the law community once it investigates if the decision making is not only related to the content of the legal rules but also to extralegal factors, challenging the classic theories of rational argumentation about the judicial decision making. The inquiry matters to all citizens, potential victims of arbitrary imprisonment, and to the Brazilian society, since mass incarceration results in rebellions, deaths, increase of violence and channeling of public resources of productive areas for the containment of people. The research problems are as follows: 1) Are the meanings of pretrial detention for judges and the reasons for their enactment broader than the limits established by law? 2) If so, what are the meanings constructed by them and what are the factors considered or influencing decisions? We analyze the question from the premises of American legal realism as a descriptive theory of judicial decision, for which legal rules are not the only nor the main determinants of decisions. The purpose of the study was to verify which are the meanings constructed by the judges about the preventive custody and to identify extralegal factors influences at the decisions. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, based on a sample of ten volunteer participants (federal and state judges). We proceed to the qualitative analysis, utilizing the production of meanings methodology, in the epistemology of Social Constructionism, from Social Psychology. The results indicate that the judges\' meanings about pretrial detention coincides in part, but they are broader than the contents of the legal rules. They also reveal some extralegal factors of influence on the decisions. And they demonstrate how legal rules can be disregarded in decisions when they are not in line with the individual conceptions that the judges construct as a just or right solution. We conclude that, according to this research, the premises of legal realism are correct: legal rules have influence, but not exclusively and not necessarily decisive, on decisions. In order to understand the extent of extralegal factors over judicial decisions, it is necessary to continue with interdisciplinary empirical research that seeks to understand the legal phenomenon from the perspective and with the instruments of other branches of knowledge, since hermetic, merely dogmatic studies cannot reveal aspects of how the criminal justice system functions.

Právní a mimoprávní faktory v argumentaci a rozhodování Ústavního soudu České republiky / Legal and Extralegal Factors in Argumentation and Decision-making of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

Chmel, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Legal and Extralegal Factors in Argumentation and Decision-making of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis deals with the influence of legal and extralegal factors on the decision-making of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. Particularly, it focuses on the questions of which preconditions for decision-making of the Constitutional Court are created by the external political and social environment, how this decision-making reflects the different attitudes and approaches of individual judges and how it is influenced by the composition of the judicial panels. The author first summarizes a wide range of factors whose influence on court decisions has been observed. These include not only the content of legislation, but also judicial philosophy, including activism and self-restraint, and various extralegal factors observed by the attitudinal and strategic model of judicial decision-making, but also by psychological and economic studies. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. First, it deals with the preconditions for the influence of various factors on its decision-making and argues that the Constitutional Court can be considered a strong court due to its external conditions and its own decision-making activities. Then, with the...

L’étude de l’influence des facteurs légaux et extralégaux dans le cheminement des affaires de fraude au Québec

Voltaire, Natasha 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude consiste à mieux comprendre le phénomène de l’attrition pénale au Canada. D’une part, elle vise à déterminer quels sont les facteurs d’influence des décisions pénales motivant la poursuite ou l’arrêt des procédures. D’autre part, il est question de vérifier si ces facteurs sont comparables à chaque étape décisionnelle ou non. Pour y parvenir, une analyse de différentes décisions prises par des policiers, des procureurs et des juges fut réalisée. Un total de 525 affaires criminelles a été considéré. Les analyses descriptives montrent que l’échantillon est principalement constitué d’hommes (77%) sans antécédents criminels en matière de fraude (76%). Les analyses multivariées suggèrent que les facteurs légaux sont les meilleurs prédicteurs des décisions pénales. Comme observé dans la littérature, les antécédents criminels et la gravité de l’infraction semblent influencer les décisions. Ainsi, le fait d’avoir fait une tentative de vol d’un certain montant d’argent, le nombre d’infractions commis et la présence d’antécédents criminels de fraude semblent influencer ces décisions. Lorsque le suspect fait une tentative de vol et qu’une infraction a été commise (comparativement à plusieurs), des accusations sont moins susceptibles d’être recommandées contre lui par la police. Cette probabilité est également moindre lorsque le suspect possède des antécédents criminels de fraude (une relation marginale a été observée). De plus, il semble que l’influence des facteurs diffère d’une étape à une autre. Un retour plus explicite sur ces résultats est effectué dans la discussion. / This study aim to better understand the attrition phenomenon in Canada. On one hand, it seeks to identify the factors that influence criminal decisions in the pursuit or stay of proceedings. On the other hand, it seeks to verify whether or not these factors are comparable at each decision-making stage. To achieve this, an analysis of various decisions that have been taken by police officers, prosecutors and judges was carried out. A total of 525 criminal cases was considered. Descriptive analyzes show that the sample consists mainly of men (77%) with no criminal history of fraud (76%). Multivariate analyzes show that legal factors are the best predictors of criminal decisions. As observed in the literature, the presence of criminal history and the seriousness of the offense appear to influence the decisions. Thereby, the attempt to steal a certain amount of money, the number of offenses committed and the presence of a criminal history of fraud appear to influence these decisions. When the suspect makes an attempt theft and an offense has been committed (compared to several), charges are less likely to be recommended against him by the police. This probability is also lower when the suspect has a criminal history of fraud (a marginal effect was observed). Moreover, it seems that the influence of factors differs from one stage to another. A more explicit return on these results is carried out in the discussion.

Biais cognitifs et facteurs associés au verdict et à la peine rendus par un juge dans un contexte de crime violent contre la personne

Deveaux, Félicia 09 1900 (has links)
Le juge occupe un rôle primordial dans un État démocratique. Les conséquences de ses jugements sont d’autant plus lourdes lorsqu’il est question de reconnaître ou non la culpabilité d’un individu accusé d’un crime violent contre la personne. Pour y parvenir, le juge siégeant en cour criminelle doit uniquement tenir compte des faits et du droit applicable. Malgré sa formation juridique et son obligation de demeurer impartial, il est possible que le juge soit sujet à des biais cognitifs de façon non intentionnelle et que certains facteurs extralégaux influencent son raisonnement. Des études empiriques ont en effet démontré que les juges peuvent présenter des biais cognitifs découlant des heuristiques de représentativité, de disponibilité et d’ancrage ainsi que des idées préconçues. La littérature scientifique révèle aussi que des facteurs extralégaux peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur le verdict et la peine rendus. Néanmoins, les études empiriques portant sur les juges sont peu nombreuses et plusieurs aspects demeurent à explorer. La présente thèse avait deux objectifs exploratoires. D’une part, elle visait à identifier la présence potentielle de sept biais cognitifs pouvant être à l’œuvre dans le processus décisionnel des juges siégeant en matière criminelle (biais de représentativité, biais d’échantillonnage, biais d’attention sélective, biais de rappel sélectif, biais d’ancrage, corrélation illusoire et théorie causale). D’autre part, la thèse avait pour but d’explorer la valeur prédictive de ces sept biais cognitifs ainsi que de seize facteurs sur le verdict et la peine rendus. Les facteurs étudiés concernaient le juge (sexe et expérience professionnelle antérieure), l’accusé (sexe, âge et référence faite aux antécédents criminels et à l’état mental), la victime (sexe, âge, nombre et lien avec l’accusé), le crime (type de crime et utilisation d’une arme) et les moyens de preuve (présence de versions de témoignages contradictoires, preuve matérielle, preuve documentaire et expertise). Pour y parvenir, un échantillon de 200 jugements québécois de première instance en matière de crime violent contre la personne a été analysé. Chaque jugement était rendu par un juge différent au terme d’un procès sans jury. Il était attendu que la majorité des jugements comporte au moins un biais cognitif et que l’ensemble des biais cognitifs et des facteurs extralégaux étudiés permettent de prédire le verdict et la peine. L’analyse des jugements par deux évaluateurs indépendants dans le but d’identifier des biais cognitifs a confirmé la première hypothèse. Les résultats ont révélé la présence d’au moins un biais cognitif dans 66,5 % des jugements de l’échantillon, avec un accord interjuge presque parfait. La seconde hypothèse a toutefois été partiellement confirmée, puisque six prédicteurs significatifs du verdict et de la peine ont été identifiés parmi l’ensemble des biais cognitifs et des facteurs considérés. Une régression logistique multivariée a révélé trois prédicteurs significatifs du verdict de culpabilité : l’utilisation d’une arme lors du crime, le sexe masculin de l’accusé et le recours à une expertise médicale lors du procès. Pour prédire la peine, convertie en pourcentage de la peine maximale pouvant être imposée à l’accusé, une régression multiple a été effectuée. Cette analyse a révélé trois prédicteurs significatifs d’un pourcentage de peine plus élevé, avec une grande taille d’effet : le fait que l’accusé soit mineur, le recours à un expertise d’ADN au procès et le recours à une expertise psychiatrique au procès. Des analyses complémentaires ont également démontré une association significative entre la présence de versions de témoignage contradictoires entre lesquelles le juge devait trancher et la présence de biais cognitifs appuyant un verdict de culpabilité. La présente thèse a permis de confirmer que les juges peuvent être susceptibles de présenter des biais cognitifs et d’être influencés par certains facteurs extralégaux dans le cadre de leur raisonnement. Les résultats obtenus ont également contribué à une meilleure compréhension de la réalité judiciaire au Québec. Néanmoins, l’impact des biais cognitifs sur les jugements rendus demeure un sujet à explorer davantage. / Judges play an essential role in a democratic state. The weight of the consequences of their judgments is even greater when they concern the culpability or innocence of a person accused of a violent offense. A judge sitting in a criminal court of law is therefore required to solely consider facts and applicable law. Regardless of their judicial training and their obligation to remain impartial, it is possible that the judges’ reasoning may be involuntarily influenced by cognitive biases and extralegal factors. Empirical studies have indeed demonstrated that judges can rely on heuristics, such as representativeness, availability, anchoring and preconceived ideas, which can lead to cognitive biases. Scientific literature highlights the significant impact extralegal factors can have on verdicts and sentences. Nevertheless, empirical studies focusing on judges are few, and several aspects remain to be explored. The goal of the present thesis is twofold, and mainly exploratory. First, it aimed to identify seven cognitive biases that may impact criminal judges’ decision-making process (representativeness bias, sampling bias, selective attention bias, selective recall bias, anchoring bias, illusory correlation and causal theory). This thesis’ second objective was to explore the predictive value of these seven cognitive biases and of sixteen factors in terms of rendered verdict and sentence. The studied factors concerned the judge (sex and previous professional experience), the accused (sex, age, reference to criminal history and to mental state), the victim (sex, age, number of victims and relationship to the accused), the offense (type of offense and weapon use) and the evidence (presence of conflicting testimonies, material evidence, documentary evidence, and expertise). To achieve this goal, a sample of 200 verdicts on violent offense were selected from first instance courts in Québec, and then analyzed. Each judgment has been rendered by a different judge after a trial without jury. It was expected that most judgements would present at least one cognitive bias and that the studied cognitive biases and extralegal factors would predict the verdict and sentence. The analysis of judgements by two independant raters aiming to identify cognitive biases has confirmed the first hypothesis. Results revealed the presence of at least one cognitive bias in 66.5% of sample judgements, with a near perfect interrater reliability. However, the second hypothesis was partially confirmed, as six significant predictors of the verdict and sentence have been identified among the cognitive biases and factors studied. A multinomial logistic regression revealed three significant predictors of a guilty verdict: use of a weapon during the crime, male sex of the accused, and use of medical expertise during the trial. To predict the sentence, converted into a percentage of the maximum possible sentence, a multiple regression was performed. This analysis highlighted three significant predictors of a higher sentence percentage: minority age of the accused, use of DNA expertise during the trial, and use of psychiatric expertise during the trial. Results revealed a large effect size. Additional analyses have also pointed towards a significant association between the presence of conflicting testimonies, and the presence of cognitive biases in favor of a guilty verdict. This thesis has confirmed that judges can be susceptible to cognitive biases and the influence of extralegal factors in their reasoning. Results have also contributed to a better understanding of the judicial reality in Québec. Nevertheless, the impact of cognitive biases on rendered judgements remains a question to further explore.

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