Spelling suggestions: "subject:"femoral bond"" "subject:"nemoral bond""
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Imaging the bone cell network with nanoscale synchrotron computed tomographyJoita Pacureanu, Alexandra 19 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The osteocytes are the most abundant and longest living bone cells, embedded in the bone matrix. They are interconnected with each other through dendrites, located in slender canals called canaliculi. The osteocyte lacunae, cavities in which the cells are located, together with the canaliculi form a communication network throughout the bone matrix, permitting transport of nutrients, waste and signals. These cells were firstly considered passive, but lately it has become increasingly clear their role as mechanosensory cells and orchestrators of bone remodeling. Despite recent advances in imaging techniques, none of the available methods can provide an adequate 3D assessment of the lacuno-canalicular network (LCN). The aims of this thesis were to achieve 3D imaging of the LCN with synchrotron radiation X-ray computed tomography (SR-CT) and to develop tools for 3D detection and segmentation of this cell network, leading towards automatic quantification of this structure. We demonstrate the feasibility of parallel beam SR-CT to image in 3D the LCN (voxel~300 nm). This technique can provide data on both the morphology of the cell network and the composition of the bone matrix. Compared to the other 3D imaging methods, this enables imaging of tissue covering a number of cell lacunae three orders of magnitude greater, in a simpler and faster way. This makes possible the study of sets of specimens in order to reach biomedical conclusions. Furthermore, we propose the use of divergent holotomography, to image the ultrastructure of bone tissue (voxel~60 nm). The image reconstruction provides phase maps, obtained after the application of a suitable phase retrieval algorithm. This technique permits assessment of the cell network with higher accuracy and it enables the 3D organization of collagen fibres organization in the bone matrix, to be visualized for the first time. In order to obtain quantitative parameters on the geometry of the cell network, this has to be segmented. Due to the limitations in spatial resolution, canaliculi appear as 3D tube-like structures measuring only 1-3 voxels in diameter. This, combined with the noise, the low contrast and the large size of each image (8 GB), makes the segmentation a difficult task. We propose an image enhancement method, based on a 3D line filter combined with bilateral filtering. This enables improvement in canaliculi detection, reduction of the background noise and cell lacunae preservation. For the image segmentation we developed a method based on variational region growing. We propose two expressions for energy functionals to minimize in order to detect the desired structure, based on the 3D line filter map and the original image. Preliminary quantitative results on human femoral samples are obtained based on connected components analysis and a few observations related to the bone cell network and its relation with the bone matrix are presented.
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Bone Regeneration with Cell-free Injectable ScaffoldsHulsart Billström, Gry January 2017 (has links)
Bone is a remarkable multifunctional tissue with the ability to regenerate and remodel without generating any scar tissue. However, bone loss due to injury or diseases can be a great challenge and affect the patient significantly. Autologous bone grafting is commonly used throughout the world. Autograft both fills the void and is bone inductive, housing the particular cells that are needed for bone regeneration. However, a regenerative complement to autograft is of great interest as the use of biomaterials loaded with bioactive molecules can avoid donor site morbidity and the problem of a limited volume of material. Two such regenerative products that utilise bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-7 and -2 have been used for more than a decade clinically. Unfortunately, several side effects have been reported, such as severe swelling due to inflammation and ectopic bone formation. Additionally, the products require open surgery and use of supra physiological doses of the BMPs due to poor localisation and retention of the growth factor. The purpose of this thesis was to harness the strong inductive capacity of the BMP-2 by optimising the carrier of this bioactive protein, thereby minimising the side effects that are associated with the clinical products and facilitating safe and localised bone regeneration. We focused on an injectable hyaluronan-based carrier developed through polymer chemistry at the University of Uppsala. The strategy was to use the body’s own regenerative pathway to stimulate and enhance bone healing in a manner similar to the natural bone-healing process. The hyaluronan-based carrier has a similar composition to the natural extracellular matrix and is degraded by resident enzymes. Earlier studies have shown improved properties when adding hydroxyapatite, a calcium phosphate that constitutes the inorganic part of the bone matrix. In Paper I, the aim was to improve the carrier by adding other forms of calcium phosphate. The results indicated that bone formation was enhanced when using nano-sized hydroxyapatite. In Paper II, we discovered the importance of crushing the material, thus enhancing permeability and enlarging the surface area. We wished to further develop the carrier system, but were lacking an animal model with relatively high throughput, facilitated access, paired data, and we were also committed to the 3Rs of refinement, reduction, and replacement. To meet these challenges, we developed and refined an animal model, and this is described in Paper III. In Paper IV, we sought to further optimise the biomaterial properties of the hydrogel through covalent bonding of bisphosphonates to the hyaluronan hydrogel. This resulted in exceptional retention of the growth factor BMP-2. In Paper V, SPECT/PET/µCT was combined as a tri-modal imaging method to allow visualisation of the biomaterial’s in situ action, in terms of drug retention, osteoblast activity and mineralisation. Finally, in Paper VI the correlation between existing in vitro results with in vivo outcomes was observed for an array of biomaterials. The study identified a surprisingly poor correlation between in vitro and in vivo assessment of biomaterials for osteogenesis.
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Bone Regeneration with Cell-free Injectable ScaffoldsHulsart Billström, Gry January 2014 (has links)
Bone is a remarkable multifunctional tissue with the ability to regenerate and remodel without generating any scar tissue. However, bone loss due to injury or diseases can be a great challenge and affect the patient significantly. Transplanting bone graft from one site in the patient to the site of fracture or bone void, i.e. autologous bone grafting is commonly used throughout the world. The transplanted bone not only fills voids, but is also bone inductive, housing the particular cells that are needed for bone regeneration. Nevertheless, a regenerative complement to autograft is of great interest and importance because the benefits from an off-the-shelf product with as good of healing capacity as autograft will circumvent most of the drawbacks with autograft. With a regenerative-medicine approach, the use of biomaterials loaded with bioactive molecules can avoid donor site morbidity and the problem of limited volume of material. Two such regenerative products that utilize bone morphogenetic protein 7 and 2 have been used for more than a decade in the clinic. However, some severe side effects have been reported, such as severe swelling due to inflammation and ectopic bone formation. Additionally, the products require open surgery, use of supra physiological doses of the BMPs due to poor localization and retention of the growth factors. The purpose of this thesis was to harness the strong inductive capability of the BMP-2 by optimizing the carrier of this bioactive protein, thereby minimizing the side effects that are associated with the clinical products and facilitating safe and localized bone regeneration at the desired site. We focused on an injectable hyaluronan-based carrier. The strategy was to use the body’s own regenerative pathway to stimulate and enhance bone healing in a manner similar to the natural bone-healing process. The hyaluronan-based carrier has a similar composition to the natural extracellular matrix and is degraded by resident hyaluronidase enzymes. Earlier studies have shown a more controlled release and improved mechanical properties when adding a weight of 25 percent of hydroxyapatite, a calcium phosphate that constitutes the inorganic part of the bone matrix. In Paper I, the aim was to improve the carrier by adding other forms of calcium phosphate. The results indicated that the bone formation was enhanced when using nano-sized hydroxyapatite. We wished to further develop the carrier system but were lacking an animal model with high output and easy access. We also wanted to provide paired data and were committed to the 3 Rs of refinement, reduction and replacement. To meet these challenges, we developed and refined an animal model, and this is described in Paper II. In Paper III, we characterized and optimized the handling properties of the carrier. In Paper IV, we discovered the importance of crushing the material, thus enhancing permeability and enlarging the surface area. In Paper V, we sought to further optimize biomaterial properties of the hydrogel through covalently bonding of bisphosphonates to the hyaluronan hydrogel. The results demonstrated exceptional retention of the growth factor BMP-2. In Paper VI, the in vivo response related to the release of the growth factor was examined by combining a SPECT/PET/µCT imaging method to visualize both the retention of the drug, and the in-vivo response in terms of mineralization.
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Imaging the bone cell network with nanoscale synchrotron computed tomography / Imagerie du réseau cellulaire osseux par nano-tomographie synchrotronJoita Pacureanu, Alexandra 19 January 2012 (has links)
Les ostéocytes sont les plus nombreuses cellules du tissu osseux, enterrées dans la matrice osseuse. Elles sont interconnectées par des dendrites, situées dans des canaux appelés canalicules. Les lacunes ostéocytaires, les cavités dans lesquelles les cellules sont logées, avec les canalicules forment un réseau de communication à travers la matrice osseuse, permettant le transport des nutriments et des signaux. Ces cellules, considérées d’abord passives, ont révélé dernièrement leur rôle en tant que cellules mécanosensitives et orchestratrices du remodelage osseux. Malgré les progrès récents des techniques d'imagerie, aucune méthode disponible ne fournit une évaluation 3D adéquate du réseau lacuno-canaliculaire (LCN). Les objectifs de cette thèse ont porté sur l’imagerie 3D du LCN par tomographie synchrotron à rayons X (SR-CT), et le développement d’outils de détection et segmentation 3D de ce réseau cellulaire, afin de le quantifier et analyser. Nous démontrons la faisabilité de la SR-CT en géométrie parallèle pour imager le LCN dans le tissu osseux (voxel~300nm). Cette technique fournit des données 3D sur la morphologie du réseau cellulaire et aussi sur la composition de la matrice osseuse. Comparée aux méthodes d'imagerie 3D existantes, la SR-CT permet l'imagerie d’un volume de tissu beaucoup plus important, d'une manière plus simple et rapide. Cela rend possible l'étude de séries de spécimens afin d'obtenir des conclusions biomédicales. Nous proposons aussi l'utilisation de l’holotomographie divergente synchrotron, pour imager l'ultrastructure du tissu osseux (voxel~60nm). La reconstruction d'image fournit des cartes de phase, obtenues après application d'un algorithme d’inversion de phase adéquat. Cette technique a permis l'évaluation du réseau cellulaire avec une précision plus élevée et de visualiser, pour la première fois en 3D, l'organisation des fibres de collagène. Afin d'obtenir des résultats quantitatifs sur la géométrie du réseau cellulaire, celui doit être segmenté. À cause des limitations de la résolution spatiale, les canalicules apparaissent comme de structures tubulaires très fines (diamètre 1-3 voxels). Ceci, combiné avec le bruit, le faible contraste et la grande taille des images (8Go), rendent la segmentation difficile. Nous proposons une méthode de filtrage non-linéaire 3D, basée sur le rehaussement des structures linéaires, combiné avec un filtrage bilatéral. Cela permet une amélioration de la détection des canalicules, la réduction du bruit de fond et de la préservation des lacunes cellulaires. Pour la segmentation d'images, nous avons développé une méthode basée sur la croissance de région variationnelle. Nous proposons deux expressions de fonctionnelles d'énergie à minimiser, afin de détecter la structure souhaitée. Des résultats quantitatifs préliminaires sont obtenus à partir d’une analyse en composantes connexes sur des échantillons humaines et des observations relatives au réseau ostéocytaire sont présentés. / The osteocytes are the most abundant and longest living bone cells, embedded in the bone matrix. They are interconnected with each other through dendrites, located in slender canals called canaliculi. The osteocyte lacunae, cavities in which the cells are located, together with the canaliculi form a communication network throughout the bone matrix, permitting transport of nutrients, waste and signals. These cells were firstly considered passive, but lately it has become increasingly clear their role as mechanosensory cells and orchestrators of bone remodeling. Despite recent advances in imaging techniques, none of the available methods can provide an adequate 3D assessment of the lacuno-canalicular network (LCN). The aims of this thesis were to achieve 3D imaging of the LCN with synchrotron radiation X-ray computed tomography (SR-CT) and to develop tools for 3D detection and segmentation of this cell network, leading towards automatic quantification of this structure. We demonstrate the feasibility of parallel beam SR-CT to image in 3D the LCN (voxel~300 nm). This technique can provide data on both the morphology of the cell network and the composition of the bone matrix. Compared to the other 3D imaging methods, this enables imaging of tissue covering a number of cell lacunae three orders of magnitude greater, in a simpler and faster way. This makes possible the study of sets of specimens in order to reach biomedical conclusions. Furthermore, we propose the use of divergent holotomography, to image the ultrastructure of bone tissue (voxel~60 nm). The image reconstruction provides phase maps, obtained after the application of a suitable phase retrieval algorithm. This technique permits assessment of the cell network with higher accuracy and it enables the 3D organization of collagen fibres organization in the bone matrix, to be visualized for the first time. In order to obtain quantitative parameters on the geometry of the cell network, this has to be segmented. Due to the limitations in spatial resolution, canaliculi appear as 3D tube-like structures measuring only 1-3 voxels in diameter. This, combined with the noise, the low contrast and the large size of each image (8 GB), makes the segmentation a difficult task. We propose an image enhancement method, based on a 3D line filter combined with bilateral filtering. This enables improvement in canaliculi detection, reduction of the background noise and cell lacunae preservation. For the image segmentation we developed a method based on variational region growing. We propose two expressions for energy functionals to minimize in order to detect the desired structure, based on the 3D line filter map and the original image. Preliminary quantitative results on human femoral samples are obtained based on connected components analysis and a few observations related to the bone cell network and its relation with the bone matrix are presented.
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