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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vivo FLIM-FRET as a novel technique to assess cAMP and cGMP in the intact zebrafish heart

Janßen, Julia Annika 30 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: 23 million patients worldwide suffer from heart failure. These patients depend on cardiac research, because cardiac research enables the development of new therapeutic strategies and –targets. In cardiomyocytes, the compartmentalization of cAMP and cGMP depends on many factors. T-tubuli and PDEs are responsible for the division of cells in microdomains in which localized and specific cAMP and cGMP-signaling occurs. The aim of this thesis was to develop a method to answer the open questions that remain about the physiological and pathophysiological significance of cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization. Methods: I used the zebrafish as a model, because the transparency of zebrafish larvae enabled non-invasive fluorescent imaging in cardiomyocytes in the living animal. I cloned the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) sensors EPAC1-camps for cAMP and cGi500 for cGMP and injected them into zebrafish fertilized embryos. Then I used the F0 generation for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) -FRET-measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Ca2+ is an important downstream mediator of cAMP and cGMP, because Ca2+ regulates cardiac contraction. Therefore, I also cloned the Ca2+ sensor GCaMP6 and used the dye Fluo-4 AM to include intracellular Ca2+ in the imaging. Results: The cloned sensors for cAMP, cGMP and Ca2+ were successfully injected into the zebrafish and showed expression in individual cardiomyocytes. I developed a protocol to mount the living zebrafish embryos and to measure intracellular cAMP and cGMP with FLIM-FRET in vivo with high spatial resolution. I characterized the sensors in their functionality by showing that the sensors react to changes in intracellular concentrations of cAMP and cGMP. The results of this study include evidence that zebrafish have mechanisms that lead to cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization in the absence of T-tubuli, and these mechanisms keep compartmentalization constant even under extreme cAMP or cGMP increasing drug treatment. Furthermore, I imaged intracellular Ca2+ by confocal microscopy and developed a protocol to use Fluo-4 AM for Ca2+ imaging. Conclusion: The method used in this thesis should allow the investigation of subcellular cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization and Ca2+ and to subsequently answer open questions in the field, for example whether a change of cAMP compartmentalization leads to the pathological phenotypes of cardiac disease or if a changed compartmentalization of cAMP in cardiac disease influences Ca2+ concentrations and therefore contraction. Additionally, this method can be used to learn more about cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ during regeneration in the heart, because the zebrafish cardiomyocytes can regenerate. / Einleitung: Weltweit sind mehr als 23 Millionen unter Herzinsuffizienz leidende Patienten auf die kardiologische Grundlagenforschung angewiesen, da diese die Voraussetzung für eine bessere Versorgung durch adaptierte und neue Behandlungswege schafft. In Kardiomyozyten hängt die Kompartimentierung von cAMP und cGMP von vielen Faktoren ab. T-Tubuli und PDEs werden unter anderem für die Aufteilung der Zellen in Mikrodomänen, in denen lokalisierte und spezifische cAMP- und cGMP-Signalgebung stattfinden kann, verantwortlich gemacht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Etablierung einer Methode, mithilfe derer offene Fragen bezüglich der physiologischen und insbesondere der pathophysiologischen Relevanz der cAMP- und cGMP Kompartimentierung beantwortet werden können. Methode: Als Modell diente der Zebrafisch, da die Transparenz von Zebrafisch Embryonen eine nicht-invasive Bildgebung von Fluoreszenz in Kardiomyozyten im lebenden Tier ermöglicht. Dafür klonierte ich die Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) -Sensoren EPAC1-camps als cAMP-Sensor und cGi500 als cGMP-Sensor und injizierte diese in befruchtete Zebrafisch Embryonen. Anschließend benutzte ich die F0-Generation für Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) -FRET-Messungen von cAMP und cGMP. Da Ca2+ als wichtiger downstream Mediator von cAMP und cGMP die kardiale Kontraktion reguliert, klonierte ich außerdem den Ca2+-Sensor GCaMP6 und benutzte den Farbstoff Fluo-4 AM, um intrazelluläres Ca2+ darzustellen. Ergebnisse: Die klonierten Sensoren für cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ konnten erfolgreich in den Zebrafisch injiziert werden und zeigten alle Expression in einzelnen Kardiomyozyten. Ich entwickelte ein Protokoll, dass die Fixierung von lebenden Zebrafisch Embryonen und nachfolgender Bildgebung von cAMP und cGMP mit hoher zellulärer Auflösung mit FLIM-FRET in vivo erlaubte. Ich konnte eine funktionelle Charakterisierung der Sensoren durchführen, indem ich zeigte, dass sie auf Konzentrationsänderungen von intrazellulärem cAMP und cGMP reagieren sowie zeigen, dass Zebrafische trotz fehlender T-Tubuli eine signifikante cAMP- und cGMP Kompartimentierung aufweisen, auch unter extremen Bedingungen nach Gabe von cAMP/cGMP stimulierenden Substanzen in hoher Dosierung. Ich konnte zudem subzelluläres Ca2+ durch konfokale Mikroskopie bildgebend darstellen und entwickelte ein Protokoll, um mit Fluo-4 AM eine schnelle Möglichkeit zu haben, Ca2+ mit in die Messungen einzubeziehen. Ausblick: Die in dieser Arbeit benutzte Methode bietet eine gute Möglichkeit, subzelluläre cAMP- und cGMP-Kompartimentierung und Ca2+ zu untersuchen und damit zum Beispiel die Fragen zu beantworten, ob eine veränderte cAMP/cGMP Kompartimentierung zu Herzkrankheiten wie Hypertrophie führt oder ob eine veränderte cAMP Kompartimentierung den zellulären Ca2+ Haushalt und damit die kardiale Kontraktion beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus kann das von mir etablierte Protokoll dazu genutzt werden, mehr über cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ während der Regeneration im Herzen zu lernen, da der Zebrafisch über ausgeprägte Regenerationsfähigkeiten verfügt.

Imagerie quantitative de l'assemblage de la NADPH oxydase des phagocytes en cellules vivantes par des approches FRET-FLIM / Imaging the assembly of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase in live cells - a quantitative FRET-FLIM approach

Ziegler, Cornelia 14 March 2016 (has links)
La NADPH oxydase des phagocytes (NOX2) est responsable de la production d’anions superoxydes qui sont les précurseurs des autres formes réactives de l’oxygène. NOX2 est une enzyme majeure de la réponse immunitaire. Les dysfonctionnements de NOX2 sont associés à de nombreuses pathologies et donc il convient d’en comprendre les détails de la régulation. Cette oxydase est composée de cinq sous-unités : deux protéines membranaires, gp91phox et p22phox et 3 protéines cytosoliques p47phox, p67phox et p40phox. D’après les études in vitro avec des protéines purifiées, les protéines cytosoliques sont supposées former un complexe ternaire qui se déplace à la membrane avec une petite protéine G, Rac, au moment l’activation.L’objectif de ce projet est de caractériser les interactions spécifiques entre les sous-unités cytosoliques de NOX2 en cellules vivantes en utilisant le phénomène de transfert résonant d’énergie de type Förster (FRET) entre deux fluorophores, un donneur et un accepteur. Ici les fluorophores seront des protéines fluorescentes de la famille de la GFP. Elles sont fusionnées à deux sous-unités. L’efficacité du FRET dépend de la distance entre les fluorophores et permet ainsi de caractériser les interactions entre les protéines d’intérêt. Une méthode rapide d’identification des situations où le FRET est positif a été mise au point par cytométrie en flux. Des études détaillées et quantitatives ont ensuite été réalisées en utilisant l’imagerie de durée de fluorescence (FLIM) du donneur. Le FLIM, combiné à l’utilisation de donneurs présentant une durée de vie mono-exponentielle, permet de déterminer directement des efficacités de FRET apparentes et moléculaires, qui contiennent, toutes les deux, des informations qualitatives et quantitatives sur l’interaction et la structure des protéines impliquées. De ces données, il est possible d’extraire la fraction des donneurs interagissant avec un accepteur. Les informations obtenues à partir des données de FRET-FLIM permettent une meilleure compréhension de l’organisation et de la régulation de NOX2 tout en permettant une estimation des constantes de dissociation (Kd). Afin de confirmer ces résultats, des expériences de spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence à deux couleurs (FCCS) ont été réalisées. Cette méthode complétement indépendante n’est pas basée sur la distance entre fluorophores comme le FRET mais sur leur co-diffusion à travers un petit volume d’observation dans le cytoplasme cellulaire.L’approche FRET-FLIM nous a tout d’abord permis d’observer les interactions entre hétéro-dimères formés de deux sous-unites différentes en cellules vivantes et d’exclure la formation d’homo-dimères entre deux sous-unités identiques. Etant donné la bonne précision des mesures de FLIM, nous avons pu comparer les informations structurales obtenues en cellules avec les données structurales issues d’études sur les protéines purifiées in vitro et nous avons constaté qu’elles sont en bon accord. Nous avons ensuite aligné les structures disponibles pour proposer un premier modèle 3D du complexe cytosolique de la NADPH oxydase au repos dans le cytosol cellulaire.Les fractions de protéines en interaction sont pour tous les hétéro-dimères autour de 20% ce qui n’est pas en accord avec l’hypothèse courante qui propose que toutes les sous-unités cytosoliques soient sous forme de complexe. Toutefois nos premiers résultats de FCCS confirment ce résultat extrait des données de FRET-FLIM. Nous proposons donc que la complexation des sous-unités cytosolique pourrait être impliquée dans la régulation de la NADPH oxydase. Des études complémentaires seront nécessaires pour valider cette nouvelle hypothèse. Les constantes de dissociation Kd estimées à partir de nos résultats sont micromolaires et donc un ordre de grandeur plus élevé que les valeurs nanomolaires déterminées in vitro. Des mesures plus détaillées de FCCS pourront compléter et valider ces résultats. / The phagocyte NADPH oxidase (NOX2) is a key enzyme of the immune system generating superoxide anions, which are precursors for other reactive oxygen species. Any dysfunctions of NOX2 are associated with a plethora of diseases and thus detailed knowledge about its regulation is needed. This oxidase is composed of five subunits, the membrane-bound gp91phox and p22phox and the cytosolic p47phox, p67phox, and p40phox. The latter are assumed to be in a ternary complex that translocates together with the small GTPase Rac to the membranous subunits during activation.Our aim was to discover and to characterize specific interactions of the cytosolic subunits of NOX2 in live cells using a Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) based approach: Since FRET depends on the distance between two fluorophores, it can be used to reveal protein-protein interactions non-invasively by studying fluorescent protein tagged subunits. To have a rapid method on hand to reveal specific interactions, a flow cytometer based FRET approach was developed. For more detailed studies, FRET was measured by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), because it allows a direct determination of the apparent and molecular FRET efficiency, which contains both qualitative and quantitative information about the interaction and the structure of the interacting proteins. Furthermore, the FRET-FLIM approach enables an estimation of the fraction of bound donor. This information itself is important for a better understanding of the organisation and regulation of the NOX2, but it is also necessary for the calculation of the dissociation constant Kd from the FRET-FLIM data. To confirm the findings obtained by FRET-FLIM fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) experiments were performed. This completely independent method is not based on distances like FRET but on the observation of the co diffusion of the fluorescently labelled samples when they move across a small observation volume inside the cells.The FRET-FLIM approach allowed us in a first step to discover heterodimeric interactions between all cytosolic subunits in live cells. Due to the good precision of the results, we were able to extract structural information about the interactions and to compare them with available structural data obtained from in vitro studies. The information from FRET-FLIM was coherent with in vitro data. We then aligned the available structures leading to the first 3D model of the cytosolic complex of the NADPH oxidase in the resting state in live cells.Additionally, the bound fraction for all heterodimeric interactions derived by FRET-FLIM is around 20 %, which is in contrast to the general belief that all cytosolic subunits are bound in complex. The first FCCS results support our findings. Therefore, we believe that the complexation of the cytosolic subunits could be involved in the regulation of the NADPH oxidase and should be investigated further. The estimated Kd derived from the FRET-FLIM approach is in the low micomolar range, which is an order of a magnitude higher than the nanomolar range of in vitro studies.In conclusion, we showed that our quantitative FRET-FLIM approach is not only able to distinguish between specific and unspecific protein-protein interactions, but gives also information about the structural organisation of the interacting proteins. The high precision of the FRET-FLIM data allow the determination of the bound fraction and an estimation of the Kd in live cells. FCCS is a complementary method, which can verify these quantitative findings. However, it cannot replace FRET-FLIM completely as it does not give any structural information.With respect to the biological outcome of this project, we can propose for the first time a 3D-model of the cytosolic complex of the NADPH oxidase covering the in vitro as well as the live cell situation. Additionally, the small bound fraction found here may raise new ideas on the regulation of this vital enzyme.

In vivo FLIM-FRET as a novel technique to assess cAMP and cGMP in the intact zebrafish heart

Janßen, Julia Annika 05 December 2017 (has links)
Introduction: 23 million patients worldwide suffer from heart failure. These patients depend on cardiac research, because cardiac research enables the development of new therapeutic strategies and –targets. In cardiomyocytes, the compartmentalization of cAMP and cGMP depends on many factors. T-tubuli and PDEs are responsible for the division of cells in microdomains in which localized and specific cAMP and cGMP-signaling occurs. The aim of this thesis was to develop a method to answer the open questions that remain about the physiological and pathophysiological significance of cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization. Methods: I used the zebrafish as a model, because the transparency of zebrafish larvae enabled non-invasive fluorescent imaging in cardiomyocytes in the living animal. I cloned the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) sensors EPAC1-camps for cAMP and cGi500 for cGMP and injected them into zebrafish fertilized embryos. Then I used the F0 generation for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) -FRET-measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Ca2+ is an important downstream mediator of cAMP and cGMP, because Ca2+ regulates cardiac contraction. Therefore, I also cloned the Ca2+ sensor GCaMP6 and used the dye Fluo-4 AM to include intracellular Ca2+ in the imaging. Results: The cloned sensors for cAMP, cGMP and Ca2+ were successfully injected into the zebrafish and showed expression in individual cardiomyocytes. I developed a protocol to mount the living zebrafish embryos and to measure intracellular cAMP and cGMP with FLIM-FRET in vivo with high spatial resolution. I characterized the sensors in their functionality by showing that the sensors react to changes in intracellular concentrations of cAMP and cGMP. The results of this study include evidence that zebrafish have mechanisms that lead to cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization in the absence of T-tubuli, and these mechanisms keep compartmentalization constant even under extreme cAMP or cGMP increasing drug treatment. Furthermore, I imaged intracellular Ca2+ by confocal microscopy and developed a protocol to use Fluo-4 AM for Ca2+ imaging. Conclusion: The method used in this thesis should allow the investigation of subcellular cAMP/cGMP compartmentalization and Ca2+ and to subsequently answer open questions in the field, for example whether a change of cAMP compartmentalization leads to the pathological phenotypes of cardiac disease or if a changed compartmentalization of cAMP in cardiac disease influences Ca2+ concentrations and therefore contraction. Additionally, this method can be used to learn more about cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ during regeneration in the heart, because the zebrafish cardiomyocytes can regenerate. / Einleitung: Weltweit sind mehr als 23 Millionen unter Herzinsuffizienz leidende Patienten auf die kardiologische Grundlagenforschung angewiesen, da diese die Voraussetzung für eine bessere Versorgung durch adaptierte und neue Behandlungswege schafft. In Kardiomyozyten hängt die Kompartimentierung von cAMP und cGMP von vielen Faktoren ab. T-Tubuli und PDEs werden unter anderem für die Aufteilung der Zellen in Mikrodomänen, in denen lokalisierte und spezifische cAMP- und cGMP-Signalgebung stattfinden kann, verantwortlich gemacht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Etablierung einer Methode, mithilfe derer offene Fragen bezüglich der physiologischen und insbesondere der pathophysiologischen Relevanz der cAMP- und cGMP Kompartimentierung beantwortet werden können. Methode: Als Modell diente der Zebrafisch, da die Transparenz von Zebrafisch Embryonen eine nicht-invasive Bildgebung von Fluoreszenz in Kardiomyozyten im lebenden Tier ermöglicht. Dafür klonierte ich die Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) -Sensoren EPAC1-camps als cAMP-Sensor und cGi500 als cGMP-Sensor und injizierte diese in befruchtete Zebrafisch Embryonen. Anschließend benutzte ich die F0-Generation für Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) -FRET-Messungen von cAMP und cGMP. Da Ca2+ als wichtiger downstream Mediator von cAMP und cGMP die kardiale Kontraktion reguliert, klonierte ich außerdem den Ca2+-Sensor GCaMP6 und benutzte den Farbstoff Fluo-4 AM, um intrazelluläres Ca2+ darzustellen. Ergebnisse: Die klonierten Sensoren für cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ konnten erfolgreich in den Zebrafisch injiziert werden und zeigten alle Expression in einzelnen Kardiomyozyten. Ich entwickelte ein Protokoll, dass die Fixierung von lebenden Zebrafisch Embryonen und nachfolgender Bildgebung von cAMP und cGMP mit hoher zellulärer Auflösung mit FLIM-FRET in vivo erlaubte. Ich konnte eine funktionelle Charakterisierung der Sensoren durchführen, indem ich zeigte, dass sie auf Konzentrationsänderungen von intrazellulärem cAMP und cGMP reagieren sowie zeigen, dass Zebrafische trotz fehlender T-Tubuli eine signifikante cAMP- und cGMP Kompartimentierung aufweisen, auch unter extremen Bedingungen nach Gabe von cAMP/cGMP stimulierenden Substanzen in hoher Dosierung. Ich konnte zudem subzelluläres Ca2+ durch konfokale Mikroskopie bildgebend darstellen und entwickelte ein Protokoll, um mit Fluo-4 AM eine schnelle Möglichkeit zu haben, Ca2+ mit in die Messungen einzubeziehen. Ausblick: Die in dieser Arbeit benutzte Methode bietet eine gute Möglichkeit, subzelluläre cAMP- und cGMP-Kompartimentierung und Ca2+ zu untersuchen und damit zum Beispiel die Fragen zu beantworten, ob eine veränderte cAMP/cGMP Kompartimentierung zu Herzkrankheiten wie Hypertrophie führt oder ob eine veränderte cAMP Kompartimentierung den zellulären Ca2+ Haushalt und damit die kardiale Kontraktion beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus kann das von mir etablierte Protokoll dazu genutzt werden, mehr über cAMP, cGMP und Ca2+ während der Regeneration im Herzen zu lernen, da der Zebrafisch über ausgeprägte Regenerationsfähigkeiten verfügt.

Sperm metabolic rate predicts female mating frequency across Drosophila species

Turnell, Biz R., Reinhardt, Klaus 18 April 2024 (has links)
Female mating rates vary widely, even among closely related species, but the reasons for this variation are not fully understood. Across Drosophila species, female mating frequencies are positively associated with sperm length. This association may be due in part to sperm limitation, with longer-spermed species transferring fewer sperm, or to cryptic female choice. However, a previously overlooked factor is sperm metabolic rate, which may correlate with sperm length. If faster-metabolizing sperm accumulate agerelated cellular damage more quickly, then females should remate sooner to obtain fresh sperm. Alternatively, frequent female mating may select for increased sperm competitiveness via increased metabolism. Here, we measure sperm metabolism across 13 Drosophila species and compare these measures to published data on female mating rate and on sperm length. Using fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy, we quantify NAD(P)H metabolism ex vivo, in intact organs. Phylogenetically controlled regression reveals that sperm metabolic rate is positively associated with sperm length and with female mating frequency. Path analysis shows sperm length driving sperm metabolism and sperm metabolism either driving or being driven by female mating rate. While the causal directionality of these relationships remains to be fully resolved, and the effect of sperm metabolism on sperm aging and/or sperm competitiveness remains to be established, our results demonstrate the importance of sperm metabolism in sexual selection.

FRET analysis of splicing factors involved in exon and intron definition in living cells

Ellis, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
I have analyzed the interactions between SR proteins and splicing components that are bound at the 5’ or 3’ splice site using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. The SR proteins interact with the U1 snRNP-associated 70 kDa protein (U170K) at the 5’splice site and with the small subunit of the U2 snRNP auxiliary factor (U2AF35) at the 3’ splice site. These interactions have been extensively characterized biochemically in the past, and are proposed to play roles in both intron and exon definition. We employed FRET acceptor photobleaching and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to identify and spatially localise sites of direct interactions of SF2/ASF, and other SR proteins, with U2AF35 and U1-70K in live cell nuclei. These interactions were shown to occur more strongly in interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs). They also occur in the presence of the RNA polymerase II inhibitor, DRB, demonstrating that they are not exclusively co-transcriptional. FLIM data have also revealed a novel interaction between HCC1, a factor highly related to the large subunit of the U2AF splicing factor, with both subunits of U2AF that occur in discrete domains within the nucleoplasm but not within IGCs. These data demonstrate that the interactions defining intron and exon definition do occur in living cells in a transcription-independent manner.

Characterizing the interaction between VE-PTP, Tie2 and VE-Cadherin

Muhammad, Sharif Ossai 27 July 2012 (has links)
Many signaling pathways have been shown to be involved in the formation of the vascular system. Among them are the endothelial specific receptor families such as VEGF, Ang/Tie, as well as other signaling pathways such as semaphorins, which are also involved, in axonal guidance. It is known that the interaction between receptor tyrosine kinase, Tie2, VE-Cadherin, and VE-PTP mediate endothelial cell quiescence and adhesion. However, the structural basis of these interactions is not well understood. The aim of our study is to characterize the binding interactions between these players. Another important part of our study is describing the cross-talk between vasculature and nervous system by characterizing the Neuropilin/Plexin/Semaphorin system. VE-Cadherin along with neuropilins plays an essential role by directing VEGF signals to the appropriate location and coordinating the activation of downstream molecules. We characterize the interaction between Tie2, VE-PTP and VE-Cadherin by (FRET)-based proximity assay, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Our data showed a consistent localization of the protein and FRET signal for Tie2 and VE-PTP prior to ligand recognition. We showed the association between Tie2 and VE-Cadherin complex by co-immunoprecipatation. However, our FRET data was not consistent. The examination of VE-PTP and VE-Cadherin for association and localization of the protein showed a very unique, mutually exclusive localization of the protein. Our study of Neuropilin/Plexin/Semaphorin system showed changes in the protein localization, FRET signal and morphology upon stimulation of HEK293 cells expressing Nrp/plexin with Sema3D. In this system VE-Cadherin along with neuropilins plays an essential role by directing VEGF signals to the appropriate location and coordinating the activation of downstream molecules. The characterization of extracellular binding between Tie2, VE-PTP, and VE-Cadherin, will help to better understand the molecular mechanisms of normal and tumor angiogenesis to develop new anti-angiogeneic therapies.

Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Serves as a Biochemical Integrator of Calcium Signals for the Induction of Synaptic Plasticity

Chang, Jui-Yun January 2016 (has links)
<p>Repetitive Ca2+ transients in dendritic spines induce various forms of synaptic plasticity by transmitting information encoded in their frequency and amplitude. CaMKII plays a critical role in decoding these Ca2+ signals to initiate long-lasting synaptic plasticity. However, the properties of CaMKII that mediate Ca2+ decoding in spines remain elusive. Here, I measured CaMKII activity in spines using fast-framing two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging. Following each repetitive Ca2+ elevations, CaMKII activity increased in a stepwise manner. This signal integration, at the time scale of seconds, critically depended on Thr286 phosphorylation. In the absence of Thr286 phosphorylation, only by increasing the frequency of repetitive Ca2+ elevations could high peak CaMKII activity or plasticity be induced. In addition, I measured the association between CaMKII and Ca2+/CaM during spine plasticity induction. Unlike CaMKII activity, association of Ca2+/CaM to CaMKII plateaued at the first Ca2+ elevation event. This result indicated that integration of Ca2+ signals was initiated by the binding of Ca2+/CaM and amplified by the subsequent increases in Thr286-phosphorylated form of CaMKII. Together, these findings demonstrate that CaMKII functions as a leaky integrator of repetitive Ca2+ signals during the induction of synaptic plasticity, and that Thr286 phosphorylation is critical for defining the frequencies of such integration.</p> / Dissertation

Uranium(VI) uptake by geological materials, characterisation by luminescence spectroscopy

Williams, Mark January 2017 (has links)
Many of the wastes associated with the nuclear fuel cycle are toxic to the biosphere; advancing the use of high resolution spectroscopy applied to these materials will provide the chemical speciation of the interaction between nuclear waste and geological material, improving confidence in a permanent disposal method and informing clean-up operations. Luminescence spectroscopy of uranyl(VI) is a well-established technique for the molecular speciation of uranium-mineral interactions. This work explores the use of both micro- and macroscopic luminescence spectroscopy to expose uranyl(VI) speciative heterogeneity in a range of minerals which have been exposed to uranyl(VI) salt solutions. A comprehensive review of the available literature on the interaction of uranyl(VI) with a range of geological media is assessed and compared. The review finds considerable ambiguity in the speciation of uranyl(VI) at the mineral water interface. A database reporting the multi parametric luminescence properties of uranyl(VI) with silica gel, quartz, bayerite, boehmite, muscovite, kaolinite and montmorillonite (SWy-2 and STx-1b) is presented and discussed. Although some of the results are consistent with previously reported values, many newly identified species are reported and their identification speculated. Parallel factor analysis is used to deconvolute the excitationemission matrix of uranyl(VI) sorbed to silica gel between pH 3 and pH 10. The results are used to identify the spectroscopic properties of complexes >(SiO)2UO2 and >(SiO)2UO2OH and thus new complexation coefficients (log(K)) for their formation with the silica gel surface are determined, log(K1) = 9.22 ± 0.02 and log(K2) = 3.45 ± 0.01, respectively. The investigation also provides insight into the fundamental properties of uranyl(VI) excitation pathways, which are not yet fully understood. Confocal microscopy and phosphorescent lifetime image mapping (PLIM) is used to expose the sub-micron heterogeneity of uranyl(VI) sorption complexation across mineral surfaces of silica gel, bayerite and montmorillonite (STx-1b). The results suggest that changes in the uranyl(VI) lifetime can be used to observe and understand submicron changes in uranyl(VI) complexation at hitherto unknown temporal resolution.

Investigating conformational changes of proteins using Förster Resonance Energy Transfer

Balloi, Eleonora January 2015 (has links)
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-based techniques are gaining an increasing importance in cell biology and cell-matrix adhesion studies because they allow both the detection of conformational changes of target proteins and their localisation in cells. Frequency Domain-Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy (FD-FLIM) is currently considered one of the most reliable methods to measure FRET in live cells. However, due to its dependence on many technical prerequisites, its use is not yet widespread. The purpose of this work was to first establish FD-FLIM measurements of FRET on a new FD-FLIM microscope module. Then we aimed to apply FD-FLIM-FRET measurements to the study of conformational changes of the cell matrix-adhesion proteins vinculin and integrin and of the growth factor receptor Tie-2. In the first part of the work, published FRET probes including distance-sensors and two sets of vinculin-based probes were extensively tested with FD-FLIM, sensitised emission and ratiometric FRET. FD-FLIM was shown to be the most accurate method in approximating molecular distances between fluorophores. Moreover this study unveiled specific caveats associated with both existing vinculin FRET probes. FD-FLIM was then used to study conformational changes of the extracellular matrix receptor alphavβ3 integrin and of the angiopoietin receptor Tie-2 using specific FRET probes designed by us. While data showed that the alphav-integrin-FRET probe localised to adhesion sites, more experiments will be required to evaluate its full functionality. The Tie-2-FRET probe was fully functional and, upon ligand binding, allowed the detection of a bending movement of the extracellular domain towards the cell membrane. Finally, a combination of FRET, immunofluorescence and tension release experiments were used to show that intracellular tension is not required to maintain integrins in their activated conformation. However, intracellular tension is required to recruit other key proteins such as vinculin, talin and tensin to adhesions sites. Overall this work demonstrates the importance of FD-FLIM-FRET as a tool to investigate conformational changes of adhesion proteins and transmembrane receptors within the cell environment.

Photon efficient, high resolution, time resolved SPAD image sensors for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

Parmesan, Luca January 2018 (has links)
FLIM is branch of microscopy mainly used in biology which is quickly improving thanks to a rapid enhancement of instrumentation and techniques enabled by new sensors. In FLIM, the most precise method of measuring fluorescent decays is called TCSPC. High voltage PMT detection devices together with costly and bulky optical setups which scan the sample are usually required in TCSPC instrumentation. SPADs have enabled a big improvement in TCSPC measurement setup, providing a CMOS compatible device which can be designed in wide arrays format. However, sensors providing in-pixel TCSPC do not scale in size and in large array like the time-gated SPAD pixel sensors do. Time-gated pixels offer a less precise lifetime estimation, discarding any photon information outside a given time window, but this loss in photon-efficiency is offset by gains in pixel size. This work is aimed at the development of a wide field TCSPC sensor with a pixel size and fill factor able to reduce the cost of such devices and to obtain a high resolution time-resolved fluorescence image in the shortest time possible. The study focuses on SPAD and pixel design required to maximise the fill factor in sub 10 μm pixel pitch. Multiple pixel designs are proposed in order to reduce pixel area and so enable affordable wide array TCSPC systems. The first proposed pixel performs the CMM lifetime estimation in order to reduce the frame rate needed to stream the data out of the SPAD array. This pixel is designed in a 10 μm pitch and attains with the most aggressive design a fill factor of 10:17 %. A second design proposes an analogue TCSPC which consists in a S/H TAC circuitry. This simpler pixel can achieve a higher fill factor of 19:63% as well as smaller pitch of 8 μm thanks to the adoption of SPAD n-well and electronics area sharing. This last design is implemented in a 320 x 256 SPAD array in which is included part of a novel ADC aimed at reduction of the processing time required to build a TCSPC histogram. A more conventional analogue readout is used to evaluate the pixel performance as well as a more fine TCSPC histogram. The device was used to measure the fluorescence lifetime of green micro-spheres while the 2b flash ADC is used to demonstrate rapid resolution and separation of two different fluorescence decays.

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