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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Progress and constraints on professional development of university academic staff in Cambodia : a case of a university

Ros, Vutha January 2014 (has links)
Professional development is pivotal for academic staff (Akiba, & LeTendre, 2009; Brew, 1995; Day & Sachs, 2004; Kahn & Walsh, 2006; Richards & Farrell, 2005). However, little is known about professional development of the academic staff in Cambodia. To fill this gap, this study aims at investigating the progress and constraints on the Cambodian academic staff’s professional development. This qualitative research study involves semi-structured interviews with eight academic staff, three heads of the department and a vice rector at a university in Cambodia. The study has found that although there are several forms of professional development self-pursued by the academic staff and offered by the university, the academic staff’s professional development is limited. The university fails to provide adequate professional development to the academic staff. Moreover, the academic staff are not actively engaged in professional development. Based on the findings, the study also suggests some recommendations for the university. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Celebrating the “Invisible Middle”:

Bergh, David 24 June 2008 (has links)
There is increasing acknowledgement of and concern over the growing social stratification in our society. This bifurcation is demonstrated in the widening gap between the wealthy and impoverished. A college degree is an especially critical asset in helping to break multi-generational cycles of poverty. Unfortunately, low-income and first-generation college students face daunting obstacles on their paths to college graduation. First-generation status and low-income status are each negative predictors of college success. This is a study focused on the success, as defined by persistence to graduation, of first-generation students from low-income backgrounds. It introduces faculty, college administrators, and policy makers to students from this background at a rural New England public college who were close to completing their college degrees. The research questions were (a) to what factors the students attributed their success, (b) what oncampus programs or services were helpful in leading to that success, and (c) how could factors identified as leading to success among these students be leveraged to assist the success of other students in this population? Criterion sampling was used to determine an eligible cohort. The three criteria identified were (a) first-generation status, (b) low-income background, and (c) likelihood of graduation, based on accumulated credits. Through qualitative interviewing I learned from these students to what they attributed their success. This research approach enabled me to gain in-depth information on the personal backgrounds of the individual students interviewed. The participants’ narratives – their life stories – drove the study. Extended quotes from respondents were compiled. Narrative analysis was used to code the data. Major themes that emerged included (a) the critical significance of faculty, (b) the value of support services, (c) the importance of flexibility in course requirements and delivery methods as well as program requirements, (d) the high value placed on positive reinforcement and feedback as a positive motivator, and (e) the ways in which the challenging aspects of their backgrounds, misunderstood as deficits (e.g., unvalued social and cultural capital), helped them to develop strengths instrumental to their success. The resulting recommendations focus on areas where the data indicated that institutional interventions could increase the likelihood of college retention and success. These include (a) better utilizing pre-arrival materials and programs as anticipatory socialization opportunities, (b) maximizing first-year celebratory socialization initiatives, (c) providing targeted support based on student background traits, (d) instituting faculty training and development focused on how their role and teaching styles affect student success, (e) reviewing strategies for informing students of services, and (f) leveraging the desire of students to assist their peers who have not yet realized their level of success. The hope is that the resulting knowledge gained will inform future practice as well as assist higher education faculty and staff to work toward the success of this student population.

A Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Faculty Inservice in Latter-day Saint (LDS) Seminaries

Mathews, Mark A. 01 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of professional development in the Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) through a descriptive analysis of the processes and outcomes of faculty inservice. To accomplish this purpose, 140 randomly selected LDS seminary teachers completed a survey measuring the processes and outcomes of faculty inservice training. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequency and variation that teachers reported five features of effective professional development (content focus, active learning, coherence, duration, and collective participation) as being part of seminary faculty inservice training. Descriptive statistics were also used to provide information about the frequency and variation of perceived impact of faculty inservice training on teaching and learning and on feeling prepared to implement seven objectives of LDS seminaries known as the Teaching and Learning Emphasis. Correlational statistics were used to explore the relationship among the five features of effective professional development and the reported outcomes. Teachers reported that the five features of effective professional development were generally moderate in frequency and more frequent in summer inservice than school year inservice. Reported impact of faculty inservice on teaching and learning was also moderate in frequency and more frequent during summer inservice. Teachers reported moderate agreement that inservice directly prepared them to accomplish the objectives of the Teaching and Learning Emphasis. The results of this study indicated that current efforts are moderately effective at implementing five features of effective professional development and achieving the outcomes of improved teaching and learning according to S&I standards. Results also indicate a correlation between the processes of the five features of effective professional development and the outcome measures of teaching and learning. These findings suggest that seminary faculty inservice could improve by increasing the frequency with which faculty implement five features in faculty inservice. To accomplish this, I propose that faculty inservice instructors teach concepts from upcoming scripture blocks, provide more opportunities to observe teaching that meets S&I standards, provide more follow-up, and select seminary principals who are qualified and prepared to provide effective faculty inservice.


Bradley, Leah Marin 18 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

\"Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende ensinando\": refletindo sobre ações de formação docente na pós-graduação em Contabilidade / \"Happy are those who pass on what they know and learn by teaching\": reflecting on faculty training actions in an Accounting graduate program

Wille, Suilise Berwanger 21 September 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou responder: Como o PAE e a Monitoria Didática podem contribuir para a reflexão sobre a prática docente? Essa é a questão explorada nessa tese, em um contexto que considera: (i) a importância da formação inicial para a docência nos cursos de pós-graduação, (ii) que o Programa de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino (PAE), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), e as disciplinas de monitoria didática, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Controladoria e Contabilidade da USP (PPGCC/USP), buscam suprir de alguma forma essa formação, (iii) que há poucos estudos analisando o PAE, (iv) que os estudos que já foram desenvolvidos denotaram necessidade de maior aprofundamento sobre o tema, a fim de se ter uma melhor compreensão do programa e possibilitar a sua melhoria e aperfeiçoamento, (iv) que não há estudos sobre a monitoria didática. A esses aspectos aliam-se a relevância do PPGCC/USP e as características da formação dos docentes em contabilidade no Brasil. Diante dessa questão e desse contexto, como objetivo geral se busca examinar o PAE e as disciplinas de Monitoria Didática como ações de formação docente por meio da prática e da reflexão sobre a prática docente. Utiliza-se como lente teórica a reflexão sobre a prática, com a abordagem de Schön confrontada às críticas e contribuições de outros trabalhos que tratam sobre o tema. A pesquisa se caracteriza como sendo de abordagem qualitativa, com a construção de evidências por meio de pesquisa documental (Relatórios, fichas de inscrição e outros documentos ligados ao PAE) e entrevistas, com professores(as) da área de educação e/ou relacionados à gestão do PAE, monitores/estagiários(as) do PPGCC da USP, professores(as) que atuaram como supervisores(as) e estudantes da graduação. A relevância do estudo reside na discussão estabelecida sobre a formação docente e sobre programas que tenham por finalidade a preparação para o exercício da docência e, principalmente, pelo fato de que a efetividade dos programas e ações de formação docente impactará na qualidade da formação, desenvolvimento e preparação docente e, consequentemente, na qualidade da formação profissional em contabilidade. Como resultados da pesquisa, foi possível constatar que um envolvimento em todo o processo atrelado a lecionar uma disciplina é importante para que os estagiários(as) possam refletir sobre a docência e tenham um aprendizado mais efetivo. Também são importantes as conversas, trocas de experiências e feedbacks, entre estagiários(as) e supervisores. Esse tipo de participação do(a) monitor(a) muitas vezes não ocorre, por questão temporal, no que se refere ao momento que o(a) professor(a) realiza o planejamento do semestre, por exemplo, por dúvidas referentes ao que o(a) monitor(a) pode e não pode fazer, advindas do desconhecimento das regras e normas do programa e da existência de um currículo oculto que perpetua algumas práticas, ou, até mesmo, pelo fato do(a) monitor(a) não possuir conhecimento suficiente sobre o assunto tratado na disciplina. Desse modo, observa-se a necessidade de um alinhamento entre supervisores e que, ambas as partes, monitor(a) e supervisor(a), tenham conhecimento sobre os objetivos das ações de formação do PAE e da monitoria, de suas responsabilidades e, também, de seu potencial para contribuir com a melhoria do ensino na graduação, por meio da reflexão conjunta sobre as práticas docentes. Foi possível perceber, tanto nas entrevistas com os(as) estagiários(as), quanto com supervisores e estudantes de graduação, que já há exemplos de reflexos positivos para a graduação advindos das monitorias/estágio PAE. Mas, esses reflexos positivos ainda são pontuais e existem muitas oportunidades de melhoria. Pode-se, por fim, afirmar que, da forma como se constitui hoje, a principal função do PAE e da monitoria é aproximar professores e estudantes de graduação, pela intermediação de estagiários(as) PAE e monitores, uma vez que graduandos(as) se sentem mais próximos dos pós-graduandos(as) e mais confortáveis em compartilhar com eles dúvidas e preocupações. Sugere-se que pesquisas futuras busquem estender o estudo do estágio docência em outras instituições, programas e/ou outras unidades da USP; busquem desenvolver pesquisas quantitativas baseadas nos achados qualitativos desta pesquisa; aprofundem o estudo da etapa de preparação pedagógica do PAE; e, dado o contexto de valorização da pesquisa em detrimento do ensino, acredita-se que seria importante entender as percepções de representantes da CAPES e de outros órgãos avaliadores e/ou reguladores com relação ao tema da formação docente na prática. Como implicações dos achados para a prática, tem-se que é possível pensar em ações que possam contribuir com a melhoria do estágio do PAE e da monitoria didática como, por exemplo, buscar envolver o estagiário/monitor em todo o processo, tentar criar espaços (dias/horários) para a troca de ideias, sugestões e feedbacks entre supervisor e estagiário, dar oportunidades para o estagiário/monitor participar de forma ativa das aulas e até dar alguma aula e buscar pensar em formas de deixar mais claros os objetivos e regras da monitoria didática e do PAE tanto para os estagiários, quanto para os supervisores. Essas ações, como visto na pesquisa, têm potencial de impactar de forma positiva a qualidade do ensino dos cursos de graduação e a formação docente e a prática pedagógica de professores em atuação e de professores em formação, em um processo de colaboração e reflexão. Afinal, como nos ensinou Cora Coralina: \"Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende ensinando\". / This study seeks to answer the following: How can USP\'s (University of São Paulo) PAE (Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino - Program for the Improvement of Education) and the Didactical Monitoring (Monitoria Didática) contribute to the debate on educational practice? This study explores this question in a context that considers: (i) the importance of initial formation to faculty in graduate courses, (ii) that USP\'s PAE and the Didactical Monitoring disciplines of USP\'s Graduate Program in Controllership and Accounting (PPGCC/USP) seek to somehow provide that formation, (iii) that there are few studies that analyze the PAE, (iv) that the studies that have been made have pointed out a necessity for a deeper understanding of the subject in order to better comprehend the program and enable its betterment and perfection, and (v) that there are no studies about the didactical monitoring. Adding to these aspects, we have the relevance of PPGCC/USP and the characteristics of the faculty formation in accounting in Brazil. Facing this question and this context, the general goal of this study is to examine the PAE and the Didactical Monitoring as faculty formation actions through the practice of and reflection on the teaching practice. Our theoretical approach is reflection on the practice, with Schön\'s approach used along with criticisms that have been made about it, as well as the contributions of other works that deal with the subject. This research uses a qualitative approach, building up evidence via documental research (reports, application forms and other documents related to the PAE) and interviews with teachers from the field of education and/or those related to PAE\'s management, with teaching assistants/interns from USP\'s PPGCC, with teachers who acted as supervisors, and with undergraduate students. The importance of this study resides in the established discussion on faculty formation and on programs that aim to prepare people for the exercise of teaching; and most of all, in the fact that the effectivity of programs and actions geared towards faculty formation will impact the quality of the formation, development and preparation of teachers and consequently the quality of professional formation in the field of Accounting as a whole. As a result of this research, we were able to determine that being involved in every part of the process of teaching a course is important for the interns to be able to reflect on teaching and so that they may have a more effective learning experience. Also important are the conversations, the sharing of experiences and the sharing of feedback between interns and supervisors. This participation of the assistant doesn\'t often occur, though: whether it is because of time management issues, referring to the moment the teacher plans out the semester, for example; because of doubts related to what the assistant can and can\'t do stemming from lack of knowledge about the program\'s rules and norms and the existence of a hidden curriculum that perpetuates some practices; or even because the assistant might not have enough knowledge on the subject the course deals with. In that manner, we observed a need for alignment between supervisors and that both parts, assistant and supervisor, need to have knowledge about the goals and formation actions of the PAE and of the assistants, of their responsibilities, and also of their potential for contributing towards the betterment of teaching in undergraduate courses - and that shared knowledge is built via collective reflection on the teaching practices. We were able to notice, both in interviews with interns and interviews with supervisor and undergraduate students, that there already are examples of positive impacts in undergraduate courses that stem from the PAE assistant programs/internships. But these impacts are still relatively one-off and there are many opportunities for improvement. We can, finally, affirm that with the way it is set up today, the main function of the PAE and the Didactical Monitoring is to bring together teachers and undergraduate students through the intermediation of the PAE interns and teaching assistants since the undergraduate students feel closer to the graduate students and this more comfortable in sharing their doubts and worries with them. We suggest that future research attempts seek to extend the study on education internships to other institutions, programs and/or other USP units; that they seek to develop quantitative research based on the qualitative findings of this research; that they study the PAE\'s pedagogic preparation stage more closely; and, given the present context in which research is valued in lieu of teaching, we believe it would be important to understand the perception that CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) representatives and other evaluating/regulatory agencies have about the theme of docent formation in practice. As an implication of the findings towards the practice, we hold that it\'s possible to think about actions that can contribute to the betterment of the PAE internship and the Didactical Monitoring, such as: engaging the intern/assistant in the whole process, trying to make room (days/times) for the sharing of ideas, suggestions and feedback between supervisor and intern, and giving the interns opportunities to take an active role in the classes and even perhaps give a lecture themselves. These actions, as seen in this research, have the potential to positively impact the quality of education in undergraduate courses and the faculty formation and teaching practice of professors/teachers both acting and in formation, in a process of collaboration and reflection. After all, as Cora Coralina taught us: \"happy are those who transfer what they know and who learn by teaching.\"

Training higher education adjunct faculty to teach online: A design-based research study

Shattuck, Julie 24 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis researched what characteristics of a training course influenced participants’ professional practice. The training this study evaluated was MarylandOnline’s Certificate for Online Adjunct Teaching (COAT) course. The COAT project began in 2008 when instructional designers from various higher education institutions collaborated on developing training for instructors who were making the transition to online teaching. Using a design-based research methodological approach within an interpretivist research paradigm, this study used mixed methods data collection tools and grounded theory data analysis techniques to evaluate whether the COAT course effectively helped the target audience of higher education adjunct faculty make the transition to online teaching. This study found that not only adjuncts with no online teaching experience, but also experienced online instructors, full-time faculty, and nonteaching professionals completed the COAT course. Research participants identified that the experience of being situated as students in an authentic online course focused on online teaching and learning influenced their later online teaching, campus-based teaching, and nonteaching professional practice. Focus group participants cocreated an observation protocol that was applied to archived courses taught by COAT alumni, and it was found that instructors, as reflective practitioners, took from their COAT experience instructional approaches and competencies that were appropriate for their specific teaching situations. Although limited to a particular context, the original contribution to scholarship of this study was the articulation of design principles and a conceptual framework that may be useful to researchers and practitioners working in the area of online instructor training. / 2013, 04

\"Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende ensinando\": refletindo sobre ações de formação docente na pós-graduação em Contabilidade / \"Happy are those who pass on what they know and learn by teaching\": reflecting on faculty training actions in an Accounting graduate program

Suilise Berwanger Wille 21 September 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou responder: Como o PAE e a Monitoria Didática podem contribuir para a reflexão sobre a prática docente? Essa é a questão explorada nessa tese, em um contexto que considera: (i) a importância da formação inicial para a docência nos cursos de pós-graduação, (ii) que o Programa de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino (PAE), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), e as disciplinas de monitoria didática, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Controladoria e Contabilidade da USP (PPGCC/USP), buscam suprir de alguma forma essa formação, (iii) que há poucos estudos analisando o PAE, (iv) que os estudos que já foram desenvolvidos denotaram necessidade de maior aprofundamento sobre o tema, a fim de se ter uma melhor compreensão do programa e possibilitar a sua melhoria e aperfeiçoamento, (iv) que não há estudos sobre a monitoria didática. A esses aspectos aliam-se a relevância do PPGCC/USP e as características da formação dos docentes em contabilidade no Brasil. Diante dessa questão e desse contexto, como objetivo geral se busca examinar o PAE e as disciplinas de Monitoria Didática como ações de formação docente por meio da prática e da reflexão sobre a prática docente. Utiliza-se como lente teórica a reflexão sobre a prática, com a abordagem de Schön confrontada às críticas e contribuições de outros trabalhos que tratam sobre o tema. A pesquisa se caracteriza como sendo de abordagem qualitativa, com a construção de evidências por meio de pesquisa documental (Relatórios, fichas de inscrição e outros documentos ligados ao PAE) e entrevistas, com professores(as) da área de educação e/ou relacionados à gestão do PAE, monitores/estagiários(as) do PPGCC da USP, professores(as) que atuaram como supervisores(as) e estudantes da graduação. A relevância do estudo reside na discussão estabelecida sobre a formação docente e sobre programas que tenham por finalidade a preparação para o exercício da docência e, principalmente, pelo fato de que a efetividade dos programas e ações de formação docente impactará na qualidade da formação, desenvolvimento e preparação docente e, consequentemente, na qualidade da formação profissional em contabilidade. Como resultados da pesquisa, foi possível constatar que um envolvimento em todo o processo atrelado a lecionar uma disciplina é importante para que os estagiários(as) possam refletir sobre a docência e tenham um aprendizado mais efetivo. Também são importantes as conversas, trocas de experiências e feedbacks, entre estagiários(as) e supervisores. Esse tipo de participação do(a) monitor(a) muitas vezes não ocorre, por questão temporal, no que se refere ao momento que o(a) professor(a) realiza o planejamento do semestre, por exemplo, por dúvidas referentes ao que o(a) monitor(a) pode e não pode fazer, advindas do desconhecimento das regras e normas do programa e da existência de um currículo oculto que perpetua algumas práticas, ou, até mesmo, pelo fato do(a) monitor(a) não possuir conhecimento suficiente sobre o assunto tratado na disciplina. Desse modo, observa-se a necessidade de um alinhamento entre supervisores e que, ambas as partes, monitor(a) e supervisor(a), tenham conhecimento sobre os objetivos das ações de formação do PAE e da monitoria, de suas responsabilidades e, também, de seu potencial para contribuir com a melhoria do ensino na graduação, por meio da reflexão conjunta sobre as práticas docentes. Foi possível perceber, tanto nas entrevistas com os(as) estagiários(as), quanto com supervisores e estudantes de graduação, que já há exemplos de reflexos positivos para a graduação advindos das monitorias/estágio PAE. Mas, esses reflexos positivos ainda são pontuais e existem muitas oportunidades de melhoria. Pode-se, por fim, afirmar que, da forma como se constitui hoje, a principal função do PAE e da monitoria é aproximar professores e estudantes de graduação, pela intermediação de estagiários(as) PAE e monitores, uma vez que graduandos(as) se sentem mais próximos dos pós-graduandos(as) e mais confortáveis em compartilhar com eles dúvidas e preocupações. Sugere-se que pesquisas futuras busquem estender o estudo do estágio docência em outras instituições, programas e/ou outras unidades da USP; busquem desenvolver pesquisas quantitativas baseadas nos achados qualitativos desta pesquisa; aprofundem o estudo da etapa de preparação pedagógica do PAE; e, dado o contexto de valorização da pesquisa em detrimento do ensino, acredita-se que seria importante entender as percepções de representantes da CAPES e de outros órgãos avaliadores e/ou reguladores com relação ao tema da formação docente na prática. Como implicações dos achados para a prática, tem-se que é possível pensar em ações que possam contribuir com a melhoria do estágio do PAE e da monitoria didática como, por exemplo, buscar envolver o estagiário/monitor em todo o processo, tentar criar espaços (dias/horários) para a troca de ideias, sugestões e feedbacks entre supervisor e estagiário, dar oportunidades para o estagiário/monitor participar de forma ativa das aulas e até dar alguma aula e buscar pensar em formas de deixar mais claros os objetivos e regras da monitoria didática e do PAE tanto para os estagiários, quanto para os supervisores. Essas ações, como visto na pesquisa, têm potencial de impactar de forma positiva a qualidade do ensino dos cursos de graduação e a formação docente e a prática pedagógica de professores em atuação e de professores em formação, em um processo de colaboração e reflexão. Afinal, como nos ensinou Cora Coralina: \"Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende ensinando\". / This study seeks to answer the following: How can USP\'s (University of São Paulo) PAE (Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino - Program for the Improvement of Education) and the Didactical Monitoring (Monitoria Didática) contribute to the debate on educational practice? This study explores this question in a context that considers: (i) the importance of initial formation to faculty in graduate courses, (ii) that USP\'s PAE and the Didactical Monitoring disciplines of USP\'s Graduate Program in Controllership and Accounting (PPGCC/USP) seek to somehow provide that formation, (iii) that there are few studies that analyze the PAE, (iv) that the studies that have been made have pointed out a necessity for a deeper understanding of the subject in order to better comprehend the program and enable its betterment and perfection, and (v) that there are no studies about the didactical monitoring. Adding to these aspects, we have the relevance of PPGCC/USP and the characteristics of the faculty formation in accounting in Brazil. Facing this question and this context, the general goal of this study is to examine the PAE and the Didactical Monitoring as faculty formation actions through the practice of and reflection on the teaching practice. Our theoretical approach is reflection on the practice, with Schön\'s approach used along with criticisms that have been made about it, as well as the contributions of other works that deal with the subject. This research uses a qualitative approach, building up evidence via documental research (reports, application forms and other documents related to the PAE) and interviews with teachers from the field of education and/or those related to PAE\'s management, with teaching assistants/interns from USP\'s PPGCC, with teachers who acted as supervisors, and with undergraduate students. The importance of this study resides in the established discussion on faculty formation and on programs that aim to prepare people for the exercise of teaching; and most of all, in the fact that the effectivity of programs and actions geared towards faculty formation will impact the quality of the formation, development and preparation of teachers and consequently the quality of professional formation in the field of Accounting as a whole. As a result of this research, we were able to determine that being involved in every part of the process of teaching a course is important for the interns to be able to reflect on teaching and so that they may have a more effective learning experience. Also important are the conversations, the sharing of experiences and the sharing of feedback between interns and supervisors. This participation of the assistant doesn\'t often occur, though: whether it is because of time management issues, referring to the moment the teacher plans out the semester, for example; because of doubts related to what the assistant can and can\'t do stemming from lack of knowledge about the program\'s rules and norms and the existence of a hidden curriculum that perpetuates some practices; or even because the assistant might not have enough knowledge on the subject the course deals with. In that manner, we observed a need for alignment between supervisors and that both parts, assistant and supervisor, need to have knowledge about the goals and formation actions of the PAE and of the assistants, of their responsibilities, and also of their potential for contributing towards the betterment of teaching in undergraduate courses - and that shared knowledge is built via collective reflection on the teaching practices. We were able to notice, both in interviews with interns and interviews with supervisor and undergraduate students, that there already are examples of positive impacts in undergraduate courses that stem from the PAE assistant programs/internships. But these impacts are still relatively one-off and there are many opportunities for improvement. We can, finally, affirm that with the way it is set up today, the main function of the PAE and the Didactical Monitoring is to bring together teachers and undergraduate students through the intermediation of the PAE interns and teaching assistants since the undergraduate students feel closer to the graduate students and this more comfortable in sharing their doubts and worries with them. We suggest that future research attempts seek to extend the study on education internships to other institutions, programs and/or other USP units; that they seek to develop quantitative research based on the qualitative findings of this research; that they study the PAE\'s pedagogic preparation stage more closely; and, given the present context in which research is valued in lieu of teaching, we believe it would be important to understand the perception that CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) representatives and other evaluating/regulatory agencies have about the theme of docent formation in practice. As an implication of the findings towards the practice, we hold that it\'s possible to think about actions that can contribute to the betterment of the PAE internship and the Didactical Monitoring, such as: engaging the intern/assistant in the whole process, trying to make room (days/times) for the sharing of ideas, suggestions and feedback between supervisor and intern, and giving the interns opportunities to take an active role in the classes and even perhaps give a lecture themselves. These actions, as seen in this research, have the potential to positively impact the quality of education in undergraduate courses and the faculty formation and teaching practice of professors/teachers both acting and in formation, in a process of collaboration and reflection. After all, as Cora Coralina taught us: \"happy are those who transfer what they know and who learn by teaching.\"

Perceptions of Faculty Development: A Study of a North Texas Community College

Bodily, Brett Hogan 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation study deems faculty development critical to meeting challenges associated with retirement, potential professor shortages, increasing adjunct populations, unprepared faculty, and accreditation standards in the community college. The study centers on seeking a current, in-depth understanding of faculty development at Metro Community College (a pseudonym). The participants in this qualitative study consisted of adjunct and full-time faculty members and administrators who communicated their perceptions of faculty development. The analysis discovered faculty member types (progressive and hobbyist adjunct and proactive, active, and reactive full-time faculty) who invest themselves in development differently depending on their position and inclination to participate. Faculty members generally indicated a desire for collegiality and collaboration, self-direction, and individualized approaches to development whereas administrators exhibited a greater interest in meeting accreditation standards and ensuring institutional recognition. The study also discovered a need to consider development initiatives for adjunct faculty members. The dissertation proposes an improved partnership between the adjunct and full-time faculty and the administration.

A Qualitative Assessment of Professional Development in a Competency-Based Education Model

Hannah, Kerry 01 January 2019 (has links)
Competency-based education (CBE) is increasingly important in higher education, both in volume and pervasiveness, which increases the need for comprehensive, systematic, and effective program-based support and instruction for faculty and staff. The purpose of this qualitative Delphi study was to gather expert opinions about competency-based best practices in professional development, support, and training resources in order to effectively implement a CBE method at a university. The conceptual framework comprised of adult learning theory and competency-based education. Eight experts in competency-based education completed 2 rounds of anonymous questionnaires with open- and closed-ended questions. Data analysis involved a systematic process of coding and identifying themes. Results included a list of effective best practices for the professional development, support, and training resources that might be used to develop a community of practice online learning site for effective implementation of CBE methods. The results were further used to deliver a position paper that provided the research site with concrete descriptions of the important factors and mechanisms for CBE, as well as recommendations for action, including increased emphasis on Communities of Practice. Implications for positive social change include aiding higher education institutions in understanding the needs of faculty professional development, support, and training resources in a CBE method. In turn, adult learners who enroll in a CBE model will be able to attain a degree in less time and cost than in a traditional model, providing the learners with an opportunity to make an economic difference in society.

Effectiveness of Faculty Training About Academic Accommodations: Impact on perceptions and Intentions

Milligan, Nancy Vandewiele 01 October 2004 (has links)
"October 2004" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Occupational Therapy. This study examined the relationship between university faculty attitudes toward academic accommodations and the provision of academic accommodations for students with disabilities. A pretest posttest design was used to examine the relationship between faculty attitudes (willingness, perceptions, and intentions) toward students with disabilities and whether the attitudes and the knowledge one posses about providing academic accommodations influences faculty teaching behaviors. According to the 2000 Census, one out of twelve children and teenagers (ages 520) living in the United States has a physical or mental disability (Cohen, 2002). This statistic indicates that the number of students requiring academic accommodations in post secondary education will continue to grow throughout the next decade. The literature suggests that faculty who are not well informed on how to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities may develop negative attitudes that create additional barriers for these students. Therefore, in an effort to contribute to evidence-based occupational therapy practice, a faculty-training workshop was developed and conducted to evaluate whether training faculty about academic accommodations affected their willingness to provide academic accommodations to students with disabilities. Participants were faculty at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan who elected to participate in a four-hour training session on providing academic accommodations to students with disabilities. The results of the study suggest that both knowledge and attitudes (willingness, perceptions, and intentions) of faculty improved as a result of the intervention which in turn can have a positive impact on students enrolled in their courses. The researcher concluded that further qualitative research is needed to address if the training provided did in fact have an impact on the participants' long-term behavior and whether participating faculty are now more willing to provide academic accommodations to students with disabilities as a result of the workshop. Additionally inquiry is recommended with larger and diverse samples to determine the most effective training interventions.

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