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Tomographic Imaging Associated with a Mw 2.6 Fault-Slip Event in a Deep Nickel MineMolka, Ryan Joseph 14 July 2017 (has links)
One of the biggest challenges facing geoscientists is the ability to accurately predict failure within a rock mass. Conventionally, numerical modeling is performed to predict the response of the rock mass due to excavation. However, numerical modeling relies heavily on the estimated physical characteristics of the rock mass. Unless dense, costly sampling of the rock mass has been performed, the results of the modeling are not robust. Seismic tomography offers a unique advantage of monitoring the rock mass response over conventional numerical modeling because it is able to measure the true alteration in response to excavation (Westman, 2003). This paper utilizes a tomographic inversion scheme using the Fast Marching Method for raypath tracing and the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique to solve the p-wave velocity model of an underground mine and surrounding rock mass. The inversion scheme presented is tested using a data set from Creighton Mine in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and includes 9,270 distinct events over 62 days. A total of 53 geophones recorded 191,856 p-waves that are able to be used for inversion. Temporal monitoring of the seismic p-wave velocity in the vicinity of a known Mw 2.6 fault-slip event that occurred on March 14th is performed by creating tomograms of the axial plane at the depth of the event and of an oblique plane where a dense distribution of events occurred including the March 14th event. Tomograms are produced on a weekly basis leading up to the event and also on a daily basis three days before the event. The weekly tomograms reveal a decrease in p-wave velocity in the vicinity of the Mw 2.6 event as time approaches the event and then a significant increase 1,600 ft/sec larger than the background velocity the week of the event. The daily tomograms reveal a 1,200 ft/sec velocity increase in the same area from March 13th to March 14th, however, no trends in the daily or weekly tomograms prior to the date of the March 14th event suggest the known event is imminent. / Master of Science / One of the biggest challenges facing geoscientists is the ability to accurately predict failure within a rock mass. Conventionally, numerical modeling is performed to predict the response of the rock mass due to excavation. However, numerical modeling relies heavily on the estimated physical characteristics of the rock mass. Unless dense, costly sampling of the rock mass has been performed, the results of the modeling are not robust. Seismic tomography offers a unique advantage of monitoring the rock mass response over conventional numerical modeling because it is able to measure the true alteration in response to excavation (Westman, 2003). This paper utilizes a tomographic inversion scheme using the Fast Marching Method for raypath tracing and the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique to solve the p-wave velocity model of an underground mine and surrounding rock mass. The inversion scheme presented is tested using a data set from Creighton Mine in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and includes 9,270 distinct events over 62 days. A total of 53 geophones recorded 191,856 p-waves that are able to be used for inversion. Temporal monitoring of the seismic p-wave velocity in the vicinity of a known M<sub>w</sub> 2.6 fault-slip event that occurred on March 14th is performed by creating tomograms of the axial plane at the depth of the event and of an oblique plane where a dense distribution of events occurred including the March 14th event. Tomograms are produced on a weekly basis leading up to the event and also on a daily basis three days before the event. The weekly tomograms reveal a decrease in p-wave velocity in the vicinity of the M<sub>w</sub> 2.6 event as time approaches the event and then a significant increase 1,600 ft/sec larger than the background velocity the week of the event. The daily tomograms reveal a 1,200 ft/sec velocity increase in the same area from March 13th to March 14th, however, no trends in the daily or weekly tomograms prior to the date of the March 14th event suggest the known event is imminent.
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Ordonnancement dynamique, adapté aux architectures hétérogènes, de la méthode multipôle pour les équations de Maxwell, en électromagnétismeBordage, Cyril 20 December 2013 (has links)
La méthode multipôle permet d'accélérer les produits matrices-vecteurs, utilisés par les solveurs itératifs pour déterminer le comportement électromagnétique, d'un objet soumis à une onde incidente. Nos travaux ont pour but d'adapter cette méthode pour la rendre efficace sur les architectures hétérogènes contenant des GPU. Pour cela, nous utilisons une ordonnanceur dynamique, StarPU, qui effectuera la distribution des tâches de calcul au sein d'un nœud. Pour la parallélisation en mémoire distribuée, nous effectuerons un ordonnancement statique des boîtes, couplé à un ordonnancement dynamique des interactions proches. / The Fast Multipole Method can speed up matrix-vector products, found in iterative solvers in order to compute the electromagnetics response of an object subject to an incident wave. We have intended to adapt this method to make it effective on heterogeneous architectures with GPUs. For this purpose, we use a dynamic scheduler named StarPU, which distributes the tasks within a node. For the parallelization in distributed memory, we distribute the tasks statically but we distribute the near interactions dynamically..
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Segmentace cévního řečiště na snímcích sítnice s využitím statistických metod / Retinal blood vessel segmentation in fundus images via statistical-based methodsŠolc, Radek January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with segmentation of blood vessel from images acquired by fundus camera. The characteristic of fundus images and current methods of segmentation are described in theoretical part. The reach of the practical part is method using statistical model. The model using Student´s distribution for automatic segmentation is gradually drafted. Firstly EM- algorithm has been incorporated and model drafted on Markov random fields for improving robustness to noise after that. Contrast of thin blood vessel is improved in image preprocessing part by discrete wave transformation. The output image is used as mask for grayscale intensity decrease of thinnest blood-vessel and intensity increase of background. Whole model was programed in Matlab. The model was tested on whole HRF database. The quantitative evaluation of binary images were compared with golden standard images.
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A comparative analysis of two land reform models, the Mashishimale farm management model and the Nkumbuleni strategic partnership model, South AfricaSekgota, Mpolaeng Gilbert 24 May 2013 (has links)
The Sustainable Restitution Support – South Africa (SRS-SA) program aimed at the development of a post-settlement support model that could be used to support beneficiaries of land reform in South Africa, especially those who received the land through restitution. The two land restitution claims were identified namely Mashishimale in the Limpopo Province and Nkumbuleni in KwaZulu Natal Province in South Africa. The main objective of the study is to determine the essential elements of two post-settlement support models to successfully implement and manage land reform projects in a sustainable manner namely: Mashishimale Farm Management Model (FMM) and Nkumbuleni Strategic Partnership Model (SPM). The data was collected through meetings and interviews with different stakeholders or role players. “Farm management can be described as the rational decision-making to achieve the objectives of the particular farming enterprise” (Van Reenen and Marais, 1992: 2). The Community Property Association (CPA) with the support of the Mashishimale community and the Tribal Authority decided to manage the farm by themselves and appointed a knowledgeable and skillful CEO and managers to manage the farm. The Mashishimale Farm Management Model has a definite management structure that is responsible for various activities on the farm. The management structure consists of a CEO, six (6) managers and two (2) assistant managers. Three steering committees were established to help in the decision-making processes. The Oxford dictionary (1979) defines partner as “person associated with others in business of which he shares risks and profits.” Nkumbuleni Community Trust (CT) has appointed a Strategic Partner and form the Nkumbuleni Strategic Partnership Model. Nkumbileni CT together with the Strategic Partner formed a company consisting of five (5) Directors aimed to manage the farm as a business. The Mashishimale CPA and Nkumbuleni CT were assisted by specialists from the University of Pretoria to develop the Interim Business Plan for the farms. The specialists from the University of Pretoria together with the Strategic Partner, CT and Project facilitator/coordinator developed a Financial Plan for Nkumbuleni CT. The specialists, the CPA and Project facilitator/coordinator further developed a Financial Plan for Mashishimale CPA. No funds were available for the FMM to manage the farm. At the SPM, the Strategic Partner made funds available to manage the farm. Both farming enterprises applied for financial assistance from CASP but didn’t receive anything. FMM and SPM received training that was developed by the SRS-SA specialists and facilitated by Project facilitator/coordinator. The Limpopo Department of Agriculture is not visible at Mashishimale and as such the roles of local municipality and extension officers are non-existence. There is no a single extension officer that the CPA knows at this juncture. The Nkumbuleni CT members are uncertain about the role of the division of Agricultural extension (Provincial Department of Agriculture and Conservation, KwaZulu Natal) can play to support them because they only attend meetings but there is nothing from them or from their Department. Both FMM (CPA) and SPM (CT) are getting advisory and other support from the private sector and other stakeholders. The Transvaal Suiker Beperk (TSB) entered into a partnership with the Trusts of Siphumelele Community and Ingwenyama Community (separately) through its Agricultural services company known as Shubombo Agricultural Services (Chiyoka, 2009). Strategic Partnership Model has a definite management structure. Extension services are rendered in a joint venture whereby the TSB extension officials and the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration extension officials work together to assist farmers. The South African Sugar Association is providing technical advices on production and other relevant aspects such as market trends, etc. TSB provides training on leadership, conflict resolution management and finance management, while extension managers and production managers provide mentorship to the trustees. The Business Plans, Financial Plans and Work Skills Plans were developed by TSB (TSB, 2009). Training is regarded as part of a developmental program that is aiming at building capacity on trustees and other beneficiaries. There is well developed communication policy which outlines the possible communication strategy. A comparison of the two models discloses several similarities namely according to FMM and SPM structures and their responsibilities to manage, control of farm assets on behalf of the communities; they use the same communication channel systems to communicate with the community and other stakeholders and the appointment of the project facilitator/coordinator to facilitate and coordinate the activities. The most important differences between the two models are: <ul> <li> A scientific company was formed by the SPM to manage the farm as a business while the CPA kept that responsibility to itself in the FMM.</li> <li> The Traditional Authority at the FMM attend all CPA meetings while at the SPM do not attend all the CT meetings.</li> </ul> The study reveals that the following actions are essential for the successful post-settlement to restitution farms: <ul> <li> The execution of baseline study (survey) to determine the socio-economic situation in a community (beneficiaries).</li> <li> The appointment of an independent Project facilitator/coordinator to ensure effective and efficient communication.</li> <li> A well defined management structure and the appointment of a knowledgeable, skilful and experienced farm manager(s) or Strategic Partner.</li> <li> The development of a business plan for the farm with the support of professional agriculturist.</li> <li> The identification of qualified professional extension advisor to provide advice and guidance to the manager(s) or Strategic Partner.</li> <li> Appointment of a mentor to guide, advice and train the manager(s) or Strategic Partner.</li> <li> Financial support to manage the farm (Grants; Comprehensive Agricultural Support Program; financial institutions and specifically the Land Bank)</li></ul>. / Dissertation (MSc (Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / unrestricted
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Exploration of voltage controlled manganite phase transitions as probed with magnetic force microscopyRuzicka, Frank Joseph 08 October 2010 (has links)
Low-temperature magnetic force microscopy was used to study the phase diagram of a La1/3Pr1/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin film grown on a (110) NdGaO3 (NGO) substrate by pulsed laser deposition. Traditionally, one can observe the phase change at the nanoscale level as the sample is cooled from room temperature through the transition temperature to liquid nitrogen temperatures, but in this case a fixed voltage ranging from 0 V to 31 V was applied before each cooling cycle. From in and ex situ transport measurements, it is observed that the temperature of the peak of the transition increases with applied field; however, the MFM images show that the magnetic transition begins at a lower temperature with the same increase in field. Thus, this dissertation shows that a new voltage control exists for the phase transition in certain manganites. / text
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Performance impact of programmer-inserted Data Prefetches for irregular access patterns with a case study of FMM VList algorithmTondon, Abhishek 22 April 2014 (has links)
Data Prefetching is a well-known technique to speed up applications wherein hardware prefetchers or compilers speculatively prefetch data into caches closer to the processor to ensure it’s readily available when the processor demands it. Since incorrect speculation leads to prefetching useless data which, in turn, results in wasting memory bandwidth and polluting caches, prefetch mechanisms are usually conservative and prefetch on spotting fairly regular access patterns only. This gives the programmer with a knowledge of application, an opportunity to insert fine-grain software prefetches in the code to clinically prefetch the data that is certain to be demanded but whose access pattern is not too obvious for hardware prefetchers or compiler to detect.
In this study, the author demonstrates the performance improvement obtained by such programmer-inserted prefetches with the case study of an FMM (Fast Multipole Method) VList application kernel run with several different configurations. The VList computation requires computing the Hadamard product of matrices. However, the way each node of the octree is stored in the memory, leads to indirect accessing of elements where memory accesses themselves are not sequential but the pointers pointing to those memory locations are still stored sequentially. Since compilers do not insert prefetches for indirect accesses, and to hardware, the access pattern appears random, programmer-inserted prefetching is the only solution for such a case. The author demonstrates the performance gain obtained by employing different prefetching choices in terms of what all structures in the code to prefetch and which level of cache to prefetch those to and also presents an analysis of the impact of different configuration parameters on performance gain. The author shows that there are several prefetching combinations which always bring performance gain without ever hurting the performance, and also identifies prefetching to L1 cache and prefetching all data structures in question, as the best prefetching recommendation for this application kernel. It is shown that this one combination gets the highest performance gain for most run configurations and an average performance gain of 10.14% across all run configurations. / text
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Ordonnancement dynamique, adapté aux architectures hétérogènes, de la méthode multipôle pour les équations de Maxwell, en électromagnétismeBordage, Cyril 20 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La méthode multipôle permet d'accélérer les produits matrices-vecteurs, utilisés par les solveurs itératifs pour déterminer le comportement électromagnétique, d'un objet soumis à une onde incidente. Nos travaux ont pour but d'adapter cette méthode pour la rendre efficace sur les architectures hétérogènes contenant des GPU. Pour cela, nous utilisons une ordonnanceur dynamique, StarPU, qui effectuera la distribution des tâches de calcul au sein d'un nœud. Pour la parallélisation en mémoire distribuée, nous effectuerons un ordonnancement statique des boîtes, couplé à un ordonnancement dynamique des interactions proches.
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Motor de indução bifásico em rede de alimentação bifásica simétrica com condutor de retornoCastro Neto, Lindolfo Marra de 27 October 2006 (has links)
The main task of this work is to provide a contribution to help a
more deep understanding on the operation of the asymmetrical twophase
induction motor with return for applications in places where a
possibility of a two-phase network feeding exists.
important contributions where obtained with the help of a time
domain dynamic model for symmetrical and asymmetrical two-phase
machines developed as part of this work.
With such contributions it was possible to show that a threephase
induction motor can work as a two-phase asymmetrical
induction motor with return through a phase or neutral conductor,
without the need of some starting devices, such as, centrifugal
switch and capacitors. this was proved through load and no-load
tests and by way of comparisons between theoretical and
experimental results.
Hence, with such a work, we are seeking for the revitalization
of the asymmetrical two-phase induction motor theory, a machine
that presents a non-uniform magnetomotive force and
electromagnetic torque. / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é fornecer uma
contribuição que ajudará no entendimento com maior profundidade
sobre o funcionamento do motor de indução bifásico assimétrico com
retorno para aplicações em locais onde exista a possibilidade de uma
rede de alimentação bifásica.
As contribuições mais importantes foram obtidas com o auxílio
do modelo dinâmico no domínio do tempo para máquinas bifásicas
simétricas e assimétricas desenvolvido neste trabalho.
Através das contribuições obtidas foi possível mostrar que um
motor de indução trifásico pode funcionar como motor de indução
bifásico assimétrico com retorno pela fase ou pelo neutro, sem que o
mesmo necessite de determinados componentes de partida, tais como,
chave centrifuga e capacitores. isto ficou provado através dos
ensaios a vazio e com carga e também por intermédio das comparações
entre os resultados teóricos e experimentais.
Com isto procurou-se revitalizar a teoria do motor de indução
bifásico assimétrico com retorno, que possui força magnetomotriz e
torque eletromagnético não uniforme. / Doutor em Ciências
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Multiscale methods in signal processing for adaptive optics / Méthode multi-échelles en traitement du signal pour optique adaptativeMaji, Suman Kumar 14 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous introduisons une approche nouvelle pour la reconstruction d’un front d’ondes en Optique Adaptative (OA), à partir des données de gradients à basse résolution en provenance de l’analyseur de front d’ondes, et en utilisant une approche non-linéaire issue du Formalisme Multiéchelles Mi-crocanonique (FMM). Le FMM est issu de concepts établis en physique statistique, il est naturellement approprié à l’étude des propriétés multiéchelles des signaux naturels complexes, principalement grâce à l’estimation numérique précise des exposants critiques localisés géométriquement, appelés exposants de singularité. Ces exposants quantifient le degré de prédictabilité localement en chaque point du domaine du signal, et ils renseignent sur la dynamique du système associé. Nous montrons qu’une analyse multirésolution opérée sur les exposants de singularité d’une phase turbulente haute résolution (obtenus par modèle ou à partir des données) permet de propager, le long des échelles, les gradients en basse résolution issus de l’analyseur du front d’ondes jusqu’à une résolution plus élevée. Nous comparons nos résultats à ceux obtenus par les approches linéaires, ce qui nous permet de proposer une approche novatrice à la reconstruction de fronts d’onde en Optique Adaptative. / In this thesis, we introduce a new approach to wavefront phase reconstruction in Adaptive Optics (AO) from the low-resolution gradient measurements provided by a wavefront sensor, using a non-linear approach derived from the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism (MMF). MMF comes from established concepts in statistical physics, it is naturally suited to the study of multiscale properties of complex natural signals, mainly due to the precise numerical estimate of geometrically localized critical exponents, called the singularity exponents. These exponents quantify the degree of predictability, locally, at each point of the signal domain, and they provide information on the dynamics of the associated system. We show that multiresolution analysis carried out on the singularity exponents of a high-resolution turbulent phase (obtained by model or from data) allows a propagation along the scales of the gradients in low-resolution (obtained from the wavefront sensor), to a higher resolution. We compare our results with those obtained by linear approaches, which allows us to offer an innovative approach to wavefront phase reconstruction in Adaptive Optics.
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Evaluation des performances énergétiques d'une nouvelle génération d'éolienne off-shore / Energy performances assessment of a new generation offshore wind turbineKouevidjin, Modobozi 11 December 2015 (has links)
L’alternateur étudié dans cette thèse équipe une éolienne flottante à axe vertical. Il s’agit d’unemachine synchrone de 2MW, polyphasée, bobinée sur plots, à pas fractionnaire, à aimants et à prisedirecte. L’objectif majeur de la thèse est la caractérisation de cet alternateur afin d’en évaluer lesperformances. Une modélisation analytique de la perméance d'entrefer et de la force magnétomotriceont conduit à l'étude de l'induction d'entrefer dont le contenu harmonique s'est révélé êtreparticulièrement riche. La caractérisation a également porté sur la détermination des inductancespropres et mutuelles, avec un calage du modèle effectué en exploitant des mesures expérimentalesfaites à l’arrêt. La particularité de la machine étudiée nous a amené à considérer un enroulement fictiféquivalent dans le but de déterminer les inductances cycliques, nécessaires à l'établissement du schémamonophasé équivalent. De plus, le fonctionnement back to back de la machine a été étudié et simulé. Ilpermet de faire des tests de la machine elle-même mais aussi des éléments de la chaîne de conversion,sans l'utilisation d'une deuxième machine ou des pâles pour entraîner le rotor du prototype. Il offre enplus la possibilité de tester différents type de fonctionnements et d'évaluer la puissance que peutproduire la machine : différents scénario de fonctionnement ont été simulés et les paramètresnécessaires aux essais sur site ont été définis. Le fonctionnement back to back a fait l’objetd’investigation sur une machine synchrone classique. Les difficultés de fonctionnement ontnotamment pu être mises en évidence avec une modélisation analytique des phénomènesélectromagnétique qui s'y produisent et des essais expérimentaux. / The studied alternator equips a vertical axis offshore wind turbine. It is a 2MW fractional slotconcentrated winding permanent magnet synchronous polyphase machine, directly connected to bladeturbine. The principal purpose of this thesis consists in characterizing the alternator in order toevaluate its performances. The air gap permeance and the magnemotive force analytical modelingleads to study the air gap flux density and its harmonic content, which is particularly rich. Thecharacterization has also concerned the self and mutual inductance determination, which has requiredstalling the model by exploiting experimental measurements done at standstill. The particularity of thestudied machine leads us to consider an equivalent fictitious winding in order to determine the cyclicalinductances, necessary for the single-phase equivalent scheme establishment. Moreover, the machineback to back functioning has been studied and simulated. This functioning allows testing the machineitself and the other conversion chain subsystems, without using a second machine or blades to drivethe prototype rotor. It offers the possibility to test different types of operating points and to estimatethe power that can produce the studied machine: different operating points scenarios have beensimulated and parameters for tests have been defined. The back to back functioning of a classicalsynchronous machine has been also investigated, with an analytical modeling of the electromagneticphenomena and experimental tests.
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