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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of a Forward Error Correction Technique using Convolutional Encoding with Viterbi Decoding

Rawat, Sachin 30 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Codes correcteurs d'erreurs au niveau applicatif pour les communications par satellite / Application-level forward error correction codes for satellite communications

Pham Sy, Lam 25 May 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est l’étude des codes correcteurs d’erreurs au niveau applicatif (Application Layer – Forward Error Correction, ou AL-FEC) pour les communications par satellite. Dans ce contexte, pendant les deux première années de thèse, nous avons proposé de nouvelles méthodes d’analyse, de construction et d’optimisation des codes à effacements définis par des matrices de parité à faible densité (code LDPC, pour « Low Density Parity Check » en anglais). La troisième année de la thèse a été consacrée à : (1) La suite des études portant sur de nouvelles méthodes de construction des codes LDPC non-binaires. D’une part, nous avons développé un nouvel algorithme (Scheduled-PEG) qui permet d’optimiser la construction des codes LDPC non-binaires pas rapport aux métriques de performance spécifiques à la couche application, notamment dans le cadre des systèmes de diffusion de contenu (broadcasting). D’autre part, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode de construction de codes à faible rendement, qui utilise l’image binaire étendue d’un code LDPC non-binaire. Ces études ont fait l’objet de deux publications dans deux conférences internationales : (a) “Scheduled-PEG construction of LDPC codes for Upper-Layer FEC”, International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, April 2011, Paris, France. (b) “Extended Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Erase Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, November 2011, Aachen, Germany. (2) Une étude portant sur l’analyse asymptotique de codes cluster-LDPC non-binaires. Cette nouvelle classe de codes – introduite récemment (ISIT’2011) – se distingue par ses excellentes propriétés en termes de distance minimale. Notre étude a permis de déterminer de manière analytique la capacité de correction des codes cluster-LDPC non-binaires, aussi bien pour le décodage itératif par propagation de croyances (BP, pour « Belief Propagation ») que pour le décodage par maximum de vraisemblance (ML, pour « Maximum Likelihood »). Ces résultats seront intégrés à une publication scientifique sur les codes cluster-LDPC, en cours de rédaction, qui sera soumise à « IEEE Transactions on Information Theory », avant la fin de l’année 2011. (3) Une étude portant sur une méthode de construction des codes LDPC qui permet de réduire de manière significative le plancher d’erreur (« error floor ») du code, sans dégrader ses performances dans la région de « waterfall ». Ainsi, nous avons proposé la structuration de la matrice de parité du code, de manière à intégrer une partie irrégulière, optimisée pour la partie « waterfall », et une partie régulière, qui permet de réduire le plancher d’erreur du code. Cette étude fera l’objet d’une publication dans une conférence internationale (à déterminer), à soumettre début 2012. / The advent of content distribution, IPTV, video-on-demand and other similar services accelerate the demand for reliable data transmission over highly heterogeneous networks and toward terminals potentially heterogeneous too. In this context, Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes that operate at the transport or the Application Layer (AL-FEC) are used in conjunction with the FEC codes implemented at the physical layer, in order to improve the overall performance of the communication system. AL-FEC codes are aimed at recovering erased data packets and they are essential in many multicast/broadcast environments, no matter the way the information is transported, for instance using a wired or wireless link, and a terrestrial, satellite-based or hybrid infrastructure.This thesis addresses the design of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes for AL-FEC applications. One the one hand, we provide an asymptotical analysis of non-binary LDPC codes over erasure channels, as well as waterfall and error-floor optimization techniques for finite-length codes. On the other hand, new concepts and coding techniques are developed in order to fully exploit the potential of non-binary LDPC codes.The first contribution of this thesis consists of the analysis and optimization of two new ensembles of LDPC codes. First, we have derived the density evolution equations for a very general ensemble of non-binary LDPC codes with rank-deficient coefficients. This allows improving the code performance, as well as designing ensembles of LDPC codes that can be punctured in an effective manner. The second approach allows the asymptotical optimization of a particular ensemble of LDPC codes, while ensuring low error-floors at finite lengths.The second contribution is the construction of finite length LDPC codes with good waterfall and error floor performance. Two approaches were investigated, according to the metric used to evaluate the code. The “Scheduled” Progressive Edge Growth (SPEG) algorithm is proposed, in order to optimize the waterfall performance of the code. Another method is proposed which consists in optimizing a specific structure of the parity check matrix. This approach gives low error-floors.The third contribution investigates a new technique of rate adaptability for non-binary LDPC codes. We propose a new method to generate “on-the-fly” incremental redundancy, which allows designing codes with flexible coding rates, in order to cope with severe channel conditions or to enable Fountain-like distribution applications.The fourth contribution focuses on a new class of LDPC codes, called non-binary cluster-LDPC codes. We derive exact equations of the density evolution for the iterative decoding and an upper bound for the maximum-likelihood decoding.Finally, we propose a practical solution to the problem of reliable communication via satellite to high-speed trains. Here, the challenge is that obstacles present along the track regularly interrupt the communication. Our solution offers optimal performance with a minimum amount of redundancy.

Error Control in Wireless Sensor Networks : A Process Control Perspective

Eriksson, Oskar January 2011 (has links)
The use of wireless technology in the process industry is becoming increasingly important to obtain fast deployment at low cost. However, poor channel quality often leads to retransmissions, which are governed by Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) schemes. While ARQ is a simple and useful tool to alleviate packet errors, it has considerable disadvantages: retransmissions lead to an increase in energy expenditure and latency. The use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) however offers several advantages. We consider a Hybrid-ARQ-Adaptive-FEC scheme (HAF) based on BCH codes and Channel State Information. This scheme is evaluated on AWGN and fading channels. It is shown that HAF offers significantly improved performance both in terms of energy efficiency and latency, as compared to ARQ.

Simulace přenosu DVB-S2 / Simulation of the DVB-S2 Transmission

Klíma, Jindřich January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focusing on the second satellite digital TV standard, DVB-S2. It deals with the principle of the digital TV and the first standard DVB-S. It also describes the very beginning and characteristics of the DVB-S2, new technologies in use, architecture and the individual topics are then explained more in detail. The thesis also contains the program of transmission simulation of DVB-S2 in MATLAB. In the laboratory of television technology UREL, two standards were measured and compared with the values obtained from the program. The functionality of the program and the benefits of DVB-S2 were verified afterwards.

Forward Error Correction for Evading Detection in Aircraft Communications Systems : An evaluation of Forward Error Correction codes

Nguyen, Johnny, Jahr, Johannes January 2024 (has links)
Background. To avoid revealing the positions of aircrafts in military contexts, it is important that communication between friendly aircraft is not detected by unauthorized parties. By implementing Forward Error Correction (FEC), communication can be transmitted at lower power without corrupting the message, thereby decreasing the risk of detection. Objectives. The objective of this thesis is to identify FEC codes that meet theperformance and reliability requirements for correcting errors in airborne communication. The evaluation of these codes is based on a balance of their Error Correcting Capability, Reduced Bandwidth Efficiency, Computational Costs, as well as their suitability at different altitudes. Methods. In this thesis, two methods have been used to conduct the research: a literature review to examine previous work in the area, and an experimental method where the FEC codes were tested through simulations in MATLAB. Results. Multiple Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes were shown to possess the ability to achieve a Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10−6 for a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) below 11 dB in low, moderate and high altitude fading. Computational costs were satisfactory for all FEC codes considered. RS(15,3) was deemed to be the most reliable code. Conclusions. The need for FEC codes in aircrafts with low SNR were made clear. The balance between achieved BER, reduced bandwidth efficiency and computational costs was evaluated to contribute insights on the performance of the considered FEC codes. The authors recommended RS(15,3) if enough bandwidth was available. / Bakgrund. För att undvika att positionen för flygplan i millitära sammanhang avslöjas är det viktigt att kommunikationen mellan flygplanen inte upptäcks av obehöriga. Genom att implementera Forward Error Correction (FEC) kan kommunikationen sändas med en lägre effekt utan att meddelandet blir korrupt, vilket minskar risken för att kommunikationen upptäcks. Syfte. Syftet med denna avhandling är att identifiera FEC-koder som uppfyller de prestanda- och pålitlighetskrav som ställs för att kunna korrigera fel i luftburen kommunikation. Utvärderingen av koderna baseras på den balans som uppnås mellan felkorrigerande förmåga, effektiv överföring, uträkningskomplexitet samt deras lämplighet olika altituder. Metod. I detta arbete har två metoder använts för att bedriva forskningen: en literaturstudie där tidigare arbete inom samma område undersökts, samt en experimentell metod där koderna testats genom olika simuleringar i MATLAB. Resultat. Flera Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) och Reed-Solomon(RS)-koder visades ha förmågan att uppnå en BER på 10−6 för ett Signal-brusförhållande (SNR) under 11 dB vid fading på låg, måttlig och hög höjd. Beräkningskostnaderna var tillfredsställande för alla beaktade FEC-koder. RS(15,3) ansågs vara den mest tillförlitliga koden. Slutsatser. Behovet av FEC-koder i flygplan med låg SNR klargjordes. Balansen mellan uppnådd BER, minskad bandbreddseffektivitet och beräkningskostnader utvärderades för att bidra med insikter om prestandan hos de beaktade FEC-koderna. Författarna rekommenderade RS(15,3) om det fanns tillräckligt med bandbredd.

Internet Video Transmission

Dan, György January 2006 (has links)
The Internet has rapidly evolved from being a scientific experiment to a commercial network connecting millions of hosts that carries traffic generated by a large amount of applications with diverse requirements. Its architecture was however designed to enable efficient point-to-point delivery of bulk data, and can not provide statistical guarantees on the timely delivery of delay sensitive data such as streaming and real-time multimedia. Thus, applications that require low loss probabilities in today's Internet have to use some end-to-end error recovery mechanism. For delay sensitive applications the introduced latency by the applied schemes has to be low as well. Traffic control functions such as delay limited shaping and forward error correction (FEC), and multiple description coding (MDC) have been proposed for variable bitrate video. Their major drawback is, however, that it is difficult to predict their efficiency, as it depends on many factors like the characteristics of the stream itself, the characteristics of the traffic in the network and the network parameters. Consequently, it is difficult to decide which control mechanisms to employ, how to combine them and to choose the right parameters (e.g. block length, code rate) for optimal performance. In this thesis we present results on the efficiency of traffic control functions and MDC for video transmission based on mathematical models and simulations. We investigate the efficiency of delay limited traffic shaping and the trade-offs in the joint use of traffic shaping and forward error correction. We identify the packet size distribution of the traffic in the network as an additional factor that may influence the efficiency of FEC, and present a thorough analysis of its possible effects. We present an analytical comparison of MDC versus media-dependent FEC and media-independent FEC, and based on the results we conclude that MDC is a promising error control solution for multimedia communications with very strict delay bounds in an environment with bursty losses. We combine the analytical results with traces from measurements performed on the Internet to evaluate how efficient these error control schemes are under real loss patterns. We compare the efficiency of MDC and media-dependent FEC in the presence of channel estimation errors; we propose a new rate allocation method, which is robust to mis-estimations of the channel state and which improves error resilience on non-stationary channels. Finally we present an analytical model of the performance of an end-point-based multimedia streaming architecture based on multiple distribution trees and forward error correction, and analyze the behavior of the architecture for a large number of nodes. / QC 20101115

An Analysis of the MOS under Conditions of Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss and an Analysis of the Impact of Introducing Piggybacking and Reed Solomon FEC for VOIP

Ribadeneira, Alexander F 04 May 2007 (has links)
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a real time application that allows transmitting voice through the Internet network. Recently there has been amazing progress in this field, mainly due to the development of voice codecs that react appropriately under conditions of packet loss, and the improvement of intelligent jitter buffers that perform better under conditions of variable inter packet delay. In addition, there are other factors that indirectly benefited VoIP. Today, computer networks are faster due to the advances in hardware and breakthrough algorithms. As a result, the quality of VoIP calls has improved considerably. However, the quality of VoIP calls under extreme conditions of packet loss still remains a major problem that needs to be addressed for the next generation of VoIP services. This thesis concentrates in making an analysis of the effects that network impairments, such as: delay, jitter, and packet loss have in the quality of VoIP calls and approaches to solve this problem. Finally, we analyze the impact of introducing forward error correction (FEC) Piggybacking and Reed Solomon codes for VoIP. To measure the mean opinion score of VoIP calls we develop an application based on the E-Model, and utilize perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ).

On Forward Error Correction in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks

Li, Wei, Guo, Zhiyuan January 2012 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used in many applications, for example industrial applications, automatic control applications, monitoring applications, to name but a few. Although WSN can employ different standards in order to achieve short range wireless communication, the mainstream of the market is toadopt the low-power, low-rate IEEE 802.15.4 standard. However, this standard does not specify any block codes on the Physical layer (PHY) and the MAC sublayer. Reliability and energy efficiency are two important metrics used to evaluate the WSN performance. In order to enhance the reliability of the WSN performance, schemes such as Forward Error Correction (FEC) and HybridAutomatic Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) can be introduced on the PHY and MACsublayer when transmitting signals. However, this will reduce the energy efficiency of the WSN. In order to investigate what does affect the reliability and energy efficiency, this thesis has been conducted with the assistance of Matlab simulations, which simulate different transmission schemes proposed by the authors. Based on the simulations, both the reliability and energy efficiency can be evaluated and the results are illustrated for both metrics. The objective of this thesis is to determine a scheme that is able to meet these metric requirements.

Forward Error Correction for Packet Switched Networks

Valverde Martínez, David, Parada Otte, Francisco Javier January 2008 (has links)
The main goal in this thesis is to select and test Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes suitable for network video transmission over RTP/UDP. There is a general concern in communication networks which is to achieve a tradeoff between reliable transmission and the delay that it takes. Our purpose is to look for techniques that improve the reliability while the realtime delay constraints are fulfilled. In order to achieve it, the FEC techniques focus on recovering the packet losses that come up along any transmission. The FEC schemes that we have selected are Parity Check algorithm, ReedSolomon (RS) codes and a Convolutional code. Simulations are performed to test the different schemes. The results obtained show that the RS codes are the more powerful schemes in terms of recovery capabilities. However they can not be deployed for every configuration since they go beyond the delay threshold. On the other hand, despite of the Parity Check codes being the less efficient in terms of error recovery, they show a reasonable low delay. Therefore, depending on the packet loss probability that we are working with, we may chose one or other of the different schemes. To summarize, this thesis includes a theoretical background, a thorough analysis of the FEC schemes chosen, simulation results, conclusions and proposed future work.

Power Characterization of a Gbit/s FPGA Convolutional LDPC Decoder

Li, Si-Yun January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we present an FPGA implementation of parallel-node low-density-parity-check convolutional-code (PN-LDPC-CC) encoder and decoder. A 2.4 Gbit/s rate-1/2 (3, 6) PN-LDPC-CC encoder and decoder were implemented on an Altera development and education board (DE4). Detailed power measurements of the FPGA board for various configurations of the design have been conducted to characterize the power consumption of the decoder module. For an Eb/N0 of 5 dB, the decoder with 9 processor cores (pipelined decoder iteration stages) has a bit-error-rate performance of 10E-10 and achieves an energy-per-coded-bit of 1.683 nJ based on raw power measurement results. The increase in Eb/N0 can effectively reduce the decoder power and energy-per-coded-bit for configurations with 5 or more processor cores for Eb/N0 < 5 dB. The incremental decoder power cost and incremental energy-per-coded-bit also hold a linearly decreasing trend for each additional processor core. Additional experiments are performed to account for the effect of the efficiency of the DC/DC converter circuitry on the raw power measurement data. Further experiments have also been conducted to quantify the effect of clipping thresholds, bit width for each processor core on bit-error-rate (BER) performance, power consumption, and logic utilization of the decoder. A “6Core" decoder with growing bit-width log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) has been found to have a BER performance near that of a “6Core" 6-bit decoder while consuming similar power, and logic utilization to that of a 5-bit “6Core" decoder.

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