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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveikatą stiprinančių asmenų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinės būklės kaitos ypatybės po pratybose žymiai padidintos krūvio apimties / The functional state peculiarities of health strengthen individual's cardiovascular system after significantly extended physical load

Venskaitytė, Eurelija 15 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the investigations was to compare cardiovascular parameters between non-athletes and well-trained athletes and assess the functional state peculiarities of health strengthen individual’s cardiovascular system after significantly extended physical loads. 26 non-athletes adults, 25 members of Lithuanian National Teams, representing various disciplines and 20 healthy adults, attending health strengthen groups at Kaunas city sport clubs were tested. This research work was performed in three stages: 1) individuals of the first and second groups gradually underwent increasing physical load which was extended every minute with a use of veloergometer (provocative physical load test); 2) individuals of the first and second groups (non-athletes and well-trained individuals) underwent Roufier physical load test; 3) this stage included testing of adults, attending health strengthen groups at Kaunas city sport clubs, who performed considerably extended exercises load and variability. According to the opinion of the health strengthen training instructors, overall the extent of exercises performed by our tested individuals was around 50 % and variability of exercises was 30 % higher comparing with normal trainings. All employed exercises were known by individuals and they were performing them during their trainings, but while testing they were performed during one training. In process of test, individuals were motivated to verify if their training load was optimal, if higher... [to full text]

Lyties įtaka pratimų sukeltai raumens pažaidai ir atsigavimui / Gender influence for muscle damage and recovery after physical exercises

Inokaitis, Hermanas 18 June 2008 (has links)
Vieningos nuomonės dėl hormonų įtakos raumenų nuovargiui ir atsigavimui nėra. Kai kuriuose literatūros šaltiniuose teigiama, kad moterims nuovargis pasireiškia vėliau nei vyrams, kitose, jog skirtumo tarp lyčių nėra (Clark, 1986; Hunter & Enoka, 2001; Clark et al., 2003). Vienose mokslinėse publikacijose teigiama, kad moterų kreatinkinazės aktyvumas po ekscentrinio fizinio krūvio buvo mažesnis nei vyrų (Staron et al., 1992). Kituose mokslo darbuose nurodoma, kad atliktų tyrimų duomenimis, kreatinkinazės aktyvumo skirtumas nebuvo pastebėtas (Tiidus, 1999). Tyrimai, atlikti su gyvūnais, parodė, jo patelėms raumenų pažaida po fizinio krūvio yra mažesnė (Stupka et al., 2000). Buvo padaryta prielaida, kad šie skirtumai yra dėl moteriško hormono estradiolio (Tiidus, 1999). Lyties įtaka raumens pažaidai matuojant kreatinkinazės aktyvumą nėra pakankamai ištirta su žmonėmis (Amelink, 1988). Todėl buvo iškelta hipotezė, kad moterims ovuliacinėje fazėje raumens pažaida po fizinio krūvio galėtų būti mažesnė ir raumens atsigavimas greitesnis nei vyrams. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti lyties įtaką pratimų sukeltai raumens pažaidai ir atsigavimui. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: įvertinti pradinę ir atsigavimo metu vyrų ir moterų raumens jėgą, šuolių aukštį; įvertinti vyrų ir moterų raumens pažaidos rodiklius po fizinio krūvio; įvertinti vyrų ir moterų raumens atsigavimą po fizinio krūvio. Buvo tiriama 20 aktyviai nesportuojančių sveikų 18–24 metų amžiaus vyrų ir moterų. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There is no united opinion on the influence of hormones on the muscle fatigue and recovery. Some sources of literature state that for women fatigue comes out later than for men, other sources deny any gender differences. (Clark, 1986; Hunter & Enoka, 2001; Clark et al., 2003). Certain scientific publications maintain the fact that creatin kinasis activity for women after an eccentric physical load was lower than that for men (Staron et al., 1992). Other scientific works point to the fact, that no differences in creatin kinasis activity between genders can be observed (Tiidus, 1999). Research on animals show that muscle damage after a physical load for females is lower (Stupka et al., 2000). A presumption was made, that these differences are caused by the female hormone – estradiol (Tiidus, 1999). Gender influence for the muscle damage relying on creatin kinasis activity test is not enough studied on human beings (Amelink, 1988). Therefore we framed a hypothesis that subjection of women during their ovulation phase to any muscle damage after a physical load could be lesser and the recovery of muscles would be faster than for men. The aim of study: to establish the influence of gender on muscle damage caused by exercises and recovery. In order to achieve this aim several tasks were raised: to evaluate initial and recovering muscle strength and height of jump between men and women; to evaluate muscle damage between men and women after some physical load; to evaluate muscle... [to full text]

Širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcijos mobilizacijos ir atsigavimo ypatybės atliekant anaerobinius krūvius / Perculiarities of mobilization and recovery of cardiovascular system in performing of anaerobic loads

Buliuolis, Alfonsas 03 October 2006 (has links)
Objective of the study was to identify the characteristics of mobilization and recovery of cardiovascular system in performing anaerobic loads. Results obtained during the study revealed that a significant feature of recovery after physical loads is an adequate recovery sequence of functional indices of cardiovascular system. Being in normal functional state the relation between regulatory and supplying systems recovers first of all. Later on recover the indices of regulatory systems and latest – indices of supplying systems. It is pointed out that in the recovery process after repetitive alactatic loads recovery sequence of cardiovascular indices remains unchanged, however, while performing eight lactatic anaerobic bouts, a tendency of emerges showing that overstepping a certain limit a characteristic feature in sequence of recovery of cardiovascular indices disrupts. The influence of concentrated anaerobic heavy training loads used during the training mezocycle on cardiovascular and muscular systems has been estimated. Evaluation of cardiovascular changes during the 60-s all-out vertical jump test (Bosco test) showed that it is a very difficult task and could be used for the assessment of performance abilities only of well-trained athletes. 30-s all-out test in jumping is enough in duration and an accurate estimation of the functional state of cardiovascular system and body functioning during the exercising can be performed.

Intervalinės treniruotės pratybų poveikis bėgikų raumenims bei širdies funkcinei būklei / Impact of interval training on muscles and the cardiac functional state

Liesis, Audrius 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti intervalinės treniruotės metodu atliktų pratybų įtaką bėgikų raumenims bei širdies funkcinei būklei. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti intervalinio treniruotės metodu atliktų pratybų įtaką raumenų darbingumo rodiklių pasikeitimui, atliekant vertikalių šuolių užduotis. 2. Palyginti raumenų darbingumo kaitos ypatybės, atliekant maksimalaus anaerobinio krūvio mėginį normos ir nuovargio būsenose. 3. Nustatyti intervalinio treniruotės metodu atliktų pratybų įtaką širdies funkcinių rodiklių kaitai atliekant dozuoto aerobinio krūvio mėginį. 4. Nustatyti intervalinio treniruotės metodu atliktų pratybų įtaką širdies funkcinių rodiklių kaitai atliekant dozuoto aerobinio ir maksimalaus anaerobinio krūvio mėginius. Tyrimo objektas: Raumenų ir širdies funkcinių rodiklių reakcija į intervaliniu treniruotės metodu atliktas pratybas. Tyrime dalyvavo dvylika vidutinio meistriškumo vidutinių nuotolių bėgikai (LSU studentai), kurie prieš intervalinio treniruotės metodu atliktu pratybų ir praėjus 15 min. po jų LSU Kineziologijos laboratorijoje dalyvavo fizinės ir funkcinės būklės vertinime. Šių vertinimų metu tiriamieji atliko vertikalius šuolių testus ant Tenzo plokštės: šuolis į aukštį pritūpiant 900 kampu, šuolis į aukštį iš fiksuotos 900 kampu padėties, šuolis į aukštį nuo 10 cm pakylos (Drop jump), taip pat Rufje fizinio krūvio mėginį (dozuoto fizinio krūvio mėginys), 30 s vertikalaus šuoliavimo testą ir po penkių minučių – dar kartą atliko Rufje mėginį. Pagrindiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to establish the impact of interval training session on muscles and cardiac functional state. The following tasks were set: 1- Determine the influence of anaerobic interval training session on the muscular performance during the vertical jump tasks. 2 – Compare the muscle work capacity after and before anaerobic interval training on 30 seconds vertical jump test. 3 – Determine the influence of anaerobic work-load on dynamics of cardiac indices while performing a dosed exercise test. 4 – Determine the influence of interval anaerobic training on cardiac indices while performing a dosed and maximal exercise tests. Methods. The study subjects were healthy and physical active students (men, n = 12). Before and after the anaerobic type training session performed by method of interval training were tested on physical and functional condition tests. To find out physical conditional were used vertical jump tasks. To asses the vertical jump the force plate with the jump height and take-off time measurer was used. Function condition tests were Roufier test and the 30 second vertical jump test, and after 5 minutes Roufier test was repeated. Main parameters of anaerobic interval training were 5x200m (28,0–29,0) [2:00] or some more repetition. The results obtained during the study showed that muscular changes can be described by registered parameters of vertical jumps indicating that the same result of the jump could be achieved by use if compensatory abilities, i... [to full text]

Šildymo ir šaldymo poveikis raumens nuovargiui ir atsigavimui, jo priklausomumas nuo lyties ir raumens susitraukimo greičio / The effect of warming and cooling on muscle fatigue and recovery depending on gender and muscle contraction rate

Ramanauskienė, Irina 17 January 2007 (has links)
The majority of physiological processes and various other processes taking place in the body are closely related to changes in body temperature (Shellock & Prentince, 1985; Bennett, 1990). The temperature of the human body is constant throughout one’s life. It is approximately 37ºC and it constantly adjusts itself to changes in environment, relative air humidity, the level of radiation, atmosphere pressure and thermo isolation. During long-term physical load, in case of illness or in conditions of extreme body temperature may be in the range from 32ºC to 40ºC or even more (Wilmore & Costill, 2004). It could be hypothesized therefore that the muscle warmed prior to the load to be undertaken, when the leg is extended and flexed in the knee joint at high (500, 450o / s) and average (180o / s) speed depending on gender will increase muscle force and muscle capacity to a greater extent than the cooled muscle, but after lowering the temperature muscle resistance to fatigue will increase. Though considerable research has been done already certain questions still remain to be cleared up, namely: 1. how warming affects muscle fatigue and recovery of female knee extensors and flexors when the leg is being flexed and extended in the knee joint at the fixed 500o / s speed; 2. how muscle contraction function of female and male knee extensors and flexors depends on temperature when the leg is being flexed and extended in the knee joint at the fixed 450o / s and 180o / s peed. Though there... [to full text]

Krepšininkų ir futbolininkų funkcinės būklės ypatybės naudojant integraliojo vertinimo modelį / Assessment of Functional conditions Peculiarities of Basketball and Football Players Applying the Model of Integrted Evaluation

Žumbakytė, Renata 26 February 2007 (has links)
Functional human organism changes during physical load is a sequence of complex interrelated processes. The optimum flow of these changes that enables one to adequately adapt oneself to the intensity and specific character of the load performed without causing harmful consequences for the athlete himself is the principal concern of sport medicine doctors and sport scientists and is of special importance in functional diagnostics too. A frequent phenomenon among athletes is overtraining (de–adaption) that can be caused by the absence of proper balance between training load and recovery, as well as by training sessions that are too frequent and too long and by additional tension due to a forthcoming contest or due to other causes. Therefore assessment of functional possibilities of the athlete’s body is important. We consider the human organism an adaptable, complex and dynamic system capable of organizing itself, though there is none, the only one, factor inside the system capable of doing this job. Making use of the automatic ECG analysis system “Kaunas – Load”, with parallel registration of ECG carrying out body motor characteristics (the working capacity developed), ABP or other processes characterizing haemodynamics enable one to reveal and evaluate the synergistic aspects of essential systems of the human organism what particularly extends the possibilities of functional diagnostics. The aim of the study was making use of the model of evaluation of the functional... [to full text]

Ryšys tarp moksleivių kūno kompozicijos, fizinio aktyvumo ir atsigavimo po fizinio krūvio greičio / The relationship between pupils' body composition, physical activity and recovery speed after physical exercise

Faizovaitė, Ugnė 10 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PUPILS' BODY COMPOSITION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND RECOVERY SPEED AFTER PHYSICAL EXERCISE Hypothesis. We thought that pupils’ who have higher physical activity and normal body weight also have faster recovery after physical exercise. Objectives of the study. To identify the relationship between pupil’s body composition, physical activity and recovery rate after physical load. The aim of the study: 1. To identify the relationship between physical activity and body composition. 2. To identify the relationship between body composition and recovery rate after physical activity. 3. To identify the relationship between physical activity and recovery speed after physical exercise. Subjects. It was made of a group of 40 healthy (20 girls and 20 boys), 10-12 form pupils, chosen by chance, from one Kaunas secondary school. Methods: According to the questionnaire, applying the indirect test technique of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), suggested by Huston university. Was estimated pupils physical activity and VO2max. According to the data of the questionnaire, the analysed have been divided into 3 groups of physical activity (PA): low PA; medium PA; high PA. The body composition of the investigated has been measured according bioelectrical impedance method. The following indicators have been measured: body weight, body weight index (BWI); relative fat mass (%); fat free mass (kg), total water amount (kg). To establish functional capacity of... [to full text]

Didelio meistriškumo graikų-romėnų imtynininkų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių kaita metiniame treniruotės cikle / Dynamics of cardiovascular functional indices of elite greco-roman wrestlers during annual training cycle

Ežerskis, Mindaugas 10 March 2010 (has links)
Sportininkų treniruotės valdymo problemos sprendimas apima daugelį aspektų, tarp kurių individualių ypatybių pažinimas, organizmo funkcijų mobilizacijos ir atsigavimo kaitos dėl pratybose atliktų krūvių ar pasikeitusių išorinių ir vidinių veiksnių vertinimas, nuovargio laipsnio ir sportinės formos įgijimo vertinimas yra aktualios sporto mokslo ir praktikos problemos. Yra pasiūlyta ir praktikoje taikoma daug įvairių šių problemų sprendimo būdų, tačiau tai nėra galutiniai sprendimai. Organizmo funkcinį parengtumą ir funkcinę būklę gerai atspindi įvairių funkcinių rodiklių kaita atliekant dozuoto arba didžiausio fizinio krūvio mėginius (Maud, Foster, 1995; Skernevičius ir kt., 2004; Skirius, 2002; Buliuolis, 2006; Vainoras ir kt., 2008; Poderys, 2008; Wilkinson et al., 2009). Venas iš reikšmingų reikalavimų vertinant sportininko funkcinės būklės kaitą yra tai, kad tyrimo metu taikomi fiziniai krūviai neturi modifikuoti treniruotės proceso (Viru, Viru, 2004; Skurvydas, 2008). Pastarasis reikalavimas tampa ypač aktualus priešvaržybinio rengimosi etapais. Be to, sportininkams tenka dalyvauti varžybose neįprastomis klimato ir geografinėmis, t. y. skirtingo laiko juostos sąlygomis, staiga pasikeitus aplinkos sąlygoms. Kertant laiko juostas, organizmo veiklos išsiderinimas dėl išorinės desinchronizacijos, t. y. kai naujas gyvenimo ritmas nesutampa su vidiniais bioritmais, ir dėl vidinės desinchronizcijos, t. y. dėl nevienalaikio atskirų funkcijų prisitaikymo prie naujo režimo, turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The solution of sportsmen training management problem combine various aspects among which recognition of individual peculiarities, assessment of organism mobilization and recovery function dynamics under the influence of training loads or changed external and internal factors, estimation of the fatigue extent as well as the achievement of fitness shape are relevant problems in practice and sport science. A great deal of solutions of resolving these problems is proposed and used in practice, however, these solutions are not the final ones. Changes of various functional indices during the dosed and maximal exercise tests reflect functional fitness and functional state of organism (Maud, Foster, 1995; Skernevičius ir kt., 2004; Skirius, 2002; Buliuolis, 2006; Vainoras ir kt., 2008; Poderys, 2008; Wilkinson et al., 2009). One of the most important requirements for the assessment of sportsman functional state changes is that exercises applied during the testing must not modify the training process (Viru, Viru, 2004; Skurvydas, 2008). The latter requirement is particularly relevant in the precompetition preparing stage (tapering). Furthermore, sportsmen must take part in competitions, where the climatic and the geographical conditions are not usual, for example, a different time zone and a sudden environmental change. Physical load is an optimal physiological stimulus to speed the organism adaptation to time zone and unusual climatic conditions, however, not vigorous trainings due... [to full text]

Jaunųjų krepšininkų greitumo jėgos savybės kitimas fizinių krūvių ir atsigavimo po jų metu / The changes in acceleration of the strength and physical charges and becoming well again of the young basketball players

Momkauskas, Saulius 15 May 2006 (has links)
It was investigatet the indexes of physical charges and their changes among the basketball players of 15–16 years old. The survey was done in January and February, 2006 and there were 15 young basketballers. The aim of the survey was the changes of the young players in the acceleration of the physical strength and becoming well again. According to the pecularities of the phases of the young players and the importance of the physical strength there was an actual research in this problem, that is, to ascertain the changes of the indexesof the accelaration of the strength pointing at various physical charges and becoming well afterwards. The aims were to ascertain the hight of the players jump (hp90, Dj90 and Dj135), as well as their changes before the charge and after it, and becoming well afterwards, then to ascertain the tiredness of the muscles, the composition of the skeleton, the changes of the height of the jumps at the maximal intensivity, and to ascertain the pain of the muscles. During the warming – up the players did three experimental jumps in these ways: hp90, Dj90, Dj135. Later, the young basketball players had to do three control jumps. Then, there was a 1 minute charge test in maximum power series of the jumps. After that, they did three control jumps in all the described ways. Then, the young players had a rest for one hour. After that they had a warming – up and then three control jumps. A contact platform was used to ascertain the height of the jump with the... [to full text]

Blauzdos tiesėjų ir lenkėjų raumenų funkcijos dinamika izokinetinio krūvio metu / The shin stretchers - benders function dinamics, during isokinetic physical load

Kičas, Regimantas 19 May 2005 (has links)
The goal of the research is to define the indicators of the muscle function, fatigue and recovery for the shin stretchers and benders, who are LCA students and soldiers, during the isokinetic load. Two groups were investigated: 17 healthy underclassmen from the Lithuanian Military Academy at the age of 18,8±0,4, and 20 healthy soldiers from the Great Lithuanian Etmon Jonusas Radvila training flock at the age of 19,8±1,1. The investigative were tested using the Biodex Medical System, the equipment allocated to the testing of human bone-muscle and rehabilitation. The testing was executed in the regime according to the specially created protocol. The maximum power of the right leg shin of the stretchers-benders and the power at the maximum speed when the fixed speed is 180 l/s was recorded. These parameters were registered before the load while doing 3 stretches and bends, and a 5-minute recovery period after the load doing 3 stretches and bends. In order to evoke tiredness 100 load of the stretching and bending was used at the fixed speed of 180 l/s. The achieved results revealed, that the benders of the first (LCA students) and the second (the soldiers) groups get less tired during the isokinetic load than stretchers. The maximum power of the first and the second group shin stretchers did not recover after a 5-minute period rest from the controlling value, and the maximum power of the shin benders recovered completely in comparion to the initial value. The muscle power of the... [to full text]

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