Spelling suggestions: "subject:"radiative properties"" "subject:"radiatives properties""
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Spectral radiative properties of thin films with rough surfaces using Fourier-transform infrared spectrometryKhuu, Vinh 12 April 2004 (has links)
Thin films are used in many energy conversion applications, ranging from photodetectors to solar cells. Accurately predicting the radiative properties of thin films when they possess rough surfaces is critical in many instances, but can be challenging due to the complexity arising from light scattering and interferences at the microscale. This work describes measurements of the spectral transmittance and reflectance of several thin-film materials (including crystalline silicon wafers and a polycrystalline diamond film) in the mid-infrared spectral region (2 20 m) using a Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. The transmittance and reflectance were calculated using thin-film optics for the double-side polished samples and scalar scattering theory for the single-side polished samples. The effects of partial coherence are considered using a fringe smoothing technique. The interval used for fringe smoothing was assumed to be linearly dependent on the wavenumber. Good agreement between the predicted and measured transmittance was achieved for the double-side polished silicon wafers and for the diamond film. The disagreement for some single-side polished silicon wafers may be inherently related to their surface microstructures, as suggested from surface topographic data and images obtained from surface profilometry and microscopy. By comparing the intervals used for fringe smoothing with the instrumental resolution, beam divergence in the spectrometer was found to be a major factor contributing to the partial coherence. Future research is proposed to investigate the correlation between the detailed surface characteristics and the conical-conical transmittance and reflectance.
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Fabrication and Analysis of Multilayer Structures for Coherent Thermal EmissionLee, Bong Jae 08 November 2007 (has links)
This dissertation describes a theoretical and experimental study on coherent thermal emission from thin-film multilayer structures. A novel multilayer structure consisting of a one-dimensional photonic crystal and a polar material (or a metal) is proposed as a coherent thermal-emission source. Surface electromagnetic waves can be excited at the edge of photonic crystal, enabling coherent emission characteristics (i.e., spectral- and directional-selectivity in the emissivity). A near-infrared coherent emission source is designed and fabricated using vacuum deposition and chemical vapor deposition techniques. Measurements were performed using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer and a laser scatterometer. The agreement between the resonance conditions obtained from experiments and the calculated dispersion relation confirms that surface waves at the photonic crystal-metal interface can be utilized to build coherent thermal-emission sources. The second part of this dissertation focuses on the energy propagation direction in near-field thermal radiation. The energy streamline method based on the Poynting vector is applied to near-field thermal radiation by incorporating the fluctuational electrodynamics, in which thermal emission is viewed as originated from random motion of electric dipoles at temperatures above absolute zero. It is shown that the Poynting vector is decoupled for each parallel wavevector component due to the randomness of thermal emission. The spectral radiative energy travels in infinite directions along curved lines; this is a fundamental characteristic of near-field thermal radiation. The findings in this dissertation are important for the design of near-field optical sensors and energy conversion devices.
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Modeling the Direct and Indirect Effects of Atmospheric Aerosols on Tropical CyclonesLee, Keun-Hee 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The direct and indirect effects of aerosols on the hurricane ‘Katrina’ have been investigated using the WRF model with a two-moment bulk microphysical scheme and modified Goddard shortwave radiation scheme. Simulations of the hurricane ‘Katrina’ are conducted under the three aerosol scenarios: 1) the clean case with an aerosol number concentration of 200 cm-1, 2) the polluted case with a number concentration of 1000 cm-1, and 3) the aerosol radiative effects (AR) case with same aerosol concentration as polluted case but with a modified shortwave radiation scheme.
The polluted and AR cases have much larger amounts of cloud water and water vapor in troposphere, and the increased cloud water can freeze to produce ice water paths. A tropical cyclone in dirty and dusty air has active rainbands outside the eyewall due to aerosol indirect effects. The aerosol direct effect can lead to the suppressing of convection and weakening of updraft intensity by warming the troposphere and cooling the surface temperature. However, these thermal changes in atmosphere are concerned with the enhanced amounts of cloud hydrometeors and modification of downdraft and corresponding the low level winds in rainband regions. Thus, the AR case can produce the enhanced precipitation even in the weakest hurricane. When comparing the model performance between aerosol indirect and direct effect by ensemble experiments, the adjustment time of the circulation due to modification of the aerosol radiative forcing by aerosol layers may take a longer time than the hurricane lifetime, and the results from the simulated hurricane show that it is more sensitive to aerosol indirect effects which are related to the cloud microphysics process changes.
From this aerosol study, we can suggest that aerosols can influence the cloudiness, precipitation, and intensity of hurricanes significantly, and there may be different results in the meso-scale convective clouds cases. The hurricane system is a large and complex convective system with enormous heating energy and moistures. Moreover, relationships between various hydrometeors in hurricane systems are difficult to isolate and thus, it needs further study with more realistic cloud microphysical processes, aerosol distributions, and parameterizations.
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Etude des transferts de chaleur au travers d'isolants thermiques fibreux pour le bâtiment : modélisation et caractérisation / Study of heat transfer through the textile fibrous insulation of the building : Modeling and characterizationTilioua, Amine 10 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif la compréhension des phénomènes de transfert de chaleur parconduction et rayonnement, dans les isolants thermiques fibreux du bâtiment, en vue de leuroptimisation. Nous avons étudié trois matériaux fibreux très différents : la laine de verre(matériau minéral), la ouate polyester (matériau synthétique) et la laine de chanvre (matériauvégétal).Dans un premier temps, les propriétés radiatives ont été identifiées par la méthode inversebasée sur les mesures expérimentales de réflexion et transmission hémisphériques etbidirectionnelles. Des échantillons de laine de verre, d’ouate polyester et de chanvre ont étéétudiés en utilisant un spectromètre FTIR. La méthode inverse permet, par le biais d’unmodèle moindres carrés, de déterminer les propriétés radiatives du matériau fibreux : albédo,épaisseur optique et coefficients de la fonction de phase. La conductivité radiative de chaquematériau est déterminée par l’approximation de Rosseland.Ensuite, concernant les propriétés thermophysiques globales des matériaux, des mesuresfluxmétriques ont été réalisées à l’aide d’un dispositif développé au LGCgE de Béthune. Cesmesures ont été comparées aux résultats d’une modélisation numérique basée sur la résolutiondes équations couplées de transfert radiatif et de l’énergie. / This thesis aims to understand the phenomenon of heat transfer by radiation and conductionof thermal building insulators. Three insulating materials were studied in this work: glasswool (mineral material), the wadding polyester (synthetic material) and wool hemp (plantmaterial).At a first step, the radiative properties have been identified by the inverse method based onexperimental measurements of hemispherical reflectance and transmittance and bidirectional.Samples of glass wool, wadding polyester and wool hemp were studied using an FTIRspectrometer. The inverse method allows, by means of a model least squares, thedetermination of the radiative properties of the medium: albedo, optical thickness andcoefficients of the phase function. The radiative conductivity of each material is determinedby the Rosseland approximation.Then, on global thermophysical properties of materials, heat flux measurements wereperformed using a device developed at LGCgE of Bethune. These measurements werecompared with the results of numerical modeling based on solving the coupled equations ofradiative transfer and energy.
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Etude expérimentale et modélisation par approche radiative d'un photoréacteur pour la production d'hydrogène / Experimental study and radiative approach modeling of a photoreactor for hydrogen productionDahi, Ghiles 19 December 2016 (has links)
Pour relever le défi énergétique du 21 ième siècle, une solution consiste à mettre au point des procédés solaires de production de vecteurs énergétiques par photosynthèse artificielle permettant la synthèse photo-catalytique de carburants solaires. L’obtention de performances cinétiques et énergétiques élevées pour ces procédés nécessite le développement d’outils de conception optimale tels des modèles de connaissance robustes et prédictifs considérant le transfert de rayonnement comme processus physique contrôlant le procédé à plusieurs échelles. Une chaine prédictive de modélisation, avec ses différents maillons, a donc été développée, mise en œuvre et validée sur une réaction modèle de photo-production d’hydrogène à partir d’une suspension de particules de CdS. Ainsi, à partir de leurs caractéristiques (taille, forme...) et de leurs propriétés optiques, les propriétés radiatives des particules, à savoir sections efficaces d’absorption, de diffusion et fonction de phase ont été calculées au moyen de la théorie de Lorenz-Mie et validées par des mesures de transmission sur un banc optique de précision. Ces paramètres ont ensuite été utilisés comme données d’entrée pour la résolution de l’équation de transfert radiatif, effectuée au moyen de la méthode de Monte Carlo. L’accord entre transmissions prédite et expérimentale, tenant compte éventuellement de la diffusion du rayonnement par les bulles d’hydrogène, est bon dans la bande spectrale absorbée. En parallèle, l’utilisation d’un équipement complet et d’une chaine d’acquisition de mesures autour d’un petit photoréacteur d’étude, pour lequel les densités de flux incidentes ont été validées par actinométrie, a permis d’obtenir des résultats expérimentaux de haute précision en photo-production d’hydrogène. Un premier modèle de couplage thermocinétique original a alors été formulé, validé après identification d’un seul paramètre agrégé, dont la réification sera abordée ultérieurement, et utilisé de façon prédictive avec succès. Ce travail ouvre de très nombreuses perspectives de recherche, il a ainsi permis de vérifier la possible transposition à la photosynthèse artificielle de la chaine prédictive de modélisation multi-échelles et donne des pistes quant à l’optimisation cinétique et énergétique des photo-procédés produisant des carburants solaires. / To address the energy challenge of the 21 st century, a solution is the development of solar processes for the production of energy vectors by artificial photosynthesis, in particular photocatalytic synthesis of solar fuels. However high kinetic and thermodynamic performances for these processes must be reached, this requires the development of tools for optimal design, including predictive knowledge models addressing radiative transfer that is the controlling physical process at different scales. A predictive multi-scale model has therefore been developed, implemented and validated on a simple reaction for hydrogen photo-production from CdS particle slurry. On the basis of their characteristics (size, shape, etc.) and their optical properties, the radiative properties of the particles, namely absorption and scattering cross sections and phase function, were calculated using the Lorenz-Mie theory and validated by measurements of transmittances on a high accuracy optical bench. These parameters were then used as input parameters to solve rigorously the radiative transfer equation with the Monte Carlo method. The agreement between predicted and experimental transmittance, taking into account light scattering by hydrogen bubbles, is good in the absorbed spectral band. In parallel, the use of complete experimental bench centered on a small photoreactor, where incident flux densities have been validated by actinometry, yielded high accuracy hydrogen photo-production results. A first and original model of thermokinetic coupling was then formulated and validated after identification of a single lumped parameter whose reification will be approached later and used predictively with success. This work opens up a large number of research prospects because it makes possible to transpose the predictive chain to artificial photosynthesis. This work provides also guidance on the kinetic and thermodynamic optimization of photo-processes producing solar fuels.
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Modélisation électromagnétique des propriétés radiatives des micro-organismes de forme sphéroïdale / Electromagnetic modelling of the radiative properties of spheroidal microorganismsKaissar Abboud, Mira 21 July 2016 (has links)
La production de carburants est possible à partir d’eau, d’énergie solaire et de CO2 par la voie de la photosynthèse artificielle. L’optimisation de ce processus est un thème de recherche de l’Institut Pascal. À la petite échelle contrôlant ce procédé, il est indispensable de déterminer les propriétés radiatives des microalgues photosynthétiques pour résoudre l’équation de transfert radiatif au sein des photobioréacteurs. La grande variété des micro-organismes liée à la forme, à l’élongation et aux paramètres de taille fait que la mise en œuvre des méthodes numériques existantes échoue pour des raisons de précision ou de capacité mémoire. De nombreuses communautés scientifiques se heurtent à ce problème d’électromagnétisme non encore résolu surtout pour les particules de grands paramètres de taille. Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont consisté à résoudre ce problème par la méthode modale de Fourier, une méthode numérique a priori développée et optimisée pour modéliser les problèmes de l’optique électromagnétique. Dans cette méthode, chaque micro-organisme est approché par un empilement de couches ce qui revient à approcher son profil par des marches d’escalier. L’approche proposée a été validée par comparaison avec les résultats disponibles dans la littérature. Une validation expérimentale des calculs théoriques a également été faite dans le domaine des micro-ondes grâce à une collaboration avec l’équipe HIPE de l’Institut Fresnel (Marseille, UMR 7249). Les résultats obtenus montrent la pertinence de la méthode développée. / The production of fuels is possible from water, solar energy and CO2 through artificial photosynthesis. The optimization of this process is a research topic of Pascal Institute. At a small scale controlling this process, it is essential to determine the radiative properties of photosynthetic microalgae to solve the radiative transfer equation in photobioreactors. The wide variety of microorganisms related to the form, the elongation and size parameters make that the implementation of existing numerical methods fails because of lack of accuracy or memory. Many scientific communities face this problem of electromagnetism unresolved especially for particles of large size settings. The work achieved in this research is aimed at solving this problem by the Fourier modal method which is a numerical method first developed and optimized for modelling the electromagnetic optics problems. In this method, each microorganism is approached by a stack of layers which leads to replace the profile by the staircase approximation. The proposed approach was validated by comparison with results available in the literature. An experimental validation of theoretical calculations was also made in the microwave spectrum thanks to a collaboration with the HIPE team from Fresnel Institute (Marseille, UMR 7249). The results show the accomodation of the developed method.
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Mesure de champs de températures vraies par thermo-réflectométrie proche infrarouge / Measurement of true temperature fields by near-infrared thermoreflectometryGilblas, Remi 17 October 2012 (has links)
La mesure de champs de température sans contact est un paramètre clé pour l'optimisation et le contrôle des procédés. Les systèmes actuels présentent des limitations, particulièrement sur des surfaces hétérogènes et/ou dans des conditions dynamiques pouvant entraîner une altération de la surface. Ces restrictions sont causées par la méconnaissance de l'émissivité de la surface qui est une fonction complexe de nombreuses grandeurs physiques (température, longueur d'onde, rugosité, direction de détection). La thèse présentée propose le développement complet d'une nouvelle méthode de mesure de champs de température vraie, dénommée THERMOREFLECTOMETRIE, applicable sur tout type de matériaux opaques, dans la gamme [300-1000]°C. Elle permet la mesure en ligne de l'émissivité par le couplage d'une étape classique de THERMOGRAPHIE avec une étape de REFLECTOMETRIE laser. La démarche adoptée consiste premièrement en l'analyse critique de la méthode et de ses facteurs d'influence, ainsi que du dimensionnement optimal des éléments par des études en simulations. Ensuite un prototype opérationnel est mis en oeuvre et ses défauts sont caractérisés, du point de vue d'un système de type CAMERA, et les corrections nécessaires sont mises en place. Enfin, les performances expérimentales sont évaluées sur des scènes thermiques complexes et hétérogènes qui mettent en évidence la bonne précision du prototype pour tous les échantillons testés / True temperature field measurement is a key parameter for the optimization and the control of industrial processes. Current systems present limitations, especially on heterogeneous surfaces and/or in dynamical conditions involving the surface's variation. These restrictions are due to the ignorance of the surface's emissivity, which is a complex function of many physical quantities (temperature, wavelength, roughness, direction of detection). This thesis presents the complete development of a new method of true temperature field measurement, called Thermoreflectometry, applicable on any kind of opaque material, in the range [300-1000]°C. It allows the on-line measurement of emissivity by mixing a step of classical THERMOGRAPHY with a step of laser REFLECTOMETRY. The approach of this work is, first, the critical analysis of the method and its influence quantities, and then the optimal dimensionment of the components by simulation studies. Thirdly, a prototype is built and its defaults are characterized, following a CAMERA-based point of view, and the possible corrections are implemented. Finally, the experimental performances are estimated on some complex heterogeneous thermal scenes which emphasize the prototype's precision for all the tested samples
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Determinação de índices de ajuste no controle de sistema de condicionamento de ar do tipo \'teto frio\'. / Determination of adjustment indexes in control of \"cooling ceiling\" air conditioning system.Ikeda, Marcelo Jun 14 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho é um estudo para a determinação de índices de ajuste em medidas efetuadas por sensores de temperatura do ar utilizadas em algoritmos de controle do sistema de automação do sistema de condicionamento de ar do tipo \"Teto Frio\". É um trabalho experimental baseado na coleta de dados de diversas variáveis ambientais em um laboratório que utiliza este tipo de sistema. Esse laboratório possui um sistema de climatização misto composto por circuitos de água gelada que percorre serpentinas instaladas em placas metálicas de forro, para troca de calor por radiação (retirada de calor sensível) e circuitos de ar, com distribuição de ar pelo teto, para troca de calor por convecção (retirada de calor latente). Seu funcionamento é controlado por um sistema de automação (hardware e software) específico. Este estudo pretende determinar índices de ajuste que, introduzidos nos algoritmos de controle do sistema de automação, corrijam as leituras de temperatura do ar realizadas no ambiente por sensores do sistema posicionados em locais que, embora esteticamente sejam os mais adequados, funcionalmente, não o são. Os resultados, concluídos através de método estatístico e recursos de representação gráfica, promoverão além do melhor entendimento das condições térmicas do ambiente oferecidas pelo sistema de \"teto frio\", a otimização da operação do sistema, isto é, a melhoria do conforto para os ocupantes e a conservação de energia. / The present work is a study to determine adjustment indexes in measurements made by air temperature sensors used in control algorithms of automation system applied to \"Cooling Ceiling\" air conditioning system. It is an experimental work based on data collection of several environmental variables at a laboratory which uses this kind of system. This laboratory owns a mixed air conditioning system compounded by chilled water circuits which pass through coils installed on metal ceiling tiles, for heat exchange by radiation (sensitive heat withdrawal), and air circuits with distribution by ceiling, for heat exchange by convection (latent heat withdrawal). Its functioning is controlled by a specific automation system (hardware and software). This study intends to determine adjustment indexes which, added in system control algorithms correct the air temperature readings accomplished in the environment by system sensors located in places that, although aesthetically are more suited, functionally are not. The results, concluded through statistic methods, and graphic representation researches, will promote beyond better understanding of thermal conditions of environment offered by this cooling ceiling system, optimization of system operation, that are a better comfort for the occupants and the energy saving.
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Radiative Effect of Mixed Mineral Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol in the Thermal InfraredKöhler, Claas H. 17 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis treats the optical properties of mixed mineral dust and biomass burning aerosol in the thermal infrared (TIR) based on Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) measurements and radiative transfer simulations. The measurements were part of the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 2 (SAMUM-2) conducted from January to February 2008 at Praia, Cape Verde. The large amount of different instruments co-located at the main field site during the campaign resulted in a unique dataset comprising in-situ information and remote sensing data perfectly suited for column closure studies. The ultimate goal of this work is to investigate the consistency of microphysical and TIR remote sensing data. This is achieved by reproducing the measured radiances at top and bottom of the atmosphere (TOA, BOA) with a radiative transfer model, which assimilates the microphysical aerosol information gathered during SAMUM-2.
The first part of the thesis describes several experimental efforts, including a novel calibration method and a drift correction algorithm for the ground-based FTIR instrument operated within the scope of SAMUM-2 by the author. The second part introduces the concurrent radiative transfer library PIRATES, which has been developed in the framework of this thesis for the analysis of TIR aerosol optical properties. The third and final part of the treatise compares measured and simulated spectra for various typical scenarios encountered during SAMUM-2.
It is demonstrated in three case studies, that measured radiances in the TIR atmospheric window region (8-12 µm) can be reproduced at BOA and TOA by radiative transfer simulations assuming spheroidal model particles. Moreover,
spherical particles are shown to be an inadequate model for mineral dust aerosol
in this spectral region unless the aerosol optical depth is small.
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Determinação de índices de ajuste no controle de sistema de condicionamento de ar do tipo \'teto frio\'. / Determination of adjustment indexes in control of \"cooling ceiling\" air conditioning system.Marcelo Jun Ikeda 14 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho é um estudo para a determinação de índices de ajuste em medidas efetuadas por sensores de temperatura do ar utilizadas em algoritmos de controle do sistema de automação do sistema de condicionamento de ar do tipo \"Teto Frio\". É um trabalho experimental baseado na coleta de dados de diversas variáveis ambientais em um laboratório que utiliza este tipo de sistema. Esse laboratório possui um sistema de climatização misto composto por circuitos de água gelada que percorre serpentinas instaladas em placas metálicas de forro, para troca de calor por radiação (retirada de calor sensível) e circuitos de ar, com distribuição de ar pelo teto, para troca de calor por convecção (retirada de calor latente). Seu funcionamento é controlado por um sistema de automação (hardware e software) específico. Este estudo pretende determinar índices de ajuste que, introduzidos nos algoritmos de controle do sistema de automação, corrijam as leituras de temperatura do ar realizadas no ambiente por sensores do sistema posicionados em locais que, embora esteticamente sejam os mais adequados, funcionalmente, não o são. Os resultados, concluídos através de método estatístico e recursos de representação gráfica, promoverão além do melhor entendimento das condições térmicas do ambiente oferecidas pelo sistema de \"teto frio\", a otimização da operação do sistema, isto é, a melhoria do conforto para os ocupantes e a conservação de energia. / The present work is a study to determine adjustment indexes in measurements made by air temperature sensors used in control algorithms of automation system applied to \"Cooling Ceiling\" air conditioning system. It is an experimental work based on data collection of several environmental variables at a laboratory which uses this kind of system. This laboratory owns a mixed air conditioning system compounded by chilled water circuits which pass through coils installed on metal ceiling tiles, for heat exchange by radiation (sensitive heat withdrawal), and air circuits with distribution by ceiling, for heat exchange by convection (latent heat withdrawal). Its functioning is controlled by a specific automation system (hardware and software). This study intends to determine adjustment indexes which, added in system control algorithms correct the air temperature readings accomplished in the environment by system sensors located in places that, although aesthetically are more suited, functionally are not. The results, concluded through statistic methods, and graphic representation researches, will promote beyond better understanding of thermal conditions of environment offered by this cooling ceiling system, optimization of system operation, that are a better comfort for the occupants and the energy saving.
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