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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors which could influence the development of adolescent depression

McLean, Suzanne Claire 31 January 2003 (has links)
An investigation into the prevalence and causative factors of adolescent depression in the greater Johannesburg area was undertaken. Present-day South African socio-economic pressures together with the normal demands and difficulties of adolescence, led to an investigation into which factors were having a bearing on adolescent depression and whether more male than female adolescents were depressed. A literature study was done and major factors, which could potentially influence the development of depression, were identified. The results of the empirical investigation indicated that negative family relations and negative peer relations play a significant role in the development of adolescent depression. Other identified factors did not appear to have a statistically significant bearing on adolescent depression. No significant statistical difference was found between the prevalence or severity of male and female adolescent depression. Educational implications of the findings are discussed and guidelines are given to teachers and parents. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

The ancestors and Zulu family transitions: a Bowen theory and practical theological interpretation

Nel, Michael John 11 1900 (has links)
The commandment to honour one's father and mother is not limited to honouring parents while they are living. In Zulu culture, for both the traditionalist and Christian Zulu, honouring parents, whether alive or dead, is to relate to them with great respect. Unfortunately, this respect for the ancestors has been misunderstood by many and labeled as "worship" or, more recently, as "veneration". Affixing a religious connotation ("worship", etc.) to the relationship led to the expectation that Zulu Christians would reject their ancestors and all the rites and practices associated with them. In spite of injunctions from the Church, a marked shift is occurring among Zulu Christians as many reincorporate their ancestors into their family process. This dissertation, an exploratory study, addresses this process of reincorporation by offering a new, non-religious interpretation of the relationship. Historically, the Zulu have sought and welcomed the presence of the ancestors during stressful family transitions such as marriage, birth, puberty and death. If the Church focused on the increased anxiety and destabilization associated with these family transitions, new insights could be gained into the functional importance of the ancestors (as anxiety binders) in the family process. The application of Bowen theory, a new paradigm for practical theology, to the research data provides new perspectives and understanding into the functional importance of the ancestors for Zulu families. Central to Bowen theory is the concept of the family as an emotional unit that includes all generations, including the ancestors. This concept correlates closely with the Zulu understanding of kinship. The concepts of multigenerational transmission process and triangulation in Bowen theory offer effective theoretical bases for interpreting the ongoing relationship Zulu families have with their ancestors. This dissertation critiques certain Church practices and offers a practical theological response that can inform and enrich the Church's pastoral care. By developing a practical theology of relationships'one informed by Bowen theory, Scripture and the traditions of the Church'the Church can assist Zulu Christians pastorally as they reincorporate their ancestors into their family process. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

A family systems analysis of child murderers

Pillay, Karolyn 03 1900 (has links)
For decades there has been growing interest into the crime of child murders. Emphasis was placed on victims and those at risk. Not much focus was placed on perpetrators and their families. Evidence suggests that the family and social systems play a vital role in determining adult violent behaviour. This qualitative study aims to explore the experiences of convicted child murderers in their family and social system. Data was collected and analysed, using genogram interviews and analysis. Themes were highlighted using hermeneutic thematic analysis, within a post-modern paradigm. Results were presented in the form of genogram analysis and thematic content analysis. Prominent themes that arose were separation, rejection, abuse, neglect and substance abuse. These life experiences together with poor education are some of the characteristics that may have contributed to the child murderers actions towards children. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Revisiting deliquency as a form of communication

Dhlamini, Majapane Maria 11 1900 (has links)
The three interviews at the back of thesis are in Tswana / Teenage delinquency is a growing phenomenon in the Sebokeng area. Parents with teenagers perceived as “difficult”, feel unable to parent and discipline their children. It is not known what their perceptions are regarding their realities in relation to their children’s uncontrollable behaviour. A qualitative study was conducted to answer the following questions: What is the perception of parents with teenagers perceived as “difficult” in relation to their children’s uncontrollable behaviour? What does delinquency communicate? This study found that the behaviour of the parents and children communicates something about themselves as people, their needs, feelings and identity, sometimes on an unconscious level, as well as about their perceptions regarding the interaction between them. Neither the behaviour of the parent nor of the child should be seen in isolation. Therefore, social workers should consider what delinquency communicates about each member of the family, as well as the family as a whole. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science (Mental health))

Aanneming : 'n narratiewe pastorale studie

Doyer, Anton Wilhelmus 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Narratiewe navors:ing is gedoen om vas te stel watter rol geloof speel in die aanneemgesin. Onderhoudvoering met aanneemouers het die kernfaktor in die funksionering van die gesin as die aanvaarding of verwerping van die verskil tussen gesinne wat deur aanneming saamgestel is en gesinne wat deur geboorte saamgestel is, uitgewys. V erwerping strem verhoudinge binne die gesin, maak die gesin kwesbaar vir stres en vervreemding tussen ouer en kind. Aanvaarding, aan die antler kant, beteken dat die ouer die behoefte van sy kind om met sy natuurlike ouers in aanrak:ing te kom, erken. So 'n houding bring 'n verbetering in die ouer-kindverhouding mee en gevolglik ook in die vennoe om ontwikkelingskrisisse te hanteer. Geloofkan 'n rol speel om an.gs en selftwyfel by die aanneemouers as gevolg van die onnatuurlike samestelling van die gesin te besweer, sodat hulle die verskil aanvaar en sodoende 'n gesonder perspektief op gesinwees ontwikkel. / Narrative research was done in order to establish the role of faith in the adoptive family. In interviews with adoptive parents it was found that the crucial factor in the functioning of the family is the acceptance or rejection of the differences between families created by adoption and those created by childbirth. Rejection hampers relationships within the family and renders it vulnerable to stress and enstrangement between parent and child. Acceptance on the other hand means that the parent recognises the need of the child to connect with his birth parents. This latter attitude results in improved relationships between parent and child and in more effectiveness in coping with developmental crises. Faith can play a role to cl.ispell the anxciety and self-doubt of adoptive parents resulting from the unnatural constitution of their family, accept the differences and in that way may contribute to a healthier perspective on the family. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Pastoral Theraphy)

The feasibility of intensive family preservation services in South Africa

Willson, Stella Ingrid 11 1900 (has links)
Children are being removed unnecessarily from their families and placed into substitute care because service programmes lack resources to keep families intact. There are overseas programmes, which provide home services to families, with children at risk of out of home placement. Although there has been an IFPS project there is no established intensive short-term programme in South Africa that deals with families at the brink of dissolution.The objective of the research is to investigate whether an Intensive Family Preservation Programme is feasible in South Africa. The researcher received training in the United States and met with leaders in the field, to discuss the development and implementation of the programme in South Africa. Surveys obtained the attitudes and opinions of the local social workers and commissioners of Child Welfare in Durban towards the programme. The results from opinion surveys indicate that an Intensive Family Preservation Programme is feasible in South Africa. / Social Science / M.A.(Social Work)

Die effek van militêre ontplooiing op die soldaat in Kwazulu-Natal met spesifieke verwysing na die gesin

Mathee, Anél. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Na aanleiding van die toename in tendense wat voorkom by die ontplooide soldate, byvoorbeeld aansoeke om verplasings nader aan die huis, afwesigheid sander verlof en alkoholmisbruik, het die navorser ondersoek ingestel na die effek van die ontplooiing op die soldaat en sy gesin. 'n Verkenningstudie is gekies om die probleemareas te verken. Die nominale groepstegniek is gebruik om die inligting te verkry vanaf die 16 gesinne wat deur doelbewuste seleksie gekies is. Die Die navorser het bevind dat daar wel verskeie probleme tuis ontstaan het as gevolg van die ontplooiing. Beide die blanke en Zoeloe gesinne het probleme ervaar as gevolg van die ontplooiing, alhoewel die probleme verskil het by die verskillende kulture. Verskeie aanbevelings is gemaak en sluit die samewerking van die maatskaplike werkers, kompanie bevelvoerders, eenheidsbevelvoerders om die omstandighede van die soldate in die ontplooiingsituasie, asook die van hulle gesinn, te verbeter. / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Needs of poverty-stricken families : perspectives from adult members

Manuel, Gratitude Bulelwa 06 1900 (has links)
Many families have been deprived access to basic human needs like food, clothing, shelter, protection, education and health services because of poverty. In South Africa poverty remains a challenge, resulting from economic and social inequalities, where 40% of its population still live in poverty (Landman, Bhorat, Van der Berg & Van Aardt 2003). The study aimed at ascertaining and describing the needs identified by adult members living in poverty, in the Lukhanji Municipality. The researcher used a probability, systematic, random sampling method to obtain respondents for the study. A non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative research approach was adopted. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 150 respondents, after which a numerical data analysis was done with the assistance of a statistician. Unemployment could be ascribed to lack of education and skills, which exposed families to poor living conditions, ill-health, insecurity and other social ills. Recommendations were made to solve these problems. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Rol van die eie ouer in die hersaamgestelde gesin

Kruger, Barend Johan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die hersaamgestelde gesin word in hierdie navorsingstudie ondersoek as in komplekse alternatiewe gesinstruktuur met eiesoortige strukturele kenmerke, probleemareas en rituele wat nie aan die norm van die kerngesin ontleen kan word nie. In die literatuuroorsig word hierdie aspekte van nader beskou en tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dot die belangrike rol van die eie ouer in die hersaamgestelde gesin grootliks misgekyk word. Die verbondenheid van die eie ouer aan beide die ouer-kind- en die nuwe egpaarsisteme maak dit vir hom/haar moontlik om 'n sleutelrol te vervul tydens gesinsinteraksies, eenheidsvorming en die opvoedingsgebeure in die hersaamgestelde gesin. Dit is moontlik vir die eie ouer om vanuit in unieke posisie as 'n buffer te dien in die problematiese stiefouer-stiefkindverhoudinge. Hierdie moontlikheid bestaan egter slegs indien die eie ouer oor voldoende kennis, insig en vaardighede beskik. 'n Uitgebreide kwalitatiewe ondersoek aan die hand van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die lede van ses hersaamgestelde gesinne het die volgende tendense aan die lig gebring Eie ouers verwag van nuwe egliede om kinders in die hersaamgestelde gesin uit die staanspoor te aanvaar en lief te he. Eie ouers koester konflikterende gevoelens ten opsigte van die dissiplinering van hul kinders deur die stiefouer. Eie ouers, stiefouers en kinders in hersaamgestelde gesinne gaan dikwels gebuk onder die las van onverwerkte gevoelens van verdriet en verlies. Die hantering van finansies ten opsigte van inwonende eie en stiefkinders, asook nie-inwonende kinders en vorige egliede skep spanning en bemoeilik goeie verhoudinge. Eie ouers is dikwels so verdeeld tussen die belange van hul kinders en die van hul nuwe maats dat hulle dit moeilik vind om in 'n tweede huwelik 'n betekenisvolle verhouding met hul nuwe lewensmaat op te bou. Genoemde tendense het 'n bepalende rol gespeel in die ontwikkeling van 'n begeleidingsprogram vir eie ouers. Agt sessies met doelwitte gebaseer op hierdie probleemareas is gestruktureer om die eie ouer met noodsaaklike kennis en vaardighede toe te rus ten opsigte van harmoniese verhoudingstigting en -onderhouding in hersaamgestelde gesinne. Die begeleidingsprogram is deur middel van 'n fokusgroeponderhoud aan die evaluering van vier ouerpare in hersaamgestelde gesinne onderwerp en is aan die hand van hul aanbevelings verfyn en gefinaliseer. / In this research study the reconstituted family is investigated as a complex alternative family structure with distinctive structural characteristics, problem areas and rituals which cannot be adopted from the norm of the nuclear family. In the literature survey these aspects are examined closely and the conclusion is drawn that the important role of the biological parent in the reconstituted family is ignored to a large extent. The biological parent's commitment to both the parent-child and new couple systems allows him/her to play a key role in family interactions, unit formation and educational events in the reconstituted family. It is possible for the biological parent to act as a buffer in the problematic stepparent-stepchild relationships from a unique perspective. However, this possibility only exists if the biological parent possesses sufficient knowledge, insight and skills. An extensive qualitative investigation on the basis of semi-structured interviews with members of six reconstituted families revealed the following tendencies: Biological parents expect their new spouses to accept and love children in the reconstituted family from the onset. Biological parents harbour conflicting feelings regarding the disciplining of children by the stepparent. Biological parents, stepparents and children in reconstituted families often still carry the burden of unresolved feelings of sadness and loss. The handling of finances with regard to resident own and stepchildren, as well as non-resident children and former spouses creates tension and compromises good relationships. Biological parents are often so divided between the interests of their own children and those of their new spouses that they find it difficult to build a meaningful relationship with their new spouse in a second marriage. The tendencies mentioned played a decisive role in the development of a guidance programme for biological parents. Eight sessions with aims based on these problem areas were structured to equip biological parents with the necessary knowledge and skills in respect of the development and maintenance of harmonious relationships in reconstituted families. The guidance programme was subjected to the evaluation of four sets of parents in reconstituted families by means of a focus group interview and was refined and finalised on the basis of their recommendations. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Absent fathers : an ecosystemic exploration of context

Mabusela, Moipone Hilda Martha 09 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore absent fathers' experiences. This involved determining absent fathers' conceptualisation of fatherhood, exploring the psychological well-being of absent fathers, and how absent fathers cope with being absent from their children‟s lives. An ecosystemic approach was employed as the epistemology to understand the participants in terms of organisation of their behaviour in social contexts. Qualitative research was used, and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data. The research found that these fathers' experiences of being absent from their children's lives have negatively affected several aspects of their lives, both emotionally and behaviourally. Furthermore, the study concluded that fathers who are absent from their children‟s lives, while aware of the roles they need to play, seem unable to fulfil these roles. Lastly, the absent fathers revealed a tendency to react ambivalently towards their identities as fathers. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

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