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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testprocedur för undersökning av adhesiv förslitning vid svarvning

Vik, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Adhesive wear in machining is caused by adhering through micro welding of workmaterial on the cutting tool, this may lead to the formation of built-up edge andbuilt-up layer. This is known as secondary adhesion, the wear mechanism mayalso lead to pieces of the tool coating being ripped of and following the chip, which is known as primary adhesion. The wear mechanism most often results in the deterioration of the cutting tool. The aim of this experimental study is toenable examination of the phenomena. The objective is to bring forth experimental equipment and measuring methods and procedures that can be used for this purpose. A method for examining the phenomena in turning was achieved using manual lathe and cemented carbide inserts of the type Sandvik “CNMG 12 04 08 -XM4325”, with a coating consisting of CVD Ti(C,N)+Al2O3+TiN. The inserts were marked at the rake face for reference in examination. The work material used wasthe quenched and tempered steel EN-34CrNiMo 6 and the austenitic stainless steel EN-1,4436. The cutting speed at which the adhesive wear is prominent in machining of these work materials, was determined by radial turning of the material ends. In order to remove the adhered work material, the inserts where cleaned with hydrochloric acid and ultrasonic washing. The inserts were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) prior to and after cleaning. The results from the SEM examination show that the inserts have a spongy looking texture on the surface with craters and holes. By comparison of the surfaces between different engagement time with work the material, it was found that because of adhesive wear, the texture of the surface slowly changes. The changes consists of enlarging of existing craters and new ones being created. This result meant that the examination with SEM was deemed a good method for examining the phenomena. The results also showed that the texture of the surface could also be affected by the ultrasonic washing, which meant that this method of cleaning is not recommended. The recommendation is instead to bathe the inserts in the hydrochloric acid without the ultrasonic wash for 30 minutes.

Sökande efter radiovågor från skärzonen vid svarvning

Firoz, Safdari, Yonas, Woldegiorgis January 2021 (has links)
Adhesive wear occurs when small surfaces of the cutting tool due to friction are micro-welded to the chips and removed from the tool surface. A hypothesis as to whywelding occurs is that an electric potential field arises which initiates a chemical reaction and then welding of the work material and the tool takes place in the cuttingzone. The electric potential field results in a fluttering magnetic field, which in turngenerates electromagnetic issues. The waves should be around and above 1 MHz.The aim of this work is thus to investigate the presence of electromagnetic wavesfrom the cutting zone. The purpose is to compare sound and electromagnetic wavesduring the adhesive process. Previous research shows that the adhesive mechanism is a transient vibration thatmanifests itself as a cluster of waves with a stochastic duration, including a feedbacksystem restricted by the plastic deformation within the chip. Furthermore, the cutting speed is the most important cutting parameter in tool wear and the main wearmechanism at cutting speeds around 200 m/min is the adhesive wear. Several studies showed the emission of electromagnetic waves during plastic deformation ofmetals during tensile test. Frequency ranges for radiations are between 1 and 1000MHz. To investigate the hypothesis, axial turning was performed with a cutting speed190–200 (m/min) and one steel grade, SS2541 was used as a work material. Thedepth of cut and feed were set to 1 mm and 0,196 mm/rev. Detection and measurement of electromagnetic waves was performed with a spectrum analyzerMT8221B with four different signal receivers. A reference measurement was madewhen the turning machine was on without the workpiece being machined and then ameasurement was made during the turning process. The results of measurementsshowed a source of electromagnetic radiation within the frequency range 0–5 MHz.This result was achieved with copper plate as an antenna. To find out how signalsfrom acoustic emission and electromagnetic waves develop during the adhesive wearprocess, sound measurements were performed with microphones during the turningprocess. Results of sound measurement showed that the frequency at which adhesivewear occurs decreases and the amplitude increases as the insert wears. To be able toanalyze how electromagnetic radiation develops with the wear process, measurements must be performed in a shielded space from ambient disturbances, as in aworkshop there are many sources of noise that can affect the accuracy of the measurement. An antenna can be designed so that the measurement can take place asclose to the cutting zone as possible.

Temperature sensing on a linear wear test rig for plastic components / Temperaturmätning på en linjär testrigg gjord för nötning av plastkomponenter

Grahn, Anton, Granlund, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
För att verifiera att komponenter håller under en förväntad livslängd kan en Accelererad Livstids Testning (ALT) användas. En av huvudaspekterna som kan förstöra ett ALT-test av plastkomponenter är om kontakttemperaturen överstiger glasövergångstemperaturen. Detta eftersom det förändrar testkomponentens materialegenskaper. För att förhindra att detta inträffar i en ALT byggdes en testrigg medtemperatursensorer för att övervaka kontakttemperaturen. Om kontaktpunkten modifieras med en temperatursensor förändrar det uppbyggnaden av ytan och gör testet ogiltigt. Metoden som används är istället att mäta temperaturen på ytan på testdelen och simulera kontakttemperaturen med en modell baserad på den Finita Elementmetoden. Denna avhandling jämför de två teknikerna Tunn Film RTD och Tunn Termoelement Tråd Typ T i samband med uppbyggnaden av en värmeöverföring FEM-modell. Det undersöktes också vilken teknologi av IR-enpunkts sensor och Tunn Film RTD som har högst prestanda med avseende på fyra kvalitetsparametrar under användning tillsammans med testriggen. Slutsatserna är att Tunn Film RTD och Tunn Termoelement Tråd av Typ T sensorerna båda ger en liknande precision i mätningar för att bygga en användbar FEM-modell. När de används på testriggen presterar Film RTD:n är bättre än IR-sensorn i tre av fyra områden med avseende på de fyra definierade kvalitetsparametrarna. Tunn Film RTD är den rekommenderade teknologin för denna typ av mätning. / To verify that components last for an expected lifetime an Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) can be used. One of the main aspects that can ruin an ALT of plastic components is if the contact temperature rises above the glass transition temperature, since this changes the material properties of the tested component. To prevent this from occurring in a ALT, a test rig was built with temperature sensors to monitor this contact temperature. If the contact point is modified with a temperature sensor, this will change the surface and make the test invalid. The method is instead to couple surface temperature measurements with a Finite Element Model (FEM) to estimate the contact temperature. This thesis compares the two techniques Thin Film RTD and Thin Thermocouple Wire Type T in conjunction with the building of a heat transfer Finite Element Method (FEM)-model. It also investigates which technology of Non Contact IR Single Point sensor or Thin Film RTD have the highest performance in use with the test rig with regard to four quality parameters. The conclusions are that RTD and the Thermocouple Type T sensors both provide equal precision in measurement to build a useful FEM model. In application on the test rig, the Thin Film RTD is better than the Infrared (IR)-sensor in three out of four areas when compared in the four defined quality parameters. Thin Film RTD is the recommended technology in this application.

Wear on Alumina Coated Tools and the Influence of Inclusions when Turning Low-Alloy Steels : Master Thesis - Chemical Engineering

Öhman, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
In this master thesis, performed at Sandvik Coromant Västberga (Stockholm), a comprehensive study has been made to investigate the wear on textured alumina (Inveio™) coated cutting tools when turning low-alloy steels. Specifically, wear studies have been made on tools’ rake faces when turning two separate batches of SS2541, after an initial turning time of 4 min. A particular focus has been given to elucidate what particular role the inclusions might have for the wear of the alumina coating onthe tools. Evaluation of tool wear has been made by employing several different analytical techniques, such as LOM, SEM, Wyko, Auger-spectrometry (AES), EPMA and XRD. The results shows that the arisen wear marks on both tested tool types may be divided into three separate and highly distinguishable wear zones, denoted here in thiswork as “wear bands”. Largest amount of wear tended to occur initially at the topmost part of the 3rd wear band. This was true for both tested tool types. This area demonstrated a characteristic 'lamellar' wear pattern, composed of narrow andstructured ridges. All the tools tested demonstrated the adhesion of workpiece materials of various composition that formed into smeared layers in these formed ridges. Depth-profiling Auger-spectrometry revealed that a significant amount of calcium was present in the machined alumina coating layers. This suggests that a reaction between the calcium-containing inclusions found in the steel and the aluminacoating layer had occurred during the performed turning tests.These results arecontradictory to the general belief that alumina is chemical inert during machiningand has previously, to the authors knowledge, not yet been published. Based on the results from this thesis and from a literature review concerning thebehavior of α-alumina during deformation, a new theoretical wear model has been developed. In this model, it is emphasised that the sliding of hard inclusions from the steel may activate pyramidal slip systems in the textured alumina coating. This causes a nano-crystallisation and/or amorphisation in the topmost part of the coating, which facilitates the further wear of these coated tools. / I detta examensarbete, som har utförts vid Sandvik Coromant i Västberga (Stockholm), har en omfattande studie gjorts i syfte att undersöka slitaget på texturerad aluminiumoxid-belagda skärverktyg (Inveio™) vid svarvningen av låglegerade stålsorter. Förslitningsstudier har framförallt gjorts på verktygens spånsidor vid svarvningen av två separata batcher av stålsorten SS2541 efter en inledande ingreppstid på 4 min. Ett särskilt fokus har även ägnats åt att belysa vilken roll stålets inneslutningar kan ha för slitaget av aluminiumoxidbeläggningen. Utvärderingen av verktygsslitaget har gjorts med hjälp av flera olika analytiska tekniker, däribland LOM, SEM, Wyko, Auger-spektrometri (AES), EPMA samt XRD. Resultaten från detta examensarbete visar på att det uppkomna slitaget på de verktyg som har testats kan uppdelas till tre separata och mycket distinkta ”slitagezoner”. Dessa zoner har för detta arbete benämnts som ”nötningsband”. Störst förslitning framträdde initialt i den översta delen av det 3:e nötningsbandet på de testade skärverktygen. Detta område uppvisade ett karaktäristiskt ”lamell”-liknande utseende, bestående av smala och strukturerade åsar och skåror. Vidare uppvisade samtliga undersökta verktyg på förekomsten av påsmetat arbetsmaterial av varierande sammansättning i dessa bildade åsar. När de slitna verktygen undersöktes med djuprofilerande Auger-spektrometri påvisades det att en signifikant mängd kalcium fanns inuti aluminiumoxidbeläggningen. Detta tyder på att en reaktion mellan de kalciuminnehållande inneslutningarna (som finns inuti stålet) och aluminiumoxidbeläggningen har reagerat med varandra under bearbetningsförloppet. Dessa resultat är motsägande till den allmänna uppfattningen om att aluminiumoxid är kemiskt inert vid bearbetningen av stål. Därutöver har dessa resultat även, till författarens kännedom, aldrig tidigare publicerats. Baserat på de resultat som har erhållits från detta examensarbete, och från en omfattande litteraturstudie gällande deformationen av α-aluminiumoxid, har en ny teoretisk förslitningsmodell utarbetats. I denna modell betonas det särskilt att glidningen av hårda inneslutningar från stålet kan aktivera s.k. pyramidala glidsystem i den texturerade aluminiumoxidbeläggningen. Detta orsaker en nano-kristallisering och/eller amorfisering av den översta delen av aluminiumoxidbeläggningen.  Denna omvandling tros kunna underlätta den fortsatta förslitningen av dessa belagda skärverktyg.

Evaluation of Refined Tribological Properties of Diamond Coated Cutting Tools Used in Machining of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys : Master thesis report regarding refined frictional & wear behavior of uncoated & CVD diamond coated WC-Co cemented carbide cutting tools used for machining of Al 7xxx alloys.

Hultman, Christian January 2022 (has links)
High strength aluminum alloys have for a long time been a popular material utilized in the automotive and aerospace sector due to coveted mechanical properties in terms of weight, strength, fatigue, and corrosion. However, tribological mechanisms such as tribo-film formation and material transfer during the metal cutting manufacturing process of aluminum impose significant reduction of machining and tool-life performance. Additionally, environmental aspects associated with metal cutting manufacturing has got more interest and pushed cutting tool development in new directions to meet increased customer demands. One possible way of achieving this, is the implementation and utilization of diamond based cutting tools which has been shown to perform well in machining of high strength aluminum. However, in depth knowledge regarding the tribological properties of diamond based cutting tools is currently lacking. Thus, the aim of this master thesis has been to investigate the refined tribological characteristics and properties of WC-Co cemented carbide cutting tools coated with synthetically grown CVD diamond. Tribological testing methods, such as frictional scratch/sliding, pin-turning, contact-zone temperature measuring, and longitudinal turning have been conducted to acquire extensive amount of research material in the form of test samples and data information. Furthermore, pin-turning tests were performed using a newly developed Tribojan pin-turning equipment and the performance of this was evaluated as a subgoal task. Specimen sample analysis have primarily been performed through LOM and SEM/EDS microscopy techniques. The results acquired from testing, microscopy analysis and data set evaluation have showed promising results in terms of frictional characteristic and material transfer properties regarding CVD diamond coated surfaces. The average CoF of CVD diamond sliding against an Alumec 89 aluminum alloy surface were somewhat lower as compared with similar sliding of a conventional uncoated WC-Co cemented carbide material. Furthermore, the frictional behavior and characteristic of CVD diamond appears to be more consistent and regular over longer sliding distances. The contact interaction between the CVD diamond coated surface and Alumec 89 appears to have a more abrasive nature due to the rough surface structure and material properties of the coating. The corresponding tribo-pair contact interaction with WC-Co cemented carbide shows more adhesive tendencies. Additionally, the contact-zone temperature development during pin-turning is shown to be somewhat lower during CVD diamond/Alumec 89 surface interactions. Regarding material transfer properties, CVD diamond are shown to perform well when interacting with high-strength aluminum. The amount of material adherence is significantly reduced on CVD diamond coated surfaces. During longitudinal turning using CVD diamond coated cutting tools, no significant wear was observed. On the other hand, evidence of both adhesive and abrasive wear was observed during turning using conventional uncoated WC-Co cemented carbide tools. Finally, tribological mechanisms acting during Tribojan pin-turning tests was shown to be relatively comparable with an actual machining operation, which indicate that the testing method perform well as compliment to standard frictional sliding and machining testing. / Höghållfasta aluminiumlegeringar har länge varit ett populärt material inom bil- och flygindustrin på grund av deras eftertraktade mekaniska egenskaper när det gäller vikt, styrka, utmattning och korrosion. Däremot medför tribologiska fenomen, så som tribofilmbildning och materialöverföring under metallskärande tillverkningsprocesser för aluminium, en betydande minskning av prestanda hos utrustning och skärverktygens livslängd. Dessutom har miljöaspekterna i samband med metallskärande tillverkning fått ökat intresse och därmed drivit utvecklingen av skärverktyg i nya riktningar för att uppfylla kundernas ökade krav. Ett möjligt sätt att uppnå detta är att införa och använda diamantbelagda skärverktyg, vilka har visat sig fungera bra vid bearbetning av höghållfast aluminium. Dock saknas det för närvarande djupgående kunskaper om de tribologiska egenskaperna hos dessa diamantbaserade skärverktyg. Syftet med detta examensarbete har därför varit att undersöka de förfinade tribologiska egenskaperna hos WC-Co skärverktyg av hårdmetall belagda med syntetiskt odlad CVD-diamant. Tribologiska testmetoder, så som friktionsskrapning/glidning, pinnsvarvning, temperaturmätning i kontaktzonen samt longitudinell svarvning, har genomförts för att samla in analysmaterial i form av prover och datainformation. Dessutom utfördes pinnsvarvningstesterna med hjälp av en nyutvecklad så kallad Tribojan-utrustning, vars prestanda har utvärderats som ett delmål i projektet. Analyser av provexemplar har huvudsakligen utförts med hjälp av mikroskopitekniker så som LOM och SEM/EDS. Resultaten från provning, mikroskopianalys och utvärdering av data har visat lovande resultat när det gäller friktions och materialöverföringsegenskaper för CVD-diamantbelagda ytor. Den genomsnittliga CoF för CVD-diamant som glider mot en yta av aluminiumlegeringen Alumec 89 var något lägre jämfört med motsvarande glidning av konventionellt WC-Co hårdmetallmaterial. Dessutom verkar friktionsbeteendet hos CVD-diamant vara mer konsekvent och regelbunden över längre glidsträckor. Kontaktinteraktionen mellan ytor av CVD-diamant och Alumec 89 verkar också ha en mer abrasiv karaktär på grund av diamantbeläggningens grova ytstruktur och materialegenskaper. Motsvarande kontaktinteraktion mellan Alumec 89 och obelagd WC-Co hårdmetall visar däremot mer adhesiva tendenser. Dessutom tenderar temperaturutvecklingen i kontaktzonen under pinnsvarvning vara något lägre vid ytinteraktioner mellan CVD-diamant och Alumec 89. När det gäller materialöverföringsegenskaperna visar sig CVD-diamant fungera bra vid interaktion med höghållfast aluminium. Materialets vidhäftning minskar betydligt på diamantbelagda ytor. Vid kontinuerlig longitudinell svarvning med diamantbelagda skärverktyg observerades inget betydande slitage. Å andra sidan hittades tecken på både adhesivt och abrasivt slitage under svarvning med konventionella obelagda WC-Co hårdmetallverktyg. Slutligen visade det sig att de tribologiska mekanismerna som verkade under Tribojan-pinnsvarvning vara relativt jämförbara med faktisk bearbetning, vilket tyder på att testmetoden fungerar bra som komplement till friktions och svarvtester.

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