Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fft"" "subject:"otft""
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FastAero – A Precorrected FFT – Fast Multipole Tree Steady and Unsteady Potential Flow SolverWillis, David, Peraire, Jaime, White, Jacob K. 01 1900 (has links)
In this paper a precorrected FFT-Fast Multipole Tree (pFFT-FMT) method for solving the potential flow around arbitrary three dimensional bodies is presented. The method takes advantage of the efficiency of the pFFT and FMT algorithms to facilitate more demanding computations such as automatic wake generation and hands-off steady and unsteady aerodynamic simulations. The velocity potential on the body surfaces and in the domain is determined using a pFFT Boundary Element Method (BEM) approach based on the Green’s Theorem Boundary Integral Equation. The vorticity trailing all lifting surfaces in the domain is represented using a Fast Multipole Tree, time advected, vortex participle method. Some simple steady state flow solutions are performed to demonstrate the basic capabilities of the solver. Although this paper focuses primarily on steady state solutions, it should be noted that this approach is designed to be a robust and efficient unsteady potential flow simulation tool, useful for rapid computational prototyping. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Vibrationsövervakning av Fortums maskinparker / Vibration Monitoring of Fortum’s Hydroelectric Power PlantsStorm, Henrik, Lundell, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Vibrationsmätning är inget nytt fenomen men många företag anser sig ändå skeptiskatill den abstrakta metoden. Samma skepticism finns inte vid ett läkarbesök där doktornlyssnar efter oljud med sitt stetoskop, ändå är likheterna slående. Med dagens teknikär det möjligt att diagnostisera en maskins olika beståndsdelar efter skador genom attanalysera det unika vibrationsmönster de bidrar med. Detta arbete syftar att minska denna barriär med hjälp av en introduktion till de olikabegrepp och val som finns inom vibrationsteknisk analys som hjälpmedel för underhåll.Slutligen presenteras en implementeringsmall där ekonomi och tillgänglighet anses varamest vitala inför framtida beslut. / Even though vibration measurement is not a new phenomenon, many businesses stillremain sceptical towards the somewhat abstract method. Same scepticism does not existwhen you visit the doctor and he uses his stethoscope to listen after abnormalities inthe sound pattern, even though the similarities are striking. With todays technology it ispossible to diagnose a machine’s different parts in search for damages by analysing theunique vibrationpatterns they provide. This study aims to close this gap with the help off an introduction to the different termsand choices that exist in vibration analysis as a tool in preventive maintenance and finallyto present guidelines for implementation where economy and availability is consideredmost pivotal for future decisions.
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Frekvensuppdelning med FPGAIvebrink, Pontus, Ytterström, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Examensarbetets syfte var att skapa ett frekvensspektrum för ljud. För att representera detta frekvensspektrum används staplar av lysdioder. Systemet implementeras på ett Altera DE2 utvecklingskort. Olika sätt för att skapa dessa frekvensuppdelningar har testats och olika metoder för att lösa dessa har också testats. Den slutliga implementeringen består av en filterbank som utnyttjar nersampling för att återanvända filter och sänka ordningen på dessa. Det största problemet var att få plats med allt på den FPGA som användes. Genom att byta till en lite mer komplicerad men effektivare filterstruktur så löstes detta problem och vi fick även gott om utrymme över. Manualer och datablad har inte alltid varit lätta att tolka och ibland har andra metoder använts än de som beskrivs i dessa manualer med tips från support forum och handledare. Det finns vissa förbättringar att göra och vissa saker skulle kunnat göras annorlunda för att spara resurser med ett lite sämre resultat. När projektet var klart hade alla krav som ställts uppfyllts.
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High Level Model of IEEE 802.15.3c Standard and Implementation of a Suitable FFT on ASICAhmed, Tanvir January 2011 (has links)
A high level model of HSIPHY mode of IEEE 802.15.3c standard has been constructedin Matlab to optimize the wordlength to achieve a specific bit error rate (BER) depending on the application, and later an FFT has been implemented for different wordlengths depending on the applications. The hardware cost and power is proportional to wordlength. However, the main objective of this thesis has been to implement a low power, low area cost FFT for this standard. For that the whole system has been modeled in Matlab and the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and wordlength of the system have been studied to achieve an acceptable BER. Later an FFT has been implemented on 65nm ASIC for a wordlength of 8, 12 and 16 bits. For the implementation, a Radix-8 algorithm with eight parallel samples has been adopted. That reduce the area and the power consumption significantly compared to other algorithms and architectures. Moreover, a simple control has been used for this implementation. Voltage scaling has been done to reduce thepower. The EDA synthesis result shows that for 16bit wordlength, the FFT has 2.64 GS/s throughput, it takes 1.439 mm2 area on the chip and consume 61.51mW power.
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Tremor quantification and parameter extractionBejugam, Santosh January 2011 (has links)
Tremor is a neuro degenerative disease causing involuntary musclemovements in human limbs. There are many types of tremor that arecaused due to the damage of nerve cells that surrounds thalamus of thefront brain chamber. It is hard to distinguish or classify the tremors asthere are many reasons behind the formation of specific category, soevery tremor type is named behind its frequency type. Propermedication for the cure by physician is possible only when the disease isidentified.Because of the argument given in the above paragraph, there is a needof a device or a technique to analyze the tremor and for extracting theparameters associated with the signal. These extracted parameters canbe used to classify the tremor for onward identification of the disease.There are various diagnostic and treatment monitoring equipment areavailable for many neuromuscular diseases. This thesis is concernedwith the tremor analysis for the purpose of recognizing certain otherneurological disorders. A recording and analysis system for human’stremor is developed.The analysis was performed based on frequency and amplitudeparameters of the tremor. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and higherorderspectra were used to extract frequency parameters (e.g., peakamplitude, fundamental frequency of tremor, etc). In order to diagnosesubjects’ condition, classification was implemented by statisticalsignificant tests (t‐test).
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On Generating Complex Numbers for FFT and NCO Using the CORDIC Algorithm / Att generera komplexa tal för FFT och NCO med CORDIC-algoritmenAndersson, Anton January 2008 (has links)
This report has been compiled to document the thesis work carried out by Anton Andersson for Coresonic AB. The task was to develop an accelerator that could generate complex numbers suitable for fast fourier transforms (FFT) and tuning the phase of complex signals (NCO). Of many ways to achieve this, the CORDIC algorithm was chosen. It is very well suited since the basic implementation allows rotation of 2D-vectors using only shift and add operations. Error bounds and proof of convergence are derived carefully The accelerator was implemented in VHDL in such a way that all critical parameters were easy to change. Performance measures were extracted by simulating realistic test cases and then compare the output with reference data precomputed with high precision. Hardware costs were estimated by synthesizing a set of different configurations. Utilizing graphs of performance versus cost makes it possible to choose an optimal configuration. Maximum errors were extracted from simulations and seemed rather large for some configurations. The maximum error distribution was then plotted in histograms revealing that the typical error is often much smaller than the largest one. Even after trouble-shooting, the errors still seem to be somewhat larger than what other implementations of CORDIC achieve. However, precision was concluded to be sufficient for targeted applications. / Den här rapporten dokumenterar det examensarbete som utförts av AntonAndersson för Coresonic AB. Uppgiften bestod i att utveckla enaccelerator som kan generera komplexa tal som är lämpliga att använda försnabba fouriertransformer (FFT) och till fasvridning av komplexasignaler (NCO). Det finns en mängd sätt att göra detta men valet föllpå en algoritm kallad CORDIC. Den är mycket lämplig då den kan rotera2D-vektorer godtycklig vinkel med enkla operationer som bitskift ochaddition. Felgränser och konvergens härleds noggrannt. Acceleratorn implementerades i språket VHDL med målet att kritiskaparametrar enkelt skall kunna förändras. Därefter simuleradesmodellen i realistiska testfall och resulteten jämfördes medreferensdata som förberäknats med mycket hög precision. Dessutomsyntetiserades en mängd olika konfigurationer så att prestanda enkeltkan viktas mot kostnad.Ur de koefficienter som erhölls genom simuleringar beräknades detstörsta erhållna felet för en mängd olika konfigurationer. Felenverkade till en början onormalt stora vilket krävde vidareundersökning. Samtliga fel från en konfiguration ritades ihistogramform, vilket visade att det typiska felet oftast varbetydligt mindre än det största. Även efter felsökning verkar acceleratorngenerera tal med något större fel än andra implementationer avCORDIC. Precisionen anses dock vara tillräcklig för avsedda applikationer.
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Parametrisering av en monofonisk melodi : med analys baserad på cepstrogramLarsson Sköld, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Ett vanligt problem att lösa inom musik är transkribering av musik till noter. En algoritm för att transkribera monofoniska signaler till noter utvecklades.För att extrahera grundtonens läge användes en analys baserat på ett cepstrum. Cepstrumet används ofta vid extrahering av grundtoner hos röster.En träffsäkerhet på 99% för en manlig röstinspelning och 90% för en kvinlig uppnåddes. Resultatet blev noter som sedan kunde redigeras av en användare.
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Implementation of an FFT algorithm using a soft processor coreGallay, Lucie January 2002 (has links)
This report deals with the modeling of a part of the communication system based on the IEEE 802.11a standard which represents the next generation of wireless LAN with greater scalability, better interference immunity and significantly higher speed, up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) where modulation is performed by an IFFT and the demodulation by an FFT. After modeling the FFT in Matlab and C, the FFT implementation has been validated using a soft microprocessor core by Xilinx (Microblaze) and the results were compared.
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Improved implementation of a 1K FFT with low power consumptionNäslund, Petter, Åkesson, Mikael January 2005 (has links)
In this master thesis, a behavioral VHDL model of a 1k Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm has been improved, first to make it synthesizable and second to obtain a low power consumption. The purpose of the thesis has not been to focus on the FFT algorithm itself or the theory behind it. Instead the aim has been to document and motivate the necessary modifications, to reach the stated requirements, and to discuss the results. The thesis is divided into sections so that the design flow closely can be followed from the initial FFT, down to the final architecture. The two major design steps covered are synthesis and power simulation. The synthesis process has been the most time consuming part of the thesis. The synthesis tool Cadence Ambit PKS was used. Throughout the synthesis, the modifications and solutions will be discussed and comparisons are continuously made between the different solutions and the initial FFT. The best solution will then be the starting point in the next design step, which is simulation of the design with respect to power consumption. This is done by using a simulation tool from Synopsys called NanoSim. Also here, every solution is tested and compared to each other, followed by a concluding discussion. The technology used to implement the design is a 0.35um CMOS process.
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Digital Implementation of a Laser Doppler Perfusion MonitorLarsson, Ola January 2006 (has links)
Under 20 års tid har Perimed AB utvecklat och tillverkat LDPM- och LDPI-instrument som är baserade på en analog filterkonstruktion. De analoga komponenterna i konstruktionen är komplexa och icke-linjära med hänsyn till frekvens och de driver även med temperaturen. Funktionen hos konstruktionen beror också kraftigt av att de analoga komponenterna trimmas in under produktionen. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att ta fram en alternativ design baserad kring en digital signal processor. Den digitala signalbehandlingsmetod som beskrivs baseras på väl förankrade laser-Doppler perfusionsteorier. Den implementerade signalbehandlingsalgoritmen beräknar perfusionen ur en samplad fotodetektorström, som har filtrerats till AC- och DC-komponenter med hjälp av ett analogt detektorkort. Algoritmen producerar en råperfusionssignal genom att beräkna en frekvensviktad summa av fotodetektorströmmens effektspektrum. Kompensation för detektorns brus och normalisering med ljusintensitet har också implementerats. Den presenterade implementationen har verifierats mot ett exemplar av LDPM-enheten PF 5010 som har använts som referensinstrument vid alla mätningar. Mätningar in vitro har påvisat liknande mätresultat som referensinstrumentet för en referensvätska med hög perfusion och även för ett statiskt mätobjekt. Vidare har implementationen verifierats med mätningar in vivo på hud, vilket har påvisat nära nog identiska signalnivåer och gensvar på värmeprovokationer som referensinstrumentet. Den demonstrerade uppfinningen förenklar tillverkningen av instrumenten eftersom antalet komponenter reduceras avsevärt och därmed antalet produktionstester. Användandet av en DSP reducerar dessutom instrumentets temperaturkänslighet eftersom den ersätter flera temperaturkänsliga komponenter. / For 20 years Perimed AB have been developing and manufacturing LDPM and LDPI instruments based on an analog filter construction. The analog components in the construction are complex and suffer from non-linear frequency dependency and temperature drifts. The functionality of the design is also heavily depending on analog components which need to be trimmed in the production. In this thesis, an alternative design employing a digital signal processor is presented. The signal processing method used is based on well established laser Doppler perfusion theories. The implemented signal processing algorithm calculates the perfusion from a sampled photodetector current, pre-filtered into AC and DC components by an analog detector card. The algorithm produces a raw perfusion signal by calculating a frequency weighted sum of the power spectral density, PSD, of the photocurrent. Detector noise compensation and light intensity normalization of the signal has also been implemented. The presented digital implementation has been verified using the PF 5010 LDPM unit as a reference. In vitro measurements have shown similar behaviour as the reference in a highly perfused reference fluid as well as for a static scatterer. Furthermore, the DSP implementation has been verified on in vivo measurements of skin, showing nearly identical signal levels and response to heat provocation as the reference. The demonstrated invention improves the manufacturability of the instruments since it reduces the number of electronic components significantly and thus, the amount of manufacturing tests. The DSP also reduces the temperature sensitivity of the instrument since it replaces several analog components sensitive to temperature changes.
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