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Considerações sobre o atrito para processos de forjamento a frio através do ensaio de compressão do anelGeier, Martin January 2007 (has links)
São realizadas análises teóricas e experimentais do atrito nos processos de forjamento a frio, através do ensaio de compressão do anel. Os modelos de atrito de Amonton-Coulomb (μ), atrito interfacial (m) e de Levanov (f) são investigados com auxílio de softwares comerciais de simulação de processos de forjamento. Diferentes condições de lubrificação foram aplicadas para o aço baixa liga 16MnCr5 e a liga de alumínio AA6351 nas condições recozido e encruado. O atrito foi analisado, utilizando os softwares MSC.Superforge e Qform, em função dos resultados obtidos e as condições de lubrificação e estado do material. Valores paramétricos do atrito adquiridos através de correlação teórico-experimental são condizentes com a literatura, indicando a relação do atrito com o material de trabalho, inclusive com seu grau de encruamento. Os modelos de atrito m e f apresentaram maior sensibilidade com relação ao estado do material. / Experimental and theoretical analyses of friction in cold forging process are evaluated by means of the ring compression test. Friction models from Amonton- Coulomb (μ), interfacial friction (m) and Levanov’s model (f) are investigated by aid of numerical simulation software. Different lubricants are applied for low carbon steel alloy 16MnCr5 under annealed and work-hardened conditions. Friction is analyzed by means of lubricant and material conditions using MSC.Superforge and Qform numerical simulation softwares. Acquired frictional parameter values obtained by theoretical-experimental correlation agree with literature, showing friction’s relationship with workpiece material and its hardening level. Friction models m and f presented better sensitivity when concerning the material’s hardening level.
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Modelling, simulation and control of a hydraulic craneHeinze, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to develop a model that represents the dynamics of a hydraulically operated forestry crane. The model was derived with the traditional Euler-Lagrange formalism and considers the crane mechanics, three double-acting hydraulic cylinders and the valve control unit. On the basis of the derived model we reproduced the entire crane model in MATLAB in order to run simulations herewith. This gave us the possibility to do parameter changes for further studies of the crane in motion. Another major goal within the thesis work was to estimate cylinder friction of the hydraulic actuators. We built up a test rig and used double-acting cylinders for determing their frictional behaviour. For this, we ran open-loop experiments in order to create velocity-friction maps that represented the static friction force of the cylinders. In this concern, we varied system pressure and cylinder load to study their influence on the friction force. By means of the derived static friction maps we approached the cylinder’s dynamic friction behaviour and applied both step and ramp control inputs to examine the spring-damping characteristics of the microspoic bristles in the contacting area. The dynamic friction experiments have been exerted in the fashion of the LuGre model. As a result we acquired different nominal friction parameters that we necessarily used to develope adequate friction models. A third objective of this thesis was to establish a crane-tip control. Instead of a traditional control, providing a direct relationship between joystick input and cylinder extension, the focus was to build up a control for the end-effector’s trajectory in a two-dimensional frame. This could be achieved by using inverse kinematics in order to determine the required joint angles that corresponded to the desired position of the crane-tip. The work also contains a CD including all developed MATLAB models that have been written within this project.
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Permeable friction course (PFC), or new generation open-graded friction course (OGFC)
mixtures, are hot mix asphalt (HMA) characterized by high total air voids (AV) content
(minimum 18 %) as compared to the most commonly used dense-graded HMA. The high AV
content confers to PFC mixtures both high permeability and noise reduction effectiveness. These
characteristics and the high values of surface friction exhibited by PFC mixtures, as compared to
dense-graded HMA, lead to improvements in safety and the environment, which make PFC one
of the safest, cleanest, and quietest alternatives currently available for surface paving. The main
objective of this study was improving the current PFC mix design method and construction
practices in terms of compaction control.
Corresponding results were integrated in an improved mix design method that is based
on the guidelines of the current mix design method used by the Texas Department of
Transportation. The improved mix design included modified computation of the inputs required
to determine mixture density (or corresponding total AV content). These changes led to a
proposed modification of the density specification for mix design from 78-82 % to 76-80 %. In
addition, the water-accessible AV content was proposed as a surrogate of the total AV content
for mix design and evaluation. The improved mix design method also includes verification of
drainability, durability, and stone-on-stone contact. Computation of the expected value of
permeability (E[k]) and measurement of the water flow value were recommended, respectively,
for verification of drainability in the laboratory (using specimens compacted in the Superpave
Gyratory Compactor (SGC)) and in the field. The Cantabro loss test conducted in both dry- and
wet-conditions was suggested for assessing mixture durability. Improved criteria were proposed for verification of stone-on-stone contact based on the evaluation of the AV content in the coarse
aggregate fraction of the mixture. In addition, comparison of the internal structure of field-and
laboratory-compacted mixtures supported recommendation of a field-compaction control.
Recommendations to reduce the horizontal heterogeneity of AV encountered in PFC specimens
included using road cores with a minimum 152.4 mm diameter and coring SGC specimens from
152.4 to 101.6 mm in diameter
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Development Of A Computer Program For Friction Winding SystemsUnal, Fuat Gokhan 01 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ü / nal, Fuat Gö / khan
M.Sc., Department of Mining Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Naci Bö / lü / kbasi
September 2011, 99 pages
As the trend to deeper mines continues, mine hoists and associated equipment will become more sophisticated, complex, large and expensive. Correct selection of the right type of hoist is imperative. In this vital link between underground and surface, crude estimates of hoist capacity are not good enough, and the mining engineer must design and select the right hoisting system to meet the design specifications and establish the most suitable operating parameters. This study aims to constitute a software model, which results all required design parameters of friction type winding system on minimum required power. The computer program has been structured on Microsoft Visual Basic programming language. The program requires user inputs (winding depth, hourly hoisting capacity) and selections (type and number of motors, type of friction wheel mounting) to run macros and equations so that the operating parameters such as skip capacity, rope type and diameter, hoisting speed, acceleration, cycle period, friction wheel diameter are determined to give the minimum motor power requirement.
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Modelling, simulation and control of a hydraulic craneHeinze, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
<p>The objective of this thesis is to develop a model that represents the dynamics of a hydraulically operated forestry crane. The model was derived with the traditional Euler-Lagrange formalism and considers the crane mechanics, three double-acting hydraulic cylinders and the valve control unit. On the basis of the derived model we reproduced the entire crane model in MATLAB in order to run simulations herewith. This gave us the possibility to do parameter changes for further studies of the crane in motion.</p><p>Another major goal within the thesis work was to estimate cylinder friction of the hydraulic actuators. We built up a test rig and used double-acting cylinders for determing their frictional behaviour. For this, we ran open-loop experiments in order to create velocity-friction maps that represented the static friction force of the cylinders. In this concern, we varied system pressure and cylinder load to study their influence on the friction force. By means of the derived static friction maps we approached the cylinder’s dynamic friction behaviour and applied both step and ramp control inputs to examine the spring-damping characteristics of the microspoic bristles in the contacting area. The dynamic friction experiments have been exerted in the fashion of the LuGre model. As a result we acquired different nominal friction parameters that we necessarily used to develope adequate friction models.</p><p>A third objective of this thesis was to establish a crane-tip control. Instead of a traditional control, providing a direct relationship between joystick input and cylinder extension, the focus was to build up a control for the end-effector’s trajectory in a two-dimensional frame. This could be achieved by using inverse kinematics in order to determine the required joint angles that corresponded to the desired position of the crane-tip.</p><p>The work also contains a CD including all developed MATLAB models that have been written within this project.</p>
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Interfacial and bulk friction-inducted dissipation in compositesSmerdova, Olga 17 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
An investigation of interfacial and bulk friction-induced dissipation in model epoxy-based composite materials reinforced with carbon fillers, as well as pure epoxy, is a challenge of this PhD thesis. While the interfacial dissipation depends mostly on surface properties of very thin material layer, the bulk dissipation involves high volume deformations. Firstly, an experimental friction investigation on carbon fibre- and carbon nanopearl-reinforcedepoxies of different filler volume friction under soft tribological conditions is carried out. In order to understand the results, a generalized frictional law for interfacial friction between two composites is proposed. It is based on Bowden and Tabor theory applied to multimaterial contact and requires a contact in-plane geometry parameter and local friction coefficients. Depending on applied assumption, effective shear stress or effective hardness for all composite phases, it results in direct or inverse proportionality frictional law. These analytical results complete and explain the experimentally obtained tendencies: the direct law should be applied to the composite/epoxy contact, while the inverse law is valid for the composite/composite contact. The second part of the experimental work deals with pure epoxy and carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy under severe tribological conditions. It aims to investigate bulk frictional dissipation and associated wear. A two-scale approach is established, which consists in calculation of macro parameters, such as wear rate, dissipated frictional energy, friction coefficient and relative contact temperature rise, and their coupling with damaged surface observations. This approach allows us to distinguish several wear modes, as two-body and three-body abrasion, adhesion, fatigue and thermal effects, and to associate their appearance and evolution to macro parameters. In contrast to pure epoxy, carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy tends to be more wear resistant.
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Influence of crystallographic orientation in normal and sliding contactsDawkins, Jeremy James 19 May 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to evaluate a methodology for modeling the influence of crystallographic grain orientation on key parameters in normal and sliding contacts. The simulations of interfering cylindrical asperities, using finite element analysis, were conducted using two different plasticity models for copper: a conventional isotropic, homogeneous J2 plasticity model and a continuum crystal plasticity model. A normal contact study was conducted in which crystallographic orientation effects on different parameters were investigated. The model was then adapted for sliding contacts, which allowed other parameters such as energy dissipation to be investigated. Using crystal plasticity, the dependence of crystallographic orientation on plastic deformation and energy dissipation can be determined. The relative trends predicted using crystal plasticity are consistent with experiments that show friction depends on crystallographic orientation when plastic deformation is one of the primary energy dissipation mechanisms.
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Ecoulement de polymères enchevêtrés aux interfaces / Entangled polymer flows at interfacesKorolkovas, Airidas 16 December 2016 (has links)
La friction d'une surface en réaction au cisaillement pourrait devenir un élément important dans des diverses technologies telles que la microfluidique, la lubrification ou encore la production et le traitement des polymères. Notre système modèle est constitué d'une brosse polymère sous un écoulement d'une solution de polymère enchevêtrée. La structure de la brosse a été sondée expérimentalement par Rhéo - Réflectométrie Neutronique, ainsi que par la simulation numérique basée sur des globules très "mous" ("blobs" en anglais). Dans les simulations on montre pour la première fois qu'il est bien possible de supprimer le croisement de chaînes de polymères pour ensuite pouvoir observer la dynamique d'enchevêtrement grâce uniquement au potentiel répulsif des globules. Pour confiner ces globules entre deux plaques dures, on propose une nouvelle condition limite, appelée mirror-and-shift, qui produit un comportement de profil de densité monotone et non oscillatoire à l'interface. Ces innovations de simulation sont ensuite combinées et leur résultat est comparé avec nos mesures expérimentales de l'épaisseur de la brosse polymère, en fonction de taux de cisaillement. Un bon accord quantitatif est obtenu, dont la conclusion est que l'épaisseur de la brosse s'effondre perpendiculairement au cisaillement appliqué, ce qui est un effet non-linéaire de second ordre. On attribue cet effet à la différence des contraintes normales, qui se produit communément dans des liquides de polymères enchevêtrés lorsqu'il sont poussés vers leur régime de rhéofluidification par un flot suffisant. / Shear responsive friction at solid-liquid interfaces could become an important component in various technologies such as microfluidics, lubrication and polymer processing. Our model system is a polymer brush grafted on a solid substrate, subject to shear flow by an entangled polymer solution. The structure of the brush was probed both experimentally by Rheo - Neutron Reflectometry, and by computer simulations based on soft blobs. In the simulations we demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to suppress polymer chain crossings and observe entanglement dynamics using only the soft blob repulsive potential. To confine the blobs between two hard plates we introduce a new boundary condition, mirror-and-shift, which enables a monotonic, rather than oscillatory, density profile climb at the interface. The simulation techniques are then combined and compared against experimental measurement of polymer brush thickness as a function of shear rate. A good quantitative agreement is obtained, concluding that the brush thickness collapses perpendicularly to the applied shear flow, and is thus a non-linear second order effect. We attribute this effect to the normal stress difference, commonly occurring in entangled polymer liquids in their shear thinning flow regime.
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Análise e determinação do coeficiente de atrito no processo de estampagem profundaFerrarini, José Luiz January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho usa o método de determinação do coeficiente de atrito com a utilização das equações de Panknin e do ensaio de Dobramento sob Tensão (DST) para determinar o coeficiente de atrito pelas equações de Panknin foi determinada a força máxima de estampagem de copos cilíndricos dos três materiais, aço inox austenítico AISI 304, aço inox ferrítico AISI 430 e aço de baixo teor de carbono EEP, com uso de quatro lubrificantes. O valor da força máxima de estampagem foi substituída nas equações de Panknin e calculados os coeficientes de atrito. Para o ensaio de Dobramento sob Tensão foram estudadas várias equações que serviram de referência para o cálculo do coeficiente de atrito: Equação das Polias, Equação das Polias Sem Dobramento, Equação das Polias Sem Dobramento considerando os Fatores Geométricos (raio do pino e espessura da chapa), Equação de Wilson, Equação de Sniekers e Equação de Andreasen. Essas equações foram utilizadas para determinar o coeficiente de atrito com a utilização de dois lubrificantes. Os materiais de estudo foram o aço de baixo teor de carbono (EEP), aço inoxidável austenítico (AISI 304) e aço inoxidável ferrítico (AISI 430). A escolha desses materiais foi justificada pela grande quantidade de produtos estampados com esses materiais. No ensaio de DST foram utilizados corpos de prova cortados a 0°, 45° e 90° em relação à direção de laminação da chapa metálica. Nos ensaios de Dobramento sob Tensão utilizou-se uma pressão constante e uma velocidade também constante. Os resultados do coeficiente de atrito calculados pelas equações do ensaio de DST foram comparados com os resultados dos coeficientes de atrito calculados pelas equações de Panknin para validação ou não do uso das equações de Panknin para determinar o coeficiente de atrito e de referência do coeficiente de atrito destes materiais pelo Ensaio de Dobramento Sob Tensão. / This paper uses two methods for calculation of the coefficient of friction efficient, using Panknin equations and the Bending under Tension test (DST). To determine the coefficient of friction with the Panknin equations, maximum stamping strength on cylindrical cups of three materials using four lubricants was calculated. The value of maximum stamping strength was replaced in the Panknin equations to calculate the fiction coefficient. For the Bending under Tension test various equations were studied which served as reference to calculate the friction coefficient: Equation of Sheaves, Equation of Sheaves without Bending, Equation of Sheaves without Bending considering the geometric factors (radius of the pin and plate thickness), Wilson Equation, Sniekers Equation and Andreasen Equation. These equations were used to determine the friction coefficient with the use of two lubricants. The studied materials were low carbon steel, austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) and ferritic stainless steel (AISI 430). The choice of these materials was justified by the large amount of stamped products with such materials. The Bending under Tension test was performed with specimens cut at 0°, 45° and 90° to the rolling direction of the metal sheet. The tests were made under constant pressure and constant speed. The results of friction the coefficient calculated by equations of the DST test were compared to the results of the coefficients of friction calculated by Panknin equations.
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Considerações sobre o atrito para processos de forjamento a frio através do ensaio de compressão do anelGeier, Martin January 2007 (has links)
São realizadas análises teóricas e experimentais do atrito nos processos de forjamento a frio, através do ensaio de compressão do anel. Os modelos de atrito de Amonton-Coulomb (μ), atrito interfacial (m) e de Levanov (f) são investigados com auxílio de softwares comerciais de simulação de processos de forjamento. Diferentes condições de lubrificação foram aplicadas para o aço baixa liga 16MnCr5 e a liga de alumínio AA6351 nas condições recozido e encruado. O atrito foi analisado, utilizando os softwares MSC.Superforge e Qform, em função dos resultados obtidos e as condições de lubrificação e estado do material. Valores paramétricos do atrito adquiridos através de correlação teórico-experimental são condizentes com a literatura, indicando a relação do atrito com o material de trabalho, inclusive com seu grau de encruamento. Os modelos de atrito m e f apresentaram maior sensibilidade com relação ao estado do material. / Experimental and theoretical analyses of friction in cold forging process are evaluated by means of the ring compression test. Friction models from Amonton- Coulomb (μ), interfacial friction (m) and Levanov’s model (f) are investigated by aid of numerical simulation software. Different lubricants are applied for low carbon steel alloy 16MnCr5 under annealed and work-hardened conditions. Friction is analyzed by means of lubricant and material conditions using MSC.Superforge and Qform numerical simulation softwares. Acquired frictional parameter values obtained by theoretical-experimental correlation agree with literature, showing friction’s relationship with workpiece material and its hardening level. Friction models m and f presented better sensitivity when concerning the material’s hardening level.
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