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Distributed multi-label learning on Apache SparkGonzalez Lopez, Jorge 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis proposes a series of multi-label learning algorithms for classification and feature selection implemented on the Apache Spark distributed computing model. Five approaches for determining the optimal architecture to speed up multi-label learning methods are presented. These approaches range from local parallelization using threads to distributed computing using independent or shared memory spaces. It is shown that the optimal approach performs hundreds of times faster than the baseline method. Three distributed multi-label k nearest neighbors methods built on top of the Spark architecture are proposed: an exact iterative method that computes pair-wise distances, an approximate tree-based method that indexes the instances across multiple nodes, and an approximate local sensitive hashing method that builds multiple hash tables to index the data. The results indicated that the predictions of the tree-based method are on par with those of an exact method while reducing the execution times in all the scenarios. The aforementioned method is then used to evaluate the quality of a selected feature subset. The optimal adaptation for a multi-label feature selection criterion is discussed and two distributed feature selection methods for multi-label problems are proposed: a method that selects the feature subset that maximizes the Euclidean norm of individual information measures, and a method that selects the subset of features maximizing the geometric mean. The results indicate that each method excels in different scenarios depending on type of features and the number of labels. Rigorous experimental studies and statistical analyses over many multi-label metrics and datasets confirm that the proposals achieve better performances and provide better scalability to bigger data than the methods compared in the state of the art.
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Contributions to generic visual object categorization / Catégorisation automatique d'imagesFu, Huanzhang 14 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est consacrée à un sujet de recherche très porteur : la Catégorisation générique d’objets Visuels (VOC). En effet, les applications possibles sont très nombreuses, incluant l’indexation d’images et de vidéos, la vidéo surveillance, le contrôle d’accès de sécurité, le soutien à la conduite automobile, etc. En raison de ses nombreux verrous scientifiques, ce sujet est encore considéré comme l’un des problèmes les plus difficiles en vision par ordinateur et en reconnaissance de formes. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé dans ce travail de thèse plusieurs contributions, en particulier concernant les deux principaux éléments des méthodes résolvant les problèmes de VOC, notamment la sélection des descripteurs et la représentation d’images. Premièrement, un algorithme nomme "Embedded Sequential Forward feature Selection"(ESFS) a été proposé pour VOC. Son but est de sélectionner les descripteurs les plus discriminants afin d’obtenir une bonne performance pour la catégorisation. Il est principalement basé sur la méthode de recherche sous-optimale couramment utilisée "Sequential Forward Selection" (SFS), qui repose sur le principe simple d’ajouter progressivement les descripteurs les plus pertinents. Cependant, ESFS non seulement ajoute progressivement les descripteurs les plus pertinents à chaque étape mais de plus les fusionne d’une manière intégrée grâce à la notion de fonctions de masses combinées empruntée à la théorie de l’évidence qui offre également l’avantage d’obtenir un coût de calcul beaucoup plus faible que celui de SFS original. Deuxièmement, nous avons proposé deux nouvelles représentations d’images pour modéliser le contenu visuel d’une image : la Représentation d’Image basée sur la Modélisation Polynomiale et les Mesures Statistiques, appelées respectivement PMIR et SMIR. Elles permettent de surmonter l’inconvénient principal de la méthode populaire "bag of features" qui est la difficulté de fixer la taille optimale du vocabulaire visuel. Elles ont été testées avec nos descripteurs bases région ainsi que les descripteurs SIFT. Deux stratégies différentes de fusion, précoce et tardive, ont également été considérées afin de fusionner les informations venant des "canaux «différents représentés par les différents types de descripteurs. Troisièmement, nous avons proposé deux approches pour VOC en s’appuyant sur la représentation sparse. La première méthode est reconstructive (R_SROC) alors que la deuxième est reconstructive et discriminative (RD_SROC). En effet, le modèle de représentation sparse a été utilisé originalement dans le domaine du traitement du signal comme un outil puissant pour acquérir, représenter et compresser des signaux de grande dimension. Ainsi, nous avons proposé une adaptation de ces principes intéressants au problème de VOC. R_SROC repose sur l’hypothèse intuitive que l’image peut être représentée par une combinaison linéaire des images d’apprentissage de la même catégorie. [...] / This thesis is dedicated to the active research topic of generic Visual Object Categorization(VOC), which can be widely used in many applications such as videoindexation and retrieval, video monitoring, security access control, automobile drivingsupport etc. Due to many realistic difficulties, it is still considered to be one ofthe most challenging problems in computer vision and pattern recognition. In thiscontext, we have proposed in this thesis our contributions, especially concerning thetwo main components of the methods addressing VOC problems, namely featureselection and image representation.Firstly, an Embedded Sequential Forward feature Selection algorithm (ESFS)has been proposed for VOC. Its aim is to select the most discriminant features forobtaining a good performance for the categorization. It is mainly based on thecommonly used sub-optimal search method Sequential Forward Selection (SFS),which relies on the simple principle to add incrementally most relevant features.However, ESFS not only adds incrementally most relevant features in each stepbut also merges them in an embedded way thanks to the concept of combinedmass functions from the evidence theory which also offers the benefit of obtaining acomputational cost much lower than the one of original SFS.Secondly, we have proposed novel image representations to model the visualcontent of an image, namely Polynomial Modeling and Statistical Measures basedImage Representation, called PMIR and SMIR respectively. They allow to overcomethe main drawback of the popular "bag of features" method which is the difficultyto fix the optimal size of the visual vocabulary. They have been tested along withour proposed region based features and SIFT. Two different fusion strategies, earlyand late, have also been considered to merge information from different "channels"represented by the different types of features.Thirdly, we have proposed two approaches for VOC relying on sparse representation,including a reconstructive method (R_SROC) as well as a reconstructiveand discriminative one (RD_SROC). Indeed, sparse representation model has beenoriginally used in signal processing as a powerful tool for acquiring, representingand compressing the high-dimensional signals. Thus, we have proposed to adaptthese interesting principles to the VOC problem. R_SROC relies on the intuitiveassumption that an image can be represented by a linear combination of trainingimages from the same category. Therefore, the sparse representations of images arefirst computed through solving the ℓ1 norm minimization problem and then usedas new feature vectors for images to be classified by traditional classifiers such asSVM. To improve the discrimination ability of the sparse representation to betterfit the classification problem, we have also proposed RD_SROC which includes adiscrimination term, such as Fisher discrimination measure or the output of a SVMclassifier, to the standard sparse representation objective function in order to learna reconstructive and discriminative dictionary. Moreover, we have also proposedChapter 0. Abstractto combine the reconstructive and discriminative dictionary and the adapted purereconstructive dictionary for a given category so that the discrimination power canfurther be increased.The efficiency of all the methods proposed in this thesis has been evaluated onpopular image datasets including SIMPLIcity, Caltech101 and Pascal2007.
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Identifying Plankton from Grayscale Silhouette ImagesKramer, Kurt A 27 October 2005 (has links)
Utilizing a continuous silhouette image of marine plankton produced by a device called SIPPER, developed by the Marine Sciences Department, individual plankton images were extracted, features were derived, and classification was performed. There were plankton recognition experiments performed in Support Vector Machine parameter tuning, Fourier descriptors, and feature selection.
Several groups of features were implemented, moments, gramulometric, Fourier transform for texture, intensity histograms, Fourier descriptors for contour, convex hull, and Eigen ratio. The Fourier descriptors were implemented in three different flavors sampling, averaging and hybrid (mix of sampling and averaging).
The feature selection experiments utilized a modified WRAPPER approach of which several flavors were explored including Best Case Next, Forward and Backward, and Beam Search. Feature selection significantly reduced the number of features required for processing, while at the same time maintaining the same level of classification accuracy. This resulted in reduced processing time for training and classification.
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Greedy Representative Selection for Unsupervised Data AnalysisHelwa, Ahmed Khairy Farahat January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, the advance of information and communication technologies has allowed the storage and transfer of massive amounts of data. The availability of this overwhelming amount of data stimulates a growing need to develop fast and accurate algorithms to discover useful information hidden in the data. This need is even more acute for unsupervised data, which lacks information about the categories of different instances.
This dissertation addresses a crucial problem in unsupervised data analysis, which is the selection of representative instances and/or features from the data. This problem can be generally defined as the selection of the most representative columns of a data matrix, which is formally known as the Column Subset Selection (CSS) problem. Algorithms for column subset selection can be directly used for data analysis or as a pre-processing step to enhance other data mining algorithms, such as clustering. The contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as outlined below.
First, a fast and accurate algorithm is proposed to greedily select a subset of columns of a data matrix such that the reconstruction error of the matrix based on the subset of selected columns is minimized. The algorithm is based on a novel recursive formula for calculating the reconstruction error, which allows the development of time and memory-efficient algorithms for greedy column subset selection. Experiments on real data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods for column subset selection.
Second, a kernel-based algorithm is presented for column subset selection. The algorithm greedily selects representative columns using information about their pairwise similarities. The algorithm can also calculate a Nyström approximation for a large kernel matrix based on the subset of selected columns. In comparison to different Nyström methods, the greedy Nyström method has been empirically shown to achieve significant improvements in approximating kernel matrices, with minimum overhead in run time.
Third, two algorithms are proposed for fast approximate k-means and spectral clustering. These algorithms employ the greedy column subset selection method to embed all data points in the subspace of a few representative points, where the clustering is performed. The approximate algorithms run much faster than their exact counterparts while achieving comparable clustering performance.
Fourth, a fast and accurate greedy algorithm for unsupervised feature selection is proposed. The algorithm is an application of the greedy column subset selection method presented in this dissertation. Similarly, the features are greedily selected such that the reconstruction error of the data matrix is minimized. Experiments on benchmark data sets show that the greedy algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods for unsupervised feature selection in the clustering task.
Finally, the dissertation studies the connection between the column subset selection problem and other related problems in statistical data analysis, and it presents a unified framework which allows the use of the greedy algorithms presented in this dissertation to solve different related problems.
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Learning with Feed-forward Neural Networks: Three Schemes to Deal with the Bias/Variance Trade-offRomero Merino, Enrique 30 November 2004 (has links)
In terms of the Bias/Variance decomposition, very flexible (i.e., complex) Supervised Machine Learning systems may lead to unbiased estimators but with high variance. A rigid model, in contrast, may lead to small variance but high bias. There is a trade-off between the bias and variance contributions to the error, where the optimal performance is achieved.In this work we present three schemes related to the control of the Bias/Variance decomposition for Feed-forward Neural Networks (FNNs) with the (sometimes modified) quadratic loss function:1. An algorithm for sequential approximation with FNNs, named Sequential Approximation with Optimal Coefficients and Interacting Frequencies (SAOCIF). Most of the sequential approximations proposed in the literature select the new frequencies (the non-linear weights) guided by the approximation of the residue of the partial approximation. We propose a sequential algorithm where the new frequency is selected taking into account its interactions with the previously selected ones. The interactions are discovered by means of their optimal coefficients (the linear weights). A number of heuristics can be used to select the new frequencies. The aim is that the same level of approximation may be achieved with less hidden units than if we only try to match the residue as best as possible. In terms of the Bias/Variance decomposition, it will be possible to obtain simpler models with the same bias. The idea behind SAOCIF can be extended to approximation in Hilbert spaces, maintaining orthogonal-like properties. In this case, the importance of the interacting frequencies lies in the expectation of increasing the rate of approximation. Experimental results show that the idea of interacting frequencies allows to construct better approximations than matching the residue.2. A study and comparison of different criteria to perform Feature Selection (FS) with Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and the Sequential Backward Selection (SBS) procedure within the wrapper approach. FS procedures control the Bias/Variance decomposition by means of the input dimension, establishing a clear connection with the curse of dimensionality. Several critical decision points are studied and compared. First, the stopping criterion. Second, the data set where the value of the loss function is measured. Finally, we also compare two ways of computing the saliency (i.e., the relative importance) of a feature: either first train a network and then remove temporarily every feature or train a different network with every feature temporarily removed. The experiments are performed for linear and non-linear models. Experimental results suggest that the increase in the computational cost associated with retraining a different network with every feature temporarily removed previous to computing the saliency can be rewarded with a significant performance improvement, specially if non-linear models are used. Although this idea could be thought as very intuitive, it has been hardly used in practice. Regarding the data set where the value of the loss function is measured, it seems clear that the SBS procedure for MLPs takes profit from measuring the loss function in a validation set. A somewhat non-intuitive conclusion is drawn looking at the stopping criterion, where it can be seen that forcing overtraining may be as useful as early stopping.3. A modification of the quadratic loss function for classification problems, inspired in Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and the AdaBoost algorithm, named Weighted Quadratic Loss (WQL) function. The modification consists in weighting the contribution of every example to the total error. In the linearly separable case, the solution of the hard margin SVM also minimizes the proposed loss function. The hardness of the resulting solution can be controlled, as in SVMs, so that this scheme may also be used for the non-linearly separable case. The error weighting proposed in WQL forces the training procedure to pay more attention to the points with a smaller margin. Therefore, variance tries to be controlled by not attempting to overfit the points that are already well classified. The model shares several properties with the SVMs framework, with some additional advantages. On the one hand, the final solution is neither restricted to have an architecture with so many hidden units as points (or support vectors) in the data set nor to use kernel functions. The frequencies are not restricted to be a subset of the data set. On the other hand, it allows to deal with multiclass and multilabel problems in a natural way. Experimental results are shown confirming these claims.A wide experimental work has been done with the proposed schemes, including artificial data sets, well-known benchmark data sets and two real-world problems from the Natural Language Processing domain. In addition to widely used activation functions, such as the hyperbolic tangent or the Gaussian function, other activation functions have been tested. In particular, sinusoidal MLPs showed a very good behavior. The experimental results can be considered as very satisfactory. The schemes presented in this work have been found to be very competitive when compared to other existing schemes described in the literature. In addition, they can be combined among them, since they deal with complementary aspects of the whole learning process.
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Feature selection and artifact removal in sleep stage classificationHapuarachchi, Pasan January 2006 (has links)
The use of Electroencephalograms (EEG) are essential to the analysis of sleep disorders in patients. With the use of electroencephalograms, electro-oculograms (EOG), and electromyograms (EMG), doctors and EEG technician can make conclusions about the sleep patterns of patients. In particular, the classification of the sleep data into various stages, such as NREM I-IV, REM, Awake, is extremely important. The EEG signal itself is highly sensitive to physiological and non-physiological artifacts. Trained human experts can accommodate for these artifacts while they are analyzing the EEG signal. <br /><br /> However, if some of these artifacts are removed prior to analysis, their job will be become easier. Furthermore, one of the biggest motivations, of our team's research is the construction of a portable device that can analyze the sleep data as they are being collected. For this task, the sleep data must be analyzed completely automatically in order to make the classifications. <br /><br /> The research presented in this thesis concerns itself with the <em>denoising</em> and the <em>feature selection</em> aspects of the teams' goals. Since humans are able to process artifacts and ignore them prior to classification, an automated system should have the same capabilities or close to them. As such, the denoising step is performed to condition the data prior to any other stages of the sleep stage neoclassicisms. As mentioned before, the denoising step, by itself, is useful to human EEG technicians as well. <br /><br /> The denoising step in this research mainly looks at EOG artifacts and artifacts isolated to a single EEG channel, such as electrode pop artifacts. The first two algorithms uses Wavelets exclusively (BWDA and WDA), while the third algorithm is a mixture of Wavelets and In- dependent Component Analysis (IDA). With the BWDA algorithm, determining <em>consistent</em> thresholds proved to be a difficult task. With the WDA algorithm, the performance was better, since the selection of the thresholds was more straight-forward and since there was more control over defining the duration of the artifacts. The IDA algorithm performed inferior to the WDA algorithm. This could have been due to the small number of measurement channels or the automated sub-classifier used to select the <em>denoised EEG signal</em> from the set of ICA <em>demixed</em> signals. <br /><br /> The feature selection stage is extremely important as it selects the most pertinent features to make a particular classification. Without such a step, the classifier will have to process useless data, which might result in a poorer classification. Furthermore, unnecessary features will take up valuable computer cycles as well. In a portable device, due to battery consumption, wasting computer cycles is not an option. The research presented in this thesis shows the importance of a systematic feature selection step in EEG classification. The feature selection step produced excellent results with a maximum use of just 5 features. During automated classification, this is extremely important as the automated classifier will only have to calculate 5 features for each given epoch.
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Protein Tertiary Model Assessment Using Granular Machine Learning TechniquesChida, Anjum A 21 March 2012 (has links)
The automatic prediction of protein three dimensional structures from its amino acid sequence has become one of the most important and researched fields in bioinformatics. As models are not experimental structures determined with known accuracy but rather with prediction it’s vital to determine estimates of models quality. We attempt to solve this problem using machine learning techniques and information from both the sequence and structure of the protein. The goal is to generate a machine that understands structures from PDB and when given a new model, predicts whether it belongs to the same class as the PDB structures (correct or incorrect protein models). Different subsets of PDB (protein data bank) are considered for evaluating the prediction potential of the machine learning methods. Here we show two such machines, one using SVM (support vector machines) and another using fuzzy decision trees (FDT). First using a preliminary encoding style SVM could get around 70% in protein model quality assessment accuracy, and improved Fuzzy Decision Tree (IFDT) could reach above 80% accuracy. For the purpose of reducing computational overhead multiprocessor environment and basic feature selection method is used in machine learning algorithm using SVM.
Next an enhanced scheme is introduced using new encoding style. In the new style, information like amino acid substitution matrix, polarity, secondary structure information and relative distance between alpha carbon atoms etc is collected through spatial traversing of the 3D structure to form training vectors. This guarantees that the properties of alpha carbon atoms that are close together in 3D space and thus interacting are used in vector formation. With the use of fuzzy decision tree, we obtained a training accuracy around 90%. There is significant improvement compared to previous encoding technique in prediction accuracy and execution time. This outcome motivates to continue to explore effective machine learning algorithms for accurate protein model quality assessment.
Finally these machines are tested using CASP8 and CASP9 templates and compared with other CASP competitors, with promising results. We further discuss the importance of model quality assessment and other information from proteins that could be considered for the same.
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Feature selection and artifact removal in sleep stage classificationHapuarachchi, Pasan January 2006 (has links)
The use of Electroencephalograms (EEG) are essential to the analysis of sleep disorders in patients. With the use of electroencephalograms, electro-oculograms (EOG), and electromyograms (EMG), doctors and EEG technician can make conclusions about the sleep patterns of patients. In particular, the classification of the sleep data into various stages, such as NREM I-IV, REM, Awake, is extremely important. The EEG signal itself is highly sensitive to physiological and non-physiological artifacts. Trained human experts can accommodate for these artifacts while they are analyzing the EEG signal. <br /><br /> However, if some of these artifacts are removed prior to analysis, their job will be become easier. Furthermore, one of the biggest motivations, of our team's research is the construction of a portable device that can analyze the sleep data as they are being collected. For this task, the sleep data must be analyzed completely automatically in order to make the classifications. <br /><br /> The research presented in this thesis concerns itself with the <em>denoising</em> and the <em>feature selection</em> aspects of the teams' goals. Since humans are able to process artifacts and ignore them prior to classification, an automated system should have the same capabilities or close to them. As such, the denoising step is performed to condition the data prior to any other stages of the sleep stage neoclassicisms. As mentioned before, the denoising step, by itself, is useful to human EEG technicians as well. <br /><br /> The denoising step in this research mainly looks at EOG artifacts and artifacts isolated to a single EEG channel, such as electrode pop artifacts. The first two algorithms uses Wavelets exclusively (BWDA and WDA), while the third algorithm is a mixture of Wavelets and In- dependent Component Analysis (IDA). With the BWDA algorithm, determining <em>consistent</em> thresholds proved to be a difficult task. With the WDA algorithm, the performance was better, since the selection of the thresholds was more straight-forward and since there was more control over defining the duration of the artifacts. The IDA algorithm performed inferior to the WDA algorithm. This could have been due to the small number of measurement channels or the automated sub-classifier used to select the <em>denoised EEG signal</em> from the set of ICA <em>demixed</em> signals. <br /><br /> The feature selection stage is extremely important as it selects the most pertinent features to make a particular classification. Without such a step, the classifier will have to process useless data, which might result in a poorer classification. Furthermore, unnecessary features will take up valuable computer cycles as well. In a portable device, due to battery consumption, wasting computer cycles is not an option. The research presented in this thesis shows the importance of a systematic feature selection step in EEG classification. The feature selection step produced excellent results with a maximum use of just 5 features. During automated classification, this is extremely important as the automated classifier will only have to calculate 5 features for each given epoch.
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Speech Analysis and Cognition Using Category-Dependent Features in a Model of the Central Auditory SystemJeon, Woojay 13 November 2006 (has links)
It is well known that machines perform far worse than humans in recognizing speech and audio, especially in noisy environments. One method of addressing this issue of robustness is to study physiological models of the human auditory system and to adopt some of its characteristics in computers. As a first step in studying the potential benefits of an elaborate computational model of the primary auditory cortex (A1) in the central auditory system, we qualitatively and quantitatively validate the model under existing speech processing recognition methodology. Next, we develop new insights and ideas on how to interpret the model, and reveal some of the advantages of its dimension-expansion that may be potentially used to improve existing speech processing and recognition methods. This is done by statistically analyzing the neural responses to various classes of speech signals and forming empirical conjectures on how cognitive information is encoded in a category-dependent manner. We also establish a theoretical framework that shows how noise and signal can be separated in the dimension-expanded cortical space. Finally, we develop new feature selection and pattern recognition methods to exploit the category-dependent encoding of noise-robust cognitive information in the cortical response. Category-dependent features are proposed as features that "specialize" in discriminating specific sets of classes, and as a natural way of incorporating them into a Bayesian decision framework, we propose methods to construct hierarchical classifiers that perform decisions in a two-stage process. Phoneme classification tasks using the TIMIT speech database are performed to quantitatively validate all developments in this work, and the results encourage future work in exploiting high-dimensional data with category(or class)-dependent features for improved classification or detection.
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Biomarker discovery and clinical outcome prediction using knowledge based-bioinformaticsPhan, John H. 02 April 2009 (has links)
Advances in high-throughput genomic and proteomic technology have led to a growing interest in cancer biomarkers. These biomarkers can potentially improve the accuracy of cancer subtype prediction and subsequently, the success of therapy. However, identification of statistically and biologically relevant biomarkers from high-throughput data can be unreliable due to the nature of the data--e.g., high technical variability, small sample size, and high dimension size. Due to the lack of available training samples, data-driven machine learning methods are often insufficient without the support of knowledge-based algorithms. We research and investigate the benefits of using knowledge-based algorithms to solve clinical prediction problems. Because we are interested in identifying biomarkers that are also feasible in clinical prediction models, we focus on two analytical components: feature selection and predictive model selection. In addition to data variance, we must also consider the variance of analytical methods. There are many existing feature selection algorithms, each of which may produce different results. Moreover, it is not trivial to identify model parameters that maximize the sensitivity and specificity of clinical prediction. Thus, we introduce a method that uses independently validated biological knowledge to reduce the space of relevant feature selection algorithms and to improve the reliability of clinical predictors. Finally, we implement several functions of this knowledge-based method as a web-based, user-friendly, and standards-compatible software application.
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