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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveikatą stiprinančių asmenų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinės būklės kaitos ypatybės po pratybose žymiai padidintos krūvio apimties / The functional state peculiarities of health strengthen individual's cardiovascular system after significantly extended physical load

Venskaitytė, Eurelija 15 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the investigations was to compare cardiovascular parameters between non-athletes and well-trained athletes and assess the functional state peculiarities of health strengthen individual’s cardiovascular system after significantly extended physical loads. 26 non-athletes adults, 25 members of Lithuanian National Teams, representing various disciplines and 20 healthy adults, attending health strengthen groups at Kaunas city sport clubs were tested. This research work was performed in three stages: 1) individuals of the first and second groups gradually underwent increasing physical load which was extended every minute with a use of veloergometer (provocative physical load test); 2) individuals of the first and second groups (non-athletes and well-trained individuals) underwent Roufier physical load test; 3) this stage included testing of adults, attending health strengthen groups at Kaunas city sport clubs, who performed considerably extended exercises load and variability. According to the opinion of the health strengthen training instructors, overall the extent of exercises performed by our tested individuals was around 50 % and variability of exercises was 30 % higher comparing with normal trainings. All employed exercises were known by individuals and they were performing them during their trainings, but while testing they were performed during one training. In process of test, individuals were motivated to verify if their training load was optimal, if higher... [to full text]

Statistical analysis and algorithms for online change detection in real-time psychophysiological data

Cannon, Jordan 01 December 2009 (has links)
Modern systems produce a great amount of information and cues from which human operators must take action. On one hand, these complex systems can place a high demand on an operator's cognitive load, potentially overwhelming them and causing poor performance. On the other hand, some systems utilize extensive automation to accommodate their complexity; this can cause an operator to become complacent and inattentive, which again leads to deteriorated performance (Wilson, Russell, 2003a; Wilson, Russell, 2003b). An ideal human-machine interface would be one that optimizes the functional state of the operator, preventing overload while not permitting complacency, thus resulting in improved system performance. An operator's functional state (OFS) is the momentary ability of an operator to meet task demands with their cognitive resources. A high OFS indicates that an operator is vigilant and aware, with ample cognitive resources to achieve satisfactory performance. A low OFS, however, indicates a non-optimal cognitive load, either too much or too little, resulting in sub-par system performance (Wilson, Russell, 1999). With the ability to measure and detect changes in OFS in real-time, a closed-loop system between the operator and machine could optimize OFS through the dynamic allocation of tasks. For instance, if the system detects the operator is in cognitive overload, it can automate certain tasks allowing them to better focus on salient information. Conversely, if the system detects under-vigilance, it can allocate tasks back to the manual control of the operator. In essence, this system operates to "dynamically match task demands to [an] operator's momentary cognitive state", thereby achieving optimal OFS (Wilson, Russell, 2007). This concept is termed adaptive aiding and has been the subject of much research, with recent emphasis on accurately assessing OFS in real-time. OFS is commonly measured indirectly, like using overt performance metrics on tasks; if performance is declining, a low OFS is assumed. Another indirect measure is the subjective estimate of mental workload, where an operator narrates his/her perceived functional state while performing tasks (Wilson, Russell, 2007). Unfortunately, indirect measures of OFS are often infeasible in operational settings; performance metrics are difficult to construct for highly-automated complex systems, and subjective workload estimates are often inaccurate and intrusive (Wilson, Russell, 2007; Prinzel et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2001). OFS can be more directly measured via psychophysiological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculography (EOG). Current research has demonstrated these signals' ability to respond to changing cognitive load and to measure OFS (Wilson, Fisher, 1991; Wilson, Fisher, 1995; Gevins et al., 1997; Gevins et al., 1998; Byrne, Parasuraman, 1996). Moreover, psychophysiological signals are continuously available and can be obtained in a non-intrusive manner, pre-requisite for their use in operational environments. The objective of this study is to advance schemes which detect change in OFS by monitoring psychophysiological signals in real-time. Reviews on similar methods can be found in, e.g., Wilson and Russell (2003a) and Wilson and Russell (2007). Many of these methods employ pattern recognition to classify mental workload into one of several discrete categories. For instance, given an experiment with easy, medium and hard tasks, and assuming the tasks induce varying degrees of mental workload on a subject, these methods classify which task is being performed for each epoch of psychophysiological data. The most common classifiers are artificial neural networks (ANN) and multivariate statistical techniques such as stepwise discriminant analysis (SWDA). ANNs have proved especially effective at classifying OFS as they account for the non-linear and higher order relationships often present in EEG/EOG data; they routinely achieve classification accuracy greater than 80%. However, the discrete output of these classification schemes is not conducive to real-time change detection. They accurately classify OFS, but they do not indicate when OFS has changed; the change points remain ambiguous and left to subjective interpretation. Thus, the present study introduces several online algorithms which objectively determine change in OFS via real-time psychophysiological signals. The following chapters describe the dataset evaluated, discuss the statistical properties of psychophysiological signals, and detail various algorithms which utilize these signals to detect real-time changes in OFS. The results of the algorithms are presented along with a discussion. Finally, the study is concluded with a comparison of each method and recommendations for future application.

Veiksnių, turinčių įtakos sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu reabilitacijos efektyvumui, įvertinimas ir jų prognozinės vertės nustatymas antruoju reabilitacijos etapu / Evaluation of factors influencing effectiveness of second stage rehabilitation and their predictive value in stroke patients

Milinavičienė, Eglė 22 October 2008 (has links)
Galvos smegenų insultas dėl aukštų mirtingumo ir ilgalaikio neįgalumo rodiklių išlieka viena didžiausių visuomenės sveikatos problemų daugelyje pasaulio šalių, tarp jų ir Lietuvoje. Didelei daliai sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu išlieka judėjimo, apsitarnavimo, pažinimo funkcijų sutrikimų, kurie blogina jų gyvenimo pilnatvę. Ligonių, ištiktų galvos smegenų insulto, funkcinės būklės atsigavimas yra skirtingas, todėl labai svarbu nustatyti veiksnius, kurie gali turėti įtakos reabilitacijos efektyvumui. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti veiksnius, turinčius įtakos ligonių, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą, reabilitacijos efektyvumui antrajame reabilitacijos etape ir nustatyti jų prognozinę vertę. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti galvos smegenų insultą patyrusių asmenų klinikinę ir bendrą funkcinę būklę bei susijusių su motorika ir pažinimo funkcijomis gebėjimų sutrikimus ir jų kitimą antrajame reabilitacijos etape. 2. Įvertinti kompleksinės reabilitacijos efektyvumą antrajame reabilitacijos etape priklausomai nuo ligonių amžiaus, lyties, insulto pobūdžio, galvos smegenų pažeidimo lokalizacijos ir insulto sunkumo. 3. Nustatyti veiksnius, turinčius įtakos reabilitacijos efektyvumui ir jų prognozinę vertę. Mūsų atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad vyresnis amžius, kairiojo galvos smegenų pusrutulio pažeidimas ir sunkesnė neurologinė būklė antrojo reabilitacijos etapo pradžioje turi reikšmingos įtakos funkcinės būklės sunkumui antrojo reabilitacijos etapo pabaigoje. Įrodyta, kad sunkūs motorikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Stroke is one of the most relevant public health issues due to high mortality and long-lasting disability rates around the world and in Lithuania. As a consequence, stroke patients stay with such functional disorders as motoric, self-care, and cognitive dysfunctions, that impair their life satisfaction. Complex rehabilitation improves functional status in stroke patients. However, the recovery of functional status in stroke patients is different even if stroke diagnosis is the same. Aim of the study: to establish factors, influencing the effectiveness of second stage rehabilitation, and to evaluate their predictive value in stroke patients. Goals of the study: 1. to evaluate clinical and functional status, motoric and cognitive dysfunctions and its dynamics during second stage rehabilitation in stroke patients; 2. to establish the effectiveness of complex second stage rehabilitation depending on patients' age, gender, type of stroke, damage localization, and severity of stroke; 3. to establish the factors, influencing the effectiveness of rehabilitation and to evaluate their predictive value in stroke patients. Our study demonstrated, that older age, damage in left brain hemisphere, and severity of neurologic condition as measured at baseline all are related with subsequent functional status at the end of second stage rehabilitation. The study investigated, that low rehabilitation effectiveness during second stage rehabilitation on general functional status is predicted... [to full text]

Asmenų, adaptuotų greitumo jėgos fiziniams krūviams, funkcinės būklės ypatybės ir kaita mezociklo pratybose taikant koncentruotus aerobinius ir anaerobinius krūvius / Peculiarities of functional state of athletes adapted to speed power loads and influence of training mezocycles using concentrated aerobic and anaerobic loads

Sadzevičienė, Rita 10 January 2006 (has links)
Hypothesis. Heterochronicity of body functions reveals itself during the performing different movement tasks, in particular at onset of the exercise or in changing the parameters of the load as well as during the recovering period. We think that estimations of body functional state of the sportsmen can better reflect manifestations of complexity of body functioning during the physical loads tries join different movement tasks: a dosed aerobic load and a maximum effort anaerobic load try. In order to verify this hypothesis it is purposeful to estimate peculiarities of functional state change and long-term adaptation effects due to concentrated physical loads of different direction. The aim of the research: to define how the functional state of subjects adapted to speed-power physical loads is affected by concentrated aerobic and anaerobic type loads by using various assessments of sportsmen functional state. CONCLUSIONS 1. Subjects adapted to speed-power physical loads distinguish themselves by the higher indices of muscles working-capacity by performing maximum short-term effort requiring tasks than non-athletes or the subjects adapted to endurance physical loads. From the standpoint of central nervous system functional state indices they distinguish themselves by greater central nervous system mobility and smallest central nervous system functional stability values. Speed-power representatives distinguish themselves by lower cardiovascular system indices related to... [to full text]

Širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių sąsajų kaita vertinant sportuojančiųjų organizmo būsenas / Dynamics of interactions of cardiovascular indices in evaluation of sportsmen body‘s states

Eurelija, Venskaitytė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Dinaminiai žmogaus organizmo kaip kompleksinės sistemos procesai atsispindi, registruojant fiziologinių procesų signalus, kuriems būdingos įvairaus laipsnio svyravimai, pavyzdžiui – elektrokardiogramos (EKG) signalai. Paprastai šių signalų analizei pasirenkami statistinės analizės metodai, kurie labiau taikytini globaliems organizmo procesams ir kuriems reikalingas didelis kiekis informacijos. Atitinkamai matematinės analizės metodai taikomi lokaliems organizmo procesams nagrinėti ir tuo pačiu nereikalingas toks didelis kiekis informacijos (mūsų atveju pakanka trijų atskaitymų). Fiziologinių signalų matricinė analizė padeda atskleisti sudėtingus žmogaus organizmo kaip KAS bei nuovargio fenomenus, parodančius netiesinių organizmo funkcinės būklės ir adaptacijos procesų fraktalinio ir chaotinio pobūdžio ypatumus. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šio tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių sąsajų kaitos ypatumus, vertinant sportuojančių asmenų organizmo būsenas. / The dynamic of the human body as a complex system of processes is reflected in the registration process of physiological signals which are characterized by varying degrees of oscillations, for example - an electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Typically, these signals are selected for the statistical analysis methods that are more applicable to global processes of the body and requiring large amounts of information. Accordingly, the mathematical analysis methods are used to examine the local processes of the body and thus do not require such a large amount of information (in our case, enough of the three deductions). Physiological signal analysis matrix helps reveal the complex human organism as complex adaptive system and fatigue phenomena, which reflect the functional state of homeostasis and adaptation processes in fractal and chaotic nature of features. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the dynamical peculiarities of interactions of cardiovascular system indices in evaluation of sportsmen body’s functional state.

Funkcinės būklės ir gyvenimo visavertiškumo kaita, taikant kineziterapiją, suformavus širdies nuosrūvį / Change of functional state and life value after applying physio therapy in patients with heart bypass

Matukonytė, Akvilė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: tiriamųjų funkcinės būklės ir gyvenimo visavertiškumo kaita, taikant kineziterapiją, atlikus širdies nuosrūvio suformavimą. Tyrimo problema: kineziterapijos pratimai ir reguliari fizinė veikla (namų tvarkymas, darbas lauke, lipimas laiptais, vaikščiojimas ar važinėjimas dviračiu) turi lemiamos reikšmės širdies ligomis sergančių pacientų fizinei būklei. Geresnė fizinė būklė lemia visavertiškesnį ir savarankiškesnį paciento gyvenimą (Bader et al., 2001). Tyrimo hipotezė: kineziterapijos taikymas du kartus į dieną (po širdies nuosrūvio suformavimo operacijos) bei ilgalaikė namų programa turėtų pagerinti pacientų funkcinę būklę ir gyvenimo visavertiškumą. Šio tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti funkcinės būklės ir gyvenimo visavertiškumo kaitą, taikant kineziterapiją po širdies nuosrūvio suformavimo. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo: 1) nustatyti tiriamųjų funkcinę būklę ir gyvenimo visavertiškumą, praėjus 2-3 sav. po operacijos; 2) nustatyti tiriamųjų funkcinę būklę ir gyvenimo visavertiškumą, praėjus 4 sav. po sanatorinio gydymo; 3) nustatyti tiriamųjų funkcinę būklę ir gyvenimo visavertiškumą, praėjus 1 metams po kineziterapijos (namų programos). Tiriamieji. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 pacientų: vyrai, kuriems KMUK filialo Viršužiglio reabilitacinėje ligoninėje buvo taikoma kineziterapija. Pacientai buvo tiriami tris kartus: po operacijos, po sanatorinio gydymo ir po 1 metų namų programos. Tiriamiesiems, atvykus į Viršužiglio reabilitacinę ligoninę, po širdies nuosrūvio operacijos buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research: functional state and full value of life change when applying physio therapy after the surgery of heart blood flow adjustment. Problem. Physio therapy exercises and regular physical activities (housekeeping, working outside, going up the stairs, walking or riding a bicycle), have meaningful impact for the physio state of patients with heart disorders. Better physio state allows patient to have life of full value and helps to live independent (Bader et al., 2001). Hypothesis of research. Application of physio therapy after heart bypass twice a day and home programme should improve functional state and life value of the patients. The purpose of this research – evaluate functional state and life value of life change when applying physio therapy after heart blood flow adjustment surgery Research tasks were: 1) estimate patient’s functional state and full value of life 2-3 weeks after the surgery; 2) estimate patient’s functional state and full value of life 4 weeks after the treatment in sanatorium; 3) estimate patient’s functional state and full value of life 1 year after the home programme. Subjets: 20 patients took part in the research – men, who had physio therapy in KMUK subsidiary Viršužiglis rehabilitation hospital. Patients were tested three times: before surgery, after sanatorium and after one year home programme. Patients had physio therapy twice a day five days a week after the heart blood flow surgery in Viršužiglis rehabilitation hospital... [to full text]

Didelio meistriškumo graikų-romėnų imtynininkų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių kaita metiniame treniruotės cikle / Dynamics of cardiovascular functional indices of elite greco-roman wrestlers during annual training cycle

Ežerskis, Mindaugas 10 March 2010 (has links)
Sportininkų treniruotės valdymo problemos sprendimas apima daugelį aspektų, tarp kurių individualių ypatybių pažinimas, organizmo funkcijų mobilizacijos ir atsigavimo kaitos dėl pratybose atliktų krūvių ar pasikeitusių išorinių ir vidinių veiksnių vertinimas, nuovargio laipsnio ir sportinės formos įgijimo vertinimas yra aktualios sporto mokslo ir praktikos problemos. Yra pasiūlyta ir praktikoje taikoma daug įvairių šių problemų sprendimo būdų, tačiau tai nėra galutiniai sprendimai. Organizmo funkcinį parengtumą ir funkcinę būklę gerai atspindi įvairių funkcinių rodiklių kaita atliekant dozuoto arba didžiausio fizinio krūvio mėginius (Maud, Foster, 1995; Skernevičius ir kt., 2004; Skirius, 2002; Buliuolis, 2006; Vainoras ir kt., 2008; Poderys, 2008; Wilkinson et al., 2009). Venas iš reikšmingų reikalavimų vertinant sportininko funkcinės būklės kaitą yra tai, kad tyrimo metu taikomi fiziniai krūviai neturi modifikuoti treniruotės proceso (Viru, Viru, 2004; Skurvydas, 2008). Pastarasis reikalavimas tampa ypač aktualus priešvaržybinio rengimosi etapais. Be to, sportininkams tenka dalyvauti varžybose neįprastomis klimato ir geografinėmis, t. y. skirtingo laiko juostos sąlygomis, staiga pasikeitus aplinkos sąlygoms. Kertant laiko juostas, organizmo veiklos išsiderinimas dėl išorinės desinchronizacijos, t. y. kai naujas gyvenimo ritmas nesutampa su vidiniais bioritmais, ir dėl vidinės desinchronizcijos, t. y. dėl nevienalaikio atskirų funkcijų prisitaikymo prie naujo režimo, turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The solution of sportsmen training management problem combine various aspects among which recognition of individual peculiarities, assessment of organism mobilization and recovery function dynamics under the influence of training loads or changed external and internal factors, estimation of the fatigue extent as well as the achievement of fitness shape are relevant problems in practice and sport science. A great deal of solutions of resolving these problems is proposed and used in practice, however, these solutions are not the final ones. Changes of various functional indices during the dosed and maximal exercise tests reflect functional fitness and functional state of organism (Maud, Foster, 1995; Skernevičius ir kt., 2004; Skirius, 2002; Buliuolis, 2006; Vainoras ir kt., 2008; Poderys, 2008; Wilkinson et al., 2009). One of the most important requirements for the assessment of sportsman functional state changes is that exercises applied during the testing must not modify the training process (Viru, Viru, 2004; Skurvydas, 2008). The latter requirement is particularly relevant in the precompetition preparing stage (tapering). Furthermore, sportsmen must take part in competitions, where the climatic and the geographical conditions are not usual, for example, a different time zone and a sudden environmental change. Physical load is an optimal physiological stimulus to speed the organism adaptation to time zone and unusual climatic conditions, however, not vigorous trainings due... [to full text]

Peculiarities of concatenation between cardiovascular functional indices while performing increasing workload up to inability to continue the task / Širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių dinaminių sąsajų ypatybės atliekant didėjantį fizinį krūvį iki negalėjimo

Papievienė, Vilma 20 May 2014 (has links)
Since the analysis of dynamics of intervals of short cardiovascular signals reflects important vital processes, involving complex interactions of the regulatory processes (Batzel, Bachar, 2010), mathematical formalism is one of the ways to research the complexity of biological systems (Davis et al., 2010). Concerning the interaction of various physiological systems / parameters that point out the causes of fatigue, the theory of non-linear dynamical systems enables to reveal this phenomenon as a part of dynamic system’s processes. Cardiovascular functional values are integral indicators, i.e. the values of the recorded parameters are affected by numerous factors or at least some of them. The question to which we tried to find the answer performing the following analysis of the data could be worded as follows. Apparently, the evaluation of the dynamic concatenation among these cardiovascular parameters, when the functional state of the subject changes, can reveal an increase or decrease in the significance of the selected structural component during the developing and incremental fatigue. The aim of the study was to find out the peculiarities in concatenation between central and peripheral cardiovascular indices under the conditions of increasing fatigue. Objectives: 1. To compare the peculiarities of dynamics in cardiovascular functional and functional state indices while performing increamental exercise up to inability by applying the provocative or increasing workload... [to full text] / Nauji tyrimų rezultatų analizės metodai, nauja tyrimų metodologija išplečia fiziologų galimybes pažinti naujas, ligi šiol neatskleistas organizmo funkcijų ypatybes, panaudoti jas funkcinei būklei vertinti, valdant fizinio ir kitokio poveikio trukmę, stiprumą, ieškant optimalaus poveikio ir adaptacijos efekto. Kompleksiškumo ypatybėms vertinti Lietuvos mokslininkai pasiūlė dinaminių sąsajų vertinimo metodiką, taikant algebrinį duomenų kointegracijos metodą (Navickas ir kt., 2005; Navickas, Bikulčienė, 2008; Vainoras et al., 2008; Bikulčienė et al., 2009; Poderys et al., 2010). Darbo tikslas – nustatyti aktyvių raumenų kraujotakos ir kitų ŠKS funkcinių rodiklių dinaminių sąsajų ypatybes atliekant didėjantį fizinį krūvį iki negalėjimo. Uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti ŠKS funkcinių ir funkcinės būklės rodiklių kaitos ypatybes atliekant pakopomis didėjantį fizinį krūvį iki negalėjimo, taikant provokacinio ir darbinio fizinio krūvio didinimo protokolus. 2. Nustatyti reikšmingų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių dinaminių sąsajų ypatybes veloergometru atliekant pakopomis didėjantį fizinį krūvį iki negalėjimo. 3. Nustatyti adaptacijos greitumo, arba ištvermės fiziniams krūviams, įtaką širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių dinaminių sąsajų kaitai atliekant pakopomis didėjantį fizinį krūvį iki negalėjimo. 4. Nustatyti, ar galima algebriniu duomenų kointegracijos metodu gauti fiziologijai reikšmingą informaciją, vertinant dinamines sąsajas tarp rodiklių, kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Физкультурно-спортивная ориентация детей младшего школьного возраста в спортивной школе : магистерская диссертация / Physical culture and sports orientation of primary school children in a sports school

Суетина, Д. В., Suetina, D. V. January 2021 (has links)
Диссертационное исследование посвящено выявлению эффективности физкультурно-спортивной ориентации детей младшего школьного возраста. В ходе исследования физкультурно-спортивной ориентации выявлена необходимость оценки не только физических качеств, но и функционального состояния юных спортсменов. / The dissertation research is devoted to identifying the effectiveness of the program to ensure an increase in the effectiveness of physical culture and sports orientation in children of primary school age. In the course of the study of physical culture and sports orientation, the need to assess not only physical qualities, but also the functional state of young athletes was revealed.

Influence of natural factors and anthropogenic stressors on sperm whale foraging effort and success at high latitudes

Isojunno, Saana January 2015 (has links)
Behavioural responses can reveal important fitness trade-offs and ecological traps in evolutionarily novel contexts created by anthropogenic stimuli, and are of increasing conservation concern due to possible links to population-level impacts. This thesis illustrates the use of proxies for energy acquisition and expenditure within multivariate and state-based modelling approaches to quantify the relative time and energetic costs of behavioural disturbance for a deep-diving marine mammal (Physeter macrocephalus) in foraging grounds in Kaikoura Canyon (New Zealand) and near Lofoten Islands (Norway). A conceptual framework is first developed to identify and explore links between individual motivation, condition and external constraints to behavioural disturbance [Chapter 1]. The following chapters then use data from behavioural response studies (BRS) to: 1) derive biologically relevant metrics of behaviour [all chapters], 2) investigate effects of boat-based focal follows and tagging procedures [Chapters 2-3], and 3) relate responses to specific disturbance stimuli (distance, approach, noise) from whale-watching [Chapter 2], naval sonar and playback of presumed natural predator (killer whale Orcinus orca) sounds [Chapter 4]. A novel hidden state model was developed to estimate behavioural budgets of tagged sperm whales from multiple streams of biologging (DTAG) data [Chapter 3]. Sperm whales traded off time spent at foraging depths in a non-foraging and non-resting state in response to both tag boat presence, 1-2 kHz naval sonar (SPL 131-165 rms re 1μPa) and mammal-eating killer whale sound playbacks, indicating that parallel non-lethal costs were incurred in both anthropogenic disturbance and presumed antipredatory contexts. While behavioural responses were highly variable by individual, biologically informed state-based models appeared effective to control for variability in energy proxies across different functional contexts. These results and Chapter 5 “linking buzzes to prey” demonstrate that behavioural context is a signal that can aid understanding of how individual non-lethal disturbance responses can impact fitness.

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