Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fft"" "subject:"otft""
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Integração da equação de movimento através da Transformada de Fourier com o uso de ponderadores de ordem elevada / Integration of the equation of motion using Fourier transform with high order quadraturesArnaldo Carlos Müller Junior 07 August 2003 (has links)
Baseando-se em um sistema com um grau de liberdade, é apresentada neste trabalho a equação de movimento, bem como a sua resolução através das Transformadas de Fourier e da Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT). Através da análise da forma como são feitas as integrações nas transformadas, foram estudados e aplicados os ponderadores de Newton-Cotes na resolução da equação de movimento, de forma a aumentar substancialmente a precisão dos resultados em comparação com a forma convencional da Transformada de Fourier. / Based on a single degree of freedom model, this work shows the equation of motion, as well as its solution with the Fourier Transform and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Through the analysis of the methods used in the Fourier Integral, the Newton-Cotes quadratures formulas were studied and applied for the solving of the equation of motion, in order to substantially increase the precision of the results in comparison to the usual Fourier Transform.
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Adaptation du calcul de la Transformée de Fourier Rapide sur une architecture mixte CPU/GPU intégrée / Adaptation of the Fast Fourier Transform processing on hybride integrated CPU/GPU architectureBergach, Mohamed Amine 02 October 2015 (has links)
Les architectures multi-cœurs Intel Core (IvyBridge, Haswell,...) contiennent à la fois des cœurs CPU généralistes (4), mais aussi des cœurs dédiés GPU embarqués sur cette même puce (16 et 40 respectivement). Dans le cadre de l'activité de la société Kontron (qui participe à ce financement de nature CIFRE) un objectif important est de calculer efficacement sur cette architecture des tableaux et séquences de transformées de Fourier rapides (FFT), comme par exemple on en trouve dans des applications radar. Alors que des bibliothèques natives (mais propriétaires) existent chez Intel pour les CPU, rien de tel n'est actuellement disponible pour la partie GPU. L'objectif de la thèse était donc de définir le placement efficace de modules FFT, en étudiant au niveau théorique la forme optimale permettant de regrouper des étages de calcul d'une telle FFT en fonction de la localité des données sur un cœur de calcul unique. Ce choix a priori permet d'espérer une efficacité des traitements, en ajustant la taille de la mémoire disponible à celles des données nécessaires. Ensuite la multiplicité des cœurs reste exploitable pour disposer plusieurs FFT calculées en parallèle, sans interférence (sauf contention du bus entre CPU et GPU). Nous avons obtenu des résultats significatifs, tant au niveau de l'implantation d'une FFT (1024 points) sur un cœur CPU SIMD, exprimée en langage C, que pour l'implantation d'une FFT de même taille sur un cœur GPU SIMT, exprimée alors en OpenCL. De plus nos résultats permettent de définir des règles pour synthétiser automatiquement de telles solutions, en fonction uniquement de la taille de la FFT son nombre d'étages plus précisément), et de la taille de la mémoire locale pour un coeur de calcul donné. Les performances obtenues sont supérieures à celles de la bibliothèque native Intel pour CPU), et démontrent un gain important de consommation sur GPU. Tous ces points sont détaillés dans le document de thèse. Ces résultats devraient donner lieu à exploitation au sein de la société Kontron. / Multicore architectures Intel Core (IvyBridge, Haswell…) contain both general purpose CPU cores (4) and dedicated GPU cores embedded on the same chip (16 and 40 respectively). As part of the activity of Kontron (the company partially funding this CIFRE scholarship), an important objective is to efficiently compute arrays and sequences of fast Fourier transforms (FFT) such as one finds in radar applications, on this architecture. While native (but proprietary) libraries exist for Intel CPU, nothing is currently available for the GPU part.The aim of the thesis was to define the efficient placement of FFT modules, and to study theoretically the optimal form for grouping computing stages of such FFT according to data locality on a single computing core. This choice should allow processing efficiency, by adjusting the memory size available to the required application data size. Then the multiplicity of cores is exploitable to compute several FFT in parallel, without interference (except for possible bus contention between the CPU and the GPU). We have achieved significant results, both in the implementation of an FFT (1024 points) on a SIMD CPU core, expressed in C, and in the implementation of a FFT of the same size on a GPU SIMT core, then expressed in OpenCL. In addition, our results allow to define rules to automatically synthesize such solutions, based solely on the size of the FFT (more specifically its number of stages), and the size of the local memory for a given computing core. The performances obtained are better than the native Intel library for CPU, and demonstrate a significant gain in consumption on GPU. All these points are detailed in the thesis document.
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Modélisation électromagnétique d'un choc de foudre en aéronautique / Electromagnetic Modeling of lightning for aircraft applicationsJazzar, Ali 26 November 2012 (has links)
Dans une vision de transports plus économiques, l’apport des matériaux composites est une solution technologique importante pour l'industrie aéronautique, même si cela ouvre de nouvelles questions de compatibilité électromagnétique sur l’ensemble du système et nécessite l’utilisation d’outils de simulation adaptés. Cette thèse présente l’évaluation de cette mutation technologique vis-à-vis de la problématique foudre. Les méthodes conventionnellement utiliséesdans le cadre de la modélisation électromagnétique en 3D des effets indirects de foudre sur les aéronefs s’avèrent limitées car la prise en compte de toutes les particularités géométriques ouphysiques des dispositifs étudiés est difficile. Dans le cadre du Projet PREFACE (PRojet d’ÉtudeFoudre sur Avion Composite plus Électrique), ces travaux de thèse proposent d’évaluer desméthodes de modélisation non conventionnelles dans le domaine de l’aéronautique et enparticulier la méthode intégrale de recherche de schémas électriques équivalents localisés (PEEC).Une maquette composite de type caisson a été conçue et réalisée afin de représenter la structureminimale d’une section de fuselage, incluant du câblage intérieur. Des mesures ont été effectuéespour étudier et évaluer les mécanismes de couplages électromagnétiques entre les structurescomposites et les dispositifs internes après injection d’un courant, en particulier dans le cadre dela problématique de l’agression foudre. Une comparaison avec des modélisations PEEC (codeInCa3D) dans différentes configurations a permis avec succès de comprendre les phénomènesphysiques mis en jeu. Les avantages de cette approche apparaissent très nettement quand il s’agitde prendre en compte les différents paramètres dimensionnant pour déterminer la répartition descourants sur la structure et sur les câbles connectés à l’intérieur. Ceci permet de formuler desrègles générales de conception des protections des équipements internes qui peuvent êtreappliquées sur les avions à moindre coût. / For economic reasons, the use of composite materials seems to be a valuable solution foraeronautic industries, even if their efficiency concerning the electromagnetic compatibility of on-board systems requires some studies. For that, the use of adapted simulations tools isunavoidable. This thesis presents the evaluation of this technological mutation towards lightningissue. The methods conventionally used in the context of 3D electromagnetic modeling oflightning’s indirect effects on aircrafts prove to be restricted because it is difficult to take intoaccount all geometric or physical particularities of devices. In the framework of the PREFACEproject (a national project devoted to the study of Lightning Indirect Effects (LIE) on moreelectric and composite aircrafts), this thesis proposes to evaluate unconventional modellingmethods in aeronautics, in particular, the integral method PEEC (Partial Element EquivalentCircuit). A composite model like caisson has been designed and constructed to represent theminimal structure of fuselage section, including inside wiring. Measurements were performed inorder to study and evaluate the electromagnetic coupling mechanisms between compositestructures and internal devices after a current injection, particularly, in the context of lightningaggression problem. A comparison with PEEC modelling (code InCa3D) in differentconfigurations has enabled successfully to understand the physical phenomena involved. Theadvantages of this approach appear very clearly when it comes to taking into account thedifferent sizing parameters in order to determine the current distribution on the structure and thecables connected to the interior. This will allow formulating general rules to concept theprotections of the internal equipments, which can be applied on aircrafts at a low
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Dopplerovský radar pro měření rychlosti vozidel / Traffic Doppler RadarKulig, Radomír January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with problematics of speed measurement of an object with a Doppler radar. This radar communicates with other environment through RS232 interface. The complete solution of this Doppler radar is provided in the thesis. There are electrical schemes of all parts and program to control microcontroller in this work. Speed measurements for the radar are summarized in the end of the work.
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Realization of Fast Acquisition for Spread Spectrum Signal Based on FFTJian-zhong, Qi, Yan, Gong, Peng, Song 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / Acquisition based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can acquire Pseudo-random code phase quickly and improve the performance of the satellite navigation receivers. In the paper Real-time receiver adopts the FPGA to realize the function of FFT and uses DSP processor to control the implementation process of Acquisition. For increasing the sensitivity of Acquisition incoherent accumulation were used in the process. Also, in the paper we have discussed the process method for decreasing the negative influence of signal power changes and carrier's Doppler frequency.
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Byzantine Music Intervals: An Experimental Signal Processing ApproachTsiappoutas, Kyriakos Michael 05 August 2004 (has links)
We used a Byzantine Music piece performed by a well recognized chanter in order to derive experimentally the mean frequencies of the first five tones (D – A) of the diatonic scale of Byzantine Music. Then we compared the experimentally derived frequencies with frequencies proposed by two theoretical scales, both representative of traditional Byzantine Music chanting. We found that if a scale is performed by a traditional chanter is very close in frequency to the frequencies proposed theoretically. We then determined an allowed frequency deviation from the mean frequencies for each tone. The concept of allowed deviation is not provided by theory. Comparing our results to the notion of pitch discrimination from psychophysics we further established that the frequency differences are minute. The Attraction Effect was tested for a secondary tone (E) and the effect is quantified for the first time. The concept of the Attraction Effect is not explained in theory in terms of frequencies of tones.
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Modeling and algorithm adaptation for a novel parallel DSP processor / Modellering och algorithm-anpassning för en ny parallell DSP-processorKraigher, Olof, Olsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>The P3RMA (Programmable, Parallel, and Predictable Random Memory Access) processor, currently being developed at Linköping University Sweden, is an attempt to solve the problems of parallel computing by utilizing a parallel memory subsystem and splitting the complexity of address computations with the complexity of data computations. It is targeted at embedded low power low cost computing for mobile phones, handsets and basestations among many others. By studying the radix-2 FFT using the P3RMA concept we have shown that even algorithms with a complex addressing pattern can be adapted to fully utilize a parallel datapath while only requiring additional simple addressing hardware. By supporting this algorithm with a SIMT instruction almost 100% utilization of the datapath can be achieved. A simulator framework for this processor has been proposed and implemented. This simulator has a very flexible structure featuring modular addition of new instructions and configurable hardware parameters. The simulator might be used by hardware developers and firmware developers in the future.</p>
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Improved implementation of a 1K FFT with low power consumptionNäslund, Petter, Åkesson, Mikael January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this master thesis, a behavioral VHDL model of a 1k Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm has been improved, first to make it synthesizable and second to obtain a low power consumption. The purpose of the thesis has not been to focus on the FFT algorithm itself or the theory behind it. Instead the aim has been to document and motivate the necessary modifications, to reach the stated requirements, and to discuss the results. The thesis is divided into sections so that the design flow closely can be followed from the initial FFT, down to the final architecture. The two major design steps covered are synthesis and power simulation. The synthesis process has been the most time consuming part of the thesis. </p><p>The synthesis tool Cadence Ambit PKS was used. Throughout the synthesis, the modifications and solutions will be discussed and comparisons are continuously made between the different solutions and the initial FFT. The best solution will then be the starting point in the next design step, which is simulation of the design with respect to power consumption. This is done by using a simulation tool from Synopsys called NanoSim. Also here, every solution is tested and compared to each other, followed by a concluding discussion. The technology used to implement the design is a 0.35um CMOS process.</p>
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Frekvensuppdelning med FPGAIvebrink, Pontus, Ytterström, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetets syfte var att skapa ett frekvensspektrum för ljud. För att representera detta frekvensspektrum används staplar av lysdioder. Systemet implementeras på ett Altera DE2 utvecklingskort. Olika sätt för att skapa dessa frekvensuppdelningar har testats och olika metoder för att lösa dessa har också testats.</p><p>Den slutliga implementeringen består av en filterbank som utnyttjar nersampling för att återanvända filter och sänka ordningen på dessa. Det största problemet var att få plats med allt på den FPGA som användes. Genom att byta till en lite mer komplicerad men effektivare filterstruktur så löstes detta problem och vi fick även gott om utrymme över.</p><p>Manualer och datablad har inte alltid varit lätta att tolka och ibland har andra metoder använts än de som beskrivs i dessa manualer med tips från support forum och handledare. Det finns vissa förbättringar att göra och vissa saker skulle kunnat göras annorlunda för att spara resurser med ett lite sämre resultat. När projektet var klart hade alla krav som ställts uppfyllts.</p>
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Digital Implementation of a Laser Doppler Perfusion MonitorLarsson, Ola January 2006 (has links)
<p>Under 20 års tid har Perimed AB utvecklat och tillverkat LDPM- och LDPI-instrument som är baserade på en analog filterkonstruktion. De analoga komponenterna i konstruktionen är komplexa och icke-linjära med hänsyn till frekvens och de driver även med temperaturen. Funktionen hos konstruktionen beror också kraftigt av att de analoga komponenterna trimmas in under produktionen.</p><p>Det här examensarbetet syftar till att ta fram en alternativ design baserad kring en digital signal processor. Den digitala signalbehandlingsmetod som beskrivs baseras på väl förankrade laser-Doppler perfusionsteorier. Den implementerade signalbehandlingsalgoritmen beräknar perfusionen ur en samplad fotodetektorström, som har filtrerats till AC- och DC-komponenter med hjälp av ett analogt detektorkort. Algoritmen producerar en råperfusionssignal genom att beräkna en frekvensviktad summa av fotodetektorströmmens effektspektrum. Kompensation för detektorns brus och normalisering med ljusintensitet har också implementerats.</p><p>Den presenterade implementationen har verifierats mot ett exemplar av LDPM-enheten PF 5010 som har använts som referensinstrument vid alla mätningar. Mätningar in vitro har påvisat liknande mätresultat som referensinstrumentet för en referensvätska med hög perfusion och även för ett statiskt mätobjekt. Vidare har implementationen verifierats med mätningar in vivo på hud, vilket har påvisat nära nog identiska signalnivåer och gensvar på värmeprovokationer som referensinstrumentet.</p><p>Den demonstrerade uppfinningen förenklar tillverkningen av instrumenten eftersom antalet komponenter reduceras avsevärt och därmed antalet produktionstester. Användandet av en DSP reducerar dessutom instrumentets temperaturkänslighet eftersom den ersätter flera temperaturkänsliga komponenter.</p> / <p>For 20 years Perimed AB have been developing and manufacturing LDPM and LDPI instruments based on an analog filter construction. The analog components in the construction are complex and suffer from non-linear frequency dependency and temperature drifts. The functionality of the design is also heavily depending on analog components which need to be trimmed in the production.</p><p>In this thesis, an alternative design employing a digital signal processor is presented. The signal processing method used is based on well established laser Doppler perfusion theories. The implemented signal processing algorithm calculates the perfusion from a sampled photodetector current, pre-filtered into AC and DC components by an analog detector card. The algorithm produces a raw perfusion signal by calculating a frequency weighted sum of the power spectral density, PSD, of the photocurrent. Detector noise compensation and light intensity normalization of the signal has also been implemented.</p><p>The presented digital implementation has been verified using the PF 5010 LDPM unit as a reference. In vitro measurements have shown similar behaviour as the reference in a highly perfused reference fluid as well as for a static scatterer. Furthermore, the DSP implementation has been verified on in vivo measurements of skin, showing nearly identical signal levels and response to heat provocation as the reference.</p><p>The demonstrated invention improves the manufacturability of the instruments since it reduces the number of electronic components significantly and thus, the amount of manufacturing tests. The DSP also reduces the temperature sensitivity of the instrument since it replaces several analog components sensitive to temperature changes.</p>
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