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The nature and pedagogical implications of English first additional Language writing among FET phase learners in the Pinetown districtNgubane, Nomalungelo. I., Ntombela, B.X.S., Govender, S. January 2018 (has links)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, Faculty of Education, 2018. / Writing remains central to effective learning. It is through writing that learners are able to access knowledge, express their ideas and thoughts in different subjects across the curriculum. Through writing, learners are also expected to display the acquired knowledge in their assessments and examinations. Competency in writing is therefore crucial for learners, especially in the last three years of schooling, prior to them entering the demanding writing contexts of higher education. Despite this, writing continues to be a challenge for the majority of learners in South Africa, especially those learners writing in their second language in which they are not competent and confident. Thus, this calls for the special attention to how writing is taught and learnt, specifically at the FET levels.
This study, therefore, investigated the nature and pedagogical implication of English
First Additional Language Learners (EFAL) writing among Further Education and Training (FET) phase learners in the Pinetown District. Guided by the Socio-cultural Learning Theory, I observed the writing lessons, analysed the types of writing produced by learners and explored the quality of writing among FET learners to understand the extent to which the writing practices and pedagogy meet the expectations of the curriculum.
Five FET schools in the Pinetown District were purposively selected to participate in this study. Underpinned by the qualitative framework, the study employed the interpretative paradigm to understand the human experiences of writing within the natural classroom contexts. To gain insights into the writing activities and classroom pedagogy, five writing lessons were observed and recorded using a video camera. To understand the types of writing and the quality of learners’ writing, learners’ written tasks were collected and analysed.
Findings from the analysis of the sample of written tasks collected from the five schools indicated that learners produced different types of writing: narrative essays, formal letters, friendly letters, formal letters, obituaries, diary entries, directions, interviews, invitation cards and covering letters. The study also found that this is in line with the curriculum which suggests that learners should be exposed to different types of texts to develop their cognitive and creative writing skills. The study found
that the learners’ writing contained recurring incorrect spelling, misuse of capitalisation, violation of punctuation rules and incorrect use of tenses. Even though the analysis of the learners’ written tasks revealed that such incorrect use of writing mechanics does not necessarily affect comprehension or meaning of the learners’ texts, they, however, affect the overall judgement of the learners’ writing. Data from classroom observations, lesson analyses and analysis of the curriculum show that, at most, the writing approaches used by the teachers were in line with the writing approach suggested by the curriculum. Findings from the analyses of the writing lessons indicate that teachers mostly used the question and answer method to teach writing in the five schools. This method entails the teachers controlling the interactions in the classrooms through nomination-response cycle. The findings from the analyses of lessons suggest that teachers creatively employed code-switching for pedagogical and pastoral purposes. The study found code-switching to enhance learners’ understanding and thus fulfils an academic purpose, especially in situations where switching to isiZulu explained concepts better.
The study concludes that the effectiveness of any curriculum and pedagogy depends on the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of writing and approaches to writing. For the effective development of the learners’ writing, teachers must, firstly, understand their curriculum and implement it in their classrooms. Secondly, the researcher believes that successful teaching and learning of writing also depends on the effective instruction methods that embrace the socio-cultural learning perspectives. Lastly, the researcher found code-switching to be inevitable in second language writing classrooms where the teachers and learners are competent in more than one language. The study recommends collaborative writing activities in the learners’ Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and the recognition of learners’ home language for the learning of second language writing skills.
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An investigation into the motivation to learn of further education training phase learners in a multicultural classroomBosman, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The central theme of the research is an investigation into what motivates FET phase learners
to learn. All learners are interested in learning certain things however, learners interests
often do not correspond with what teachers are required to teach. Teachers are therefore
constantly searching for ways to motivate learners to learn. This challenge is not easy for
teachers in a culturally homogenous classroom, but becomes even greater when the classes
are comprised of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. So then how does a teacher
motivate learners in general, and more specifically learners from different cultural
orientations? This is a difficult question to answer but one that needs to be addressed
considering the diversity of cultures found in the South African classroom. In this study an
attempt is made to examine what motivates learners to learn, and the influence of culture on
the motivation to learn of Further Education and Training (FET) phase learners in a
multicultural classroom. Data on these two elements is collected through the use of structured
questionnaires and focus group interviews and is analysed in order to answer the research
question. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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An investigation into the motivation to learn of further education training phase learners in a multicultural classroomBosman, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The central theme of the research is an investigation into what motivates FET phase learners
to learn. All learners are interested in learning certain things however, learners interests
often do not correspond with what teachers are required to teach. Teachers are therefore
constantly searching for ways to motivate learners to learn. This challenge is not easy for
teachers in a culturally homogenous classroom, but becomes even greater when the classes
are comprised of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. So then how does a teacher
motivate learners in general, and more specifically learners from different cultural
orientations? This is a difficult question to answer but one that needs to be addressed
considering the diversity of cultures found in the South African classroom. In this study an
attempt is made to examine what motivates learners to learn, and the influence of culture on
the motivation to learn of Further Education and Training (FET) phase learners in a
multicultural classroom. Data on these two elements is collected through the use of structured
questionnaires and focus group interviews and is analysed in order to answer the research
question. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Teachers' and learners' views on the role that entrepreneurship education plays in career choice decision-making of Business studies learners in Ekurhuleni Gauteng East DistrictAjayi, Oluwakemi Bolanle 11 1900 (has links)
As unemployment is on the rise in developing economies as the result of a decline in the
global economy during the past decade, increased attention is paid to entrepreneurship
as generator of global economic growth. It has been noted that sustainable economic
development cannot be achieved without entrepreneurship, nor can a country increase
its gross domestic product and stock of wealth, or improve its citizens’ quality of life, if
entrepreneurship is not increased.
In order to increase the prospect of entrepreneurship in a country, it is necessary to
introduce secondary school learners to entrepreneurship from the early grades,
specifically the Grades 8 and 9 General Education and Training phase years. To
stimulate learners’ interest in the subject, it is important to provide them with appropriate
resources and textbooks, competent teachers and a well-structured curriculum. The
knowledge and skills gained from studying entrepreneurship could influence learners’
future career choices. The unemployment rate in South Africa is high and 70 per cent of
unemployed South Africans are youths. This percentage grows annually as learners exit
the Further Education and Training (FET) phase.
There is a dearth of literature on the attitudes of South African Business Studies
learners in the FET phase towards entrepreneurship as a future career. Additionally, the
role that entrepreneurship education plays in the potential career choices of Business Studies learners in the FET phase has not been explored extensively. Consequently this
study attempted to explore the role of entrepreneurship education in influencing
Business Studies learners in the FET phase in choosing entrepreneurship as a career.
A qualitative case study research method was used to conduct the study. Three schools
were identified and data were collected from them. The data-gathering methods
employed were face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with Business Studies teachers;
and focus group interviews with Business Studies learners in the three schools. The objective of the interviews was to determine the respondents’ views on the role that
entrepreneurship education plays in learners’ career choices. The findings of the study
indicate that teachers and learners strongly agree that entrepreneurship education plays
a significant role in learners’ choice of entrepreneurship as a career. However, the
respondents (both teachers and learners) highlighted challenges that could prevent
learners from choosing entrepreneurship as a career. / Namate ʼn insinking in die wêreldekonomie die afgelope dekadewerkloosheid in
ontwikkelende lande laat toeneem het, geniet entrepreneurskap as stimulus vir globale
ekonomiese groei groter aandag. Dit is alombekend dat entrepreneurs noodsaaklik is vir
volhoubare ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Sonder entrepreneurs kan geen ekonomie groei
nie, kan geen land sy bruto binnelandse produk en rykdomreserwe vermeerdernie, en
bly sy burgers se lewenstandaard onveranderd.
Ten einde entrepreneurs te kweek, moet hoërskoolleerders reeds in Graad 8 en 9, in die
jare van Algemene Onderwys en Opleiding (oftewel die AOO-fase), met
entrepreneurskap kennis maak. Om hulle belangstelling te prikkel, isgeskikte
hulpmiddels en handboeke, bevoegde onderwysers en ʼn behoorlik gestruktureerde
kurrikulum noodsaaklik. Die kennis en vaardighede wat leerders in die studie van
entrepreneurskap opdoen, kan hulle loopbaankeuse bepaal. Suid-Afrika het ʼn hoë
werkloosheidsyfer en 70 persent van die land se werkloses is jongmense. Hierdie
persentasie styg jaar na jaar namate leerders die fase vir Verdere Onderwys en
Opleiding (VOO) voltooi.
Daar is ʼn skaarste aan literatuur oor die vraagof Besigheidstudiein die VOO-fase Suid-
Afrikaanse leerders se ingesteldheid jeens entrepreneurskapas loopbaan beïnvloed.
Ook is die rol wat onderrig in entrepreneurskap in leerders se keuse van ʼn loopbaan
speel, nog nie volledig ondersoek nie. Gevolglik poog hierdie studie om te bepaal of
onderrig in entrepreneurskap Besigheidstudieleerders in die VOO-fase entrepreneurs
van beroep laat word.
ʼn Kwalitatiewe gevallestudie is as navorsingsmetode gebruik. Data is by drie skole ingesamel. By hierdie skole is deels gestruktureerde onderhoude van aangesig tot
aangesig gevoer met Besigheidstudieonderwysers en fokusgroeponderhoude met
Besigheidstudieleerders. Die doel van die onderhoude was om vas te stel of leerders van mening is dat onderrig in entrepreneurskap hulle loopbaankeuse bepaal. Volgens
die bevindings van hierdie studie is onderwysers en leerders dit volkome eens dat
onderrig ʼn bepalende rol in leerders se keuse van entrepreneurskap as loopbaan speel.
Desnietemin het sowel onderwysers as leerders op uitdagings gewys wat verhoed dat
leerders hierdie loopbaan volg. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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An e-learning instructional design framework for mobile devices in AfricaGarbers, Rachel 12 1900 (has links)
English text, with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study aims to propose an e-learning framework for mobile devices in Africa to help improve enrolment rates and education standards in the FET (Further Education and Training) phase. The study is qualitative in nature and employs document analysis as main research method. An overview of the South African education context with supporting statistical data to motivate why an e-learning alternative is crucial for improving South African and African education is provided. The literature review includes a descriptive analysis of 7 existing e- and m-learning frameworks, with key features highlighted for possible adaptation or incorporation into an e-learning framework for Africa. Behaviourism, Constructivism and Connectivism are discussed as applicable learning theories to pedagogically underpin this proposed e-learning framework. Thereafter, a critical evaluation of current South African education policy documents (White Papers, the Norms and Standards for Educators and the Draft Policy for the Provision and Management of Learning Teaching and Support Materials) is conducted to determine whether these policies support and enable e-learning effectively. Part 2 of Chapter 5 comprises a critical analysis and comparison of education systems and applicable legislation in the USA, Finland and Malawi to establish how education is structured and how e-learning is administered in these countries to make relevant recommendations for South Africa and to inform the design of an e-learning framework for Africa. Research findings are presented as answers to the research questions posed and the proposed e-learning framework with further recommendations are presented to the South African Department of Basic Education, teachers and researchers. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir mobiele toestelle vir Afrika voor te stel, sodat inskrywingsgetalle en onderrig- en leerstandaarde in die Verdere Onderrig en Opleidings (VOO) fase verbeter kan word. Dit is ‘n kwalitatiewe studie en dokumentanalise word as navorsingsmetode toegepas. ‘n Oorsig van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel en konteks met ondersteunende statistiese bevindinge word verduidelik om e-onderrig-en-leer as noodsaaklike alternatief vir Suid-Afrika en Afrika te motiveer. Die literatuuroorsig sluit ‘n beskrywende analise van sewe bestaande e- en m-onderrig-en-leer (mobiele-onderrig-en-leer) raamwerke in. Hoofkenmerke van elke raamwerk word uitgelig vir moontlike aanpassing en inkorporering in ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir die Afrika-konteks. Leerteorië, nl Behaviourisme, Konstruktivisme en Konnektivisme (Connectivism) word in diepte bespreek as pedagogies fundamenteel om die e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk te onderbou en te ondersteun. ‘n Kritiese evaluasie van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysbeleid (d.w.s. Witskrifte, die Norme and Standaarde vir Onderwysers en die konsepdokument oor die Voorsiening en Bestuur van Onderrig-, Leer- en Ondersteuningsmateriaal) is gedoen om vas te stel of die beleid wel e-onderrig-en-leer effektief ondersteun en prakties moontlik maak. ‘n Krities analitiese en vergelykende studie van die VSA (Verenigde State van Amerika), Finland en Malawi se onderwysstelsels- en wetgewing is gedoen in hoofstuk 5 deel 2 om te bepaal hoe dié lande onderwys struktureer en hoe e-onderrig-en–leer geadministreer word, sodat relevante voorstelle vir Suid-Afrika gemaak kan word en om insae te lewer in die ontwerp van ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk toepaslik vir die Afrika-kontinent. Navorsingsbevindinge word voorgelê aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Basiese Onderwys, onderwysers sowel as aan navorsers. / Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphakamisa uhlaka lwe-e-learning lamadivaysi eselula e-Afrika ukusiza ukuthuthukisa izinga lokubhalisa nezindinganiso zemfundo kwiSigaba se-FET (Further Education and Training). Ucwaningo luyimfanelo enemvelo futhi lusebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwedokhumenti njengendlela yokucwaninga eyinhloko. Ukuhlolisisa umongo wezemfundo waseNingizimu Afrika ngokusekela imniningwane yezibalo ukugqugquzela ukuthi kungani enye yokufunda email ibalulekile ekuthuthukiseni imfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika ne-Afrika. Ukubuyekezwa kwezincwadi kuhlanganisa ukuhlaziywa okuchazayo kwezinhlaka eziyisikhombisa ezisekhona ze-e- e-m-learning, nezici eziyinhloko eziqokonyiswe ukukhishwa kwe-adaption noma ukufakwa kwisakhiwo se-e-learning se-Afrika. Ukuzikhethela, Ukwakhiwa kwe-Constructivism (Kwe Zokwakha) kanye ne-Connectivism (Kwe Zokuxhumana) kuxoxwa njengezifundo ezifanele zokufunda ukusekela lolu hlelo oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning. Ngemuva kwaloko, ukuhlolwa okubalulekile kwemibhalo yamanje yemfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika (Amaphepha Asemhlophe, Imigomo Nemigomo Yabafundisi kanye neNqubomgomo Yohlaka Lokufundiswa Nezifundo Nokusekela) kwenziwa ukuze kutholakale ukuthi lezi zinqubomgomo zisekela futhi zikwazi yini ukufundisa nge-e-ephumelelayo. Ingxenye yesibili yeSahluko sesihlanu iqukethe ukuhlaziywa okubucayi kanye nokuqhathaniswa kwezinhlelo zemfundo kanye nemithetho esebenzayo eMelika, eFinland nase Malawi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi imfundo ihlelwe kanjani nokuthi i-e-learning inikezwa kanjani ukwenza izincomo ezifanele eNingizimu Afrika nokwazisa ukuklama uhlaka lwe-e-learning lwe-Afrika. Imiphumela yokucwaninga inikezwa njengezimpendulo zemibuzo yokucwaninga ephakanyisiwe kanye nohlaka oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning kanye nezincomo ezengeziwe ezethulwa eMnyangweni wezemfundo Eyisisekelo, othisha nabacwaningi baseNingizimu Afrika. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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