Spelling suggestions: "subject:"faulting"" "subject:"vaulting""
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Fault rock evolution and fluid flow in sedimentary basinsHippler, Susan Johanna January 1989 (has links)
Structural studies have been undertaken in two extensional fault regimes associated with post-Caledonian basin-forming events in northern Scotland. A combination of detailed mapping and microstructural analysis has revealed the deformation processes and mechanisms involved in fault rock evolution and fluid flow associated with extensional faulting in upper crustal conditions. Intrabasinal fault rock evolution has been investigated in the Orcadian Basin, NE Scotland, which developed in Old Red Sandstone (ORS) times, soon after cessation of the Caledonian Orogeny. High pore fluid pressures developed in lower Middle ORS lacustrine facies sediments as a result of overpressuring due to rapid subsidence in the early stages of basin evolution. This facilitated gravity-driven movement of sediments in the hangingwalls of tilted half-grabens, resulting in the development of bedding parallel detachment horizons. These horizons contain shear sense indicators showing displacement to the W-WNW, whilst normal faults which detach onto these horizons show NW-SE extension directions. Microstructures indicate that displacement within the bedding parallel detachment horizons was accommodated by independent particulate flow processes in weakly lithified sediments. The Scapa Fault System was active in upper Middle ORS to Upper ORS times during deposition of the fluvial Scapa Sandstone. Microstructures in the Scapa Sandstone in the hangingwall of the North Scapa Fault indicate that this early faulting led to extreme grain size reduction by a combination of grain boundary and transgranular fracture processes. The cataclasis, together with subsequent precipitation of illite cement up to one metre from the fault plane resulted in the sealing of the fault early in the diagenetic history of the sediment. Subsequent uplift of the Orcadian Basin, most probably during Carboniferous times, resulted in a range of inversion geometries. In the lower Middle ORS lacustrine facies rocks, thrusts exploited the bedding parallel detachment horizons, and folds and reverse faults developed as a result of buttressing against the earlier normal faults. The presence of vein arrays associated with these later reverse faults suggests the existence of high pore fluid pressures. Bitumen in these veins indicates the mobility of hydrocarbons at the time of deformation. The North Scapa Fault was reactivated in a sinistral, oblique-slip sense during the inversion event. Fracture arrays and narrow cataclastic zones outside the previously developed sealed domain provided pathways for the migration of mature hydrocarbons. The East Scapa Fault reactivated in a reverse sense, and also contains fault rocks which record the presence of hydrocarbons at this time. Permo-Carboniferous dykes on Orkney are deformed during later dextral movements on the Great Glen fault system, which further reactivated the East Scapa Fault in a (dextral) transtensional sense. The development of fault rocks along the East Scapa Fault at this time is complex and heterogeneous, and is dependent on fault geometry and kinematics. Basin-margin faults exposed on the NW Scottish Mainland are most probably related to extension during evolution of the Minch Basin to the west of Scotland. The steeply-dipping extensional faults cut through Caledonian thrust sheets in Sango Bay, Durness. The resulting cataclastic deformation in a quartzite with an originally mylonitic microstructure has allowed assessment of the influence of initial microstructure on the cataclastic grain size reduction processes. The evolution of the fault rocks in terms of clast size, and clast/matrix ratios is not a simple function of displacement magnitude on the faults. Detalied microstructural investigation in the quartzite thrust sheet reveals a range of cataclastic fault rocks, from clast dominated microbreccias to matrix dominated ultracataclasites. The recrystallised grain size and the sub-grain size in the original mylonite appear to control the development of the fine-grained matrix in the microbreccias and cataclasites by locating fracture along grain and sub-grain boundaries. Further grain size reduction generating the ultracataclasites and the finer-grained matrix zones in the microbreccias is dominated by transgranular fracturing. The host rock clasts present in the fault zones in the quartzite show a significant increase in dislocation density indicating that a component of low temperature crystal plasticity is associated with the faulting. In addition, the fault rocks show evidence of partial cementation by the growth of quartz and carbonate cements. This emphasises the importance of fluids during healing of the fault zone.
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Active mountain-building in Mongolia and IranNissen, Edwin K. January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I use a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate two areas of active mountain-building within the Alpine-Himalayan belt: the Altai range in western Mongolia, and the Zagros mountains in southern Iran. I begin by studying a clustered earthquake sequence that struck a previously unrecognised fault zone in the NW Altai mountains in 2003. By combining seismology and field observations with satellite radar interferometry (InSAR), I attempt to unravel the detailed history of faulting in time and space. Differences between body-wave and InSAR-based models prevent me from matching individual seismic events with individual fault segments, and I explore the cause of these discrepancies. In the following two chapters, I establish late Quaternary slip-rates on major right-lateral and thrust faults in the eastern part of the Altai. In particular, I explore the use of in situ-produced cosmogenic Be-10 and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) for dating offset alluvial fans and river terraces. My results suggest that faulting has migrated toward the eastern margin of the range from the high, interior Altai, presumably in response to stresses introduced by topography. In the final, main chapter, I investigate a link between buried reverse faulting and surface folding in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt. Using surface displacements measured with InSAR, I show that a major anticline on Qeshm Island was uplifted during an earthquake in 2005. However, the pattern of uplift is discordant with the growth of neighbouring folds, preventing us from establishing a simple connection between faulting and folding. All in all, my work demonstrates the importance of using several techniques in parallel when studying regions of active continental deformation.
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Engineering geological characterisation of the Torlesse Composite Terrane in Canterbury, New Zealand with reference to mechanised tunnellingIrvine, Adam Grant January 2013 (has links)
The Torlesse composite terrane is an important geological unit in Canterbury, New Zealand, making up the backbone of the Southern Alps. It consists of a large group of rock that exhibits a range of engineering geological conditions. This study has been undertaken to characterise the range in engineering geological conditions throughout the Torlesse of Canterbury in order to develop a rock mass classification scheme specific to this abundant and complex rock type. The classification is aimed to aid in TBM tunnelling assessment in the Torlesse, which enables sub-division of an area or tunnel alignment into rock mass domains. Furthermore the classification enables the prediction of rock masses through geological controls in areas of poor outcrop coverage.
Four sites throughout Canterbury were selected for mapping to represent Torlesse terrane types, metamorphic facies and a range of regional fault settings: the Elliott Fault, Hurunui River, Ashley River Gorge and Opuha Dam. A preliminary desktop study was carried out with a landscape lineation analysis to develop 1) a conceptual geological model at each study site and 2) field mapping sheets to provide a check list to ensure consistency of information collected between outcrops and sites. Lineations and conceptual models identified a series of structural blocks within sites, which were further validated by field mapping. Outcrop field mapping was carried out across selected extents of study sites using the field sheets from the desktop study. Using NZGS (2005) and ISRM (1978) derived parameters, rock mass characteristics, including lithology and defect information, were recorded on the field sheets. A laboratory testing programme on selected outcrop intact rock was undertaken to support field work and later classification development.
Data from field work was plotted to derive rock mass trends. Trends were used to develop a classification framework. It was found the rock mass could be defined by bedding thickness, degree of fracture and the combination of discontinuities such as persistent jointing and shearing, which defined dominant rock mass control. The rock mass could therefore be classified based on: blockiness, defined by bedding thickness and density of non-systematic jointing (fractures); and defect structure, defined by the combination of systematic discontinuities such as persistent jointing and shearing.
The two principle rock mass governing controls were related together on an XY plot to form the conceptual Torlesse rock mass classification (TRC). Six classes encompassing the range of conditions observed in the Torlesse were devised for blockiness and defect structure. Blockiness classes range from: thickly bedded to massive sandstone with slight to moderate fracture, to very thin to thin bedded sandstone that is fragmented. Defect structure classes range from rock masses defined by: dominant systematic, persistent jointing with rare faulting, to rock masses typical of major shear zones, where material geotechnically behaves as a soil with no principle defect sets. Individual outcrop plotting then allowed rock masses typical of each site to be grouped on the TRC.
Clusters of each study sites’ outcrops were overlaid to characterise all rock mass types observed throughout this research. This allowed representative identification of eight distinctive rock mass types (Types 1-8) that are indicative of the Torlesse composite terrane of Canterbury. Each type has a series of geological controls that influence the nature of the rock mass. Geological controls can aid in the prediction of rock mass conditions for tunnel alignment selection.
Lithostructure and proximity to major structures were defined as major rock mass type controls. Lithostructure defines the effect of lithology on bedding thickness and fracturing by non-systematic jointing. Medium to massive bedding as part of rock mass Types 1 and 2 result in the best rock mass. In the sandstone-rich rock mass, systematic jointing dominates with less shearing and faulting and a lower occurrence of short, discrete, non-systematic jointing. Conversely, the thinly bedded Torlesse represented by rock mass Type 5 lacks persistent jointing. This type, being mudstone dominant, fractures more easily, is characterised by short, discrete jointing, and tends to localise faulting, shearing and some folding. Modern tectonic stress fields are also a major control. The size of the tectonic structure can impact different volumes of rock. Rock outside the direct fault zone can also be impacted giving rise to rock mass Type 6. For example, increased levels of shearing are observed in adjacent rock at both the Elliott and Opuha Dam Faults. Rock mass Types 7 and 8 represent the rock masses directly affected by large tectonic structures.
Sub-dividing proposed tunnel alignments by rock mass type allows assessment of tunnelling parameters. Dependant on project specific rock mass types expected, different TBM design will be suited. This has significant implications on support measures. Open gripper TBM’s are likely to be suited to rock mass Types 1 and 2. This rock mass is expected to represent the best rock mass stability but will be the hardest to excavate. As a result, rock bolt, mesh and shotcrete will likely prevent significant block failure through gravity release. Rock mass Types 3 and 4 are expected to represent a favourably interlocked rock mass, resulting in increased penetration rate but whose advance rate is likely to be hindered by the need for more extensive support. As rock mass Types 5-8 increase in abundance, shielded TBM’s will likely be best suited due to questionable thrust generation and support requirements toward the poorer rock masses. Penetration rates will be high but advance rates are expected to be low. Significant potential for failure exists in the poorer rock mass types without adequate support, including running ground. The selection of a shielded or gripper TBM will depend on the proportion and lengths of each TRC rock mass type anticipated along a tunnel alignment.
The opportunity exists for future work to refine and validate the TRC classification through increased data input, more extensive laboratory testing and its application to tunnelling projects. Furthermore it is hoped the TRC can be used for other types of geotechnical applications, at a variety of scales where Torlesse is concerned. To do this the TRC interpretations with respect to rock mass behaviour must be adapted to different scales.
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Sources of seismic hazard in British Columbia: what controls earthquakes in the crust?Balfour, Natalie Joy 19 October 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines processes causing faulting in the North American crust in the
northern Cascadia subduction zone. A combination of seismological methods, including source mechanism determination, stress inversion and earthquake relocations
are used to determine where earthquakes occur and what forces influence faulting.
We also determine if forces that control faulting can be monitored using seismic
anisotropy. Investigating the processes that contribute to faulting in the crust is
important because these earthquakes pose significant hazard to the large population
centres in British Columbia and Washington State.
To determine where crustal earthquakes occur we apply double-difference earthquake
relocation techniques to events in the Fraser River Valley, British Columbia, and the
San Juan Islands, Washington. This technique is used to identify "hidden" active
structures using both catalogue and waveform cross-correlation data. Results have
significantly reduced uncertainty over routine catalogue locations and show lineations
in areas of clustered seismicity. In the Fraser River Valley these lineations or streaks
appear to be hidden structures that do not disrupt near-surface sediments; however,
in the San Juan Islands the identified lineation can be related to recently mapped
surface expressions of faults.
To determine forces that influence faulting we investigate the orientation and sources
of stress using Bayesian inversion results from focal mechanism data. More than 600
focal mechanisms from crustal earthquakes are calculated to identify the dominant
style of faulting and inverted to estimate the principal stress orientations and the
stress ratio. Results indicate the maximum horizontal compressive stress (SHmax)
orientation changes with distance from the subduction interface, from margin-normal
along the coast to margin-parallel further inland. We relate the margin-normal stress
direction to subduction-related strain rates due to the locked interface between the
North America and Juan de Fuca plates just west of Vancouver Island. Further
from the margin the plates are coupled less strongly and the margin-parallel SHmax
relates to the northward push of the Oregon Block. Active faults around the region
are generally thrust faults that strike east-west and might accommodate the margin-
parallel compression.
Finally, we consider whether crustal anisotropy can be used as a stress monitoring
tool in this region. We identify sources and variations of crustal anisotropy using
shear-wave splitting analysis on local crustal earthquakes. Results show spatial variations in fast directions, with margin-parallel fast directions at most stations and
margin-perpendicular fast directions at stations in the northeast of the region. To
use seismic anisotropy as a stress indicator requires identifying which stations are primarily in
uenced by stress. We determine the source of anisotropy at each station by
comparing fast directions from shear-wave splitting results to the SHmax orientation.
Most stations show agreement between these directions suggesting that anisotropy is
stress-related. These stations are further analysed for temporal variations and show
variation that could be associated with earthquakes (ML 3{5) and episodic tremor
and slip events.
The combination of earthquake relocations, source mechanisms, stress and anisotropy
is unique and provides a better understanding of faulting and stress in the crust of
northern Cascadia. / Graduate
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Post Alpine tectonic evolution of S.E. Spain and the structure of fault gougesHall, Stephen Howard January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Fault Geometry and Kinematics within the Terror Rift, AntarcticaBlocher, William Burke January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Shearing on the Great Glen Fault: Kinematic and Microstructural Evidence Preserved at Different Crustal LevelsBecker, Cassandra 22 May 2023 (has links)
The NE-SW trending Great Glen Fault (GGF) is one of mainland Scotland's most significant crustal-scale faults, although our understanding of its early kinematics is in question. Previous studies generally agree that the GGF was initiated as a Silurian sinistral strike-slip fault displacing c. 425 Ma isotopically dated granitic plutons. Stewart et al. (2001) argued that dikes fed by these plutons were sinistrally sheared by the GGF while in the sub-magmatic state, suggesting continuous strike-slip motion on the GGF by 425 Ma. Strike-slip offset post-dating overlying Devonian sedimentary basins is likely only a few tens of kilometers, requiring substantial (100s of kms) Silurian-aged strike-slip movement on the GGF in most plate reconstruction models for the Caledonian mountain belt, now exposed in East Greenland, Scandinavia, and Scotland. In contrast, a recent study (Searle 2021) has argued that motion on the GGF may instead have initiated in the Upper Paleozoic and that off-set is therefore minimal, bringing current restoration models into question.
Several papers report widespread field and microstructural evidence from crystalline bedrock and overlying Devonian sedimentary rocks for brittle upper-crustal shearing on the GGF. However, evidence for high-temperature crystal plastic shearing at deeper crustal levels on the GGF, potentially of Silurian to Early Devonian age, is limited. During summer 2022, suites of oriented and plastically deformed metasedimentary rock samples were collected from the NW side (Moine/Lewisian gneisses and quartzites), center (Moine quartzites), and SE side (Dalradian quartzites) of the GGF. Additional samples included plutonic rocks from locations adjacent to the GGF and the associated Strathconnon fault that were believed to have been intruded during strike-slip motion, but after regional metamorphism and deformation in the surrounding Moine rocks. Microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics from samples on the NW side and in the center of the GGF indicate a NW side up to the SW sense of displacement about NE to E plunging slip vectors, and these results are compatible with oblique sinistral motion on the GGF below the brittle-ductile transition zone during Silurian - Early Devonian times. However, radiometric dating is needed to prove the absolute timing of this shearing. In contrast, on the SE side of the GGF, NW side up or NW side down senses of shearing are indicated at different locations. Brittle fracturing is observed in all collected samples, overprinting the earlier high-temperature (300 - 650 °C) crystal fabrics and microstructures developed below the brittle-ductile transition zone. No convincing microstructural evidence for sub-magmatic shearing during pluton emplacement was found in the samples collected. However, the local presence of high-low temperature (c. 650 - 300 °C) solid-state deformation microstructures in both quartz and feldspar grains in these 430 - 425 Ma plutons suggests that the plutons were deforming internally in response to far-field stresses generated by shearing on the adjacent GGF and Strathconnon fault during cooling to background regional temperatures. / Master of Science / The Great Glen Fault (GGF) is one of mainland Scotland's most significant large-scale faults, although our understanding of its early motion is debated. Most geologists agree that the GGF began displacing existing rocks during the Silurian (c. 444 - 419 Ma), including igneous bodies, known as plutons, of approximately the same age (c. 425 Ma). Stewart et al. (2001) argued that during shearing, dikes fed by these plutons were deformed before cooling to background temperatures, which may suggest that the GGF was continuously undergoing lateral strike-slip motion by 425 Ma and that post-Silurian offset was likely only a few tens of kilometers. Most plate reconstruction models for the Caledonian mountain belt, now exposed in East Greenland, Scandinavia, and Scotland, assume that significant lateral motion and shearing occurred on the GGF during the Silurian. However, new research has suggested that the GGF was initiated several million years later, bringing current restoration models into question. Several published papers have reported widespread evidence for upper-crustal brittle shearing of crystalline bedrock and overlying Early Devonian (c. 420 - 359 Ma) sedimentary basins within the GGF. However, evidence for lower-crustal shearing during the same time frame, resulting in plastic deformation, is limited. To address this knowledge gap, I collected suites of oriented bedrock samples and 430 - 425 Ma plutonic rocks from locations adjacent to the GGF and associated Strathconnon Fault believed to have been intruded during strike-slip motion. Samples from the NW side and center of the GGF suggest oblique left-lateral motion within the fault zone, with the rocks on the NW side of the GGF moving upward relative to the SE side, compatible with current generally accepted models for the Silurian-Early Devonian age on the GGF; however, these results must be verified with radiometric dating to constrain the absolute timing of shearing. On the SE side of the GGF, vertical offset is variable at different locations. Brittle upper-crustal shearing is observed in all samples, which overprints early high-temperature (300 - 650 °C) deformation. Early lower-crustal shearing on the GGF is recorded by these deformation indicators and was followed by uplift and fracturing within the GGF of these initially lower-crust rocks. The local presence of solid-state deformation microstructures in the plutons suggest internal deformation due to shearing on the adjacent Great Glen and Strathconnon Faults during their cooling to regional background temperatures.
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Controls on deposition of coal and clastic sediment in the Waikato coal measuresHall, Steven Leon January 2003 (has links)
Coal seams in the Waikato Coal Measures can vary significantly in thickness over distances of hundreds of meters to kilometers. Previously, the primary depositional controls on these variations have been inferred to be syn-depositional normal faulting and pre-depositional paleotopography. The data presented in support of these models are typically equivocal and which, if any, of these processes provide the principal control on the geometry and spatial distribution of coal seams in the Waikato Coal Region is uncertain. This study utilizes a large database of drill-logs, seismic-reflection lines and mine exposures in four areas (Huntly, Maramarua, North HuntlylWaikare and Rotowaro Coalfields) to test whether syn-depositional faulting and/or paleotopography influence coal seam architecture. These data were used to construct cross sections across faults and basement topography, which in turn, offer information on the relative timing of faulting and coal measure deposition, together with information on the spatial relations between seam thicknesses, faulting and paleotopography. Cross sections and isopach maps together with examination of spatial and temporal variations in fault displacements reveal that syn-depositional normal faulting had little or no impact on the deposition of the Waikato Coal Measures. Only in the Maramarua study area was any evidence found of fault control on coal measure deposition, with the Landing Fault accruing displacement between deposition of the Kupalrupa Seam and the end of coal measure sedimentation. The vast majority of faults in the Waikato Coalfield were, however, active following coal measure deposition. For example, the Foote, Kimihia and Pukekapia faults show evidence of displacement accrual, which commenced during deposition of the Mangakotuku Formation (37-35 Ma BP). The duration of this episode of faulting is difficult to determine, but may have ceased about 30 Ma ago. In addition, a number of faults (e.g. Foote Fault) display evidence oflate stage extension during the last 5 Ma. Given the lack of stratigraphic evidence for fault displacements during deposition of coal measures, it is suggested that the Mangakotuku and Waipuna basement scarps are erosional rather than tectonic features. Cross sections, together with structure contour and isopach maps in each of the four study areas examined, indicate that basement topography was the dominant control on the spatially variable accumulation of peat. These data show coal seams both thinning into, and away from, topographic lows. To account for this observation a model is proposed, in which peat accumulation is controlled by basement relief and sediment supply to parts of the depositional system. In the model it is postulated that the Waikato Coal Measures depositional system was a continuum between two end members. In one end member, with a high sediment supply, sediment is channeled into the lowest topographic areas and peat accumulates mainly on topographic highs. In the other end member, with little or no sediment supply, peat accumulates to its greatest thickness in areas of relatively low topography, in addition to on basement ridges. In the Rotowaro and North Huntly/Waikare study areas, the thickest peat developed on basement highs and the lows acted as a conduit for sedimentation. On basement highs, peat mires were largely sheltered from clastic sediment influx. In the Huntly East and Maramarua study areas, the thickest peat accumulated in basement lows, with comparable clastic sedimentation in highs and lows. The proposed model has application to other coalfields where peat accumulated on an undulating topographic surface and sediment supply was channelised. Prediction of coal seam thickness, as well as lithological types, is crucial in coal exploration and development. The methodology developed and employed in this study can be applied to other basins to access and model coal and clastic sediment distribution.
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Geologic Mapping of Ice Cave Peak Quadrangle, Uintah and Duchesne Counties, Utah with Implications from Mapping Laramide FaultsPoduska, Gabriel J 01 July 2015 (has links)
Geologic mapping (1:24,000 scale) of the Ice Cave Peak quadrangle, Uintah and Duchesne Counties, Utah has produced a better understanding of the geologic structures present in the quadrangle and has increased our understanding of faulting in northeastern Utah. Map units in the quadrangle range in age from late Neoproterozoic to Quaternary and include good exposures of Paleozoic rocks (Mississippian to Permian), limited exposures of Mesozoic rocks, and good exposures of Tertiary strata (Duchesne River Formation and Bishop Conglomerate) deposited during uplift of the Uinta Mountains. Lower Mississippian strata along the south flank of the Uinta Mountains have typically been mapped as Madison Limestone. Our preliminary mapping suggested that the Madison could perhaps be subdivided into an upper unit equivalent to the Deseret Limestone, and a lower unit separated by a phosphatic interval equivalent to the Delle Phosphatic Member of the Deseret Limestone found farther west. Upon further investigation, we propose not extending the use of Deseret Limestone, with the equivalent to the Delle Phosphatic Member at its base, into the south-central Uinta Mountains. Microprobe analysis revealed no phosphorus in thin sections of this unit. Instead, the unit is composed almost entirely of calcite and dolomite. A zone of northwest-trending faults, called the Deep Creek fault zone, occurs mainly east of the Ice Cave Peak quadrangle. However, our mapping shows that this fault zone extends into the quadrangle. These faults are both strike-slip and normal/oblique faults as documented by mapping and kinematic indicators and cut the folded hanging-wall sedimentary rocks above the Uinta Basin-Mountain boundary thrust fault. These faults may be part of an en echelon fault system that is rooted in the Neoproterozoic and reactivated during Laramide deformation above a possible transfer zone between segments of the buried boundary thrust.
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Normal Faulting, Volcanism And Fluid Flow, Hikurangi Subduction Plate Boundary, New ZealandSeebeck, Hannu Christian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates normal faulting and its influence on fluid flow over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales using tunnel engineering geological logs, outcrop, surface fault traces, earthquakes, gravity, and volcanic ages. These data have been used to investigate the impact of faults on fluid flow (chapter 2), the geometry and kinematics of the Taupo Rift (chapter 3), the hydration and dehydration of the subducting Pacific plate and its influence on the Taupo Volcanic Zone (chapter 4), the migration of arc volcanism across the North Island over the 16 Myr and the associated changes in slab geometry (chapter 5) and the Pacific-Australia relative plate motion vectors since 38 Ma and their implications for arc volcanism and deformation along the Hikurangi margin (chapter 6). The results for each of these five chapters are presented in
the five paragraphs below.
Tunnels excavated along the margins of the southern Taupo Rift at depths < 500 m provide data on the spatial relationships between faulting and ground water flow. The geometry and hydraulic properties of fault-zones for Mesozoic basement and Miocene strata vary by several orders of magnitude approximating power-law distributions with the dimensions of these zones dependent on many factors including displacement, hostrock type and fault geometries. Despite fault-zones accounting for a small proportion of the total sample length (≤ 15%), localised flow of ground water into the tunnels occurs almost exclusively (≥ 91%) within, and immediately adjacent to, these zones. The spatial distribution and rate of flow from fault-zones are highly variable with typically ≤ 50% of fault-zones in any given orientation flowing. The entire basement dataset shows that 81% of the flow-rate occurs from fault-zones ≥ 10 m wide, with a third of the total flow-rate originating from a single fault-zone (i.e. the golden fracture). The higher flow rates for the largest faults are interpreted to arise because these structures are the most connected to other faults and to the ground surface.
The structural geometry and kinematics of rifting is constrained by earthquake focal mechanisms and by geological slip and fault mapping. Comparison of present day geometry and kinematics of normal faulting in the Taupo Rift (α=76-84°) with intra-arc rifting in the Taranaki Basin and southern Havre Trough show, that for at least the last 4 Myr, the slab and the associated changes in its geometry have exerted a first-order control on the location, geometry, and extension direction of intra-arc rifting in the North Island. Second-order features of rifting in the central North Island include a clockwise ~20° northwards change in the strike of normal faults and trend of the extension direction. In the southern rift normal faults are parallel to, and potentially reactivate, Mesozoic basement fabric (e.g., faults and bedding). By contrast, in the northern rift faults diverge from basement fabric by up to 55° where focal mechanisms
indicate that extension is achieved by oblique to right-lateral strike-slip along basement fabric and dip-slip on rift faults.
Hydration and dehydration of the subducting Pacific plate is elucidated by earthquake densities and focal mechanisms within the slab. The hydration of the subducting plate varies spatially and is an important determinant for the location of arc volcanism in the overriding plate. The location and high volcanic productivity of the TVZ can be linked to the subduction water cycle, where hydration and subsequent dehydration of the subducting oceanic lithosphere is primarily accomplished by normal-faulting earthquakes. The anomalously high heat flow and volcanic productivity of the TVZ is spatially associated with high rates of seismicity in the underlying slab mantle at depths of 130-210 km which can be tracked back to high rates of deeply penetrating shallow intraplate seismicity at the trench in proximity to oceanic fluids. Dehydration of the slab mantle correlates with the location and productivity of active North Island volcanic centres, indicating this volcanism is controlled by fluids fluxing from the subducting plate.
The ages and locations of arc volcanoes provide constraints on the migration of volcanism across the North Island over the last 20 Myr. Arc-front volcanoes have migrated southeast by 150 km in the last 8 Ma (185 km since 16 Ma) sub-parallel to the present active arc. Migration of the arc is interpreted to mainly reflect slab steepening and rollback. The strike of the Pacific plate beneath the North Island, imaged by Benioff zone seismicity (50-200 km) and positive mantle velocity anomalies (200-600 km) is parallel to the northeast trend of arc-front volcanism. Arc parallelism since 16 Ma is consistent with the view that the subducting plate beneath the North Island has not
rotated clockwise about vertical axes which is in contrast to overriding plate vertical-axis rotations of ≥ 30º. Acceleration of arc-front migration rates (~4 mm/yr to ~18 mm/yr), eruption of high Mg# andesites, increasing eruption frequency and size, and
uplift of the over-riding plate indicate an increase in the hydration, temperature, and size of the mantle wedge beneath the central North Island from ~7 Ma.
Seafloor spreading data in conjunction with GPlates have been used to generate relative plate motion vectors across the Hikurangi margin since 38 Ma. Tracking the southern and down-dip limits of the seismically imaged Pacific slab beneath the New Zealand indicates arc volcanism in Northland from ~23 Ma and the Taranaki Basin between ~20 and 11 Ma requires Pacific plate subduction from at (or beyond) the northern North Island continental margin from at least 38 Ma to the present. Pacific plate motion in a west dipping subduction model shows a minimum horizontal transport distance of 285 km preceding the initiation of arc volcanism along the Northland-arc normal to the motion vector, a distance more than sufficient for self-sustaining
subduction to occur. Arc-normal convergence rates along the Hikurangi margin doubled from 11 to 23 mm/yr between 20 and 16 Ma, increasing again by approximately a third between 8 and 6 Ma. This latest increase in arc-normal rates coincided with changes in relative plate motions along the entire SW Pacific plate boundary and steepening/rollback of the Pacific plate.
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