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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O enfrentamento do fracasso escolar em uma escola pública: análise crítica na perspectiva do cotidiano escolar. / Facing failure at public school: a crytical analysis in the perspective of school´s quotidian.

Dalsan, Joseana 04 April 2007 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo analisar sob a perspectiva teórica da psicologia escolar crítica, um projeto de intervenção psicopedagógico, com crianças que vinham apresentando dificuldades de escolarização, numa escola pública municipal de ensino fundamental I, no interior do Estado de São Paulo, a partir da análise do discurso dos participantes deste projeto: gestora, coordenadora pedagógica, psicopedagoga, professoras das classes regulares, professora dos grupos de apoio e seus alunos. Objetivou ainda, analisar de que forma esse trabalho vem contribuindo para a dinâmica dos mecanismos intra-escolares produtores de problemas de escolarização dos alunos de camadas populares. Concluiu-se que o projeto é baseado na teoria construtivista psico-genética de Piaget, que relaciona diretamente o estágio de desenvolvimento cognitivo com a capacidade das crianças aprenderem determinados conteúdos escolares, e tem como característica principal a atuação da psicopedagogia em três frentes: a reorganização das Classes de Aceleração na rede municipal, a capacitação dos professores que atuam nessas classes e a avaliação psicopedagógica individual dos alunos que não avançam na escolarização. Este projeto estaria reproduzindo e fortalecendo a visão hegemônica de fracasso escolar centrando sua análise das causas nos alunos e em suas famílias advindas das classes populares, e também culpabilizando o professor supostamente mal formado para resolver os problemas escolares desses alunos, deixando a instituição escolar fora de foco, ou seja, as relações, concepções, as práticas escolares, as condições precárias de trabalho dos educadores, as políticas públicas que atravessam a escola, perpetuando a exclusão dos alunos das classes populares, dentro da escola, distanciando-os do seu direito de escolarizar-se. / This is a case study which purpose is an analysis based on the theory perspective of critical school psychology. An analysis of a psycho-pedagogy intervention project, with children with learning difficulties, in a municipal school of fundamental learning I (as considered in Brazil), in countryside São Paulo state. The analysis is based on the speech of the project´s participants: director, pedagogy coordinator, psycho-pedagogy coordinator, teachers from regular classes, teachers from support groups and their students. The objective was also analyse the way this project contributes to the intra-school dynamics which produce educational problems in lowerclass students. Conclusions led to a project based in the psychogenetic constructivist theory of Piaget, which relates directly cognitive development and the capability to learn certain contents, and which has as main point the acting of psycho-pedagogy in three fronts: the reorganization of \"Acceleration Classes\" in the municipal school net; the training of teachers who act in these classes; and the evaluation of individual students who do not progress in school. This project would be reproducing the hegemonic vision of educational failure centered in students and their lower-class families, and also blaming the teachers, supposedly not well-trained to deal with their students´ problems, leaving the institution out of the main focus, say, the relations, conceptions, school practices, scarce conditions of work, the political issues that cross school; all of this perpetuating the lower-class students´ exclusion, inside the school, distancing them from their right to learn.

Les dispositifs de prise en charge de la difficulté scolaire à l’école élémentaire : étude de leur fonctionnement et de leurs effets sur la réussite scolaire : l'école dispose-t-elle de moyens appropriés pour favoriser la réussite de ses élèves les plus fragiles ? / Support systems for children facing educational difficulties in elementary school : study of their operating modes and effects on success at school : does school have the appropriate means for favourizing success of underachievers ?

Buttard, Manuel 12 October 2018 (has links)
Avec les lois Jules Ferry rendant l'école primaire gratuite et obligatoire, on pouvait penser que l'on s'acheminait vers une égalité des chances de réussir dans un système scolaire devenu méritocratique. Il a depuis fallu se rendre à l'évidence : l'accès à l'école ne permet pas à tous de progresser pareillement, certains enfants s'y trouvant en difficulté dès leurs premiers pas d'élèves. Les politiques de lutte contre l'échec scolaire n'empêchent pas une part non négligeable des élèves de quitter l'école sans maîtriser de façon satisfaisante les éléments fondamentaux des programmes. L’efficacité des dispositifs d'aide aux élèves en difficulté apparaît en outre remise en cause par les travaux de recherche menés sur le sujet.Cette thèse propose une évaluation comparée de ces dispositifs à l'école primaire. Elle interroge, au regard de l’existant, puis à partir de l'exploitation de données obtenues par questionnaire, tests, analyse de contenu, leurs modalités de fonctionnement et leur efficacité.Nous montrons ainsi que le système protéiforme de lutte contre l'échec scolaire comporte un arsenal de mesures hétéroclites dont les règles de recrutement existent mais demeurent confuses. L'analyse comparée des résultats des écoliers, de leur sentiment de performance et des demandes des enseignants indique que cette ventilation considère les besoins des enfants. Les plus en difficulté sont le plus souvent pris en charge et l'orientation choisie dépend des situations. Mais, dans un contexte de pénurie de moyens, et faute de définition précise et de régulation des procédures, ces règles sont fréquemment transgressées.Si, à quelques exceptions près, les élèves les plus faibles ne parviennent pas à combler leur retard, l'efficacité des aides est surtout hétérogène. Elle dépend des caractéristiques personnelles ou sociodémographiques des enfants, de celles de leur environnement, mais aussi de la nature et des modalités de fonctionnement des dispositifs. Les effets bénéfiques observés auprès de certains écoliers sont masqués par des résultats plus décevants obtenus auprès d'autres, dont les besoins initiaux étaient souvent moins manifestes.A notre sens, l'optimisation de la lutte contre la difficulté devrait passer par davantage de cohérence, de coordination dans le recrutement et les prises en charge, et par la mise en commun des connaissances ou compétences des intervenants. Une organisation réticulaire des dispositifs pourrait permettre de rationaliser le parcours des élèves et de conjuguer plutôt que d'accumuler les efforts des professionnels. / With the Jules Ferry laws ensuring free and compulsory schooling, equal chances of succeeding were expected in a meritocratic established school system. Reality proved otherwise: attending school still does not allow all schoolchildren to progress in the same way, as some of them encounter difficulties from the beginning. The struggle against academic failure cannot stop a considerable amount of pupils from finishing school without satisfactorily mastering the basic elements of the programmes. Moreover, recent research works have seemed to prove programmes providing assistance for underachievers to be ineffective.This thesis offers a comparative evaluation of such support systems in elementary school. It investigates their effectiveness and modus operandi, with regard to what already exists, as well as to the use of data obtained by questionnaires, tests or content analysis.The protean support systems against school failure will be shown to include a large arsenal of disparate measures, with actual but confusing recruitment rules. The comparative analysis of schoolchildren's results, of their own impressions of performance and of the teachers’ requests indicates that this distribution takes the children's needs into consideration. Most of the time, those most in trouble are the ones taken care of and the chosen educational counselling will depend on the situation. But, in a context of means shortage, and in the absence of a precise definition and regulation of operating procedures, these rules are often infringed. If, with a few exceptions, the weakest students cannot catch up, we notice that help efficiency mostly proves to be uneven. It depends on the personal, sociodemographic and environmental characteristics of the children, but also on the nature and operating methods of the aid system. The beneficial effects seen with some children are concealed by more disappointing results obtained with others, whose needs were often less obvious at first.Thus, in our opinion, the optimization of the struggle against learning difficulties requires to further consistency and a better coordination in recruitment and schoolchild care, as well as skill or knowledge sharing between professionals. A network organisation of support systems would most likely enable to rationalize pupils' educational background and to combine the efforts of skilled professionals rather than accumulating them.

O enfrentamento do fracasso escolar em uma escola pública: análise crítica na perspectiva do cotidiano escolar. / Facing failure at public school: a crytical analysis in the perspective of school´s quotidian.

Joseana Dalsan 04 April 2007 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo analisar sob a perspectiva teórica da psicologia escolar crítica, um projeto de intervenção psicopedagógico, com crianças que vinham apresentando dificuldades de escolarização, numa escola pública municipal de ensino fundamental I, no interior do Estado de São Paulo, a partir da análise do discurso dos participantes deste projeto: gestora, coordenadora pedagógica, psicopedagoga, professoras das classes regulares, professora dos grupos de apoio e seus alunos. Objetivou ainda, analisar de que forma esse trabalho vem contribuindo para a dinâmica dos mecanismos intra-escolares produtores de problemas de escolarização dos alunos de camadas populares. Concluiu-se que o projeto é baseado na teoria construtivista psico-genética de Piaget, que relaciona diretamente o estágio de desenvolvimento cognitivo com a capacidade das crianças aprenderem determinados conteúdos escolares, e tem como característica principal a atuação da psicopedagogia em três frentes: a reorganização das Classes de Aceleração na rede municipal, a capacitação dos professores que atuam nessas classes e a avaliação psicopedagógica individual dos alunos que não avançam na escolarização. Este projeto estaria reproduzindo e fortalecendo a visão hegemônica de fracasso escolar centrando sua análise das causas nos alunos e em suas famílias advindas das classes populares, e também culpabilizando o professor supostamente mal formado para resolver os problemas escolares desses alunos, deixando a instituição escolar fora de foco, ou seja, as relações, concepções, as práticas escolares, as condições precárias de trabalho dos educadores, as políticas públicas que atravessam a escola, perpetuando a exclusão dos alunos das classes populares, dentro da escola, distanciando-os do seu direito de escolarizar-se. / This is a case study which purpose is an analysis based on the theory perspective of critical school psychology. An analysis of a psycho-pedagogy intervention project, with children with learning difficulties, in a municipal school of fundamental learning I (as considered in Brazil), in countryside São Paulo state. The analysis is based on the speech of the project´s participants: director, pedagogy coordinator, psycho-pedagogy coordinator, teachers from regular classes, teachers from support groups and their students. The objective was also analyse the way this project contributes to the intra-school dynamics which produce educational problems in lowerclass students. Conclusions led to a project based in the psychogenetic constructivist theory of Piaget, which relates directly cognitive development and the capability to learn certain contents, and which has as main point the acting of psycho-pedagogy in three fronts: the reorganization of \"Acceleration Classes\" in the municipal school net; the training of teachers who act in these classes; and the evaluation of individual students who do not progress in school. This project would be reproducing the hegemonic vision of educational failure centered in students and their lower-class families, and also blaming the teachers, supposedly not well-trained to deal with their students´ problems, leaving the institution out of the main focus, say, the relations, conceptions, school practices, scarce conditions of work, the political issues that cross school; all of this perpetuating the lower-class students´ exclusion, inside the school, distancing them from their right to learn.

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