Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denite element analysis"" "subject:"bonite element analysis""
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Failure Analysis Of Thick CompositesErdem, Melek Esra 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A three-dimensional finite element model is constructed to predict the failure of a hybrid and thick laminate containing bolted joints. The results of the simulation are compared with test results. The simulation comprises two main challenging steps. Firstly, for a realistic model, a 3D model is established with geometric nonlinearities and contact is takeninto account. The laminated composite model is constructed by 3D layered elements. The effect of different
number of elements through the thickness is investigated. The failure prediction is the second part of the simulation study. Solutions with and without progressive failure approach are obtained and the effect of progressive failure analysis for an optimum simulation of failure is discussed. The most appropriate failure criteria to predict the failure of a thick composite structure is also investigated by considering various failure criteria. By comparing
the test results with the ones found from the finite element analyses, the validity of the developed model and the chosen failure criteria are discussed.
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Seismic Performance Assessment of Multi-Storey Buildings with Cold Formed Steel Shear Wall SystemsMartinez Martinez, Joel January 2007 (has links)
Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) is a material used in the fabrication of structural and non-structural elements for the construction of commercial and residential buildings. CFS exhibits several advantages over other construction materials such as wood, concrete and hot-rolled steel (structural steel). The outstanding advantages of CFS are its lower overall cost and non-combustibility. The steel industry has promoted CFS in recent decades, causing a notable increase in the usage of CFS in building construction. Yet, structural steel elements are still more highly preferred, due to the complex analysis and design procedures associated with CFS members. In addition, the seismic performance of CFS buildings and their elements is not well known.
The primary objective of this study is to develop a method for the seismic assessment of the lateral-load resistant shear wall panel elements of CFS buildings. The Performance-Based Design (PBD) philosophy is adopted as the basis for conducting the seismic assessment of low- and mid-rise CFS buildings, having from one to seven storeys. Seismic standards have been developed to guide the design of buildings such that they do not collapse when subjected to specified design earthquakes. PBD provides the designer with options to choose the performance objectives to be satisfied by a building to achieve a satisfactory design. A performance objective involves the combination of an earthquake (i.e., seismic hazard) and a performance level (i.e., limit state) expected for the structure. The building capacity related to each performance level is compared with the demand imposed by the earthquake. If the earthquake demand is less than the building capacity, the structure is appropriately designed.
The seismic performance of a CFS building is obtained using pushover analysis, a nonlinear method of seismic analysis. This study proposes a Simplified Finite Element Analysis (SFEA) method to carry out the nonlinear structural analysis. In this study, lateral drifts associated with four performance levels are employed as acceptance criteria for the PBD assessment of CFS buildings. The lateral drifts are determined from experimental data.
In CFS buildings, one of the primary load-resistant elements is Shear Wall Panel (SWP). The SWP is constructed with vertically spaced and aligned C-shape CFS studs. The ends of the studs are screwed to the top and bottom tracks, and structural sheathing is installed on one or both sides of the wall. For the analysis of CFS buildings, Conventional Finite Element Analysis (CFEA) is typically adopted. However, CFEA is time consuming because of the large number of shell and frame elements required to model the SWP sheathing and studs. The SFEA proposed in this study consists of modeling each SWP in the building with an equivalent shell element of the same dimensions; that is, a complete SWP is modeled by a 16-node shell element. Thus, significantly fewer elements are required to model a building for SFEA compared to that required for CFEA, saving both time and resources. A model for the stiffness degradation of a SWP is developed as a function of the lateral strength of the SWP. The model characterizes the nonlinear behaviour of SWP under lateral loading, such that a realistic response of the building is achieved by the pushover analysis.
The lateral strength of a SWP must be known before its seismic performance can be assessed. In current practice, the lateral strength of a SWP is primarily determined by experimental tests due to the lack of applicable analytical methods. In this investigation, an analytical method is developed for determining the ultimate lateral strength of SWP, and associated lateral displacement. The method takes into account the various factors that affect the behaviour and the strength of SWP, such as material properties, geometrical dimensions, and construction details.
To illustrate the effectiveness and practical application of the proposed methodology for carrying out the PBD assessment of CFS buildings, several examples are presented. The responses predicted by the SFEA are compared with responses determined experimentally for isolated SWP. In addition, two building models are analyzed by SFEA, and the results are compared with those found by SAP2000 (2006). Lastly, the PBD assessment of two buildings is conducted using SFEA and pushover analysis accounting for the nonlinear behaviour of the SWP, to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed technology.
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Vertical Displacements in a Medium-rise Timber Building : Limnologen in Växjö, SwedenZeng, Xiong yu, Ren, Su Xin, Omar, Sabri January 2009 (has links)
Träbyggnandet i Sverige gick in i en ny era när myndigheterna beslutade att upphäva förbudet mot att bygga byggnader som är högre än två våningar. Denna förändring i lagstiftningen har bidragit till att utveckla träbyggandet under det senaste decenniet. Cross Laminerat Timber (CLT) har blivit erkänt som en ny teknik som använt på ett korrekt sätt ger starka och pålitliga konstruktioner. Materialet visar sig mer och mer intressant huvudsakligen beroende på den styvhet och styrka det visar i olika tester. Ett av de projekt som använt CLT som bärande element är Limnologen i staden Växjö 500 kilometer söder om Stockholm. I detta projekt har både väggar och bjälklag med bärande delar av CLT använts. En av utmaningarna i samband med högre träbyggande är att beräkna och ta hänsyn till de vertikala förskjutningarna i stommen. Orsakerna till förskjutningen är momentana samt tidsberoende. I denna uppsats utvärderas dessa vertikala förskjutningar med två olika metoder. Den första av dessa är experimentell. Förskjutningarna mättes av en grupp forskare från Växjö universitet och utvärderas i denna rapport. Den andra är en Finit Element Modell där förskjutningarna simuleras beroende på parametrar som anses viktiga. Resultatet av simuleringen jämförs med de experimentellt erhållna värdena. Simulering är ett viktigt sätt att förutsäga förskjutningar i CLT byggnader i framtiden. Alla modeller har gjorts med hjälp av finita element programmet Abaqus. FEM- modellen av Limnologen består av ett väggelement per våning i sex våningar. Detta element är det element där också förskjutningarna mätts på plats. På så sätt kan modell och verklighet jämföras. Förutom väggelement modelleras också bjälklagselement och kopplingen mellan vägg och bjälklag. De experimentella resultaten har analyserats i programvaran Matlab. Resultatet blev ett antal grafer som redovisar förloppet. Det viktigaste resultatet är det som visar både den totala relativa förskjutningen samtidigt som den visar fuktkvoten i CLT- skivan. Fuktkvoten beräknades från temperatur och relativ luftfuktighet som båda mättes på plats. Slutsatsen är att man med en simulering kan åstadkomma en acceptabel tillförlitlighet med avseende på vertikala förskjutningar. Krympningen har spelat en viktig roll för förskjutningarna. Den maximala förskjutningen som erhållits från mätningar var 21 mm medan det maximala förskjutningen fått från simuleringen baserad på tre olika antaganden var 35 mm, 33 mm och 17 mm. Skillnaden i resultaten kan delvis förklaras av de antaganden som använts för beräkning av fuktkvot och antagandet om fiberriktningen i timret. I simuleringen antogs fuktkvoten vara konstant över alla tre lager i CLT- skivan i de två första fallen. Orienteringen av fibrerna antogs radiell och tangentiell. Det tredje antagandet bygger på att fukten enbart påverkar det yttersta lagret i skivan. Detta antagande är rimligt på grund av tidsåtgången att uppnå fuktjämvikt och på grund av det limlager som skiljer lagren åt och hindrar fukt att vandra från ett lager till ett annat. / The history of timber buildings in Sweden entered a new era when the authorities decided to lift the ban on constructing more than two-storey timber buildings in Sweden. This change in legislations has contributed to the emergence of timber construction during the last decade. The Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has become recognized as a new technology that used correctly in construction gives strong and reliable structures. The building material is gaining more credit day by day mainly due to the stiffness and strength it proved throughout the tests in projects where it was used. One of the projects that used CLT as load bearing elements was Limnologen in the city of Växjö 500 kilometres south of Stockholm. In this project, a system of CLT floors as well as CLT walls has been used. One of the challenges related to medium-rise timber buildings in general is to calculate and take account of the vertical displacement of the whole building. The sources for the displacements are instantaneous elastic as well as time dependent. In this thesis we are introducing two evaluation methods for the vertical displacements in Limnologen. The first is the experimentally measured vertical displacement that was performed by a group of researchers from Växjö University, and the second is a Finite Element Model simulating the vertical displacement according to the factors and parameters thought to be important to be included in the modelling. The output of the simulation was to be compared with the experimentally obtained values. Simulation is an important way to predict the vertical displacement in future CLT buildings. All modelling were done using the finite element software Abaqus. The Abaqus model of the Limnologen building consists of six wall elements from six storeys. The modelled wall elements are the wall elements that the vertical displacement devices were installed on. The reason for this is to get a better picture of how the results from the model would yield in comparison to the site measurements. The floor itself and the sylodyn used in the interface between wall and floor were also modelled. The data collected from the site were processed in the software Matlab. Several graphs were attained out of the data processing. The most important graph is the one that include both the total relative displacement and the equivalent moisture content in the CLT. The equivalent moisture content was calculated from the measured temperature and relative humidity. In this thesis it is concluded that a simulation can accomplish an acceptable reliability with respect to the vertical displacements. The shrinkage factor has played a vital role in simulation of the displacements. The maximum displacement obtained from the measurements was 21 mm while the maximum displacement gained from the simulation based on three different assumptions was 35 mm, 33 mm, and 17 mm respectively with the similar displacement pattern. The difference in the results can partly be explained by the assumptions used for the equivalent moisture content and local coordinate system of the CLT layers. In the simulation the moisture content was assumed to be equal over each layer of the CLT-panel. The first two assumptions were formulated due to the amphibolous grain of the middle layer of the CLT-panel which was considered having effect on the vertical displacement. The third assumption was formulated due to the glue layer between the wood layers of the CLT-panel which was considered having effect on preventing moisture diffuse from one layer to another layer. In reality it is questionable if the moisture content is varied in the different layers of the CLT-panel. The diffusion of the moisture content hasn't been taken into account.
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Evaluation of an Interphase Element using Explicit Finite Element AnalysisSvensson, Daniel, Walander, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
A research group at University of Skövde has developed an interphase element for implementation in the commercial FE-software Abaqus. The element is using the Tvergaard & Hutchinson cohesive law and is implemented in Abaqus Explicit version 6.7 using the VUEL subroutine. This bachelor degree project is referring to evaluate the interphase element and also highlight problems with the element. The behavior of the interphase element is evaluated in mode I using Double Cantilever Beam (DCB)-specimens and in mode II using End Notch Flexure (ENF)-specimens. The results from the simulations are compared and validated to an analytical solution. FE-simulations performed with the interphase element show very good agreement with theory when using DCB- or ENF-specimens. The only exception is when an ENF-specimen has distorted elements. When using explicit finite element software the critical time step is of great importance for the results of the analyses. If a too long time step is used, the simulation will fail to complete or complete with errors. A feasible equation for predicting the critical time step for the interphase element has been developed by the research group and the reliability of this equation is evaluated. The result from simulations shows an excellent agreement with the equation when the interphase element governs the critical time step. However when the adherends governs the critical time step the equation gives a time step that is too large. A modification of this equation is suggested.
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Seismic Performance Assessment of Multi-Storey Buildings with Cold Formed Steel Shear Wall SystemsMartinez Martinez, Joel January 2007 (has links)
Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) is a material used in the fabrication of structural and non-structural elements for the construction of commercial and residential buildings. CFS exhibits several advantages over other construction materials such as wood, concrete and hot-rolled steel (structural steel). The outstanding advantages of CFS are its lower overall cost and non-combustibility. The steel industry has promoted CFS in recent decades, causing a notable increase in the usage of CFS in building construction. Yet, structural steel elements are still more highly preferred, due to the complex analysis and design procedures associated with CFS members. In addition, the seismic performance of CFS buildings and their elements is not well known.
The primary objective of this study is to develop a method for the seismic assessment of the lateral-load resistant shear wall panel elements of CFS buildings. The Performance-Based Design (PBD) philosophy is adopted as the basis for conducting the seismic assessment of low- and mid-rise CFS buildings, having from one to seven storeys. Seismic standards have been developed to guide the design of buildings such that they do not collapse when subjected to specified design earthquakes. PBD provides the designer with options to choose the performance objectives to be satisfied by a building to achieve a satisfactory design. A performance objective involves the combination of an earthquake (i.e., seismic hazard) and a performance level (i.e., limit state) expected for the structure. The building capacity related to each performance level is compared with the demand imposed by the earthquake. If the earthquake demand is less than the building capacity, the structure is appropriately designed.
The seismic performance of a CFS building is obtained using pushover analysis, a nonlinear method of seismic analysis. This study proposes a Simplified Finite Element Analysis (SFEA) method to carry out the nonlinear structural analysis. In this study, lateral drifts associated with four performance levels are employed as acceptance criteria for the PBD assessment of CFS buildings. The lateral drifts are determined from experimental data.
In CFS buildings, one of the primary load-resistant elements is Shear Wall Panel (SWP). The SWP is constructed with vertically spaced and aligned C-shape CFS studs. The ends of the studs are screwed to the top and bottom tracks, and structural sheathing is installed on one or both sides of the wall. For the analysis of CFS buildings, Conventional Finite Element Analysis (CFEA) is typically adopted. However, CFEA is time consuming because of the large number of shell and frame elements required to model the SWP sheathing and studs. The SFEA proposed in this study consists of modeling each SWP in the building with an equivalent shell element of the same dimensions; that is, a complete SWP is modeled by a 16-node shell element. Thus, significantly fewer elements are required to model a building for SFEA compared to that required for CFEA, saving both time and resources. A model for the stiffness degradation of a SWP is developed as a function of the lateral strength of the SWP. The model characterizes the nonlinear behaviour of SWP under lateral loading, such that a realistic response of the building is achieved by the pushover analysis.
The lateral strength of a SWP must be known before its seismic performance can be assessed. In current practice, the lateral strength of a SWP is primarily determined by experimental tests due to the lack of applicable analytical methods. In this investigation, an analytical method is developed for determining the ultimate lateral strength of SWP, and associated lateral displacement. The method takes into account the various factors that affect the behaviour and the strength of SWP, such as material properties, geometrical dimensions, and construction details.
To illustrate the effectiveness and practical application of the proposed methodology for carrying out the PBD assessment of CFS buildings, several examples are presented. The responses predicted by the SFEA are compared with responses determined experimentally for isolated SWP. In addition, two building models are analyzed by SFEA, and the results are compared with those found by SAP2000 (2006). Lastly, the PBD assessment of two buildings is conducted using SFEA and pushover analysis accounting for the nonlinear behaviour of the SWP, to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed technology.
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Nondeterministic Linear Static Finite Element Analysis: An Interval ApproachZhang, Hao 26 August 2005 (has links)
This thesis presents a nontraditional treatment for uncertainties in the material, geometry, and load parameters in linear static finite element analysis (FEA) for mechanics problems. Uncertainties are introduced as bounded possible values (intervals). FEA with interval parameters (interval FEA, IFEA) calculates the bounds on the system response based on the ranges of the system parameters. The obtained results should be accurate and efficiently computed. Toward this end, a rigorous interval FEA is developed and implemented.
In this study, interval arithmetic is used in the formulation to guarantee an enclosure for the response range. The main difficulty associated with interval computation is the dependence problem, which results in severe overestimation of the system response ranges. Particular attention in the development of the present method is given to control the dependence problem for sharp results. The developed method is based on an Element-By-Element (EBE) technique. By using the EBE technique, the interval parameters can be handled more efficiently to control the dependence problem. The penalty method and Lagrange multiplier method are used to impose the necessary constraints for compatibility and equilibrium. The resulting structure equations are a system of parametric linear interval equations. The standard fixed point iteration is modified, enhanced, and used to solve the interval equations accurately and efficiently. The newly developed dependence control algorithm ensures the convergence of the fixed point iteration even for problems with relatively large uncertainties. Further, special algorithms have been developed to calculate sharp results for stress and element nodal force. The present method is generally applicable to linear static interval FEA, regardless of element type.
Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the developed method. It is illustrated that the present method yields rigorous and accurate results which are guaranteed to enclose the true response ranges in all the problems considered, including those with a large number of interval variables (e.g., more than 250). The scalability of the present method is also illustrated. In addition to its accuracy, rigorousness and scalability, the efficiency of the present method is also significantly superior to conventional methods such as the combinatorial, the sensitivity analysis, and the Monte Carlo sampling method.
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A Finite Element Framework for Multiscale/Multiphysics Analysis of Structures with Complex MicrostructuresVarghese, Julian 2009 August 1900 (has links)
This research work has contributed in various ways to help develop a better understanding of textile composites and materials with complex microstructures in general. An instrumental part of this work was the development of an object-oriented framework that made it convenient to perform multiscale/multiphysics analyses of advanced materials with complex microstructures such as textile composites. In addition to the studies conducted in this work, this framework lays the groundwork for continued research of these materials.
This framework enabled a detailed multiscale stress analysis of a woven DCB specimen that revealed the effect of the complex microstructure on the stress and strain energy release rate distribution along the crack front. In addition to implementing an oxidation model, the framework was also used to implement strategies that expedited the simulation of oxidation in textile composites so that it would take only a few hours. The simulation showed that the tow architecture played a significant role in the oxidation behavior in textile composites. Finally, a coupled diffusion/oxidation and damage progression analysis was implemented that was used to study the mechanical behavior of textile composites under mechanical loading as well as oxidation. A parametric study was performed to determine the effect of material properties and the number of plies in the laminate on its mechanical behavior. The analyses indicated a significant effect of the tow architecture and other parameters on the damage progression in the laminates.
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Structural Optimization Of A Composite WingSokmen, Ozlem 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the structural optimization of a cruise missile wing is accomplished for the aerodynamic loads for four different flight conditions. The flight conditions correspond to the corner points of the V-n diagram. The structural analysis and optimization is performed using the ANSYS finite element program. In order to construct the flight envelope and to find the pressure distribution in each flight condition, FASTRAN Computational Fluid Dynamics program is used.
The structural optimization is performed for two different wing configurations. In the first wing configuration all the structural members are made up of aluminum material. In the second wing configuration, the skin panels are all composite material and the other members are made up of aluminum material. The minimum weight design which satisfies the strength and buckling constraints are found for both wings after the optimization analyses.
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Acoustical Analysis And Design Of Horn Type LoudspeakersUnal, Ayhun 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Computer aided auto-construction of various types of folded horns and acoustic analysis of coupled horn and driver systems are presented in this thesis. A new
procedure is developed for auto construction of folded horn shapes. Linear graph modeling technique is employed for specification of horn driver output in terms of
diaphragm velocity or throat pressure. In the final phase of the design procedure, acoustic analysis of folded horns is carried by means of finite element analysis. A
commercial software package MSC.ACTRAN is used to calculate directivity patterns and resulting acoustic pressure in the free field. Horn geometry consisting of linear, exponential, hyperbolic and tractrix shapes is
automatically constructed by parallel working of Delphi and finite element analysis program. The enclosure bordering the horn contours are considered rigid in the analyses. Maximum number of folding is limited to two. This study is made possible
to evaluate the performance of these four types of horn contours for a specified range of frequencies.
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Comparison Of Elastic And Inelastic Behavior Of Historic Masonry Structures At The Low Load LevelsOzen, Onder Garip 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Conventional methods used in the structural analysis are usually insufficient for the analysis of historical structures because of the complex geometry and heterogeneous material properties of the structure. Today&rsquo / s computing facilities
and methods make FEM the most suitable analysis method for complex structural geometry and heterogeneous material properties. Even the shrinkage, creep of the
material can be considered in the analysis. Because of this reason Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to analyze such structures. FEM converts the structure into finite number of elements with specific degree of freedoms and analyses the
structure by using matrix algebra. However, advanced FEM methods considering the inelastic and time dependent behavior of material is a very complex and difficult task and consumes considerable time. Because of this reason, to analyze every historical structure is not feasible by applying advanced inelastic FEM, whereas elastic FEM analysis at low load levels is very helpful in understanding the behavior of the structure.The analysis of a masonry gate in the historical city, Hasankeyf is the case study of this thesis. Different common software are used in FEM to compare the
stresses, deformations, modal shapes etc. of the same structure. Besides the inelastic behavior of the structure is investigated and compared with the elastic behavior of the structure. The study is intended to show that at the low load levels elastic FEM analysis is sufficient to understand the response of the structure and is preferable to the inelastic FEM analysis unless a very complex analysis is required
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