Spelling suggestions: "subject:"faculty off arts"" "subject:"faculty off rts""
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Mistři pražské artistické fakulty v letech 1437-1448 / Masters of Prague Faculty of Arts 1437-1448Kotau, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with masters of arts who lectured at the Prague faculty of arts or graduated from it in the years between 1437 and 1448. The work includes a reconstruction of the corps of masters for the period, their individual descriptions, and an analysis of the academic community, with special attention to the ties between masters and groups of masters.
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Akademické náměstí - Fakulta výtvarných umění / Academic Square - Faculty of Fine ArtsSmrčková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is solving the new building of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno. The studied area is located on the borders of the city of Brno-Center and Brno-Žabovřesky. Define the plot street Veveří, Bulínova, Academická, Hrnčířská and Šumavská. Žabovřesky. Define the plot street Veveří, Bulínová, Academic, Pottery and Šumavská. The proposal involves two universities - the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Forensic Engineering. The proposal builds on a new urban plan for the city of Brno, and also reflects the design of the new underground tram Diameter. The building complex is designed as a whole. The buildings of these schools have certain common facilities, such as a library, cloakroom, dining room, hall, utility room. The proposal builds on the competition program at the Academic square in Brno. Parking is solved as an underground garage. Outside parking spaces for both faculties be reckoned with parking spaces for the City, and to be a substitute for the parking areas located on the currently designed plot. The proposed solution allows to stage construction, where the first stage will be built Faculty of Forensic Engineering, common areas, all the parking spaces and the second stage will be built Faculty of Fine Arts.
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Využití sociálních médií v neziskovém sektoru v České republice / Usage of social media in nonprofit organizations in the Czech republicFiala, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the inception, concept and performance of presentation the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague on Facebook since the official launch on the 13th April 2011 to 31 March 2012. The thesis describes the key features of concept, composition of the team, collaboration with other parts of the Faculty of Arts and also the experience of interacting with fans and other presentations. The second part is devoted to a survey of selected communication tools used by the Faculty of Arts, which has been realized in order to determine the opinion of fans of presentation at the end of the first year of operation.
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Institucionalizace oboru stranických dějin a dějin dělnického hnutí na Filosofické fakultě UK. v letech 1953-1970 / Historiography of the Communist Party and the Working Class Movement and its Institutionalisation at the Faculty of Arts - Charles University in years 1953-1970Calta, Jan January 2014 (has links)
(in English): This work deals with the formation of party historiography in fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. It examines this issue in two ways. The first level is the institutionalization of party historiography at Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Establishment, development and abolition of the department of the History of the Communist party (History of Working class movement) is explored with focusing on key turning points in 1953 (establishment of the department), 1958 (restriction of teaching staff), 1964 (reorganization, merger and establishment of the department of the History of Working class movement) and 1970 (abolition of the department). Teaching staff is examined and attention is paid to the efforts to create typological profile of chair historians, who were part of emerging generation of party historians. The second level of the research is the participation of party historians in shaping and formulating new historical narratives, that provided legitimazing framework of communist project to social transformation. Attention is paid to possibilities and limits of party historiography in social and political context and its methodological base is also examined. The development of party historiography is divided into three phases - the phase of stalinist discourse, the...
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Itinerário Teórico-Político de Agostinho da Silva: da Primeira Faculdade de Letras do Porto aos tempos de auto-exílio em terras de Ibero-América / The theoretic-politics path followed by Agostinho Silva: from the former Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto up to his self-exile time in Ibero-American landPinho, Amon Santos 18 December 2006 (has links)
O tema desta tese é o itinerário teórico-político cumprido pelo intelectual luso-brasileiro George Agostinho Batista da Silva (1906-1994), desde meados dos anos 1920 até meados dos anos 1950. O período se estende dos seus tempos de graduação na primeira Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, onde se formou em Filologia Clássica, no ano de 1928, à época do seu auto-exílio político experienciado na Argentina, no Uruguai e, sobretudo, no Brasil, em razão da ditadura civil de Antônio de Oliveira Salazar. Buscando sempre as zonas fronteiriças ou as áreas de intersecção entre o plano do político e a esfera das idéias, tratamos primeiramente da breve, mas significativa passagem de Agostinho da Silva pelo Integralismo Lusitano, que veio a ser sucedida pela adesão do autor ao grupo republicano, democrático e europeísta constituído em torno da Seara Nova, a célebre revista portuguesa de doutrina e crítica. Nela, por mais de dez anos, assiduamente publicou, no pleno exercício de um pensamento progressista que se foi apurando enquanto humanista, militante e crítico. Pensamento, sempre desdobrado em ação, em intervenções criativas ao nível do político, do social e do cultural, ao qual será todavia impresso um novo sentido, quando do seu auto-exílio (1944-1969) por terras de Ibero-América, já que aqui reorientou suas idéias e ideais num sentido antieuropeísta, iberista e iberoamericanista, propondo não mais a europeização de Portugal, mas a rehispanização da Península ibérica, por um sacudir dos seus vícios europeus, e a hispanização da Europa / The subject of this thesis reflects the theoretic-political path followed by the Luso-Brazilian George Agostinho Batista da Silva (1906-1994 ) from the middle 1920´s to the middle 1950´s. This period unfolds from his student days at the former Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, where he graduated in Classical Philology in 1928, up to his political self-exile time spent in Argentina, Uruguay, but mostly in Brazil, as a reaction to António de Oliveira Salazar\'s civil dictatorship. Always aiming at the bordering areas or intersection areas between the political level and the domain of ideas we firstly dealt with Agostinho da Silva´s short, but significant contribution to the Lusitano Integralism movement which gave way to the author´s joining the republican, democratic and pro-European group formed around Seara Nova, a renowned Portuguese journal of doctrine and criticism. For more than ten years his work was often published in this journal, by then he was expressing his progressive thinking to the full, which he perfected as a humanist, a militant and a critic. His thinking, always developed into action, creative intervention at a political, social and cultural level, acquired, however, a new perspective during his selfexile period (1944-1969 ) in Ibero-American land by redirecting his ideas and ideals towards an anti-European, Iberian and Ibero-American sense. According to this approach, Portugal should no longer undergo an Europeanisation process, but rather welcome the re-Hispanization of the Peninsula by shaking off its European vice and the Hispanization of Europe
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La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux 1886-1968 : un siècle d’essor universitaire en province / The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux from 1886 to 1968 : The development of the provincial university over the centuryClavel, Elsa 28 October 2016 (has links)
A partir de la fin des années 1870, l’enseignement supérieur en France connaît d’importantes mutations liées aux réformes de la Troisième République. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux, qui s’installe en 1886 dans le « Palais des Facultés » - un des tout premiers en France - au centre-ville de Bordeaux, permet d’observer les bouleversements qui touchent autant les enseignants que les étudiants de plus en plus nombreux, mais aussi le cursus universitaire et les disciplines enseignées. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux acquiert une certaine spécificité au cœur d’un mouvement national : l’innovation de la « science sociale » avec Emile Durkheim, le développement de la géographie coloniale en sont quelques exemples. Près d’un siècle plus tard, au cours des années 1960, la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux se distingue encore avec l’écriture d’une histoire de Bordeaux sous la direction de Charles Higounet, inédite alors pour une métropole en France et en Europe. Une étude prosopographique distingue quelques caractéristiques d’un corps professoral, souvent passé par les grandes écoles, pour lequel la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux peut constituer autant un tremplin vers Paris que la réalisation d’une longue carrière universitaire. L’analyse des dossiers des étudiants montre le mouvement de massification qui touche l’enseignement supérieur ainsi que sa féminisation et une relative diversification des origines sociales. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux, siège de ministères au début des deux conflits mondiaux, est, enfin, engagée dans les grands enjeux politiques, de l’affaire Dreyfus à Mai 68 tout en s’insérant au cœur de l’Aquitaine et en s’ouvrant au monde, plus particulièrement aux territoires d’outre-mer et de culture hispanique. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux est donc un reflet de la démocratisation progressive de l’accès à l’éducation et de ses limites, mais aussi des changements structurels de la société française de la fin du XIXe siècle à 1968. / From the end of the 1870’s, Higher Education in France underwent important changes linked to the reforms of the Third Republic. The Faculty of Arts of the University of Bordeaux, took up residence in the “Palais des Facultés” - one of the very first in France – in the town centre of Bordeaux. We can observe the upheavals which affected not only the teaching staff and the students who were constantly increasing in numbers, but also the university curriculum and the subjects taught. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux acquired a certain specificity within a national movement: the innovation of “Social Sciences” with Emile Durkheim or the development of Colonial Geography being just a couple of examples. More than a century later, in the 1960’s, The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux distinguished itself yet again with the writing of the History of Bordeaux under the supervision of Charles Higounet, the first of its kind for a metropolis whether in France or in Europe. A prosopographical study distinguished certain characteristics of the body of Professors, who had often studied in the “Grandes Ecoles”, and for whom the Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux could prove to be a stepping stone towards a position in Paris or the achievement of a long university career. The study of the students’ records shows the mass movement which affected Higher Education as well as its feminization and a certain diversification of social origins. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux, ministerial Headquarters during the two World Wars, was involved in important political issues, from the Dreyfus case to May 68 whilst playing an important role in Aquitaine and remaining open to the outside world, especially in overseas territories of Hispanic culture. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux is thus a reflection of the gradual democratization of the access to education and its limits, but also of the structural changes within French society from the end of the nineteenth century to 1968.
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Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, ve srovnání s univerzitami v Brně a Olomouci v bouřlivých letech 1947 - 1950 / Charles University - Faculty of Arts, in comparison with universities in Brno and Olomouc in the turbulent years 1947 - 1950Zubec, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Résumé This thesis examines the situation at three Czech universities in 1947 - 1950, Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno and Palacky University in Olomouc. To have an event around February 1948 to describe and then compare, it was necessary to go back to the time shortly after the Second World War, as the post-war development has undoubtedly influence on events in the following period. After the war the University had to deal with personnel and material losses. Many professors on their teaching and research space not returned, many of them died under the Nazi terror. Dismal state of buildings, which were mainly bombing explosions or other damage, especially to address Masaryk University, Brno. Directly after the war dealt University in Prague and Brno employee personnel cleansing of collaborators and people otherwise guilty against the state and national honor. Most affected was the Brno University. Another problem occurred when an enormous interest among young people in the study, due to the closure of Czech universities by the Nazis in the autumn of 1939 (in 1945). On the way to February 1948, were part of universities and student associations. Student element is often became the target of verbal indiscriminate attacks of some communist bosses, but up to February 1948 worked student...
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«La laïcisation des études médiévales» : l’Institut d’études médiévales de l’Université de Montréal et sa réforme académique de la Révolution tranquille, 1959-1968Robert, Martin 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise analyse les transformations institutionnelles de l’Institut d’études médiévales à l’Université de Montréal entre 1942 et 1968. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrons sur les effets de la Révolution tranquille sur l’Institut d’études médiévales, une institution d’études supérieures fondée par l’Ordre dominicain en 1930. S’inspirant du courant idéologie de Nouvelle Théologie exposé par Marie-Dominique Chenu, l’Institut embrasse une raison d’être doctrinale et utilise un savoir-faire scientifique pour l’accomplir. En adaptant la méthode historico-critique pour inférer sur l’enseignement du thomisme, l’Institut représente un amalgame religieux-scientifique intéressant à étudier pour comprendre les effets de la laïcisation de l’Université de Montréal sur ses structures, sa culture et ses institutions. Nous décrivons le parcours de cette institution à travers la Grande noirceur, la Révolution tranquille et la laïcisation de la Charte universitaire de l’Université de Montréal.
Grâce à l’analyse des dépôts d’archives de l’Université de Montréal et de la Province canadienne de l’Ordre dominicain, nous décrivons l’histoire institutionnelle de l’Institut d’études médiévales selon l’évolution de ses espérances et de ses fonctions à l’Université. Par l’analyse de ses énoncés de mission, nous décrivons comment l’Institut s’adapte pour se mettre en phase avec l’évolution structurelle et culturelle de sa société québécoise / This master's thesis analyses the institutional transformations of the Institut d'études médiévales of the Université de Montréal between 1942 and 1968. To do so, we focus on the effects of the Quiet Revolution on the Institut d'études médiévales, an institution of higher learning founded by the Dominican Order in 1930. Inspired by the Nouvelle Théologie outlined by Marie-Dominique Chenu, the Institute embraces a doctrinal raison d'être and uses scientific know-how to achieve it. By adapting the historical-critical method to infer the teaching of Thomism, the Institute represents an interesting religious-scientific amalgam to understand the effects of the secularization of the Université de Montreal on its structures, its culture, and its institutions. We describe the journey of this institution through La Grande Noirceur, the Quiet Revolution, and the secularization of the university’s Charter.
Through the analysis of the archives of the Université de Montreal and the Canadian Province of the Dominican Order, we describe the institutional history of the Institut d'études médiévales according to the evolution of its hopes and of its functions at the university. Through the analysis of its mission statements, we describe how the Institute adapts to keep pace with the structural and cultural evolution within Quebec’s Quiet Revolution.
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