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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodika a asociace polymorfismu IGF1 u drůbeže

Hosnedlová, Božena January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Topný faktor tepelných čerpadel v provozních podmínkách

Kopecký, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Obnova porostů ve svážných územích Bílých Karpat

Pacík, Vlastimil January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Posouzení přesnosti metod zjišťování zásob v závislosti na vybraných faktorech

Čech, Zbyněk January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Struktura dospělého vrchovinného smrkového porostu

Světlík, Jan January 2016 (has links)
In last decades, intensive research of the forest trees biomass increment changes has realized in the context of the presumed global change because forest stands have shown crucial share on the carbon storage in the global scale. Relationships between tree dendrometric parameters and forest tree biomass using allometric equations or expansion factors are still solved insufficiently. Changes of the structure of the adult highland spruce stand at the study site of Rájec (the Drahanská vrchovina Highland) in 2009 - 2012 and allometric equations and expansion factors determined for an aboveground biomass of the studied stand (and its single fractions) are described in the present study. Belowground biomass of the studied stand was estimated using known allometric relationship. Diameter at the tree breast height was suitable parameter for the estimation of the stem biomass volume (with and without bark) and it was the suitable input parameter for most allometric equations for the estimation of the aboveground biomass or its single fractions. Significance of tree competition to estimate tree biomass was established. Thus, using competition parameters in allometric equations is appropriate in some cases. There was calculated expansion factor for the aboveground biomass 1,30 and for the belowground biomass 1,18 in the studied adult spruce stand.

Mechanismen TNF-induzierter Genexpression / Mechanisms of TNF-induced gene expression

Warnke, Clemens January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
TNF wird zunächst als TypII-Transmembranprotein (mTNF) gebildet und erst anschließend durch spezifische Spaltung durch die Metalloprotease TACE zum löslichen Zytokin sTNF prozessiert. Da mTNF der alleinige Hauptaktivator des TNFR2 ist und sich bisherige Untersuchungen zum TNF-Signaling weitgehend auf sTNF konzentrierten, ist vergleichsweise wenig über TNFR2-vermittelte Signaltransduktion bekannt. An TNFR1 sind dagegen beide TNF-Varianten bioaktiv. Trotz intensiver Untersuchung des TNFR1-Signaling sind jedoch auch hier viele Fragen noch unbeantwortet. Derzeit existieren deshalb zum TNFR1-Signaling zwei verschiedene Modellvorstellungen nebeneinander. Im ersten Modell, dem Modell der Kompartmentalisation, bindet TRADD erst nach Rezeptorinternalisierung an TNFR1, genauso wie FADD und Caspase-8. Die Rezeptorinternalisierung nach Ligandenbindung gilt hier daher als Voraussetzung für die TRADD-Rekrutierung und für die Apoptoseinduktion. Im zweiten Modell, dem Modell zweier sequentiell arbeitender Signalkomplexe, bindet TRADD dagegen bereits im membrangebundenen Signalkomplex an TNFR1. Anschließend dissoziiert TRADD vom Rezeptor, um im Zytoplasma einen zweiten, apoptoseinduzierenden Komplex mit FADD und Caspase-8 zu formen. Um mehr über TNFR2 zu erfahren und um das TNFR1-Signaling besser zu verstehen, wurden in dieser Arbeit die Signaltransduktion und die Geninduktion über TNFR1 und TNFR2 nach Stimulation mit mTNF untersucht. Ziel war es letztlich, eine Methode zu etablieren, die es erlaubt, membrangebundene TNFR1- und TNFR2-Signalkomplexe getrennt zu isolieren. Dazu wurden zunächst nicht zu sTNF spaltbare TNFR1- bzw. TNFR2-spezifische mTNF-Varianten mit GST-Tag hinsichtlich Rezeptorbindung und Rezeptoraktivierung näher charakterisiert. Die selektive Bindung dieser mTNF-Varianten an TNFR1 bzw. TNFR2 konnte gezeigt werden. Auch der Nachweis ihre Funktionalität in Versuchen zur IL8-Induktion war möglich. Mit Hilfe der TNFR1-spezifischen mTNF-Variante gelang im GST-Fishing die Koimmunopräzipitation von TNFR1, TRADD und TRAF2 und damit die Isolierung des membrangebundenen Signalkomplexes des TNFR1. Mit Hilfe einer TNFR2-spezifischen Variante konnten dagegen TNFR2 und TRAF2 koimmunopräzipitiert werden, TRADD dagegen nicht. Somit ließen sich mit den rezeptorspezifischen Varianten von mTNF die Rezeptorsignalkomplexe des TNFR1 und TNFR2 getrennt isolieren. Interessant war dabei insbesondere die TRADD-Rekrutierung an TNFR1 im membrangebundenen TNFR1-Signalkomplex. Da die Internalisierung von TNFR1 nach mTNF-Stimulation schwer vorstellbar ist, bindet TRADD offensichtlich an TNFR1, ohne dass eine Rezeptorinternalisierung Voraussetzung wäre. Damit erscheint das Modell der Kompartmentalisation zumindest für mTNF wenig plausibel. Dagegen sind die bisher für mTNF erhobenen Daten mit einer TRADD-Dissoziation vom Rezeptor vereinbar, weshalb ein Modell zweier sequentiell arbeitender Signalkomplexe durchaus auch für mTNF Gültigkeit besitzen könnte. / In this dissertation, membrane bound TNF and its receptor selective muteins are shown to induce gene expression and to selectively bind to TNFR1 and TNFR2. Furthermore, in GST-Fishing experiments membrane bound TNF induced signal transduction leading to NFkB and apoptosis induction was further investigated. Two existing different models of TNFalpha induced apoptosis in the literature were compared, the model of two sequential signaling complexes and the model of compartmentalisation. In this dissertation, it was shown that the model of two sequential signaling complexes is more likely to be able to explain membrane bound TNF induced apoptosis.

Utredning av övertoners effekter på transformatorer

Assarsson, Fredrik, Nilsson, Felix January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en utredning om hur en av Halmstad Energi och Miljö Nät ABs transformatorer påverkas av övertoner. Utredningen handlar till största del om hur mycket transformatorns nominella effekt måste skrivas ner. Examensarbetet visar teorin kring både vad som är övertoner, övertoners effekter på transformatorer samt beräkningsmodeller för effektnedskrivning. De metoder som används och jämförs för nedskrivning av transformatoreffekt är faktor K, som beskrivs i SS-EN 50464-3 och K-faktor, som beskrivs i ANSI/IEEE C57.100. För att på ett verklighetstroget och ingenjörsmässigt sätt beräkna hur de olika standarderna påverkar transformatorn har tre fall testats.   Övertonernas medelinverkan under en månad, utifrån insamlade mätdata. Övertonernas maximala inverkan under en månad, utifrån insamlade mätdata. Övertonernas inverkan om övertonshalterna ökar i framtiden. Resultatet av utredningen visar att transformatorns nominella effekt i fallen där mätdata behandlas bör minskas med ca 6–17% för K-faktor-metoden. För faktor K är de siffrorna ca 2,5–7,5%. Dock visar mätdata från samtliga fallen att belastningsgraden på den testade trans-formatorn är långt under den maximala nedskrivna effekten. Om mängden strömövertoner i framtiden skulle öka är en nedskrivning på 30% av maxeffekten inte orimligt. / This thesis is a study of how one of Halmstad Energi och Miljö Nät AB’s transformers is affected by current harmonics. The study is mostly about how much the transformer's nominal power must be derated. The study shows the theory of both what is harmonics, how harmonics affect transformers and calculation models for derating transformers. The methods used and compared for the transformer power write-down are factor K, which is described in SS-EN 50464-3 and K-factor, which is described in ANSI / IEEE C57.100. In order to realistically investigate how the different standards affect the transformer, three cases have been tested. The mean effect of the harmonics over a month, based on collected measurement data. The maximum effect of the harmonics over a month, based on collected measurement data. The effects of harmonics if the harmonic levels increase in the future. The result of the study shows that in the cases based on measurement data the nominal power of the transformer should be reduced by about 6-17% for the K-factor method. For factor K, the figures are about 2.5-7.5%. However, the measurement data from all cases shows that the load rate of the tested transformer is far below the maximum impaired effect. If the amount of current harmonics would increase in the future, a write-down of 30% of the maximum effect is not unreasonable.

Nefarmakologické ovlivnění rizikových faktorů aterosklerózy / Nonpharmacological treatment of the risk faktors of atherosclerosis

HARTOVÁ, Taťána January 2007 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the most frequent death causation in most advanced countries. The citizens of the Czech Republic are unambiguously considered a population with an increased risk profile of untimely atherosclerosis. The paper addresses quantification of common risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity), monitoring of the number of other residential treatments, other cardiovascular incidents and deaths and especially the depressive disorder of 200 patients (aged 36 {--} 86 years) of the Invasive Cardiology Department of Nemocnice Karlovy Vary, s. r. o. indicated to be subject to coronarographic examination. As concerns depressive patients, we encounter the cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death more often than with the non-depressive ones. This applies also in the event when risk factors of cardiovascular disorders in the anamnesis are excluded in both groups. A man with a cardiovascular illness experiences a significant break period. He is directly limited in terms of his health and endangered in terms of his existence, social life and often even his life itself. Psychic changes under those circumstances are almost regular, the depression development is assumable. As many as 13 % of the approached cardiac patients state the occurrence of typical problems accompanying the depression in the past 14 days, with 27 % of them, the problems lasted longer than a week. The whole-life prevalence of depression ranges between 5 and 16%, a higher occurrence of depressive patients among cardiac patients is hence apparent. The average BMI of monitored women is 29,12 {--} hence at the border of normal weight and overweight, the average BMI of monitored men amounts to 29,20 {--} which indicates their obesity. Hence one may confirm that as concerns the monitored persons, a higher body mass index (BMI) is confirmed with monitored persons. The average wasteline is 104,29 with monitored women and 104,83 with monitored men {--} i.e. the content of visceral fat is considerable. When monitoring other residential treatments within half a year, most patients were those with angina pectoris. Regardless of their diagnosis, only three patients died.

Idrottslokalernas påverkan på undervisningen i idrott och hälsa : En studie om vilka begränsande faktorer undervisningslokalerna skapar för undervisningen i idrott och hälsa / Sports facilities influence on physical education : A study about what limiting factors the education facilities creates for physical education

Karlsson, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
Physical education is a crucial subject in school and is taught to students of all ages. Except for the traditional sports curriculum, students are expected to learn skills such as swimming and engage in outdoor activities. However, these activities require education at locations that are not the regular sports facility and which all schools do not have the same access to. This study examines how the availability of different facilities affects education and which factors have the most impact. Through the use of a quantitative method, more specifically a survey, physical education teachers across Sweden have responded to questions regarding the accessibility of teaching facilities and their impact. The result of the study aligns with previous research in the same field, revealing that several factors influence education. The two factors that have the most limiting effects on education are teaching larger groups of students and small facilities, while access to swimming facilities and proximity to outdoor teaching locations also have negative effects.

Stanovení lipofility léčiv pomocí HPLC / Determination of Lipophilicity of Drugs by HPLC

Pleváková, Magdaléna January 2015 (has links)
3 ABSTRACT Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of biophysics and physical chemistry Author: Magdaléna Pleváková Supervisor: Ing. Vladimír Kubíček, CSc. Thesis title: Determination of Lipophilicity of Drugs by HPLC In this thesis a RP-HPLC method for fast and reliable determination of lipophilicity was proposed and tested. Stationary phase was selected by using hydrophobic substraction model. Capacity factors of the chosen substances were initially measured on Zorbax ECLIPSE XDB C18 250x4,6 mm, 5µm column, which exhibits almost identical retention characteristics as the column used for this purpose until now. Then the capacity factors of the same substances were determined by using Zorbax ECLIPSE XDB-C18 50x4,6 mm, 1,8µm column that was selected to reduce retention times significantly. A group of newly synthesised drugs based on structure of pyrazine served as samples for the measurement. The reproducibility of the capacity factor values determined using both columns was compared and the independence of the capacity factor on the mobile phase flow was confirmed. The capacity factors of two homologous series and a group of benzimidazols were consequently determined on Zorbax ECLIPSE XDB-C18 50x4,6 mm, 1,8µm column using various compositions of mobile phases. Several...

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