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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspekte der Langzeitspeicherung - Das Speicherungskonzept in MONARCH

Ziegler, Christoph 05 July 1999 (has links)
Es werden Probleme der Langzeitarchivierung diskutiert, sowohl aus Anwendersicht als auch Betreibersicht. Konkret wird das Speicherungskonzept von MONARCH vorgestellt, mit dem versucht wird, die aufgeworfenen Probleme der Langzeitarchivierung zu loesen.

An assessment of dioxins, dibenzofurans and PCBs in the sediments of selected freshwater bodies and estuaries in South Africa / R. Pieters

Pieters, Rialet January 2007 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a threat to the environment and human health because they are ubiquitous, resistant to degradation, can bio-accumulate in organisms and bio-magnify in food chains. They have a detrimental effect on the reproductive, nervous and immunity systems of vertebrates. An international treaty, the Stockholm Convention on POPs, came into force in 2004 and aims to limit and eventually prohibit any use and unintentional production of POPs. South Africa ratified the Convention in 2002. Those compounds currently listed by the Stockholm Convention as POPs include chlorinated pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (DDT), chlordane and dieldrin, and industry-related compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are also regarded as POPs but - together with some PCBs - they are the unintentional result of anthropogenic activity. This study focussed on the PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in the aquatic environment of South Africa particularly because the water resources in this country are under pressure. Despite the fact that South Africa has the sources of these compounds, little is known about the levels of these three groups of compounds. The concentration of twelve dioxin-like PCBs, seven PCDDs and ten PCDFs were determined for 22 sites selected on the grounds of their proximity to possible pollution sources. Analytical determinations included gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and a cell-based bio-assay, the H4IIE-/17C reporter gene assay. Possible sources of the observed pollution were inferred using the following statistical investigative methods: principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis. Seven of the sites had levels higher than the threshold effect concentration of Canada's sediment quality guidelines of 0.85 ngTEQ kg'1 (Toxic Equivalency Quotient). The other sites had lower levels. The highest concentration, 17.8 ng TEQ kg"1, was measured at a site in the southern Gauteng Province. Most of the PCDD/F pollution seemed to have come from combustion sources related to human activity, rather than industrial combustion. Most of the dioxin-like PCB pollution seemed to have been from commercial PCB preparations. Future research would require better characterisation of the sources in order to reduce the formation of these compounds, but also to better understand the exposure and risk scenarios, if humans are to be in close contact with these sources. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Zoology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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An assessment of dioxins, dibenzofurans and PCBs in the sediments of selected freshwater bodies and estuaries in South Africa / R. Pieters

Pieters, Rialet January 2007 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a threat to the environment and human health because they are ubiquitous, resistant to degradation, can bio-accumulate in organisms and bio-magnify in food chains. They have a detrimental effect on the reproductive, nervous and immunity systems of vertebrates. An international treaty, the Stockholm Convention on POPs, came into force in 2004 and aims to limit and eventually prohibit any use and unintentional production of POPs. South Africa ratified the Convention in 2002. Those compounds currently listed by the Stockholm Convention as POPs include chlorinated pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (DDT), chlordane and dieldrin, and industry-related compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are also regarded as POPs but - together with some PCBs - they are the unintentional result of anthropogenic activity. This study focussed on the PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in the aquatic environment of South Africa particularly because the water resources in this country are under pressure. Despite the fact that South Africa has the sources of these compounds, little is known about the levels of these three groups of compounds. The concentration of twelve dioxin-like PCBs, seven PCDDs and ten PCDFs were determined for 22 sites selected on the grounds of their proximity to possible pollution sources. Analytical determinations included gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and a cell-based bio-assay, the H4IIE-/17C reporter gene assay. Possible sources of the observed pollution were inferred using the following statistical investigative methods: principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis. Seven of the sites had levels higher than the threshold effect concentration of Canada's sediment quality guidelines of 0.85 ngTEQ kg'1 (Toxic Equivalency Quotient). The other sites had lower levels. The highest concentration, 17.8 ng TEQ kg"1, was measured at a site in the southern Gauteng Province. Most of the PCDD/F pollution seemed to have come from combustion sources related to human activity, rather than industrial combustion. Most of the dioxin-like PCB pollution seemed to have been from commercial PCB preparations. Future research would require better characterisation of the sources in order to reduce the formation of these compounds, but also to better understand the exposure and risk scenarios, if humans are to be in close contact with these sources. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Zoology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Distribution and fate of persistent organic pollutants in nearshore marine turtle habitats of Queensland, Australia

Siobhan Hermanussen Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT The tropical and subtropical nearshore marine environments of Queensland, Australia sustain diverse and unique marine wildlife. Continuous population growth and land-use changes along the Queensland coastline are known to exert numerous anthropogenic pressures on these marine ecosystems, including the delivery of high sediment loads. Sediments also provide a transport pathway for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from rural and urban catchments into the marine environment. While such pollutants are known to be elevated in marine sediment and biota from nearshore areas in Queensland, their input and distribution pathways, as well as exposure and associated risks to wildlife populations are only partially understood. Mounting evidence suggests that POPs may contribute to population declines in marine wildlife species; however, limited information is available regarding the accumulation and effects of these contaminants in endangered or threatened marine turtles. This study aimed to redress some of these information gaps using a case study approach in marine turtle habitats of Moreton Bay, and other embayments in Queensland. Among persistent organic pollutants (POPs), dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins; PCDDs) and to some extent also dioxin-like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls; PCBs) were found to be widespread and often present at elevated (ppb) levels in surface sediments from Moreton Bay. However, while PCDD/F toxic equivalencies (TEQs) are above international (Canadian) sediment quality guidelines at numerous sites in Moreton Bay, in general TEQs across the Bay are relatively low compared to those from contaminated locations near dense industrial activities. POP contamination in surface sediments across Moreton Bay was investigated by a combination of GIS spatial mapping, geostatistical and traditional statistical modalities. High spatial variability and complex spatial distribution patterns were revealed. High resolution GIS kriging model outputs from the mid to southern Bay facilitated identification of distinct sediment contamination zones, with highest PCB and PCDD/F levels present in nearshore locations, associated with nearby river systems. While primarily governed by organic carbon, a multitude of physical, chemical and hydrological factors were identified to influence the spatial variance of PCDD/F concentrations. The main parameters governing PCDD/F spatial distribution were identified as sediment geochemistry, water depth and anthropogenic alterations of the physical environment and, together, all quantifiable explanatory variables (including hydrodynamic flushing) explained ≈75% of spatial PCDD/F variance. Together, the interaction of these parameters results in complex distribution patterns and highly variable concentrations even among neighbouring sites of 1-3 km resolution. These results suggest that prediction models of POP distributions in the nearshore marine environment may require high-resolution validation, and highlights that the design of low resolution monitoring strategies can have profound impacts on the reliability of contaminant information or any subsequent extrapolations. This knowledge and methodology can be utilised to optimise on-going and future near-shore sediment monitoring programs both locally and in other regions around the world. Using the spatial distributions of dioxin-like contaminants within sediments, this study provided an opportunity to assess field-based relationships between habitat contamination and local marine biota contamination. Detectable levels of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs were measured in all green, hawksbill, loggerhead and flatback marine turtle tissues. POP concentrations in sediments were found to significantly correlate with those in the herbivorous green turtle from different sediment contamination zones. These findings demonstrate that sediments represent an important secondary contaminant source and lead to redistribution of POPs to the marine food chain. POP concentrations and TEQs clearly increased from sediment to turtles as well as with increasing trophic levels in marine turtle species. The results from this study demonstrate that the extent of sediment contamination within foraging habitats governs marine turtle exposure, while, trophic status and to some extent age influence contaminant exposure within a particular contamination zone. Despite the relatively low TEQ in sediments from Moreton Bay, TEQ levels in green turtle sub-populations foraging from near-shore locations and higher trophic loggerhead and flatback turtles are similar or elevated compared to those reported for other marine wildlife from Moreton Bay and elsewhere, even compared to higher trophic species from locations impacted by dense industrial activities. High bioaccumulation potential of 2,3,7,8-PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCBs compounds were estimated for green turtles using biota to sediment accumulation factors. Selective accumulation of toxicologically more potent (i.e. lower chlorinated) PCDD/Fs was observed for higher trophic marine turtles, resulting in increasing TEQs for the carnivorous species. Biomagnification was also observed for some non-2,3,7,8-substituted dioxin congeners which typically do not accumulate in most biota. These results are proposed to be due to relatively high accumulation efficiency and/or low metabolic capacity for these POP compounds in marine turtles. These findings are also hypothesised to reflect temperature dependant, greater bioavailability of hydrophobic chemicals in sub-tropical and shallow marine systems. An additional pilot study revealed that in contrast to PCDD/Fs and PCBs, levels of persistent flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers; PBDEs) were relatively low in marine turtles and other marine species (dugong, fish and shellfish) from Moreton Bay. This suggests relatively low level input of these more recent industrial products into the marine environment. However, as elevated levels of PBDEs have been reported in blood from the general population of Australia, ongoing transport from the terrestrial to the marine system and redistribution of these contaminants, similar to PCDD/F and PCBs, would be expected to occur into the future. Limited information is available regarding the sensitivity of reptiles to and effects of POPs, however, studies have shown that reptiles are sensitive to POPs albeit with uncharacterised relative potency. In the absence of robust toxicological information for reptiles or marine turtles, the potential risks associated with PCDD/F and PCB exposure of Queensland turtle populations was evaluated using toxicity for sensitive biological endpoints observed in mammals and birds. Using probabilistic methodology for marine turtles from Queensland, the body burden of up to 31% and 55% of green and loggerhead turtles, respectively, are above the threshold levels where the most sensitive physiological effects are observed in mammals and birds. While this evaluation illustrates that the contaminants investigated have the potential to impact on the health of marine turtle populations, it must be highlighted that it is compromised by the lack of species-specific (and in this case, class-specific) information, the uncertainty of which is often considered to represent a factor of at least 10. The findings of the present study indicate that exposure to POPs has the potential to adversely affect the health of Queensland’s marine turtle populations, and highlight the need for robust information on reptile specific sensitivity to these compounds.
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Contaminant dietary exposure assessment for a coastal subpopulation in Queensland, Australia

Veronica Matthews Unknown Date (has links)
Polychlorinated-p-dibenzo dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) (collectively termed ‘dioxins’) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are three groups of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) ubiquitous in the environment due to their emission from numerous sources, high persistency and a propensity to be transported long distances. These compounds bioaccumulate in animal tissue, biomagnify through the food web and are toxic to humans and wildlife at relatively low concentrations. Humans may be exposed to POPs via ingestion, inhalation and dermal absorption, however, for the general population, approximately 90% of the total exposure occurs through intake of contaminated food particularly from lipid rich products, including seafood. An Australian national study highlighted that, similar to many other countries, seafood contributes a major proportion to dioxin and PCB exposure of Australians. As typical for national studies, the exposure assessment utilised contaminant concentrations in retail (sea)food and consumption information based on national dietary surveys. The risk assessment showed that the Australian population on the whole has a very low risk of exposure to dioxins through food. However, more than 80% of the Australian population lives within 50 km of the coast, where recreational, cultural and/or subsistence fishing of local seafood is prominent, potentially from areas with elevated PCDD/F and PCB concentrations. Through analysis of local seafood contamination and community seafood consumption patterns, this study assessed PCDD/F and PCB exposure for a coastal subpopulation in Moreton Bay, Queensland who consume locally caught seafood from an area with elevated PCDD/F and PCB concentrations but relatively low (background) toxic equivalency (TEQDP) in sediments, which is typical for Australian nearshore marine systems. Despite low sediment TEQDP levels, due to the dominance of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (which is considered less potent compared to the most toxic 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin), elevated TEQDP concentrations were present in local seafood. In particular higher trophic fish species and some traditional seafood were found to contain TEQDP above current EU action and maximum limits. This highlights the efficiency of species specific contaminant uptake, bioaccumulation and biomagnification processes, which can result in accumulation of higher toxic dioxin and PCB congeners in biota. In contrast, concentrations of most organochlorine pesticides and flame retardants (polybrominated diphenylehters (PBDEs)) were relatively low in seafood from Moreton Bay. For fish, uptake of highly lipophilic contaminants, such as PCDD/Fs and PCBs occurs predominantly via food (biomagnification) and respiratory processes (bioconcentration) followed by selective accumulation of the more toxic, lower chlorinated 2,3,7,8 PCDD/F congeners. This study discovered that physical contact with sediment and dermal absorption of lipophilic contaminants also represents an important exposure pathway for sediment dwelling fish, resulting in higher lipid normalised PCDD/F, PCB and TEQ levels (up to 8, 5 and 3 fold) in skin compared to muscle tissue. PCDD/F and PCB congener profiles differed between muscle and skin suggesting biomagnification and skin absorption as the respective predominant uptake pathways for these tissues. Dermal uptake was estimated to contribute up to 46% to the total TEQDP load on a lipid basis in sediment dwelling fish species, thus representing an important exposure pathway, and extending the bioavailability of sediment-sorbed pollutants to the food web. Accurate determinations of lipid content and lipid TEQDP contamination within seafood samples are critical to human exposure assessments. To ensure quality assurance, different seafood extraction methods were tested to evaluate their impact on lipid yields and contaminant concentration. While levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs on a lipid basis did not vary across the different methods employed in this study, sample preparation is a significant determinant of lipid yield from fattier fish species. If samples were freeze dried prior to extraction, 30% higher TEQDP values (on a wet weight basis) were obtained as compared to extraction using fresh sample material. Such variance in lipid results will have a significant impact on exposure assessments and should be taken into consideration during seafood contaminant analysis. The median TEQDP concentration from local seafood was approximately 25 fold higher compared to the retail seafood analysed for the national Australian risk assessment. The seafood consumption survey results from this study further indicate that coastal subpopulations consume considerably more seafood than the general population (2 to 6 times more in the present case study). This proved to be an important driver for contaminant exposure in this subpopulation. The average monthly dioxin intake for the coastal community ranged between 34 (best case) to 107 (worst case) pg TEQ kg bw-1 month1, (95th percentile: 114 - 362 pg TEQ kg bw-1 month1), an order of magnitude higher than that estimated for the general population. The contaminant exposure via the local seafood consumption pathway alone exceeded WHO tolerable daily intake levels in 11-44% of the population. These results have important implications with respect to adequate contaminant exposure assessments of Australian and other coastal subpopulations. The study outcomes highlight the importance of considering local conditions and information on contaminant fate processes for human exposure evaluations. Local seafood consumption in coastal communities can result in high exposure to PCDD/F and PCBs, even in background contamination areas. This information would be important to consider for developing future sediment quality guidelines and with respect to exposure and associated risks for coastal communities in general.
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Desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos empregando a espectrometria de absorção atômica sequencial rápida com atomização em chama / Development of analytical methods employing fast sequential atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization

Miranda, Kelber dos Anjos de 19 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:34:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4531.pdf: 708473 bytes, checksum: fa2ea780712d3ffbd332ab95fd4c9dff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-19 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The aim of this PhD thesis was to develop analytical methods employing fast sequential flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FS-FAAS). In the first part of this study, a fast and simple method is proposed for the determination of Cu in sugar cane spirits employing FS-FAAS and the internal standard technique. First, Ag, Bi, Co and Ni were evaluated as internal standards to correct transport interferences caused by the presence of ethanol. The results demonstrated that Ag at a concentration of 2 mg L−1 was effective as internal standard. In the second part of this study, a novel analytical method which consists of a combination of hydride generation and FS-FAAS is proposed. The method developed was employed for the sequential determination of As and Sb at sub-μg L-1 levels in bottled mineral waters. An enhancement in the analytical throughput was obtained when compared with the traditional monoelement HGAAS with a quartz tube atomizer. In the last part of the study, the combination of thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) and FS-FAAS for the sequential determination of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn was proposed and a significant improvement in the analytical throughput of TS-FFAAS was obtained. Then, an analytical method for the sequential determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in slurries of biological samples by TS-FF-AAS was developed. / Esta tese de doutorado teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos empregando a espectrometria de absorção atômica sequencial rápida com atomização em chama (FS-FAAS). Na primeira parte do estudo, avaliou-se o uso da padronização interna em FS-FAAS através da determinação direta de Cu em amostras de aguardente de cana. Neste caso, Ag, Bi, Co e Ni foram avaliados como padrões internos para a correção do efeito de transporte causado pela presença de etanol na matriz. Os resultados demostraram que Ag na concentração de 2 mg L−1 foi eficaz como padrão interno na determinação direta de Cu em amostras de aguardente por FS-FAAS. Na segunda parte do estudo, avaliou-se o potencial do acoplamento entre a geração de hidretos (HG) e a FS-FAAS para a determinação sequencial de As e Sb em amostras de água mineral. Os resultados revelaram que a HG no modo multielementar proporcionou um aumento considerável da frequência analítica, redução do consumo de reagentes e diminuição da geração de resíduos em relação à HG no modo monoelementar. Na última parte do estudo, avaliou-se o potencial da união da espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno tubular na chama e aerossol térmico (TS-FF-AAS) com a FS-FAAS para a determinação sequencial de Cd, Cu, Pb e Zn. Os resultados evidenciaram o aumento da frequência analítica proporcionada pela TS-FF-AAS no modo multielementar em relação ao modo monoelementar. Em seguida, amostras biológicas foram prédigeridas e introduzidas na forma de suspensões no sistema TS-FF-AAS para a determinação sequencial de Cd, Cu, Pb e Zn.
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Ultrafast Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Bimolecular Donor-Acceptor Systems

Alsulami, Qana 30 November 2016 (has links)
The efficiency of photoconversion systems, such as organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells, is largely controlled by a series of fundamental photophysical processes occurring at the interface before carrier collection. A profound understanding of ultrafast interfacial charge transfer (CT), charge separation (CS), and charge recombination (CR) is the key determinant to improving the overall performances of photovoltaic devices. The discussion in this dissertation primarily focuses on the relevant parameters that are involved in photon absorption, exciton separation, carrier transport, carrier recombination and carrier collection in organic photovoltaic devices. A combination of steady-state and femtosecond broadband transient spectroscopies was used to investigate the photoinduced charge carrier dynamics in various donor-acceptor systems. Furthermore, this study was extended to investigate some important factors that influence charge transfer in donor-acceptor systems, such as the morphology, energy band alignment, electronic properties and chemical structure. Interestingly, clear correlations among the steady-state measurements, time-resolved spectroscopy results, grain alignment of the electron transporting layer (ETL), carrier mobility, and device performance are found. In this thesis, we explored the significant impacts of ultrafast charge separation and charge recombination at donor/acceptor (D/A) interfaces on the performance of a conjugated polymer PTB7-Th device with three fullerene acceptors: PC71BM, PC61BM and IC60BA. Time-resolved laser spectroscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy can illustrate the basis for fabricating solar cell devices with improved performances. In addition, we studied the effects of the incorporation of heavy metals into π-conjugated chromophores on electron transfer by monitoring the triplet state lifetime of the oligomer using transient absorption spectroscopy, as understanding the mechanisms controlling intersystem crossing and photoinduced electron transfer dynamics is required to improve the device performance of solar cells. Here, we evaluated the effects of incorporating Pt(II) on intersystem crossing and photoinduced electron transfer by comparing and analyzing the photoexcited dynamics of DPP-Pt(II)(acac) and metal-free DPP with different acceptors such as TCNE, TMPyP, and TPyP.
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A performance and energy evaluation of a dye drawn forward osmosis (FO) system for the textile industry

Rahman, Mohammed January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2020 / Continuous growth in the world population has raised significant fears with regards to the sustainability of energy and water resources. Globally, water is an indispensable resource as it is essential for the sustenance of human, animal and plant life. Water is essential for all forms of life and plays a pivotal role in economic growth. The textile industry is one of the greatest consumers of water, it is, therefore, necessary to effectively treat the large amounts of wastewater before discharge to the environment. It is estimated that annually, more than 700,000-tonnes of textile wastewater is produced by the dyeing industry. Textile wastewater is generally characterised by electrolytes, suspended solids, mineral oils and multiple textile dyes, and has therefore been classified as one of the most polluting wastewaters. These dyes are toxic and, in most cases, are not biodegradable. The presence of very small amounts (i.e. < 1 ppm) of dyes in water has aesthetic impacts and is thus undesirable. It is, therefore, necessary to treat textile wastewater before discharging. Currently, membrane technology is widely used for wastewater treatment, as well as water purification. Forward osmosis (FO) is a promising technology for both these applications. FO is characterised by the flow of water through a semipermeable membrane from a feed solution (FS) characterised by the low solute concentration or low osmotic pressure (OP) to a draw solution (DS) characterised by the high solute concentration or high OP, due to the OP gradient across the membrane. The FO process eliminates the need for high hydraulic pressure, as required in traditional membrane technologies, and also has low fouling tendencies. Furthermore, FO has the advantage of lower energy requirements and membrane replacement costs. However, there are still many disadvantages such as reverse solute flux (RSF), membrane fouling, and concentration polarisation (CP) amongst others that still need to be addressed. Therefore, more research needs to be done in light of these limitations to better understand and mitigate these limitations to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the FO process. This study aimed to evaluate a dye-driven FO system for the reclamation of water from textile wastewater and synthetic brackish water (BW5) by investigating the effects of membrane orientation, system flowrate, change in DS, and membrane fouling on the FO systems performance and energy consumption. The FS used was BW5 with sodium chloride (NaCl) content of 5 g/L whereas Reactive Black 5 (i.e. a reactive dye) and Maxilon Blue GRL (i.e. a basic dye) dyes were used as a DS, respectively. The membrane utilised was a cellulose triacetate (CTA) membrane and was tested in FO mode and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) mode whilst the system flowrate was adjusted to 400, 500 and 600 mL/min, respectively. Experiments were performed using a bench-scale FO setup which comprised of an FO membrane cell, a double-head variable speed peristaltic pump, a digital scale, two reservoirs for the FS and DS, respectively, a digital multiparameter meter and a digital electrical multimeter to measure system energy consumption. Each experiment comprised of six steps: baseline 1 (membrane control), main experiment (dye-driven FO experiment), baseline 2 (membrane control repeat), membrane cleaning, membrane integrity (membrane damage dye identification) and membrane cleaning (preparation for next experiment). The baseline 1 and baseline 2 experiments operated for 3 h whilst each membrane cleaning procedure operated for 30 min. The main experiments operated for 5 h in the FO mode and 4 h in PRO mode whilst the membrane integrity experiments operated until a minimum of 10 mL water was recovered. Results showed that the PRO mode achieved both higher forward flux (𝐽𝑤) (i.e. 8.87, 8.71 and 9.13 L/m2.h for flowrates of 400, 500 and 600 ml/min) and water recovery (𝑅𝑒) rates compared to FO mode (i.e. 6.60, 6.88 and 7.58 L/m2.h for flowrates of 400, 500 and 600 ml/min). The variation of flowrates had little to no influence on the 𝐽𝑤, 𝐽𝑠 and 𝑅𝑒 of the system. The system consumed less energy in PRO mode (i.e. 381 kWh/m3 average consumption for all three flowrates) than FO mode (i.e. 417 kWh/m3 average consumption for all three flowrates). It was also observed that at a higher DS 𝑂𝑃, the system consumed less energy. Therefore, selecting an optimum initial 𝑂𝑃 is essential for a FO process to minimise the pumping energy. Furthermore, a change in DS from Reactive Black 5 dye to Maxilon Blue GRL dye had no significant impact on the system performance and energy consumption. In this study, no significant membrane fouling was observed, however, minute traces of fouling in the form of foreign functional groups could be observed in the attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) spectrums of the used membranes. Additionally, the observation of negligible changes in baseline 2 (membrane control) Re and Jw results suggested the possible occurrence of membrane fouling during the main experiment (dye-driven FO system).
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Spektroskopická analýza B[e] hvězdy FS CMa / Spectral analysis of the B[e] star FS CMa

Kříček, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with spectral analysis of the B[e] star FS CMa, a prototype of FS CMa stars group. These objects are characterized by huge amount of matter in sourrounding shell which origin is not explained for many years. However, solving this issue could enrich stellar astrophysics by enhanced stellar evolution models. The goal of this thesis is to improve our understanding of FS CMa. We described spectral variability on various time scales and simulated spectra for different forms of the system in HDUST code. On the basis of new obtained spectra we confirmed long-term changes in variability of some spectral features and rapid variability of some spectral lines. We gained an estimate of the gas density. The simulations showed that spectral type of FS CMa is not certain and that the star could be surrounded by extended disk, many stellar radii wide. 1

Conformational dynamics of G-quadruplex DNA probed by time-resolved circular dichroism / Dynamiques conformationnelles de l’ADN G-quadruplex sondées par dichroïsme circulaire résolu en temps

Schmid, Marco 13 December 2017 (has links)
Les quadruplexes de guanines (G4) sont des structures d’ADN non-canoniques qui résultent de l’empilement hydrophobe de tétrades de guanines, stabilisé par des cations métalliques (tels que Na+ et K+). Il existe aujourd’hui un nombre croissant de preuves expérimentales qui attestent de l’implication des G4 dans d’importantes fonctions cellulaires corrélées à leur mécanisme de repliement/dépliement. Toutefois, très peu d’études ont abordé les aspects dynamiques de leur formation. Aussi, nous avons entrepris l’étude de plusieurs G4 mono-moléculaires à l’aide d’une nouvelle extension d’expériences de saut de température, capable de mesurer la dynamique de dénaturation thermique et de renaturation consécutive de l’ADN, sur une fenêtre temporelle allant de quelques millisecondes aux secondes. Les changements conformationnels ont été sondés par dichroïsme circulaire (CD) résolu en temps, connu pour être très sensible à l’arrangement des guanines dans les G4. Au préalable des études résolues en temps, en collaboration avec DISCO/SOLEIL, nous avons mesuré les spectres CD statiques de différentes séquences G4 présentant des topologies distinctes, comme celles des télomères humains, de l’aptamère de la thrombine ou des promoteurs de c-MYC. Nous avons observé des cinétiques de dénaturation et renaturation biphasiques avec des constantes de temps de quelques centaines de millisecondes et quelques secondes. Ces cinétiques dépendent fortement de l’amplitude du saut de température et de la concentration de cations métalliques. L’ensemble de ces observations suggère l’existence de plusieurs voies de repliement/dépliement des G4 sur des surfaces de potentiel très rugueuses. / Guanine-quadruplexes (G4) are non-canonical DNA structures that result from the hydrophobic stacking of guanine quartets stabilized by metal cations (typically Na+ and K+). There is now an increasing body of experimental evidence of their occurrence in important cell functions correlated to their folding/unfolding mechanisms. However, only few studies have addressed the dynamical aspect of their formation. In this context, we have undertaken the study of several intramolecular G4 with a novel extension of temperature-jump experiments capable to measure the thermal denaturation and the consecutive renaturation of DNA over a time window spanning a few ten milliseconds to seconds. Conformational changes have been monitored by time-resolved circular dichroism (CD), which is known to be sensitive to the chiral arrangement of guanines in the G4 scaffolds.Prior to time-resolved measurements, within the frame of a collaboration with DISCO/SOLEIL, we have performed static synchrotron radiation CD measurements on several short G4-forming sequences, such as human telomere, thrombin-binding aptamer and c-MYC promoter sequences, displaying distinct topologies. Denaturation and renaturation kinetics are found to exhibit biphasic decays with time constants of a few hundred milliseconds and a few seconds, respectively. Those kinetics depend strongly on the amplitude of the temperature jump and the concentration of cations. Taken together these observations suggest the existence of multiple folding pathways on extremely rugged landscapes.
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