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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Nonprofit Organization Financial Sustainability

Bradley-Swanson, Orna Tricia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Stakeholders are important to the financial sustainability of a nonprofit organization; however, heavy reliance on 1 stakeholder over another can place a nonprofit organization at financial risk. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies used by 3 senior leaders of a nonprofit organization in New York who have experience with stakeholder engagements efforts. The conceptual framework used for this study comprised general systems theory and transformational leadership theory. Data were collected using semistructured interviews, and review of organizational documents and online databases. Using thematic analysis, the 4 key themes that emerged from process and results strengths were leadership involvement in engaging stakeholders, persistent promotion of the organization's mission and vision, connection with the community, and workforce engagement activities. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential to increase nonprofit leaders' understanding of practical approaches that may facilitate stakeholder engagement for improving financial sustainability, improve nonprofit leader–stakeholder relationships, and bolster philanthropic efforts to improve the economic stability of the nonprofit organization and the community.

The analysis of financial sustainability of old-age pensions and sickness benefits / Senatvės pensijų ir laikinojo nedarbingumo išmokų finansinio tvarumo analizė

Bartkus, Algirdas 12 March 2009 (has links)
Purpose of this study is to identify and to evaluate the main trends in the development of old-age pensions and sickness benefits schemes (by designing social insurance system models) and to determine the possible ways how to increase the efficiency in consumption smoothing policy and how to increase the financial sustainability of the old-age and sickness insurance schemes. This study searches for answers to the questions: how to maintain the consumption opportunities of beneficiaries, how to maintain a balance between the contributions paid and benefits received (the balance between the price paid and goods received), how to reduce the risk of budget deficit explosion and how to maintain the consumption opportunities of beneficiaries and insured. Consumption smoothing analysis focuses on the identity between the contributions paid and benefits received, on the analysis of replacement rates, on the analysis of pensioners to insured ratio (and on the possibilities of interpretation the analysis provide). The study determined the cycles of Lithuanian social insurance system development, examined and evaluated three different pensions' indexation policies, examined and evaluated the utility and performance of second pillar pension funds and carried out the study of possibilities of raising the efficiency in Lithuanian sickness benefits scheme. This study helps to deeper the understanding of how population aging affects the economy and provides the materials for future... [to full text] / Disertacijos tikslas – sudarant socialinio draudimo sistemos modelius, nustatyti ir išanalizuoti svarbiausias senatvės pensijų ir laikinojo nedarbingumo išmokų raidos tendencijas, atsižvelgiant į jas, pagrįsti efektyvumo ir tvarumo didinimo galimybes senatvės ir laikinojo nedarbingumo socialinio draudimo išmokų programose (srityse). Disertacijoje ieškoma atsakymų į klausimus: kaip palaikyti išmokų gavėjų vartojimo galimybes, kaip išlaikyti pusiausvyrą tarp sumokėtų įmokų ir gautų išmokų (pusiausvyra tarp sumokėtos kainos ir gautos prekių apimties), kaip sumažinti socialinio draudimo biudžeto deficito atsiradimo riziką ir palaikyti dirbančių asmenų ir išmokų gavėjų vartojimo galimybes. Vartojimo galimybių palaikymo efektyvumo įvertinimas apima tapatumo tarp sumokėtų įmokų ir gautų išmokų analizę, pakeitimo normos analizę, išmokų gavėjų ir dirbančių asmenų santykio analizę, šių rodiklių ir sąryšių interpretacijos atskleidžiamas galimybes. Disertacijoje nustatyti Lietuvos socialinio draudimo sistemos raidos ciklai, išnagrinėti ir įvertinti trys išmokų indeksavimo variantai, įvertintos antros pakopos kaupiamųjų pensijų fondų sistemos galimybės ir veiklos rezultatai, atliktas laikinojo nedarbingumo išmokų sistemos efektyvumo didinimo tyrimas. Šis darbas padeda geriau suprasti visuomenės senėjimo padarinius ir numatyti priemones būsimų procesų reguliavimui.

Governance and financial sustainability of NGO's in South Africa.

Hendrickse, Rozenda Frandeline. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study focused on governance and financial sustainability of NGO's in South Africa. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate existing governance and financial arrangements of NGO's, CBO's and CSO's with the view to developing alternative approaches to governance and financial arrangements with specific reference to lessons of experiences for South African NGO's. The secondary objectives of the study were to firstly develop a historical perspective on trends and tendencies of NGO funding in South Africa.</p>

Higher education in Mauritius : an analysis of future financial sustainability

Mohadeb, Praveen January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Sustentabilidade Financeira Empresarial no Brasil / Business Financial Sustainability in Brazil

Adriel Martins de Freitas Branco 10 December 2013 (has links)
A sustentabilidade é um tema aceito pelo mercado e que vem ganhando destaque em várias áreas. Este trabalho traz a sua aplicação na área financeira com o intuito de contribuir para desenvolvimento das empresas. Dessa forma, foi realizada a análise de conteúdo para esclarecer as concepções do tema, que ainda não são claras. Para isso, duas técnicas complementares foram utilizadas: Revisão Sistemática e Categorização. A Revisão sistemática permitiu compreender os conceitos influentes na sustentabilidade e a sua aplicação. Já a Categorização foi utilizada para analisar os principais modelos de previsão de insolvência citados na literatura brasileira. O objetivo geral foi verificar se o desconhecimento dos fatores da sustentabilidade financeira contribui para o insucesso das empresas. Os objetivos específicos deste trabalho foram a) apresentar as concepções da sustentabilidade b) identificar as causas do insucesso empresarial c) extrair as principais variáveis dos modelos de previsão de insolvência d) apresentar os fatores do sucesso financeiro e) Compilar os fatores e desenvolver um modelo de Sustentabilidade Financeira. Os resultados contribuíram para o esclarecimento do tema e permitiram a elaboração de um modelo teórico de Sustentabilidade Financeira Empresarial, aplicável às empresas brasileiras. / Sustainability is accepted by the market and that has been gaining attention in several areas subject. This work brings its application in the financial area in order to contribute to business development. Therefore, content analysis was performed to clarify the concepts of the subject, which are not yet clear. For this, two complementary techniques were used: Systematic Review and Classification. A systematic review has allowed to understand the influential concepts in sustainability and its application. Categorization already been used to analyze the main insolvency prediction models cited in the Brazilian literature. The overall objective was to determine whether the lack of financial sustainability of the factors contributing to the failure of companies. The specific objectives of this study were a) to present the concepts of sustainability b) identify the causes of business failure c) extracting the main variables of the model prediction of insolvency d) present the factors of success and financial e) to compile the factors and develop a model Financial Sustainability. The results helped to clarify the issue and allowed the elaboration of a theoretical model of Financial Sustainability Company applicable to Brazilian companies.

Governance and financial sustainability of NGO's in South Africa

Hendrickse, Rozenda Frandeline January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study focused on governance and financial sustainability of NGO's in South Africa. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate existing governance and financial arrangements of NGO's, CBO's and CSO's with the view to developing alternative approaches to governance and financial arrangements with specific reference to lessons of experiences for South African NGO's. The secondary objectives of the study were to firstly develop a historical perspective on trends and tendencies of NGO funding in South Africa. / South Africa

The implications of financial sustainability in the microfinance industry

Ek, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Microfinance is a relatively young and somewhat ambiguous concept. The phenomenon has, however, proven to contribute to making the lives better for many poor people, thus the interest for the industry has grown substantially. The increased attention has stimulated the movement towards more financially sustainable organizations. Along with this transformation, concerns regarding how it affects the poor have been raised. This study aims to map the key characteristics of financially sustainable microfinance institutions (MFIs) and what features that separates them from their non-sustainable counterparts. By analyzing data from 1109 MFIs, some significant differences between sustainable and non-sustainable organizations have been found. The study shows that for-profit MFIs are self-sufficient to a greater extent than the non-sufficient ones, which might be caused by the pressure to deliver value to shareholders. Furthermore, there are indications that self-sufficient MFIs are more efficient, which can be assumed to be caused by technological advantages, or different lending methods. The findings on outreach are somewhat contradictory; sustainable MFIs are reaching more clients on average, which discards a mission drift. On the other hand, self-sufficient MFIs have larger average loan sizes and less female borrowers, two indications that a mission drift actual exists. Self-sufficient MFIs have also proven to have lower loan loss rates and lower yields on loan portfolio. Positive findings, as they indicate that the MFIs have sound loan portfolios and that they have managed to become self-sustainable not by exploiting the poor, but by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Financial sustainability can therefore be assumed to be achieved without forsaking the poor, if the social aims of the organizations are consistent with the financial objectives.

Mortgage Information and Consumer Understanding : A Study of Swedish Banks

Andersson, Gustav, Borges Månsson, Ludvig January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to examine and see how communication betweenbank and customer in the Swedish mortgage market is processed. Several theoriesthat have been used in this study highlight how consumers think when they makefinancial decisions. Cognitive learning and individual differences in financial settingsare some of the many factors that are taken into consideration when the theoreticalframework was conducted. Consumption and communication theories have alsobeen used to get a better understanding of customer’s behaviors. Furthermore,financial literacy and sustainability theories have been used to get a better overallunderstanding of the issue at hand.A qualitative method was used, where semi-structured interviews with bankpersonnel were conducted to get their view on the subject. Surveys were used as acomplement to the interviews to get the consumers’ perspective on the subject aswell. The empirical results do however reveal a major gap in communication,especially regarding potential risks that are involved with taking a mortgage. Sincebanks generally have more information than customers in this process, adverseselection occurs, which in the long run contributes to market failure.Despite high levels of customer satisfaction at the time of purchase, the studyidentifies areas for improvement in effectively communicating risks and changes inthe housing market. The discussion section emphasizes the evolving landscape offinancial sustainability and CSR, urging Swedish banks to enhance transparency andcommunication in mortgage practices. The study suggests potential solutions,including third-party interventions such as regulatory guidelines, to address marketfailure and foster a sustainable mortgage market

Методический подход к оценке финансовой устойчивости бюджета муниципального образования : магистерская диссертация / Methodical approach to assessing the financial sustainability of the municipal budget

Смышляева, М. А., Smyshlyaeva, M. A. January 2024 (has links)
Целью работы является совершенствование методического подхода к оценке финансовой устойчивости бюджета муниципального образования. В основе методического подхода к интегральной оценке финансовой устойчивости бюджета муниципального образования – показатели сбалансированности, финансовой независимости, бюджетной устойчивости, направленности бюджетной политики и долговой зависимости бюджета. Разработанный методический подход позволяет комплексно оценить финансовое состояние муниципального бюджета в динамике и предложить пути улучшения бюджетной устойчивости по каждому направлению. / The aim of the work is to improve the methodical approach to the assessment of financial sustainability of the municipal budget. The methodical approach to the integral assessment of financial sustainability of the municipal budget is based on the indicators of balance, financial independence, budget sustainability, direction of budget policy and debt dependence of the budget. The developed methodical approach makes it possible to comprehensively assess the financial condition of the municipal budget in dynamics and suggest ways to improve budget sustainability in each direction.

Em busca da sustentabilidade econômico-financeira de organizações gestoras de parques tecnológicos: proposta de modelo de negócio no contexto brasileiro / In search for the economic and financial sustainability of technology parks management organizations: proposition of a business model in the Brazilian context

Figlioli, Aline 05 August 2013 (has links)
Os parques tecnológicos são habitats de inovação que estão espalhados por quase todos os países do mundo. Assim como qualquer empreendimento, os parques demandam o estabelecimento de uma organização que realize a gestão executiva do empreendimento, que, no caso dos parques, contempla tanto aspectos imobiliários quanto os relacionados a ciência, tecnologia e inovação. Desta forma, o modelo de negócio da organização gestora, ou seja, a forma pela qual tal organização estrutura seus serviços e infraestruturas visando resultados que permitam a continuidade de suas atividades e a geração de retorno ao investimento recebido, precisa estar adequado ao contexto financeiro. Neste sentido, emerge a pergunta de pesquisa: Qual o modelo de negócio de organizações gestoras de Parques Tecnológicos que leva à sustentabilidade econômico-financeira das mesmas no contexto brasileiro? Esta pesquisa tem como foco o entendimento do modelo de negócio de tais organizações visando propor um modelo no contexto brasileiro, que se adeque às características do empreendimento \"parque tecnológico\" e que permita uma menor dependência de recursos públicos para a sua operacionalização. A partir de abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, fortemente enraizada nos dados, foram elaborados os casos de organizações gestoras de parques de diferentes naturezas, quais sejam: a) Núcleo de Gestão do Porto Digital (Porto Digital/Recife/ Brasil), COPPETEC (Parque Tecnológico do Rio/ Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil), departamento da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Tecnopuc/ Porto Alegre/ Brasil), Bidwells (Cambridge Science Park/Cambridge/ Inglaterra); departamento da University of Surrey (Surrey Research Park/Surrey/Inglaterra), e Birmingham Science Park Aston Ltd (Birmingham Science Park Aston/ Birmingham/ Inglaterra). A proposição dos elementos do modelo de negócios levou em consideração a revisão bibliográfica e as práticas observadas nos estudos de caso. O modelo passou por avaliação crítica de especialistas e, a partir dos parâmetros do mesmo, foi realizado um ensaio de viabilidade financeira. Dos ajustes promovidos pela análise crítica e pelo ensaio de viabilidade, foi realizada a proposição final do modelo, que contempla os componentes do modelo de negócio para uma gestora de parque tecnológico instituída como organização privada sem fins lucrativos. Em relação à literatura relacionada a ambientes de inovação, esta tese contribui de forma original na medida em que trata de assunto ainda pouco estudado, ainda mais considerando o nível de detalhamento apresentado. Apesar de já ser utilizado como ferramenta na avaliação de negócios inovadores, a utilização de forma exploratória do modelo de negócio vinculado à operação de organizações gestoras de parques é algo ainda não utilizado em publicações acadêmicas e, portanto, uma aproximação diferenciada do tema. Ainda, a tese apresenta, de forma detalhada, os principais componentes de receitas e custos deste tipo de empreendimento e suas possibilidades jurídicas de operação no contexto brasileiro, ao mesmo tempo que lança críticas sobre tal contexto. Esta pesquisa sistematizou elementos que antes haviam sido estudados de forma individualizada e os coloca na perspectiva de um outro conjunto de elementos (modelo de negócio) que necessitam ser complementares e ajustados a um contexto para que a operação do parque possa acontecer com a menor dependência de recursos públicos. Nesta perspectiva, esta tese pode contribuir, na prática, para a estruturação das organizações gestoras dos parques e lança a sugestão do estudo de novos modelos que contemplem características diferentes e que estariam dentro de um contexto institucional também diferente, que não era escopo desta pesquisa. / Technology parks are innovation habitats spread over almost all the countries around the world. As any other business, the parks require the establishment of an organization that performs the executive management of the enterprise which, in the case of parks, covers both aspects of real estate as those related to science, technology and innovation. Thus, the business model of the management organization - i.e. the way such organization settles its services and physical infrastructure in order to enable the continuity of its activities and generates return on investment - must fit the financial context. In this sense, emerges the research question: What is the business model of technology parks management organizations that contributes to their economic and financial sustainability in the Brazilian context? This research focuses on understanding the business model of such organizations aiming to propose a model in the Brazilian context that fits the characteristics of the enterprise \"technology park\" and allows less dependency on public funds to its operation. The research has a qualitative and exploratory approach, and is strongly rooted in the data drawn from management organizations cases of different parks, which are: a) Núcleo do Porto Digital (Porto Digital / Recife / Brazil), COPPETEC (Rio Technology Park/ Rio de Janeiro/Brazil), Department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Tecnopuc/Porto Alegre/Brazil), Bidwells (Cambridge Science Park /Cambridge/England); Department of the University of Surrey (Surrey Research Park/Surrey/England), and Birmingham Science Park Aston Ltd (Birmingham Science Park Aston/ Birmingham/England). The proposition of the business model took into account the literature review and practices observed in the case studies. The model was submitted to critical evaluation by experts. From the parameters of the model, it was performed a financial feasibility essay. After the adjustments that emerged from the evaluation of experts in parks and from the financial feasibility essay, it was presented the final proposition of the model that comprises the business model components for a technology park management organization established as a non for profit private organization. Regarding the literature on innovation habitats, this thesis contributes in an original way, as it deals with poorly studied subject so far, especially considering the level of detail presented. Despite being used as a tool in the evaluation of innovative businesses, the exploratory use of the business model tool linked to the operation of management organizations of parks is not yet applied in academic publications and, therefore, it is a differentiated approach to the theme. The thesis presents in detail the major components of revenues and costs of this type of enterprise and its legal scope of operation in the Brazilian context, while launches criticism on such context. This research systematized elements that had previously been studied individually and put them in the perspective of another set of elements that need to be complementary and fit a context for the operation of the park in a way it can happen with less dependence on public resources. In this perspective, this thesis can contribute in practice to the structuring of management organizations of parks and suggest the development of a research about new models that include different features and also would be in a different institutional context, as it was not the scope of this research.

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