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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tre livsstilsmagasins omslag under 60 år : En studie om hur Damernas Världs, Feminas och Veckorevyns omslag har utvecklats från 1952 till 2012

Strömberg, Amanda, Waering, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka på vilket sätt omslagens form och innehåll för tre olika livsstilsmagasin för kvinnor: Veckorevyn, Damernas Värld och Femina, har utvecklats från 1952 fram till 2012. Ett ytterligare delsyfte är att kunna diskutera varför utvecklingen sett ut som den gjort. Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats genom analyser av 39 olika tidskriftsomslag, samt kompletterande intervjuer med tre grafiska formgivare vid de undersökta tidskrifterna. Undersökningen visar att livsstilsmagasinens omslag genomgått flera förändringar under de senaste 60 åren, och har ett antal tydliga trender som gäller för samtliga tidningar. Puffarna, alltså de små korta texter på omslaget som sammanfattar en längre text i tidningen, har ökat i antal – från någon enstaka till att under 2000-talet kunna vara upp till tio stycken. Puffarnas innehåll har förändrats från att handla om allt möjligt, både mode, mat och längre reportage om kända personer till att bli mer inriktade på mode, skönhet och hälsa. Utseendet på puffarna har förändrats genom att gå från sparsmakat och diskret till flera färger och stora kontraster. Undersökningen visar även att omslagsbilderna under det senaste decenniet är mer likartade och tydligt arrangerade än vad de var framför allt under de tre första undersökta decennierna. En genomgående trend som funnits redan från början av den undersökta perioden har varit kvinnor som oftast ler och ser direkt in i kameran. Våra analyser visar också att Veckorevyn är den tidning som varierat mest och experimenterat mest med sina omslag under de undersökta åren.

Mobile phones as tools for social change. A case study of mobile phone use and access amongst Tanzanian youth

Rodrigo, Adela January 2011 (has links)
Access, use and ownership of mobile phones is increasing rapidly in Tanzania, as in the rest of Africa. It is estimated that a staggering 97% of the population are able to access a mobile phone, according to a study carried out by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and Vodafone. The growing number of people using mobile phones has led to optimism and speculation regarding its effect on economic and social development. Expectations from mobile phones are high and it has already been coined as Africa’s PC. Expectations are further fuelled by sensationalist headlines in the media such as, Mobile phones join war on African poverty, The mobile revolution sweeps across Africa or Cell phones the latest tool in Africa's fight against HIV and is shaping the discourse on mobile phones for development (M4D). This study was carried out between January and March 2010 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and funded by SPIDER, The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions and commissioned by Femina HIP (Health Information Project) a Tanzanian multimedia civil society initiative that expressed desire for research to be conducted on mobile phones and SMS (Short Messages Service) in Tanzania. This paper contains data from three group interviews and one quantitative survey that was completed by 97 youths. The empirical material gathered is discussed in relation to empowerment and participation, two concepts that have become mainstreamed in development theory and practice and in communication for development. The paper is structured as following. The first chapter provides the aim and purpose of the study as well as its delimitations. The second chapter discusses mobile phones for development while critically looking at the M4D and ICT4D discourse. Also incorporated in this chapter is an example of a mobile phone project that was started in Bangladesh in the late 1990s and is used as an example to represent the empowerment narrative in M4D. A short discussion on this sentiment will conclude the second part. In the third chapter I present my theory. I take a critical look at empowerment and participation, two concepts that have gained, one can say, a moral authority that effectively hides power relations amongst participants, facilitators and donors in development projects. In the fourth chapter I discuss my methodology and how I gathered my material. In the fifth part I present my data and in the last chapter I analyse the empirical material by applying the framework of participation and empowerment. I also discuss what an organisation such as Femina HIP could gain from incorporating mobile phones into their communication strategy.

Representations of women in Femina : an Indonesian women's magazine

Suzy Azeharie January 1997 (has links)
Since the advent of the women's movement, the mass media and literary classics have become targets for intensive scrutiny by some feminists who are concerned with the role and influence the media and literature play in promoting a gendered society. This thesis, focuses mainly on representations of Indonesian women as presented by the Jakarta-based women's magazine, femina. By analysing six articles that appeared in the magazine from the 1970s to the 1990s, representations of gender relationships have been highlighted. Shaped dominantly by Islamic beliefs, and the Javanese values, which consist of a syncretic blend of Animist, Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic beliefs, contemporary Indonesian society is dominated by a strong political state and patriarchal value system which downgrades women. Resulting from the political changes introduced by the New Order, there has been a pivotal transformation of Indonesian women's organisations. The regime strongly encourages wives' organisations, despite the full equality guaranteed to men and women by the 1945 Constitution. It is demanded of Indonesian women that their foremost duties are their motherly and wifely roles. The influence of the priyayi, the Javanese elite, who believe that woman's destiny is primarily centred on her role as wife and mother, is partially responsible for the continuing influence of this ideal and the way it subordinates women to men. The religious traditions are also not without considerable influence in this area. These values can be found in the articles examined. Further, the thesis investigates attitudes to women who work outside the home, the double burden that they carry, and any changes in the representations of women and gender relations over the twenty years as revealed infemina.

Le projet républicain de démocratisations des arts en France entre 1870 et 1914 à sa réalisation en musique / The French Republican project of arts renovation (1870-1914) and its musical implementaion

Perret, Julie 10 July 2014 (has links)
Dès 1870, dans un contexte politique et social français marqué par un patriotisme, voire un nationalisme antigermanique et revanchard, l’État ressent le besoin de redéfinir la nation et de diffuser jusque dans les arts un nouvel esprit français marqué par les valeurs issues de la Révolution. La chute de l’Empire et l’arrivée des républicains sur la scène politique marquent un tournant idéologique durant lequel un projet de rénovation des arts se dessine. Il a pour objectif de contribuer à la régénération de la société et à la naissance de citoyens nouveaux. En étudiant à la fois le projet théorique initial, ses répercussions sur les arts et plus spécifiquement sa réalisation en musique, nous souhaitons démontrer dans cette thèse une certaine perméabilité entre « les champs politique et administratif » et « le champ artistique ». Une première partie, consacrée à l’étude du contexte officiel du tournant du siècle ainsi qu’à celui de la presse artistique, examine le projet de rénovation des arts tel qu’il a été pensé par l’État. L'une de ses principales caractéristiques réside dans sa dimension sociale et politique. Il est envisagé comme un moyen d’action humaniste ayant pour objectif d'éduquer les hommes et les femmes dans leur quotidien. L'art doit devenir source de lien social, de fraternité et de communion, afin de ranimer les valeurs républicaines. Dans une seconde partie, nous étudions le rôle singulier de la musique au sein de ce projet. Un mouvement de propagande musicale est initié et un service public de la musique est mis en place : il s’agit de démocratiser la musique, en rendant son enseignement accessible à tous, et en l'intégrant au quotidien à travers des événements fédérateurs à la dimension patriotique forte. C’est grâce à l’école, rendue obligatoire, que le projet va largement se réaliser. L’analyse d'exemples significatifs de chants scolaires nous permettra de vérifier comment les valeurs défendues par le projet républicain se diffusent jusque dans le langage musical. / Since 1870, in a political and social context marked by patriotism, or even anti-Germanic nationalism, the French State felt the need to redefine the Nation and disseminate into the arts a new “esprit français” marked by the values inherited from the Revolution. The fall of the Empire and the advent of the Republicans on the political scene initiated an ideological turning point during which a project of arts renovation emerged. Its aim was to contribute to the regeneration of society and to the birth of a new citizen. By studying both the initial theoretical project, its impact on the arts and more specifically its implementation in music, this dissertation will demonstrate a certain permeability between political and administrative fields and the arts.The first part, devoted to the study of the official context of the turn of the century as well as that of the art press, will examine the project of arts renovation designed by the state. One of its main features lying in its social and political dimension, it was envisaged as a humanist mean of action to educate men and women in their daily lives. The arts would become source of social connection, fraternity and communion, whose main objective was to revive the Republican values.During the second part, we shall study the singular role of music within the project. A musical propaganda movement was indeed initiated and a “service public” of music established in order to democratize music, make its education accessible to all, and integrate it in strong unifying patriotic events. Through the institution of compulsory school throughout France, the project will also largely be realized. The analysis of significant examples of school songs will thus demonstrate how the values upheld by the Republican project also diffused into the musical language.

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