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Power Increase Limits to Prevent Pellet-Cladding Interaction : Calculation of Strain- and Fission Gas Release MarginsNerlander, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
With a growing share of intermittent electrical energy sources in the national grid of Sweden, areview of the safety of using nuclear power for flexible operation is necessary. Today nuclearpower is used as base load power and when examining challenges of flexible power operation,the risk for Pellet-Cladding Interaction (PCI), stands out. Vattenfall Nuclear Fuel lack a methodof calculating the PCI risk which this study will develop. It does this by mapping the risk for PCIthrough calculating power increase margins, in terms of ΔLHGR for full and flexible poweroperation. The results show that cladding strain for all simulated power levels is the limitingfactor. The time at which fuel remain at reduced power also has a large impact and the speed atwhich the PCI margin deteriorates has been calculated. Data from Westinghouse show that theresults compare relatively well for similar experimental set ups with some systemicconservatism. The automated library of code can be easily used to calculate the PCI risk for fuelin the future. The risk for PCI when returning to fuel power, per a Westinghouse conferencepaper, significantly reduces and should be investigated with the use of provided code. Possiblelimits with this study, however unquantified, are the use of 100 W/cm transient speed and theuse of full power axial profiles for reduced power operation in simulations.
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Análise prospectiva para o setor atacadista de flores e plantas ornamentais no Brasil e suas tecnologias da informação e comunicaçãoTorres, Daniel Felipe Uribe January 2015 (has links)
O agronegócio das Flores e Plantas Ornamentais (FPO) no Brasil movimenta mais de R$ 5 bilhões ao ano com uma taxa de crescimento anual entre o 8% e 16%, gerando mais de 206.000 empregos diretos. Em 2012, a balança comercial da floricultura brasileira mostrou saldo negativo de US$ 13,468 milhões, devido ao incremento em suas importações por parte de seus maiores concorrentes do grupo MERCOSUL, Equador e Colômbia. A falta de implementação de sistemas de informação e as deficiências do controle nos gargalos de todos os processos, fazem que a maioria das perdas que se produz no elo atacadista sejam originadas da falta de cuidados no transporte, a não conservação da cadeia de frio e as demoras logísticas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo lançar um olhar prospectivo nesse complexo. A prospecção do futuro sempre foi e será apreciada pelos tomadores de decisões. Ao longo das últimas décadas, organizações internacionais, governos, empresas e organizações não governamentais têm realizado estudos sobre panoramas futuros, com o objetivo de ganhar tempo em preparar-se para superar seus concorrentes e ser competitivos em cada área de atuação. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica atual, focada na análise de toda a cadeia de suprimento de FPO, somado a uma serie de entrevistas com experts da floricultura nacional e internacional, analisaram-se atividades e ferramentas tecnológicas usadas em cada um dos processos envolvidos no atacado, como as condições do transporte, planejamento das entregas e os registros dos controles que garantem a qualidade do produto final. Com esse aporte construíram-se quatro possíveis cenários futuros para o setor atacadista de FPO brasileiro, baseados na utilização e implementação da Tecnologia de Informação. (1) Cenário Lirio, que apresenta a situação em que as CEASAS serão os maiores aglomerados do negócio de FPO sempre, enquanto eles realizarem uma reestruturação do complexo físico, assim com um plano de capacitação para o pessoal encarregado de manipular e ofertar as FPO. (2) Cenário Tulipa, que propõe um agrupamento por parte dos atacadistas com maior representatividade, com o fim de gerar e compartilhar informações sobre tendências, safras e formação de preços. (3) Cenário Girassol, que sugere que seja analisado o futuro dos métodos de compra de FPO por parte do consumidor final, para assim entender as diferentes ferramentas e estratégias de mercado que devem ser usadas pelas empresas atacadista para conservar e atrair novos clientes. (4) Cenário Agapantho, que mostra como a situação atual em relação a investimento e adoção de Tecnologia (TIC) do setor não muda, o que acarretaria uma série de consequências para o mercado interno e externo, facilitando ainda mais o ingresso de concorrentes internacionais ao Brasil. / Agribusiness of Flowers and Ornamental Plants (FPO) in Brazil handles more than $ 5 billion a year with an annual growth rate between 8% and 16%, generating more than 206,000 direct jobs. In 2012, the trade balance of the Brazilian floriculture showed a deficit of US $ 13.468 million, due to the increase in its imports by their larger competitors MERCOSUR group, Ecuador and Colombia. The lack of implementation of information systems and control deficiencies in bottlenecks of the process, make the most of the loss that occurs in the wholesale link to originate from a lack of care during transport, the failure to keep the cold chain and logistical delays. This paper aims to launch a prospective look at this complex. The prospect of the future has always been and will be greatly appreciated by decision makers. Over the past decades, international organizations, governments, companies and nongovernmental organizations have conducted studies on future panoramas, in order to gain time to prepare to overcome your competitors and be competitive in each area. Through a current literature review focused on the analysis of the entire FPO supply chain, plus a series of interviews with experts of national and international floriculture, analyzed activities and technological tools used in each of the processes involved in wholesale such as transport conditions, planning of deliveries and the records of the controls that guarantee the quality of the final product. With this supply were built four possible future scenarios for the wholesale sector of Brazilian FPO, based on the use and implementation of Information Technology. (1) Lirio Scenario, which shows the situation where the WM will be the largest OPF business of always crowded, as they carry out a restructuring of the physical complex, so with a training plan for staff handling and offer the FPO. (2) Scenario Tulip, which proposes a grouping by wholesalers with greater representation in order to generate and share information on trends, harvests and pricing. (3) Scenario Sunflower, which suggests it is analyzed the future of OPF purchase methods by the final consumer, so as to understand the different tools and market strategies that should be used by wholesale companies to retain and attract new customers. (4) Agapantho scenario that shows how the current situation in relation to investment and adoption of technology (ICT) in full sector does not change, what would entail a number of consequences for the domestic and foreign markets, further facilitating the entry international competitors to Brazil.
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Análise prospectiva para o setor atacadista de flores e plantas ornamentais no Brasil e suas tecnologias da informação e comunicaçãoTorres, Daniel Felipe Uribe January 2015 (has links)
O agronegócio das Flores e Plantas Ornamentais (FPO) no Brasil movimenta mais de R$ 5 bilhões ao ano com uma taxa de crescimento anual entre o 8% e 16%, gerando mais de 206.000 empregos diretos. Em 2012, a balança comercial da floricultura brasileira mostrou saldo negativo de US$ 13,468 milhões, devido ao incremento em suas importações por parte de seus maiores concorrentes do grupo MERCOSUL, Equador e Colômbia. A falta de implementação de sistemas de informação e as deficiências do controle nos gargalos de todos os processos, fazem que a maioria das perdas que se produz no elo atacadista sejam originadas da falta de cuidados no transporte, a não conservação da cadeia de frio e as demoras logísticas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo lançar um olhar prospectivo nesse complexo. A prospecção do futuro sempre foi e será apreciada pelos tomadores de decisões. Ao longo das últimas décadas, organizações internacionais, governos, empresas e organizações não governamentais têm realizado estudos sobre panoramas futuros, com o objetivo de ganhar tempo em preparar-se para superar seus concorrentes e ser competitivos em cada área de atuação. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica atual, focada na análise de toda a cadeia de suprimento de FPO, somado a uma serie de entrevistas com experts da floricultura nacional e internacional, analisaram-se atividades e ferramentas tecnológicas usadas em cada um dos processos envolvidos no atacado, como as condições do transporte, planejamento das entregas e os registros dos controles que garantem a qualidade do produto final. Com esse aporte construíram-se quatro possíveis cenários futuros para o setor atacadista de FPO brasileiro, baseados na utilização e implementação da Tecnologia de Informação. (1) Cenário Lirio, que apresenta a situação em que as CEASAS serão os maiores aglomerados do negócio de FPO sempre, enquanto eles realizarem uma reestruturação do complexo físico, assim com um plano de capacitação para o pessoal encarregado de manipular e ofertar as FPO. (2) Cenário Tulipa, que propõe um agrupamento por parte dos atacadistas com maior representatividade, com o fim de gerar e compartilhar informações sobre tendências, safras e formação de preços. (3) Cenário Girassol, que sugere que seja analisado o futuro dos métodos de compra de FPO por parte do consumidor final, para assim entender as diferentes ferramentas e estratégias de mercado que devem ser usadas pelas empresas atacadista para conservar e atrair novos clientes. (4) Cenário Agapantho, que mostra como a situação atual em relação a investimento e adoção de Tecnologia (TIC) do setor não muda, o que acarretaria uma série de consequências para o mercado interno e externo, facilitando ainda mais o ingresso de concorrentes internacionais ao Brasil. / Agribusiness of Flowers and Ornamental Plants (FPO) in Brazil handles more than $ 5 billion a year with an annual growth rate between 8% and 16%, generating more than 206,000 direct jobs. In 2012, the trade balance of the Brazilian floriculture showed a deficit of US $ 13.468 million, due to the increase in its imports by their larger competitors MERCOSUR group, Ecuador and Colombia. The lack of implementation of information systems and control deficiencies in bottlenecks of the process, make the most of the loss that occurs in the wholesale link to originate from a lack of care during transport, the failure to keep the cold chain and logistical delays. This paper aims to launch a prospective look at this complex. The prospect of the future has always been and will be greatly appreciated by decision makers. Over the past decades, international organizations, governments, companies and nongovernmental organizations have conducted studies on future panoramas, in order to gain time to prepare to overcome your competitors and be competitive in each area. Through a current literature review focused on the analysis of the entire FPO supply chain, plus a series of interviews with experts of national and international floriculture, analyzed activities and technological tools used in each of the processes involved in wholesale such as transport conditions, planning of deliveries and the records of the controls that guarantee the quality of the final product. With this supply were built four possible future scenarios for the wholesale sector of Brazilian FPO, based on the use and implementation of Information Technology. (1) Lirio Scenario, which shows the situation where the WM will be the largest OPF business of always crowded, as they carry out a restructuring of the physical complex, so with a training plan for staff handling and offer the FPO. (2) Scenario Tulip, which proposes a grouping by wholesalers with greater representation in order to generate and share information on trends, harvests and pricing. (3) Scenario Sunflower, which suggests it is analyzed the future of OPF purchase methods by the final consumer, so as to understand the different tools and market strategies that should be used by wholesale companies to retain and attract new customers. (4) Agapantho scenario that shows how the current situation in relation to investment and adoption of technology (ICT) in full sector does not change, what would entail a number of consequences for the domestic and foreign markets, further facilitating the entry international competitors to Brazil.
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Análise prospectiva para o setor atacadista de flores e plantas ornamentais no Brasil e suas tecnologias da informação e comunicaçãoTorres, Daniel Felipe Uribe January 2015 (has links)
O agronegócio das Flores e Plantas Ornamentais (FPO) no Brasil movimenta mais de R$ 5 bilhões ao ano com uma taxa de crescimento anual entre o 8% e 16%, gerando mais de 206.000 empregos diretos. Em 2012, a balança comercial da floricultura brasileira mostrou saldo negativo de US$ 13,468 milhões, devido ao incremento em suas importações por parte de seus maiores concorrentes do grupo MERCOSUL, Equador e Colômbia. A falta de implementação de sistemas de informação e as deficiências do controle nos gargalos de todos os processos, fazem que a maioria das perdas que se produz no elo atacadista sejam originadas da falta de cuidados no transporte, a não conservação da cadeia de frio e as demoras logísticas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo lançar um olhar prospectivo nesse complexo. A prospecção do futuro sempre foi e será apreciada pelos tomadores de decisões. Ao longo das últimas décadas, organizações internacionais, governos, empresas e organizações não governamentais têm realizado estudos sobre panoramas futuros, com o objetivo de ganhar tempo em preparar-se para superar seus concorrentes e ser competitivos em cada área de atuação. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica atual, focada na análise de toda a cadeia de suprimento de FPO, somado a uma serie de entrevistas com experts da floricultura nacional e internacional, analisaram-se atividades e ferramentas tecnológicas usadas em cada um dos processos envolvidos no atacado, como as condições do transporte, planejamento das entregas e os registros dos controles que garantem a qualidade do produto final. Com esse aporte construíram-se quatro possíveis cenários futuros para o setor atacadista de FPO brasileiro, baseados na utilização e implementação da Tecnologia de Informação. (1) Cenário Lirio, que apresenta a situação em que as CEASAS serão os maiores aglomerados do negócio de FPO sempre, enquanto eles realizarem uma reestruturação do complexo físico, assim com um plano de capacitação para o pessoal encarregado de manipular e ofertar as FPO. (2) Cenário Tulipa, que propõe um agrupamento por parte dos atacadistas com maior representatividade, com o fim de gerar e compartilhar informações sobre tendências, safras e formação de preços. (3) Cenário Girassol, que sugere que seja analisado o futuro dos métodos de compra de FPO por parte do consumidor final, para assim entender as diferentes ferramentas e estratégias de mercado que devem ser usadas pelas empresas atacadista para conservar e atrair novos clientes. (4) Cenário Agapantho, que mostra como a situação atual em relação a investimento e adoção de Tecnologia (TIC) do setor não muda, o que acarretaria uma série de consequências para o mercado interno e externo, facilitando ainda mais o ingresso de concorrentes internacionais ao Brasil. / Agribusiness of Flowers and Ornamental Plants (FPO) in Brazil handles more than $ 5 billion a year with an annual growth rate between 8% and 16%, generating more than 206,000 direct jobs. In 2012, the trade balance of the Brazilian floriculture showed a deficit of US $ 13.468 million, due to the increase in its imports by their larger competitors MERCOSUR group, Ecuador and Colombia. The lack of implementation of information systems and control deficiencies in bottlenecks of the process, make the most of the loss that occurs in the wholesale link to originate from a lack of care during transport, the failure to keep the cold chain and logistical delays. This paper aims to launch a prospective look at this complex. The prospect of the future has always been and will be greatly appreciated by decision makers. Over the past decades, international organizations, governments, companies and nongovernmental organizations have conducted studies on future panoramas, in order to gain time to prepare to overcome your competitors and be competitive in each area. Through a current literature review focused on the analysis of the entire FPO supply chain, plus a series of interviews with experts of national and international floriculture, analyzed activities and technological tools used in each of the processes involved in wholesale such as transport conditions, planning of deliveries and the records of the controls that guarantee the quality of the final product. With this supply were built four possible future scenarios for the wholesale sector of Brazilian FPO, based on the use and implementation of Information Technology. (1) Lirio Scenario, which shows the situation where the WM will be the largest OPF business of always crowded, as they carry out a restructuring of the physical complex, so with a training plan for staff handling and offer the FPO. (2) Scenario Tulip, which proposes a grouping by wholesalers with greater representation in order to generate and share information on trends, harvests and pricing. (3) Scenario Sunflower, which suggests it is analyzed the future of OPF purchase methods by the final consumer, so as to understand the different tools and market strategies that should be used by wholesale companies to retain and attract new customers. (4) Agapantho scenario that shows how the current situation in relation to investment and adoption of technology (ICT) in full sector does not change, what would entail a number of consequences for the domestic and foreign markets, further facilitating the entry international competitors to Brazil.
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Exploring the relationship betweenTacit Knowledge Sharing andSelf-Efficacy : A Study in For-Profit and Non-profit OrganizationsTazlo, Tamas Arpad, Ul-Abedeen, Zain January 2017 (has links)
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Self-Efficacy are well developed concepts within the academicfields of Knowledge Management and Social Cognitive Theory. The purpose of the study wasto investigate the antecedents and the relationship between the two concepts in for-profit andnon-profit organisations. The study employed Ipe’s model of knowledge sharing to TacitKnowledge Sharing and Albert Bandura’s contribution to Self-Efficacy. A qualitative studywas conducted and the authors collected data through semi-structured interviews which werelater analysed through a process of content analysis. The findings show that sources ofinformation for self-efficacy judgements can be influenced by the occurrence of TacitKnowledge Sharing. Organisations can benefit from these findings by incorporatingopportunities to share tacit knowledge into their working routines, helping their employeescirculate knowledge and increase their sense of self-efficacy
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O método da função Lagrangiana barreira modificada/penalidade / The penalty/modified barrier Lagrangian function methodPereira, Aguinaldo Aparecido 27 September 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho propomos uma abordagem que utiliza o método de barreira modificada/penalidade para a resolução de problemas restritos gerais de otimização. Para isso, foram obtidos dados teóricos, a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, que explicitaram os métodos primal-dual barreira logarítmica e método de barreira modificada. Nesta abordagem, as restrições de desigualdade canalizadas são tratadas pela função barreira de Frisch modificada, ou por uma extrapolação quadrática e as restrições de igualdade do problema através da função Lagrangiana. A implementação consiste num duplo estágio de aproximação: um ciclo externo, onde o problema restrito é convertido em um problema irrestrito, usando a função Lagrangiana barreira modificada/penalidade; e um ciclo interno, onde o método de Newton é utilizado para a atualização das variáveis primais e duais. É apresentada também uma função barreira clássica extrapolada para a inicialização dos multiplicadores de Lagrange. A eficiência do método foi verificada utilizando um problema teste e em problemas de fluxo de potência ótimo (FPO). / In this paper, we propose an approach that utilizes the penalty/modified barrier method to solve the general constrained problems. On this purpose, theoretical data were obtained, from a bibliographical review, which enlightened the logarithmic barrier primal-dual method and modified barrier method. In this approach, the bound constraints are handled by the modified log-barrier function, or by quadratic extrapolation and the equality constraints of the problem through Lagrangian function. The method, as implemented, consists of a two-stage approach: an outer cycle, where the constrained problem is transformed into unconstrained problem, using penalty/modified barrier Lagrangian function; and an inner cycle, where the Newton\'s method is used for update the primal and dual variables. Also, it is presented a classical barrier extrapolated function for initialization of Lagrange multipliers. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been examined by solving a test problem and optimal power flow problems (OPF).
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O método da função Lagrangiana barreira modificada/penalidade / The penalty/modified barrier Lagrangian function methodAguinaldo Aparecido Pereira 27 September 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho propomos uma abordagem que utiliza o método de barreira modificada/penalidade para a resolução de problemas restritos gerais de otimização. Para isso, foram obtidos dados teóricos, a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, que explicitaram os métodos primal-dual barreira logarítmica e método de barreira modificada. Nesta abordagem, as restrições de desigualdade canalizadas são tratadas pela função barreira de Frisch modificada, ou por uma extrapolação quadrática e as restrições de igualdade do problema através da função Lagrangiana. A implementação consiste num duplo estágio de aproximação: um ciclo externo, onde o problema restrito é convertido em um problema irrestrito, usando a função Lagrangiana barreira modificada/penalidade; e um ciclo interno, onde o método de Newton é utilizado para a atualização das variáveis primais e duais. É apresentada também uma função barreira clássica extrapolada para a inicialização dos multiplicadores de Lagrange. A eficiência do método foi verificada utilizando um problema teste e em problemas de fluxo de potência ótimo (FPO). / In this paper, we propose an approach that utilizes the penalty/modified barrier method to solve the general constrained problems. On this purpose, theoretical data were obtained, from a bibliographical review, which enlightened the logarithmic barrier primal-dual method and modified barrier method. In this approach, the bound constraints are handled by the modified log-barrier function, or by quadratic extrapolation and the equality constraints of the problem through Lagrangian function. The method, as implemented, consists of a two-stage approach: an outer cycle, where the constrained problem is transformed into unconstrained problem, using penalty/modified barrier Lagrangian function; and an inner cycle, where the Newton\'s method is used for update the primal and dual variables. Also, it is presented a classical barrier extrapolated function for initialization of Lagrange multipliers. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been examined by solving a test problem and optimal power flow problems (OPF).
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Optimization Of NMR Experiments Using Genetic Algorithm : Applications In Quantum Infomation Processing, Design Of Composite Operators And Quantitative ExperimentsManu, V S 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Genetic algorithms (GA) are stochastic global search methods based on the
mechanics of natural biological evolution, proposed by John Holland in 1975. Here
in this thesis, we have exploited possible utilities of Genetic Algorithm optimization
in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments. We have performed
(i ) Pulse sequence generation and optimization for NMR Quantum Information
Processing, (ii ) efficient creation of NOON states, (iii ) Composite operator design
and (iv ) delay optimization for refocused quantitative INEPT. We have generated
time optimal as well as robust pulse sequences for popular quantum gates. A
Matlab package is developed for basic Target unitary operator to pulse sequence
optimization and is explained with an example.
Chapter 1 contains a brief introduction to NMR, Quantum computation and Genetic
algorithm optimization. Experimental unitary operator decomposition using
Genetic Algorithm is explained in Chapter 2. Starting from a two spin homonu-
clear system (5-Bromofuroic acid), we have generated hard pulse sequences for
performing (i ) single qubit rotation, (ii ) controlled NOT gates and (iii ) pseudo
pure state creation, which demonstrates universal quantum computation in such
systems. The total length of the pulse sequence for the single qubit rotation of an
angle π/2 is less than 500µs, whereas the conventional method (using a selective
soft pulse) would need a 2ms shaped pulse. This substantial shortening in time
can lead to a significant advantage in quantum circuits. We also demonstrate the
creation of Long Lived Singlet State and other Bell states, directly from thermal
equilibrium state, with the shortest known pulse sequence. All the pulse sequences
generated here are generic i.e., independent of the system and the spectrometer.
We further generalized this unitary operator decomposition technique for a variable
operators termed as Fidelity Profile Optimization (FPO) (Chapter 3) and
performed quantum simulations of Hamiltonian such as Heisenberg XY interaction
and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Exact phase (φ) dependent experimental
unitary decompositions of Controlled-φ and Controlled Controlled-φ are solved
using first order FPO. Unitary operator decomposition for experimental quantum
simulation of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the presence of Heisenberg XY
interaction is solved using second order FPO for any relative strengths of interactions
(γ) and evolution time (τ ). Experimental gate time for this decomposition
is invariant under γ or τ , which can be used for relaxation independent studies of
the system dynamics. Using these decompositions, we have experimentally verified
the entanglement preservation mechanism suggested by Hou et al. [Annals of
Physics, 327 292 (2012)].
NOON state or Schrodinger cat state is a maximally entangled N qubit state
with superposition of all individual qubits being at |0 and being at |1 . NOON
states have received much attention recently for their high precession phase
measurements, which enables the design of high sensitivity sensors in optical interfer-
ometry and NMR [Jones et al. Science, 324 1166(2009)]. We have used Genetic
algorithm optimization for efficient creation of NOON states in NMR (Chapter 4).
The decompositions are, (i ) a minimal in terms of required experimental resources
– radio frequency pulses and delays – and have (ii ) good experimental fidelity.
A composite pulse is a cluster of nearly connected rf pulses which emulate the
effect of a simple spin operator with robust response over common experimental
imperfections. Composite pulses are mainly used for improving broadband de-
coupling, population inversion, coherence transfer and in nuclear overhauser effect
experiments. Composite operator is a generalized idea where a basic operator
(such as rotation or evolution of zz coupling) is made robust against common
experimental errors (such as inhomogeneity / miscalibration of rf power or errror
in evaluation of zz coupling strength) by using a sequence of basic operators
available for the system. Using Genetic Algorithm optimization, we have designed
and experimentally verified following composite operators, (i ) broadband rotation
pulses, (ii ) rf inhomogeneity compensated rotation pulses and (iii ) zz evolution
operator with robust response over a range of zz coupling strengths (Chapter 5).
We also performed rf inhomogeneity compensated Controlled NOT gate.
Extending Genetic Algorithm optimization in classical NMR applications, we have
improved the quantitative refocused constant-time INEPT experiment (Q-INEPT-
CT) of M¨kel¨ et al. [JMR 204(2010) 124-130] with various optimization constraints
. The improved ‘average polarization transfer’ and ‘min-max difference’
of new delay sets effectively reduces the experimental time by a factor of two
(compared with Q-INEPT-CT, M¨kel¨ et al.) without compromising on accuracy
(Chapter 6). We also introduced a quantitative spectral editing technique based
on average polarization transfer. These optimized quantitative experiments are
also described in Chapter 6.
Time optimal pulse sequences for popular quantum gates such as, (i ) Controlled
Hadamard (C-H) gate, (ii ) Controlled-Controlled-NOT (CCNOT) Gate and (iii )
Controlled SWAP (C-S) gate are optimized using Genetic Algorithm (Appendix.
A). We also generated optimal sequences for Quantum Counter circuits, Quantum
Probability Splitter circuits and efficient creation of three spin W state. We
have developed a Matlab package based on GA optimization for three spin target
operator to pulse sequence generator. The package is named as UOD (Unitary
Operator Decomposition) is explained with an example of Controlled SWAP gate
in Appendix. B.
An algorithm based on quantum phase estimation, which discriminates quantum
states non-destructively within a set of arbitrary orthogonal states, is described
and experimentally verified by a NMR quantum information processor (Appendix.
C). The procedure is scalable and can be applied to any set of orthogonal states.
Scalability is demonstrated through Matlab simulation.
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