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Analysis of Regulated Drugs Using Chromatographic and Spectrophotometric Techniques Coupled with Spectroscopy An Orthogonal Approach to Protecting Public HealthNickum, Elisa A. 30 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Cellulose-water interaction: a spectroscopic studyLindh, Erik L January 2016 (has links)
The human society of today has a significantly negative impact on the environment and needs to change its way of living towards a more sustainable path if to continue to live on a healthy planet. One path is believed to be an increased usage of naturally degradable and renewable raw materials and, therefore, attention has been focused on the highly abundant biopolymer cellulose. However, a large drawback with cellulose-based materials is the significant change of their mechanical properties when in contact with water. Despite more than a century of research, the extensively investigated interaction between water and cellulose still possesses many unsettled questions, and if the answer to those were known, cellulose-based materials could be more efficiently utilized. It is well understood that one interaction between cellulose and water is through hydrogen bonds, established between water and the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose. Due to the very similar properties of the hydroxyl groups in water and the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose, the specific interaction-induced effect on the hydroxyl groups at a cellulose surface is difficult to investigate. Therefore, a method based on 2H MAS NMR spectroscopy has been developed and validated in this work. Due to the verified ability of the methodology to provide site-selective information regarding the molecular dynamics of the cellulose deuteroxyl groups (i.e. deuterium-exchanged hydroxyl groups), it was shown by investigating 1H-2H exchanged cellulose samples that only two of the three accessible hydroxyl groups (on the surface of cellulose fibrils) exchange with water. This finding was also verified by FT-IR spectroscopy, and together with MD simulations we could establish that it is O(2)H and O(6)H hydroxyl groups (of the constituting glucose units) that exchange with water. From the MD simulations additional conclusion could be drawn regarding the molecular interactions required for hydrogen exchange; an exchanging hydroxyl group needs to donate its hydrogen in a hydrogen bond to water. Exchange kinetics of thin cellulose films were investigated by monitoring two different exchange processes with FT-IR spectroscopy. Specific information about the two exchanging hydroxyl/deuteroxyl groups was then extracted by deconvoluting the changing intensities of the recorded IR spectra. It was recognized that the exchange of the hydroxyl groups were well described by a two-region model, which was assessed to correspond to two fibrillary surfaces differentiated by their respective positions in the fibril aggregate. From the detailed deconvolution it was also possible to estimate the fraction of these two surfaces, which indicated that the average aggregate of cotton cellulose is built up by three to four fibrils. 2H MAS NMR spectroscopy was used to examine different states of water in cellulose samples, hydrated at different relative humidities of heavy water. The results showed that there exist two states of water adsorbed onto the cellulose, differentiated by distinct different mobilities. These two states of water are well separated and had negligible exchange on the time scale of the experiments. It was suggested that they are located at the internal and external surfaces of the fibril aggregates. By letting cellulose nanofibrils undergo an epoxidation reaction with a mono epoxide some indicative results regarding how to protect the cellulose material from the negative impact of water were presented. The protecting effect of the epoxidation were examined by mechanically testing and NMR spectroscopy. It was proposed that by changing the dominant interaction between the fibril aggregates from hydrophilic hydrogen bonds to hydrophobic π-interactions the sensitivity to moisture was much reduced. The results also indicated that the relative reduction in moisture sensitivity was largest for the samples with highest moisture content. / <p>QC 20161229</p>
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Correlation between Lattice Dynamics and Magnetism in the Multiferroic Manganites / Korrelation von Kristallgitterdynamik und Magnetismus in den Multiferroischen ManganatenIssing, Sven January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis a systematic analysis of the correlation effects between lattice dynamics and magnetism in the Multiferroic Manganites RMnO3 with Pnma structure was conducted. For this task, Raman and FT-IR Spectroscopy were employed for an investigation of all optically accessible lattice vibrations, i.e. phonons. To study the correlation effects as well as their specific connections to symmetry and compositional properties of the Multiferroic Manganites, the polarisation and temperature dependence of the phonons were considered explicitly. In combination with lattice dynamical calculations based on Density Functional Theory, two coupling effects - Spin-Phonon Coupling and Electromagnon-Phonon Coupling - were systematically analysed. / Grundlegendes Verständnis der physikalischen Zusammenhänge innerhalb multifunktionaler Materialien im Hinblick auf spätere potentielle Anwendungen ist eines der Hauptziele der heutigen Forschungsbemühungen in der Festkörperphysik. Im Wesentlichen geht es dabei um das Ausnutzen von intrinsischen Kopplungseffekten, um zusätzliche Funktionalität im Vergleich zur heutigen auf Miniaturisierung von halbleiterbasierten Bauelementen aufbauenden Informationstechnologie zu erreichen. Die vorgelegte Dissertation zielt in dies em Themengebiet auf die systematische Untersuchung der Kopplungseffekte zwischen Kristallgitterdynamik und Magnetismus in den multiferroischen Manganaten ab. Konkret geht es um das Modelsystem der multiferroischen Selten-Erd-Manganate RMnO3 mit orthorhombischer Pnma-Struktur. Die zu diesem Zweck verwendeten experimentellen Techniken waren Raman und Fourier-Transform Infrarot (FT-IR) Spektroskopie, mit deren Hilfe alle optisch aktiven Kristallgitterschwingungen dieser Systeme spektroskopiert werden konnten. Zur Untersuchung der Kopplungseffekte wurden die spektroskopischen Experimente polarisationssensitiv und unter Variation der Probentemperatur durchgeführt, um insbesondere Renormalisierungseffekte der Gitterschwingungen im Temperaturbereich magnetischer Phasenübergänge nachweisen zu können. In Verbindung mit gitterdynamischen Rechnungen, die auf der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) basieren, wurden zwei Kopplungseffekte systematisch untersucht: Spin-Phonon Kopplung (SPC) sowie Elektromagnon-Phonon Kopplung (EMPC).
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Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging of Prostate HistopathologyFernandez, Daniel Celestino 20 May 2003 (has links)
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging techniques have emerged as powerful methods of obtaining sensitive spatially resolved molecular information from microscopic samples. The data obtained from such techniques reflect the intrinsic molecular chemistry of the sample and in particular yield a wealth of information regarding functional groups which comprise the majority of important molecules found in cells and tissue. These spectroscopic imaging techniques also have the advantage of acquisition of large numbers of spectral measurements which allow statistical analysis of spectral features which are characteristic of the normal histological state as well as different pathologic disease states. Databases of large numbers of samples can be acquired and used to build model systems that can be used to predict spatial properties of unknown samples.
The successful construction and application of such a model system relies on the ability to compile high-quality spectral database information on a large number of samples with minimal sample-to-sample preparation artifact. Tissue microarrays provide a consistent sample preparation for high-throughput infrared spectroscopic profiling of histologic specimens. Tissue arrays consisting of representative normal healthy prostate tissue as well as pathologic entities including prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and prostatic adenocarcinoma were constructed and used as sample populations for infrared spectroscopic imaging at high spatial and spectral resolutions.
Histological and pathological features of the imaged tissue were correlated with consecutive tissue sections stained with standard histologic stains and visualized via traditional optical microscopy and reviewed with a trained pathologist. Spectral analysis of histologic class mean spectra and subsequent cross-sample statistical validation were used to classify reliable spectral metrics for class discrimination. Multivariate Gaussian maximum likelihood classification algorithms were used to reliably classify all pixels in an image scene to one of six different histologic subclasses: epithelium, smooth muscular stroma, fibrous stroma, corpora amylacea, lymphocytic infiltration, and blood. The developed database-dependent classification methods were used as a tool to investigate subsequent microarrays designed with both normal epithelial tissue as well as adenocarcinoma from a large population of patients. Such investigation led to the identification of spectral features that proved useful in the preliminary discrimination of benign and malignant prostatic epithelial tissue.
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Infrared spectroscopy as a new tool for the screening of antitumoral agents inducing original therapeutic action. La spectroscopie infrarouge comme outil de screening pour l’identification de nouveaux agents thérapeutiquesGasper, Régis 26 November 2010 (has links)
Actuellement le criblage en vue de la recherche de nouveaux agents antitumoraux se base principalement sur la qualité cytotoxique d’une molécule. Le principal défaut de cette approche est qu’aucune sélection n’est faite sur le mode d’action du médicament. L’objectif de ce travail est la mise au point d’une méthode permettant un classement rapide et objectif du mode d’action de molécules à visée thérapeutique par spectroscopie infrarouge.
La spectroscopie infrarouge est une technique d’absorption de la lumière fournit la signature chimique d’un échantillon. L’excellente qualité du signal rend possible son utilisation comme outil discriminant. En outre, cette technique d’analyse se démarque des autres par son caractère non destructif et la rapidité d’acquisition des données. Elle se révèlerait donc une méthode de choix pour effectuer du criblage de molécules en vue de la recherche de nouveaux agents thérapeutiques.
Dans un premier temps nous avons voulu évaluer la possibilité d’utiliser la spectroscopie infrarouge pour isoler la signature spectrale du mode d’action induit par des concentrations sub-létales de ouabaïne, un composé de la famille des cardénolides, sur une lignée tumorale de prostate. Nous avons montré que cette signature évolue au cours du temps et peut-être corrélée aux données biologiques décrites dans la littérature. Nous avons également mis en évidence pour la première fois une modification de la composition lipidique de la cellule. Cette altération a été caractérisée au cours du temps par spectrométrie de masse.
Nous avons ensuite voulu définir les limites de la méthode. La littérature souligne la diversité des modes d’action que peut induire un agent thérapeutique selon sa concentration. Nous avons montré que cette diversité se reflète sur le spectre infrarouge de cellules tumorales traitées à la ouabaïne en distinguant au moins deux modes d’action distincts, dépendant de la concentration en ouabaïne. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que la confluence pouvait modifier significativement le spectre infrarouge d’une cellule. Neanmoins cette signature est unique et orthogonale à celle induite par la ouabaïne.
Finalement, nous avons évalué le potentiel de la spectroscopie infrarouge à distinguer des modes d’action induits par des molécules à la structure chimique proche. Nous avons montré qu’il était possible de caractériser spécifiquement chacun des modes d’action. D’autre part nous avons mis en évidence que les modes d’action de molécules issues d’une même classe d’agent thérapeutique conduisaient à des signatures spectrales similaires. Cette partie du travail souligne la possibilité d’utilisation de la spectroscopie infrarouge pour un classement objectif, uniquement basé sur leur mode d’action d’agents thérapeutiques potentiels.
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Use of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the Identification of Bacteria of Importance to the Food IndustryPegram, Sarah 01 May 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work was to use Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to characterize and identify bacteria of particular significance to the food industry. FT-IR spectroscopy is a rapid technique that can be applied to all groups of bacteria. The two objectives were to determine a suitable sampling procedure to record a spectrum and to determine a suitable statistical technique to identify characteristic regions of the spectrum associated with the genus and, potentially, the species. Pure cultures of bacteria were grown in broth, suspended in saline and dried to produce a film on a halide salt crystal. These films were then used to produce FT-IR spectra. In total, 80 spectra were recorded from seven genera, seven species and four strains of bacteria. Some of the spectra were considered to be too low in intensity to be included in statistical analysis. Data points from three specific windows of the remaining spectra were used to determine spectral distances between spectra. These spectral distances were used to perform cluster analysis using Ward;s method, the Complete Linkage method and the Centroid method. The statistical analysis created successful clusters for several of the species used but was inconclusive overall in being able to distinguish between spectra at the genus, species and strain level. This may be due to inconsistent growth of bacteria and insufficient manipulation of the data. This study has shown the potential for FT-IR spectroscopy to be used to identify bacteria with significance for food but further development is needed to reproduce the consistent results demonstrated in current literature.
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Spectral radiative properties of thin films with rough surfaces using Fourier-transform infrared spectrometryKhuu, Vinh 12 April 2004 (has links)
Thin films are used in many energy conversion applications, ranging from photodetectors to solar cells. Accurately predicting the radiative properties of thin films when they possess rough surfaces is critical in many instances, but can be challenging due to the complexity arising from light scattering and interferences at the microscale. This work describes measurements of the spectral transmittance and reflectance of several thin-film materials (including crystalline silicon wafers and a polycrystalline diamond film) in the mid-infrared spectral region (2 20 m) using a Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. The transmittance and reflectance were calculated using thin-film optics for the double-side polished samples and scalar scattering theory for the single-side polished samples. The effects of partial coherence are considered using a fringe smoothing technique. The interval used for fringe smoothing was assumed to be linearly dependent on the wavenumber. Good agreement between the predicted and measured transmittance was achieved for the double-side polished silicon wafers and for the diamond film. The disagreement for some single-side polished silicon wafers may be inherently related to their surface microstructures, as suggested from surface topographic data and images obtained from surface profilometry and microscopy. By comparing the intervals used for fringe smoothing with the instrumental resolution, beam divergence in the spectrometer was found to be a major factor contributing to the partial coherence. Future research is proposed to investigate the correlation between the detailed surface characteristics and the conical-conical transmittance and reflectance.
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In situ-IR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur MTS-ThermolyseHemeltjen, Steffen 24 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, wie sich die in situ-IR-Spektroskopie zur Charakterisierung von CVD-Prozessen einsetzen läßt. Es werden Modellreaktoren vorgestellt, deren Konstruktion an die spektroskopische Verfolgung thermisch aktivierter Gasphasenreaktionen angepaßt ist. Ausgehend von Referenzmessungen, mit deren Hilfe Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der FT-IR-Spektroskopie in Bezug auf die CVD-Prozeßanalytik aufgezeigt werden, können auftretende Species im untersuchten System sicher bestimmt werden.
Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Untersuchung der Gasphase bei der Thermolyse von Methyltrichlorsilan in Abhängigkeit von den Prozeßparametern Temperatur und Eduktgaszusammensetzung. Die gefundenen Korrelationen werden durch Thermolysen einzelner, nachgewiesener Verbindungen bestätigt. Eine weitere Absicherung der Ergebnisse erfolgt durch Isotopenmarkierung mit Deuterium. Untersuchungen zur Schichtbildung ergänzen die Gasphasenanalytik.
Auf Grundlage der nachgewiesenen stabilen und instabilen Species und deren Abhängigkeit von den Prozeßparametern wird ein Mechanismus vorgeschlagen und diskutiert, der die Thermolyse von Methyltrichlorsilan zur Abscheidung von Siliciumcarbid vollständig beschreibt.
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Solid-state NMR and FT IR studies on chromatographic column materialsSrinivasan, Gokulakrishnan January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 2005
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Structure-function analysis of membrane proteins by infrared spectroscopy porin OmpF, porin OmpG and betaine transporter BetPKorkmaz, Filiz Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Frankfurt (Main), Univ., Diss., 2009
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