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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaikų, augančių socialinės rizikos šeimose, socialinė raida ir ugdymosi ypatumai / Characteristics of Children Growing Up in Socially Disadvantaged Families

Pacauskienė, Marytė 30 June 2006 (has links)
Hard economical situations, unemployment and inadequate governmental social policies provide fertile conditions for alcoholism, violence, drug use and child neglect in families. The minor aged children are the most vulnerable. The number of the socially disadvantaged families and the number of children in these families is constantly rising. The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the characteristics of the children in socially disadvantaged families. To this end a questionnaire was prepared and responses from 191 persons solicited. 120 of the persons were school aged children, grades 5-9, coming from socially disadvantaged families. The balance of the respondents was their teachers and 50 family members. The anonymous survey����s intent was to evaluate how well the children feel in the family and the school, to evaluate the relationship between these children and their parents, to learn how the children feel about their educational activities and finally also to evaluate what the parents and teachers predict will be the children’s responses in these categories. The survey revealed that children see poverty and alcoholism as the two most important problems in the family. The teachers concurred that poverty and alcoholism were the most important problems. Additionally the children identified that parents not living together is a problem. Children from socially disadvantaged families have weak motivation for education or show an interest in just one kind... [to full text]

Socialinės rizikos šeimų gaunamos paramos subjektyvi suvoktis / Subjectiv conception of support for families under social risk

Pilypaitienė, Neringa 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūrį į gaunamą paramą, kaip ji vertinama, ar realiai prieinama ir reikalinga; kiek šeimos pačios įgalinamos pamatyti ir spręsti savo problemas, rinktis tinkamus pagalbos būdus; ką reiškia ir kokius jausmus sukelia socialinės rizikos šeimos statusas, ar turi įtakos didesnei paramai gauti. / This work tries to unfold the attitude of families under social risk to the support, how it is valued, if it is affordable and needful; how the families are able to notice and to solve their problems, to select appropriate ways of the support; what does it mean for them to be as a family under social risk, and if it is a way to get major support.


Šnarienė, Vera 03 January 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe tiriamas rizikos grupės paauglių požiūris į dienos centre teikiamas socioedukacines paslaugas. Rizikos grupės paauglių užimtumo problema išlieka viena svarbiausių. Paauglių užimtumo stoka turi ryškios įtakos nusikalstamumui. Rizikos grupės paaugliai auga neturtingose šeimose, yra mažai kontroliuojami, jie neturi turiningo užimtumo ir didelę laiko dalį praleidžia delinkventiniu elgesiu pasižyminčių draugų kompanijose. Nesudarant tinkamų sąlygų paauglio laisvalaikio leidimui ir papildomam ugdymui, sutrinka asmenybės vystymasis ir vidinė darna. Buvo atliekamas kokybinis tyrimas, kokybinio tyrimo respondentais pasirinkti 8 paaugliai, noriai lankantys „Vilties šviesa“ vaikų dienos centrą Biržuose, siekiant išsiaiškinti socialinės rizikos paauglių požiūrį į dienos centre teikiamas socioedukacines paslaugas. Tyrime dalyvavo 3 berniukai ir 5 mergaitės. Jų amžius nuo 12 iki 14 metų. Kokybiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad dienos centre teikiamos socioedukacinės paslaugos socialinės rizikos paaugliams patenkina jų poreikius. Jie gali žaisti, vykti į išvykas, naudotis internetu, turiningai leisti laisvalaikį, paruošti namų darbus. Patenkinami jų socialiniai poreikiai: jiems organizuojamas maitinimas, jie gali išsimaudyti ir išsiskalbti drabužius. Pastebėti pokyčiai, pradėjus lankyti dienos centrą: respondentai pradėjo pasitikėti savimi ir aplinkiniais, išmoko bendrauti, padidėjo jų socialinis atsparumas, pagerėjo santykiai šeimoje. Pastebėta, kad pagerėjo jų elgesys ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In bachelor work was studied a risk adolescents attitude to socioeducational facilities, given to them in day care centre. Employment of risk group teen’s – one of the most important problems. The lack of teen’s employment, have strong impact on crime. Risk group adolescents are growing in poor families, there is a lack of control, they do not have eventful employment, they most of the time spent with friends, who have delinquent behavior. Without the adequate facilities for the adolescent's leisure time and additional education, the development of personality and internal consistency is disordered. Accomplished the qualitative study, survey respondents – eight teenagers, willingly attending day care center “Vilties šviesa” in Biržai. The objective was to examine attitudes of adolescents to the day care center socioeducational facilities. The study included 3 boys and 5 girls. Their age – from 12 to 14. The analysis of data of gualitative research discovered, that socioeducational facilities, given by adolescents at social risk, satisfies their needs. They may play, they can go sigtseeing, can use the Internet, they can purposefully spend their leisure time, prepare their homework.Their social needs are met: is organized feeding for them, they can take a shower and wash the clothes. The observed changes, after attending Day Care Centre: increased respondents' self-esteem and confidence, improved communication, increased their social resistance, relationships in their... [to full text]

Tarpžinybinio bendradarbiavimo ypatumai, organizuojant vaikų dienos centrų veiklą / The peculiarities of interdepartmental co-operation in organizing activities of children day-time center

Mikalauskienė, Ramutė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Teikiant socialinę pagalbą šeimai ir vaikui, skatinamas tarpžinybinis bendradarbiavimas, pasitelkiant įvairių sričių specialistų komandos. darbo tikslas - išnadrinėti vaikų dienos centrų ir įvairių institucijų, įstaigų tarpžinybinę sąveiką, įvertinti bendradarbiavimo galimybes, pateikti rekomendacijas šiai veiklai tobulinti. / On providing a social support to a family and children growing in it, an interdepartmental co-operation is encouraged and teams of experts from various spheres are engaged. The goal of the research work: to discuss upon the interdepartmental interaction of children day-time centers and various institutions, to assess the opportunities of co-operation, to provide recommendations for improvin these activities.

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