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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plastidžių DNR sekų panaudojimas obelinių (Pomoideae Focke) filogenijos, rūšių identifikacijos ir populiacijų įvairovės tyrimams / The use of plastid dna sequences for pomoideae focke subfamily phylogeny, species identification and population diversity studies

Verbylaitė, Rita 08 September 2009 (has links)
Rita Verbylaitė Plastidžių DNR sekų panaudojimas obelinių (Pomoideae Focke) filogenijos, rūšių identifikacijos ir populiacijų įvairovės tyrimams SANTRAUKA Šio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti plastidžių DNR sekų panaudojimo filogenijos, rūšių identifikacijos bei populiacijų įvairovės tyrimams galimybes. Tyrimai buvo atliekami su erškėtrožinių šeimos augalais. Populiacijų įvairovės nustatymui pasirinkta paprastoji avietė, o filogenijai – obelinių pošeimio rūšys. Rūšių identifikacijai buvo pateikti nežinomų rūšių šaknų pavyzdžiai. Filogenetinių ryšių ir rūšių identifikacijos tyrimams buvo naudojamos trnL-trnF plastidžių regiono sekos, o paprastosios avietės populiacijų skirtumus buvo bandoma surasti naudojant trnS-trnG plastidžių regiono sekas. Šio darbo metu išsiaiškintas tinkamiausias DNR išskyrimo metodas Pomoideae pošeimio rūšims, nustatyta, kad tinkamausias metodas filogenetinių ryšių analizei yra mažiausio galimo pokyčių skaičiavimo (angl. maximum parsimony) metodas. Gauti rezultatai patvirtino monofiletinę Pomoideae pošeimio kilmę, įskaitant Vauquelinia ir Kageneckia gentis. Taip pat buvo nustatyta, kad Crataegus bei Mespilus gentys yra artimai giminingos. Analizuojant trnL-trnF chloroplasto rgiono sekas nebuvo nustatyta vidurūšinių skirtumų tirtoms Pomoideae pošeimio rūšims. Remiantis gautais duomenimis negalima galutinai patvirtinti ar atmesti hibridinės Mespilus canescens kilmės. Antrosios tyrimo dalies metu nustatyta, kad sekoskaita yra tinkamas ir daug žadantis metodas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rita Verbylaitė The use of plastid DNA sequences for Pomoideae Focke subfamily phylogeny, species identification and population diversity studies SUMMARY In this study was investigated the use of plastid DNA sequences for phylogeny, species identification and population diversity studies. Rosaceae family plants were used in this experiment. For population diversity studies it was used Rubus idaeus, and for phylogeny research – different Pomoideae subfamily species. For species identification it was taken unidentified species root samples. TrnL-trnF plastid region sequences were used for phylogeny and plant species identification, and for population diversity studies it was used trnS-trnG plastid region sequences. During this study the most suitable DNA extraction method for Pomoideae subfamily plants were identified. Also it was shown, that the most suitable method to analyse phylogenetic data, such as observed in this study is the maximum parsimony method. The monophyletic origin of Pomoideae subfamily including Vauquelinia and Kageneckia were confirmed. The close relationships between Crataegus and Mespilus were obtained. However, no intra-specific variation within the Pomoideae genera according to trnL-trnF plastid region was observed, and the hypothesis of Mespilus canescens origin still needs more data to be confirmed or rejected. In the second part of this study it was confirmed that sequencing is useful and one of the most promising method for species identification... [to full text]

Filetički odnosi unutar sekcije SynochetaLegrand, 1946 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)Balkanskog poluostrva / Phyletic relations within Synocheta Legrand, 1946 section (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) of the Balkan Peninsula

Horvatović Mladen 23 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Aktuelna sistematika sekcije Synocheta na gotovo svim nivoima ne odražava realne&nbsp;filetičke&nbsp; veze.&nbsp; Neobična distribucija, nejasni diferencijalni&nbsp; karakteri familije Styloniscidae&nbsp; i&nbsp;njene veze sa familijom Trichoniscidae su problematični. Kriterijumi podele Trichoniscidae&nbsp;na podfamilije su nejasni, nedosledni i često neprimenljivi. &nbsp;Otuda ne čudi krajnje upro&scaron;ćena&nbsp;podela koja ne oslikava realne filetičke odnose unutar grupe, koji su znatno kompleksniji.&nbsp;</p><p>Od 593 vrste Synocheta, trećina (većinom&nbsp; endemita), naseljava Balkan, &scaron;to nameće&nbsp;<br />ovo područje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan od centara diverzifikacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; grupe,&nbsp; i čini&nbsp; ga idealnim za&nbsp;sagledavanje&nbsp; realnih&nbsp; filetičkih&nbsp; odnosa.&nbsp; Ovo&nbsp; je&nbsp; definisalo&nbsp; glavne&nbsp; ciljeve&nbsp; na&scaron;e&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;potpunije&nbsp; sagledavanje&nbsp; faune&nbsp; balkanskih&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; taksonomsku&nbsp; obradu;&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp;filetičkih veza&nbsp; na osnovu kompleksa relevantnih karaktera uporednim analizama, sa teži&scaron;tem&nbsp;na konzervativnijim karakterima, &scaron;to do sada nije učinjeno.&nbsp;</p><p>Konstatovali smo u balkanskoj fauni iz familije Styloniscidae 4 roda sa 15 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 3 roda i 4 vrste su nove za nauku; iz familije Trichoniscidae 33 roda sa 176 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 1 novi rod i 18 novih vrsta. Od tog broja 27 rodova i 161 vrsta Synocheta je endemično&nbsp;za Balkan.&nbsp;</p><p>Kod Styloniscidae smo utvrdili znatno veći diverzitet i heterogenost od onoga &scaron;to je&nbsp;bilo&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada&nbsp; poznato,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; moguće&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; ove&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; sa&nbsp; prostora&nbsp; severne&nbsp;Gondvane (delom inkorporirane u prostore Balkana), zajedničko sa familijom &nbsp;Trichoniscidae.</p><p>Rekonstruisali&nbsp; smo&nbsp; najznačajnije&nbsp; momente&nbsp; u&nbsp; filogeniji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae:&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; rano&nbsp;razviće&nbsp; konglobacije,&nbsp; uz&nbsp; masivan&nbsp; integument&nbsp; i&nbsp; razvijenu&nbsp; ornamentiku&nbsp; kao&nbsp; adaptacije;&nbsp;prelazak&nbsp; na&nbsp; za&scaron;titu&nbsp; stereotaksacijom;&nbsp; evolucija&nbsp; ka&nbsp; aktivnijoj&nbsp; za&scaron;titi&nbsp; i&nbsp; gubitku&nbsp; &bdquo;oklopa&rdquo;&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;dovodi do velike adaptivne radijacije. Pri tome smo pokazali da su karakteri koji su smatrani&nbsp;izvedenim osobinama zapravo pleziomorfni.</p><p>Predstavili smo osnovne&nbsp; evolutivne tokove u familiji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae, kao&nbsp; i filetičke&nbsp;<br />veze&nbsp; koje&nbsp; proizilaze&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ove&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; Haplophthalminae&nbsp; su&nbsp; stara&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; koja&nbsp; poseduje&nbsp; niz&nbsp;pleziomorfnih karaktera; Buddelndiellinae su stara grupa sa znatno bližim filetičkim vezama&nbsp;sa&nbsp; Haplophthalminae;&nbsp; Thaumatoniscellinae&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; davno&nbsp; zajedničko&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; sa&nbsp;Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae su mlađa, parafiletička grupa, a mnoge linije su nezavisno&nbsp;evoluirale od podfamilije Haplophthalminae.&nbsp;</p><p>Ovom&nbsp; studijom&nbsp; smo&nbsp; u&nbsp; nekim&nbsp; segmentima&nbsp; dokazali&nbsp; dijametralno&nbsp; suprotne,&nbsp; znatno&nbsp;kompleksnije filetičke veze unutar Synocheta u odnosu na do sada prezentovane.</p> / <p>Current&nbsp; systematic&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; section&nbsp; at&nbsp; almost&nbsp; all&nbsp; levels&nbsp; fails&nbsp; to&nbsp; reflect&nbsp; the&nbsp; real phyletic&nbsp; relations.&nbsp; Unusual&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; and&nbsp; vague&nbsp; differential&nbsp; characters&nbsp; of&nbsp; Styloniscidae family&nbsp; and&nbsp; its&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; family&nbsp; are&nbsp; problematic.&nbsp; The&nbsp; division criteria&nbsp; for&nbsp; forming&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; subfamilies&nbsp; are&nbsp; unclear,&nbsp; inconsistent&nbsp; and&nbsp; often unenforceable. Hence, the extremely simplified division that does not reflect the real phyletic relations within the group, which are much more complex, is not surprising.</p><p>Of&nbsp; 593&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species,&nbsp; one&nbsp; third&nbsp; (mostly&nbsp; endemic)&nbsp; inhabit&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkans,&nbsp; which imposes this area as one of the centers of diversification and diversity of the group, and makes it ideal for the analysis of real phyletic relations. This defined the&nbsp; main goals of our study: as complete assessment of the fauna of the Balkan Synocheta as achievable through taxonomic treatment; determining phyletic relations through comparative analyses based on the complex of relevant characters, with the emphasis on the more conservative ones, which has not been accomplished thus far.</p><p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkan&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Styloniscidae&nbsp; family,&nbsp; 4&nbsp; genera&nbsp; with&nbsp; 15&nbsp; species&nbsp; were identified, of which 3 genera and 4 species are new to science; similarly, the 33 genera&nbsp; with 176 species from the family Trichoniscidae found in Balkan fauna included one new genus and 18&nbsp; new&nbsp; species.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; that&nbsp; number,&nbsp; 27&nbsp; genera&nbsp; and&nbsp; 161&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species&nbsp; are&nbsp; endemic&nbsp; to&nbsp; the Balkans.</p><p>In&nbsp; Styloniscidae,&nbsp; we&nbsp; found&nbsp; much&nbsp; greater&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; heterogeneity&nbsp; than&nbsp; was previously established, which indicates that these groups possibly originate from the&nbsp; northern Gondwana (partly incorporated into the Balkans area), in common with&nbsp; Trichoniscidae family.</p><p>We reconstructed the most important moments in the Trichoniscidae philogeny: early&nbsp;development&nbsp; of&nbsp; conglobation,&nbsp; with&nbsp; massive&nbsp; integument&nbsp; and&nbsp; developed&nbsp;&nbsp; rnamentation&nbsp; as adaptations;&nbsp; transition&nbsp; into&nbsp; protection&nbsp; via&nbsp; stereotaxation;&nbsp; evolution&nbsp; toward&nbsp; more&nbsp; active protection&nbsp; and&nbsp; loss&nbsp; of&nbsp; &quot;armor&quot;,&nbsp; which&nbsp; leads&nbsp; to&nbsp; extensive&nbsp; adaptive&nbsp; radiation.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition,&nbsp; we have shown that the characters that were previously considered derived properties are actually plesiomorphic.</p><p>We have presented the basic evolutionary trends in Trichoniscidae family, as well as phyletic relations arising from this study: Haplophthalminae are the ancient group&nbsp; ossessing a wide range of plesiomorphic characters; Buddelndiellinae are the ancient&nbsp; group with a much VI closer phyletic relations to Haplophthalminae; Thaumatoniscellinae share a common, and very distant, origin&nbsp; with&nbsp; Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae are a&nbsp; younger paraphyletic&nbsp; group and many&nbsp; lines have evolved independently of the Haplophthalminae subfamily.</p><p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; study,&nbsp; in&nbsp; some&nbsp; segments,&nbsp; we&nbsp; have&nbsp; demonstrated&nbsp; substantially&nbsp; more&nbsp; complex phyletic&nbsp; relations&nbsp; within&nbsp; Synocheta,&nbsp; diametrically&nbsp; opposed&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; previously&nbsp; presented findings.</p>

Taxonomic and phylogenetic review of the genus Trichocera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Trichoceridae) / Taksonominė ir filogenetinė genties Trichocera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Trichoceridae) analizė

Petrašiūnas, Andrius 02 December 2009 (has links)
Winter gnats of the genus Trichocera are one of the main insect groups found in mild climates during the autumn, winter and spring months and so are unique in their way of adapting to living in colder seasons. Phylogenetic links of the genus Trichocera are examined, taxonomy of the genus renewed, species composition of several regions is ascertained and characters for dividing into subgenuses are specified in this thesis. Based on the material collected in Lithuania by standard entomological techniques and by analysis of literature data, a list of 22 species of winter gnats is given with 9 species new for our country. One new for science species of winter gnats is described from Sardinia, Italy. Based on the selected morphologic characters, phylogenetic analysis was performed and 15 species were transferred from one subgenus to another as a result. Characters of male aedeagal complex were found to be a basis for attributing the species into particular subgenus. For the first time important structures of the females of four species, male of one species and type specimens of 15 more species were illustrated. World catalogue of the 110 recent species of Trichocera is compiled and different structures of 106 species are illustrated. / Genties Trichocera uodai yra viena pagrindinių vabzdžių grupių, aptinkamų vidutinėse platumose rudens, žiemos ir pavasario mėnesiais, ypatinga savo prisitaikymu gyventi šaltuoju laikotarpiu. Disertacijoje nagrinėjami genties Trichocera rūšių filogenetiniai ryšiai, atnaujinta genties taksonomija, išaiškinta atskirų regionų rūšinė įvairovė, patikslinti skirstymui į pogentes naudotini požymiai. Standartiniais entomologiniais metodais Lietuvoje surinktų žieminių uodų mėginių pagrindu bei pagal literatūros šaltinius buvo sudarytas 22 rūšių katalogas, papildant jį 9 naujomis mūsų šalies faunai rūšimis. Aprašyta nauja mokslui žieminių uodų rūšis iš Sardinijos salos (Italija). Remiantis atrinktais požymiais atlikta filogenetinė analizė, kurios pagrindu penkiolika rūšių perkeltos iš vienų pogenčių į kitas. Nustatyta, kad patinų edeaguso komplekso ypatybės yra svarbiausios skirstant rūšis į pogentes. Pirmą kartą iliustruotos keturių rūšių patelių ir vienos rūšies patino svarbios identifikacijai struktūros bei dar penkiolikos rūšių tipiniai egzemplioriai. Sudarytas 110 recentinių Trichocera genties rūšių pasaulio faunos katalogas, pateiktos 106 rūšių įvairių identifikacinių struktūrų iliustracijos.

Morphology, ecology and phylogeny of cyanobacteria belonging to genera Nostoc and Desmonostoc in Lithuania / Lietuvos Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių melsvabakterių morfologija, ekologija ir filogenija

Špakaitė, Ina 15 September 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the morphology, ecology and phylogeny of cyanobacteria belonging to genera Nostoc and Desmonostoc in Lithuania. The detailed research of freshwater and terrestrial Nostoc and Desmonostoc species provided new data on taxonomy, biology and ecology of these cyanobacteria and the overall diversity of algae in Lithuania. 20 Nostoc species and two intraspecific taxa, and 18 taxa to the Nostoc genus level were identified. Twelve Nostoc species and intraspecific taxa, Desmonostoc genus including two taxa were recorded for the first time in Lithuania. A check list was compiled of all identified species with original morphological and ecological data as well as pictures. An applied research by different types of Nostoc and Desmonostoc species samples was valuable in morphological analysis – suitability for identification and stability of diagnostic morphological features in species was identified. The highest diversity of Nostoc and Desmonostoc species were recorded in lentic ecosystems and 14 species were found in terrestrial habitats. A wide genetic and morphological diversity of Nostoc and Desmonostoc species was identified while performing fingerprint TGGE and morphological analyses of cyanobacterial natural populations. The morphological and phylogenetic analyses of Nostoc and Desmonostoc strains showed morphological and phylogenetic heterogenity of Nostoc species and differences of the same types between Desmonostoc and Nostoc species. / Darbo tikslas – atlikti Lietuvos Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių melsvabakterių morfologijos, ekologijos ir filogenijos tyrimus. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti išsamūs gėlųjų vandenų ir sausumos Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių melsvabakterių tyrimai papildo žinias apie dumblių rūšių įvairovę Lietuvoje bei suteikia naujos informacijos apie šių melsvabakterių taksonomiją, biologiją ir ekologiją. Identifikuota 22 Nostoc genties rūšys ir vidurūšiniai taksonai, 18 Nostoc taksonų identifikuota iki genties rango. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje identifikuota 12 Nostoc genties rūšių ir vidurūšinių taksonų, dvi Desmonostoc genties rūšys. Rūšių konspekte pateikiami originalūs rūšių aprašymai su nuotraukomis ir ekologijos duomenys. Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių rūšių morfologinėje analizėje taikytas skirtingo tipo pavyzdžių tyrimas pasitvirtino – įvertintas rūšių diagnostinių morfologinių požymių stabilumas ir identifikacinis tinkamumas. Didžiausia Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių rūšių įvairovė identifikuota lentinėse ekosistemose, o sausumos buveinėse konstatuota 14 rūšių. Melsvabakterių gamtinių populiacijų molekulinių žymenų TGGE ir morfologinės analizių metu nustatyta gana didelė Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių rūšių genetinė ir morfologinė įvairovė. Nostoc ir Desmonostoc genčių padermių morfologinė ir filogenetinė analizės atskleidė Nostoc genties rūšių morfologinį ir filogenetinį heterogeniškumą bei Desmonostoc ir Nostoc genčių rūšių tokių tipų tarpusavio skirtumus.

Molekularni i morfološki diverzitet populacija gljiva rodova Marasmius Fr. 1836, Mycetinis Earle 1909 i Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray 1821 u šumskim ekosistemima Nacionalnih parkova Srbije i Crne Gore / Molecular and morphological diversity of fungal populations of genera Marasmius Fr. 1836, Micetinis Earle 1909 and Gymnopus(Pers.) Grey 1821 in forest ecosystems of National parks of Serbia and Montenegro

Bošković Eleonora 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp; određivanje makroskopskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; mikroskopskih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; plodonosnih&nbsp; tela analiziranih vrsta roda <em>Marasmius, Gymnopus </em>i <em>Mycetinis i</em> njhove varijabilnosti&nbsp; između&nbsp; populacija,&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; klimatskih faktora&nbsp; na&nbsp; varijabilnost&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera,&nbsp; određivanje brojnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; rasprostranjenja&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; na&nbsp; odabranim&nbsp; lokalitetima&nbsp; u okviru&nbsp; Nacionalnih parkova Srbije i Crne Gore&nbsp; (Kopaonik, Stara planina,&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora)&nbsp; koristeći&nbsp; ISSR&nbsp; metodu,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i određivanje osnovnih populaciono-genetičkih parametara i analiza<br />filogenetskih odnosa u okviru roda <em>Marasmius</em>. Kod vrste&nbsp;<em> M. alliaceus</em>&nbsp; utvrđeno je da se na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera&nbsp; populacija&nbsp; sa&nbsp; Stare&nbsp; planine&nbsp; delimično&nbsp; izdvaja,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je kod&nbsp; populacije&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora&nbsp; uočena&nbsp; najveća&nbsp; heterogenost&nbsp; u ispitivanim&nbsp; karakterima.&nbsp; Kod&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; <em>G. androsaceus</em>&nbsp; uočeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da nema jasnog izdvajanja populacija, odnosno ispitivane populacije su pokazale heterogenost u ispitivanim morfolo&scaron;kim karakterima. Uočena&nbsp; je&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; značajna&nbsp; (p&nbsp; &lt;&nbsp; 0.05)&nbsp; korelacija&nbsp; između morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera i faktora sredine kod obe analizirane vrst<em>e M. alliaceus</em> i <em>G</em>. <em>androsaceus.</em> Određivanjem&nbsp; broja&nbsp; i&nbsp; veličine&nbsp; geneta&nbsp; ISSR&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; u populacijama&nbsp; vrsta<em>&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus,&nbsp; M.&nbsp; rotula&nbsp; i&nbsp; G.&nbsp; androsaceus</em> utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; ove&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; formiraju&nbsp; relativno&nbsp; male&nbsp; genete&nbsp; (od nekoliko desetina centimetara do 15m) koji se nalaze u relativnoj blizini jedni od drugih (nekoliko metara). Određivanjem&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; molekularnog&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; (AMOVA, Fst) kod populacija vrsta&nbsp;<em> M. alliaceus&nbsp; i&nbsp; G. androsaceus</em> utvrđeno je&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; populacije&nbsp; obe&nbsp; ispitivane&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; genetički<br />diferencirane (Fst vrednosti veće od 0.25) odnosno da postoji mali protok gena između njih.Filogenetska analiza ITS + LSU i ITS + LSU + EF-1ɑ sekvenci u ovom&nbsp; radu,&nbsp; podržava&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; prihvaćeno&nbsp; grupisanje&nbsp; Evropskih vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Marasmius</em>&nbsp; u&nbsp; sekcije&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; makro-&nbsp; i mikromorfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera.&nbsp; Međutim,&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ne podržavaju&nbsp; u&nbsp; potpunosti&nbsp; grupisanje&nbsp; nižih&nbsp; infrageneričkih kategorija (podsekcija i serija). Takođe, podsekcijska klasifikacija evropskih&nbsp; Marasmius&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; radu&nbsp; ne predstavlja monofiletske linije.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; goals&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; were&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the fruit bodies of the&nbsp; genus&nbsp; Marasmius,&nbsp; Gymnopus&nbsp; and&nbsp; Mycetinis&nbsp; and&nbsp; their variability&nbsp; among&nbsp; populations,&nbsp; determining&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of climatic factors on the morphological variability&nbsp; of&nbsp; fruit bodies,determining&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; and&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; of&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; at selected&nbsp; sites&nbsp; within&nbsp; the&nbsp; National&nbsp; Parks&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; and Montenegro&nbsp; (Kopaonik,&nbsp; Stara&nbsp; Planina,&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; Gora)&nbsp; using the ISSR method, as well as determining basic population -genetic parameters&nbsp; and&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; relations&nbsp; within&nbsp; the genus Marasmius.For&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus,&nbsp; it&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; determined&nbsp; that&nbsp; the population&nbsp; of&nbsp; Stara&nbsp; planina&nbsp; is&nbsp; partially&nbsp; isolated,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the population&nbsp; of&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora&nbsp; has&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; heterogeneity&nbsp; in the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characters.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; G.androsaceus&nbsp; it was noticed that there was no clear&nbsp; segregation&nbsp; of populations,&nbsp;&nbsp; thus&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; populations&nbsp; showed heterogeneity in the examined morphological characters. A&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; (p&lt;0.05)&nbsp; correlation&nbsp; between morphological&nbsp; and&nbsp; environmental&nbsp; factors&nbsp; in&nbsp; both&nbsp; analyzed species M. alliaceus and G. androsaceus was observed. Determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; and&nbsp; size&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; genets&nbsp; by&nbsp; ISSR method in populations of species&nbsp; M. alliaceus,&nbsp; M. rotula and&nbsp; G.androsaceus,&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; these&nbsp; species&nbsp; form&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; small genes&nbsp; (from&nbsp; few&nbsp; centimeters&nbsp; to&nbsp; 15&nbsp; meters)&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; relative proximity to each other (several meters ). By determining molecular diversity parameters (AMOVA, Fst) in populations&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus&nbsp; and&nbsp; G.&nbsp; androsaceus&nbsp; it&nbsp; has been found that the populations of both investigated species are significantly&nbsp; genetically&nbsp; differentiated&nbsp; (Fst&nbsp; values&nbsp; greater&nbsp; than 0.25), ie there is a small flow of gene between them. The phylogenetic analysis of ITS + LSU and ITS + LSU + EF-1ɑ sequence&nbsp; datasets&nbsp; supports&nbsp; the&nbsp; currently&nbsp; accepted, morphologicaly based&nbsp; groupings of sections of European species of genus&nbsp; Marasmius.&nbsp; However, the results obtained&nbsp; in this study do&nbsp; not&nbsp; fully&nbsp; support&nbsp; the&nbsp; grouping&nbsp; of&nbsp; lower&nbsp; infra-generic categories&nbsp; (subsections&nbsp; and&nbsp; series).&nbsp; Also,&nbsp; the&nbsp; subsection classification of the European Marasmius species analyzed in this paper does not represent monophyletic lineages.</p>

Sistematika roda Merodon (Meigen, 1803) (Diptera: Syrphidae) na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih karaktera / Systematics of genus Merodon (Meigen, 1803) (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on morphological and molecular characters

Veselić Sanja 28 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Taksonomija&nbsp; i&nbsp; sistematika&nbsp; su&nbsp; okosnica&nbsp; nauke&nbsp; o biodiverzitetu,&nbsp; obzirom&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; osnova&nbsp; za identifikaciju&nbsp; i&nbsp; razdvajanje&nbsp; jedinstvenih filogenetskih&nbsp; entiteta&nbsp; (vrsta),&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; vi&scaron;ih taksonomskih&nbsp; kategorija.&nbsp; Rod&nbsp;<em> Merodon&nbsp;</em> Meigen,1803&nbsp; pripada&nbsp; familiji&nbsp; Syrphidae,&nbsp; podfamiliji Eristalinae,&nbsp; tribusu&nbsp; Merodontini.&nbsp; Vodeći&nbsp; je&nbsp; rod osolikih muva po bogatstvu vrstama u Evropi (124 vrsta).&nbsp; Sirfide&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; važnu&nbsp; grupu<br />organizama&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihov&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; u&nbsp; prirodi&nbsp; je&nbsp; vi&scaron;estruk (polinacija,&nbsp; regulatori&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; &scaron;tetnih&nbsp; insekata bioindikatori&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; razlagači&nbsp; materija&nbsp; u raspadanju&nbsp; itd).&nbsp; Iako&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; istraživanjima&nbsp; roda Merodon&nbsp; bavili&nbsp; brojni&nbsp; autori,&nbsp; dosada&scaron;nje filogenetske&nbsp; analize&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; u&nbsp; potpunosti&nbsp; rasvetlile njegovu sistematsku poziciju, kao i položaj taksona na&nbsp; filogenetskom&nbsp; stablu.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; boljeg razumevanja sistematike i filogenije roda&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>, neophodno&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirati&nbsp; genske&nbsp; regione&nbsp; koji evoluiraju različitim mutacionim stopama, kao i &scaron;to veći&nbsp; broj&nbsp; filogenetski&nbsp; informativnih&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera. U&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; istraživanja sistematike&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Merodon&nbsp; </em>analizirani&nbsp; molekularni (mtDNK, 18S rRNK, 28S rRNK) i 250 morfolo&scaron;kih<br />karaktera&nbsp; (pomoću&nbsp; binokularne&nbsp; lupe&nbsp; i&nbsp; Skening elektronskog&nbsp; mikroskopa),&nbsp; pojedinačno&nbsp; i kombinovano&nbsp; a&nbsp; upotrebom&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; za&nbsp; filogenetsku analizu-&nbsp; <em>maximum&nbsp; parsimony</em>&nbsp; (MP)&nbsp; i&nbsp;<em> maximumlikelihood (</em>ML). Analizirano je ukupno 329 jedinki. Pokazalo&nbsp; se&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovakvom&nbsp; tipu&nbsp; istraživanja neophodan&nbsp; integrativni&nbsp; pristup,&nbsp; odnosno kombinacija&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; poreklom&nbsp; iz različitih&nbsp; izvora.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; ML&nbsp; stabla&nbsp; svih&nbsp; gena tribus&nbsp; Merodontini&nbsp; je&nbsp; monofiletski&nbsp; gde&nbsp; se&nbsp; vrsta<br /><em>Nausigaster&nbsp; meridionalis</em>&nbsp; pojavljuje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; sestrinska ostalim rodovima tribusa (<em>Azpeytia, Platynochaetus, Megatrigon,&nbsp; Eumerus&nbsp;&nbsp; tricolor&nbsp;</em> kladi&nbsp; i&nbsp; ostalim vrstama&nbsp; roda&nbsp;<em> Eumerus</em>).&nbsp; Rod&nbsp; <em>Eumerus&nbsp;</em> je parafiletski&nbsp; i&nbsp; sastoji&nbsp; se&nbsp; iz&nbsp; dve&nbsp; monofiletske&nbsp; linije: <em>Eumerus&nbsp; tricolor&nbsp;</em> klade&nbsp; (potencijalnog&nbsp; roda)&nbsp; i ostalih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; Eumerus.&nbsp; Rod&nbsp; Merodon&nbsp; je monofiletski&nbsp; prema&nbsp; analizama&nbsp; kombinovane matrice&nbsp;&nbsp; molekularnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; podataka,&nbsp; 5&#39; kraja&nbsp; mtDNK&nbsp; COI&nbsp; i&nbsp; analize&nbsp; matrice&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>&nbsp; detektovano&nbsp; je ukupno&nbsp; pet&nbsp; klada&nbsp; (<em>aureus,&nbsp; albifrons,&nbsp; desuturinus, natans&nbsp; i&nbsp; avidus</em>),&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; glavne&nbsp; evolutivne linije,&nbsp; potencijalna&nbsp; podroda:&nbsp; aureus,&nbsp; albifrons&nbsp; + desuturinus,&nbsp; natans&nbsp; i&nbsp; avidus.&nbsp; Mitohondrijalni&nbsp; geni pokazali su se veoma informativnim u sagledavanju<br />filogenetskih odnosa i izdvajanja većine klada, kao i grupa&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; veću&nbsp; varijabilnost sekvenci&nbsp; COI&nbsp; gena&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; nuklearne&nbsp; gene. Nuklearni&nbsp; geni&nbsp; samostalno&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; doprineli rasvetljavanju&nbsp; filogenetskih&nbsp; odnosa&nbsp; između&nbsp; klada<br />(28S&nbsp; rRNK&nbsp; izdvaja&nbsp; samo&nbsp; natans&nbsp; kladu)&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru roda&nbsp;<em> Merodon</em>,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; su&nbsp; izdvojili&nbsp; tribus<em>&nbsp; Merodontini,</em>kao&nbsp; i&nbsp;<em> Eumerus&nbsp; tricolor&nbsp; </em>liniju.&nbsp; Nuklearni&nbsp; geni&nbsp; su izdvojili&nbsp; i&nbsp; pojedine&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; roda <em>Merodon</em>,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; govori&nbsp; u&nbsp; prilog&nbsp; tome&nbsp; da&nbsp; nuklearni geni mogu biti informativni kako na vi&scaron;im, tako i na nižim&nbsp; taksonomskim&nbsp; nivoima.&nbsp; Mala&nbsp; varijabilnost nuklearnog&nbsp; gena&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; roda&nbsp; Merodon,&nbsp; naročito<br />slučaju&nbsp; 18S&nbsp; rRNK,&nbsp; govori&nbsp; o&nbsp; njegovoj konzervativnosti.&nbsp; Utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;ki<br />karakteri genitalija mužjaka nose važan filogenetski signal&nbsp; za&nbsp; izdvajanje&nbsp; klada&nbsp; i&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; te&nbsp; upravo kombinacija&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; struktura&nbsp; i njihova uloga sa različitim stepenom selekcije koja deluje&nbsp; na&nbsp; njih,&nbsp; uslovljava&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovu&nbsp; evolucionu diverzifikaciju.&nbsp; Ipak,&nbsp; analize&nbsp; molekularnog&nbsp; i morfolo&scaron;kog&nbsp; seta&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; pojedinačno&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; u potpunosti&nbsp; rasvetlili&nbsp; filogenetske&nbsp; odnose&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru<br />roda&nbsp;<em> Merodon</em>,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; opravdava&nbsp; potrebu&nbsp; za kombinovanom analizom.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Taxonomy&nbsp; and&nbsp; systematics&nbsp; provide&nbsp; the&nbsp; framework&nbsp; for&nbsp; biodiversity&nbsp; research, since&nbsp; they represent a foundation for identification&nbsp; and&nbsp; delimitation&nbsp; of&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; units&nbsp; (species), as well as higher taxonomic ranks. Genus<em>&nbsp; Merodon&nbsp; </em>Meigen,&nbsp; 1803&nbsp; belongs&nbsp; to family&nbsp; Syrphidae,&nbsp; subfamily&nbsp; Eristalinae, tribus&nbsp; Merodontini.&nbsp; Hoverflies&nbsp; play&nbsp; crucial&nbsp; ecological&nbsp; roles&nbsp; (pollination,&nbsp; decomposition&nbsp; and&nbsp; recycling&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; vast&nbsp; range&nbsp; of&nbsp; materials, bioindicators&nbsp; etc).&nbsp; Despite&nbsp; the&nbsp; fact&nbsp; that genus<em>&nbsp; Merodon</em>&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; richest hoverfly&nbsp; genus&nbsp; in&nbsp; Europe&nbsp; (124&nbsp; described&nbsp; species so far), only few authors have dealt with&nbsp; its&nbsp; systematics&nbsp; and&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; large&nbsp; phytophagous genus. In order to understand the systematics and&nbsp; phylogeny&nbsp; of&nbsp; genus&nbsp; Merodon,&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; necessary to analyze comprehensive number of&nbsp; gene&nbsp; regions&nbsp; known&nbsp; to&nbsp; evolve&nbsp; with various&nbsp; mutational&nbsp; rates,&nbsp; and&nbsp; as&nbsp; many&nbsp; feasible,&nbsp; phylogenetically&nbsp; important&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characters.&nbsp; In&nbsp; this&nbsp; thesis, molecular (mtDNA, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA)and&nbsp; 250&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characters&nbsp; (with&nbsp; the aid&nbsp; of&nbsp; binocular&nbsp; and&nbsp; scanning&nbsp; electron microscope)&nbsp; were&nbsp; analyzed,&nbsp; separately&nbsp; and combined,&nbsp; with&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; methods <em>maximum&nbsp; parsimony&nbsp; </em>(MP)&nbsp; and&nbsp; <em>maximum likelihood</em>&nbsp; (ML).&nbsp; In&nbsp; total&nbsp; 329&nbsp; specimens were&nbsp; analyzed.&nbsp; It&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; proven&nbsp; that&nbsp; in these types of research integrative approach is crucial, as it considers a large&nbsp; amount of data from various sources. In ML analysis of all&nbsp; genes&nbsp; tribus&nbsp; Merodontini&nbsp; is monophyletic,&nbsp; with&nbsp; Nausigaster meridionalis&nbsp; grouping&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; sister&nbsp; to&nbsp; the remaining&nbsp; Merodontini&nbsp; (<em>Azpeytia, Platynochaetus,&nbsp; Megatrigon,&nbsp; Eumerus&nbsp; </em>and <em>Eumerus&nbsp; tricolor&nbsp;</em> lineage). Genus&nbsp;<em> Eumerus </em>is&nbsp; paraphyletic,&nbsp; and&nbsp; within&nbsp; this&nbsp; genus&nbsp; two main&nbsp; monophyletic&nbsp; lineages&nbsp; can&nbsp; be identified:&nbsp;<em> Eumerus&nbsp; tricolor&nbsp; </em>clade&nbsp; (putative genera)&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; remaining&nbsp; taxa&nbsp; of&nbsp; genus Eumerus.&nbsp; Genus&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>&nbsp; monophyly&nbsp; is confirmed,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; all&nbsp; data&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; 5&#39; mtDNA&nbsp; COI&nbsp; and&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; dataset. Within&nbsp; genus&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>&nbsp; five&nbsp; monophyletic clades&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; identified&nbsp; (<em>aureus,&nbsp; albifrons, desuturinus,&nbsp; natans&nbsp; and&nbsp; avidus</em>),&nbsp; or&nbsp; four evolutionary&nbsp; lineages,&nbsp; putative&nbsp; subgenera: aureus,&nbsp; albifrons&nbsp; +&nbsp; desuturinus,&nbsp; natans&nbsp; and avidus.&nbsp; Mitochondrial DNA is proved to be very&nbsp; informative&nbsp; in&nbsp; resolving&nbsp; systematic position&nbsp; of&nbsp; clades,&nbsp; species&nbsp; groups&nbsp; and&nbsp; taxa, which confirms the higher variability of COI mtDNA&nbsp; sequences&nbsp; compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; nuclear genes. Nuclear genes alone didn&#39;t resolve the systematic&nbsp; position&nbsp; and&nbsp; phylogenetic relationships&nbsp; between&nbsp; most&nbsp; clades&nbsp; (28S rRNA&nbsp; identified&nbsp; only&nbsp; natans&nbsp; clade)&nbsp; within genus&nbsp; <em>Merodon,</em>&nbsp; but&nbsp; these&nbsp; genes&nbsp; confirmed the&nbsp; monophyly&nbsp; of&nbsp; tribus&nbsp; Merodontini&nbsp; and putative&nbsp; genera&nbsp; <em>Eumerus&nbsp; tricolo</em>r.&nbsp; Nuclear genes&nbsp; were&nbsp; also&nbsp; informative&nbsp; for&nbsp; some species&nbsp; groups,&nbsp; which&nbsp; implies&nbsp; that&nbsp; nuclear genes&nbsp; could&nbsp; be&nbsp; beneficial&nbsp; in&nbsp;&nbsp; resolving systematic position of both lower and higher taxonomic ranks. Low&nbsp; variability of nuclear genes within genus <em>Merodon</em>, especially 18SrRNA,&nbsp; proves&nbsp; the&nbsp; fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; they&nbsp; are&nbsp; conservative&nbsp; genes.&nbsp; Morphological&nbsp; characters&nbsp; of&nbsp; male&nbsp; genitalia&nbsp; carry&nbsp; the strongest&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; signal,&nbsp; since&nbsp; they show a great evolutionary divergence in the shape&nbsp; and&nbsp; structural&nbsp; complexity,&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; result of&nbsp; sexual&nbsp; selection.&nbsp; As&nbsp; molecular&nbsp; nor morphological&nbsp; characters&nbsp; alone&nbsp; couldn&#39;t fully&nbsp; resolve&nbsp; the&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; within genus&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>,&nbsp; all data&nbsp; approach is proven&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; necessary&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; type&nbsp; of&nbsp; research.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Evolution, adaptation and speciation in Anthroherpon Reitter, a genus of subterranean Coleoptera / Evolucija,adaptacija i specijacija visoko evoluiranih pećinskih koleoptera roda Anthroherpon Reitter

Njunjić Iva 14 December 2016 (has links)
<p>The PhD research project focus on the study of evolution, adaptation, and speciation in<br />the subterranean environment using troglobitic Coleoptera of the genus Anthroherpon<br />as a model organism. Genus Anthroherpon belongs to the tribe Leptodirini (Coleoptera:<br />Leiodidae: Cholevinae), a group that has undergone extensive diversification in the<br />subterranean environment. All species of this genus have developed typical<br />troglomorphic modifications: complete anophthalmy, apterism, extreme elongation of<br />appendages, head, and pronotum, and physogastric elytra. To understand the<br />evolutionary history of this group, the troglomorphic adaptations need to be studied in<br />a phylogenetic framework. The thesis provide a comprehensive evolutionary analysis<br />of the Anthroherpon radiation, using a dated molecular phylogeny as a framework for<br />understanding Anthroherpon diversification, reconstructing the ancestral range, and<br />exploring troglomorphic diversity. In light of these findings, a new taxonomical<br />organisation of the group has been proposed.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija predstavlja studiju evolucije, adaptacije i specijacije u<br />podzemnim stani&scaron;tima troglobiontnih tvrdokrilaca roda <em>Anthroherpon</em>. Pomenuti rod<br />pripada tribusu Leptodirini (Leiodidae, Cholevinae), grupi koja je pro&scaron;la intenzivnu<br />diverzifikaciju u uslovima podzemnih stani&scaron;ta. Sve vrste pomenutog roda poseduju<br />tipične troglomorfne osobine, kao &scaron;to su: anoftalmija, apterizam, ekstremno izduženi<br />telesni nastavci, glava i pronotum, i fizogastrija. Radi razumevanja evolucione istorije<br />grupe, troglomorfne adaptacije su studirane u filogenetskom kontekstu. U analizi<br />evolutivne radijacije roda <em>Anthroherpon</em> kori&scaron;ćena je datirana molekularna filogenija<br />kao okvir za razumevanje diverzifikacije roda, evolucije troglomorfnih karaktera i<br />rekonstrukciju predačkog areala. U svetlu novih nalaza predložena je nova<br />taksonomska organizacija grupe.</p>

Diverzitet makrogljiva i njihova uloga u monitoringu stanja šumskih ekosistema Srbije / Diversity of macrofungi and their role in the monitoring of forest ecosystems in Serbia

Rakić Milana 28 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; vr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je istraživanje&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; makrogljiva&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; 5 &scaron;umskih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; na&nbsp; Vidliču,&nbsp; Kopaoniku&nbsp; i&nbsp; Tari. Ispitivan&nbsp; je&nbsp; mikodiverzitet&nbsp; sa&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kog, funkcionalnog i genetskog stanovi&scaron;ta. U istraživanju morolo&scaron;kog&nbsp; i&nbsp; funkcionalnog&nbsp; diverziteta,&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćene su&nbsp; različite&nbsp; klasične&nbsp; metode&nbsp; čiji&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su<br />omogućili procenu stanja posmatranih mikocenoza, kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; samih&nbsp; &scaron;umskih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; sastava vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; mikocenoza,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; uticaja abiotičkih faktora na brojnost i sastav vrsta u okviru različitih funkcionalnih grupa, kori&scaron;ćeno je nekoliko<br />statističkih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; (PCA,&nbsp; PLS,&nbsp; CA&nbsp; i&nbsp; CCA).&nbsp; Osam vrsta,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; pripadale&nbsp; najrasprostranjenijim&nbsp; i najzastupljenijim&nbsp; vrstama&nbsp; su&nbsp; odabrane&nbsp; za molekularne&nbsp; analize,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; podrazumevale sekvenciranje&nbsp; ITS&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; rDNK,&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; njihovih<br />polimorfizama&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; filogenetske&nbsp; analize&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru vrste/roda.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; procene&nbsp; zagađenja&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; u plodnim telima makrogljiva i njihovom supstratu je određen&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; metala&nbsp; (atomskom&nbsp; apsorpcionom spektrofotometrijom)&nbsp; i&nbsp; radionuklida<br />(gamaspektrometrijom).&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ukazuju na&nbsp; to&nbsp; da&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; makrogljiva&nbsp; oslikava&nbsp; stanje samog&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; da&nbsp; dugoročnim&nbsp; monitoringom mogu ukazati na promene u njemu.</p> / <p>Within the framework of this doctoral dissertation, monitoring&nbsp; of&nbsp; macrofungal&nbsp; communities,&nbsp; within&nbsp; 5 forest habitats on&nbsp; Vidlič, Kopaonik and Tara, was done. &nbsp; Mycodiversity&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; from&nbsp; the morphological,&nbsp; functional&nbsp; and&nbsp; genetic&nbsp; point&nbsp; of view. Various classical methods&nbsp; used,&nbsp; enabled the assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; condition&nbsp; of&nbsp; macrofungal communities,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; observed&nbsp; forest habitats. &nbsp; Several&nbsp; statistical&nbsp; methods&nbsp; (PCA,&nbsp; PLS, CA&nbsp; and&nbsp; CCA)&nbsp; were&nbsp; used&nbsp; to&nbsp; analyze&nbsp; the composition of&nbsp; species within the&nbsp; mycocenosis, as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; abiotic factors&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; richness&nbsp; and&nbsp; species composition&nbsp; within&nbsp; different&nbsp; functional&nbsp; groups.Some&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; represented&nbsp; species&nbsp; have&nbsp; been selected&nbsp; for&nbsp; molecular&nbsp; analyzes,&nbsp; which&nbsp; includedsequencing&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; ITS&nbsp; region,&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of polymorphisms,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; analyzes within&nbsp; the&nbsp; species/genus.&nbsp; In&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; assess&nbsp; the pollution of habitats, the content of metals (atomic absorption&nbsp; spectrophotometry)&nbsp; and&nbsp; radionuclides (gamma&nbsp; spectrometry)&nbsp; was&nbsp; determined&nbsp; in&nbsp; the sporocarps&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; macrofungi&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; substrate.&nbsp; The obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; indicate&nbsp; that&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; of macrofungi&nbsp; reflects&nbsp; the&nbsp; state&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; itself and that long-term monitoring can indicate changes in it.</p>

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