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Vivencias de fe ante la eucaristía en los confirmandos de la I.E. “Luis Alberto Sánchez”, La Zaranda, Pítipo, 2016Arrasco Gelacio, Maritza Cecilia, Gonzales Vasquez, Bertha January 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación realizada en la I.E. "Luis Alberto Sánchez”, la Zaranda, Pítipo-2016, responde a diversas problemáticas existentes en el área de educación religiosa, la más resaltante, se sitúa en torno a las vivencias de fe ante la Eucaristía que tienen los estudiantes, pues muchas veces no se le da la debida importancia. Ante esto, la investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar las vivencias de fe ante la eucaristía en los confirmados de la I.E estudiada, por lo cual nos planteamos: ¿De qué manera los jóvenes confirmandos vivencian su fe ante la eucaristía en la I.E Luis Alberto Sánchez- La Zaranda- Pítipo 2016? El enfoque de la investigación es cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con muestra no aleatoria. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó una encuesta. Se concluyó que los estudiantes presentan diversas deficiencias en torno a los actos de piedad y de fe, y que sólo el 50% se encuentran en un nivel idóneo de la escala. A su vez, los estudiantes muestran más fortalezas en los actos de fe que en los de piedad, manifestando paulatinamente un desarrollo constante.
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Aula virtual para desarrollar la competencia : investiga y profundiza los fundamentos de la fe cristiana relacionada a la culturaPurisaca Vigil, Fidel January 2019 (has links)
El presente estudio buscó determinar la influencia del uso del aula virtual en el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia: investiga y profundiza los fundamentos de la fe cristiana y relación existente con la cultura, en el curso de Fe y Cultura, en los estudiantes del V Ciclo de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, durante el año 2016 - I. Para ello, se trabajó con un enfoque cuantitativo, y diseño pre-experimental. La población lo conformaron 333 universitarios de diferentes carreras profesionales del V Ciclo que cursaron la asignatura Fe y Cultura en el año 2016; de los cuales, se seleccionó a 42 estudiantes para que sean parte de la muestra de estudio, cuya validez estadística se calculó mediante el valor del coeficiente de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach. En esta investigación se llegó a concluir que existe una influencia significativa acerca del uso del aula virtual sobre el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia: investiga y profundiza los fundamentos de la fe cristiana y relación existente con la cultura (valor de Z = - 5,805 y p = 0,000) en el curso de Fe y Cultura, en los estudiantes del V Ciclo de la USAT, durante el 2016 - I.
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Timber Shear Wall Analysis : Parameterized Finite Element ModellingKormendy, Imre, Muwaili, Mustafa January 2018 (has links)
This paper investigates the linear elastic behavior of timber shear walls under monotonic prescribed displacement. ABAQUS© 16.4-5, is a numerical finite element software used as the primary analysis methodology. Parameterized models are created for two shear wall specimens of different geometry concerning door and window configurations. The shear walls are simulated as solid timber framing which is mechanically connected to gypsum sheathing board through fasteners. The primary findings are the linear elastic shear force distribution of the mechanical joints. Additionally, deformations and reaction forces of the shear walls are determined. The overall horizontal shear wall behavior of each specific wall was also studied in the presence of door and window openings. The simulations indicate there is a clear deformation difference in the behaviors of the two shear walls. Furthermore, the highest shear force values of the fasteners are located around the corners of the openings. The findings are supported by other researcher’s experiments and analytical tests, timber shear wall theory and Eurocode design requirements.
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Comparison of Parenteral Iron Sucrose and Ferric Chloride During Erythropoietin Therapy of Haemodialysis Patients: Original ArticleWu, Chih Jen, Lin, Hsin C., Lee, Kun F., Chuang, Chih K., Chen, Yi C., Chen, Han H. 01 February 2010 (has links)
Aim: To compare the effects of i.v. iron sucrose and Fe chloride on the iron indices of haemodialysis patients with anaemia. Methods: One hundred and eight haemodialysis patients receiving recombinant human erythropoiesis- stimulating agent (ESA) (mean age 59.37 years) were enrolled and randomly assigned to an iron sucrose or an Fe chloride group. Iron supplements were administered at 100 mg/week during the first 4 weeks (loading dose). Ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) were then measured and dose adjusted. Ninety-eight subjects completed treatment; 51 in the iron sucrose group and 47 in the Fe chloride group. Ferritin, TSAT, haematocrit (Hct), reticulocyte count, serum albumin, fractional clearance of urea (Kt/V) and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) were measured. Results: There was no significant difference in baseline characteristics between the groups. Significant differences between the groups were observed in both iron indices and ESA dosage. Hct at week 24 (31.1% vs 29.7%, P = 0.006) and ferritin at week 20 (731.3 vs 631.7 ng/mL, P = 0.006) in the iron sucrose group were significantly higher than in the Fe chloride group. ESA dosage used in the iron sucrose group at week 8 was significantly lower than in the Fe chloride group (244.9 vs 322.6 U/kg per month, P = 0.003), and iron sucrose group received significantly lower iron dose than the Fe chloride group at week 8 (P = 0.005). Conclusion: Although the differences in ESA dosage, ferritin and iron dosage between two groups were found during the study period while similar results were shown at the end of 24 week study. Thus, iron sucrose and Fe chloride are safe and work equally well for haemodialysis patients.
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Potencijal primene stabilisanog i „zelenom“ sintezom produkovanog nano gvožđa (0) za remedijaciju sedimenta kontaminiranog metalima / Potential application of stabilized and "green" produced nano zero -valent iron for remediation of sediment contaminated with metalsSlijepčević Nataša 02 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Ekološki problem svetskih razmera predstavlja zagađenost sedimenta teškim metalima, usled negativnih ekoloških efekata metala na životnu sredinu. Mnoge zemlje i regioni, kao i naša zemlja suočavaju se sa ovom problematikom, koja je vrlo rasprostranjena usled sve brže urbanizacije i industrijalizacije, a sa sve većom nebrigom usled ispuštanja otpadnih voda bez prethodnog prečišćavanja u vodotokove. Prilikom promene uslova vodenog ekosistema, može doći do izluživanja metala i štetnih efekata na životnu sredinu kao i na zdravlje ljudi. Stoga je remedijacija sedimenata zagađenih metalima ključna aktivnost u okviru procesa potpune sanacije vodenog ekosistema, a ekonomične, efikasne i ekološki prihvatljive tehnike remedijacije su hitno potrebne i rado primenljive u tretmanu na velikoj skali. Pre primene remedijacione tehnike na velikoj skali, neophodna su ispitivanja pri laboratorijskim uslovima i pilot skali. Na kraju svakog uspešnog laboratorijskog ispitivanja nalaze se pilot istraživanja. Pomoću njih se dobija p ravi odgovor u smislu izbora optimalne tehnologije imajući u vidu investicione i operativne troškove,<br />postignuti rezultat i krajnje ciljeve u pogledu upravljanja postrojenjem i otpadom. U ovom radu ispitan je potencijal primene stabilisanog i zelenom sinte zom produkovanog nano Fe(0) zaremedijaciju sedimenta zagađenog teškim metalima. Kao remedijaciona tehnika odabrana je stabilizacija/solidifikacija, koja podrazumeva dodavanje agenasa za imobilizaciju metala u sedimentu sprečavajući time potencijalni rizik od izluživanja metala u životnu sredinu. Konvencionalni materijali poput letećeg pepela, cementa, gline se već odavno koriste u ovu svrhu. Kako u današnje vreme raste potražnja za novim, lako dostupnim agensima za stabilizaciju<br />sedimenta, došlo se na ideju o primeni nanomaterijala na bazi gvožđa, tj. nano Fe(0) stabilisanog nativnom glinom i produkovanog redukcijom pomoću organskih molekula prirodno prisutnih u ekstraktu lišća hrasta i crnog duda. Nanomaterijali su sintetisani i karakterisani različitim metodama i tehnikama. U nastavaku, u cilju efikasnosti njihove primene za stabilizaciju sedimenta, sprovedeni su ekstrakcioni i dinamički laboratorijski testovi izluživanja. Odabrane su smeše sedimenta i nanomaterijala koje su pokazale najbolju efikasnost tr etmana. Nakon toga se ispitivanje nastavilo na pilot skali, gde se pratilo ponašanje nanomaterijala u zavisnosti od konvencionalnih materijala koji su već u literaturi dokumentovani kao efikasni imobilizacioni agensi. Dodatna potvrda uspešnosti tretmana data je analizom i karakterizacijom s/s smeša nakon pilot ispitivanja Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata proces se uspešno pokazao pri laboratorijskim uslovima, a takođe i prilikom pilot tretmana, odnosno nakon pilot tretmana nije došlo do povećanih koncentracija izluživanja metala iz s/s smeša, kao ni degradacije smeša nakon procesa ovlaživanja tokom šest meseci. Na osnovu toga, ovako tertirani sediment se može bezbedno odlagati na deponije, ili pak iskoristiti za „kontrolisanu“ upotrebu, izgradnju puteva,kamenoloma, pomoćnih objekata i slično. Rezultati su doprineli u cilju trajnijeg rešavanja pitanja odlaganja zagađenog (izmuljenog) rečnog sedimenta, pri čemu se u procesu stabilizacije/solidifikacije dobijaju proizvodi sa dodatom vrednošću neumanjenog kvaliteta .Nanomaterijali sintetisani u ovom radu na bazi ekstrakta lišća biljaka doprinose kako očuvanju životne sredine, tako i ekonomičnosti primene remedijacione tehnike. Zahvaljujući velikoj specifičnoj površini, malim dimenzijama čestica i velikom kapacitetu za imobilizaciju teških<br />metala predstavljaju efikasnu alternativu komercijalno dostupnim materijalima, što ih čini veoma atraktivnim i obećavajućim u budućnosti pri tretmanu rečnog sedimenta zagađenog teškim metalima.</p> / <p>The pollution of sediment by heavy metals represents a large environmental problem all<br />over the world. A lot of countries in the region as well as our country deal with this problem, which is widespread because of the fast urbanization and industrialization. There is more and more carelessness about wastewater discharge into water flows without previous purification. When the conditions of the aquatic ecosystem change, metal leaching and harmful effects on the environment and human health can occur. Therefore, remediation of metal-contaminated sediments is crucial activity in the process of the complete ecosystem remediation. Cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly remediation techniques are urgently needed and readily applicable in large-scale treatment. Before applying remediation techniques on the largescale, both laboratory and pilot tests are necessary. There are pilot studies at the end of each successful laboratory test. Those studies provide the right answer in terms of choosing the optimal technology, taking into account the investment and operating costs, the achieved resultand the ultimate goals in terms of plant and waste management. In this study, the application<br />potential of stabilized and green - synthesized nano Fe(0) for the remediation of heavy metal -contaminated sediment was investigated. Stabilization / solidification technique was chosen as remediation technique which involves the addition of metal immobilizing agents in the sediment thus preventing the potential risk of metal leaching into the environment. Conventional materials such as fly ash, cement and clay have long been used for this purpose. Nowadays there is need for new, easily accessible agents for the sediment stabilization. Therefore it came up with the idea of using iron-based nanomaterials, ie. nano Fe(0) stabilized by native cla y and produced by reduction using organic molecules naturally present in oak and black mulberry leaf extract. Nanomaterials have been synthesized and characterized by different methods and techniques. In order to be effective in their application for sediment stabilization, extraction and dynamic laboratory leaching tests were performed. Mixtures of sediment and nanomaterials were selected that showed the best treatment efficiency. After that, the examination was continued on a pilot scale, where the behavior of nanomaterials was monitored, depending on conventional materials which have already been documented in the literature as effective immobilizing agents.Additional confirmation of treatment success was given by analysis and characterization of s / s mixtures after pilot testing. According to obtained results, the process was successfully demonstrated under laboratory conditions, and also during the pilot treatment. After the pilot treatment there were no increased concentrations of metal leaching from s/s mixtures, nor mixture degradation after the wetting process for six months. Based on that, the sediment treated in this way can be safely disposed of in landfills, or used for "controlled" use, construction of<br />roads, quarries, auxiliary facilities and etc. The results have contributed to the goal of a more permanent solution to the issue of disposal of polluted (slugged) river sediment, whereby in the process of stabilization/solidification, products with added value of undiminished quality are obtained. The nanomaterials synthesized in this paper on the basis of plant leaf extract contribute to both the preservation of the environment and the economy of remediation techniques. Thanks to their large specific surface area, small particle size and large ca pacity for immobilization of heavy metals, they represent an effective alternative to commercially available materials. It makes them very attractive and promising in the future in the treatment of river sediment contaminated with heavy metals.</p>
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<blockquote><div><div>Methods and techniques for tailoring the surface morphology of metallic surfaces are determined in part by the complex behavior of elemental interactions in conjunction with electrochemical reactions. In this work, we show how the surface morphology can be predicted based on experimental data resulting from polarization curves and compositional differences of Fe- and Ni-based superalloys. Electrochemical treatments utilizing NaCl as the electrolyte were adapted using parameters such as the pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) number and polarization curves to obtain both rough and smooth surfaces. Utilizing these metrics, we electrochemically etched Inconel 600, SS304, Inconel 718 and Inconel 625 obtaining average surface roughness values that ranged from 0.05 to 57.4 μm indicating the success of tailoring the technique to obtaining rough and smooth surfaces. The effect of current density, current pulsing, and temperature were varied to elucidate roughness and pitting behavior, and strong correlations to the PRE number and polarization curve properties of the alloy were observed. Heat treatments and subsequent evolution to the microstructure in the form of grain growth and precipitation altered the etching behavior. These techniques can be used in preventing corrosion failure and enhancing electrochemical machining</div></div></blockquote>
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Numerische Untersuchung von Abhilfemaßnahmen gegen tangentiale Wanderbewegungen von WälzlagerringenSchiemann, Tom, Leidich, E. 08 May 2014 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag werden neben der detaillierten Betrachtung der Wandervorgänge von Lagerringen primär die Simulationsmethodik bezüglich elastischer Zwischenschichten sowie die Ergebnisse einer FE-Parameterstudie präsentiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Wälzlageraußenringen von Radiallagern unter Punktlast.
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Dry Oxidation of Ferrous and Mixed-valence Smectites and Its Implications for the Oxidative History of MarsAraneda Noboa, Paula, 0000-0002-7727-0231 January 2021 (has links)
Phyllosilicates are widespread on Noachian to Early Hesperian terrains on Mars and can help constrain the planet’s geologic and environmental history, particularly its aqueous and redox history, which in turn can provide clues about past habitability. A range of ferrous and mixed-valence smectites were synthesized and then exposed to varying O2 fluxes under dry conditions to determine if Fe/Mg trioctahedral smectites can be oxidized without an aqueous medium to form dioctahedral smectites like those observed on the surface of Mars. The appearance of a secondary peak in some unaltered samples indicates a separate phase formed during synthesis, which remained throughout the oxidation process. Partial oxidation was achieved by all samples, but only those with the highest starting Fe3+ content reached almost complete oxidation. Rapid initial oxidation was observed for all samples, but seemed to subside before oxidation was complete, indicating the process becomes unfavorable after a certain point. All three O2 fluxes used in this study were successful in partially oxidizing the smectite samples but no correlation was observed between O2 flux and actual amount of oxidation, i.e., a higher O2 flux does not necessarily result in higher production of ferric iron. The process of oxidation did cause octahedral sheet contraction in some cases; however, in some samples octahedral sheet expansion was observed with oxidation. No additional phases were formed upon oxidation and no Fe ejection was observed. Overall, the amount of oxidation observed for all samples indicates that O2 alteration of trioctahedral smectites into dioctahedral smectites can proceed under dry conditions, meaning oxidation could have continued on Mars after surface water dried up. / Geology
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Finite Element Analysis of Adhesive Bonding Performances of Wooden Dowel Pin Joints in FurnitureSun, Xin 13 December 2014 (has links)
This study was performed to investigate how pressure, glue amount, dowel penetration depth and wood grain orientation affect direct withdrawal resistances of dowel pin joints both experimentally and numerically, and develop FE (finite element) models to simulate tensile strength, contact pressure, and shear stress occurred in dowel pin joints. Results indicated that the direct withdrawal resistance load of a dowel pin joints can be predicted based on knowing the glue bonding shear strength between dowel and joint member materials and the pressure between the contact surfaces of the dowel and hole of a connected joint member. The FE contact element model developed in this study was verified as an effective tool to analyze and predict the pressure between the contact surface of dowel and hole of a dowel-pin joint.
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Occurrence and Transformation of Pharmaceutical and Antibacterial Compounds in the EnvironmentVerma, Kusum Santosh 10 December 2010 (has links)
The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment has become a matter of concern during the last decade. Increased production of PPCPs along with their increased use has led to release of these compounds in the environment via various routes. PPCPs includes large group of compounds including veterinary and human antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, psychiatric drugs, β-blockers, X-ray contrasts, and steroid hormones, etc. Many of the compounds used in PPCPs have been shown to possess adverse effects to living organisms and act as endocrine disrupting agents (ECDs). This dissertation includes the investigation of the occurrence of antibiotic compounds added to personal care product and the transformation of hormones used in pharmaceuticals such as contraceptives. The results obtained in this study can provide information on the fate and transformation of the studied compounds once released in the environment. An analytical method employing sonication extraction and HPLC-ESI-MS detection was developed. The developed method was used to detect antibiotic compounds triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC) in biosolids-applied soil and biosolids. Both TCS and TCC were detected at high concentrations in biosolids and at lower concentrations in biosolids-applied soil. TCS and TCC concentrations decreased in biosolids composts and in biosolids-applied soil collected at deeper depths. The developed method was able to provide efficient detection limits and reliable quantification of target compounds. A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized to achieve efficient clean-up of TCS and TCC from biosolids-applied soil and biosolids samples using 4,4’- DBP-4-vp-EGDMA. The motivation behind this project was to be able to eliminate the use of expensive instruments such as LC-MS and employ easily available instruments such as LC-UV. The synthesized MIP was able to achieve efficient clean-up and allowed quantification and identification of TCS and TCC in a complex matrix. Transformation of hormones such as 17β-estradiol, estriol, ethynlestradiol, estrone and testosterone was studied by employing Fe (III)-saturated montmorillonite catalysts. The use of Fe (III) – saturated montmorillonite as a catalyst proved be to very efficient in transformation of the studied hormones. Complete removal of hormones was observed in aqueous environment. LC-UV was used for detection and quantification of hormones.
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